Kinds of Phrases: He Works Very Slowly

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UNIT II The Apprentices Period

Lesson 1 Phrases

Phrase is a group of words without a subject or a predicate.

Kinds of phrases
1.Noun Phrase – it is one or more words which give information about a noun.

Example: The fresh fiber fruits are sold in the supermarket.

2. Adverbial Phrase – modifies the verb or the adjective and works as an adverb in the sentence.


The horse runs at a good speed.

I was in a hurry then.

I ran as fast as possible.

He works very slowly.

3. Prepositional Phrase – a prepositional phrase always begins with a preposition and connects noun.


 He sacrificed his life for the sake of his country.

 In the end, we all have to die.
 In spite of working hard, he was insulted by his boss.

4. Appositive phrase – it renames or re-identifies a noun.


 My sister Jane is 27 years old. (Jane renames sister)

 Ethan, a stage play actor, won the ‘‘Best Male Performer of the year’ award

5. Participial phrase – consist of a participle and its modifiers and complements. It functions as an
adjective to modify a noun or a pronoun.


 The students, laughing boisterously, are reprimanded.

 The men, leaning against the wall, are my brothers.
 Fill with an ink, the pentel pen will write for a long time.
 Driving along the narrow road, Elaine tries to move slowly.
6. Gerund phrase - It is an -ing form of a verb which acts as a noun.


 Joining different school clubs is a good activity.

 My favorite activity is joining different school clubs.

7. Infinitive phrase – it consists of the basic form of the verb and preceded by the word to. An
infinitive phrase may be used as noun, an adjective, or an adverb.


To play chess is his past time. (noun)

His decision to participate in the chess competition, is unbelievable. (adjective)

He came back home to play basketball. (adverb)

Exercise 1

Identify the type of the underlined phrase used in each sentence.

____________1. Our classmates start researching the effects of climate change.

____________2. Most teachers complain with loud voices.

____________3. I borrowed a book full of information about the power of knowledge

____________4. Miss Angela, one of the best teachers, explained the lesson well.

____________5. With the articles in my hand, I can easily write my speech.

____________6. His goal, to become a superstar, is achieved.

____________7. The seniors, participating actively in the project, were highly appreciated.

____________8. The green leafy vegetables should be eaten by children.

____________9. My recent school project is due on October 7.

____________10. We are experiencing the effects of heavy traffic.

Exercise 2

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate phrases. Use the kind of phrases in the parenthesis as your guide.

1. ____________ was impossible. (infinitive phrase)

2. ____________ can be done in our school. (noun phrase)

3. ____________The children hide (Prepositional phrase)

4. He ____________ when the principal called him. (verb phrase)

5. My friend, ____________ received the “Athlete of the Year” award. (appositive phrase)

6. ____________ is one our family summer activities. (gerundial phrase)

7. My favorite leisure time is ____________ (gerund phrase)

8. The first-year students, ____________ were reprimanded by the class adviser.

9. Our school is ____________ (adjectival clause)

10. His parents will be back ____________ adverbial phrase.

Exercise 3

Construct five sentences about your dreams after schooling. Use different kinds of phrases.





Clause - is a group of word that has its own subject and predicate.

A clause may or may not express a complete thought.

Two Kinds of Clauses

1. Independent Clause – it is a clause that can stand on its own and can express a complete idea.


1. We must appreciate poetry as a form of literature.

2. Poetry express man’s emotions and feelings.

2. Dependent Clause – it is a clause that needs an independent clause to complete its meaning. It is
also known as subordinate clause.


1. If a person understood the message of the poem

2. Because poetry is the best source of figurative languages.

Exercise 1

Identify each sentence below as an independent clause or a dependent clause.

1. If you give me a reason. ____________

2. After months of research. _______________

3. I enjoy ice cream. ____________

4. John hit the baseball.

5. Whoever shows up on time. ____________

6. What makes you happy. ____________

7. whomever you like. _____________

8. The poet received many awards. ____________

9. when the president arrives. _____________

10. My professor is intelligent. _____________

Exercise 2

In each sentence, underline once the independent clause/s and underline twice the dependent clause/s.

