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Lesson Plan (Final Term)– Junior School

Planner: Ms. Tooba Zarif Unit: 8 Week: 14
Grade Level: Year 4 Unit Name: Putting on a show Date of the lesson: March 28th, 2021
Subject: Grammar review and online Lesson: Time Duration: 80 mins

Learning  To revise the grammar concepts with the students.

Objectives  To assess the learning and understanding of the students.
Learning Ss will be able to:
Outcome:  judge themselves and present their knowledge through end of unit grammar practice sheet.
 revise and learn all the grammar concepts learned previously in this unit.

 Grammar Practice Worksheet

Resources/ AV

Methodology Manner of Teaching Strategy Time

interaction Management
Pre-Class Students will be asked to prepare the grammar topics for reciprocal teaching on Sunday.

Warm-up Teacher will discuss the concepts of the following grammar topics;
 Powerful Verbs T< >OC
 Suffixes
 Prefixes
 Verb Tenses

Class o Teacher will choose 4 team leaders and assign the grammar topics to the Teaching
Discussion leaders and then put the students into breakout rooms.
o Every team will have 15 minutes to discuss their ideas and prepare a Ss< > Ss
word or ppt.
o After the discussion, teacher will end the breakout rooms.
Ss< >OC
o All the students will come into the main room and groups will present
their respective topics to the class.

o The teacher will moderate the entire session.

Online Group Breakout room discussion Ss< > Ss

Activity 15mins
Pair Activity None

Differentiated Online Grammar Practice sheet on forms Ind.

Class 25mins
Wrap up/ Kahoot challenges on the grammar topics. 10 mins
Evidence of
Learning Verb tenses:
Suffixes and Prefixes:
Powerful Verbs:
Home Work None

Types of Interactions: (T< >OC=teacher to open class), (Ss< > Ss= Students active, teacher receptive), (Ss< >OC=student to open class), (T< >Ss= Teacher &
students equally active (T< >Gr=Teacher to groups) (Ind.=individual/independent student activity) (T< >T= Teacher active, students receptive)

Evaluation & Teacher’s Reflection

I was able to achieve all of the objectives? Yes No To some extent
I could have used better strategies to improve my lesson. How? (Mention below)

Lesson Planner Signature: Tooba Zarif Coordinator’s Signature:

Teachers Acknowledgement:

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