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Article  in  Scientific works of National Aviation University Series Law Journal Air and Space Law · December 2016
DOI: 10.18372/2307-9061.41.11121


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3 authors, including:

Le CUONG Nguyen Xuan Yuriy Pyvovar

Vietnam Air Traffic Management Corporation National Aviation University


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UDC 342.6
Nguyen Xuan Bien,
Bachelor of Education
Nguyen Xuan Le Cuong,
I. V. Pyvovar,



This article analyses the laws of the Socialistic Republic of Vietnam in the context of defining the specifics
of the involvement of public administration bodies (namely, the central executive authorities) in the process
of public law-making planning in general and departmental law-making planning in particular. It contains
positive aspects of foreign experience, which should be realised in the Ukrainian law-making process.
Key words: law-making process, public administration bodies, central executive authorities, law-making

Нгуен Суан Бьен, Нгуен Суан Ле Кионг, И. В. Пивовар

Правовые и организационные особенности планирования законотворческой деятельности органов
исполнительной власти за рубежом (на примере Социалистической Республики Вьетнам)
В статье приведен анализ законодательства Социалистической Республики Вьетнам в контек-
сте определения специфики участия органов публичной администрации (а именно, центральных ор-
ганов исполнительной власти) в процессе планирования государственного законотворчества в целом
и ведомственного законотворческого планирования в частности. Указаны положительные черты
зарубежного опыта, заслуживающие внимания при внедрении в украинское законотворчество.
Ключевые слова: законотворческий процесс, органы публичной администрации, центральные ор-
ганы исполнительной власти, законотворческое планирование.

Нгуен Суан Бьєн, Нгуен Суан Лє Кіонг, І. В. Пивовар

Правові та організаційні особливості планування законотворчої діяльності органів виконавчої
влади за кордоном (на прикладі Соціалістичної Республіки В’єтнам)
У статті наведений аналіз законодавства Соціалістичної Республіки В’єтнам в контексті ви-
значення специфіки участі органів публічної адміністрації (а саме, центральних органів виконавчої
влади) в процесі планування державної законотворчості загалом, та відомчого законотворчого пла-
нування зокрема. Вказані позитивні риси зарубіжного досвіду, що заслуговують уваги та втілення в
українську законотворчість.
Ключові слова: законотворчий процес, органи публічної адміністрації, центральні органи вико-
навчої влади, законотворче планування.

Problem definition. Law-making is a vital system of legislative standards, which govern rela-
component of the state activities aiming at creating tionship in society and public administration. It is
and improving the single and internally harmonised historically proven that it is possible to create legis-

