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5, OCTOBER 2018 2315

Current Rating Considerations in Designing

HVDC Cable Installations
Heiner Brakelmann and George J. Anders , Fellow, IEEE

Abstract—Ampacity calculations for high voltage direct current Tcab , T4 Internal and external thermal resistances of the
(HVDC) cables are more difficult than those for the ac cables be- cable, (K·m/W).
cause of the absence of suitable analytical formulas. The current U0 Maximum operating voltage or, alternatively, as
carrying capability of such cables is not only limited by the op-
erating temperature, but also by the electrical stress within the impulse level of the cable installation (kV).
insulation. The IEC60287 standard only considers the thermal lim- Wc Conductor losses, (W/m).
itations of the conductor current and, therefore, cannot be used for κ Electrical conductivity of the insulation material,
some HVDC applications because it fails to include the analytical (S/m).
derivations of the stress-limited rating equations. However, appli- α Field temperature dependency coefficient, (1/K).
cations of the HVDC cables are becoming more common and so
there is a need to extend the IEC standard methodology so that am- αc Conductor coefficient of electrical resistance,
pacity calculations can be performed for such installations. This (1/K).
paper considers various aspects of the HVDC cable design and how γ Field dependency coefficient, (mm/kV).
they influence cable rating. It focuses on the temperature difference ρi , ρj Thermal resistivity of the insulation and the
across the electrical insulation and the entire cable as a means of jacket, respectively, (K·m/W).
representing the maximum dielectric stress as the current limiting
factor when calculating ratings for HVDC cables. ρ1 , ρ2 Thermal resistivity of the wet and dry soil, re-
spectively, (K·m/W).
Index Terms—High-voltage power cables, direct current, Δθcab Temperature difference across the cable, (°C).
Δθcab,m ax Maximum temperature difference across the ca-
dc Conductor diameter, (mm). ΔθF Temperature rise (drop) caused by the neighbour-
E(r) Electric field strength at the distance r from the ing heat (cooling) sources, (°C).
cable centre, (kV/mm). ΔθI Temperature difference across the insulation,
IT D Field limited current, (A). (°C).
IT D ,20 Field limited current corresponding to the con- ΔθI ,m ax Maximum temperature difference across the in-
ductor resistance of 20 °C, (A). sulation, (°C).
Itherm Thermally limited current, (A). Δθx Critical cable surface temperature rise at which
n Number of cable conductors. the drying out occurs, (°C).
ri , ro Inner and outer radii of the insulation, (mm). θam b Soil ambient temperature, (°C).
R DC resistance of the conductor, (Ω/m). θc. m ax Thermal temperature limit on the conductor tem-
R20 DC resistance of the conductor at 20 °C, (Ω/m). perature, (°C).
s Thickness of the insulation, (mm). θe Temperature of the cable surface, (°C).
T1 , T2j , Thermal resistances of the insulation, jacket θ0 Temperature reference value for field calcula-
T2 and T3 around each core, armour bedding and armour tions, (°C).
serving, respectively, (K·m/W).
TI Thermal resistance of the insulation (it is different I. INTRODUCTION
from T1 because the latter includes the conductor HE application of HVDC cables is increasing as the inter-
and insulation shields), (K·m/W). T connector and long submarine applications become more
common. Apart from the installation cost, DC cables have sev-
Manuscript received July 27, 2017; revised October 16, 2017 and November eral advantages over their alternating current counterparts. How-
30, 2017; accepted January 5, 2018. Date of publication February 7, 2018;
date of current version September 25, 2018. Paper no. TPWRD-00982-2017. ever, rating of such cables is more difficult due to an absence
(Corresponding author: George J. Anders.) of suitable analytical formulas. The standardized rating calcula-
H. Brakelmann is with the BCC Câble Consulting, Rheinberg 47495, tions of IEC60287 [1] are only thermally limited, meaning that
Germany (e-mail:
G. J. Anders is with the Department of Microelectronics and Computer Sci- the standard cannot be directly used for the rating of HVDC
ence of the Technical University of Lodz, 90-924 Poland, and Anders Consulting cable systems where the limits of the electric field stress over
Ltd., Toronto, ON, Canada (e-mail: the insulation might become an issue.
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at Construction of the HVDC cables is quite similar to that
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPWRD.2018.2803279 of the HVAC counterparts. Apart from the insulation material,

0885-8977 © 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

Fig. 1. Typical construction of a single-core HVDC cable (source NKT/ABB).

