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TPACK Creating Assignment Template

Subject Health

Grade Level 8

Learning Objective 8.1 The student will identify and explain essential
health concepts to demonstrate an understanding of
personal health.
j) Research the signs, symptoms, and causes of
addiction and the impact of substance use disorder on
relationships and behavior.
Content Knowledge

8.3 The student will undertake health-promotion

activities that demonstrate an understanding of the
relationship between nutrition, physical activity, and
emotional and physical health.
i) Design persuasive advertising to eliminate drug use.

In this activity, my students are going to use Canva to create a persuasive poster discouraging
drug use.
Pedagogy Planning
1. The teacher will present the chapter in the
textbook on drugs and alcohol, the students
will follow along with digital textbooks and
laptop computers.
2. The class will then have a group discussion
about why students should avoid using drugs
and alcohol (risky behavior and health risks will
be discussed).
3. The students will then select a drug and will
further research the health risks and dangers
associated with the drug using their laptops.
4. The teacher (with the help of student
participation) will demonstrate how to create a
persuasive poster using Canva and the
classroom monitor on why not to do an
example drug. The teacher will use various
Canva features with the help of student
5. The students will then be assigned to do the
same for their chosen drug as a homework
6. Persuasive posters will include all the
- Heading
- Graphic image
- Statistic about chosen drug
7. Students will present the following day

Web 2.0 Technology For this assignment, students will be using

Technology to create their design. Canva

can be accessed on laptops, iPhones, iPads, Android
phones, and tablets.
Link to the example product you
made pretending to be a student

Mobile App Option Name: Canva Graphic Design & Video

Price: Free
Store: Apple App Store & Google Play

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