Observarion + (+1) TH Median of Continuous Frequency9

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1. Arepresentative value for the given data is called The degree to which numerical data tend to spread about
the measure of central tendency of the given data. an average value is callod the dispersion of the data.
and Mode three of The measures of dispersion commonly used are
Mean. Median
central tendency.
are measures
A measure of central tendency gives us a (i) Quartile deviation or the semi-interquartile range
ough idea where data points are centre.
(i) Mean Deviation
2. MEAN OF UNGROUPED DATA, (iv) Standard Deviation
The range is the difference between two extreme
observations of the distribution.
MEAN OF DISCRETE OR CONTINUOUS Range o f the data = Maximum observation - Minimum



Mcan deviation for ungrouped data :

where, N- s
() Mean deviation about any value a , for n
Short cut method to find the mean of continuous observation X1, X2", *g 1S

frequency distribution, x=a+| xh M.D. (a) = -
where ' a is the assumed mean and d , = Xi - A

(ti) Mean deviation about mean T, for n observation

To calculate the median of ungrouped data, arrange the
data in ascending or descending order.
If the number of data (n) is odd, then M.D. (T)=
Modian J h observation. ii) Mean deviation about the median M, for n

If the number of data (n) is even, then

observation X, H2 . S

h observarion +[+1]th observaio M.D. (M)=
(a) Mean Deviation for Discrete Frequency
Then, Median (M)- 2 h ) Mean deviation about the mean , for
where, = lower limit o f m e d i a n class, h = class size, observation x, I2 .-.. , OCcurring with
frequenciesJ1J2 Jn 15
Softhe class, CCumulative frequency
class just betore the median class,
N=2 M.D. (T) =

- , where N = 2.
(11) Mean deviation about the median M, (iv) Shortcut Method to Find Variance (o
and Standard Deviation (o) for Discrete
or Continuous Frequency Distribution
N whare A

(b) Mean Deviation for Continuous

Frequency Distrlbution
() Mean deviation about mean

y = , h is the width of class intervals and

M.D. (T ) =

N h
A is the assumed mean.
(1) Mean deviation about median M,

Coeficient of variation (C.V.)==* 100, wherex*0

M.D (M= i - l
l-M To compare the variability or dispersion of two or more
distribution, we calculate the coefficient of variation (
Limitations of mean devia tion: In a series, C.v.)ofcach distribution. The serics hav ing greater C.V.
where the degree of variability is very high, is said to be more variable (or less consistent) than the
the median is not a representative central other. The series having lesser C.V. is said to be more
consistent (or less variable) than the other.
dency. Thus, the mean deviation about
median calculated for such series cannot be
10. VARIANCE AND STANDARD DEVIATION If two quantities vary in such a way that fluctuation in
one are accompanicd by fluctuation in other, these
() Variance ( ) and Standard Deviation
quantities are said to be correlated. The statistical tool
(o) for Ungrouped Data bywhich the relationship between two or more than two
be observations with the
Let x, A2 ,
mean, then
n as variables studied is called correlation.
The measures of correlation called the coeflicient of
correlation and denoted by r.
() Covariance: The covariance between two vanables

"i= V7 and y with n pairs of observations

(1) Varlance (*) and Standard Deviation ). ) D,) is defined as
(o) of a Discrete Frequency Distribution