Fig. 2. Electric field as a function of temperature difference across the insula-

the essential differences appear whenever the inductive effects tion [4] [ (5) and (7) in [4] represent different forms of the electric field strength
calculations. Equation (5) in [4] correspond to (6) in the present paper].
in the HVAC cables must be considered. As an example, the
conductors of HVDC cables may not be segmented, but can
simply be designed as round, stranded or solid. The sheaths or summary, the relation between the temperature difference and
screens will not conduct any charging or induced currents, so the electrical field strength can be represented as follows: tem-
that the usual application of cross- or single-point bonding of perature difference → thermal gradient → electrical conductiv-
the sheaths is omitted and replaced by a simple bonding at both ity gradient → global space charge accumulation → modified
ends. Fig. 1 shows an example of a HVDC single core cable. electrical field.
It illustrates an additional essential difference: a ferromagnetic The extent of the electric field strength across the insulation
armor or casing is permitted even for single-core HVDC cables, of the heated cable depends on the temperature difference across
quite contrary to the HVAC constructions. the insulation as shown, for example, in Fig. 2, [4]. This rela-
Quite fundamentally, the basic principles of HVDC cable de- tionship between these two quantities is used to advance the
sign deviate from the HVAC process mainly because of a possi- approach proposed in the present paper.
ble electric field inversion in the insulation as explained below. This paper discusses several design aspects of HVDC cable
The insulation thickness of DC cables is chosen by the cable installations from the cable rating perspective and can be con-
manufacturer taking into account both the capacitive electrical sidered an extension of an earlier work by Huang et al. [4], [5].
stress (caused by the possible transient voltage, e.g., switching These papers develop a refined rating method following a ther-
and lightning impulse) and the resistive one (caused by the DC moelectric limit steady state analysis through application of the
voltage during normal operation). The latter strongly depends finite element technique and analytical equations for the electric
on the temperature difference across the insulation, on the ma- stress calculations.
terial used and on the manufacturing process. For DC applica- In the present paper, the emphasis is on the easy-to-use equa-
tions, specific materials have been developed and new materials tions already contained in the IEC Standard [1]. To achieve this,
are under development. The insulation system of HVDC cables the approach is based on the permissible temperature difference
must be tested in accordance with the relevant standards. across the insulation or the whole cable as the input parameter
The electrical field in the insulation of HVAC cables are – rather than applying the electric field equations, as is done, for
temperature-independently – dominated by a capacitive con- example, in [4]. It should be pointed out that this approach is
trol, the electrical field distribution in HVDC cables is not only also recommended by the CIGRE WG B1.32, [6], which ad-
dependent on the applied voltage and geometry, but also on vocates that the maximum temperature difference across the
the distribution of the electrical conductivity, which is a non- insulation be a design parameter for a selection of the HVDC
linear function of the local values of temperature and electrical cable. Since all cable manufacturers measure the temperature
field strength. Fig. 2, [2], shows the distribution of the electric difference across the insulation during the type test of a HVDC
stress inside the DC cable insulation for a cold isothermal and cable, this value will be specified and agreed by the manufac-
loaded cables with a thermal gradient in the insulation. The turer and by the user and is available upon request. This may not
stress distribution in a HVDC cable insulation is controlled be the case when a utility is making a general enquiry. However,
by the electrical conductivity of the insulation layers. In a engineers familiar with the design of HVDC systems should be
cold isothermal cable, the electrical conductivity of all insu- able to estimate appropriate values when these are not available
lation layers is almost uniform and the resulting stress is the from the manufacturer.
highest at the conductor shield. After running the cable with Not discussed here are the most difficult questions of geom-
load, a thermal gradient will appear in the insulation leading etry, construction, materials and resulting field distributions of
to its higher conductivity close to the conductor than in the HVDC joints and sealing ends. They are affected by the selected
cooler periphery. As a result, the electric stress will be higher cable design with the resulting insulation thickness.
at the insulation shield as shown in Fig. 2 (this behaviour The paper is organized as follows. Section II examines the cal-
is referred to as a field inversion, [2], [3], [4], [8], [10]). In culation of the electrical stress in the insulation and the formulas