1. When Ana recited the poem, she was requested to join the poetry reading contest.

2. Joseph is confident that boxing exercise can burn calories.

3. After Erwin helps his mother, he immediately goes to the school.

4. She spends three four hours before she leaves the office.

5. Though Ana is tired and weary she still follows her daily activities.

6. her sister, who always support her, prepare nutritious and healthy foods.

7. Andy must follow the instructions of the doctor if he wants to be healthy.

8. Fruits and vegetable, that are fresh, are always parts of balanced and meals.

9. She has to drink non-fat milk, but she doesn’t want cream.

10. The father plans for a grand vacation when he receives the company’s promotion.

Exercise 3

Give the meaning of the following words. Write a phrase and a clause on the given words.

1. Mercy

Meaning: _____________________________________________________________________

Phrase: _______________________________________________________________________

Clause: ______________________________________________________________

2. Gambling

Meaning: _____________________________________________________________________
Phrase: _______________________________________________________________________

Clause: ______________________________________________________________

3. Introvert

Meaning: _____________________________________________________________________

Phrase: _______________________________________________________________________

Clause: ______________________________________________________________

4. gorgeous

Meaning: _____________________________________________________________________

Phrase: _______________________________________________________________________

Clause: __________________________________________________________________

5. poverty

Meaning: _____________________________________________________________________

Phrase: _______________________________________________________________________

Clause: __________________________________________________________________

3 Classification of Clause

1. Noun Clause – A noun clause is a subordinate clause used as a noun in the sentence. A noun clause
may be used as a subject or direct object of the verb, as a predicate noun, as object of the preposition,
or as an appositive.


 I know what the answer is.

 What I had in mind gave me an interesting idea.
 Whoever defines poetry has a brilliant mind.
 The poet wonder if they can make clear understanding of poetry.
2. Adverbial Clause – it functions as an adverb. It gives information about time, place, cause, purpose,
condition and concession.


 Although poetry comes in stanzas, it gives the poem rhythm.

 You can decipher the meaning of poetry if you determine the significant relationships of
figurative language.

3. Adjective Clause – An adjective clause is a subordinate clause used to modify a noun or a pronoun
in the main clause. It may be introduced by the pronouns who, whose, whom, which, or that (and
sometimes when or where). These pronouns are called relative pronouns because they relate to a noun
or a pronoun in the sentence


 Is she the girl whom you met at the party? (whom relates to girl)
 This is a book that I like. (that relates to book)
 This is a book I like. (that is implied)
 This is a house where Washington slept. (where relates to house)

Exercise 1

Identifying Noun Clauses. Underline the noun clause in each sentence.

1. Do you know who is the governor of Ohio?

2. Susan thinks that she will get the job at Martin's Store.

3. Whoever phoned us didn't let the phone ring long enough.

4. Andy promised that he'd be on time for the party.

5. Whether or not she should go camping worried Jane.

6. Mr. Sims mentioned that he'd be late for the meeting.

7. Whoever sent us this letter should have signed his or her name.

8. Who your ancestors were makes no difference to me.

9. Mr. Barnes swore that he would tell the truth.

10. That anyone else could be doing the same experiments never occurred to him.

Exercise 2

Underline the adverb clause in each of the following sentences below.

1. Unless he comes early, I will not wait all day for him.

2. Whenever they arrive, I will be waiting for them.

3. When she comes, make sure to tell her the good news.

4. As if she knew, she will be surprised.

5. While he waits, let’s go and get a hamburger.

6. After the show, we will go get some ice cream.

7. Although they are early, they will still have to wait in line.

8. If they win, they will have won three straight championships.

9. I think of you whenever I hear that song.

10. Two people called while you were sleeping.

Exercise 3

Underline the adjective clause in each of the following sentences below. Circle the word it modifies.

1. Mike, whose ancestors came from Ireland, marched in the St. Patrick's Day parade.

2. The woman who lives next door is a registered nurse.

3. Williamsburg, Virginia, is a place that I'd like to visit.

4. Math, which is Dave's favorite subject, has always been easy for him.

5. There is the house that I'd like to buy.

6. Larry's letter, which he mailed Tuesday, reached me on Thursday.

7. Summer, which is my favorite season, will be here in another week.

8. Phil is reading The Call of the Wild, which is Jack London's most famous book.
9. We live just twenty miles from O'Hare Airport, which is the world's busiest airport.