66 Юридичний вісник 4 (41) 2016

Nguyen Xuan Bien, Nguyen Xuan Le Cuong, Pyvovar I. V.
lative framework for implementing state policy, mulating state policy, determining its priorities, and
which is approved by society and promotes social setting tasks for yourself and the bodies of the Vi-
relationship development in various areas, provided etnamese central executive authorities. Preparing
that the true representative body of the legislative the law-making plan for the National Assembly
power functions, the legislative and executive (hereinafter referred to as «the law-making plan»)
branches of power actively cooperate with each is the first stage of the involvement of the Vietnam-
other in the sphere of law-making, and appropriate ese central executive authorities in the law-making
legal mechanisms are available. Research into the process. The Vietnamese 2008 law states that the
theory and methodology of law-making process is law-making plan includes the annual plan and the
underpinned by the need in creating mechanisms, plan for the entire term of the National Assembly
which can contribute to drawing up and adopting (5 years) [1].
socially adequate decisions in the sphere of legisla- In accordance with the effective Vietnamese
tive regulation of state policy. In its turn, in the laws, the ministerial agencies and Government
context of improvement of Ukrainian law-making agencies (hereinafter referred to as «the authorised
principles and approaches, it is impossible to create initiative agencies») prepare and send draft law
the effective system of such activities (at all levels) proposals to the Ministry of Justice, which the latter
unless current law-making practice of authorised includes in the Government’s law-making plan
bodies abroad is deeply analysed. draft proposal. When preparing the law-making
Analysis of recent research and publications. plan, the Government’s plan proposal is based on
Scientists in general theory of law and sectoral le- the announcement of the Standing Committee on
gal sciences pay significant attention to law-making the suggested law-making plan (art. 8) [2]. It is
issues in Ukraine. The most valuable and funda- worth noting that bodies, organisations and individ-
mental works have been written by the following ual parties may send their draft law proposals to
authors: V. S. Holubovska, V. P. Kryzhanovskyi, appropriate ministerial agencies or, if it is impossi-
O. I. Yushchyk, V. F. Pohorylko, V. N. Shapoval, ble to define a competent ministerial agency, to the
A. O. Tkachenko, S. V. Soroka, Z. A. Pohorelova, Ministry of Justice in writing or via their official
V. O. Zaichuk and others. web-sites. It is the Vietnamese Ministry of Justice
Formulation of objectives of the article. that is responsible for redirecting the proposals re-
Therefore, it is reasonable to analyse the legal and ceived to the appropriate ministerial agencies.
organisational specifics of general public procedure The legal departments of the ministerial agen-
of law-making by public administration bodies in cies and the Government agencies collect and ana-
the Socialistic Republic of Vietnam. And determin- lyse the proposals provided by their units as well as
ing positive experience to be realised in the Ukrain- bodies, organisations and individual parties.
ian law-making process should be the principal out- Such public administration bodies as the Viet-
come of this research. namese Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of In-
Direct materials. The general legal doctrine of ternal Affairs have a very responsible role in the
the Socialistic Republic of Vietnam (hereinafter re- law-making process. So, the authorised initiative
ferred to as «Vietnam») considers law-making agencies must send the consolidated draft law pro-
planning to be the competency of appropriate pub- posals to the Vietnamese Ministry of Finance so it
lic authorities, civil organisations, as well as, when can estimate the rationality of the financial re-
possible, individual parties to prepare and adopt sources suggested, and to the Vietnamese Ministry
plans with the titles of draft laws, which should be of Internal Affairs so it can estimate the rationality
created, the names of chief implementators and co- of the human resources suggested (par. 3 art. 8) [3].
implementators, terms for appropriate bodies and The legal departments of the authorised initiative
organisations to consider the draft laws, terms for agencies in coordination with their units finalize the
the draft laws to be submitted to the parliament and consolidated proposals, which are then presented to
other evidence. Law-making planning for the Viet- the heads of the appropriate authorities for consid-
namese central executive authorities includes for- eration and adoption.