Where, =and =
s are the frequencies of x; s
(i) Karl Pearson's correlation coefficient:
(ii) Variance ( ) and Standard Deviation
(o) of a Continuous Frequency Cov,) -T-
Distribution (Grouped Data) Var (r).Var(y) E(-F-z{-
where x, are the midpoints of the dasses and f their o-({-(E9
respective frequencies.
(i) Coefficient of rank correlation: This formula is 14. REGRESSION ANALYSIS
applhed to the problems in which data cannot be
measured quantitatively but qualitative assessment L i n e of regression ofy on x: The line of
is possible such as beauty, honesty etc. In this regression ofy on x gives the best estimate of the
the best individual is given rank number, value of y given value of r and is given by
next rank 2 and so on. The coeflicient of rank
correlation is given by the formula
y-=b-X);b,, =rs, /o,
(i) Line of regression of x on y: The line of
) regression ofr on y gives the best estimate of the
vaule of r for given value of y is given by
the rank
where, d, is difference of corresponding
and n is the number of pairs of observations.
x-=by-F}:b =r.
(i) of of
COEFFICIENT Coefficient regression
coefficient of regression
and y: The
of y onr by b
and is given by
) -1srsl
(i) Ifr=-1, then there is perfoct negative correlation Cov(x,y)
betwcen x and y i.e. corresponding to an inerease
(or decrease) in one variable, there is a proportional
decrease (or increase) in the aher variable.
(n) Ifr=1, then there is perfect positive correlation
between x and y i.e. corresponding to an inerease
of ofr
(or decrea se) in one variable, there is proportional v) Coefficiet regression on y: The coefficient
of regress ion of r on y denoted by b, and is given
increase (or decrease) in the aher variable.
(iv) Ifr = 0, then x and y a r e not correlated i.e. the
by = h ==oVN,
changes in one variable are not followed by Oy y
changes in the other.
()Ifo<r<1, then there is a positive correlation 15. PROPERTIES OF REGRESsION
between x and y i.e. and increase (or decrease) in
one variable corresponds to an increase (or Both regression cocficients have the same sign i.e.
decrease) in the other. either both are positive or both are negative.
(vi) If-I <r<0, then there is negative correlation ci) The sign of correlation coeficient is same as that
between x and y i.e. an increase (or decrease) in
of regression cocficient i.e.
one variable corresponds to decrease (or increase)
in the other. r>0, if b 0 and bw0 and r 0, if b,< 0
and b,, <0.
(vii) The valuer is called coefticient of determination.
Ifr = 0.5, then r = 0.25, which means only 25% (i) The coefficients of corelation is the geonmetric
ofvariations are explained and remaining 75% are mean between the two regression coetticients
unexplained. They may due to external causes.

r by
The sign to be taken outside the square root is that
(vii)Standard Error (SE) is defined as SE =

of the regression coe ficients.

() Probable Error (PE) is defined as PE = (0.6745) SE. (iv) Both the regress ion coefficients cannot be
It is used to test reliability of particular value of numerically greater than one.
r. Infact (r + PE) gives limits with in which the (v) Regression coefficients are independent of change
cocfficient of correlation sample must always lie of origin but not scale.
when the sample is drawn from the universc. (vi) AM of the regresion cocflicients is greater than
the correlation cocfticient.
The two lines of regression have the following properties:
6) The two lines of regression pass through the point where, m Slope of line of regression y on x and
m2Slope of line of regression x on y
(i) Slope of the line of regression of y on x =

b (v) Ifr=0, then tan =o>0=ie. if two variables

are not correlated, the lines of regression are
(i) Slope of the line of regression of x on y

perpendicular to each other.

(iv) The angle 6 between two lines of regression is (vi) Ifr= t1, then tan 0 0 0 or t i.e. in the
given by
case of perfect correlation (r= +1) the two lines
of regression coincide.

Practice MCQs
1. Themode of'the followingseries3,4,2, 1, 7,6,7,6, 8,6,5 is 7. Coefficient of variation of twodistributions are 50 and 60
(a) b) (c) (d) 8 and their arithmetic means are 30 and 25, respectively.
Then, difference of their standard deviations is
2. Aset of numbers consists ofthree 4's, five 5's, six 6's, eight (c) I5
(a) b) d) 25
8's and seven 10's. The mode of this set of numbers is is
(a)6 (b) 7 (c) (d) 10
Theproduction of food grains in Maharashtra given for
the 12 years from 1992 to 2003. Which one of the following
3. Consider the following data which represents the runs representations is most suitable to depict the data ?
scored by two batsmen in their last ten matches as a) A simple bar diagram
(b) A pie diagram
Batsman A: 30,91,0,64, 42, 80, 30, 5, 117,71 ()A component bar diagram with the components
Batsman B :53,46, 48, 50, 53, 53, 58, 60, 57, 52 arranged in chronological order
Which of the following is/are true about the data? (d) A broken line graph
L Mean ofbatsman A runs is 53. 9. Mean of 100 items is49. It was discovered that three items
which should have been 60, 70, 80 were wrongly read as
L Median of batsman A runs is 42.
40, 20, 50 respectively. The correct mean is
L Mean of batsman B runs is 53. LA
V Median of batsman B runs is 53.
(a) OnlyI is true (b) I and IIl are true
(a) 48 (b) 825 (c) 50 d)

