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Life and works of Rizal

Quiz 3 and 4; Midterm

Which was an implication of the Noli Me Tangere?

Select one:

a. The manifesto demanding the ouster of the Spanish friars

b. The exile of Jose Rizal to Dapitan

c. Jose Rizal’s petition regarding the increase rents in the hacienda of Dominican friars

d. The banishment of the Calamba people from Calamba

What group continued to support the aims of the Propaganda movement after the disbandment of the
La Liga Filipina?


Cuerpo de Compromisarios

Why did the people of Calamba write a petition to the administrator of public islands of

Select one:
a. To demand fair market value of their agricultural products
b. To stop the increase in the rent of lands
c. To allow the people especially the women to be educated
d. To oust the Dominican friars in Calamba
Why was Jose Rizal summoned by the governor-general to Malacañan Palace?

Select one:
a. To be investigated for being the honorary president of the propaganda movement
b. To explain his sudden arrival
c. To pay respect to the governor-general who was his friend
d. To discuss the contents and implications of the Noli Me Tangere

Which is NOT part of the aims of the La Liga Filipina?

Select one:
a. Mutual protection among Filipinos
b. Demand reforms from Spain
c. Advancement of education, agriculture and commerce
d. Unity of the Filipino people into one nation

Why did Jose Rizal leave the Philippines for Europe in February 1888?

Select one:
a. To avoid persecution from the Spanish authorities
b. To represent the Philippines in the Spanish Cortes
c. To further his studies
d. To continue hid propaganda works

What is the title of the poem written by Jose Rizal which reflects his contentment of his life in

Where did Jose Rizal plan to establish a colony so that they could be free from the

Select one:
a. Macau
b. Hong Kong
c. Japan
d. Borneo

Whom did Jose Rizal had fallen in love with while he was in Dapitan?


What grouped continued to waged a revolution after the disbandment of the La Liga Filipina?


Who gave the title ‘Mi Ultimo Adios’ to Jose Rizal’s last poem?


In the Mi Ultimo Adios, Jose Rizal praised the revolutionaries in fighting for the freedom of the

Select one:

All the members of the La Liga Filipia were Filipinos came from wealthy and powerful families.

Select one:

Jose Rizal was arrested because he was implicated in the outbreak of the Cuban revolution?

Select one:

What was the activity of Jose Rizal and his students in the subject ‘nature study’?

Select one:
a. Studying ways on the conservation or preservation of the environment
b. Making sketches or drawings with nature as the subject
c. Studying the flora and fauna of Dapitan
d. Collecting specimens of flowers, plants, shells, insects and reptiles.

Where was Jose Rizal secretly buried after he was executed?

Select one:
a. Intramuros cemetery
b. Paco cemetery
c. Luneta de Bagumbayan
d. Manila Cathedral

What are the charges against Jose Rizal?

I. Traitor to Spain

II. Inciting rebellion

III. Illegal association

IV. Mason and Anti-Church


c. II and III

Which of the following could be inferred about Jose Rizal in his poem ‘Mi Retiro’?
Select one:
a. Rizal’s longingness to his family members especially to his mother
b. Rizal’s concept of nation and nation-building
c. Rizal’s love for Josephine Bracken
d. Rizal's contentment of his life in Dapitan
What was the content of Jose Rizal’s manifesto on December 15, 1896?

Select one:
a. Statement of Rizal that condemns the revolution
b. Rizal’s sworn allegiance to Spain
c. Rizal’s call for Filipinos to unite against Spain
d. Statement of Rizal’s support to the revolution

Who convinced Jose Rizal to go to Europe?

Select one:
a. Jose Taviel de Andrade
b. Marcelo H. del Pilar
c. Paciano Rizal
d. Jose Maria Basa

In his December 15, 1898 manifesto Jose Rizal justified and supported the cause of the revolution but
not its timing.

Answer False

he funds of the La Liga Filipina were used for __________.

I. Publication of La Solidaridad
II. Purchase of guns and ammunition
III. Loaning capital for members
IV. Scholarships for members’ children

Select one:
a. I and II
b. I and III
c. III and IV
d. II and III

What did Jose Rizal give Josephine Bracken before he was executed?

Select one:

a. A statuette of the sacred heart

b. A book- 'Imitation of Christ'

c. The poem ‘Mi Ultimo Adios’

d. Alcohol burner

What ship carried Jose Rizal to Barcelona, Spain?

