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BSR/ASNT CP-189-201x (06/10/2015 DRAFT American National Standard ASNT Standard for Qualification and Certification of Nondestructive Testing Personnel ‘The American Society for Nondestructive Testing, Inc. Approved XXXXXXX XX, 2015 American National Standards Institute Abstract This standard applies to personnel whose specific, of the technical principles underlying nondestru sting (NDT) methods for which they have responsibilities within the scope of their empl These specific tasks or jobs include, but are not limited to, performing, specifying, reyiéwing, monitoring, supervising, and evaluating NDT work. a\ To the extent applicable to the fard_set forth herein, The American Society for Nondestructive Testing, Inc. (ASI jes not assume the validity or invalidity, enforceability or unenforceability of patent rights, régidtered trademarks or copyrights in connection with any item referred to in this standard“etydy materials, or examinations. Users of this standard, study materials, or examination: ther cautioned and expressly advised that determination of the validity or enforceabili such patent rights, trademarks, or copyrights, and the risk of the infringement of suc nek through misuse of protected materials are the responsibilty of the user. Reference pictorial depiction of specific types of products or equipment are for purposes of iliiStatfon only and do not represent the endorsement of such products or equipment byASN or jobs require appropriate knowledge ‘other persons utilizing nondestructive testing services are cautioned that they esponsibility for ultimate determination of the qualifications of NDT personnel and for ication process. The process of personnel qualification and certification as detailed in standard does not relieve the employer of the ultimate legal responsibilty to ensure that the NDF personnel are fully qualified for the tasks being undertaken This standard is subject to revision or withdrawal at any time by ASNT. Foreword (Not a part of American National Standard CP-189-2016) ‘An essential element in the effectiveness of nondestructive testing (NDT) is the qualification of the personnel who are responsible for and who perform nondestructive testing. Formal training and actual experience are important and necessary elements in acquiring the skills necessary to effectively perform nondestructive tests The American Society for Nondestructive Testing, Inc. (ASNT) has, therefore, undertaken the preparation and publication of this standard which specifies the procedures, essential tactars, and minimum requirements for qualifying and certifying NDT personnel oO The ASNT Standard for Qualification and Certification of Nondestructive Testi ‘sonnel (Document No. ASNT-CP-189) was initially processed and approved for | tothe American National Standards Institute (ANSI) by the ASNT Standards Writ mittee. This revision was processed by the ASNT Standards Development Committee, of the standard does not necessarily imply that all committee members the time it approved this standard, the Standards Development C members: ittee approval its approval. At Michael E. McDaniel, Chair Ronald T. Nisbet, Vice-Chair Charles Longo, Secretary Amy Bereson, Ex-Officio Paul E. Deeds, Jr. Matthew L. Patience William C. Plumstead Sr Michael J. Ruddy Rick L Runge Henry Stephens Marvin W. Trimm Michael L. Turnbow David Vaughn Sharon |. Vukelich “A Approved by the Stange" evelopment Committee XXXXXX x, 2015. Appendices C and fase not part of this American National Standard CONTENTS ‘American National Standard ii Forward ti ASNT Standard far Qualification and Certfication of Nondestructive Testing Personnel 1 1.0 Scope 1 2.0 Definitions 1 3.0 Levels of Qualification 2 4.0 Qualification Requirements 3 5.0 Qualification and Certification 6.0 Examinations 70 Expiration, Suspension, Revocation, and Reinstatement of Employer Ceriicaton <\. 8.0 Employer Recertification GY 8 9.0 Records “aS 8 10.0 Referenced Publications QB 9 Table 1: Minimum Number of Examination Questions "1 Appendix A Initial Training and Experience Requirements for Level | and Lé 12 Appendix 8: Initial Training and Experience Requirements for Limited Ce ins 13 Appendix C: Sample Certification Form (Not a part of American NationakSt@hdard ANSVASNT CP-180) 14 Appendix D: Interpretation Policy (Not a part of American National standard ANSVASNT CP-189) NF 15 ‘ANSVASNT OP-189) 16 CP-189 INQUIRY FORM (Not a part of American National eB © ASNT Standard for Qualification and Certification of Nondestructive Testing Personnel 1.0 Scope 14 12 13 14 This standard establishes the minimum requirements for the qualification and certification of nondestructive testing (NDT) and predictive maintenance (PdM) personnel This standard details the minimum training, education, and experience require! for NDT personnel and provides criteria for documenting qualificati certification A“ This standard requires the employer to establish a procedure torneo of