10. The obscrvations 29,32, 48, 50, x, x + 2, 72, 78, 84, 95 are
(c) I, Il and IV are true (d) All are true
arranged in ascending order. What is the value of x if the
The mean of 13 observations is 14. If the mean of the first median ofthe data is 63?
observations is 12 and that of the last 7 observations is
(a) 61 (b) 62 (c) 62.5 (d) 63
16, what is the value of the 7th observation ? LVI 1l. Given (i) 85 observations which are not sorted and (iî) 150
observati ons which are sorted and arranged in an incrcasing
(a) 12 b) 13 14 d) I5
order. The modian values of (i) & (i) respactivedy can be föund
5. When tested, the Iives(in hours) of 5 bulbs were noted as as
follows (a) (i) 43 observat ion (ii) A.M. of 75h and 76th
1357, 1090, 1666, 1494, 1623 observation

The mean deviations (in hours) from their mean is (b) (i)43 observation (i) 76" observation
(a) 178 (b) 179 C) 220 (d) 3 (c) (i) can not be found (i) can not be found

6. Consider the following data (d) None of these

12. The average weight of students in a class of35 students is
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, 10
40 kg. Ifthe weight of the tcacher be included, then average
Ifl is added to cach number, then variance of the numbers
so obtained is rises by kg the weight of the teacher is
a) 6.5 (b) 2.87 (c) 3.87 (d) 8.25
(a) 40.5kg (6) 50kg (c) 41 kg (d) 58 kg
13. What is the arithmetic mean of the series 22. IfXis changed to a+hU and Yto b+kV, then which one
"Co, "C1, C2 of the following is the correct relation between the
regression coeflicients bxy and byv?
2" (a) h bxYkbuv (6) k bxyhDuv
(a) D)
(d) k-bxy =hbuv
(n+1) ()bxy Duv
23. If in a frequency distribution table with 12 classes, the
n+1) 2+l) width of each class is 2.5 and the lowest class boundary is
(n+1) what is the upper class boundary highest
6.1, then
of the
14. If from the point of intersection of two ogives, a
perpendicular is drawn on the x-axis, what does the x- (a) 30.1 (6) 276 (C)306 (d) 36.1
cOordinate give?
(a) Arithmeic Mean (b) Mode
) Median (d) Geometric Meann
A firm employng 30 workers and paying on an average
Rs 500 is combined with another firm employing 20 workers
paying on an average Rs 600. What is the average pay of The frequency curve for the distribution of income in a
the workers of the combined firm? as shown in the figure above.

(a) Rs 540 (b) Rs550

region is positively skewed
Then, for this distribution
C) Rs560 (d) Rs 580 (a) Mean < Mode< Median
16. Which one of the following statement is not correct? (6) Mode < Median < Mean
(c) Mode < Mean < Median
LA (d) Median< Mean Mode
(a) Median divides distributions into two equal
subgroups (b) Thethird quartile is the 25. The first of two samples has 100 items with mean 15 and
Same as the 75th percentile SD3. Ifthe whole group has 250 items with mean 15.6 and
(c) The Sth decile is the same as the 50th percentile
sD =13.44 the SD of the second group is
(d) The S0th decile is the same as the Sth percentiie LA
17. In a batch of 15 students, if the marks of 10 students who (a) 5 (b) 4 (c)6 (d) 3.52
passed are 70, 30, 95, 40, 60, 70, 80, 90, 75, 80 then the 26. h e mean of 5 observation is 44 and their variance is 8.24.
median marks of all the l5 students is:
Ifthree ofthe observations are 1,2 and 6, then difference
(a) 40 (b) S0 (60 (d)
Find the mean and variance for the following data
70 of the other two observations is
(a) (b) 4 (c) 6 (d) 9
6, 7, 10, 12, 13, 4, 8, 12
27. The variance of the data 2, 4, 6, 8, 10is
(a) mean 9 , variancey.25
(b) mean=3, variance= 7.5
(a) 8 (b) 7
( 6 (d) None of these
(c) mean =7, variance= 12
28. Fortwodata sets, cach of size 5, the variances are given to
(d) mean=9, variance= 12.5s
be 4 and 5 and the corresponding means are given to be 2
19. Consider the following data
and 4, respectively. The variance of the ombined data set is
Size 20 21 22 23 24 VI
Frequeney 6|4 5|4
I. Mean of the data is 22.65. (a) (b) 6 d)
I1. Mean deviation of the data is 1.25.
Il. Mean of the data is 21.65. 29. Themarks scored by two students A and B in six
M Mean deviation of the data is 2.25. Subjects are given below

