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Physical Science and Nature of Science Assessment Probes 3

Mr. Martinez placed a thermometer in a jar of very hot water.
His students watched what happened to the thermometer. Im-
mediately the level of the red liquid in the thermometer went up.
His students disagreed about why the red liquid in the thermom-
eter rose when the thermometer was placed in hot water. This is
what they said:

Jean-Paul: “The hot water pushed it up.”

Pita: “The mass of the red liquid increased.”
Jonathan: “The heat inside the thermometer rises.”
Jimena: “The air inside the thermometer pulls it up.”
Molly: “The molecules of the red liquid are further apart.”
Greta: “The number of molecules in the red liquid increased.”
Keanu: “The molecules of the red liquid are getting bigger.”

Which student do you most agree with? ______________________

Explain why you think that student has the best explanation.

Uncovering Student Ideas in Science 33

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3 Physical Science and Nature of Science Assessment Probes

Teacher Notes

Purpose the bulb. The molecules of the red liquid, in this

The purpose of this assessment probe is to elicit case alcohol with a red dye added, gain energy
students’ ideas about thermal expansion. The and increase their motion as the faster-moving
probe is designed to find out whether students molecules bump up against and push the slower-
attribute expansion of the space between mole- moving molecules. This causes the molecules to
cules to the rise of the liquid in a thermometer. move farther apart, and as a result, the alcohol
inside the thermometer occupies more space
Related Concepts as it expands. In order to occupy more space,
kinetic molecular theory, thermal expansion, the alcohol has to rise in the narrow tube. It is
thermometer this increased motion and collisions of the mol-
ecules inside the very narrow tube that accounts
Explanation for the rise of the alcohol.
Molly has the best answer: A thermometer is
a closed system. It operates on the principle Curricular and Instructional
that the fluid inside it (usually alcohol or mer- Considerations
cury) expands when heated and contracts when
cooled. When the bulb is in contact with a Elementary Students
warm object such as the hot water, energy from At the elementary school level, students use
the hot water is transferred to the liquid inside thermometers to measure the temperature of

34 N a t i o n a l S c i e n c e Te a c h e r s A s s o c i a t i o n
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Physical Science and Nature of Science Assessment Probes 3

objects and materials. At this level they are de- in small groups with appropriate safety pre-
veloping the procedural skills of using a ther- cautions. The word volume is intentionally not
mometer. They are not expected to know how used to describe the “liquid going up” in order
a thermometer works. to probe for younger students’ ideas related to
the visible increase in the height of the liquid
Middle School Students without having their lack of understanding
At the middle school level, students continue of what volume is interfering with their ideas
to use thermometers. They learn how a ther- about the phenomenon. For middle school
mometer works and should be able to explain and high school students who understand the
how it operates at a substance level—most concept of volume, you can replace “His stu-
substances expand or contract when they are dents disagreed about why the red liquid in the
heated or cooled. Some students can begin to thermometer rose when the thermometer was
use particle ideas to explain why a substance placed in hot water” with “…why the volume of
expands when heated and contracts when red liquid in the thermometer increased when
cooled and connect that to what happens in- the thermometer was placed in hot water.”
side a thermometer. At this stage they also rec-
ognize water as an anomaly to the idea that Related Ideas in National
substances expand when heated and contract Science Education Standards
when cooled, noting that when water cools to (NRC 1996)
form ice, it expands.
K–4 Abilities Necessary to Do
High School Students Scientific Inquiry
At the high school level, students deepen their ! Employ simple equipment and tools (ther-
understanding of kinetic molecular theory and mometers) to gather data and extend the
relate the thermometer phenomenon to particle senses.
ideas about thermal expansion. At this level,
they are expected to be able to explain how a K–4 Properties of Objects and
thermometer works based on the expansion or Materials
contraction of the liquid due to increasing or de- ! Objects have many observable properties,
creasing space between the molecules as a result including size, weight, shape, color, tem-
of increased or decreased motion when energy is perature, and the ability to react with other
gained or lost by the molecules. substances. Those properties can be mea-
sured using tools, such as rulers, balances,
Administering the Probe and thermometers.
This probe can be demonstrated for students
using a red alcohol thermometer or performed

Uncovering Student Ideas in Science 35

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3 Physical Science and Nature of Science Assessment Probes

5–8 Abilities Necessary to Do 6–8 Energy Transformations

Scientific Inquiry ! Heat can be transferred through materials
! Use appropriate tools (thermometers) and by the collisions of atoms or across space
techniques to gather, analyze, and inter- by radiation.
pret data. ! Energy appears in different forms. Heat ener-
gy is in the disorderly motion of molecules.
5–8 Transfer of Energy
! Energy is a property of many substances 9–12 Transformations of Energy
and is associated with heat. Energy is ! Heat energy in a material consists of the dis-
transferred in many ways. ordered motions of its atoms or molecules.
! Heat moves in predictable ways, flowing
from warmer objects to cooler ones, until Related Research
both objects reach the same temperature. ! Some students tend to regard liquids as
continuous (nonparticulate) and static
9–12 Conservation of Energy and the (Driver et al. 1994).
Increase in Disorder ! In an Australian study of 25 children
" Heat consists of random motion and the ages 8–11, children were asked how they
vibrations of atoms, molecules, and ions. thought a thermometer worked (Appleton
The higher the temperature, the greater the 1985). About one-third of the children
atomic or molecular motion. suggested the thermometer “was sensitive
to heat,” or that it “was made to go to the
Related Ideas in Benchmarks right number.” Other suggestions involved
for Science Literacy (AAAS pressure, pushing, or heat rising (Driver et
1993) al. 1994).