NDT personnel This standard requires that the employer incorporate aoe or additional requirements in the certification procedure. : S 2.0 Definitions S» 24 x Purpose. These definitions are intended to clar} jeanings of terms used in this, standard, as they apply to this standard, ly to this standard. No broader application of these definitions is implied ee 10.2 ecific definitions related to NDT see 244 Certification. Written testi iat an individual has met the applicable requirements of this standard 24.2 ‘A written procedure, developed by the employer, ents for qualification and certification of employee to 24.3 Certifyin jority. The person or persons properly designated in the centage racedure to sign certifications on behalf of the employer. 9 244 ook Examination. An examination administered without access to ce material except that supplied with or in the examination. &) Focumented. The condition of being in written form sere Education. An institutionalized program, prescribed by appropriate authorities, that is offered by schools, institutes, organizations, colleges, or universities established for the sole purpose of providing instruction in an orderly, planned, and systematic fashion 24.7 Employer. The corporate, private, or public entity that employs personnel for wages or salary. 24.8 Examination. A formal, controlled, documented assessment test of knowledge or skills conducted in accordance with a procedure 24.9 Experience. Actual performance of an NDT method conducted in the work environment resulting in the acquisition of knowledge and skill. This does not include formal classroom training, but may include laboratory and on-the-job training as defined by the employer's certification procedure. 2.1.10 Grading Unit. A qualification specimen can be divided into sections called grading units, which do not have to be equal length or be equally spaced Grading units are unfiawed or flawed and the percentage of flawed/unfiawed grading units required shall be approved by the NDT Level Ii 2.1.11 Formal Training. An organized and documented program of es designed to impart the knowledge and skills required to be qual this standard. Formal training may be a mix of classroom and programmed selt-instruction as approved by the responsible 2.1.12 General Examination. A written examination addressit reve principles of the applicable NDT method. mS 2.1.13 Method. One of the disciplines of NDT; for example ptasont testing, within which various test techniques may exist. 2.1.14 NDT Instructor. An individual qualif this standard to train or educate NDT ignated in accordance with nel. (See also Section 37) 2.1.15 NDT Procedure. A written instrughp for conducting a nondestructive test, 2.1.16 Outside Organization. naga or individual who provides NDT Level Il services. See also 4.5. 2.1.17 Practical Exami Shen examination used to demonstrate an individual's ability in conauente NDT methods that will be performed for the employer. For rh ical examinations, questions and answers need not ree ten, but observations and results must be documented 2.1.18 PreaeaQe, Maintenance (PdN). Evaluates the conaton of equipment service) by performing periodic or continuous (online) equipment monitoring. Condition monitoring evaluates leading performance tors of each item in the PdM program inventory. These leading Icators may be an increase in electrical resistance or increase vibration © trom rotating equipment. PaM uses principles of statistical process contralto SY determine at what point in the future maintenance activities will be SX appropriate while focusing on leading indicators that may signify deterioration Q in performance which can lead to equipment failure. The ultimate goal of PAM S is to perform maintenance at a scheduled point in time when the maintenance activity is most costeffective and before the equipment loses optimum performance or fails. 2.1.19 Qualification. The education, skills, training, knowledge, and experience required for personnel to properly perform to a specified NDT Level. 22 3.0 Level 34 32 33 ~ 2.1.20 Specific Examination. A written examination to determine an individual's understanding of procedures, codes, standards, specifications, and equipment or instrumentation for an NDT methad used by the employer. 