Юридичний вісник 4 (41) 2016 67
The appropriate authorised initiative agencies the Government – presents the governmental opin-
send the consolidated draft law proposals for the ion on the proposals to the Standing Committee
entire term of the National Assembly or annual (art. 55) [3].
consolidated draft law proposals (including expla- The Vietnamese 2008 Law states that the Gov-
nations to the draft law proposals; reports on pre- ernment’s law-making plan proposal must contain
liminary estimation of draft law effects; detailed the characteristics of each draft law and the grounds
draft law theses; public hearing of bodies, organisa- for adopting these draft laws; the subject and area
tions and individual parties; the Ministry of Finance of the law regulation; the essential ideology, policy
opinion on the rationality of the financial resources and general content of the draft law; the human re-
suggested; the Ministry of Internal Affairs opinion sources suggested and conditions of the assurance
on the rationality of the human resources suggest- of draft law development; the report on preliminary
ed) to the Ministry of Justice and the latter collects assessment of the draft law effects; the suggested
and presents them to the Government (art. 2) [3]. term for submitting it to the National Assembly for
The law stipulates that within three business days consideration and adoption. The Government’s
upon the receipt of all necessary documents, the law-making plan proposal is considered and adopt-
Ministry of Justice must post the consolidated pro- ed at the meeting of the Government as follows: the
posals on the official web-sites of the Ministry of representative of the Ministry of Justice presents
Justice and the Government for at least 20 days to the draft proposal; the representatives of bodies and
get public opinion (par. 2 art. 6) [3]. The Ministry organisations invited to the meeting express their
of Justice may create the Advisory Council to assist opinions; the Government discusses and votes on
the first in considering the consolidated proposals the proposal (art. 23) [1]. Based on the results of
of the ministerial and Government agencies. Based the meeting, the Ministry of Justice upon agreement
on the consolidated proposals of the authorised ini- with the Office of the Government improves the
tiative agencies, the results of Advisory Council as- Government’s law-making plan proposal. The ap-
sessments, and the opinions of bodies, organisa- propriate authorised initiative agencies also im-
tions, and individual parties, the Ministry of Justice prove their consolidated draft law proposals. The
decides whether these proposals should be included Minister of Justice as instructed by the Prime Min-
in the Government’s draft law-making plan pro- ister and on behalf of the Government reports the
posal. This draft proposal must be posted on the Standing Committee on the Government’s proposal
web-sites of the Ministry of Justice and the Gov- (art. 10) [1].
ernment for at least 20 days to get public opinion. The next stage of the law-making process is as
Based on the latter (if available), the Ministry of follows: after the chief implementator (the Commit-
Justice finalizes the draft proposal and submits it to tee on Laws) and implementators (the Nationality
the Government (art. 8) [3]. Council, the National Assembly’s interested com-
The Government must express its opinion on the mittees) have carried out the examination and have
proposals of other law-making initiative agencies, provided its results to the National Assembly, the
which have been sent to the Government for con- Government’s law-making plan proposal is consid-
sideration, before they are submitted to the Stand- ered and included by the Standing Committee in the
ing Committee to be included in the law-making National Assembly’s draft law-making plan where
plan (par. 2 art. 23and par. 2 art. 24) [1]. The Office the Minister of Justice acting as the representative
of the Government is responsible for accepting and of the Government is involved (art. 24-26) [1]. The
redirecting the proposals of the aw-making initia- Minister of Justice presents the Government’s law-
tive agencies to the Ministry of Justice, which is re- making plan proposal and answers questions, which
sponsible for exploring and preparing the opinion may arise at the meeting of the Standing Commit-
of the Vietnamese Government on these proposals. tee.
The Ministry of Justice delivers the report to the The participation of the members of the Gov-
Prime Minister and then the Mister of Justice – as ernment who are not the members of the National
instructed by the Prime Minister and on behalf of Assembly in the sessions of the latter is another

