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Controversies in Philippine History

Chapter Objectives:

At the end of this chapter, the students are expected to:

a. Narrate the controversial history events;

b. Support a particular account or version of controversial history events by providing primary and
secondary sources; and
c. Compare and contrast different accounts or version of controversial historical events.

Site of the First Mass


Where was the first official Roman Catholic mass held? Accounts of the historians differ as to
where was the holy sacrament was celebrated by Father Pedro Valderrama on Easter morning of March
31, 1521, whether it was in Limasawa, Southern Leyte or Masao, Butuan City. Comparing the narratives
it is clear that the term used to describe the place are almost similar to one another as it is called either,
Mazava, Mazagua, Mazaun or Masao but they were unanimous that the place was abundant in gold and
spices. While the enactment of law in 1960 has temporarily put to rest the issue, there is a need of careful
and thorough investigation for the people Limasawa and the people of Butuan.

Arguments in Favor of Limasawa, Southern Leyte

Francisco Albo's Account

A journal or log of Magallanes voyage was written by Francisco Albo covering the voyage from Cape
San Agustin in Brazil until the "Victoria" (the first ship to circumnavigate to globe) returned to Spain
(Blair & Robertson, 1975). The log begins November 29, 1519, and ends September 4, 1522. From the
March 1516, they sight more islands, giving names to two, Suluan and Yunagan the first island of the
archipelago of San Lazaro (the Philippines). They land successively at the islands of Gada, Seilani,
and Mazava, and pass by or anchor at Matan, Subu, Baibai. "We left Subu sailing southeast.... Between
the Cape of Subu and an island named Bohol; and on the western side of the Cape of Subu is another
island, by name, Panitongo, inhabited by blacks. This island and Subu have gold and quantities of

Notice the word "Mazava" was the site where the expedition landed.
Miguel Lopez De Legaspi and/or Hernando Riquel (Court Clerk of the Home Office) Account

Based on the May 1564 Report of the Occurrences on the Voyage and Journey of the Armada of
His Majesty under the Command of General Miguel Lopez de Legazpi in the Discovery of the Islands of
the West. The expedition as we know, was led by Miguel Lopez de Legazpi, who was on board the San
Pedro, together with head technician, navigator Andres de Urdaneta and Hernando Riquel, court clerk of
the Home Office (San Agustin Museum & Jose Ramon de Miguel, 2009).

"In the morning of February 13, 1564, they caught sight of the Philippines. The expedition entered
the Philippines at the island of Samar called Tandaya. Based on the descriptions of the pilots and
on a map drawn on their charts by Martinez Fortun and Diego Martin, we can conclude without
any doubt that the point of arrival was island of Tubabao on the coast of Samar, situated on latitude
129 07" and 125° 33° east. Magellan had reached the Philippines making landfall at this same

On March 9, after consultation with the officers, it was decided that the expedition go to the island
of Mazagua, now called Limasawa.

Notice the word "Mazagua" was the site where the expedition landed. But based on the accounts,
the Legazpi-Urdaneta Expedition followed exactly the route of Magellan's voyage.

Pigafetta's Account

In Antonio Pigafetta's account "Primo Viaggio intorno Al Mondo" (First Voyage Around the
World) events of 1519-1522. He narrated the Magellan's voyage while James Alexander Robertson
translated it into English language. The transcript is made from the original document, which exists in the
Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Milan, Italy. The narration of Pigafetta's account was taken from Blair &
Robertson (1975).

"Early on the morning of Sunday, the last of March, and Easter- day, the captain-general sent
the priest with some men to prepare the place where mass was to be said; together with the interpreter
to tell the king that we were not going to land in order to dine with him, but to say mass.

... There are dogs, cats, swine, fowls, goats, rice, ginger, cocoa-nuts, figs (i.e., bananas),
oranges, lemons, millet, panicum, sorgo, wax, and a quantity of gold in THAT ISLAND. It lies in
latitude of nine and two thirds degrees toward the Arctic Pole, and in a longitude of one hundred and
sixty-two degrees from the line of demarcation. It is twenty-five from the Acquada, and is called

Jose Arcilla, Historian

Jose Arcilla, author of 'Introduction to Philippine History", maintained that Magellan never stepped on the
grounds of Butuan where the alleged first mass took place.

