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By: Giovanina Bohorquez

Jansen Quiceno R.

Our Human resources policy

Gabriel Jaime Toro.

JULIO 28 DE 2017

The success of our this company in attracting, stimulate and to

develop employees capable of seating our growth on a constant
base. It is an important responsibility for all the members of the
company. Chocotrufas's politics consists of contracting
collaborators provided with an energetic personality and with
professional aptitudes who allow them to develop a long-term
relation with the Company. For us it is very important the
potential of professional development because it is an essential
criterion in the moment of the contracting.
Every new collaborator who enters Chocotrufas turns into a
member of right plenary session of a culture of company, which
implies a commitment opposite to laOrganización, as well as a
constantevoluntad of improvement that does not give place to any
autosatisfaction. It is the motive for the one that, having in counts
the importance of Chocotrufas's values, one will pay particular
attention to the adequacy between the qualities of a candidate and
the values of the Company.
This beginning and values must be reported clearly from the
beginning of the recruitment. In addition, for the positions of
direction, it will be indispensable to possess specific qualities of
leadership and a sharp sense of the business. Though the
employment of specific means they could improve the process of
recruitment, the decision to contract or not to a candidate
incumbe to the competent person in charge represented by the
equipment of human resources. This decision cannot be taken, in
any case, by an external consultant to the Company


Respect and confidence are two conditions before a good labor

relation. Any form of intolerance, of harassment or of
discrimination will be considered to be the expression of an
elementary lack of respect and will not be tolerated. This
beginning must be applied to all the levels and in any

circumstance without any exception.
To it is added an opened communication destined to share the
aptitudes of each one and to stimulating the creativity. This is
pertinent in a horizontal structure in the one that suits to transmit
systematicly all the information those who need them to effect
his work correctly. Without it, it is impossible to delegate
effectively tasks or to extend knowledge.
In case of disagreement between an employee and his Superior or
between an employee and one of his colleagues, everyone must
be able to be listened in an equitable way and under the regular
conduit. The equipment of human resources will watch for that a
disagreement is treated by impartiality and that every part could
explain his point of view, anyone that should be his hierarchic


Chocotrufas favours competitive, motivating and equitable

structures of remuneration, proposing attractive conditions of
remuneration. The remuneration includes the salary, the variable
part of the remuneration and the social advantages, the
presentations of retirement and other components.
The variable part of the remuneration can be more raised in the
managerial positions. It is linked to the attainment of aims by an
equipment, a person, a company or a group. The higher it is the
level of remuneration, major is the variable part. Nevertheless,
for very importantly that is the remuneration will not be
sufficient for yes alone to stimulate the motivation of an
equipment. The competent person in human resources must
insure that the politics of remuneration is applied equitably in the
whole Company and that it expires with the beginning
established by this one.


Every employee is responsible for his own personal development.

Nevertheless, the Company strains for offering the possibility of
progressing to all those that are decided and that have the
necessary potential to develop his aptitudes. The promotions are
granted only depending on the aptitude, the experience, the
results and the potential of the employee, independently of his
origin, of his race, of his nationality, of his sex, of his religion or
of his age.
Such opportunities must bear in mind the potential of every
employee and be discussed by total transparency and without
false expectations. They must be concrete and to center in the

next stage of the career instead of resting on vague promises or
hypothesis. Chocotrufas encourages his employees in order that
they express his aims and hopes, supporting with them an opened
A formal evaluation must be carried out regularly, of preference
once a year. His aim is to comment on the obtained results and
the future possibilities, as well as other aspects relative to the
work of the employee, between them, his aptitudes. The positive
and negative aspects of the obtained results must be raised
openly. His evaluation must be based on facts and not on
subjective aspects. For the positions of direction, the evaluation
will refer essentially to the before certain aims and at the level of
his fulfillment. It is a duty of every person in charge to handle
effectively the result and the attainment of the predetermined
In case of insufficient persistent results, Chocotrufas will have to
consider the possibility of a dismissal. East will be carried out by
the whole respect due to the person and will have to contemplate,
in his case, the indemnifications of end of employment that bear
his personal situation in mind.


In the moment of the evaluation of the potential, the obtained

results constitute the best indicator of talent. Consequently, it is
necessary to trust all that is possible responsibilities to the
employees in order whom they could do his tests. The candidates
for the positions of direction will have to have demonstrated
clearly his will and aptitude to apply the beginning of
management and Chocotrufas's leadership.
The indicators of key own results to the human resources, are
useful for the evaluation of the results of a unit of human
resources. Nevertheless, it suits to stress that the work of the
latter consists of optimizing first the global results of the
Company, improving also the presentations of his personnel. The
human capital becomes, with all evidence, increasingly important
and, therefore, the human resources play a role essentially in the
conception and the putting in work of strategies of human
resources that have an impact on the financial results, as well as
on the reputation and the efficiency of the company in general.


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