UAR - 395305 - DARIUS QM and RD Document Management

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UAR# 395305 - DARIUS QM and RD Document Management

Request Details UAR Status: Approved; Implementation Status: Implemented

System Id / Name: #1239 - DARIUS QM and RD Document Management

System Description: DARIUS Quality and RD Document Management

Requested For: Tran, Quang Khai (12124879)

Manager: Lam, Hy (10441188)

Access Request Type: Modify Existing Access

Access Account Type: 5-1-1

User Id: TRANQX15

ITSM Ticket #: INC000019294863

Access Details
Roles/Profiles: Not available

Divisions: All Divisions

# Question Text Response

1 Have you completed the required training? (Select Yes if you have completed the Yes
required training for all roles you have requested. Select No if you have not.)

2 ADD ACCESS: Document Management Coordinator

3 REMOVE ACCESS: Document Management

4 Location (Select specific site where are you located - if available - otherwise select Abbott

5 Do you need access to all versions of documents related to regulatory submission No


6 Do you author submission ready documents? No

Request DARIUS User 1.0 software-----Click here------->

Explanation of need
Request authority upload SOP on Darius page.

© Abbott Corporation. All rights reserved. Abbott Park, IL USA

UAR# 395305 - DARIUS QM and RD Document Management

Type Name Status Date

Manager Lam, Hy T Approved 01/12/2021 1:30:54 AM CDT

All Divisions Petriconi, Sergio Approved 01/12/2021 10:35:23 AM CDT

All Divisions Sawant, Ujwala Not Required

Audit Logs
Action By Name Action Date Comments

Tran, Quang Khai (12124879) 01/12/2021 12:19:31 AM CDT Submitted

Lam, Hy T (10441188) 01/12/2021 1:30:54 AM CDT Manager Approved

Petriconi, Sergio (10131468) 01/12/2021 10:35:23 AM CDT APPROVED: All Divisions;

Petriconi, Sergio (10131468) 01/12/2021 10:35:24 AM CDT UAR Approved

Bhangoo, Pavandeep (12177195) 01/12/2021 12:15:02 PM CDT Implemented

Work Logs
Action By Name Action Date Work Log

svc-gaa-esam-itsm 01/12/2021 10:35:26 AM CDT Assignment Reference Note #: GIS-GLBL-

Access Administration

UAR #: 395305
System #: 1239
System Name: DARIUS QM and RD
Document Management
SARF: DARIUS QM and RD Document
Management v7

Requested For: Tran, Quang Khai[12124879]

Submitted By: Tran, Quang Khai[12124879]

bhangpx 01/12/2021 12:06:45 PM CDT UserID: TRANQX15
Application: DARIUS QM and RD Document
Role: Coordinator
Action taken by GAA: Updated Business Unit

© Abbott Corporation. All rights reserved. Abbott Park, IL USA

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