10. Newton, Iowa, is the town where Barbara was born.

1. That is the lady whose principle I admire.

2. I want a visit a place where flowers abound.

3. Banana is the fruit that makes you become energetic

4. Chico is the boy whom everybody admires.

5. This is the historical place that tourists love to see.

Exercise 4

Construct five sentences with independent clause.






Lesson 2 Parts of a Sentence

Sentence - a sentence is a group of words that gives a complete thought.

Examples: Everyone is concerned about keeping friends.

Subject - is the person or thing talked. It is either a noun or a pronoun

Predicate - tells what the subject does. It is either a noun or a pronoun.

Complete subject Simple subject Complete predicate Simple predicate

1. The children in school Children play in the yard Play
2. Several girls Girls enjoy the swing Enjoy
3. Many boys Boys stay in the court Stay
4. The teachers teachers watched their students watched
5. The weather weather was very good was

The complete subject is made up of a simple subject and its surrounding expressions.

The complete predicate is made up of a simple predicate and its surrounding expressions.

Exercise 1

Read each group of words. Tell whether it expresses a complete thought or not. Write S before the
number if it is a sentence, and F if it is not.

______ 1. scared our first exam

______ 2. The approachable guidance counselor

______ 3. Some suggested solutions to the problem

______ 4. Is too shy to attend youth group activities.

______ 5. I’m not talented enough

______ 6. Mother is a sunrise person

______ 7. My understanding parents

______ 8. Worries about small things

______9. Is bothered about her friend’s remarks

______10. Loses her temper and shouts

Exercise 2

Put a circle on the blank before the word that may be used as a subject. Put a check if it is a

_______1. students _______4. played

_______2. men _______5. vendor

_______3. studied _______6. walked

_______7. babies _______9. moon

_______8. leaf _______10. climbed

Exercise 3.

Construct sentences out of each word group below. Write the sentence with capitalization and
punctuation marks.

1. every Monday

Is observed

Mother’s Day of December

In the Philippines



2. on May 9, 1906

Started it

Anna Jarvis

In Philadelphia, USA


3. of her departed mother

to perpetuate the memory

she began a campaign



4. by many countries

Was adopted worldwide

The idea


5. Filipinos

by taking care

show love and respect

for their aged parents



Exercise 4

Draw a bar (/) to separate the complete subject from the complete predicate. Underline the simple
subject and the simple predicate.

1. Many of our folktales tell of fierce monsters.

2. The ‘‘aswang’’ is one of them.

3. The “kapre” lives on a tall tree.

4. According to folktales, garlic, drives the ‘‘aswang’’ away.

5. The sound of a blessed bell drives away the “kapre.”

6. A strong mind overcomes fear of these monsters.

7. These monsters are only creatures of imagination.

8. They do not really exist.

9. Our forefathers used them only as a warming to their children.

10. Their stories live on to this day.

Exercise 5
Supply a complete subject to each of the following predicates. Circle the simple subject and the simple

1. ____________ has many scenic places

2. ____________ is cool and fresh.

3. ____________ make our forest rich.

4. ____________ take care of our scenic spots.

5. ____________ gleam through the leaves.

Supply a complete predicate to each of the following subjects. Circle the simple subject and the simple
6. The weather, conducive to such activities. __________
7. the crowded beach. __________
8. A group of children. __________
9. Men and women in colorful swimming attire. __________
10. At night the deserted beach. __________

Lesson 3 Verb Complementation

A verb complement is a direct or indirect object of a verb.

A verb can be described as transitive or intransitive based on whether it requires an object to express a

complete thought or not.

A transitive verb is a verb that requires an object to receive the action. 

 He sent the letter. (letter = direct object of sent)
 She gave  the lecture. (lecture = direct object of gave)
 Granny left Raoul all her money.

In that sentence "money" [the direct object] and "Raoul" [the indirect object] are said to be the verb
complements of this sentence.)

An object is the part of a sentence that gives meaning to the subject’s action of the verb.


 Alice caught the baseball.

In that sentence Subject=Alice Verb=caught Object=baseball

An intransitive verb does not take an object.


She sleeps too much.

He complains frequently.
In these sentences, nothing receives the action of the verbs sleep and complain.