2.1.21 Test Technique. A category within an NDT method, for example, immersion ultrasonic testing NDT Levels 2.24 NDT Level Ill, An individual possessing a currently valid ASNT NDT of. Level Ill certificate (see 10.1.3) or ACCP Professional Level Il cert 10.1.4) and certified in accordance with this standard, (See also Reference to ASNT Level Ill throughout this standard implies. wre vidual RY holds one of these certificates. Reference to an ASNT Le\ certificate throughout this standard refers to one af the above certific 22.2 NDT Level |, NDT Level Il. An individual certified dance with this, standard. (See also Section 3.) Is of Qualification S Classification. Six levels of qualification are, id in terms of the skills and knowledge required in a given method of jods to perform specified NDT activities. ay NDT Level Ill. An NOT Level Ill shal(A§vé the skills and knowledge to establish techniques; to interpret codes, sta ‘and specifications; designate the particular technique to be used, and to verity tNe adequacy of procedures. The individual shall also have general familiarity with the NDT methods covered in Appendix A of this standard. The NDT Level be capable of conducting or directing the training and examining of NDT ems in the methods for which the NDT Level Il is, qualified oC NDT Level Il. IT Level |! shall have the skills and knowledge to set up and calibrate equi to conduct tests, and to interpret, evaluate, and document results in ac ce with procedures approved by an NDT Level Ill. The NDT Level I shal bear lughiy familiar with the scope and limitations of the method to which certifi should be capable of directing the wark of trainees and NDT Level | pet The NDT Level Il shall be able to organize and report nondestructive test regults Level II Limited. An NDT Level II Limited shall have the skills and knowledge fo set up and calibrate equipment, to conduct tests, and to interpret, evaluate, and document results in accordance with procedures approved by an NDT Level Ill in the techniques listed in Appendix B. The NDT Level I! Limited shall be thoroughly familiar with the scope and limitations of the technique to which certfied and should be capable of directing the work of trainees and NDT Level | personnel. The NOT Level Il Limited shall be able to organize and report nondestructive test results. 40 3.5 NDT Level |. An NDT Level | shall have the skills and knowledge to properly perform specific calibrations, specific tests, and with prior written approval of the NDT Level Ill, perform specific interpretations and evaluations for acceptance or rejection and document the results, in accordance with specific approved procedures. The NDT Level | shall be able to follow appraved nondestructive testing procedures and shall receive the necessary guidance or supervision from a certified NDT Level Il or NOT Level Ill individual 3.6 Trainee. A person who is not yet certified to any level shall be considered a trainee. NDT Level tll and shall not independently conduct any tests or write a rep results S Trainees shall work with a certified person, under the direction of an NDT Levert or ee t 3.7. NDT Instructor. An NDT instructor shall have the skills and kno & to plan, ‘organize, and present classraom, laboratory, demonstration, anc rthe-job NOT instruction, training, and/or education programs in accardanc: fourse outlines approved by an NDT Level Ill < ¢ Qualification Requirements or Level I shall complete 4. Training. Candidates for certification as NDT sufficient organized training to become familiar principles of the method and the practices of the applicable test teem 8 training shall be conducted in accordance with a course outline approve NDT Level Ii NDT Level | and Level Il ca Ss described in Appendices A and B. The course shall include the toples contained in ANSI/ASNT CP-105 for the appropriate NDT methd, plus such additional topics as deemed necessary by the NDT Level @ Sequence, content, amount of time spent, and depth of covage4 ech topic shall be approved by the NDT Level Ill Training progr all include sufficient examinations to demonstrate that the wee mation has been comprehended 4.1.1 NDT Level | and Level as im number of training hours required for Aan gs ganized training may include instructor-led training, self-study, jal instructor-led training, computer-based training or web-based ‘faining. Computer-based training and web-based training shall track hours and content of training with student examinations in accordance & with 4.1.2 ae Credit. To receive credit for training hours, the individual shall pass a final SX)” examination covering the topics contained in that program RSS 4.1.3. Presentation of Training. All training shall be presented by an NDT instructor. However, the NDT instructor may use personnel with specialized expertise (for example, metallurgists, welding engineers, etc.) who are not qualified in accordance with this standard to assist in presentation of specific Information. The NDT Level IiI shall in all cases be responsible for the content of the completed course 4.1.4 NDT Level Ill. Training requirements for NDT Level Ill are satisfied as a result of holding a current ASNT Level lll certificate in the specific NDT method. 42 43 44 Q aS 45 Experience. Candidates for certification shall have acquired the practical experience to ensure they are capable of performing the duties of the level in which certification is being sought. 4.2.4 NDT Level | and Level Il. The minimum number of hours of experience required for NDT Level | and Level II candidates is described in Appendix A. 4.2.2. NDT Level II Limited. The minimum number of hours of experience required for NDT Level Il Limited candidates is described in Appendix 8. 