68 Юридичний вісник 4 (41) 2016

Nguyen Xuan Bien, Nguyen Xuan Le Cuong, Pyvovar I. V.
specific aspect of the law-making process in Vi- Therefore, the analyses of the law-making
etnam. They are invited to attend the sessions and mechanisms in Vietnam allowed identifying specif-
must participate in the plenary meetings when is- ics of the organisation and preparation of the Gov-
sues, which are related to various sectors and areas ernment and other central executive authority law-
of activities managed by the appropriate members making plan, namely:
of the Government, are discussed; to express, when the law-making in the Vietnamese Government
required or agreed by the National Assembly, their is realised in accordance with the Government
opinions on the areas of activities managed by them Law-Making Plan with a distinctive development
(article 12 of the Internal Regulations of the Na- and adoption procedure (the draft Government law-
tional Assembly [4]; article 38 of the Vietnamese making plan must be, first, examined by the Com-
Law on Organisation of the Government [1]). From mittee on Laws with the Nationality Committee’s
our perspective, such form of the Governmental in- representatives and/or the National Assembly’s in-
volvement positively influences the efficiency of terested committees as its key experts; second, pre-
this process and the quality of the documents liminary considered by the Standing Committee;
adopted. and adopted by the National Assembly);
In accordance with аrticle 27 of the Vietnamese the Vietnamese Government significantly influ-
2008 Law, at the session of the National Assembly, ences the law-making initiative agencies and their
after all relevant issuea have been discussed and the involvement in developing certain draft laws that
National Assembly’s opinion on the draft law- facilitates the law-making process, including its
making plan, including the Government’s law- early stages;
making plan proposal, has been made, the Ministry the determination of a date when the Govern-
of Justice, the co-implemenator, jointly with the ment submit the draft law to the parliament is de-
Committee on Laws, the chief implementator, as- pendent. The Government has also no right to inde-
sists the Standing Committee in researching into pendently exclude draft laws from the Annual Law-
and revising the National Assembly’s draft resolu- Making Plan and the Law-Making Plan for the en-
tion on the law-making plan and in preparing the tire term of the National Assembly or change the
Standing Committee’s expository report on date of submission thereof. Meanwhile, the Gov-
amendments to this draft resolution [1]. ernment is authorised to submit appropriate offers
After the resolution on the law-making plan has to the Standing Committee for consideration and
been adopted by the National Assembly, the Stand- presentation to the National Assembly. With regard
ing Committee organises implementation of the to draft laws, which are not included in law-making
plan, including appointment of persons or entities plans, the Vietnamese Government may inde-
in charge for submitting certain draft laws to the pendently develop and initially submit them only to
National Assembly, preparation of the law drafting the Committee of Laws for examination and to the
schedule and other supportive measures (аrticle 28 Standing Committee for amending the respective
[1]; аrticle 12 [4]). law-making plans. These plans with additional draft
Based on the respective Standing Committee’s laws are provide to the National Assembly for con-
order, the Ministry of Justice must: 1) upon agree- sideration and adoption. After the National Assem-
ment with the Office of the Government make and bly has agreed to include these draft laws in the re-
provide the Government with the plan for imple- spective law-making plans, they may be submitted
menting the National Assembly’s law-making plan; to the National Assembly;
offer chief drafters and co-drafters of the respective a special institute of interdepartmental interac-
governmental draft laws, approximate dates for tion representatives ensures that the central execu-
submitting these draft laws to the Government, and tive authorities participate in the law-making pro-
dates for submitting these draft laws to the Standing cess. In accordance with resolution of the Vietnam-
Committee; 2) assist the Government in ensuring ese Government No. 96/NQ-СР on the Govern-
proper development of these draft laws. ment’s Meeting in July 2013 dated 7 August 2013
[5], the Vietnamese Government requires that each
Юридичний вісник 4 (41) 2016 69
ministerial body appoint a representative, who will ate changes to the Government Law-Making Plan.
be directly responsible for the regulatory act plan Based on the proposals of the chief drafters and the
(with draft laws included therein). Meanwhile, it is opinion of the Ministry of Justice, the Prime Minis-
worth noting that the resolution of the Govern- ter makes a decision on changes to the Government
ment’s meeting is an enabling act rather than a reg- Law-Making Plan and addresses the decision to the
ulatory act; Standing Committee and the National Assembly for
Vietnam has an advisory body that is involved consideration and adoption;
in developing the law-making plan. Such a body the Ministry of Justice takes special place
known as the Advisory Council is created on the among the ministries and departments, which ap-
basis of the resolution of the Minister of Justice to pear to be law-making planning entities in Vietnam.
assist him in assessing the law-making offers of the In addition to its involvement in law-making plan-
ministerial agencies. It consists of: the representa- ning in its area of activity (where any ministry or
tive of the management board of the Ministry of department is engaged), the Ministry of Justice is
Justice (the Chairman of the Council), experts and also authorised to: 1) develop and provide the Gov-
scientists who have knowledge and skills in the ernment with the draft Government law-making
sphere related to the suggested draft laws. It is plans as instructed by the latter; 2) coordinate the
worth noting that the mechanism of work and the work of the ministries and departments with regard
quantity of the members of the Advisory Council to the preparation of the proposals on the draft
are not clearly defined, and its results are of adviso- Government law-making plans; 3) control how the
ry nature; chief implementators implement the Government
special attention should be paid to how public Law-Making Plan, and submit quarter reports
opinion is collected and heard when making draft thereon to the Government;
law offers. Resolution of the Vietnamese Govern- being involved in the preparation of the Gov-
ment No. 24/2009/NÐ-СР [3] stipulates that the ernment Law-Making Plan, the ministries and de-
draft law proposals addressed by bodies, organisa- partments also have their own law-making plans. In
tions, and individual parties to the ministerial agen- Vietnam, departmental law-making plans are based
cies are one of the bases for the latter to make their on the Government Law-Making Plan;
proposals, which are provided to the Vietnamese responsibility for the preparation and implemen-
Ministry of Justice to be included in the Govern- tation of the law-making plans is formal. Though
ment’s draft law-making plan proposal. The Pro- the law-making obligations of the ministerial agen-
posals of the ministerial and Government agencies cies and their heads are determined by regulatory
as well as the Government’s draft law-making plan acts, no responsibility for the preparation and im-
proposal must be posted on the web-sites of the plementation of the law-making plans is defined.
ministerial agencies, the Government agencies, the Conclusions. Summarizing this research, we
Ministry of Justice and the Government respective- may state as follows. In Vietnam, the involvement
ly for at least 20 days to get public opinion. There- of the central executive authorities in the law-
fore, the public opinion is taken into account at the making process allows meeting such challenges: to
stage when the draft law-making plan is being pre- determine the subject of legislative regulation and
pared. However, there is no public opinion feed- prove that issues must be settled through legisla-
back mechanism that affects the involvement of tion; to prioritize tasks handled de jure, and respec-
public in the central executive authority law- tive measures to be taken; to classify tasks and cre-
making planning; ate law packages, which ensure that the tasks are
the Vietnamese laws allow, when required, the fulfilled; and to optimize the law-making process.
Government to make changes to its law-making In addition, it is evident that the entire law-making
plan. Article 12 of resolution of the Government planning process depends on the Vietnamese Gov-
No. 24/2009/NÐ-СР [3] stipulates for 4 certain case ernment as it estimates the proposals from other
groups and general procedure, based on which chief law-making initiative agencies before they are in-
drafters – the ministries or departments – may initi- cluded in the draft Law-Making Plan, and these