Many verbs can be either transitive or intransitive.


 She sings every day. (no object = intransitive)

 She sings rock 'n' roll tunes. (rock 'n' roll tunes receives the action of sings = transitive

A direct object is the receiver of action within a sentence.


 They named their daughter Natasha.

In that sentence, "daughter" is the direct object and "Natasha" is the object complement, which renames
or describes the direct object.

An indirect object answers the question of to whom, for whom, or for what.

 Max pitched Alice the baseball.

In that sentence Max (subject) pitched (verb) the baseball (direct object) to whom? He pitched it to Alice.
Alice is the indirect object.

Exercise 1

Identify the underline verb if it is transitive or intransitive.

1. When he arrived, nobody was there to greet him.

2. I bought a bicycle so I can go to school faster.
3. The boy laughed so much that milk came out of his nose.
4. He reads books to help him fall asleep.
5. Jim is sleeping so don’t be so loud.
6. When I lie down, I like to sleep on my back.
7. In order to catch up in class, she wrote an essay.
8. The man sneezed so hard that he fell from his chair.
9. She sat down patiently waiting for her homework.
10. For about an hour, they passed the ball back and forth.

Exercise 2
Identify the verb and box the direct object
1. When he arrived, nobody was there to greet him. ___________
2. I bought a bicycle, so I can go to school faster. ___________
3. The boy laughed so much that milk came out of his nose. ___________
4. He reads books to help him fall asleep. ___________
5. Jim is sleeping so don’t be so loud. ___________
6. When I lie down, I like to sleep on my back. ___________
7. In order to catch up in class, she wrote an essay. ___________
8. The man sneezed so hard that he fell from his chair. ___________
9. She sat down patiently waiting for her homework. ___________
10. For about an hour, they passed the ball back and forth. ___________

Exercise 3

Underline the direct objects once and underline the indirect objects twice.

1. The students asked the teacher many questions

2. The baby needs a nap.

3. We ate steak for dinner.

4. The teacher gave us an assignment.

5. Can you send me a letter?

6. She gives violin lessons to Jacob.

7. Everyone loves candy.

8. I brought a balloon to Diane.

9. Snow and ice covered the streets.

10. We ate steak for dinner.

Lesson 4 Noun Complementation

Noun complements explain what that idea relates to.


I like the thought of kittens sneezing.

In this case, thought  is an abstract noun complemented by the phrase of kittens sneezing. Combined, the
noun and complement make one complete, grammatical idea; a single thought (of kittens sneezing)

Appositive is a noun or a noun phrase that sits next to another noun to rename it or to describe it in
another way.


Appositives are usually offset with commas.

 Dexter, my dog, will chew your shoes if you leave them there.
 Lee, my Army mate, caught a whelk while fishing for bass.
 Dr. Pat, the creator of the turnip brew, sold 8 barrels on the first day.

A predicate noun or nominative is a noun or noun phrase that provides more information about the
subject of the sentence.


 Lisa is my mother.
In the sentence “Lisa” is the subject. The linking verb “is” connects the predicate noun, “my mother,” to
the subject. “My mother” is the predicate noun.

 Susan is your niece.

In the sentence “Susan” is the subject. The linking verb “is” connects the predicate noun, “your niece,” to
the subject. “My mother” is the predicate noun.

Predicate adjective A predicate adjective is an adjective that follows a linking verb and modifies (i.e.,

describes) the subject of the linking verb. It describes or modifies the subject of a sentence. 


The shoes look expensive.

In that sentence “shoes’’ is the subject ‘‘look” is the linking verb and “expensive” is a predicate adjective

Below are some examples of predicate adjectives. In these examples, the predicate adjective is
underlined and the subject being modified is in bold.

 Lee seems drunk.
(The linking verb is "seems.")
 Everything is funny as long as it is happening to somebody else.
(The linking verb is "is.")
 If you look good, you don't need a purpose in life.
(The linking verb is "look.")

Underline the predicate adjectives and predicate nominative in the following sentences. Then write PN for
predicate nominative or PA for predicate adjective.

