NSTP Final Draft Edited

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Barangay Profile

Barangay Mabuhay was founded in September 7, 1959 by virtue of Municipal

Resolution No. 78. It is composed of barangay Officials to ensure safety, protection,

transparency, and good governance for the welfare of the constituents. Currently, it is

divided into 29 puroks governed by respective chairpersons.

The name Klinan 5 was changed to Mabuhay which connotes as “Long Lived”

during the time that the population was increasing. Nowadays, Barangay Mabuhay is

one of the 26 Barangays in the south comprising the City of General Santos. It is one of

the fastest growing Barangay due to its vast tract of residential land where many had

been relocated finding the area as a best place to live. It is 12 kilometers away from the

city proper through Mabuhay concrete road. It has a total land assessment area of

4,350.5302 hectares and classified as both agricultural and residential.

Barangay Mabuhay urges towards healthy, peaceful, progressive community with

dynamic agro center, responsive, competent government and economically stable by

the year 2020 and beyond. With the goal to empower all sectors to be productive as a

partner in the development of the Barangay.

Map of the Barangay

Figure 1.0 Map of Barangay Mabuhay, General Santos City

Barangay Statistics

Barangay Mabuhay is a rural community that was enabled with Resolution no.

78. It was created in September 7, 1959 wherein at present it is composed of 29 puroks

with a land area of 4,350.5302 hectares. The total population as of 2019 is 26,352 with

males being 13,320 (50.55%) and females at 13,032 (49.45%). The number of

households are 6,315 with a total number of registed voters at only 11,348 (45.06%). It

has some agricultural facilities and lands wherein most of these are for crops, poultry,

and herding.

It also has sports and recreational facilities involving twenty-eight (28) basketball

courts, one (1) playground, one (1) baseball/softball field, and four (4) volleyball court.

Its physical infrastructures are composed of concrete and rough roads as well as

commercial buildings and some wet markets. It also has a foot and concrete bridge. The

existing water supply is numbered at twenty-six (26) while the existing electric supply is

only one (1). The mode of transportation within the Barangay are public utility jeepney,

tricycle, single motorcycle, mini-tricycle (sikad), multicab, and family-owned service


The Local Administration Data compromises the Internal Revenue Allotment

(IRA) which is at ₱21, 390,667.12, Real Property Tax at ₱652,619.82, Sand and Gravel

at ₱125,890.40, Community Tax Certificate (Cedula) at ₱185, 397.40, and Certificate

Fees & Charges (CTC) at ₱551,775.00. The total annual budget of Barangay Mabuhay

is approximately ₱23,000,000.00.

The type of business or industries in the Barangay are Quarry Concession, Sari-

Sari Store (either wholesale or retailer), Hardware and Lumber, Internet Café, Gasoline

Station, Bakery, Pawnshop, Pharmacy, Water Refilling Station, Schools, Memorial

Garden (Monte Cielo), Golden Haven Memorial Garden, Lying-In, Swimming Resort,

Energy Transmission Provide (NGCP), and some wet markets.

Barangay Mabuhay, although people say that it is vastly developing from a rural

community to an urbanized one, has some underlying problems that are being faced or

are yet to be faced which are only triggered by some events or incompliances. Some of

these problems were Waste Management and Segregation, Pollution, Environment

Integrity due to urbanization, Sanitation, and Insufficient Health Services wherein many

people are affected, mostly future generations.


The researchers of Notre Dame of Dadiangas University under the NSTP Class

of Prof. Jean T. Boclaras, MBA went to the selected Barangay (Barangay Mabuhay) to

conduct an interview with an available Barangay Mabuhay Official. The person

interviewed was Hon. Wilfredo L. Parreñas which is a former Barangay Captain but is

still in the Committee as the present Barangay Kagawad. The interview took place

inside the Barangay Hall last February 21, 2020 from 12:55pm – 1:40pm. The students

inquired about the census, Barangay problems, and the corresponding actions taken.



