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or Less
Mathematics in Context is a comprehensive curriculum for the middle grades.
It was developed in 1991 through 1997 in collaboration with the Wisconsin Center
for Education Research, School of Education, University of Wisconsin-Madison and
the Freudenthal Institute at the University of Utrecht, The Netherlands, with the
support of the National Science Foundation Grant No. 9054928.

The revision of the curriculum was carried out in 2003 through 2005, with the
support of the National Science Foundation Grant No. ESI 0137414.

National Science Foundation

Opinions expressed are those of the authors
and not necessarily those of the Foundation.

Keijzer, R.; van den Heuvel-Panhuizen, M.; Wijers, M.; Abels, M.; Shew, J. A.;
Brinker, L.; Pligge, M. A.; Shafer, M.; and Brendefur, J. (2006). More or less.
In Wisconsin Center for Education Research & Freudenthal Institute (Eds.),
Mathematics in context. Chicago: Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.

Copyright © 2006 Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.

All rights reserved.

Printed in the United States of America.

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ISBN 0-03-039618-2

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The Mathematics in Context Development Team
Development 1991–1997
The initial version of More or Less was developed by Ronald Keijzer, Marja van den Heuvel-Panhuizen,
and Monica Wijers. It was adapted for use in American schools by Julia Shew, Laura Brinker,
Margaret A. Pligge, Mary Shafer, and Jonathan Brendefur.

Wisconsin Center for Education Freudenthal Institute Staff

Research Staff
Thomas A. Romberg Joan Daniels Pedro Jan de Lange
Director Assistant to the Director Director
Gail Burrill Margaret R. Meyer Els Feijs Martin van Reeuwijk
Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator

Project Staff
Jonathan Brendefur Sherian Foster Mieke Abels Jansie Niehaus
Laura Brinker James A, Middleton Nina Boswinkel Nanda Querelle
James Browne Jasmina Milinkovic Frans van Galen Anton Roodhardt
Jack Burrill Margaret A. Pligge Koeno Gravemeijer Leen Streefland
Rose Byrd Mary C. Shafer Marja van den Adri Treffers
Peter Christiansen Julia A. Shew Heuvel-Panhuizen Monica Wijers
Barbara Clarke Aaron N. Simon Jan Auke de Jong Astrid de Wild
Doug Clarke Marvin Smith Vincent Jonker
Beth R. Cole Stephanie Z. Smith Ronald Keijzer
Fae Dremock Mary S. Spence Martin Kindt
Mary Ann Fix

Revision 2003–2005
The revised version of More or Less was developed by Mieke Abels and Monica Wijers.
It was adapted for use in American schools by Margaret A. Pligge.

Wisconsin Center for Education Freudenthal Institute Staff

Research Staff
Thomas A. Romberg David C. Webb Jan de Lange Truus Dekker
Director Coordinator Director Coordinator
Gail Burrill Margaret A. Pligge Mieke Abels Monica Wijers
Editorial Coordinator Editorial Coordinator Content Coordinator Content Coordinator

Project Staff
Sarah Ailts Margaret R. Meyer Arthur Bakker Nathalie Kuijpers
Beth R. Cole Anne Park Peter Boon Huub Nilwik
Erin Hazlett Bryna Rappaport Els Feijs Sonia Palha
Teri Hedges Kathleen A. Steele Dédé de Haan Nanda Querelle
Karen Hoiberg Ana C. Stephens Martin Kindt Martin van Reeuwijk
Carrie Johnson Candace Ulmer
Jean Krusi Jill Vettrus
Elaine McGrath
(c) 2006 Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. Mathematics in Context
and the Mathematics in Context Logo are registered trademarks
of Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.

Cover photo credits: (left to right) © Comstock Images; © Corbis;

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5, 18 (left), 19 (top), 20 Christine McCabe/© Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.;
22 Holly Cooper-Olds; 27 © Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.; 30 Christine
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Letter to the Student vi

Section A Produce Pricing

Scales 1 1.00 kg
Veggies-R-Us 5
Broken Calculator 6
Summary 8
Check Your Work 9

Section B Discounts
Surveys 11
Percents and Fractions 13
Percents or Cents? 14
Reasonable Discounts 15 1.92
Summary 16
Check Your Work 17

Section C Many Changes

Design a Sign 18
Profit Fractions 20
Summary 24 -
Check Your Work 24 s -R
e s -U
g gi - U R
e -
V -R es
Section D More or Less i e s sell gi
g by: e
g s
on: 05.27.05
V -U
Enlarge or Reduce 26 $/kg -Net R weight
s R
Discount 28 3.20
g i e 1.250 kg s-
P R I Ci eE
eg g
Sales Tax 29 V eg
0221311 465683 $4.00
Growing Interest 31
Summary 32
Check Your Work 33
Additional Practice 35

Answers to Check Your Work 39


Contents v
Dear Student,

This unit is about the ways in which fractions, decimals, and percents
are related.
Do you purchase items that need to be weighed? How is the final
price determined? Calculating per unit prices and total prices
requires multiplication with fraction and decimal numbers.
Do you buy your favorite items on sale? Next time you shop, notice
the sale discount. Sale discounts are usually expressed in percents.
In this unit, you will use fractions and percents to find sale prices.
You can use models like a double number line, a percent bar, or a
ratio table to help you make calculations.
You will investigate the percent by which a photograph increases or
decreases in size when you enlarge or reduce it on a photocopier.
You will also use fractions and percents to describe survey results.
While working on this unit, look for ads that list discounts in percents
and newspaper articles that give survey results. Share what you find
with the class.
All the situations in this unit will help you perfect your operations
with fractions, decimals, and percents. Good luck.


The Mathematics in Context Development Team

in Kilograms

vi More or Less
Produce Pricing
Save Supermarket displays fresh fruits and vegetables so customers
can select individual pieces and put what they want into bags. When
customers check out, cashiers weigh the produce and enter a produce
code that calculates the prices.

Many customers want to know the cost of their selections before

they check out. Ms. Vander, the produce manager, put a dial scale
near the fruit-and-vegetable counter so customers can weigh their
own produce. Customers can use the price per weight to estimate
the costs.

Section A: Produce Pricing 1

A Produce Pricing

Carol is a customer at Save Supermarket. She wants to buy

1 2 kilograms (kg) of Red Delicious apples.

1. What is the cost of 112 kg of apples if they are priced at $2.40 per

Carol places some apples on

the scale. A picture of the scale
is shown here.
2. Does Carol have the
amount of apples she
wants? Explain.

Carol decides to buy all of

the apples on the scale. She
wonders what this will cost.
3. Estimate the total cost of
Carol’s apple selection.
How did you arrive at your

2 More or Less
Produce Pricing A

Carol’s friends Pablo, Lia, and Pam are helping Carol estimate the cost
of her apples. They are waiting to use the scale after Carol is finished.
To help Carol, they make several suggestions to estimate the cost.

Pablo says, “That’s almost 2 kilograms

of apples.”