1. This is a fine restaurant.

2. The Marliave Ristorante has always been my favorite one.
3. The prices at the Marliave seem reasonable and affordable.
4. The chefs are Esther DE Falco and her brother.
5. Their recipes are traditional.
6. The ingredients smell and taste fresh.
7. The pasta in their lasagna is homemade and light.
8. "Be careful when rolling out the pasta dough," Esther says.
9. "The lasagna pasta must be paper-thin," Vinicio points out.
10. For the De Falco’s, the making of pasta remains an art

Write a complement that will complete the sentence. Be guide the words inside the parenthesis.
1. Your friend ___________________is in trouble. (appositive)

2. Ramonita is____________ (Predicate adjective)

3. The popular US ____________ John Kennedy was known for his eloquent and inspirational speeches.

4. That garbage on the street smells ___________. (Predicate adjective)

5. J. K. Rowling is an excellent ___________. (Predicate noun)

6. The best chair is the___________. (predicate noun)

7. My childhood friend, __________, loved music. (appositive)

8. The music sounds _____________.(Predicate adjective)

9. The homework proves ___________ for her. (Predicate adjective)

10. Ryan was a _____________. (Predicate noun)

Lesson 5 Kinds of sentence According to Structure

Four kinds of sentence according to structure

1. Simple sentence – it is composed of one independent clause. It has a subject and a verb.
1. The grade 7 students research a topic on gender fair.
2. Christian and Alex read their research work.
3. Raven and Ethan walked together and enjoyed the park.

2. Compound sentence – it has two or more independent clauses connected by and, or, but, so, nor,
for, or a conjunctive adverb moreover, furthermore, nevertheless, consequently, however or punctuation
marks, colon or semi colon.
1. Ricky gave Pamela fresh flowers to show his love; however.
Pamela threw them in the waste basket.

3. Complex sentence – it consists of two or more subordinate clauses and one or two independent
Example: Though she was poor, she succeeded in life because she was hardworking.

4. Compound complex sentence – It consist of two or more independent clauses and one or more
subordinate clause.
1. When the weather gets cold in December, father lights a fire in the fireplace and mother prepares hot

Exercise 1
Identify what kind of sentence according to structure are the following sentences below. Write S for
simple sentence, Write C for compound sentence, CX for complex sentence and CC for compound-
complex sentence.

____________1. Although I am 60 years old now, I still claim to be 50.

____________2. Aileen Loves singing.
____________3. After a long examination, we decided to take rest.
____________4. the grade 7 students were exhausted, but they still arrived in time for the school
____________5. After Ronnie noticed the error, the teacher has checked the paper and she recorded it
____________6. After they went to the library, Elaine and Princess played chess.
____________7. Ana draws and colors cartoon characters.
____________8. My Friend knew we were planning something, after everything has been settled, but we
think he has really surprised.
____________9. They keep in constant contact with us through Skype although they are in the United
____________10. Vivian likes travelling.

Exercise 2
Join each pair of sentences by using and, but and or
1. Visitors go to Bohol for peace and quiet. They like to experience the genuine Filipino culture.
2. Bohol is often visited by local and foreign tourists. It guarded itself from the onslaught of
commercialism. _____________________________________________________________________
3. Bohol has retained the charms of the Philippines past. It has preserved its historical culture.
4. Bohol is also known for its historic churches. The place is noted for its ancestral house.
5. The place has festive atmosphere. The site remains quiet and calm.
6. Some people see Bohol for its old churches. Others look for tarsiers.
7. There are many reasons to go to Bohol. Beaching is half of the reason.
8. Bohol offers genuine Philippine culture. The European connections persist in Bohol.

9. Tourists are greeted by the bronze statue of Blood Compact. They are welcomed by the oldest resorts
in Panglao. _____________________________________________________________________
10. Don’t forget to visit Bohol. You may regret not seeing its various attractions.

Exercise 3
Write five (5) compound sentences about your sister or brother and five (5) complex sentences about
your parents.
Compound sentences
Complex sentences

Lesson 6 Sentence According to Use

Sentence – a sentence is a group of words that expresses complete thoughts. It has two parts: the
subject and the predicate.

Four kinds of sentence according to functions

1. Declarative sentence – it states a fact and an idea. It ends with a period. A sentence that is


1. The family is the basic unit of a society.

2. The family where you belong is a God-given gift to you.

2. Interrogative sentence – it asks a question. It ends with a question mark.

Example: Do you have a loving and happy family relationship?