are illustrated with a practical numerical example. Section III ad- After some transformations [5], [8], [10], (4) takes the form:
dresses ampacity calculations when the temperature difference  δ −1
δ · U0 r
across the insulation or the whole cable is an input parameter. E(r) =   (6)
The effects of the soil dryout in the vicinity of the loaded cable ri (ro /ri )δ − 1 ri
as well as the presence of artificial or natural cooling of the
cable surface is also discussed in this Section. Section IV talks β+ε ρi
δ= β=αWc (7)
about the effect of the cable laying depth on its current rating. ε+1 2π
It includes a real-life numerical example. The effect of other In the field equations, α is used as a temperature coefficient
heat sources in the vicinity of the loaded cables on the HVDC of the electrical insulation. Later, αc is used as the temperature
cable rating is discussed in Section V. Section VI considers coefficient of the conductor material resistance (= 0.0039 1/ K
the question whether it is reasonable to cool the HVDC cable for copper).
circuits. The next section examines the effect of the selected Note, that in (7) – except for a geometric factor – the term
value of the permissible temperature drop across the cable on (β/α) describes the temperature difference across the electri-
the cable rating. The final section contains the discussion and cal insulation, through which it is directly correlated with the
conclusions. maximum electrical field strength.
We will illustrate the calculations with the data given in the
Whenever the electrical insulation of an HVDC cable is under A. Numerical Example
a capacitive control, that is, is dependent only on the geometry, Let us consider a 525-kV-HVDC cable with the XLPE
similarly to the case of the HVAC cables, the resulting field insulation, 2500 mm2 copper conductor (stranded; diameter
strength (“Laplace field strength”) E(r) is given, as a function dc = 61.2 mm; temperature coefficient αc = 0.0039/K). The
of the radial distance r from the cable center: insulation thickness is s = 26.0 mm, and the thicknesses of
U0 the inner and outer semiconducting shields are 1.9 mm and
E(r) = (1) 2.0 mm, respectively. (thermal resistivity of the insulation is
r ln (ro /ri )
ρi = 3.5 K m/W ). Thus, the inner and outer radii of the elec-
with the maximum field strength at the inner border of the
trical insulation become ri = 32.5 mm and ro = 58.5 mm, re-
insulation (r = ri ; surface of the inner conductive layer) and
spectively. The cable jacket has an outer diameter of 135.0 mm
where ro is the outer radius of the insulation. For a given design
and a thickness of 5.0 mm (ρj = 5.0 K m/W ). The maximum
limit Em ax of the field strength – either for the operating voltages
permissible conductor temperature is θc. m ax = 70 ◦ C . The con-
or for the impulse voltages – the minimal wall thickness sm in
ductor resistance at 20 °C is R20 = 7.2 · 10−6 Ω/m (measured at
of the electrical insulation is obtained from (1) as:
  the completed cable).
sm in = ri eU 0 /(r i E m a x ) − 1 (2) To use (6), we need the material constants, which are equal
to: α = 0.115 /K; γ = 0.030 mm/kV and can be found, for ex-
Two values of Em ax at the conductor shield, one for the ample, in [6] and [8].
stationary voltage U0 and another value for the impulse voltage Switching the operating voltage onto the still cold cables
level will provide two minimum insulation thicknesses, where results (by capacitive control) in the Laplace field strengths at
the greater one will be selected. the inner and outer surfaces of the electrical insulation equal to:
The value of Em ax at U0 may, but does not have to be, the
E (ri ) = 27.5 kV/mm E (ro ) = 15.3 kV/mm
same for the maximum field strength at the outer shield (in our
example, later in the text, it is the same). These values are lower than a limit design of 30 kV/mm,
Thereafter, this design thickness must be compared with the which is chosen for this case (this is a typical value but may
limit values for the electrical field distribution, which will result differ for different cable designs).
from the critical operation conditions of the warmed-up cable.
For this, let us consider an electrical insulation made of a B. Ampacity Limit
synthetic material, for which the electrical conductivity κ is
We start with a given temperature θe of the cable surface (this
dependent on the field strength and temperature represented by
may correspond, for example, to the case of a surface cooling
the coefficients γandα in the following relation [7]–[11]:
of the cable). Considering the thermal aspects only, the current
κ(E, θ) = k · eα ·(θ −θ 0 ) · eγ ·E (3) rating is obtained from a standard equation [1]:
which can be approximated by (e.g., [8]): θc,m ax − θe θc,m ax − θe
 ε Itherm = =
α ·(θ −θ 0 ) E R · (T1 + T2j + nT2 + nT3 ) R · Tcab
κ(E, θ) = k · e · (4)
E0 (8)
where R is the DC conductor resistance at the maximum operat-
ing temperature, n is the number of conductors and T1 , T2j , T2
ε = γU0 /(ro − ri ) (5) and T3 represent thermal resistances of the insulation, jacket