4.2.3. NDT Level Ill. Experience requirements for NDT Level Ill are sepa result of holding a current ASNT Level Ill certificate in the NoT method, Previous Training and Experience S 43.1 NDT Level | and Level Il. A candidate's previous tr Ind experience may be accepted by the employer's NDT Level ll i fed and verified Any claimed training or experience which is nat fed and cannot be Verified shall be considered invalid. SY ent the current validity of 4.3.2. NDT Level Ill. The employer shall verify a a candidate's ASNT Level Iil certificate NDT Instructor g 4.4.1 Criteria. An NDT nee OF at least one of the following criteria Possess a current ASNT Level Ill certificate in the NOT method to be taught, 44A2have aci credentials at least equivalent to a B.S. in engine inysical science, or technology, and possess adequate mS in the NDT method to be taught, or 441963 yaduate of a two-year school of science, engineering, or NOT have five or more years of experience as an NDT Level II, or S Zquivalent, in the NDT method to be taught, or QW 4 have 10 or more years of NDT experience as an NDT Level Il, or © equivalent, in the NDT method ta be taught. -2 Designation. The NDT instructor shall be designated by an NDT Level Ill individual. The designation shall become part of the individual's qualification records. Outside Services. At the option of the employer, an outside organization may be engaged to perform the duties of an NDT Level Ill. For organizations other than ASNT, the employer shall be responsible for evaluating the organization to ensure the services are in accordance with the employer's certification procedure and this, standard, and so documented. An NDT Level Ill of the engaged outside organization shall be responsible for the services provided. 5.0 Qualification and Certification 54 Certification Procedure. The employer shall develop and maintain a procedure detalling the program that will be used for qualification and certification of NOT persannel in accordance with this standard. 5.2. Certification Procedure Requirements. The procedure shall describe the minimum, 53 requirements for certifying personnel in each NDT method and the levels of qualification desired. The procedure shall satisty the requirements of this standard. The procedure shall include, as a minimum, the following < 5.2.1 personnel duties and responsibilities; O 5.2.2. training requirements; Ss 5.2.3 experience requirements, 5.2.4 examination requirements; 5.2.5 records and documentation requirements, HOP control, responsibility, and retention period; and 5.26 recettification requirements Approval. The employer's certification Pracedure shall be approved by an NDT Level Ill designated by the employer 6.0 Examinations 64 ’ ision gs 6.4.1 Near Distances abr to certification, NDT personnel shall be examined to ensure that e natural of corrected near-distance acuity in at least one eye suct each individual is capable of reading Jaeger Number 1 test mw alent” at a distance of not less than 12 in. ~ etuivalent eye examination results for Jaeger J-1 visual acuity are: Snellen : Times Roman 3.5 paint text, OrthoRater #9; or Titmus (SAB-1, SAL-1 AR-1) #10 oe Color Vision. NDT personnel for all methods shall demonstrate the ability to SX)” aitferentiate among the colors or shades of aray used in the method RSS 6.1.3 Frequency. Vision examinations shall be administered annually, except that color differentiation examinations need be repeated only at each recertification_Vision examinations aad shall expire on the last day of the month of expiration 6.1.4 Administration. Vision examinations shall be administered in accordance with a procedure, and by personnel, approved by an NDT Level Ill designated by the employer. 6.2 NDT Level Ill Examinations 6.24 6.22 6.23 Initial Requirement. Prior to the employer's certification examinations, the candidate shall hold a current ASNT Level lll certificate with a currently valid endorsement for each method for which employer certification is sought. Specific Examination (for each method). The employer shall administer a written examination consisting of at least 30 questions relating to the comprehension of the NDT-related requirements of specifications or standards used by the emplayer. Capies of the applicable spectficatigr's or standards shall be available as reference material during the examin Practical Examination. The candidate shall prepare an NI cedure appropriate to the employer's needs; however, if dacumentety experience demonstrates that the candidate has previously prepare ptable NDT procedures in the method using the specifications, cod standards that are applicable to that employer, a written practical & fon (for example, preparation of a procedure) is not required. If expenénde (S substituted for the written practical examination, the employer cument the pertinent practical experience of the NDT Level Ill candi If the NDT Level Iil will be requi erform tests or evaluate test results, the practical ex nN shall include