St. Xavier'S Collegiate School, Kolkata: 09.05.2021 Ref: SXCS/SJ/Parents/Notice: 01/2021 Dear Parents

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Ref: SXCS/SJ/Parents/Notice: 01/2021
Dear Parents,

This letter comes to you with sincere prayers that you and your near and dear ones are safe and
healthy. This pandemic has been extremely challenging for all of us - testing us physically,
emotionally and financially. Despite all the odds, we are continuously trying to cope, adapt and
move forward, making the best use of the resources and opportunities that are available to us.
At the same time, this pandemic has also carved out a spirit of resilience in each one of us. It
has again reminded us that humanity can survive and flourish only when we reach out and go
the extra mile to help others, as one big family.
Dear parents, it gives me immense joy to share that each one of you have been a pillar of
strength for the institution. So many of you have spontaneously come forward to support the
education of our underprivileged children by giving your child’s old text-books and unused note-
books. Some parents have even paid the full-fees to lessen the financial burden of the school.
Some of you have generously contributed sanitizers and facemasks. Some of you have donated
money for the education of our needy children. It is this remarkable spirit of ‘All for one and one
for All' which defines St. Xavier’s – that we are all together in this fight as one, big family – the
Xaverian family. I express my sincerest gratitude to each one of you for standing beside us and
supporting the institution. Thank you, dear parents.
For the new academic year 2021-22, as per the Court Order, kindly continue to pay the 80%
fees. Kindly, pay the 1st Quarter fees by 30th May, 2021.
The additional amount paid during the academic year 2020-21, will be adjusted during the
academic year 2021-22. You may find out the fee-adjustment by logging on to the online fee-
My sincere appeal to all those parents who wish to pay the full-fee, kindly continue to do so. It
is only through your valuable contribution that the school will be able to support our less–
privileged students.
Here, I would also like to place on record, the dedicated service rendered by our teaching and
non-teaching staff. They have continued to selflessly serve the institution during this pandemic.
In this regard, kindly note that once the pandemic situation normalizes the school will
implement the Sixth Pay Commission (kept in abeyance since last year) along with the arrears
for our staff. It is only imperative that this financial responsibility can be fulfilled by the school
with your support and co-operation.
Once again, thank you dear parents for your understanding and co-operation.
Stay safe. God bless you.

Rev. Dr. M. Thamacin Arulappan, S.J.


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