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9 Crucial Project Management Do’s

Project manager’s job role is getting harder and trickier as we evolve our way into the
new dawn of technological revolution. Because the business world is in a state of
constant flux, best practices evolve every now and then. Project managers cannot stop
at a certain juncture in their career where they say they know A-Z of project
management. But there are certain crucial do’s in project management which will stay
relevant for a very long time. Your 50% of project work usually depends on these crucial
project management aspects which lays the foundation upon which the project can be
successfully completed.
Here are 9 such crucial project management Do’s which will help you to hone your
skills, finish projects successfully and give you an immense satisfaction of doing your
1. Do a Detailed Plan
As a project manager, it is your duty to create a detailed plan. With a detailed
and comprehensive plan gives a great head-start for your project.
2. Do Identify Project Risks Early on
People often say, ‘prevention is better than cure’. By identifying potential risks
and dependencies and communicating early on will help in finishing your
project successfully.
3. Do Understand your Organizational Culture
On many occasions project’s success depends on organizational culture. So,
take time and get to know the organizational culture and structure, they either
can support or hinder your project’s success.
4. Do Establish Proper Communication Channels
It is said that 90% of project management depends on how well you
communicate critical aspects of project with your team, sponsor, stakeholders,
and customers. A well laid communication channel will go a long way to
ensure your project is a success.
5. Do Use Proper Metrics to Track your Projects
Projects go off-track all the time which can be easily avoided. By monitoring
your project status through reports and good metrics, you will be able to
anticipate where the project is headed down the line.
6. Do Stick with Triple Constraints Every Time
Because changes are common in a project, a project manager should ensure
that his / her project always sticks with the triple constraint in Scope, Cost, and
Time. And the same should be communicated to the team as well.
7. Do Engage with Stakeholders at Regular Intervals
Stakeholder engagement is an important aspect of project management. It is
they who have the vested interest in project’s success. Regular update of
project status is crucial to check whether their objectives are being met.
8. Do Delegate
As a project manager, you need to learn the art of delegating. It not only
empowers your team members, but creates space for you to concentrate
more on strategic and critical aspects of the project.
9. Do Employ Effective Processes
By having effective processes, you are ensuring everybody stays on the same
page and there is no miscommunication. Initiate small processes and let them
evolve as there will be less resistance towards them.
As a project manager, by understanding crucial project management do’s will help you
to better manage projects and project teams according to project management best
practices. Do let us know in the comments section if you think we need to include few
more important project management do’s.

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