(a) Iand 1l (b) l and Ill are true

are true A 56 75
(c) Tand V are true (d) l and N are true B 55 74 8 3 8 52
20. The standard deviation of the wages of 85 employees is
Which oneof the föllowing statements is most appropriate?
yareach o hem gi ven an increment
ofk 25. The standard deviation of new wages (in ) 1s (a) The average scores of A and B are same but A is
(a) 1540 (b) 4040 (c) 2040 consistent
(d 10.40
Ifthe slopes of the line of regression of Y and X and of X (6) The average scores of A and B are not same but A is
andY are
30°and 60° respecti vely, then r(X,Y) is:VI () The average scores of A and B are same but B is
a) (b)
d) (d) The average scores of A and B are not same but B is
3 consistent
30. Ina study on the relationship between investment (X) and 34. Coeticient of variation of two distribution are 60 and 70,
profit (), the following two regression equations were and their standard deviations are 21 and l6, respectively.
obtained based on the data on X and Y What are their arithmetic means?
(a) 35,2285 (b) 285, 35,28
3 X+Y-12 0 (c) 36,22.85 (d) 3528, 23.85
35. The quartile deviation of the following items
What is the mean X ? 12,7,15, 10, 16, 17, 25 is
(a) 4.5 (b) 13.5 (C)9 (d) 3.5
(a) 6 (b) 5 (c) 4 (d) 2
36. Which of the following, in case of a diserete dala, IS not
equal to the median?

(a) 50th percentile (b) 5th decile

DIRECTIONS (Qs. 31-33): The iable below gives an incomplete
(d) Lower quartile
Jrequency distribution with hvo missing frequencies j and/2 (c)2ndquartile
37. If25% ofthe item are less than 20 and 25% are more than
Value offx Frequeny LA] 40, the quartile deviation is
(a) 20 (6) 30 (C) 40 (d) 10
38. The two lines of regression are 8x - 10y = 66 and

40r- I8y214 and variance of.r series is 9. What is the

standard deviation of y series?
(a) 3 (6 (C) 6 (d) 8
39. the following statements with regard to
carrelatian coefficient rbetween randam variables.x
The total frequency is 18 and the arithmetic mean ofx is 2. and y.
L r + l or - I means there is a linear relationship

31. What is the value of/? between the variables.

(a) 4 (b) 3 (c) 2 (d) -1srsl and r is a measure of the linear
32. What is the standard deviation? relationship between the variables.
Which of the statements given above is/'are correcr?
4 6 (b) Only
(c) (d) (a) Onlyl
3 9 (c) Both l and II (d) Nather I nor l1
33. What is the cocfficient of variance? 40. X and
Let Ybetwo
relatod variables. The
two regression
505 lines are given x -y+| =0and 2x -y+4=0. The two
(b) 9
regression lincs pass through the point
600 (a) (4,-3) (b) (-6,-5)
(c) (d) 50 (c) 3-2) (d)(-3,-2)

M Past Year MCQs

. What is the mean deviation from the meanof thenumbers 4. For the data
10,9, 21, 16, 24? INDA/NA 2016| 3, 5, 1, 6, 5, 9, 5, 2, 8,6
(a) 52 b) 50 () 45 (d) 40 the mean, median and mode are x, y and z respectivel
Which one of the following is correct? |NDA/NA 2016
2. Ifthe total number of observations is 20, 2x, = 1000 and
(a) x =y*2 (b) X*y=Z
Ex =84000, then what is the variance of thedistribution? (C)X* y*z (d) x=y=2
INDA/NA 20161 5. Con sider the following statements in respect of a
(a) 1S00 (b) 1600 I700 (d)1800 histogram NDA/NA2016|
( 1.
The total area ofthe rectangles a histogram is equal
3. The mean of the series x, X2 i s X. Ifx, is replaced by t h e total area bounded by the corresponding
, then what is the new mean? frequnecy polygon and the x-axis.
NDANA 20161
When class intervals are unequal in a frequency
(b)AX2-2 distributiam, the area of the rectangle is proportional
(a) X-x2 +2
to the frequeney
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
(d) (a) only (b) 2only
(c) Bothl and 2 (d) Nither I nor 2
6. The variance of 20 observations is 5. If each observation
mulliplied by 3, then what is the new variance of the (a) ) 16
resulting observations? NDA/NA 2017||
(a) (b) 10 (c)15 (d) 45 15. A sample of 5 cbscrvations has mean 32 and median 33.
7 The mean of a group of 100 observations was found to be Later it is found that an observation was recorded
Ifwe correct the data, then
20. Later it was found that four obServations were incorre, incorrectly 40 instead of'35.
which were recorded as 21,21, 18 and 20. What is the mean which one
following correct? NDA/NA 2017
if the incorrect observations are amitted? |NDANA 20171 (a) Themean and median remain the same
(a) 18 20 (c) 2 d)
8. If two
(6) 2 (6) Themedian remains the same but the mean wl deerease

