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Live Coaching Classes Final Schedule for the Month of May/June2021

Session I 7AM to 10 AM Session II 6 PM to 9 PM

Name of the Paper Name of the Topic Name of the Faculty Name of the Paper Name of the Topic Name of the Faculty
Inaugural session (7 AM to7.15
AM) 7:00 AM Welcome Address by Vice Chairman, BoS(Academic)
May 10, 2021, Monday 7:15 Vote of Thanks by Director, BoS(Academic)

Paper 5 Strategic Cost

Paper 2 Strategic Financial Overview and Financial Policy Introduction to Strategic
May 10, 2021, Monday CA. Ashish Gupta Management and CA. Ravi Gupta
Management & Strategic Management Cost Management
Performance Evaluation
Ind AS 1 : Presentation of Paper 7 Direct Tax Laws and
May 11, 2021, Tuesday Paper 1 Financial Reporting CA. Amit Jain Income-tax Authorities CA. Ridhima Bhatia
Financial Statements International Taxation
Paper 5 Strategic Cost
Paper 2 Strategic Financial Introduction to Strategic
May 12, 2021, Wednesday Risk Management CA. Ashish Gupta Management and CA. Ravi Gupta
Management Cost Management
Performance Evaluation
Offences and
Ind AS 1 : Presentation of Paper 7 Direct Tax Laws and Prosecution and
May 13, 2021, Thursday Paper 1 Financial Reporting CA. Amit Jain CA. Ridhima Bhatia
Financial Statements International Taxation Miscellaneous
Paper 5 Strategic Cost
Paper 2 Strategic Financial Introduction to Strategic
May 14, 2021, Friday Security Analysis CS. Vivek Banerjee Management and CA. Ravi Gupta
Management Cost Management
Performance Evaluation
Ind AS 8 : Events after the
Reporting Period Miscellaneous
Ind AS 10 : Accounting Paper 7 Direct Tax Laws and Provisions and
May 15, 2021, Saturday Paper 1 Financial Reporting CA. Amit Jain CA. Ridhima Bhatia
Policies, Changes in International Taxation Liabilities in Special
Accounting Estimates and Cases
May 16, 2021, Sunday NA NA NA NA NA NA
Paper 5 Strategic Cost
Paper 2 Strategic Financial Modern Business
May 17, 2021, Monday Security Valuation CS. Vivek Banerjee Management and CA. Ravi Gupta
Management Environment
Performance Evaluation
Ind AS 113 : Fair Value
Paper 7 Direct Tax Laws and Tax planning,
May 18, 2021, Tuesday Paper 1 Financial Reporting Measurement CA. Aditya Kulkarni CA. Ridhima Bhatia
International Taxation avoidance and evasion
Paper 5 Strategic Cost
Paper 2 Strategic Financial Modern Business
May 19, 2021, Wednesday Security Valuation CS. Vivek Banerjee Management and CA. Ravi Gupta
Management Environment
Performance Evaluation
Ind AS 113 : Fair Value
Paper 7 Direct Tax Laws and Tax planning,
May 20, 2021, Thursday Paper 1 Financial Reporting Measurement CA. Aditya Kulkarni CA. Ridhima Bhatia
International Taxation avoidance and evasion
Paper 5 Strategic Cost
Paper 2 Strategic Financial Modern Business
May 21, 2021, Friday Security Analysis CS. Vivek Banerjee Management and CA. Ravi Gupta
Management Environment
Performance Evaluation
Paper 7 Direct Tax Laws and
May 22, 2021, Saturday Paper 1 Financial Reporting Ind AS 12 : Income Taxes CA. Aditya Kulkarni Case Laws discussion CA. Ridhima Bhatia
International Taxation
May 23, 2021, Sunday NA NA NA NA NA NA
Session I 7AM to 10 AM Session II 6 PM to 9 PM
Name of the Paper Name of the Topic Name of the Faculty Name of the Paper Name of the Topic Name of the Faculty
Paper 5 Strategic Cost
Paper 2 Strategic Financial Modern Business
May 24, 2021, Monday Security Valuation CS. Vivek Banerjee Management and CA. Ravi Gupta