the same demonstrations of the cai ie activity(les) as required in 633. ability to perform the required 6.3 NDT Level l and Level I Examination 63.1 633 General. A general gXamifation shall be approved by an NDT Level Il Administration of t ination shall be in accordance with paragraph 6.6 6.4 of this standgrthnd shall be closed book. Reference material, such as charts, formu les, and graphs may be provided by the NDT Level Ill Questions shaiNbé developed which represent a cross section of the body of intained in ANSVASNT CP-105 applicable to each method and ie minimum number of questions required for each method and fed in Table 1. Questions used in general examinations for NDT ind Level I! personnel shall be similar in type and difficulty to those Wshed by ASNT. pecific. A specific examination shall be approved by an NDT Level Ill Administration shall be in accordance with paragraph 6.6 64 of this standard. The NDT Level lil shall determine whether appropriate procedures, specifications, standards, or code sections will be provided. The examination shall address various examples of equipment, procedures, and test techniques that the candidate may use in the performance of assigned duties. The minimum number of questions required for each method and level is listed in Table 1 Practical. A practical examination shall be approved by an NDT Level Ill Administration shall be in accordance with paragraph 6.6 6-4 of this standard. The practical examination shall consist of the fallowing NDT Level I. The candidate shall demonstrate proficiency using the applicable nondestructive test method to examine at least one test sample for each technique to be used in the candidate's job and by documenting the results of the test. The test samples shall be representative of the products that the candidate will encounter in performing the job functions. Level Il. The candidate shall demonstrate proficiency by performing the applicable nondestructive test method in examining at method and by interpreting, evaluating, and documenting thy of the examination. The test samples shall be represent; product that the candidate will encounter in perfor functions For purposes of the practical examinations described i techniques required to be demonstrated are in techniques are listed in Appendix A the empl ust determine the techniques required for their particular needs, method and specify those techniques required for certneaton My their qualification and certification procedure 6.4_ASNT NDT Level Il Certificate. The employ, iccept a valid ASNT NDT Level Il certificate as meeting the examination reauiNgnents of paragraph 6.3.1 and 6.3.2 if the NDT Level Ill_has determined the ASNT examinations meet the requirements of the empl 6.5 ACCP Level Il Certificate. The employer may accept _a valid ACCP Level Il certificate as meeting the exafgindtion requirements of paragraph 6.3.1, 6.3.2 and 6.33 if the NOT Level liLg@s Wetermined that the ASNT examinations meet the requirements of the em certification procedure: 66 Mamma ae ing 66.1 Respargit ities Wor Level | and Il Examinations. An NDT Level Ill shall be responsible for the development, administration and grading of ? examinations for NDT Level | and Level Il personnel for those © methods in which the NDT Level ill has a valid ASNT Level ill SY certificate. For the practical examination, the individual administering the examination must be an NDT Level lll in the respective test io method. NDT Level Ill Examinations. The employer shall be responsible for having an individual possessing a current ASNT Level lll certificate, in the respective test method, develop, administer, and grade NDT Level Ill specific and practical examinations. The administration and grading of multiple-choice questions may be delegated by the NDT Level ll, it so documented. QI aS 6.6.2 Employer Examinations. For each emplayer-administered certfication 66.3 examination, each candidate shall achieve a grade of at least 70% and an average grade of 80% to be eligible for certfication. All certification examinations shall have equal weight in determining the average grade. Practical Examinations For all practical examinations, all applicable discontinuities and/or conditions which the candidate is expected to find and/or evaluate must be specified and documented by the NDT Level Ill pridr to administration of the examination oO requirement for passing the NDT Level |, Il (Nractica examination shall be the detection of the discontnbytlés and/or conditions previausly specified by the NDT Level jonsible for preparing that examination or in 6.6.4 NDT Level | Practical Examinations. The NDT see sa use a written checklist in administering and grading NOT Le actical examinations. This checklist shall address at least the follo ms: proficiency in use of equipment and technique, proper adherepge th’procedure, test sequence, calibrations, materials, documentation at it of examinations. If the NDT Level | will interpret or evaluate res Re checklist shall include these item(s). 