regression lines between height (x) and weight (c) The mean and median both will decrease
(y) a r e 4 y - 1 5 x + 4 1 0 = 0 and 30x - 2 y - 825 = 0, then
(d) The mean remains the same but median will decrea se
what will be the correlation coefficient between height
16. If the comelation coefficient between x and y is 0.6,
and weight? INDANA 2017|
covariance is 27 and variance of y is 25, then what is the
variance ofx? INDANA 2018
(a) b) ( d) 4
9 B1
9. In an examination, 40% of candidates got secon d class. a) (b) 25
(c) 9 (d)
When the data are represented by a pie chart, what is the
17. Lat g be the mean of lfx,at cy, for
angle corresponding
(a) 40 6)
INDANA 20171
d ) 320
some constants a and c, then what will be the mean
of y.
10. Consider the following statements: NDA/NA 2017| 2 Y3 Y? INDANA 2018
Statementl: Rangeis not agood measure of dispersion.
Statement 2: Rangeishighly affected by the ex istence of
(a) a+cr (b) a- ( x-a (d)
extreme values.
Which one of the following is correct in respect of the 18. Consider the following statements:
above statements?
(a) Both Statementl and Statement 2 are correct and LIf the correlation coefficient ry 0, then the two
lines of regression are parallel to each other.
2 is I
Statement the
correct explanation of Slatement 2 If the correlation cocficient ry+1, then the two
(b) Both Statement and Statement 2 are correet but
lines ofregression are perpendicular to each other.
2 is not the correct explanation of
Statementi Which of the above statements is/are correct?
(a) 1only (b) 2only
(C) Statement
I correct
is but Statement 2 is not correct
Statement 2 is correct but Statement I is not correct (c) Bothl and 2 (d) Ncither I nor 2
1. Ifthe data are modeately non-symmetrical, then which one of 19. If 4x 5 y +33 =0 and 20x -9y 107 are two lines of
the following empirical relaticnships is oaract? [NDA/NA 2017| regression, then what are the values of and y
(a) 2xStandard dev1atians* Mean deviation
(6) 5*Standard deviation= 2 x Mean deviation respectively? INDANA2018
4x 5 x Mean deviation (a) 12 and 18 (b) 18 and 12
(c) Standard deviation =

(d) 17and 13
(d)5x Standard deviatin =4x Mean deviation (c) 13and17
12. Data can be represented in which ofthe following forms? 20. Consider the following statements: NDANA 2018
L Textual form 2. Tabular form 3. Graphical fom independent of change in scale an d change
Select the correct answer using the code given below.
Mean is
(a) I and 2 only (b)
INDA/NA 2017
2 and 3 only
Variance is indepandent of change in scalebut not in arigin.
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
(c) I and 3 only (d) 1,2 and 3 (a) 1only (b) 2only
13. For given statistical data, the graphs for less than ogive
() Both I and 2 (d) Nither I nor 2
and more than ogi ve are
drawn. the pont ar wieu u 21. Consider the following statements: INDANA 2018
wO curves intersect 1sP,
then abscissa
of point P gives** T h e sum ofdeviations fYom mean is always zero.
the value of which one ofthe following measures of central
2 The sum of absolute deviations is minimum when
tendency? INDANA 2017|
(a) Median (b) Mean taken around median.
(c) Mode (d) Geometric mean Which of the above statements is/are correct?
(a) 1only (b) 2only
14. If the regression coeflicient of x on y and y on x are5 (c) Both I and 2 (d) Nither I nor 2
andrespetively, then what is the correlation 22. What is the modianofthe numbers 4,6,0,93.
coe flicient between x and y?
12.7, 3.5, 8.2, 6.1,3.9,
S.2 INDA/NA 2018|
INDANA 20171
(a) 3.8 b) 49 (c) 5.7 (d) 6.0
23. 20%% of the 32. For the variables r and y, the regression lines are
In test
in Mathematics, students obtained
hrst class. It the data are represented by a Pre-Chart,
6x+ y = 30 and 3x + 2y = 25. What are the values of x ,

what is the central angle corresponding to "first class"?