Management Environment
Performance Evaluation
Paper 7 Direct Tax Laws and
May 25, 2021, Tuesday Paper 1 Financial Reporting Ind AS 12 : Income Taxes CA. Aditya Kulkarni Case Laws discussion CA. Ridhima Bhatia
International Taxation
Paper 5 Strategic Cost
Paper 2 Strategic Financial Lean System and
May 26, 2021, Wednesday Security Valuation CS. Vivek Banerjee Management and CA. Ravi Gupta
Management Innovation
Performance Evaluation
Application and
Financial Instruments: Ind AS Paper 7 Direct Tax Laws and
May 27, 2021, Thursday Paper 1 Financial Reporting CA. Amit Jain interpretation of tax CA. Prerna Peshori
32, 109 and 107 International Taxation
Paper 5 Strategic Cost
Paper 2 Strategic Financial Lean System and
May 28, 2021, Friday Security Valuation CA. Ashish Gupta Management and CA. Ravi Gupta
Management Innovation
Performance Evaluation
Financial Instruments: Ind AS Paper 7 Direct Tax Laws and Overview of Model Tax
May 29, 2021, Saturday Paper 1 Financial Reporting CA. Amit Jain CA. Prerna Peshori
32, 109 and 107 International Taxation Conventions
May 30, 2021, Sunday NA NA NA NA NA NA
Paper 5 Strategic Cost
Paper 2 Strategic Financial Lean System and
May 31, 2021, Monday Portfolio Management CS. Vivek Banerjee Management and CA. Ravi Gupta
Management Innovation
Performance Evaluation
Practical Problems
Financial Instruments: Ind AS Paper 7 Direct Tax Laws and
June 01, 2021, Tuesday Paper 1 Financial Reporting CA. Amit Jain (including MCQs) from CA. Prerna Peshori
32, 109 and 107 International Taxation
select chapters
Paper 5 Strategic Cost
Paper 2 Strategic Financial Lean System and
June 02, 2021, Wednesday Bond Valuation CA. Ashish Gupta Management and CA. Ravi Gupta
Management Innovation
Performance Evaluation
Practical Problems
Financial Instruments: Ind AS Paper 7 Direct Tax Laws and
June 03, 2021, Thursday Paper 1 Financial Reporting CA. Amit Jain (including MCQs) from CA. Prerna Peshori
32, 109 and 107 International Taxation
select chapters
Paper 5 Strategic Cost
Paper 2 Strategic Financial Cost Management
June 04, 2021, Friday Portfolio Management CA. Diwas Gupta Management and CA. Pankaj Kapoor
Management Techniques
Performance Evaluation
Practical Problems
Financial Instruments: Ind AS Paper 7 Direct Tax Laws and
June 05, 2021, Saturday Paper 1 Financial Reporting CA. Amit Jain (including MCQs) from CA. Prerna Peshori
32, 109 and 107 International Taxation
select chapters
Paper 2 Strategic Financial Financial Instruments: Ind
June 06, 2021, Sunday Portfolio Management CA. Diwas Gupta Paper 1 Financial Reporting CA. Amit Jain
Management AS 32, 109 and 107
Paper 5 Strategic Cost
Paper 2 Strategic Financial Cost Management
June 07, 2021, Monday Portfolio Management CA. Diwas Gupta Management and CA. Pankaj Kapoor
Management Techniques
Performance Evaluation
Practical Problems
Financial Instruments: Ind AS Paper 7 Direct Tax Laws and
June 08, 2021, Tuesday Paper 1 Financial Reporting CA. Amit Jain (including MCQs) from CA. Prerna Peshori
32, 109 and 107 International Taxation
select chapters
Paper 5 Strategic Cost
Paper 2 Strategic Financial Cost Management
June 09, 2021, Wednesday Securitization CS. Vivek Banerjee Management and CA. Pankaj Kapoor
Management Techniques
Performance Evaluation
Session I 7AM to 10 AM Session II 6 PM to 9 PM
Name of the Paper Name of the Topic Name of the Faculty Name of the Paper Name of the Topic Name of the Faculty