Select one:

a. SS. Espaňa

b. M.V. Isla de Panay

c. S.S. Colon

d. M.V. Cebu

Who gave the title ‘Mi Ultimo Adios’ to Jose Rizal’s last poem?

Select one:

a. Narcisa Rizal

b. Paciano Rizal

c. Josephine Bracken

d. Mariano Ponce
How did Jose Rizal describe the revolution in his December 15, 1896 manifesto?

Select one:
a. Strong and violent
b. Absurd and disastrous
c. Right and justified
d. Vigorous and joyous

Which was NOT part of Jose Rizal’s intentions in his December 15, 1896 manifesto?

Select one:
a. Deny his participation in the rebellion
b. Condemn and stop the rebellion
c. Express the importance of education and civic virtues
d. Swear allegiance to Spain and remain a loyal subject

Which was NOT emphasized by Jose Rizal in his December 15, 1896 manifesto?

Select one:
a. Change in the society must come for the government or authorities rather than from the
b. The study of civic virtues is needed to become worthy of freedom
c. Education is a prerequisite of freedom
d. The revolution was justified by the failure of the Spanish authorities to grant the reforms
needed for the betterment of the people

The aim of the La Liga Filipina is to continue asking reforms from Spain for the betterment of the

Answer False
Which was an implication of the Noli Me Tangere?

Select one:
a. Jose Rizal’s petition regarding the increase rents in the hacienda of Dominican friars
b. The exile of Jose Rizal to Dapitan
c. The manifesto demanding the ouster of the Spanish friars
d. The banishment of the Calamba people from Calamba

Where was Jose Rizal detained after being brought back to the Philippines?


Why did Jose Rizal issue a manifesto in December 15, 1896?

Select one:
a. Recommend reforms needed to pacify the rebellion
b. Discuss the prerequisites needed for the rebellion to succeed
c. Defend himself from the accusations against him
d. Inspire the Filipinos to follow his path of non-violence

The Katipunan attempted to rescue Jose Rizal while he was on his way to Cuba in order to join the

Select one:

How is the La Liga Filipina different form the Propaganda movement?

Select one:
a. In the La Liga Filipina, all Filipinos will work together to improve their lives and the country
while in the Propaganda. movement, the illustrados were the only ones working for the
betterment of the Philippines.
Which DOES NOT describe the Noli Me Tangere according to the report of the committee
appointed by the governor-general to review the contents of the novel? It is __________.
Select one:
a. Anti-institution
b. Anti-Spain
c. Anti-revolution
d. Anti-government

Which work done by Jose Rizal presented a historical review of the Philippines
encompassing the period of Spanish colonization and the emancipation of the Philippines
from Spain?

Select one:
a. El Filibusterismo
b. To The Young Women of Malolos
c. Annotation to the Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas
d. The Philippines: A Century Hence

When Dr. Pio Valenzuela confided the plans of the Katipunan, Jose Rizal viewed the revolution as

Select one:

What caused the disbandment of La Liga Filipina?

Select one:
a. Members quarreled about the organization’s course of action.
b. The revolution broke out.
c. Jose Rizal was arrested and exiled to Dapitan.
d. The Spanish authorities declared it illegal.

Which could be inferred from the following stanza of the ‘Mi Ultimo Adios’?
“On the field of battle, fighting with delirium,
others give you their lives without doubts, without gloom.
The site nought matters: cypress, laurel or lily:
gibbet or open field: combat or cruel martyrdom
are equal if demanded by country and home.”

I. Rizal praised the revolutionaries on the battlefield

II. Rizal emphasized that freedom could be acquired through non-violence
III. Rizal expressed the idea that the Spanish rule will soon be ended by the revolution and
his martyrdom
IV. Rizal expressed the idea that revolutionaries and martyrs are the same if they die for the

Select one:
a. II and III
b. I and IV
c. III and IV
d. I and III

Aside from inciting rebellion, what was the other case charged to Jose Rizal and found guilty of?


What did Rizal mean in these lines: “O lovely: how lovely: to fall that you may rise! To perish
that you may live! ...”?

Select one:
a. Heroism means dying for one’s convictions.
b. Sacrificing one's life for the country is a great honor.
c. Sacrificing one’s life is necessary to let others live.
d. To die for loved ones is the greatest form of love and honor.

After the disbandment of the La Liga Filipina, members reorganized and the ‘society’ was
split into two organizations. Which continued to support the Propaganda movement in
Europe by sending funds?