Fig. 4(a) is valid for the determination of the thermally lim-

ited current Itherm (i.e., for θc = θc,m ax = 70 ◦ C), whereas in
Fig. 4(b), the current restricting the temperature difference (TD)
IT D = 2562 A is kept constant. This value has been derived
from Fig. 4 as the limiting current for the field strength (“field
limited current”) with the assumed maximum value of the elec-
trical field strength of 30 kV/mm. In this case, the temperature
difference across the electrical insulation is ΔθI = 18.5 K .
The following conclusions can be drawn observing the results
in Fig. 4: for the maximum permissible conductor temperature
(θc = 70 ◦ C ) and with decreasing cable surface temperature
θe , the thermally limited current Itherm and, by this, the tem-
Fig. 3. Thermally limited current Ith e rm and the temperature difference perature difference ΔθI across the electrical insulation, as well
across the insulation ΔθI as a function of the cable surface temperature θe .
as the outer electrical field strength E(ro ), strongly increase,
whereas the inner electrical field strength E(ri ) – which is not
critical in full load situations – is decreasing. In our example,
for the selected electrical field strength (“field limited current
IT D ”) limit of 30 kV/mm, the field limited current is equal to
IT D = 2562 A with the corresponding cable surface tempera-
ture of θe = 45.1 ◦ C. Enhancements of the current rating, for
example by forced cooling, will be limited by this parameter.
On the other hand, from the results in Fig. 4(b) we conclude
that cooling down the cable surface temperature below 45.1 °C
with a constant current equal to 2562 A results in:
r lowering of the temperature difference across the electrical
insulation, and by this
r lowering of the outer electrical field strength.


As shown above, the temperature difference across the electri-
cal insulation plays a dominant role for the maximum electrical
field strength at the outer surface of the insulation. In practice,
a HVDC cable will be subjected to laboratory examinations
[6], where (beside other tests) it will be warmed up to opera-
Fig. 4. Outer electrical field strengths E(ro ) and temperature difference ΔθI tional temperatures and then electrically tested. If the test cable
across the insulation as functions of the cable surface temperature θe . a) for
the thermally limited current Ith e rm of Fig. 3 (θc =70 °C), and b) for the field is installed in air, relatively high cable losses and temperature
limited current from a) IT D = 2562 A (E m a x = 30 kV/mm ). Note: Fig. 4(b) differences across the cable will arise. If such a prequalification
with halved scale for E(r). test of a certain cable type was successful, for the succeeding
application of the cable the temperature difference of the test or
around each core (if present), armor bedding and armor serving, a somewhat lower temperature difference across the cable will
respectively. Calculation of these is discussed in [1]. be prescribed as a limit, by which the maximum (full load) field
Fig. 3 shows the thermally limited current and the temperature strength will be limited as well.
difference across the insulation as a function of the selected cable When defining the limiting value of the temperature dif-
surface temperature for the cable construction discussed above. ference Δθcab , one must consider the fact that in addition to
We can observe in Fig. 3 that the thermally limited current, the aforementioned stationary field situations, transient voltages
as well as the temperature difference across the electrical in- may appear during operation. These transient voltages with the
sulation, are strongly increasing with a decreasing temperature corresponding field distributions resulting from a momentary
of the cable surface. For cables directly laid in the soil, a usual charge distribution in the electrical insulation and which are
cable surface temperature is in the range of 50 to 60 °C, which superimposed, affect momentary field peaking (see e.g., [8]).
means that the permissible currents are in the range of 2000 to Moreover, increasing the field strength in the cable means an
2500 A. increase of the field strengths in the joints and sealing ends,
Applying now (6) and (7), Fig. 4 shows the outer electrical which may have a strong impact on operational reliability.
field strengths E(ro ) as well as the temperature difference across For these reasons, in the following, a design of the cable in-
the insulation ΔθI as functions of the temperature θe of the stallation will be discussed with a temperature difference limit
cable surface. across the cable between 10.0 K and 20.0 K. For the cable