3. Exclamatory sentence – it shows strong emotions and expresses a feeling. It ends with exclamation


1. How exciting it is to belong in a loving and happy family!

2. Oh! It is wonderful to belong in a loving family and happy family.

4. Imperative sentence – it gives order or directions. It ends with a period. Exclamation mark is
sometimes is used. The subject is always ‘‘you.’’

1. Be responsible in doing your role.

2. Enrich your life with good and positive thoughts.

Exercise 1

Tell whether sentence in each item below is declarative, interrogative, imperative, or exclamatory. Write
your answer on the blank before the number.

_____________1. What cause global warming?

_____________2. He knows how to a fly a plane.

_____________3. Conserve water.

_____________4. The mayor encouraged the people to segregate their wastes.

_____________5. Stop illegal logging!

_____________6. Floods are caused by unrestrained development.

_____________7. Where should we dispose our hazardous wastes?

_____________8. Please help disseminate the information.

_____________9. Sugarcane can be alternative source of energy.

_____________10. Everyone has the responsibility to take care of Mother Nature.

Exercise 2

Copy the sentence as to what kind of sentence according to function it belongs in the corresponding
chart below.

1. Do your sister play piano?

2. My brothers are watching basketball games.

3. The girls are watering the plants.

4. Her mother cooks delicious food.

5. The children love their parents.

6. Go to your room.

7. Obey your parents.

8. At last! He is back.

9. The family goes to church every Sunday.

10. How did you plants your trees?

Declarative Interrogative Imperative Exclamatory


Exercise 3

Construct two (2) sentences for each kind of sentence according to function.

1. Declarative



2. Interrogative



3. Exclamatory



4. Imperative



Kernel sentences or kernels are also in the active form. This means that the subject of such sentences
is the doer of the presented action.


 It is a red pen

That sentence is made up of two kernel sentences: “It is a pen” and “The pen is red”.

 The hanging bridge is scary

That sentence is made from two kernel sentences or two ideas:

1. The bridge is hanging.

2. The bridge is scary.

 Good games are short.

That sentence made from two kernel sentences or ideas.

1. Games are short.

2. The games are good.



4 Features of Kernel Sentence

1. kernel sentence a sentence reduced to its simplest form.
2. Kernel sentence is simple, active and declarative sentence.
3. Kernel sentence is the simplest form of a sentence. It conveys only one idea.
4. Kernel sentence is in the active voice. The subject comes first in the sentence structure.
5. Kernel sentence is a declarative sentence which ends in a period.

Exercise 1
Identify if the sentence is KERNEL or NOT. Write K if the sentence is KERNEL and N if NON-KERNEL.
1.Tea is a healthy drink.
2.The beautiful lady wears black dress.
3. She loves chocolate.
4.This is a yellow bag.
5. I like him.
6. Success is not perfection.
7.This Italian spaghetti tastes good.
8. She wants hotdog.
9. The lady in red crossed the street.
10.The vendor sells eggplant.

Exercise 2
Study the longer sentences below. Write the sentences could be formed out of this sentence.
1. Success is an endeavor, freedom from unwanted habit, harmony in.
2. Human relations, perfection and health in mind and body.

Exercise 3
To form the meaningful sentences match column A with column B.

Column A Column B
1. Short stories a. relive tired spirits because of humor
2. On difficult days, stories, b. makes you feel good
3. Alejandro Roces c. has made me to laugh and laugh
4. Such a story d. make leisure time relaxing
5. Story we Filipinos are mild drinkers e. use I, we, and my.
6. Stories like we Filipinos are mild drinkers f. uses the first person point of view
7. The narrator in the story g. did a good job in creating a story like

8. The humor infused in the story h. are all we need

9. The employment of the first person point of i. serve a purpose
10. Indulging yourself in a productive activity J. depicts the filipinos brand of friendship and
Lesson 8 Embedded question

 Embedded question are questions that are inside other sentences. With embedded I questions, you
need to put the subject before the verb.


1. I was wondering if it's going to rain tomorrow.

(The embedded question is: Is it going to rain tomorrow?)

2. I suppose you don't know if they are coming.

(The embedded question is: Do you know if they are coming?)

