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I m a g in e N at io n s

Z a mb i a Por t a l
A wo r l d o f O p p o r tu n i ty aw a i ts Opportunities Brochure
yo u .

E nvi si o n
E m p owe r

S i g n u p To d ay!

R e g i str a ti o n i s co m p l e te l y f re e .

Under creative commons by vandalog (flickr)

I m a g in eN a ti on s Z a mb i a Po r t a l: Th e S u p p o r t fo r You r I de a s!

What is the ImagineNations Network? Because getting an education of micro-firms (94 % of total firms) provid-
ing 68 % of the employment in the country.
The ImagineNations Network (INN) is a web isn’t enough The rest of the private sector consists of
portal that allows young individuals like you
Did you know that more than 2.9 million small firms (5 % total firms) and medium and
to connect with people who can create op-
Zambians who have completed formal large firms (0.4 % and 0.06 % respectively).
portunities for you.
education are currently out of employ- Most of the micro and small firms are based
Through this professional networking ment? in agriculture and mining—however, we
website, you will be able to connect with hope to make full use of the human capital
According to the International Labor Organi-
businessmen, lenders, entrepreneurs, ven- that Zambia has to offer and expand to
zation, the youth employment rate (age 15-
ture capitalists, academics and your peers. other sectors such as:
24) lingers below 47% and has not increased
significantly since 1997 even though the  Technology
economy has generally improved
 Design
AT INN, we understand that you’re ambi-
tious and that you have worked hard to re-  Marketing
ceive your education. But we don’t want you
to stop there. INN provides you with  Sales
that extra mile you need to get results
 Finance
from your education.
Source: International Institute for …. And many more!
Communication and Development

Small and Medium Enterprise

In a country like Zambia, it is hard to get
your idea started. Most of the time, the only
(SME) Development
thing missing is the correct support system. In many ways, INN is a melting pot of
INN will provide you that support system by ideas where you can formulate your own
connecting you with passionate, like minded unique business plan and make it viable.
individuals who are willing to help.
In fact, this is the future of Zambia. The SME
sector provides the greatest promise to Source: International Institute for
solve the unemployment problem. Communication and Development

The Zambian private sector consists largely

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