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(Dr. Santiago G. Ortega Memorial)

City of Iriga 4431, Philippines

NAME: Farida P. Olleres (MAED-English)

PROFESSOR: Mrs. Nelia Britanico


DESCRIPTION: The video taught us to practice being selfless. The maker of the video wants
us to remember to love, to live, and to give.

ANALYSIS: Generosity doesn’t measure or take accounting. Generosity doesn’t wait to be

repaid or cashed in at some opportune moment. True generosity is giving simply to give, loving
simply to love, uplifting simply to uplift. When we consider whether we practice generosity in
our day to day lives, it’s important to reflect and ask ourselves why we give and what do we
expect to receive through giving. Only we can answer that very difficult question. We are all
interconnected and the skills, talents, connections we have are not meant to be hoarded, they are
meant to be shared.

REFLECTION: We are in fact meant to open our eyes, our hearts and our minds to solve this
puzzle we call life. How can what I have in my toolbox, further the growth of the world in a
positive way? This is the question we should in fact be answering as opposed to asking, “How
will giving to so and so or doing something for so and so give back to me?” Giving in and of
itself is a privilege, never forget it. By giving we become part of something far greater than
ourselves, we become catalysts for positive change in the world, we in fact fulfill our life’s
purpose. But if we fear that we can only give if we can clearly see the return, then we are in for a
life of disappoint, frustration and ultimate collapse. The reason true generosity may seem
unnatural is because it has been ingrained in us that if a situation isn’t a win win, then why give?
But that couldn’t be further from the truth. We can’t see the larger puzzle of life, we aren’t privy
to it. However what we can trust is that the actions of one individual has an impact on the life of
another and so our choices to give or to walk away will in fact impact us at some point or

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