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Grammar Booster

The Grammar Booster is optional. it contains exira practice of each unit's grammar.

Write each sentence again. Usce a contraction.

1 He is an engineer. Hes an engineer

2 We are teachers. .ue.C..t.Cacher[
3 No, weare not. .we.AxenA...we're Not.
4 Theyare not artists. hey ¥C.16t.AiStS/1hey aTEN* ArAiS}S.
5 lam a student. m . c iCn
6 Sheisa chef. he/s.A Chef.

Write the indefinite article a or an for each occupation.

1 chef C scierntist
2 actor 6 C . architect
3C.banker 7 photographer
Complete each serntence with the correct subjeCt pronoun.
1 Mary is a student.She is a studerit
2 Ben is a student, to0. t e . is asiudent, too.
3 My name is Nora. a m an artist.
4 Your occupation is doctor.JQ.U... are a doctor.
5 Jane and Jason are scientists. T.D. are scientists.
Write a
question for each answer
1 A:re you musicians
B: Yes, we are. Were musicians.

2 ACe. they.teachers:
B: No, they're not teachers. They're scientists.
B: Yes. Ar1n is a doctor.
4 A S She a Urie
B: No. Ellen is an architect. She's not a writer.
5 A.
Are.. Yo0. eilot?
B: Yes, I'rn a
6 A: AxR..Nou.fli9ht.atleodourts?
B: No. We're not
flight attendants. We're pilots.
Write six proper nouns and síx common nouns. Use
capital and lowercase letters correctly.
Proper nouns Common nouns
1 New York City 7 acity
4 AAntiG
*** 9 do99 cat.
5HcxY..Patier 11arls.
6 Decemoer.. 12 CAn
**** "***


Write the comect possessive adjectives.
1 Miss Kim is Mr. Smith's student. Mr. Smith is . e . teactier.

2 Mr. Smith is Miss Kim's teacher. Miss Kimis hiS. student

3 Mrs. Krauss is john's teacher. Mrs. Kraussis..ha teac.
4 John is Mrs. Krauss's student. John is hCx student
S Are OX. olleagues from Japan? No, they aren't. My colleagues are from South Korea.

6 Mr. Belo is Y . tcacher. Iam. student

7 Jake is not Mrs. Roy's student. He's..Cx..boss!
8 Mr. Gee is not jim and Sue's teacher. He's six. doctor

Compicte the sentences about the people. Use He's fron, She's Irom, or They're
1 Ms. Tomiko Matsuda:hes trom . . Hamamatsu, Japan.
2 Miss Berta Soliz: Monterrey, Mexico.

3 Mr. and Mrs. Franz Heidelberg: Y..fNBerlirn, Germarny.

4 Mr. George Crandal: . *****
Victoria, Canada.
5 Ms. Mary Mellon: . Melbourne, Australia.
6 Mr.Jake Hid and Ms, Betty Parker: . ALos Arngeles, U.S.
7 Mr. CuiJing Wen: y Wuhan, Chitna.
8 Ms. Noor Bahjat: Cairo, Egypt.
with a capital letter.
3 Complete the questions. Begin each question
1what your nane?
20. areyoufrom?
3 b h i s e-mail address?
4 she a student?

5 uhat her phonenurnber?

6 e they colleagues2
he from China?
8hatoqie theirfirst names?
with the correct passessive adjective.
Complete each question
1 A: What's.ou..
B: I'rm Mrs. Barker.

2 A: What's
9.9... lastname?
is Lane.
B: My last narne
3 A: What's address is 10 Main Street
B: Mr. Marst's

4 A: What's . e-mail address?

e-mail address? Ii's
B: Ms. Down's

What are. I... first names?

5 A:
B: They're Gary and
phone number?
6 A: W h a t ' s . X 555-0237
Gu's number is
B: Miss


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