Question Embedded Question

Who is your teacher? Could you tell me who your teacher is?
What time is it? Do you know what time it is?
When is Jim going home? I don't know when Jim is going home.

Exercise 1

Change the following questions to embedded questions

1. Where is the toilet?

Can you tell me _________________________________

2. When will we get there?

Do you happen to know ________________________________________

3. What time is the train leaving?

Could you let me know _________________________________________

4. How much money does he earn?

Do you know __________________________________________________

5. Is there any more cake?

Can I ask you __________________________________________________

6. What does he do for a living?

He told me __________________________________________________

7. Who is she?

I found out __________________________________________________

8. Are there any biscuits left?

Do you think she will tell me ___________________________________

9. Can I use my phone here?

I don’t know __________________________________________________

10. What time is their flight?

I can’t tell you __________________________________________________

Lesson 1 The Contemporary Period
A . Using Imperative When Giving Instructions
Imperatives express or give command. They are formed by using the simple form of the verb.
Examples of verbs used as imperatives:
pray eat run
think digest jump
kneel sleep walk
In imperative sentences, you can use simple form of the verb alone, without directly stating
the subject. It is understood that the subject being referred to is You.
Stop. (You stop)
Listen. (You listen)

B. Using prepositions when giving instructions or Directions.

Prepositions used for giving directions or instructions.


Walk down Turn left

Go down Turn right

Walk up Head down
Go up Head up
Walk along Make a left turn
Go along Make a right turn
Go straight Turn to the corner

Walk straight Go around the corner

C. Giving and Following Directions in Locating A Place
A map is an important aid in locating a place. If you can read a map, it will be easy for you to go from
one place to another though you are not familiar with it.
With the use of map, you can also learn the place and be able to give direction correctly by yourself.

There are important points that you need to remember in giving directions. These are he use of
sentences (request or command):
1. the use of sequences words, like first, the, and finally;
2. the use of exact words or expressions and proper preparations like beside, straight ahead, turn left,
turn right, in front of, and others.

Exercise 1
Using the illustration answer the following question in a complete sentence.

Grade V Grade IV Grade III Grade 11 Graden 1 KINDER LIBRARY

Guidance office

Gate Basketball stage Faculty

court room


Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 Principal


1. Where we can find the room of Kindergarten?

2. What is the room on the right side of the Principal office?
3. What is the first room on the left side when you enter the school?
4. What is in between the stage and the playground?
5. Where can we find the Guidance office?
6. Where can we find the school office?
7. Where is the canteen located?

Exercise 2
Circle the imperative word in the following sentences.
1. you look for the lost ring.
2. bring the book here.
3. please give me a glass of water
4. kindly cook our meal tonight.
5. sweep the floor
6. eat the dinner
7. find my leather jacket
8. clean my room
9. go to the doctor
10. wash your hands

Exercise 3
Use the following preposition in your own sentences. Be sure to use this Prepositions in giving
instructions or directions clearly.
1. Go down
2. turn to the corner3. walk straight
4. head down
5. make a right turn

Lesson 2 Using verbs when giving and making explanations/Phrasal Verbs

Giving information can be delivered explicitly and implicitly through the use of phrasal verbs. Phrasal
verbs contain verbs and preposition.


Verbs Meaning Examples

look for search/seek He is looking for his keys

look up to have a great deal of respect for a His father is his model. He is
person the person he looks up to.
look forward to await eagerly/anticipate with She is looking forward to
pleasure visiting Paris.

hang up Put something on hook or receiver She hung up the phone

before she hung up her

find out Discover My sister find out that her

husband had been planning a
surprise party for her.

fill up Fill to capacity She filled up the grocery cart

with free food.

give away Give something to someone else for The filling station was giving
free away free

hand in Submit something (assignment) The students handed in their


and left the room.

Exercise 1

Read and underline the verb phrases in each sentence

1. Sorry, I wasn’t able to answer your call. Please call back after fifteen minutes.

2. Our student leaders call off the meaning.

3. Kindly fill in the space with the correct words.

4. The pilot said that we can get off the plane now.

5. You have to be in a hurry. Get on the buss immediately or else you might be late.

6. Thanks for your call. I have to hang up now because I still have a meeting

7. Our teachers put off the schedule of exams due to the typhoon.

8. Children should through away their candy wrappers in the waste can.

9. Turn off the lights when not in use in order to save electricity.

10. Turn on the electric fan carefully.

Exercise 2
Choose the phrasal verb that would best fit each sentence. Select from the choices.