Δθcab,m ax across the cable – and by this the maximum permis-

sible electrical field strength in the insulation - is reached (here
with Δθcab,m ax = 20 K, for the current of 2296 A and with a
surface temperature of the cable equal to 50.0 °C). A farther
intensified cooling with a maximum water temperature of, for
example, 20 °C will increase this field limited current only to
IT D = 2417 A, that is, only by 5.3%.

B. HVDC Cables With Natural Cooling

For a natural cooling of the HVDC cable normally installed
in soil, we have [1]:
θe = θam b + ΔθF + Wc nT4 (13)
with the conductor temperature:
Fig. 5. Thermally Ith e rm (black) and field IT D (blue) limited currents as θc = θam b + ΔθF + Δθcab,m ax (1 + nT4 /Tcab ) (14)
functions of the cables surface temperature θe for Δθc a b , m a x = 20 K; red line:
maximum permissible current. where:
θam b is the ambient temperature, ΔθF is the temperature rise
examined here, this temperature range corresponds to the max- of the cable by other heat sources and T4 is its external thermal
imum electrical field strengths Em ax (ro ) between 21.7 and resistance.
27.1 kV/mm. These values are within the range of the limits In analogy to (12), the field limited current is equal to:
discussed before. IT D =
With the maximum permissible temperature difference across
the cable, the field limited rating is obtained similarly as in (8): IT D ,20

  1 + αc [θam b + ΔθF + Δθcab,m ax (1 + nT4 /Tcab ) − 20]
Δθcab,m ax Δθcab,m ax (15)
IT D = =
R · Tcab R20 [1 + αc (θc − 20)] · Tcab
Here, the temperature rise ΔθF is caused by neighboring heat
IT D ,20 sources including other cables, steam pipes and so on. A negative
= (9) value of ΔθF represents cooling of the cable surrounding, which
1 + αc (θc − 20)
can be caused, for example, by adjacent fresh water pipes or by
This relation can also be used in the case when the maximum pipes of a cooling system.
permissible temperature difference ΔθI ,m ax across the electrical As in (8), the thermally limited current is obtained from:
insulation (instead of Δθcab,m ax across the cable) is given, since 
these values are directly related by: θc,m ax − θam b − ΔθF
  Itherm = (16)
R20 [1 + αc (θc,m ax − 20)] (Tcab + nT4 )
T2j + n (T2 + T3 )
Δθcab,m ax = ΔθI ,m ax 1 + (10)
C. Consideration of a Partial Drying-Out of the Soil
A. HVDC Cable With a Given Surface Temperature We will denote by ρ1 the thermal resistivity of moist soil. If
drying out of the soil is to be expected, the above rating equa-
For a given surface cable temperature θe , e.g., for direct wa-
tions can be modified to include the expected dry soil thermal
ter cooling with a maximum water temperature specified, the
resistivity ρ2 and the critical cable surface temperature rise at
maximum permissible conductor temperature becomes:
which the drying out occurs Δθx , [1]. We introduce the follow-
θc = θe + Δθcab,m ax (11) ing notation:
Hence, from (9), the field limited permissible current is: νx = ρ2 /ρ1 (17)
IT D ,20 and
IT D =  (12)
1 + αc (θe + Δθcab,m ax − 20) θx = Δθx (νx − 1) (18)
A first interpretation of (12) is given in Fig. 5, where for a which without drying-out becomes zero because of vx = 1. The
limit of the temperature difference of Δθcab,m ax = 20 K, the rating equation (15) and (16) now become:
thermally Itherm and the field IT D limited currents are shown
as functions of the cable surface temperature θe . IT D =
The figure shows that a reduction of the cable surface temper- IT D ,20