Lia states, “That’s about 1 34 kilograms

of apples.”
Pam suggests, “Use the scale as a
double number line.”
4. a. How will Pablo find the answer?
What will Pablo estimate?
b. How will Lia calculate the
answer? What will she estimate?
c. How will Pam use a double
number line to estimate the
cost of the apples?

You may remember another strategy that can be used to solve this
problem: using a ratio table.
5. Show how you would use a ratio table to estimate the cost of
the apples.

Section A: Produce Pricing 3

A Produce Pricing

When Carol is finished with the scale, Pam

weighs 10 apples she selected. This scale
shows the weight of Pam’s apples. in Kilograms

6. Estimate what Pam will pay for her


in Kilograms

This scale shows the weight of Lia’s

7. Estimate what Lia will pay for
her apples.

Pablo places his apples on the scale.

8. a. Suppose the weight of his apples is 2.1 kg. Copy the scale’s dial
and draw the pointer so it represents the weight of Pablo’s
b. What will Pablo pay for 2.1 kg of apples?

Save Supermarket sells

several kinds of apples,
including Red Delicious
and Granny Smith.

Suppose Carol, Pablo, and Pam bought the same weight of Granny
Smith apples instead of Red Delicious apples.
9. Using the scale weights from problems 6–8, estimate the price
each person will pay for the same weight of Granny Smith apples.

10. Pam wants to buy additional apples. She has $8. Estimate the
total weight of Red Delicious apples Pam can buy.

11. Pablo has $2.50 to spend on Granny Smith apples. Estimate the
total weight of apples Pablo can buy.
4 More or Less
Produce Pricing A

Tomatoes 1.250kg
Some supermarkets require customers $3.20/kg total: $4.00

to use special machines to print the

cost of produce before they check out.
s -R
s At Veggies-R-Us, customers place
e s -U
g gi - U R items on the scale, they key in the
-R s-
e s sell g ie type of produce, and the machine
g i g s
by: e
on: 05.27.05
V -U prints the cost. A sticker for a tomato
$/kg -Net weight
e s 1.250 kg- R purchase is shown on the left.
g i P R I C eE s
e gi
0221311 465683 $4.00 eg
V There is something wrong with the
machine! Sometimes it gives incorrect
prices. The produce manager is checking
the receipts to get a sense of how many
are wrong.
- - -
s s -R
s s -R
i e
Red gDelicious U
s Apples - U Peachesg ie U
s -U Grapes g ie U
s -U
eg - -R eg - -R eg - -R
V s -R i es V s -R i es V s -R i es
e e e
g i sell by: e
gg s packed
g i sellby: e
gg s packed
g i sellby: e
gg s
eg eg -U eg -U
on: 05.27.05
on: 05.27.05 on: 05.27.05
V $/kg -Net R weight V $/kg -Net R weight V $/kg -Net R weight
2.40 e s 1.330 kg- R 0.66 e s 2.500 kg- R 2.85 e s 0.750 kg- R
g g i P R I C eE s g g i P R I C eE s g g i P R I C eE s
e gi V
e gi V
e gi
0221313 465684
$31.92 eg $0.17 eg $2.14 eg
V 0221312 465685 V 0221310 465686 V

12. Use estimation to determine which receipts are wrong. Decide

whether the machine is overcharging or undercharging customers.

The storeowner repaired the machine so that it functions properly.

13. Use arrow language to show how the machine calculates the
costs of different amounts of Red Delicious apples priced at
$2.40 per kilogram.

14. Without using a calculator, describe how to calculate the cost

of these amounts of apples at $2.40 per kilogram.
a. 15 kg d. 0.4 kg f. 7 kg
b. 1.5 kg e. 0.04 kg g. 0.7 kg
c. 4 kg

Section A: Produce Pricing 5

A Produce Pricing

Paul calculated the price for 0.8 kg of Red Delicious apples at Save
1.92 Supermarket. He used his calculator and made these entries.
0.8  $2.40 

His calculator displayed 1.92 as the total.

Mary disagrees.
That can’t be right!
When you multiply, isn’t
the answer always larger
than the two numbers you
started with?

15. Reflect Is Mary right, or is Paul’s calculator

correct? Defend your position.
16. Describe two ways to use a calculator
to determine the cost of 34 kg of walnuts
priced at $7.98 per kilogram.

Broken Calculator
Ms. Vander of Save Supermarket
likes the calculating scale that
customers use at Veggies-R-Us.
She decides to keep a calculator
next to her dial scale. Customers
can calculate the exact cost of their
produce before they check out.

Unfortunately, the calculator

has been used so much that the
decimal point key no longer works.

6 More or Less
Produce Pricing A

Sean weighs 2.63 kg of strawberries priced at $4.32 per kilogram.

He thinks he can use the calculator in spite of the defective
decimal point key.

17. a. Make a low estimate and a high estimate of

the cost of Sean’s strawberries.
b. Describe how Sean will use the calculator to
find the exact cost of his strawberries.
c. Find the cost of Sean’s strawberries.

18. Use your answer to part c of problem 17 to determine

the prices of these amounts:
a. 0.263 kg of strawberries
b. 26.3 kg of strawberries 4.32
per k
19. The calculator is still broken. Use the information g
below to find the actual cost of each strawberry
purchase. Describe how you found each answer.

Customer Weight Calculator Display

Sally 3.98 kg
Devin 1.72 kg
Niya 0.39 kg

Section A: Produce Pricing 7

A Produce Pricing

There are many ways to estimate or find the cost of produce.

You may use number tools such as a double number line, a ratio
table, or a calculator.
For example, there are several strategies to find the cost of 1.8 kg
of Golden Delicious apples priced at $1.60 per kilogram.
• Estimate by rounding decimals to whole numbers.
You might reason like this.

1.8 is almost 2, so
1.8  $1.60 is a little
less than 2  $1.60.

2  $1.60  $1.60  $1.60

 $1.50  $0.10  $1.50  $0.10
 $1.50  $1.50  $0.10  $0.10  $3.20

$3.20 is a high estimate.

• Estimate by using simple fractions like halves or quarters.

You might reason like this.

1.8  $1.60 is a little more

than 1.75  $1.60, which is
the same as 1 34 of $1.60.

0 $0.40 $0.80 $1.20 $1.60 $2.80

1 1 kg 3 1 34 kg
0  kg  kg 1
4 2 4

$2.80 is a low estimate.

8 More or Less
• Use an exact calculation by changing the decimals into fractions.

You might reason like this.

Price $1.60 $0.32 $1.28 $2.88

1.8 is 1 45 , so
1 4
1.8  $1.60 is Weight 1 
5 5 1 45
1 45  $1.60.

$2.88 is the exact price.

• When the numbers are not Remember: Multiplying can

easy to calculate mentally, produce results smaller than
use a calculator. what you start with!

Whichever method you choose, it is wise to estimate the answer

before calculating. You never know when you might make an entry
error or your calculator might not be working properly. It is smart to
compare a reasonable estimate to your final price.