6.6.5 NDT Level Il Practical Exar ns. The NDT Level Ill shall use a written checklist in administering iding NDT Level Il practical examinations. The checklist shall address aPeast the following items: proficiency in use of techniques and equipment” proper adherence to procedure, test sequence, calibration, and jals; Satisfactory detection and location of discontinuities; extent of examination; and the accuracy and completeness ferpretations, evaluations, and documentation of the esults. activities x 65.5.8 interpretation Limited Certification. The Practical examination ww id consist of review and grading of at least 20 images. .2 Phased Array and Time of Flight Diffraction. Flawed samples used for Practical examinations should be representative of the components and/or configurations that the candidates would be © testing under this endorsement and approved by the NDT Level Ill 6.6 NDT Level Ill Practical Examinations. Persons administering NDT Level lll practical examinations shall use a written checklist. The checklist shall address items relating to the technical and practical adequacy of the NDT procedure(s) prepared by the candidate. When applicable to the candidate's job responsibilities, the checklist shall also address the items listed in 6.6.5 Sak 6.7 Reexamination. Candidates who fall to attain the required passing grade must rece This ive additional documented training, or wait at least 30 days for reexamination. training shall address the deficiencies which caused failure. A candidate shall not be reexamined using the examination or specimen previously failed or both. 68 Administration of Examinations. in no case shall an examination be prepared or administered by the individual being examined or by a subordinate 69 Administration of NDT Level Ill Examinations. The employer's representative who administers the NDT Level Ill Specific and Practical examinations shall possess a current ASNT Level Ill certificate in the method for which the examination is administered and shall be knowledgeable and familiar with the standards, specifications, and products used or made by the employer. 7.0 Expiration, Suspension, Revocation, and Reinstatement of Employer Certificati 7.1 Expiration. Individual certifications shall expire O 7.1.1. when employment with the employer is terminated, Ss 7.4.2 on the last day of the month of expiration at the end ears tor NDT Level | and NDT Level Il individuals; 7.4.3. for NDT Level Il individuals, when the ASNT Levalireiancate has expired. 7.2 Suspension. The employer shall suspend an eggs er it 7.24 the vision examination interval exceedSoRe year. Certification is reinstated concurrently with passing the visio mination; or 7.22 the individual has not pert certified during any conseci 1e duties in the methad(s) for which jonth period, or 7.2.3. the individual's pertomrfance is detemined to be deficient in the required method or technique jecific documented reasons, ar 7.24 for NDT Level jannel, when the ASNT Level Ill certificate has not been renewed. 7.3 Revocation. Dvoerwa revoke an individual's certification when: 731 t (Nau has not performed the duties in the methad(s) for which ified during any consecutive 24-month period: or 1 r NDT Level Ill personnel, the ASNT Level Ill certificate has been revoked; or QR’ 3.3. an individual's conduct is deemed by the employer to be or have been aS unethical or incompetent, 7.4 Reinstatement 741 Suspended Certifications. Reinstatement of suspended certifications for NDT Level | or NDT Level Il shall be determined by the NDT Level Ill Reinstatement of suspended NDT Level Ill certfications shall be determined by the employer, except that the requirement far ASNT Level Ill certification may not be waived. 742 Expired or Revoked Certifications. Certifications which have expired or have been revoked may only be reinstated by complying with Section 6, 7.43, of 8.1. Reinstatement Recestitication per 7.4.3 is only allowed when the employee's certification expired due to termination of employment. Such reinstatement of certification shall only be for the period of time remaining on the original certification. 7.4.3. Expired for Termination of Employment. An NDT Level |, Level Il or Level Ill whose certification has expired due to termination of employment may be reinstated to the former NDT level, withaut a new examination, providing ll of the follawing conditions are met The employer has maintained the personnel certificatgn records required in Section 9 The employee certification did not expire ora The employee is being reinstated within Ro of 8.0 Employer Recertification S» 8.1 NDT Level | and NDT Level Il. NDT Level | egber Level II personnel shall be si termination, recertified by re-examination in accordang, ection 6 or by meeting the requirements of 8.1.1, when applicable 8.1.1 Every five years, the soe Be recertified if the individual has at least two_monttis_(350 hours} mented experience using the applicable method over the five-year certication interval and has successfully passed a Specific examination which Complies with 6.2.2. 