ature, e.g., by a forced cooling, will, on the one hand, increase
1+αc θam b +ΔθF + Δθcab,m ax /Tcab (Tcab +νx nT4 ) − 20
the thermally limit current Itherm but that this enhancement will
be strictly limited when the permissible temperature difference (19)

Fig. 8. Additional temperature rises of the HVDC cable caused by neighboring

heat sources (black: 110-kV-XLPE cable; red: district heating pipe).

Fig. 6. Two 525 kV-HVDC cable systems (with lossless return conductors)
in a common trench.
In this example, we can observe that for all laying depths the
thermal limited ampacity remains lower than the field limited
rating. With the required rating of 1905 A, the thermal limit
remains adequate, but falling below this value for greater laying
depths. For a laying depth of, say, 5.0 m the thermally limited
current is reduced to 1729 A. But in urban areas, such laying
depths may be quite normal when the existing infrastructures
must be crossed below.
The dotted lines in Fig. 7 are valid for ΔθF = −20.0◦ K,
that is, they correspond to a cooling of the cable surrounding
by 20 K. It becomes clear, that this additional cooling would
compensate the rating reduction for depths of up 10.0 m.
Fig. 7. Thermal and field limited currents as functions of the laying depth
h for Δθc a b , m a x = 20 K, θa m b =15 °C. The continuous lines represent no V. THERMAL BOTTLENECKS CAUSED BY OTHER HEAT
cooling and the dotted lines correspond to ΔθF = −20 °C. SOURCES
Most HVDC projects are large scale (320 kV or above) to
and justify their economic aspect, thus, a special cable corridor is
 normally designed to minimize interference with other utili-
θc,m ax − θam b − ΔθF − θx ties. However, this most likely will not be the case in the fu-
Itherm =
R20 [1 + αc (θc,m ax − 20)] (Tcab + νx nT4 ) ture. For example, in Germany there are now three 320 kV or
(20) 525 kV “power highways” are planned, with 2000 MW each,
with lengths of more than 500 km. From this, we can expect a
high probability that thermal hot spots will occur. For one of
IV. THERMAL BOTTLENECKS CAUSED BY LARGER LAYING these “power highways” an initial host spot will arise with the
crossing of the river Elbe, where a duct or a small tunnel with
It is a well-known fact that increasing the laying depth of the a length of about 2 km must be built – containing more than
cables reduces their ratings. In this section, we will examine the one cable system (probably 2, 4 or more systems during future
effect of the laying depth on the HVDC cable ampacity. upgrading or extensions). Similar groupings of cables may arise
Let us consider a system of two 525-kV-HVDC circuits ar- for other crossings of rivers, highways and so on. As a result,
ranged in flat formation at a depth h in a common trench 2.20 m such situations are of interest and some examples are discussed
wide as shown in Fig. 6. The required ampacity of each cable is below.
1905 A, which results in a transmission power of 2000 MW per In this section, the current rating reductions of underground
circuit. HVDC cables, caused by the adjacent heat sources, will be
Application of the rating equations defined above results in discussed. The first example, frequently occurring in cities, is
the current ratings shown in Fig. 7. The blue straight line in a 110-kV-XLPE cable system at the same depth as the HVDC
Fig. 7 shows the thermally limited current Itherm as a function circuits (2500 Al-conductors, 1774 A/338.0 MVA; daily load
of the laying depth h without outside thermal interferences. The factor equal 0.80).
straight red line, obtained with (15), shows the corresponding We will also consider a district heat pipe in the vicinity of the
field limited current IT D for a maximum permissible tempera- HVDC cables with the inner temperature of 140 °C.
ture difference Δθcab,m ax = 20 K. The surrounding soil is as- The computed temperature rise of a HVDC cable in a hor-
sumed to be homogeneous (thermal resistivity equal 1.0 K m/W) izontal distance x is shown as a black line in Fig. 8 for the
with an ambient temperature of 15 °C. 110 kV cable heating and by the red line for the heat source. The