Profile of the Problems

I. Health Risks secondary to Flash Floods

Floods are the most common hazard to cause disasters and have

led to extensive morbidity and mortality throughout the world. The impact

of floods on the human community is related directly to the location and

topography of the area, as well as human demographics and

characteristics of the build environment. (Du W., et al, 2010). Flood in

Barangay Mabuhay has always been a problem. Due to the fact that it has

always been a natural water-way since it is geographically a rural

community at high altitude wherein water shed from the mountain top runs

down towards the city if the holding capacity has been breached. Health

risks secondary to flash floods are dengue, leptospirosis, and infections as

well as accidents and property damages. In some certain locations, the

flash floods cause the soil to cave-in and displaces rocks, of various sizes

and width from the side of the road or from the high areas, towards the

concrete road.

II. Waste Management and Segregation

According to Fonseca (2017), Waste segregation is the separation

of wet and dry waste. The generation of waste is unavoidable, and the

materials carried in this waste impacts human and environmental health.

Waste Segregation is the first step in a compliant waste management

plan. Waste Management and Segregation is a crucial part in the

prevention of sickness and diseases. Segregating wastes is primary for

appropriate waste disposal and control. Waste management and

Segregation has always been a concern in Barangay Mabuhay because

many residents tend to neglect the outcomes of unproper waste

management and segregation.

III. Pollution (Air Pollution)

Air Pollution refers to the release of pollutants into the air that are

detrimental to human health and the planet as a whole. Mackenzie (2016).

Pollution is not just a local concern but a global crisis. Pollution in

Barangay Mabuhay is naturally occurring or man-made. This can be

caused by the soil or sand particles in the air when there is severe drought

due to elevated atmospheric temperature. Some residents continue to

burn biodegradable wastes and even rubber and plastics which emits

hydrochloric acid, sulfur dioxide, dioxins, furans and heavy metals, as well

as particulates into the atmosphere thus affects the health of other

residents due to negligence.

IV. Social Problems

The definition of a social problem, also called a social issue, is an

undesirable condition that people believe should be corrected. was noted by

the former Brgy. Captain, which is the present Brgy. Kagawad that some

settlers in the Barangay which were relocated illegal settlers around

shorelines and riversides tend to continue their practices of urinating of

defecate anywhere they want due to their previous locale. Most of these

relocated settlers also do not know how to exercise proper hygiene and


V. Sanitation

Sanitation refers to the provision of facilities and services for the

safe management of human excreta from the toilet to containment and

storage and treatment onsite or conveyance, treatment and eventual safe

end use or disposal (WHO, 2019). Sanitation plays a vital role in the

prevention of disease conditions wherein sanitation does not only cover the

bodily aspect but also for the cleanliness and maintenance of the locale.

Sanitation in the Barangay is a concern because most of the residents tend

to neglect the effects of poor and proper sanitation.

VI. Health Services

Health service delivery systems that are safe, accessible, high

quality, people-centered, and integrated are critical for moving towards

universal health coverage. WHO (2019). Health Services has always

played a vital role in the health and wellness of the residents especially that

the Barangay is still considered as under the rural class. Many of the

residents cannot afford modern and advanced health care services

therefore programs towards health services plays an essential role in

keeping its residents healthy and proactive in spite of their low financial



I. Health Risks secondary to Flash Floods

Master Drainage Plan – the barangay officials are waiting for the

time that the City Officials will direct their attention towards Brgy. Mabuhay

after accomplishing the drainage system in the Barangays at low-lying


Drainage System – the Barangay Officials has already planned for

a proposal for the drainage system but has not started yet because of the

target budget of the project is ₱10,000,000.00 which is less than half of

the Barangay’s annual budget

Buying of Grader and Compactor – used when soil or rocks are

displaced from the side of the road towards the concrete road.

II. Waste Management and Segregation

Information and Education Campaign – Health Workers conduct

an information and education campaign about proper waste management

and segregation

III. Pollution (Air Pollution)

Information and Education Campaign - the Barangay Officials have

already been implementing the Information and Education Campaign to stop

Open Burning and Open Burning has also been stated in Environmental Quality

Act 1974.