8.1.2 At least every esas the individual must repeat the examinations in Section 6. oC 8.2 NDT Level Ill. nator Ill personnel shall be recertified by the employer every five years by vera) fat the individual's ASNT Level lil certificate is current in each method for fecertification is sought. ip 9.0 Records o 9.1 R¢Sporssibility for Documentation. The employer shall document certifications in fance with this standard. include at least a training record, certification record, an experience record, a record of previous experience (if applicable), employee's current examinations, and a vision examination record Deena of Documentation. The employer's certification documentation shall 9.2.1 Certification Record. The certification record shall include at least the following information level of certification and NDT method, including the test technique covered, results of current employer examinatians that the individual has taken; Level Ill personnel, a copy of the candidate's ASNT Level III certificate; of certification, expiration, suspension, revocation, and reinstatement, and the signature, printed name, and title of the employer's certifying authority. 9.2.2 NDT Training Record. A documented history of the employee's te be maintained which identifies: NDT training received by the in the organization providing the training, dates of the training, hou ining, evidence of satisfactory completion, and the instructor's nam: 9.2.3 NDT Experience Record. A record which identi Qe individual's experience performing various nondestructive tests, je maintained for Purposes of verifying initial certification age and continuing experience. Ss 9.2.4 Record of Previous Experience. Docum QYraence of the individual's previous NDT training and experience st aintained if previous training and experience are used to satisty, art of the requirements of this standard 9.25 Visual Examination Reco! Urrent records of vision examinations required by 6.1 shall be mai 10.0 Referenced Publications 4% 10.1 The following docume! in provisions whieh, through reference in this text, constitute provisians standard. Copies may be obtained from the American Society for Nandegtrietve Testing, Inc., 1711 Arlingate Lane, PO Box 28518, Columbus, OH asda 1518, USA, 10.1. Q44NSVASNT CP-105, ASNT Standard Topical Outlines for Qualification of jondestructive Testing Personnel, latest edition 5194.3 ASNT application package tor certification of nondestructive testing Qa" Persone Q 10.1.4 ASNT Central Certification Program, ASNT Document CP-1, latest edition. 10.2 The following document contains specific NDT terms which, though referenced in this text, constitute provisions of this standard. Copies may be obtained fram ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Canshohacken, PA 19428- 2959, USA 10.2.1 ASTM E 1316 (latest edition) - Standard Terminology for Nondestructive Examinations, Section A— Common NDT Terms. Table 1 - Minimum Number of Examination Questions Method General ‘Specific Level! | Levelt | Levell | Levelt ‘Acoustic Emission Testing 40 40 20 20 Electromagnetic Testing Alternating Current Field Measurement 40 40 20 20 Eddy Current 40 a0 20 20 Remote Field Testing Leak Testing. 30 30 20 20 Bubble Test 20 20 15 ‘Absolute Pressure Leak Test (Pressure Change) 20 20 16 IS Halogen Diode Leak Test 20 20 15 15 Mass Spectrometer Leak Test 20 20 0 Magnetic Flux Leakage 20 20 B 5 Magnetic Particle Testing 40 40 0 20 Neutron Radiography Testing Penetrant Testing Radiographic Testing Radiological Radiography Testing 0 20 20 Radiographic Film Interpretation — o 20 Non-Radiographer Radiographic Film Interpretation - % 15 Radiographer (Certified NDT Level |) ‘Computed Radiography Testing Z| 40 0 20 20 ‘Computed Tomography Testing 0 a 20 20 Digital Radiography Testing a 0 20 20 Thermallnfrared Testing a a 20 0 sulin Samus Tag or a Electrical & Mechanical 50 a0 50 40 Materials Testing S Utrasonie Testing Time of Flight gital Thickness Measurement PhasedAae— 40 20 20 30 nan Su on lic Straight Beam (A-Scan) Measurement 15 Appendix A - Initial Training and Experience Requirements for Level | and Level I! Required Experience Required Evaluation Method Level | Technique | Training | Minimum Hours | Tota) Hours (Hours) in Method or, in NDT Technique 7 w 210 70 ‘Acoustic Emission (AE) i 40 630 1200 1 20 210 400 ACEMT 40 630 1200 lectromagnetic Testin« ' 40 210 Elecromagnetl Testing (1) eer 0 ze T 70 10 i RET 40 i) er 2 | sr i i} er 2 200 tess teaegen uf cr | ie = | fect 3 30 1} —wser P40 30 n_|_wsct_ | seo 7 ‘ 130 agree FluxLeatage warty || | i 1 730 Magnetic Parice Tesing wt) |_| x te 1 8 00 4 7 130 Penetant Testing 7) é th x 7 20 400 io 30 100 70 210 400 ccsswesne tea io 0 100 sshsguphe Testing Radiological 40, 210 400 i i 30 100 WY oR 40 30 1200 1 a2 20 400 &s i am ae 08 Building u 4 1260 1800 ThermatintageG Testing (rt) | =} Danes

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