Review Units. 4 - 6. Book 2

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World Link 2. Review.

Units 4 - 6

1. Extravagant, dressy, and …………...are synonyms.

a. Sporty b. Casual c. Fancy d. Sloppy
2. Another word for messy clothes is ……clothing.
a. Conservative b. Pointy c. Dramatic d. Sloppy
3. Twenty years ago baggy clothes were popular, but today……...Clothes
are just the opposite.
a. Fitted b. Skinny c. retro d. Dramatic
4. Nobody wears that kind of clothing anymore. It is definitely……………
a. Out b. In c. in fashion d. Trendy
5. You can say “I like your look” or “I like your………
a. In b. Trendy c. style d. Casual
6. Don’t put on those shoes to go to the job interview. They are too…..
a. Pointy b. Fitted c. skinny d. Conservative
7. You can say baggy or …………….
a. Oversized b. Ripped c. sloppy d. Casual
8. She has a lot of ………… on her body. To me that’s too dramatic; I
prefer to be more conservative.
a. Grunge b. Tattoos c. piercing d. Dramatic
9. Fashion from the past is called …………
a. The 80’s b. Retro c. style d. Conservative
10. Many people like to wear …………..clothes because they are very
a. Ripped b. Stylish c. casual d. Trendy
11. When your clothes do not combine, they are……………….
a. Sloppy b. Matched c. sporty d. Mismatched
12. My boyfriend has invited me to his house to meet his parents. What
…………….. I wear?
a. Should b. Ought to c. had better d. Could
13.You ……………………..wear those dramatic clothes, or you won’t get
the job.
a. Shouldn’t b. Ought not to c. coudn’t d. Had better not
14. Actually you have two options; you …...wear a casual outfit, or
something a little bit more formal. It’s up to you.
a. Should b. Had better c. ought to d. Could
World Link 2. Review. Units 4 - 6

15. Juvenile delinquency has become a real crisis. The government…….to

do something about it right away.
a. Should b. Had better c. ought to d. could
16. You can say “I need a new look” or “I need a …….
a. Fashion b. Makeup c. make over d. Stylish
17. Taking the dog for a walk., and going grocery shopping are examples of
a. Chores b. Errands c. housework d. Handy helpers
18. I ……….. The chores and she ……………..the errands.
a. Do…..runs b. Make...does c. made…...does d. Do…
19. I took out…...yesterday. Now, it’s your turn.
a. The children to school b. The dry cleaning c. the vacuum d. The
20. A:....................................................................................?
B: No, not at all.
a. You can come at nine o’clock
b. Would you mind coming at nine?
c. Can you make it at nine?
d. Do you mind making it at nine?
21. A: Someone is at the door. Would you please get it?
B: ……………………………………………………..
a. Yes, I would.
b. no , I wouldn’t.
c. Sure.
d. No, not at all.
22. Do you mind …………………… me your pen?
a. Lend b. To lend c. lending d. Lent
23. Can you………...the windows, please? It’s warm in here.
a. Open b. To open c. opening d. Shut
24. They go to school……..bus.
a. By b. On c. take d. In
25. I ………… my house after class.
a. To walk b. Walk c. on foot d. Am
26. My ……….takes about two hours per day.
a. Commute b. Ride my bus c. travel c. to go
World Link 2. Review. Units 4 - 6

27. Most people who live in Villa Mella, prefer commuting by metro
because the bus …………..longer.
a. Spends b. Takes c. pass d. Catch
28. I can not stop to talk to you right now. I am ……….for work.
a. Running late b. Stuck in traffic c. pass the time d. Commute
29. Many students ……...their commute time by studying.
a. Catch b. Takes c. spends d. Pass
30. I went to my hometown Samana and …….3 days there.
a. Passed b. Spent c. during d. For
31. She does not ……………understand that question.
a. Really b. Pretty c. very d. Much
32. He was ………….happy on his wedding day. It was one of the happiest
days of his life.
a. Really b. Very c. pretty d. Many
33. I did not like that movie……….
a. Pretty b. Very c. really d. At all
34. To ……, you need to first finish high school.
a. Admission b. Get into c. apply d. Admit
35. He applied for ……….
a. A scholarship b. University c. graduates d. Graduate
36. I ……………… grandparents. That’s part of my plans for the
a. visit b. ‘M about to visit c. visiting d. ‘M going to visit
37. When he ………………..from college, he plans to take a sabbatical year
prior to beginning with his master’s program.
a. Graduate b. Graduated c. graduates d. Graduation
38. My grandfather is 72 years old. He is…………………...70.
a. Nearly b. More c. over d. Almost

39. She’s 46 and her daughter is 23. Her daughter is ……………………

a. More old than she is
b. Half as old as she is
c. twice as old as she is
d. Two times older than she is
World Link 2. Review. Units 4 - 6

40. There were 2.33 billion people on the planet in 1950, but today there
are more than 7 billion. The world population has ……...about 300%
a. Risen b. Decreased c. over d. Average
41. I‘m 19 years old, so I’m …………...20.
a. Nearly b. Increased c. over d. Average
II. Fill in the blanks. Use the verbs in the box to complete the

Make take do pick up drop off go

1. Parents usually _______________ their children to school early in

the morning.
2. Gretta confirmed the reservation she __________ yesterday at
3. What time do you _______________ to bed at night.
4. My children often call me after school for us to go and ___________
them ___________
5. Jake ___________ his vacation last month. He visited Rome.
6. Students don’t ___________ their homework if they are lack of
7. I need to ____________ an appointment at your office. I feel kind of
III. Match.

1. Another word for more than 100 people is ………. 100 people.______
2. You can say 50% or ……………… ________
3. …………… a synonym for almost. _______
4. You can say usual

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