Select one:
a. Circulo Hispano-Filipino
b. Indios Bravos
c. Cuerpo de Compromisarios
d. Katipunan

In his letters on December 30, 1896, to whom did Jose Rizal apologize for the pain he had
caused him/her?

Select one:
a. Josephine Bracken
b. Francisco Mercado
c. Paciano Rizal

d. Teodora Alonso

After the disbandment of the La Liga Filipina, members reorganized and the ‘society’ was
split into two organizations. Which waged a rebellion from the Spanish colonial regime?

Select one:
a. Katipunan
b. CuerposCompromisarios
c. Indios Bravos
d. Circulo Hispano-Filipino

Why did Jose Rizal leave the Philippines for Europe in February 1888?

Select one:
a. To avoid persecution from the Spanish authorities
b. To further his studies
c. To continue hid propaganda works
d. To represent the Philippines in the Spanish Cortes
Where was Jose Rizal secretly buried after he was executed?

Select one:
a. Luneta de Bagumbayan
b. Paco cemetery
c. Manila Cathedral
d. Intramuros cemetery

Who were the intended audience of Jose Rizal in his December 15, 1898 manifesto?


Why did Jose Rizal’s friends and family members wanted him not to go back to the

Select one:
a. Filipino revolutionaries will persuade him to join the revolution
b. He has not yet finished his works for the Propaganda movement
c. Spanish authorities will plot against him due to the Noli Me Tangere
d. The Spanish friars will excommunicate him and his family when he sets foot in the

Which describes the membership of the La Liga Filipina?

Select one:
a. Membership is open but certain requirements and tests must be passed.
b. It is open only for the illustrado and principalias.
c. It is open for all who are willing.
d. Membership is open but it requires going through a series of challenges.

Jose Rizal’s family did not approve his relationship with Josephine Bracken because the thought
Josphine was sent to spy on him.

Select one:
Which work done by Jose Rizal corrected what has been falsified and distorted past and
culture in the Philippines prior to Spain’s colonization as observed by the Spaniards?

Select one:
a. To The Young Women of Malolos
b. Philippines: A Century Hence
c. El Filibusterismo
d. Annotation to the Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas

What group was organized by Jose Rizal which encourages Filipinos to be proud of their

Select one:
a. Circulo Hispano-Filipino
b. Indios Bravos
c. La Liga Filipina
d. Propaganda Movement

Who accompanied Jose Rizal in going back to the Philippines on June 21, 1892?

Select one:
a. Paciano Rizal
b. Lucia Rizal
c. Josephine Bracken
d. Jose Maria Basa

When was the La Liga Filipina established? M/D/Y-month/00/0000


How did Jose Rizal describe the revolution in his December 15, 1896 manifesto?

Select one:
a. Vigorous and joyous
b. Absurd and disastrous
c. Right and justified
d. Strong and violent

Who was the woman whom Jose Rizal had fallen in love with in Dapitan?

Select one:
a. Leonor Rivera
b. Josephine Bracken
c. Gertrude Becket
d. Nelly Bausted

In the Mi Ultimo Adios, Jose Rizal praised the revolutionaries in fighting for the freedom of the

Select one:

Which DOES NOT describe the Noli Me Tangere according to the report of the committee
appointed by the governor-general to review the contents of the novel? It is __________.

Select one:
a. Anti-institution
b. Anti-Spain
c. Anti-revolution
d. Anti-government
How did Jose Rizal help in the improvement of agriculture in Dapitan?

Select one:
a. He constructed a water system that will irrigate the fields.
b. He purchased agricultural tools and taught the farmers in using these.
c. He discovered various species of fruit-bearing trees.
d. He built a water reservoir or dam that will contain water for drought seasons.

Where was Jose Rizal detained after being arrested and brought back in the Philippines?
Select one:
a. Montjuich Prioson
b. Fort Santiago
c. Cuartel de Espaňa
d. Fort Bonifacio

What could be inferred from the meeting of Jose Rizal and Dr. Pio Valenzuela about the
plans of the Katipunan?

Select one:
a. Jose Rizal was considered as a threat to the Katipunan.
b. Jose Rizal declared his allegiance to the Spanish colonial regime.
c. Jose Rizal viewed the revolution as premature.
d. Jose Rizal was against the revolution.

Jose Rizal’s Mi Ultimo Adios was translated in Tagalog in order to inspire the revolutionaries.