At Puno’s Produce, Gala apples are priced at $2.10 per kilogram.

1. Estimate the cost of each of these amounts.
a. b.

Weight in
Weight in

Section A: Produce Pricing 9

A Produce Pricing

Paul has $7 to spend on apples.

2. How many kilograms of Gala apples can he buy?

The price of Golden Delicious apples is $3.60 per kilogram.

3. Describe how you would calculate the cost of each of these
amounts of apples without using a calculator.
a. 3 kg b. 0.3 kg c. 2.3 kg

4. a. Describe how to determine 12  $47.00 without using a

b. Describe how to determine 114  $8.20 without using a

Kenji used his calculator at home to calculate 12.54  0.39. He wrote

the answer 48906 in his notebook. It wasn’t until he was at school
that he discovered he had forgotten to write the decimal point in his
answer. He found where the decimal point should be by estimating
the answer.
5. Explain what Kenji did. Place the decimal point in his answer.

Here is a multiplication problem and the correct answer, without the

decimal point:
568  356  202208
Put a decimal point in either 568, 356, or both numbers so that you
will get a new multiplication problem. Be sure that your answer for
the new problem is correct!
Create at least four more problems using this method.

10 More or Less
Ms.Vander of Save Supermarket
replaced the old dial scales in the
produce section with digital scales. 1.00 kg
She wanted to know how the
customers felt about the new scales,
so she surveyed 650 customers.
The first survey question asked,
“Do you like the new scales?”
Here are the results from the first
survey question.

Customer Opinion of New Scales

Number of Customers Customer’s Opinion

320 very pleased with the new scales

220 somewhat pleased with the new scales

65 not pleased with the new scales

The rest of the customers surveyed said they did not notice the difference.

1. Do the customers think the new scales are a good idea? Use the
survey results to explain your answer.

Ms. Vander made a pie chart to help her interpret the survey results.
2. a. Display the results using the segmented bar and pie chart on
Student Activity Sheet 1.
b. Describe the results of the survey using fractions.
c. Describe the results of the survey using percents.

Section B: Discounts 11
B Discounts

The second survey question asked, “Do the new scales help you
estimate the cost of your selection?”

Ms. Vander was amazed at the results of the second survey question.
She decided to show her staff members the results on a bar chart.
Here are some of their reactions.

A tenth of the
I noticed that customers don’t even
But half of the want to estimate the
25% of the customers
customers say they costs. For the remaining
say that the new
can estimate the costs customers surveyed,
scales don’t help them
more easily with the neither scale makes
estimate the costs.
new scales. a difference.

Bert Loggen Janice Vander Juan Sanchez

Produce Manager Store Manager Produce Buyer

3. a. Draw a bar chart that Ms. Vander could have shown her staff.
b. Describe the part of the chart that represents the number of
customers who say it doesn’t make any difference which
scale is used.

4. a. Which type of graph, the pie chart or the bar chart, makes it
easier to see the parts that are larger as compared to the parts
that are smaller? Explain.
b. Reflect How can these charts help you figure out the percents
for the parts?
c. Can the charts help you find the fractions that describe the
parts? Explain your answer.

12 More or Less
Discounts B

Percents and Fractions

Some store managers do not make pie charts or bar charts to show
the results of customer surveys. They use only percents. Some
percents, like 50% and 25%, are as easy to write as fractions.
Check that you know the fraction equivalents of 50% and 25%.
33 31 % of 180 is 60.
Ms. Vander told Mr. Loggen that 33 13% of 180 customers wish Save
Supermarket would carry a wider variety of apples. Without a
calculator, Mr. Loggen quickly figured out that 33 13% of 180 customers
is 60 customers.

5. What strategy do you think Mr. Loggen used to find the answer?

6. List percents that are easy to rewrite as fractions. Include the

corresponding fractions.

Fractions like 12 and 14 and 10

1 are often called benchmark fractions.

7. Show how you can use benchmark fractions to calculate each of

these percent problems.
a. 25% of 364 d. 5% of 364 g. 20% of 364
b. 75% of 364 e. 30% of 364 h. 80% of 364
c. 10% of 364 f. 35% of 364

Dale’s Department Store is having a sale. Dale wants all his

employees to be able to do mental calculations quickly and
easily in case customers have questions about the sale discounts.
8. Complete these mental calculations. You do not have to answer
them in any particular order. You may want to start with those
you find the easiest. Write your answers in your notebook.
15 of $360 is

a. 100 —— . h. 0.333  $360 is —— .
1 of $250 is
b. 35% of $360 is —— . i. 5 —— .
c. 20% of $250 is —— . j. 1% of $250 is —— .
d. 3313 % of $120 is —— . k. 13 of $360 is —— .
e. 0.25  $360 is —— . l. 40% of $250 is —— .
f. 14 of $360 is —— . m. 34 of $360 is —— .
g. 25%  $360 is —— . n. 15% of $360 is —— .

Section B: Discounts 13
B Discounts

9. Choose three of your mental calculations and describe your

solution strategy for each one.

10. Which of the mental calculations you used in problem 8 are

related? Explain how they are related.

11. Reflect Which of the calculations you used in problem 8 are the
easiest for you to compute mentally? Which of the calculations
would you rather do using a calculator?

Percents or Cents?
During a sale, Dale offers two types of discounts. Sometimes he
gives a cash discount and other times he gives a percent off the
regular price.

12. a. On Student Activity Sheet 2, you will find a copy of the

table below. For each item in the table, determine whether
the percent discount or cash discount gives the lower sale
price. Mark your choice on the activity sheet and give an
explanation for it.
b. Add two of your own items to the table on the activity sheet.
Include the regular prices, two types of discounts, your choice,
and an explanation.

Item Regular Price Sale Price Explanation

• 30% off
In-line Skates $55.00
• $10.00 off
• 20% off
Jeans $23.75
• $5.00 off
• 25% off
Cell Phone $75.00
• $17.50 off
• 15% off
Baseball Cap $19.95
• $3.50 off
• 20% off
Sneakers $45.95
• $9.00 off
• 40% off
Earrings $9.95
• $3.50 off

14 More or Less
Discounts B

Reasonable Discounts
13. Dale’s Department Store is having a 24-hour sale. For each of the
items below, the regular price is given along with the wholesale
price (the price Dale’s Department Store paid for the item). In
each case, decide whether a discount of 10%, 25%, or 40% is
reasonable. Reasonable, in this case, means a discount will
provide savings for the customer but will also give the store
some profit. Mark the sale price for each item in your notebook
and defend your decision.

a. Wholesale Price: $42.50 b. Wholesale Price: $129.95

Regular Price: $59.95 Regular Price: $149.95

Sale Price

rice c. Wholesale Price: $18.00

Sale P
Regular Price: $25.95
Sale Price

d. Wholesale Price: $70.00 e. Wholesale Price: $40.00

Regular Price: $109.99 Regular Price: $45.00

Sale Price


Section B: Discounts 15
B Discounts

• Results of a survey can be displayed in a bar chart or a pie

chart. These charts help you compare the parts using
percents or fractions.
• Discounts are often expressed in percents. The strategy you
use when finding discounts depends on the percent and the
price given.