3–5 Structure of Matter Suggestions for Instruction and

! Heating and cooling cause changes in the Assessment
properties of materials. Many kinds of chang- ! Have students research how to make a
es occur faster under hotter conditions. thermometer and then have them build
one. Students should demonstrate the use
6–8 Structure of Matter of their thermometers and explain how
" Atoms and molecules are perpetually in they work at a substance level and a par-
motion. Increased temperature means ticle level (if they are ready to use atomic/
greater average energy of motion, so most molecular reasoning).
substances expand when heated. ! Use the rising level of liquid in a thermom-
eter as a plausible phenomenon to develop

" Indicates a strong match between the ideas elicited by the probe and a national standard’s learning goal.

36 N a t i o n a l S c i e n c e Te a c h e r s A s s o c i a t i o n
Copyright © 2008 NSTA. All rights reserved. For more information, go to

Physical Science and Nature of Science Assessment Probes 3

the idea that most substances expand when through most science supply stores, dem-
heated. onstrates how a metal expands when heat-
! Trace the transfer of thermal energy in a ed by showing how the ball passes through
thermometer from the hot water to the the ring before the ball is heated, but not
glass to the alcohol. Have students draw a after it is heated. Have students connect
visual representation of the transfer of en- this phenomenon to what happens inside
ergy between molecules. the thermometer.
! Have students draw pictures to show what
happens to the liquid in a thermometer at Related NSTA Science Store
the particle level when the bulb comes in Publications and NSTA Journal
contact with hot material. Use the draw- Articles
ings (whiteboards work well for this) to American Association for the Advancement of Sci-
discuss students’ ideas about conduction, ence (AAAS). 1993. Benchmarks for science lit-
the particle nature of matter, and kinetic eracy. New York: Oxford University Press.
molecular theory. American Association for the Advancement of Sci-
! Use the analogy of playing pool to illus- ence (AAAS). 2007. Atlas of science literacy.
trate what happens when molecules collide Vol. 2, “states of matter map,” 58–59. Wash-
and transfer energy. When a pool cue ball ington, DC: AAAS.
hits a rack of pool balls, it transfers energy Driver, R., A. Squires, P. Rushworth, and V. Wood-
and the balls it hits spread out. Robinson. 1994. Making sense of secondary sci-
! Help the students who chose Jonathan’s ence: Research into children’s ideas. London and
response to understand how some words in New York: RoutledgeFalmer.
science are used incorrectly. For example, Keeley, P. 2005. Science curriculum topic study:
the common phrase “heat rises” is incor- Bridging the gap between standards and practice.
rect. It is the warm air or water that rises, Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.
not the heat. National Research Council (NRC). 1996. National
! Probe students’ reasoning further for each science education standards. Washington, DC:
of the distracters chosen and challenge National Academy Press.
their ideas. For example, Greta’s idea can Robertson, W. 2002. Energy, Stop Faking It! Final-
be challenged with conservation of matter ly Understanding Science So You Can Teach It.
reasoning, including the idea of a closed Arlington, VA: NSTA Press.
system in which no additional molecules
can get into the thermometer.
! Relate expansion of the liquid in a ther-
mometer to expansion of a metallic object.
A metal ball and ring apparatus, available

Uncovering Student Ideas in Science 37

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3 Physical Science and Nature of Science Assessment Probes

perature. Research in Science Education 15:

Related Curriculum Topic Study 122–126.
Guides Driver, R., A. Squires, P. Rushworth, and V. Wood-
(Keeley 2005) Robinson. 1994. Making sense of secondary sci-
“Heat and Temperature” ence: Research into children’s ideas. London and
“Particulate Nature of Matter” (Atoms and New York: RoutledgeFalmer
Molecules) Keeley, P. 2005. Science curriculum topic study:
Bridging the gap between standards and practice.
References Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.
American Association for the Advancement of Sci- National Research Council (NRC). 1996. National
ence (AAAS). 1993. Benchmarks for science lit- science education standards. Washington, DC:
eracy. New York: Oxford University Press. National Academy Press.
Appleton, K. 1985. Children’s ideas about tem-

38 N a t i o n a l S c i e n c e Te a c h e r s A s s o c i a t i o n

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