Fig. 9. Possible rating upgrades by additional cooling (black arrows). Param-

eters as in Fig. 7.
Fig. 10. Thermally limited current Ith e rm and field limited current IT D
for different values of the permissible temperature difference Δθc a b , m a x as
rating reduction as a function of the distance x for the two cases functions of the cable surface temperature θe .
studied here (for two circuit case, it is the distance between two
closest cables and for the pipe heating, the distance between the For directly buried long cable routes, an area-to-area external
pipe and the closest cable). cooling system may be the only alternative to enable the required
It can be seen, that an additional increase of the HVDC cable transmission capacity. Depending on the thermal and construc-
temperature by up to 30 K is possible. tion parameters of the installation, the following possibilities
may be considered:
VI. IS THE EXTERNAL COOLING OF HVDC CABLES a. direct forced cooling of the cable surface (e.g., [10]),
PERMISSIBLE AND REASONABLE? b. indirect forced cooling by parallel cooling pipes (e.g.,
A general opinion among cable system designers is that an c. passive, self-sustained gravitational cooling, which can be
additional external cooling of a HVDC cable with the aim of achieved with both cooling arrangements of a) and b) [12],
increasing its current rating is not reasonable because of the [13],
electrical field strength restrictions. This is supported by the d. cooling by heat pipes [11], or
fact that HVDC cables are normally installed for long routes e. cooling by air-filled pipes (chimney effect, [14]).
in the order of some 100 km and the installation of a cooling
system is normally not considered for such lengths. VII. RELEVANCE OF THE MAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE
However, as the preceding discussion shows, an application TEMPERATURE DIFFERENCE Δθcab,m ax
of forced cooling may result in substantial upgrades of the cable
rating or a reduction of the conductor cross section. This is As discussed above, the specification of a maximum per-
illustrated in Fig. 9. The figure shows the thermally limited missible temperature difference Δθcab,m ax across the cable is
current of the two 525-kV- circuits as a function of the laying derived from the limit values of the prequalification tests under
depth h and a decrease in cable rating as a function of ΔθF . strict consideration of possible transient peaks of the electrical
The top lines represent again the respective field limited current field as well as of their effect on the electrical field strength in
IT D , by which possible rating upgrades by forced cooling will the joints and sealing ends. To demonstrate the relevance of this
be limited. parameter, the preceding results (with Δθcab,m ax = 20.0 K )
Under normal soil conditions for a small laying depth of will be repeated here for different values of the parameter.
h = 1.5 m the above-mentioned opinion about the usefulness Let us consider again the arrangement of two 525-kV-HVDC
of the artificial cooling is confirmed: The maximum increase of cables in Fig. 6. The thermally limited current Itherm as well
the current rating is only 249 A (approx. 13%). But this changes as the field limited current IT D are shown in Fig. 10, now
for greater laying depths. For the chosen example of a laying for different values of the permissible temperature difference
depth of h = 5.0 m, a rating upgrade of 424 A (25%) is possible. Δθcab,m ax as functions of the cable surface temperature θe .
The other examples in Fig. 9 show that drastic rating reductions Obviously, for the required transmission current of 4 ×
by other heat sources can be compensated for by means of 1905 A (2 × 2000 MW), the permissible temperature difference
area-by-area additional cooling, thus allowing increases of the Δθcab,m ax must at least be between 12.5 K and 15 K, since for
current rating from 715 A up to 900 A, that is, by approximately lower values the field limited current IT D will fall short of the
50 to 85%. design ampacity.
Since the cooling reduces the ambient soil temperaure, its
effect is much greater on thermal rating than on the field rating. VIII. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS
From the graph in Fig. 9, one can estimate the ampacity increase The paper shows the derivation of the current rating equa-
of about 100 A for the field rating and about 500 A for the tions for a HVDC cable. The derivations assume that a ca-
thermal rating with cooling. So the key observation is that if ble construction is well-defined and the limiting values of the
the circuit is thermally limited, the external cooling may help; maximum permissible Laplace field strengths for operational
if the circuit is stress limited, then the external cooling may not and impulse voltages are given. At present, the engineers need
be economical. to specifically ask for this information. Today, manufacturers are