Some percents, like 10%, 25%, and 75%, can easily be written
as fractions. These fractions can then be used to make the
calculations. For example:
25% of 488 is 14 of 488, which is 122.
75% of 488 is 43 of 488, which is 366.

Fractions that are easy to work with are called benchmark fractions.
You can calculate with these fractions mentally.

For discounts that are not easy to compute, you can separate the
percentage into the sum of several percents that are easier to
calculate, such as 10% or 1%. The use of a percent bar, a double
number line, or a ratio table can be helpful.

For example, to calculate 35% of $250, you can use 10%  10% 
10%  5% (half of 10%), or 3  10%  5% (half of 10%).

10 2

Price in dollars 250 25 12.5 75 87.5

Percents 100% 10% 5% 30% 35%

10 2

35% is 30% + 5%
3  10% + half of 10%
Since 10% of $250 is $25 and half of $25 is $12.50,
35% of $250 is 3  $25 + $12.50 or
$75 + $12.50 or $87.50.

16 More or Less
Dale is having a sale on small fans that regularly cost
$5.98 each. Customers can choose from these three
Discount 1: 5% off Discount 2: $0.50 off
Discount 3: 15 off

1. Which discount gives the lowest sale price?

Explain your reasoning.

Dale is selling all the air conditioners in his store to make room for
other merchandise. He gives his customers a huge discount of 60%.
2. Explain how you would find the discount for an air conditioner
that costs $240.

Dale has three other air conditioners to sell for $280, $200, and $275.
3. How much will each one cost after I know 50%
the 60% discount? I know 10% of 800 is
10 . half of it.
Ms. Vander and Mr. Sanchez are studying
a survey of 800 customers. The survey
shows that 45% of the customers gave
the same response. Ms. Vander and
Mr. Sanchez want to know how many
customers that is. They begin by using
percents they can easily write as fractions.
4. How do you think Ms. Vander and
Mr. Sanchez will continue? Complete
their calculations.
5. Write at least two ways to calculate
25% of 900.

Look for at least three different sale items listed in a newspaper or

magazine. Calculate the discount and the sale price. Rewrite the
percent discount as a fraction.

Section B: Discounts 17
Many Changes
Design a Sign
Save Supermarket is planning a super sale. They want to design a sale
sign showing the produce prices. Ms. Vander gives these discounts.

Grapes Granny Smith Apples Red Delicious Apples

Were $3.20/kg Were $2.89/kg Were $2.40/kg
Now 25% off Now 20% off Now 15% off

1. Are these good sales for customers?

The employees brainstorm about what to write on the sale signs.

Bert sketched this sign for grapes. He used a
GRAPES percent discount and a percent bar to visually
Were $3.20 per kg show the relationship between the original
price and the discount price.
Now 25% off
2. Sketch signs for Granny Smith and Red
0 $3.20
Delicious apples using Bert’s suggestions.
25% off
0% 100%

Janice proposes that they include fractions instead of percents. She

believes customers can estimate the discounts more easily if they
use fractions.
3. a. Reflect Do you agree with Janice? Defend your position.
b. Draw one sign using Janice’s suggestion.

18 More or Less
Many Changes C

Ms. Vander is in favor of displaying the discount in dollars.

Pedro thinks it will be easier for customers if only the new

price appears on the signs.
4. What kind of sign do you prefer? Why?
Were $3.20/kg
The employees decide to combine ideas. They will use a
Now 25% off
percent bar, the percent discount, and both the original price
and the sale price on each sign.
5. Use their ideas to design new signs for each of the items
on the left.
Pedro studies the new grapes
sign and says, “This is great! GRAPES
You can tell just by looking Were $3.20 per kg
Granny Smith at the sign what fraction or Now 25% off
Apples percent the customers will 0 $2.40 $3.20
Were $2.89/kg have to pay. You can check 25% off
Now 20% off the sale price by doing one 0% 100%

simple multiplication.” Now $2.40 per kg

6. a. What fraction and percent of the original price do

customers have to pay for grapes?
b. What multiplication can customers use to check the
sale price for grapes?
Red Delicious c. Compute the new prices for the Granny Smith and
Apples Red Delicious apples using only one multiplication
Were $2.40/kg for each.
Now 15% off

Section C: Many Changes 19

C Many Changes

Profit Fractions
The owner of Save Supermarket, Ms. Jao, compared this year’s
profits to last year’s profits. This is what she found.

Department Change in Profit

Health and Beauty One-quarter less

Dairy One-fifth less

Produce One-and-one-half times as much

Bakery Three-tenths less

Meat One-quarter more

Deli Two-thirds more

To help her visualize the changes in profits, Ms. Jao used bars to
represent last year’s profits.
7. a. Which departments increased profit from last year to this year?
b. Use the bars on Student Activity Sheet 3 to indicate the
change in profit for each department. Label the bars.

This year’s Health and Beauty profit can be described as three-fourths

times ( 43 ) last year’s profit.
8. Describe the change in profit for the other departments in fractions.

The table below shows last year’s profit for each department of
Ms. Jao’s store.

Department Last Year’s Profit

Health and Beauty $46,800

Dairy $35,600

Produce $22,500

Bakery $55,900

Meat $60,200

Deli $47,100

9. For each department, use last year’s profit and the change in
profit to find this year’s profit.

20 More or Less
Many Changes C

In problem 9, Ms. Jao calculated this year’s profit for the bakery like this.

10 55,900  0.7  55,900

She then used her calculator.

10. a. Compare Ms. Jao’s calculation to the bakery profit calculation
you made in problem 9. What is the same and what is different?
b. How would Ms. Jao calculate this year’s profit for the Health
and Beauty department, using multiplication with decimals?

Fractions can be written as decimals.

11. On Student Activity Sheet 4, connect the fraction and decimal
that express the same number.

1.5 0.3 1 1
5 4

3 3
 0.4  0.75
4 100

0.25 1.25  0.03

3 25
1 12 
100 0.2 1 14 2


12. Describe how you can find the answer to these multiplication
problems on a calculator that does not allow you to enter
a. 43  1,257

b. 1 14  1,257
17  1,257

c. 100

Section C: Many Changes 21

C Many Changes

Ms. Jao decided to use percents to change the prices of some items
in her store. She made this table.

New Price as
Product Old Price Change New Price Percentage of
Old Price
Whole Milk $2.10 –10% 90%

Frozen Dinner $4.68 – 25%

Roasted Turkey $13.25 +25%

6 Cans of Juice $2.98 – 5%

Canned Salmon $3.60 +15%

13. Use Student Activity Sheet 5 to fill in the columns labeled

“New Price” and “New Price as Percentage of Old Price.”

