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People Who Make a Difference

I.Vocabulary and Grammar

1Add the missing vowels (a, e, i, o, u) to complete the words.

a) b_tht_br_g
b) t_bl_
c) t__l_tst_v_

f) _rmch__r

2 Complete with object pronouns.

Subject pronoun Object pronoun

I (1)
you you
he (2)
she (3)
it it
we (4)
they (5)

3 Underline the correct word.

a) Do you know he / him?

b) They / Them are my friends.
c) What do you think of she / her?
d) Jack lives near we / us.
e) I / me love Paris.

4 Match the questions (a–e) to the answers (1–5).

a) Do you like London? 1 No, she doesn’t like him.

b) Does James like Sandra? 2 No, I don’t like them.
c) Does Sandra like James? 3 Yes, he loves her.
d) Does your sister like cats? 4 Yes, I love it.
e) Do you like dogs? 5 No, she doesn’t like them.
Time expressions

5 Complete the sentences with the time expressions in the box.

every day every evening every morning every three hours every weekend

a) I drink beer Monday 8 p.m., Tuesday 8 p.m., Wednesday 8 p.m. …

I drink beer .
b) I drink coffee at 7 a.m., 10 a.m., 1 p.m., 4 p.m. …
I drink coffee .
c) I cook on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
I cook .

d) I eat Italian food on Saturday, Sunday, Saturday, Sunday …

I eat Italian food .
e) I have cereal for breakfast on Monday a.m., Tuesday a.m., Wed a.m. …
I have cereal for breakfast .


Cold drinks small medium large

Iced tea – $1.50 $2.00
Iced coffee $1.10 $1.50 $1.80
Orange juice $1.30 $1.60 $2.20
Wine $2.00 $2.80 –

Hot drinks
Coffee $1.40 $1.90 –
Cappuccino – $1.75 $2.50
Tea – $1.00 $1.40

10 Read the menu and underline the correct answers.

a) How much is a large iced coffee?

(1) $1.10 (2) $1.50 (3) $1.80
b) What costs $1.60?
(1) a medium cappuccino (2) a medium orange juice (3) a large cola
c) How much are two small coffees?
(1) $1.40 (2) $2.80 (3) $1.80
d) How much is a small wine?
(1) $1.10 (2) $1.30 (3) $2.00
e) How much are three medium teas?
(1) $6.00 (2) $3.00 (3) $1.00
a) Write short description about you. Write about.
 Where you live, who you live with.
 Where you study, if you like your school.
 What languages you speak.
 What food, music and sports you like, etc.

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