"On March 16, 1521, Magellan reached the Philippines. In Limasawa, the islanders and Europeans
quickly became friends. The islanders described to the newcomers other places, like Butuan and
Calagan (Caraga), but Magellan did not go there"
Arguments in Favor of Masao, Butuan City

Gregorio Zaide (2002) provides narration of what transpired during the first mass in the
Philippines, below is his narration:

"Another important event took place at Butuan. The first masswas held on the shore of
Masao, Butuan on Easter morning, March 31, 1521. It was said that Father Pedro de Valderrama,
the Spanish chaplain officiated the mass. The Filipino kings and their men attended the mass
along with Magellan and his men. After the mass, the Filipinos were treated to a fencing
exhibition by the Spaniards. Then, at sunset of the same day, Magellan planted a huge wooden
cross on the top of the hill overlooking the sea."

Zaide also enumerate six (6) points favoring Masao, Butuan City as the site of first mas in the
Philippines. These are:

1. First is the name of the place, as various accounts provide that he place where the mass was
held has three syllables which is “Masao” while “Limasawa” has four syllabels.
2. Second, path leading to Homonhon as the source provide that the ship sailed 20 to 30 leagues
from Homonhon and the first destination to the sitre of first mass, taking a west southwest
3. Third, location of the latitude, other primary sources locate the place at 90 north latitude, and
others at 9 2/3ᴼ. With this location, it easily takes away Limasawa as a possible site because
it is closer by 10 degree and supports the claim of Masao, Butuan because it is exactly at nine
4. Fourth, the passage to Cebu which is perfectly similar to the one taken by the sailor from
Cebo to Butuan.
5. Fifth, the material cultures in Butuan such as the practice of making of bonfire, the
“balanghai” relics, and the houses by which the native of Masao build their houses on stilts as
compared to the natives of Limasawa which build low houses as a protection against
6. Lastly, the geographical features of Butuan. The following geographical features of Butaun
are as follows: (1) the abundance of gold in Masao as opposed to Limasawa; (2) a develop
settlement in which it is believed that Butuan was a develop port long before the Western

Accounts at the end of the 19th century and start of the 20th Century supporting Butuan as the Site
of the first Mass

Fred Atkinson, author of “the Philippines Island” published in 1905, provides in his book:

“But without lingering Magellan continued westward and in March reaches Butuan, on the
northern shore of Mindanao, where he landed and raising a cross on a small hill nearby a
celebtrating the FIRST MASS IN THE PHILIPPINES, took possession of the island in the
name of the king of Spain, and began to win over the people to Spanish authority” (Atkinson,

John Ford, author of “Additional Page from an American Cruiser in the East’ which was
published in 1898, provides in his book:

“On November 26, 1520, he (Magellan) found himself on the broad pacific, and boldly stood
to the northward, and on March 16, 1521, he reached Ladrones Islands, and sailed along the
north coast of Mindanao. During Easter week of the same year he arrived at the entrance to
the Butuan River, where the FIRST MASS IN THE PHILIPPINES was celebrated.”
Written also in the Military Notes on the Philippines in September 1898 at the United States
Adjustant-General’s office a recognition of Butuan as the site of the first mass in the Philippines, the
account states:

“Butuan town is situated on the right bank of the river Butuan, about 18 miles from the
mouth, and contains some 2,000 inhabitants, chiefly engaged in workind a gold mine in the
vicinity. The enchorage is frequented by traders from Port Misamis, and Cebu, and Mr.
Looney remarks that he carried from 3 to 5 fathoms of water between the bar of the river
and the town. The water of the River at Butuan is fresh an used for dringkin.

The town of Butuan is celebrated in history as being the place where Magellan landed after
his anchorage near Limasawa Isaland, and where he celebrated the FIRST MASS IN THE

Limasawa Law

On June 19, 1960, Republic Act No. 2733, called the Limasawa Law was enacted without the
signature of the President of the Philippines. This law recognized Limasawa as the site of the first Mass in
the Philippines. Obviously, some would question if an act of Congress is the proper measure to correct or
change our history. Below is the text of the law.

Republic Act No. 2733

An act to declare the site in Magallanes, Limasawa Island in the Province of Leyte, where the
first mass in the Philippines was Held as a National Shrine to provide for the Preservation of
Historical Monument and Monuments Thereat and for other purposes.

Section 1. The site in Magallanes, Limasawa Island in the Province of Leyte, where the first
mass in the Philippines was held is hereby declared a national shrine to commemorate the birth
of Christianity in the Philippines.

Section 2. All historical monuments and landmarks in said site shall be preserved and /or
reconstructed whenever necessary as much as possible in their original forms and are hereby
declared National historical monuments and landscape.

Section 3. The nation planning commission shall exercise supervision and control over
reconstruction and/or preservation of the aforesaid site and monuments, and shall issue rules and
regulations of effectuate the preceding sections of this Act.