14. Describe and compare two ways of finding the sale price of
cookies that normally sell for $4.98 but are now 15% off.

While Ms. Jao was working in her office, her two children, Jim and
Michelle, came by to visit. She decided to take a break and have a
glass of lemonade with them.
The children discussed the amount of lemonade in their glasses.

“You have
25% more
than I do!”

“No! You have

only 20% less
than I do!”

15. a. Reflect Do you agree with Jim or Michelle?

Defend your position.
b. Can the other person also be right? Why?

22 More or Less
Many Changes C

After they finished their lemonade, Jim and Michelle went to Dale’s
Department Store to buy a birthday present for their friend Puno.
Jim and Michelle agreed on a gift and took it to the cashier to make
their purchase. The cashier made a mistake and gave them a 20%
discount. When she caught her mistake, she decided to just add 20%
of the total back on.
16. a. Do you think adding 20% of the total price corrects the
b. Copy and fill in the receipt.

Dale’s Department Store

Merchandise . . . . . . . . . . . . . $23.70

–20% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $______

TOTAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $______

+20% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $______

TOTAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $______

17. Explain the effect of subtracting 20% of the price and then
adding 20% of that total price back.

Dale reminded his employees to check the sale prices, using the
percent discount and the sale price.

18. Find the original price of a T-shirt with a 20% discount and a
sale price of $15.

Section C: Many Changes 23

C Many Changes

To calculate the sale price of an item 0 1

with a discount given as a percent or
fraction, you can do it with one 0% 100%
multiplication calculation.
3 4

For example, suppose an item 0 4 4
is discounted by 25%.
The discount is 25%, or 14 . 0% 75% 100%

The new price is 75%, or, 43 , of the old price, so multiply 43 times
the original price.

Increasing a price by a percent 0 1

is the same as taking 100%
plus the percent increase of 0% 100%
the price.
0 1 112
For example, increasing a
price by 50% is the same
as finding 150% of the price, 0% 100% 150%
or multiplying 112 times the original price.
In other words, increasing by 50% is the same as multiplying the
original price by 112 or 1.5.

Save Supermarket orders fresh fruit each day. Tim records changes
in weight on a chart. The manager compared today’s weight to
yesterday’s weight on a chart.
Fruit Order Change in Weight
Apples One-quarter more
Pears One-third less
Oranges Two-fifths less
Bananas Three-tenths more

1. Use bars to indicate the change in weight for each type of fruit
Save Supermarket orders. Label the bars.

24 More or Less
The table below shows the weight of yesterday’s fruit order.

Fruit Order Weight Yesterday

Apples 80 kg
Pears 45 kg
Oranges 100 kg
Bananas 120 kg

2. Use the information in both charts to find the weight of

today’s fruit order. Show your calculations.


3. Tim buys an entire set of pots and

pans at Dale’s Department Store. $7.95
Which discount saves him more
money, $1.50 off each item or $8.95
15% off each item?

4. An item is discounted 20%.
What fraction of the original
price do you pay?

5. Describe how you can find the

original price if you know the sale
price is $42 and the original price
was discounted 25%.

Consider an item that had an original price of $75.00. It was

discounted 25%. Then it was discounted a second time, at
15% off the sale price. Is this the same as an original discount
of 40%? Explain and show the calculations.

Section C: Many Changes 25

More or Less
Enlarge or Reduce
Maritza, Laura, and Jamel are opening a new store called Roll On. To
advertise the grand opening, Maritza and Jamel designed a flyer with
a picture of an in-line skater.

Here is the picture that Maritza and Jamel want to use for the flyer.

They realized that the picture had to be reduced to fit on the flyer.
Laura suggested that they use a photocopier to see what the reduced
picture would look like. Jamel and Maritza agreed. They found a
photocopier that could reduce originals to 25 percent and enlarge
originals to 400 percent.

26 More or Less
More or Less D

1. Reflect What does it mean to reduce to 25 percent and enlarge to

400 percent? Give examples to illustrate your explanation.

2. a. Suppose they reduce GRAND OPENING

the picture to 50%. You are invited to the
What will the new grand opening of
width and length be?
Show your calculations. Roll On ,
a store for in-line skaters.

b. Complete the arrow Come see our

string to describe a great selection at
3563 Main Street.
reduction to 50%.

original length ⎯…

⎯⎯→ reduced length

The result of this reduction is still too large to fit on the flyer.

Maritza suggests, “Just take the reduced copy and reduce it again to
50%. Then we will see if that fits.”
3. a. What are the width and length after two successive reductions
to 50%?
b. Describe the calculation to make two reductions of 50%.
c. How can they get the same result, starting with the original
and using just one reduction?

The group has gone to a lot of trouble to find the effect of a reduction.
It would be a lot easier if the print shop had a chart that shows the
measurements of an object after it is reduced.
4. Copy and fill in the table below for making a reduction to 30%.

Original Length (in cm) 10 15 20 1 2 3 4 5

Length Reduced to 30%

5. a. How can you use a calculator to find the effect of a reduction

to 30%?
b. Use arrow language to describe this calculation.

Section D: More or Less 27

D More or Less

The group wants to make a poster using the original picture. This
time the picture has to be enlarged.
6. Find the dimensions of a picture 10 centimeters (cm) by 15 cm
enlarged to 200%. Show your calculations.

The result is too small for the poster, so they decide to enlarge the
original picture to 250%.
7. a. Find the dimensions of the picture (10 cm by 15 cm) enlarged
to 250%. Show your calculations.
b. Use arrow language to describe this calculation.

Suppose you want to make an enlargement to 200%. The photocopier

you are using enlarges to only 150%.
8. a. Will two enlargements to 150% give the desired result? Explain.
b. Find two enlargements that can be used with this photocopier
to produce a final enlargement as close as possible to 200%.
Copy the arrow string to describe your result.

original length ⎯…

⎯⎯→ ……. ⎯…
⎯⎯→ enlarged length

Maritza and Jamel went to the Office Supply Store to buy
a frame for the poster. There were several frames for sale.
$12.80 Maritza liked the one shown on the left.
9. a. What is the discount in dollars?
b. Maritza calculated the discount with one multiplication:
discount 0.25  $12.80.
Explain why this is correct. The percent bar can be helpful for
finding an explanation.

$0 $12.80
discount 25%

0% 100%

c. Calculate the sale price for this frame.

28 More or Less
More or Less D

10. a. Explain one multiplication that can be used to

calculate the discount of this frame.
b. Find the sale price of this frame.

Maritza and Jamel decided to buy this frame. When

they checked out, they saw the cashier use a calculator
to calculate the sale price.

discount 15  0.65 
11. Reflect Explain why this method works for
calculating the sale price.

Sales Tax
Maritza and Jamel paid more than $9.75 for the frame. When they
looked at the bill, they noticed a sales tax added to their purchase.
Sales taxes help pay for local community services.

In many cities, the sales tax is 8%. So for an item priced at $20, you
pay $20 plus 8% of $20.

