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The Rise of Eco-Islam: Environmental Organizations and Religious Identity

Kayan Khraisheh
MIT 398: Environmental Communication | Northwestern University in Qatar

Introduction Analysis - Similarities Analysis - Differences Conclusion

In recent decades, the world has seen the rise of faith-based Ramadan and Eid Audience Regardless of the approach, all four organizations have gained
organizations in tackling issues of sustainability and climate change, All four organizations recognized the holy month of Ramadan and the Faithfully Sustainable is the only organization to primarily target a international recognition for their creative and successful initiatives.
specifically those following Islamic ecotheology (Rizk, 2014). Across the subsequent holiday Eid al-Fitr as opportunities to encourage an already specific community: BI&POC (Black, Indigenous & People of Color)
Western world, Muslim youth are leading environmental movements mobilized Muslim community to adopt eco-friendly behavior, as this is a Muslim youth in New York. While Green Muslims targets Muslim youth The eco-Islam movement will continue to grow, alongside the rise of
grounded in their religious beliefs (Saniotis, 2011). month in which they are already increasingly conscious of their groups and Islamic centers in Washington D.C., they also aim to benefit faith-based environmental organizations associated with other religions.
responsibilities as Muslims. This manifested through projects, Muslims globally. IFEES and Khaleafa both deliberately target the global Learning the most effective way to utilize religion to shape
Research Question campaigns, and resources centering on sustainable behavior during Muslim community and are not locally-based in any way. environmental attitudes and inspire eco-friendly behavior is becoming
How are environmental organizations, operating in Western countries Ramadan and Eid. increasingly important as we continue to face exigent environmental
with a clear Muslim identity, using religion to encourage environmental Projects threats (Chuvieco, 2012).
sustainability? Stewardship Green Muslims, Faithfully Sustainable and IFEES engage in a
All four organizations invoked stewardship - the responsibility bestowed combination of virtual events/work and projects on the ground. While
• I chose Islam as it is the fastest growing religion, and the world's upon humans by God - in their vision and goals (Green Muslims, the former two only host events in Washington D.C. and New York
second-largest religion (Lipka & Hackett, 2020). Khaleafa) or their projects and communication (Faithfully Sustainable, respectively, IFEES has established projects in various countries around
• Focusing on organizations based in Western countries allowed me to IFEES). This is unsurprising as stewardship is one of the key Islamic the world. Khaleafa operates completely virtually, with all their projects
analyze the use of Islam in primarily secular and Christian countries. doctrines utilized by proponents of the eco-Islam movement fully accessible online. Year Founded Key Initiatives
(Mohamed, 2012).
Social Media
Education Faithfully Sustainable engages in the most deliberate and successful use • Zero-trash potluck iftars
All the organizations placed an emphasis on education about Islamic of social media, using their platform to promote their work, to educate Green • Ramadan Calendar, Ramadan
Literature Review environmentalism through the provision of resources, although to and to encourage activism. While Green Muslims and Khaleafa don’t Muslims
2007 Toolkit & Leftar Poster
different extents. IFEES offers the most extensive resources. Faithfully really use their platforms to educate, they do use social media to • Green Scripture Project
Islamic Environmental Ethics Sustainable is also very thorough, with their social media platform as a promote their events and resources. IFEES’s use of social media is very
whole acting as a vessel for knowledge. Khaleafa’s resources page is infrequent, likely because their focus is on international networking and • #NoEidShopping campaign
Islamic scripture is rich with references to the Earth and the environment. Faithfully 2020 • Various webinars & virtual
somewhat underdeveloped, but they have a library of resources in the large-scale projects.
Some of the main takeaways from the Islamic perspective towards the
works. Green Muslims is the most minimal in terms of educating and Sustainable events
environment are as follows:
providing resources. Use of Religion • Islamic Declaration on Global
Faithfully Sustainable and IFEES are very explicit in their use of religion Climate Change
• As the planet and all its creatures were created by and belong to God,
Mosques on their website and social media platforms. Both frequently use verses • “Qur’an, Creation and
they must be protected and treated with honor (Mohamed, 2012).
IFEES and Khaleafa have both launched projects or campaigns that use from the Quran, sayings from the Prophet (PBUH), and specific Conservation” crash course,
• Humans are stewards of the Earth; they have been given the
mosques to model change. They have recognized that a mosque references to Islamic teachings. In comparison, Green Muslims and IFEES
responsibility to care for the planet & its inhabitants (Mohamed, 2012). 1994 used globally in Islamic
implementing eco-friendly practices can set an example for the rest of Khaleafa are relatively minimal in their use of Islam, with only the
• The other creatures on Earth were created for a greater purpose than Environmental Ethics workshops
the community. Moreover, Imams - influential Muslim religious leaders occasional mention featuring in specific sections of their websites and
just serving humankind, so they must be respected (Mohamed, 2012). • Schools4Trees program
who are often referred to as sources of wisdom and guidance - can social media.
• Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) prohibited wastefulness and extravagance • Farm Islam project
spark important discussions about sustainability and the environment in
(Mohamed, 2012). He exhibited compassion towards animals, respect
their sermons.
for plants and trees, and a reverence for life (Foltz, 2000). • Green Khutbah Campaign
Khaleafa 2011 • Green Ramadan Campaign

Method Map Key Additional Information

I selected four of the most successful Islamic environmental 1) Green Muslims - Washington, D.C., United States of America
organizations in the West: 2) Faithfully Sustainable - New York, United States of America
Acknowledgements: Professor Rania Masri, instructor of MIT 398:
• Green Muslims, a volunteer-driven group based in Washington, DC, 3) IFEES - Birmingham, England, United Kingdom
Environmental Communication.
founded in 2007 (Green Muslims, 2021). 4) Khaleafa - Toronto, Ontario, Canada
• Faithfully Sustainable, a non-profit organization founded in 2020 in Scan the QR code or visit to view the
New York (Farhat, 2020; Faithfully Sustainable, n.d.). references and read the full research paper.
• Islamic Foundation for Ecology and Environmental Sciences (IFEES),
a UK-based charity that was established in 1994 (IFEES, 2021).
• Khaleafa, a Muslim environmental group based in Canada, founded
in 2011 (Khaleafa, 2021).
I analyzed the organizations based on three factors:
• Audience
• Strategy
• Use of religion (on their websites & social media platforms)

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