70 Юридичний вісник 4 (41) 2016

Nguyen Xuan Bien, Nguyen Xuan Le Cuong, Pyvovar I. V.
proposals must take into account its opinion. In the References
framework of the state mechanism, it is the Gov- 1. Ban hành văn bản quy phạm pháp luật: Luật
ernment who knows better than any other state au- số 17/2008/QH12 ngày 03 tháng 06 năm 2008. –
thorities how legislation enhances its policy and Source:
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Meanwhile, it is worth stressing that the detailed 12817/
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making problems, especially, significant bureauc- ngày 25 tháng 12 năm 2001. – Source:
tatisation in the law-making process and lobbying
of department interests. However, serious planning hp%20lut/View_Detail.aspx? ItemID=22862.
intentions may reduce the number of accidental and 3. Quy định chi tiết và biện pháp thi hành Luật
ill-conceived acts adopted in the context of case ban hành văn bản quy phạm pháp luật: Nghị định
and political expediency. số 24/2009/NĐ-CP ngày 05 tháng 03 năm 2009. –
When comparing it with the Ukrainian law- Source:
making mechanism in general, it appears that
Ukraine does not clearly regulate the planning pro- hp%20lut/View_Detail.aspx?ItemID=12310.
cess, and the law-making plans of the Cabinet of 4. Về việc ban hành quy chế hoạtđộng của hội
Ministers of Ukraine are not aligned with the plans đồng dân tộc và các Uỷ ban của Quốc hội:
of other law-making agencies, including the central Nghịquyết Quốc hội số 27/2004/QH11 ngày 15
executive authorities. Therefore, the Ukrainian par- tháng 06 năm 2004. –
liament influences the law-making initiative agen- Source:
cies less than the Vietnamese National Assembly n%20php%20lut/view_detail. aspx? itemid=19414.
influences its agencies. The only advantage in 5. Phiên họp chính phủ thường kỳ tháng 7 năm
Ukraine is that documents supporting a draft law 2013: Nghịquyết Quốc hội số 96/NQ-CP ngày 07
include documents, which ensure its implementa- tháng 08 năm 2013. – Source:
tion (including cost estimates) and adaptation to the
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Юридичний вісник 4 (41) 2016 71

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