Here are three ways to calculate the sales tax (8%) for a $20 purchase.
• One method uses a ratio table.
12. a. Copy the ratio table and fill in the dollar amounts for an 8% tax.

Price (in dollars) $100 $10 $1 $0.10

8% Tax (in dollars)

b. Use this ratio table to find the sales tax (8%) for a $20 purchase.

• Another method uses a percent bar.

$0 $10 $20

0% 50% 100%

13. Copy this percent bar in your notebook and use it to find the sales
tax (8%) for a $20 purchase.

Section D: More or Less 29

D More or Less

• A third method uses arrow language.

Price ⎯…
⎯⎯→ Tax amount

It helps to remember the benchmark relationships for 1%,

1 and 0.01.

which are 100

14. a. What fraction corresponds to 8%?

b. What decimal corresponds to 8%?
c. Use arrow language (and a calculator) to show how to find the
sales tax (8%) for a $20 purchase.

15. Copy the chart and fill in the last two rows. Use a sales tax of 19%.

Price in Dollars $100.00 $10.00 $1.00

Tax in Dollars
Total Cost with Tax

Laura wants to compute the final cost of an item with a 19% sales tax,
using one multiplication calculation. She uses arrow language to show
what to multiply.
Price ⎯⎯⎯→
⎯⎯ 1.19 Total cost with tax

16. a. Explain why this arrow language is correct.

b. Write the arrow string for calculating the total cost with an
8% sales tax.

As Maritza and Jamel left Save Supermarket,

Jamel bought the items on the left.
17. Find Jamel’s total bill, with a sales tax of
8% included.

Maritza paid $12.63 at Save Supermarket.

She wonders how much of the dollar amount
is tax. The sales tax is 8%.
18. a. How can Maritza find out using arrow
b. Calculate the tax Maritza paid.
30 More or Less
More or Less D

Growing Interest
Laura visited the local bank to open business accounts for their new
store, Roll On. She spoke with Leticia Beligrado. When she finished
setting up the accounts, she asked Ms. Beligrado to make a donation
for the grand opening. Ms. Beligrado was willing to donate a $250
savings account as a grand opening prize, but she wanted to make
the prize more attractive by specifying that the money must stay in
the bank for three years. The savings account earns 2% interest
every year.
19. Reflect Research the savings plans available at your local bank.
Write a paragraph describing the options.

If you win the grand opening prize, you would begin with $250 in the
savings account. With a 2% annual interest rate, the bank would add
2% of $250 by the end of the first year. As a result, you would have
102% of the original prize.
$0 $250

0% 100% 102%

20. a. How much money would you have after one year?
b. The savings account would earn an additional 2% of the new
balance by the end of the next year. How much money would
be in your account at the end of the second year?
c. At the end of the third year?

The money in the account grows quite nicely in just a few years.
21. Reflect Explain why the total interest earned grows larger
each year.

Section D: More or Less 31

D More or Less

In this section, you studied percent increase and decrease and applied
it to resizing pictures and calculating sales tax and interest.

There are many tools you can use to calculate a percent increase or
• Use a ratio table.
For a percent increase, to find the tax and total cost using a sales
tax of 8%:

Price in Dollars $100 $10 $1 $12

Tax in Dollars $8 $0.80 $0.08 $0.96

Total Cost $108 $10.80 $1.08 $12.96

• Use a percent bar.

For a percent decrease, to find the sale price of a $12.80 item with
a 25% discount:

$0 $9.60 $12.80
discount 25%

0% 75% 100%

For a percent increase, to find this year’s profit increased 25%

from last year’s profit of $12,800:

$0 $12,800 $16,000
increase 25%

0% 100% 125%

32 More or Less
• Use a double number line.
For a percent decrease, to find the length of a 20-cm photo
reduced to 80%:
0 cm 4 cm 16 cm 20 cm

0% 20% 80% 100%

• Use arrow language.

For a percent increase, to find the total cost of an item with a
19% sales tax included:

Price ⎯⎯⎯→
⎯⎯ 1.19 Total, tax included

Brenda and Kim are writing an article for the school newspaper. They
need to reduce a photo with dimensions 12 cm by 18 cm.
1. a. What are the new dimensions of the picture if it is reduced
to 50%?
b. If the original picture is reduced to 75%?

Afterward, the layout editor informs them that she allotted a blank
space of 5 cm by 10 cm for their photo.
2. What reduction can Brenda and Kim use to fit their photo in the
allotted blank space?

Ron and Ben are designing a poster for the school band concert.
They have a picture they want to make 5 times as long and wide
as it is now.
3. a. What enlargement would they have to make to have all
measurements 5 times as big?

Section D: More or Less 33

D More or Less

The copier they are using enlarges to only 200%. They will need to
make several enlargements.
b. How can they do this? Use arrow language to describe the
enlargements they might use.

4. Which multiplication calculation can you use to find the total cost
of an item that has a 12% sales tax?

Salali buys the following items. (Prices do not include tax.)

Envelopes $2.05
A set of 12 pens $5.99
A birthday card $1.80
A magazine $3.95

5. Find Salali’s total bill including 12% tax.

You have used percent bars, double number lines, arrow language,
and multiplications to describe increases and decreases. Which one
do you prefer? Why?

34 More or Less
Additional Practice

Section A Produce Pricing

Red Delicious apples are priced at $2.40 per kilogram.
1. Estimate the cost of the apples.
a. b.

Paul has $7 to spend on apples.

2. How many kilograms of Red Delicious apples can he buy?

3. Describe how to calculate the cost of the following amounts of

apples, priced at $3.60 per kilogram, using a ratio table.
a. 8 kg b. 2 41 kg c. 1.6 kg

At Veggies-R-Us, customers use a special scale to find the cost of

produce. It prints these receipts.
a. b. c. d.

Pears Cucumbers Red Peppers Potatoes

$2.75/kg $2.19/kg $4.25/kg $0.99/kg
1.35 kg 2.86 kg 3.87 kg 0.63 kg
Total: $37125 Total: $62634 Total: $16448 Total: $62370

Unfortunately, the scale is not printing the decimal point for the
total price.
4. Use estimation to determine what the total price should be on
each of the receipts.

Additional Practice 35
Additional Practice

Section B Discounts

1. Rewrite the percents as fractions.

a. 75% c. 3313% e. 6632%
b. 10% d. 50% f. 25%

2. Rewrite the fractions as percents.

3 1 8
a.  c. 
e. 10
10 5
1 3
b. 2 d. 4 f. 13

3. Describe a logical way you can solve each of the problems.

Then write your answers
a. 50% of 280 c. 20% of 500 e. 60% of 240
b. 10% of 165 d. 51% of 210 f. 14% of 70

4. Seymour Sporting Goods and Sport-O-Rama are having sales.

Which store has the better sale price for each item listed?
Explain your choices.