in somewhat uncharted waters, and many questions are “under It is shown in the numerical example involving two 525-kV-
consideration”. Perhaps, there should be more frank discussion HVDC cable circuits in a typical arrangement that their current
and information sharing about such parameters. rating may easily fall below the required transmission capacity,
The rating equations are derived with a given maximum per- especially for greater laying depths and/or in the presence of
missible temperature difference Δθcab,m ax across the cable. adjacent heat sources.
This temperature difference is derived from the prequalification Contrary to the general opinion that an additional forced cool-
tests. The current rating of the HVDC cables are derived here ing of HVDC cables will not be reasonable because of the in-
taking into account different laying arrangements and thermal creased electrical field strengths, the paper shows that in case
parameters. of the thermal hot-spots, an area-to-area cooling of the cables
It is shown that, in addition to the thermally limited current, a may result in an increase of the current rating and compensation
field limited rating must be considered. The field limited rating is for the thermal bottlenecks. Different cooling techniques can be
achieved by using the maximum permissible temperature differ- considered to execute the cooling function.
ence Δθcab,m ax , which is translated into the maximum permissi- When the field limited ampacity should be computed in ad-
ble electrical field strength for the stationary DC-operation. The dition to the standard thermal rating analysis is a question that
limit value for the electrical field strength for the same insulation may be asked. A review of the published literature suggests that
material may have different values specified by different man- such analysis should always be performed for the EHV (above
ufacturers. The 30 kV/mm used in this paper for the numerical 300 kV) cable installations. The authors believe that it might
studies is only one example, but which is close to the real values be prudent (but perhaps not always necessary) to computed the
encountered in practice. With our data of the XLPE insulation, field limited current for all HVDC cables, especially because
30 kV/mm corresponds to a maximum temperature difference the calculations are very simple as demonstrated in the paper.
across the cable of about 15 K, which, again, corresponds to At medium and low voltage levels, the insulation thickness is
the limiting value specified by some cable manufacturers. But much smaller than at higher voltages and, therefore, no signif-
the situation may be somewhat more complicated: sometimes icant temperature gradient of the electric field. Of course, this
different limit values are defined for the inner and the outer sur- temperature gradient will depend on the type of insulating ma-
faces of the insulation, other values again for joints and sealing terial and will be greater for the paper cables in comparison with
ends, and also for the radial and longitudinal field strengths, and an extruded construction.
so on. Thus, a maximum temperature difference is a nice (man-
ageable) simplification as a result of all these research aspects REFERENCES
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Heinrich Brakelmann received the Ph.D. degree George J. Anders (F’99) authored or coauthored
from the Technical University of Aachen, Aachen, more than 100 papers in IEEE Transactions and
Germany, in 1973. For several years, he was with the wrote 3 books. He is the author of the computational
Felten & Guilleaume Energietechnik AG, Cologne, engine of CYMCAP, de facto industry standard in
Germany, as a leader of the R&D-unit. He became a cable rating calculations. His research interests in-
Professor with the University of Duisburg, in 1985. clude ampacity calculations of electric power cables.
He is the author of more than 230 technical publica- Dr. Anders is the recipient of 2016 IEEE Herman
tions and of 4 book publications in the field of cable Halperin Award in the field of Transmission and
technique as well as high-voltage and high-current Distribution and the Engineering Excellence Medal
problems. He currently leads the consulting firm BCC from the Association of Professional Engineers in the
Cable Consulting, Rheinberg, Germany. His research Province of Ontario.
interests include the power cable technologies. Prof. Brakelmann is a Member
of German VDE-working groups and of several CIGRE WGs.

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