y and r respectively? NDANA 2019-1
(a) 20 (6) 6 2 (d) 144
(a) 20 -350 5 (6)
20 00.5
24. The mean and standard deviation ofa set of values are 5 and 2
respectively. Ifs is added toeach value, then what is the coefhicient
of variation for the new set of values? INDA/NA 20181 c -0.5 (h 0.5
() 40 (d) 70 93
(a) 10 (6) 20
25. The standard deviation a of the first N natural numbers 33. The class marks in a frequency table are given to be 5, 10,
can be obtained using which one of the following formulac? 15,20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50. The class limits of the first five
INDA/NA 2018 Classes are INDANA 2019-11
(a) 3-7,7-13, 13-17, 17-23,23-27
a12 (b) 2.5-7.5, 7.5-125, 12.5-17.5, 17.5-22.5,22.5-27.5
12 () 1.5-8.5, 85-11.5,115-18.5, 18.5-21.5,21.5-28.5
(d) 2-8,8-12, 12-18, 18-22,22-28
12 (d)G=-I 34. The mean of 5 obsServalions is 4.4 and variance is 8.24. It
6N three of the five observations are I, 2 and 6, then what are
26. The mean of 100 obscrvations is 50 and the standard the other two observations? INDANA 2019-11
deviation is 10. If 5 is subtracted
and then it is divided
tfrom each observat ion
(a) 9,16 (6) 9,4 (81,16 (d)81,4
by 4, then what
willbe the new mean
35. Consider the following discrete frequency
and the new standard deviation respectively ? distribution:

(a) 45,5 (6)

NDA/NA 2019-1

I1.25, 1.25
315s7 3
What is the value of median of the distribution?
(c)11.25,2.5 d) 12.5,2.5 NDA/NA 2019-1
27. Consider the following statements: NDA/NA 2019-1|I (a) 4 (b) () 6 (d)
I. The algebraic sum of deviat ions of a set or values 36. Mean of 100 observations is 50 and standard deviation is
from their arithmetic mean is always zero. 10. If5 is added to each observation, then what will be the
Arithmetic mean > Median> Mode for a symmetric
new mean and new standard deviation respectively?
Which of the above statements is/are correct ? INDANA 2019-1
(a) s0,10 (b) 50,15 () , 10 (d) 55, 15
(a) 1 only 2only
(c) Both I and 2 (d) Neither I nor 2 37. If the range of a set of observations on a variable X is
known to be 25 and i f Y = 40+3X, then what is the range of
28. Let the correlation cocfficient between X and Y be 0.6.
variables Z and W are defined as Z X+ 5 and the set of corresponding observation.s on Y?
Random INDANA 2019-11]
W-.What isthe correlationcoefficient betwoen Zand W? (a) 25
(b) 40 (c) (d) 15
NDANA 2019-1 38. If V is the variance and M is the mean of first 15 natural
() 036 (d) 06 numbers, then what is V+M* cqual to?
(a) . (b) 2
29. Ifall the natural numbers between I and 20 are multiplied NDANA2019-1]
by 3, then what is the variance of the resulting series ? (a) 124 (b) ()