Item Seymour Sporting Goods Sport-O-Rama

Football $20.00 25% off $19.00 $4.00 off

Golf Glove $8.40 20% off $8.65 $1.75 off

Bowling Ball Bag $24.95 25% off $26.49 $8.00 off

Swimming Goggles $5.14 30% off $5.20 $1.50 off

Softball $16.89 40% off $17.00 $6.75 off

Soccer Shoes $52.90 15% off $50.95 $6.00 off

36 More or Less
Additional Practice

Section C Many Changes

Samantha’s recipe for Key lime pie was selected for a Healthy
Makeover. Here is the nutritional information for both recipes.



Nutritional Category Original Recipe Healthful Changes

Calories 450 One-third fewer

Fat 18 grams Two-thirds less

Cholesterol 150 milligrams Three-fifths less

Sodium 300 milligrams One-quarter less

Carbohydrates 50 grams Three-tenths more

1. Use a bar to illustrate the healthful changes in each of the five

categories. Label each bar clearly.

One way to find the number of calories in one slice of the healthy
recipe for Key lime pie is to multiply 450 by 23.
2. a. What fraction can you use to calculate the new amount of fat?
Amount of cholesterol? Amount of sodium? Number of grams
of carbohydrates?
b. Find the amount of each nutritional category for the healthy
recipe. Explain your reasoning.

Section D More or Less

Darnel must make a poster for a presentation in his history class. He
plans to enlarge a small drawing that is 28 cm by 40 cm.
1. a. How big is the poster if Darnel enlarges the drawing to 115%?
b. Darnel enlarges the drawing to 150%. It is too small. He decides
he would like to enlarge it another 150%. How large is the
resulting poster?

Additional Practice 37
Additional Practice

During his presentation, Darnel plans to hand out two pictures. The
pictures are both 21 cm by 27 cm. The photocopier can reduce pictures
only to 75%, 70%, or 60%.

2. Explain what Darnel can do to reduce his two pictures so they

both fit onto one sheet of paper that is 21.5 cm by 28 cm and the
pictures are as large as possible.

Laura’s grandparents started a college fund for her on her twelfth

birthday. They put $500 in a savings account that earns 4% interest
every year.
3. a. How much is in the account after one year? What percent of
the original amount is this?
b. When Laura enters college in six years, how much money will
she have in her account?

38 More or Less
Section A Produce Pricing

1. a. There are different strategies to solve this problem, and there

are different good solutions. However, if your answer is not
between $4.20 ( 2  $2.10) and $6.30 ( 3  $2.10), then you
should redo the problem or ask help from a classmate or your
Sample good solutions:
• $5.20, because that is about halfway between $4.20
and $6.30.
• $4.62, because 2 kg of apples cost $4.20.
0.1 kg of apples cost $0.21, so 0.2 kg cost $0.42.
2.2 kg of apples cost $4.20  $0.42  $4.62.

b. There are different strategies to solve this problem, and there

are different good solutions. However, if your answer is not
between $1.05 ( 12  $2.10) and $2.10, then you should redo
the problem or ask help from a classmate or your teacher.
Sample good solutions:
• $1.50, because that is about halfway between $1.05
and $2.10.
• $1.68, because 1 kg of apples cost $2.10.
0.1 kg of apples cost $0.21, so 0.2 kg cost $0.42.
0.8 kg of apples cost $2.10  $0.42  $1.68.

2. Your answer should be a little more than 3 kg.

Sample strategy:
Three kg of apples cost $6.30, so Paul has $0.70 left
($7  $6.30  $0.70).
From here, there are different strategies to continue.
• $0.70 is about $1, and 1 kg costs about $2.
$1 out of $2 is 12 , so he can buy 1  12  1 12 kg of apples.
• One kg of apples costs $2.10
70 is 1 , so he can buy 31 kg of apples.
$0.70 out of $2.10 is 210 3 3

Answers to Check Your Work 39

Answers to Check Your Work

The price of Golden Delicious is $3.60 per kg.

3. a. There are different strategies to find the price without the use
of a calculator. You may have described one of the following
• Calculate the price for 3 kg using a ratio table.


Price $3.60 $7.20 $10.80

Weight (kg) 1 2 3

• Calculate 3  $3.60 mentally.

3  $3  3  $0.60  $9  $1.80  $10.80

b. There are different strategies to find the price without using a

calculator. You may have described the following strategy.
• In part a, I calculated the price for 3 kg. Since 0.3 kg is one
tenth of 3 kg, I can calculate one tenth of $10.80, which is

c. There are different strategies to find the price without using a

calculator. You may have described the following strategy.
• In part b, I calculated the price for 0.3 kg ($1.08), so I only
have to add the price of two kg ($7.20). The answer is
$1.08  $7.20  $8.28.

4. a. 12 x $47.00 = $23.50. Many strategies are possible.

Here are some.
• Separating $47.00 as $46.00  $1.00:
1 of $47.00  1 of ($46.00  $1.00)
2 2
 12 of $46.00  12 of $1.00
 $23.00  $0.50

• Separating $47.00 as $40.00  $7.00:

$47.00 is equal to $40.00  $7.00.
1 of $40.00 is $20.00 and 1 of $7.00 is $3.50
2 2
So 2  $47.00
 $20.00  $3.50  $23.50.
40 More or Less
Answers to Check Your Work

• Thinking of $47.00 as $50.00  $3.00:

1 of $47.00  1 of ($50.00  $3.00)
2 2
 12 of $50.00  12 of $3.00
 $25.00  $1.50

b. 141  $8.20  $10.25. Strategies will vary.

• 12 of $8.20  $4.10, so
of $8.20  $2.05.
So 141  $8.20
 $8.20  $2.05  $10.25.

• Using a ratio table:

Price $8.20 $4.10 $2.05 $10.25
1 1
Weight (kg) 1 2 4

5. Kenji might have thought:

• 12.54 is more than 12 and 0.39 is more than 13 . So the
answer will be more than 13 of 12, which is 4. Checking
4.8096 is more than 4.
• 12.54 is close to 12 and 0.39 is close to 0.5. So that would
be like taking 12 of 12, which is 6. Checking 4.8906 is

Section B Discounts
1. Discount 3 gives the best sale price. You may have used one of
the following strategies:
• Calculate and compare the discount prices.
Discount 1: 10% of $5.98 is about $0.60. So 5% of $5.98 is
about $0.30.
The sale price is $5.98  $0.30  $5.68.
Discount 2: The discount is $0.50 off. So the sale price is
$5.98  $0.50  $5.48.
Discount 3: One-fifth of $5.98 is about $1.20. So the sale
price is $5.98  $1.20  $4.78.
So Discount 3 gives the best sale price (largest discount).
Answers to Check Your Work 41
Answers to Check Your Work

• Calculate and compare the discount fractions.

1 off.
Discount 1: 5% off is 20
Discount 2: $0.50 off of $6.00 is
50 5  12
  60 1 .
Discount 3: 15 off
1 is greater than 1 and 1 .
5 20 12
So Discount 3 gives the best sale price.