IV. Social Problems

Information and Education Campaign – Health Workers conduct an

information and education campaign about social problems and how to assist

these relocated settlers to observe proper hygiene and sanitation especially n

terms of discharging body wastes.

V. Sanitation

Information and Education Campaign – health workers conduct an

information and education campaign about proper sanitation

Streetsweepers – the Barangay Officials has been assigning people to be

streetsweepers on designated days or duties

Garbage Truck – the Barangay Officials has bought a garbage truck to

routinely collect the non-biodegradable wastes of the residents

VI. Health Services

Information and Education Campaign - Health Workers conduct an

information and education campaign about the health services to be given and to

answer questions that is related to the health services rendered.

Polio and Dengue Drive – Health workers would conduct a house-to-

house Polio and Dengue information drive and to give vaccinations to children

to prevent the instances of Polio and Dengue.

Barangay Action Plan (Existing Solutions) Table

Problem Target Budget Time

Program or Services
Recipients Duration

Health Risks Residents  Master Drainage Plan ₱13,500,000 N/A

secondary to  Drainage System

Flood from City to Brgy.


 Using the Grader and

Waste Residents  Information and ₱30,000 N/A

Management Education Campaign

and Segregation  Waste Segregation in

each household
Pollution (Air) Residents  Information and ₱30,000 N/A

Education Campaign

 Banning Open

Social Problems Residents  Information and ₱30,000 N/A

Education Campaign
Sanitation Residents  Information and ₱245,000 N/A

Education Campaign

 Streetsweepers

 Garbage Truck
Health Services Residents  Information and ₱2,500,000 N/A

Education Campaign

 Polio and Dengue


Table 1.0. Barangay Action Plan (Existing Solutions) Table

The action plan of Barangay Mabuhay has been enacted since early 2015 but

needs strict implementation and some of the solutions need to be exercised religiously

by the residents. Development in the Barangay has been visible since the early 21 st

century due to its goal to become an urban community and uplift its rural status.

Problems concerning the health status and integrity of the residents has always

been a major issue considering that most of the residents of the said Barangay are

relocated illegal settlers from Islamic communities that are residing near the shoreline

and riversides which their health has already been compromised due to past livelihood.

In conclusion, Barangay Mabuhay is a gradually progressing barangay but still

falls slightly behind other major barangays in terms of allocated budget, infrastructures,

and living experiences.



After conducting the interview with Hon. Wilfredo L. Parreñas, the researchers

have identified six (6) problems that are associated with health risk and factors like

Health Risks secondary to Flash Floods, Waste Management and Segregation,

Pollution (specifically Air Pollution), Social Problems, Sanitation, and Health Services

rendered. After some brief discussions, the researchers have come up with specific

action plans for the following problems which are stated in the preceding statement.

For all the problems that we have identified, our target recipient is the residents

of the barangay mabuhay. For the problem in regards to the Health Risk Secondary to

floods, the program that we are going to implement is the Information Campaign

regarding health risk with a budget of Php 5000.00 in a 1-month time duration.

In Waste Management the programs we will be having is Clean Up Drive and

Waste Management Program with Php 5000.00 budget and will be done once per 2


For the Air Pollution, we will be implementing programs such as Banning of old

vehicles or with vehicles emitting black smoke and emission testing with Php 5000.00

budget and this will be done monthly.

For the Social Problems in the barangay, 3 programs will be implemented such

as Building Septic Tank, Bio waste management program and a Simple public Rest

room, and the budget that is allotted for these is Php 20,000.00 and will be

accomplished in two weeks.

In Sanitation, Proper Sanitation Program will be implemented with a Php 5,000

budget and will be done in 1 day. Lastly, for the Health Services, the program that we

have is Basic Information to Health Interventions with a Php 5,000.00 budget and will be

done in 1 day.

The budget of the aforementioned action plan depends whether Barangay

Mabuhay will sponsor for some major problems like Sanitation where septic tanks and

public comfort room will be made for the people. The time duration or range of the

specific action plans will be differing because some problems have actions plans that

are short term and long term to establish or acquire the desired outcome.


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