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Dear Parent,
➢ It’s already known that Telangana Government has taken a decision in
favour of conducting online classes for NUR to X effective from 1st September
as a part of
e- learning & distance education.

➢ To establish our online session more methodical & serious for a formal classroom
environment, we’ve framed few guidelines to be followed by every focused learner.

1) Be punctual. Join the class on time and sustain with the same level of concentration
without any interruptions till the end, which gives you good results.

2) To facilitate easy monitoring of the attendance by the concerned staff, every student
has to login with the branch code in capital letters. (Given to you in the early days)
followed by your name. Eg: HASTHINAPURAM : HSPR

3) If you ignore this, you’ll no more be able to continue in the session for that day as the
host may remove you, considering you as a stranger. Same is applicable if any
unwanted characters are noticed in your name like emojis, symbols etc

4) We expect to see you in uniform dress code as the learner’s environment plays a key
role in making the things work. For new admissions make sure that you are dressed
with equivalent dignity.
5) Work would be fruitful only if your attention merges with our effort. This could be
easily understood when you turn on your videos. So mark it firmly that you should
turn on your videos as you join the class.

6) Be attentive in using the camera. your screen presence makes a lot of difference in
the session. Face it towards you and avoid capturing unnecessary things around you.

7) All the students must attend the Online sessions regularly. The same is being noted
in our school records officially for future reference. Your performance in the online
tests reflects your attendance and attention.

8) Maintain 2 note books, one as running notes and the other one for submitting home
work allotted.

➢ We fervently hope for unstinted support from you with the same enthusiasm as before
to keep ourselves closer to the reality.



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