Hung up came to catch on eat out put on

Talk over get by turn down find out show up

1. He tried to ___________his jacket before his tie was tied. family was able to ____________ on very little money when I was young.
3. The detective vowed to _____________ who the murderer was before the case went to trial.
4. Whenever we get tired of cooking, we ___________ at our favorite Italian restaurant.
5. Carlos ________ on his sister because he was so tired of listening to her whining on the phone.
6. Mario was astonished that she was ___________ for the counselor’s position.
7. The committee promised that the celebrity would __________ at the big event.
8. When he____________, his wallet and bike were nowhere to be found .
9. Professor Catherine promised to ____________ the exam after she returned the results.
10. Ana was able to ________________ the most complex problems in calculus before anyone else.

Exercise 3

Use the following Phrasal verbs in your own sentences.

Phrasal verbs and their Meaning

1. call on – ask to speak in class

2. fill out – write information in a form (e.g., an application form.)

3. get back (from) – return from a trip

4. give back – return something to someone

5. grow up (in) – become an adult

6. look up - look up for information in a reference book

7. start over – start again

8. tear down – destroy a building

9. make up – invent

10. put back – return something to its original place


1. call on -_______________________________________________________________

2. fill out -_______________________________________________________________

3. get back (from) -_______________________________________________________

4. give back -_______________________________________________________________

5. grow up (in) -____________________________________________________________

6. look up - _______________________________________________________________

7. start over -_______________________________________________________________

8. tear down - _______________________________________________________________

9. make up -___________________________________________________________

10. put back -_______________________________________________________________

Lesson 3 Formulating meaningful Expressions

Meaningful expression also called idioms or idiomatic expressions. These meaningful
expressions are phrases in the english language. Which they cannot understood. Their
meanings cannot be taken from the phrases themselves, but they can be interpreted differently
according to one’s cultural language.
These are formed by using
1. Preposition followed by other group of words
Within a reason- that means reasonable
For keeps – permanently
From scratch- from nothing
2. verb (simple form or past form) followed by preposition (also called preposition
apologize to (someone)
apologize for (something)
approve of
dream about
dream of
3. Other combinations or forms.
Apple of the eye – mean one’s a favorite
crocodile tears – mean false sorrow
seventh heaven – means a state of extreme joy
a red letter day – means an important day

Exercise 1
Fill in the correct form of one of the phrasal verbs from the box.
Break out turned down keep up ran into looking into
run out of gone over gone through wait on put up with

1. Wild fires __________ more easily in summer.

2. I am afraid we have ___________ of coconut oil. Will sunflower oil do?
3. You are an inspiration for many people ___________the good work.
4. I can’t___________ her rude behavior anymore.
5. the police are _________ the possibilities of sabotage.
6. I _________ my former landlady at the supermarket.
7. she was willing to do anything support her family. She was ready to even_________ tables.
8. We have already ____________ many of our natural resources.
9. You should have __________ the document at least once/
10. Although he had the required qualifications, his application was ___________.

Exercise 2
Underline the meaningful expressions or idioms in the sentences
1. You have to be ready at all times.
2. Whatever your decision is, it is at your own discretion.
3. There is no need to help me get my book; it is at one’s elbow.
4. Whatever you see and hear about him, it is between you, me and the bedpost. Okay!
5.i go to school with bells on because my mother gave my allowance.
6. My friend used the stairs because the elevator is on the blink.
7. I am glad. I am not alone with my opinion. We are in the same boat.
8. The planned activities For our family Day are in full swing.
9. Please help me finish my project, I am in a jam now.
10. My cousin stays in our condo for the time being only.

Exercise 3
Look for five meaningful expressions preceded by preposition.
Give its meaning and use each in a sentence.
meaning: ______________
sentence: _______________________________________________________________
meaning: ______________
sentence: _______________________________________________________________

meaning: ______________
sentence: _______________________________________________________________

meaning: ______________
sentence: _______________________________________________________________

meaning: ______________
sentence: ________________________________________________________________

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