Section 4. Necessary fund for this purpose of this act shall be provided for in the annual
appropriations for public works and disbursements shall be made by the national planning
commission under such rules and regulation as the Auditor General may prescribe.

Section 5. This act shall take effect upon its approval.

Enacted without Executive approval on June 19, 1960

Name:_________________________________________________________ Date: ______________

Year & Section:_________________________________________ Score:______________

Task sheet No. 3

Where do you think was the first mass in the Philippines held? Support your answer with
primary sources (e.g. individual persons, original documents, etc.) or secondary sources (articles,
book, manuscript, etc.).
Name:_________________________________________________________ Date: ______________

Year & Section:_________________________________________ Score:______________

Task sheet No. 4

Instruction: Create a table providing similarities and different of different accounts and version of first
mass in the Philippines.

Account/ Version of Similarities Differences

Chronological Event

Name:_________________________________________________________ Date: ______________

Year & Section:_________________________________________ Score:______________

Task sheet No. 5

Do you favor the enactment of law as a means to settle the controversy of the place where the first mass
in the Philippines was held? Justify your answer.

Jose Rizal's Retraction

"He did or he did not?” a question that was raised up following Jose Rizal's execution on
December 30, 1896 at Bagumbayan. While it is clear that few hours before his death, he accepted many
visitors and wrote letters for his loved ones, contradicting accounts emerged from those who believed that
he retracted and for those who do not believe that he retracted. From the accounts of priests and Spanish
newspapers, he retracted but for those who opposed, there was a secret letter hidden inside Jose Rizal's
shoes denying the retraction and a claim that friars published a fake copy of retraction. Regardless of
whether he retracted or not, the love of country of our national hero is admirable and worthy of

Arguments Favoring the Retraction

La Voz Española and Diario de Manila's Narration

Vaño (1985) presented the four text in his book entitled "Light in Rizal's Death Cell". The first
was published in La Voz Española and Diario de Manila on the very day of Rizal's execution, December
30, 1896. The text of the retraction is written below:

Me declaro catolico y en esta

Religion en que naci y me eduque
quiero vivir y morir.
Me retracto de todo corazon
de cuanto en mis palabras, escri-
tos, impresos y conducta ha habi-
do contrario a mis CUALIDADES
de hijo de la Iglesia CATOLICA.
Creo y profeso cuanto ella enseña
y me someto a cuanto ella manda.
Abomino de la Masoneria, como
enemiga que es de la Iglesia y como
sociedad prohibida por la Iglesia.
Puede el Prelado Diocesano, co-
mo autoridad superior eclesiastica,
hacer publica esta manifestacion
espontanea para reparar el escan-
dalo quemis actos hayan podido
causar y para que Dios y los hombres me perdonen.

Manila, 29 de Diciembre de 1896 - Jose Rizal.

Jefe del Piquete Ayudante de Plaza

Juan del Fresno Eloy Moure

Father Balaguer’s text

The second is from Father Balaguer’s text dated January 1897. The text of retraction is provided


Me declaro catolico y en esta

Religion en que naci y me eduque
quiero vivir y morir.Me retracto
de todo corazonde cuanto en mis
palabras, escri-tos, impresos y con-
Father Manuel Garcia’s Text

The third is alleged “original” text from Father Manuel Garcia dated May 18, 1935. The text is
provided below:
ON MAY 18, 1935

Me declaro catolico y en esta I declare myself a catholic and in this

Religion en que naci y me eduque Religion in which I was born and educated I wish
quiero vivir y morir. to live and die.
Me retracto de todo corazon
de cuanto en mis palabras, escri- I retract with all my heart whatever in
tos, impresos y conducta ha habi- my words, writing, publications and conduct has
do contrario a mis CUALIDADES been contrary to my character as son of the
de hijo de la Iglesia CATOLICA. Catholic Church. I believe and confess whatever
Creo y profeso cuanto ella enseña she teaches and submit to whatever she demands.
y me someto a cuanto ella manda. And as Society prohibited by the Church. The
Abomino de la Masoneria, como Diocesan Prelate may, as the Superior
enemiga que es de la Iglesia y como Ecclesiastical Authority, make public this
sociedad prohibida por la Iglesia. spontaneous manifestation of mine in order to
Puede el Prelado Diocesano, co- repair the scandal which may acts may have
mo autoridad superior eclesiastica, caused and so that God and people may pardon
hacer publica esta manifestacion me.
espontanea para reparar el escan-
dalo quemis actos hayan podido Manila 29 of December of 1896
causar y para que Dios y los hombres me Jose Rizal

Manila, 29 de Diciembre de 1896

Jose Rizal.