INDANA 2019-1 39. A car travels first 60 km ata speed of 3V km/hr and travels
(a) 99.75 (b) 19.75 (c) 299.25 (d) 399.25 next 60 km at 2vkm/hr. What is the average speod of thecar?
30. The modian ofthe observations 22,24, 33, 37,x+ I,x+3,46, INDA/NA 2019-11
47,57, 58 in ascend ing order is 42. What are the values of (a) 2.5v km/hr (b) 2.4vkm/hr
Sth and 6th observations respectively? [NDA/NA 2019-1| (c) 2.2vkm/hr (d) 2.1 vkm/hr
(c) 43,46 (d) 40,40 0. h e mean weighi ot 150 Sudents in a certain class is 60 kg.
(a) 42,45 (b) 41,43
The mean weight of boys is 70 kg and that of ginis is 55 kg.
31. Arithmetic mean of 10 observations is 60 and sum of squares
What are the number of boys and grls respectively in the
from S0 is S00. What is the standard deviation
of deviations class? INDANA 2019-1|
of the observations? NDANA2019-11] (a) 75 and 75 (6) 50 and 100
(a) 20 (6) 21 C) 22.36 (d) 24.70 (c) 70 and 80 (d) 100 and S0
DIRECTIONS (Qs. 41-43): Read the folloing information 46. The arthmeie mean of 100abservations is 40. Later, itwas
and answer the three ilems that Jollow: found that an observation '53' was wrongly read as 83.
What is the correct arithmeic mean? INDA/NA 2020-1|
INDA/NA 2020-11 a) 398 (b) 39.7 ( c ) 39.6 (d) 39.5
Number of stud enis 47. LetXand Yrepresent prices (in) ofa commodity in Kolkata
Marks and Mumbai respectively. It is given that X= 65, Y= 67,
Physics Mathematics
2 . 5 , ay = 3.5 and r{X, Y)= 0.8. What is the
10-- 20 10 equation of regress ion of Yon X? NDA/NA 2020-11
-30 21 (a) Y=0.175X-5 (6) Y=1.12X-5.8
(c) Y=1.12X-5 (d) Y-0.17X+5.8
48. Consider a random variable X which follows Binomial
distribution with parameters n = 10 and p = Then
50-60 15 10

Y=10-X disribution with

-70 10 6 bllowsBinomial parameters
41. The difference betwoen number of students under Physics
and p respectively given by INDA/NA2020-1
and Mathematics is largest for the interval
(a) 20-30 (b) 30-40 (c) 40-50 d) 50-60
a) 5, (b) 5. () 10, d) 10,
42. Consider the following statements: 49. The numbers 4 and 9 have frequencies x and (r - 1)
I. Modal value of the marks in Physics lies in the interval respectively. If their arithmetic mean is 6, then what is the
30-40. value of x? INDA/NA 2020-11
Median of the marks in Physics is less than that of (a) 2 (b) 3 (C)4 (d) 5
marks in Mathematies. S0. The sum of deviations ofn number of observations
Which of the above statements is/are corect? measured fram 2.5 is 50. The sum of deviations of the same
(a)only (b) 2 only set of observations measured fYom 3.5 is -50. What is the
(C) Bothl and 2 (d) Neither I nor 2 value of n?
43. What in
INDA/NA 2020-1|
is the
(a) 38.4 ( b ) 3944
of marks Physies?
(c) 40.9
(a) (6) 6 (c) (d) 100
d) 416 S1. data has mean
44. What is the standard deviation of the observations A set ofn observations 2M, while another
data set of 2n observations has mean M. What is the mean
-v6, -5, -4, -1, 1, 4, 5., V6? IND/NA 2020-1 of the combincd data sets? INDA/NA 2020-1]
(a) 2 (b) (c)
2 (d) (a) M (b)
45. 1f x, =20, Zxf = 200 and n =10 for an observed variable.x,
then what is the coefficient of variation? INDANA 2020-11 2M
3 (d) 3
(a) 80 (b) 100 (c) I50 (d) 200


Practice Ouestions
b)5a)9 136) 17 (c)21 (e)25 (b)29 (b)33|(a)37(d)
2()6d)106)14 (c)18()22 (b)26a30dy34 a) 38(6)
3 7)11d)1sa)19 23|(d 27 (31(a3s d) 39 (
4c) 8(a)12 d16|(d)|20 a) 24 (d) 28 (a) 32 ( |36 (d) 40 (d)
Past Year Questions
1(a)1|b13 (a)19 (c25 b31(a)37(c43 ()49(b
2 (c)|8b)|14 (a) 20 (d)|26 (c)32 (c)|38 (c)|44(b)50 d)
d9(c)156)| 21|(c)|27(a)|33 | (6)396)|45 | (d)51(d
4 d ) 10(a)16 d)22b)28b)34 b)40(b)46 (b
5(c) 11 (c)|17 (d)|23(C)|29(c)|35(b)41(c)|47(b)
L6 (d)|12 | (d)|18 | (d)|24|(b)|30 | 6)|36 | (c)| 42|(a) | 48 | (d |

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