• Use percents to compare the discounts:

Discount 1: 5%
Discount 2: $0.50 is a bit less than 10% of $5.98.
Discount 3: 15 is 20%.
So Discount 3 gives the best sale price.

2. The discount is $144. You may have used one of the following
• Thinking of 60% as 50%  10%:
Use a percent bar.
$0 $24 $120 $144 $240

0% 10% 50% 60% 100%

Since 60% can be written as 50%  10%, find 50% of $240,

which is equal to $120.
Then find 10% of $240, which is equal to $24.
So 60% of $240  $120  $24  $144.

• Thinking of 60% as six 10%s:

Since 60% can be written as six 10%s, find 10% of $240,
which is equal to 24.
Then multiply 24 by 6, which is equal to 144.
So 60% of $240  $144.
• Using a calculator:
Enter: 0.60  240  144.

42 More or Less
Answers to Check Your Work

3. The $280 air conditioner will cost $112; the $200 air conditioner
will cost $80; the $275 air conditioner will cost $110. You may
have used the following strategy.
$280 air conditioner:
60% of $280  $168.
The sale price is $280  $168  $112.
$200 air conditioner:
60% of $200  $120.
The sale price is $200  $120  $80.
$275 air conditioner:
60% of $275  $165.
The sale price is $275  $165  $110.

4. a. There are different ways to finish their calculations. You may

have used one of these strategies.
• Ms. Vander uses 10 1 of 800  80:
1 of 800  80, and
4  80  40% of 800  320. Also,
since 10% of 800  80, 5% is equal to
one-half of 80, which is 40.
So 45% of 800  320  40  360.

• Ms. Vander could have also used a 10% strategy:

10% of 800 is 80, so 40% is 320 (4  80).
5% is half of 10%, so 5% is 40 ( 12  80).
So 45% is 360 (320  4).

• Mr. Sanchez uses a 45% is 50%  5% strategy:

50% is 400 ( 12 of 800). I need to take off 5%.
1 of 50%).
5% is 40 (10
45% is 360 (400  40).
Or using a ratio table:

Number of Customers 800 400 40 360

Percent 100% 50% 5% 45%

Answers to Check Your Work 43

Answers to Check Your Work

5. Answers will vary. Sample responses:

• Half of 50% is 25%.
50% of 900 is 450 ( 12 of 900).
Half of 50% is 225.
25% is 14 of the whole. I can find
1 of 900 by dividing 900 by four; 900  4  225.

Section C Many Changes

1. Answers will vary. Sample answers are shown.


1 1
5 5

1 1 1
10 10 10

2. You may have used strategies like these.

Apples: 14 more is 100 kg; 14 of 80 kg is 20 kg; 14 more is 100 kg
(80  20).
Pears: 3 less leaves 30 kg. 13 of 45 is 15, and 45  15 is 30 kg.

Oranges: 52 less is 60 kg. 15 of 100 is 20 kg, so 35 of 100 is

3  20  60 kg.
3 1 3
Bananas: 10  more is 156 kg. 10  of 120 kg is 12 kg, so 10 of 120
is 3  12  36; 36  120  156 kg.

44 More or Less
Answers to Check Your Work

3. Tim saves more money with a discount of $1.50 for each item,
which is a discount of $7.50 (5  $1.50). You may have used one
of these strategies.
• Calculating 15% of the total:
15% of ($11.95  $9.95  $8.95  7.95  6.95) 15% of
$45.75 is a little more than $6.86, which is not as good
as a $7.50 discount.
• Calculating 15% off each item using a calculator:
0.15  $11.95  0.15 x $9.95  0.15  $8.95 + 0.15 
$7.95  0.15  $6.95 = 6.8625 about $6.86, which is not
as good as a $7.50 discount.
• Estimating 15% of total:
Estimate of total is $46 ($7 + $8 +$9 +$10 +$12).
15% of $46, which is 10%  5% of $46, which is $4.60 
$2.30  $6.90, and this is less than the discount of $7.50.
If you make a more accurate estimate, you might get:
The total is $7  $8  $9  $10  $12 – 5  $0.05  $45.75.
15% of $45.75 is about $6.86, which is less than $7.50.

4. You have to pay 45 of the old price.

Sample strategy, using a percent bar:
80% 100%

5. The original price is $56.

Note that the original price wasn’t given here!
There are several ways to solve this problem.
• Using a percent bar:
$14 $42

0% 25% 75% 100%

Since $42 is the sale price after a 25% discount, 75% or 43
of the bar represents $42. So 25% of the bar is $14 and
the whole bar has to be 4 of these, or $56.

Answers to Check Your Work 45

Answers to Check Your Work

• Using a double number line with fractions and decimals:

$0 $14 $28 $42 $56

0 1 1 3 1

4 2 4
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%

• Using a ratio table:

Price $42 $14 $56

Percent 75% 25% 100%

Section D More or Less

1. a. The new measurements are 6 cm by 9 cm.
Sample calculations:
50% of 12 cm is 12 of 12 cm or 6 cm.
50% of 18 cm is half of 18 cm or 9 cm.
b. The new measurements are 9 cm by 13.5 cm.
Sample calculations:
Reduced to 75%, new measurements are 43 of old
1 3
 of 12 cm is 3 cm, and 4
 is 3 times as much, so
3  3 cm  9 cm.
1 3
 of 18 cm is 18  4  4.5 cm, and 4  is 3 times as much, so
3  4.5 cm  13.5 cm.

2. Reductions must be close to and a little less than reducing to 42%.

Here is one strategy.
Using 1a, reducing the picture to 50% is too wide, but not too long.
Reducing to 40%, I need to check only the width.
40% of 12 cm:
10% of 12 cm is 1.2 cm, so 40% is 4.8 cm (4  1.2 cm).
So the width (4.8 cm) is less than 5 cm, so reducing to 40% will fit.

46 More or Less
Answers to Check Your Work

3. a. 5 times as big is an enlargement to 500%.

b. measurement ⎯→ 2 .... ⎯→
2 .... ⎯ 1.25
⎯⎯→ new measurement
There are different ways to solve this problem. One way is the
They need to make several enlargements. Start with 200%
or 2. Then use this 200% or 2 enlargement again. This
means the result is now 400%, or  4. This is still too small.
An enlargement of the enlarged picture to 125% will result in
an enlargement of the original picture to 500%.
Another way to solve this problem is to choose a measurement
(for example, 100 cm) and then use the arrows to find the final
2 200 ⎯→
100 ⎯→ 2 400 ⎯→ ? 500

To get from 400 to 500, you need to multiply by 1.25.

400  100  400  (1  14 )
 400  (1.25)

4. Multiply by 1.12.

5. Total including tax is $15.44. You can calculate the tax on each
item and find the price and add all prices, but it is easier to add
the prices first and calculate the tax for the total.

Total without tax is $13.79.

Including tax:
$13.79 ⎯⎯⎯→
1.12 $15.44

Answers to Check Your Work 47

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