Jefe del Piquete Ayudante de Plaza

Juan del Fresno Eloy Moure

Letter of Josephine

According to de Viana (2013), in 1961, the Jose Rizal National Centennial Commission
published Rizal’s letters to his friends and relatives. Included among these letters was one made by
Josephine Bracken in 1897 which was a brief description of her life?

Description (sic) of my life

22nd February 1897, Monday

On the 20th of July 1896, Dr. Rizal left Dapitan for Cuba as a doctor in the army. But
unfortunately, they (the Spanish Authorities) brought him back again and shot him on the 30 th of
December 1896. Before his execution, he married me at 5 o’clock in the morning.

This in when I am 20 years old, 1896.

If Bracken, in her diary claim that Rizal married her hour before Rizal’s execution and the fact
that she even used “Rizal” as surname. Then, there could be a retraction. It is a condition of a priest
before solemnizing the marriage of Rizal and Bracken that the former (Rizal) retracted first.

Chronology of events in or Around Rizal’s Death Cell

December 30, 1896. 12:00-04:00 a.m. Rizal sleeps restfully because his confidence in the goodness of
god and the justness of his cause given him astounding serenity and unusual calmness.

December 30, 1896. 04:00-05:00 a.m. Rizal pick up Imitation of Christ, read meditate and then writes
in kemphis’ book a dedication to his wife Josephine and by this very act in itself he give to her their only
certificate of marriage.

December 30, 1896. 05:00-06:15 a.m. Rizal washes up, take breakfast, attends to his personal needs.
Write a letter to his parents. Reads Bible and meditate, Josephine is prohibited by the Spanish officers
from seeing Rizal, according to Josephine’s testimony to R. Wildman in 1899.

December 30, 1896. 06:15-07:00 a.m. Rizal walks to the place of execution between Fr. March and Fr.
Villaclara with whom he converses. Keeps looking around as if seeking or expecting someone. His last
word, said in loud voice: “It is finished”

December 30, 1896. 07:00-07:03 a.m. sounds of gun. Rizal vacillates, turn halfway around, falls down
backward and lies on the ground facing the sun. Silence. Shouts of vivas for Spain.

The account both mentioned about the retraction and marriage between Jose Rizal and Josephine
Arguments against Retraction

Statement of Baron Fernandez

Baron Fernandez, a Spanish Orphan who worked for almost half a century in two secret archive
in Madrid and Segovia. He found a thick sheaf of Rizal’s defense (unofficial defense – ADICIORES A
MI DEFENSA) which he had written before his execution in December 30, 1896. Fernandez said “I have
documents stating before he faced death, Rizal told Narcisa to look inside his shoes because he had a
secret letter there.” Ferdinand claimed that the letter contained the denial of his retraction because Rizal
knew that the friars were misleading the Filipino people (Pasigui & Cabalu, 2006)

Manoling Morato's "Expose"

Manoling Morato, a friend of Baron Fernandez, bought from Fernandez, the alleged document
containing Rizal's denial of the said retraction that took place hours before his execution. Morato said in
his "EXPOSE" that the friars forged the retraction letter and published in the CLERICO-FASCIST
newspapers at that time. Morato maintained that Rizal never retracted although friars managed to publish
a fake copy of his retraction (Pasigui & Cabalu, 2006).

Josephine Bracken Failed to Produce Marriage Contract

After Jose Rizal's death in 1896, Josephine Bracken sued the Rizal Family in order to produce the
so-called "Jose's Last Will and Testament" and even wrote Ferdinand Blumentritt asking help to claim
some properties entitled to her being the widow of Rizal. Properties included Rizal's Library valued at
3,000 pesos and some paintings of Juan Luna. The library was under the safekeeping of Jose Ma. Basa
including 1,000 pesos in cash. When Basa received the demand from Josephine and her lawyers, he only
asked Josephine's proof marriage with Jose Rizal, a marriage certificate issued by church authorities in
Manila or even a certification from the British Consul in Manila. Josephine was not able to produce the
document and so she failed to claim some properties of Rizal. (If there is no marriage then there could be
no retraction that took place before Rizal was executed, as retraction is a condition before the friars will
solemnize Jose and Josephine's wedding)

Name:_________________________________________________________ Date: ______________

Year & Section:_________________________________________ Score:______________

Task sheet No. 6

Do you think Jose Rizal made a retraction? Support your answer with primary sources (e.g
individual person, original documents, etc.) or secondary sources (article, books, manuscript, etc).