Select one:

What country or place impressed Jose Rizal because of its people's courtesy, cleanliness and

Select one:
a. Hong Kong
b. Japan
c. U.S.A.
d. Borneo

Who helped Jose Rizal in the printing of the El Filibusterismo?

Select one:
a. Trinidad Pardo de Tavera
b. Maximo Viola
c. Juan Luna
d. Valentin Ventura

What ship carried Jose Rizal to Barcelona, Spain?

Select one:
a. M.V. Cebu
b. SS. Espaňa
c. M.V. Isla de Panay
d. S.S. Colon

Which disgusted Jose Rizal when he visited United States of America?

Select one:
a. Very populous, dirty and busy streets
b. Discrimination to the Chinese and negro
c. The use of Jinrikisha
d. High cost of living

The establishment of the La Liga Filipina directly caused the arrest and deportation of Jose Rizal to

Select one:

How did Rizal earn or acquire surgical instruments and medical books while in Dapitan?

Select one:
a. By the funds sent to him by his family members
b. By sending specimens to Europe
c. By betting on the lottery
d. By the money paid to him by his patients
What could be inferred about the status of women in the society from Jose Rizal's 'To The
Young Women of Malolos'?

Select one:
a. Women were not allowed to be educated like men
b. Women had a strong influence on the governor-general
c. Women were not given an opportunity to hold significant positions in the government
d. Women were allowed to participated in civic and political affairs

Arrange the events chronologically.

I. Rizal’s exile in Dapitan
II. Founding of the Katipunan
III. Founding of the La Liga Filipina
IV. Arrest and detention of Rizal in Fort Santiago

Select one:

Which DIRECTLY caused the arrest of Jose Rizal?

Select one:
a. The outbreak of Philippine revolution
b. The discovery of ‘Poor Friars’ which was found in their luggage
c. The establishment of the La Liga Filipina
d. His novels, Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo

Arrange the following events in chronological order.

I. Execution of Jose Rizal
II. Jose Rizal was en route to Cuba
III. Detention of Rizal in Fort Santiago
IV. The outbreak of the1896 Philippine revolution

Select one:

What were the pieces of evidence presented against Jose Rizal?

Select one:
a. Jose Rizal’s novels and the La Liga Filipina
b. Accounts about Jose Rizal's name used as password and battle cry of the revolutionaries
c. Accounts about the several attempts of the Katipunan to help Jose Rizal escape
d. The letters of Jose Rizal to his fellow propagandists

What caused the disbandment of La Liga Filipina?

Select one:
a. The Spanish authorities declared it illegal.
b. Jose Rizal was arrested and exiled to Dapitan.
c. The revolution broke out.
d. Members quarreled about the organization’s course of action.

Which disgusted Jose Rizal when he visited United States of America?

Select one:
a. Discrimination to the Chinese and negro
b. High cost of living
c. Very populous, dirty and busy streets
d. The use of Jinrikisha

Where was Jose Rizal detained after being arrested and brought back in the Philippines?

Select one:
a. Fort Bonifacio
b. Montjuich Prioson
c. Cuartel de Espaňa
d. Fort Santiago

Why did Rizal’s family oppose the marriage of Jose Rizal and Josephine Bracken?

Select one:
a. They suspected Josephine Bracken as a spy sent by the Spanish authorities.
b. Josephine Bracken was too young for Jose Rizal.
c. They didn’t like Josephine for she was a foreigner and non-Catholic.
d. They suspected that Josephine will only distract Jose Rizal in his works for the country.

Who was Jose Rizal referring to in these lines: “Farewell, sweet foreigner – my darling, my

Select one:
a. Josephine Bracken
b. The Philippines
c. Leonor Rivera
d. Teodora Alonso

What did Rizal do in Calamba after he returned from Europe?

Select one:
a. He put up a studio
b. He put up a school
c. He put up a musem
d. He put up a clinic

What is the motto of the La Liga Filipina?

Select one:
a. Unity in diversity
b. One like all
c. To God be the glory
d. Honor and Excellence

Who disguised as a sailor in order to rescue Jose Rizal while on board of a ship going to

Select one:
a. Paciano Rizal
b. Josephine Bracken
c. Andres Bonifacio
d. Emilio Jacinto

In his work "To the Young Women of Malolos" why did Rizal praise the young women of

Select one:
a. They petitioned the Governor-General for their right to be educated
b. They fought against subjugation and slavery to men
c. They exposed the abusive of Spanish friars
d. They were known in Europe because of their talents in singing and dancing

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