Name:_________________________________________________________ Date: ______________

Year & Section:_________________________________________ Score:______________

Task sheet No. 7

Create a table providing similarities and differences of different accounts and version of
Accounts/Version of
Chronological Events Similarities Differences
First Man to Circumnavigate the Globe


Is it Ferdinand Magellan, the commander of the expedition the first man to circle the globe? Is it
Sebastian Elcano, the one who captained the vessel "Victoria"? Or is it Enrique of Malacca also known as
"Black Henry", Magellan's Malay slave (a Visayan who was brought to Sumatra)? The three were the
prominent candidates as the first man to circle the globe. With so many accounts and different
interpretations, students of history were confused as to who really was the first? If at present, the
recognition will be through a vote, Portugal would likely to vote Magellan, Spain will choose Elcano and
Philippines will pick Enrique.
Arguments Favoring Ferdinand Magellan

Elementary grade pupil would likely to argue that it is Ferdinand Magellan who first circled the
globe for obvious reason that "how can he circle the globe when he was killed on April 27, 1521 in the
historic Battle of Mactan?”. His journey ended in the island of Cebu (halfway through the Globe) and
failed to return in Spain. However, tor historians who favor Magellan like Richie Quirino (son of Carlos
Quirino) argue that he (Magellan) has reached Moluccas and Philippines in 1511 and sneaked away from
the Portuguese fleet to reach the Philippines. His return to the Philippines in 1521 as the head of his own
expedition completed his 360-degree journey around the globe (simply by putting together his voyages
and charting these on a map) making him the "first man to circle the globe"

Arguments Favoring Sebastian Elcano (Delcano)

The popular and rational choice as the first man to circle the globe was Sebastian Elcano, the one
who commanded the expedition after Magellan's death and brought back "Victoria" the smallest ship back
to Spain. With only 18 men left of the 260 able-bodied navigators in almost three years journey, as the
captain of the vessel, He (Elcano) was recognized by King Charles I as the "first man to circle the globe".
As a reward, he was given an annual pension and coat of arms with a globe with the inscription "Primus
circumdidisti me" in English term, "to the first to circumnavigate me".

Rizal's Poem

Rizal's poem "Elcano Was a Spaniard, The First to Circumnavigate the Earth". It is clear that the
natonai hero recognized Elcano being the first to Circle the globe:

Where does that frail ship go

That proudly cruises on
And ploughs the distant seas
To seek the lands unknown
Who's the brave and invincible,
That from far down the west
Sails on the expansive world
To yonder roseate East?
Of Spain's he's a heroic son,
A Titan new Pirene
Who with fury fights against,
It it holds him, the hurricane
He's Elcano who undertakes
A task that enchants the world;
To accomplish it he vows
And its vastness him doesn't hold
And to red-tailed eagle akin
That soar high in the wind
Jose Rizal wrote this poem in 1875. He was a student at the Ateneo Municipal at that time.

Arguments Favoring Enrique of Malacca (Black Henry)

Another person included in the list is Magellan's interpreter (others regard him as Magellan's
personal slave) named Enrique of Malacca (Sumatra) also known as "Black Henry". He was called "Black
Henry" on account of his skin. Why some historians recognized Enrique as the first to circle the globe? It
is believe that Magellan captured Enrique (others say he was bought) on its 1511 expedition to the East
Indies and he later acted as worldwide interpreter on Magellan's around-the-world voyage. He spoke
Malay and Malay was the common language for trading throughout the Southeast Asia that time. He
(Enrique) had been with Magellan from Asia to Europe before joining in the voyage across Atlantic and
Pacific, so by the time the expedition reached Southeast Asia, he was few miles away of nearly circling
the globe. Enrique was believed to have returned to Malacca after the Battle of Mactan, after allegedly
collaborating with Raja Humabon who killed some members of the crew of the three ships to earn his
freedom and free access to his homeland. If it is true that he successfully returned to his homeland, then
Enrique should be credited as the "first man to Circle the globe.”

Carlos Quirino claimed that Enrique's ability to communicate with the Visayans, he must have
been speaking the dialect of the natives and therefore he must have been from Cebu. His birthplace,
according to Quirino, was in Carcar, Cebu.
Name:_________________________________________________________ Date: ______________

Year & Section:_________________________________________ Score:______________

Task sheet No. 8

Who do you think is the first man to circle the globe? Support your answer with primary sources
(e.g. individual persons, original documents, etc.) or secondary sources (articles, books, manuscripts,


Name:_________________________________________________________ Date: ______________

Year & Section:_________________________________________ Score:______________

Task sheet No. 9

Create a table providing similarities and differences of various accounts and version of first man
to circle the globe.
Accounts/Version of
Chronological Events Similarities Differences

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