Financial Instruments: Ind AS Paper 7 Direct Tax Laws and
June 10, 2021, Thursday Paper 1 Financial Reporting CA. Amit Jain amendments for CA. Prerna Peshori
32, 109 and 107 International Taxation
November examination
Paper 5 Strategic Cost
Paper 2 Strategic Financial Cost Management
June 11, 2021, Friday Securitization CS. Vivek Banerjee Management and CA. Pankaj Kapoor
Management Techniques
Performance Evaluation
Financial Instruments: Ind AS
June 12, 2021, Saturday Paper 1 Financial Reporting CA. Amit Jain Paper 8 Indirect Tax Laws Registration CA Vignesh Suresh
32, 109 and 107
Paper 2 Strategic Financial
June 13, 2021, Sunday Mutual Funds CS. Vivek Banerjee NA NA NA
Paper 5 Strategic Cost
Paper 2 Strategic Financial
June 14, 2021, Monday Mutual Funds CS. Vivek Banerjee Management and Decision Making CA. Ravi Gupta
Performance Evaluation
Financial Instruments: Ind AS
June 15, 2021, Tuesday Paper 1 Financial Reporting CA. Amit Jain Paper 8 Indirect Tax Laws Registration CA Vignesh Suresh
32, 109 and 107
Paper 5 Strategic Cost
Paper 2 Strategic Financial Derivatives Analysis and
June 16, 2021, Wednesday CA. Diwas Gupta Management and Decision Making CA. Ravi Gupta
Management Valuation
Performance Evaluation
Ind AS 16 : Property, Plant and
June 17, 2021, Thursday Paper 1 Financial Reporting CA. Alok Garg Paper 8 Indirect Tax Laws Returns CA Vignesh Suresh
Paper 5 Strategic Cost
Paper 2 Strategic Financial Derivatives Analysis and
June 18, 2021, Friday CA. Diwas Gupta Management and Decision Making CA. Ravi Gupta
Management Valuation
Performance Evaluation
Ind AS 16 : Property, Plant and
June 19, 2021, Saturday Paper 1 Financial Reporting CA. Alok Garg Paper 8 Indirect Tax Laws Returns CA Vignesh Suresh
Paper 2 Strategic Financial Derivatives Analysis and
June 20, 2021, Sunday CA. Diwas Gupta NA NA NA
Management Valuation
Paper 5 Strategic Cost
Paper 2 Strategic Financial Derivatives Analysis and
June 21, 2021, Monday CA. Diwas Gupta Management and Pricing Decision CA. Ravi Gupta
Management Valuation
Performance Evaluation
Ind AS 40 : Investment
June 22, 2021, Tuesday Paper 1 Financial Reporting CA. Prateek Mankad Paper 8 Indirect Tax Laws Miscellaneous provisions CA Rajat Mohan
Paper 5 Strategic Cost
Paper 2 Strategic Financial Derivatives Analysis and
June 23, 2021, Wednesday CA. Diwas Gupta Management and Pricing Decision CA. Ravi Gupta
Management Valuation
Performance Evaluation
Liability to pay in certain
June 24, 2021, Thursday Paper 1 Financial Reporting Ind AS 38 : Intangible Assets CA. Alok Garg Paper 8 Indirect Tax Laws cases CA. Aankit Jain
Job work
Paper 5 Strategic Cost Performance
Paper 2 Strategic Financial Foreign Exchange Exposure
June 25, 2021, Friday CA. Parvesh Aghi Management and Measurement and CA. Pankaj Kapoor
Management and Risk Management
Performance Evaluation Evaluation
June 26, 2021, Saturday Paper 1 Financial Reporting Ind AS 38 : Intangible Assets CA. Alok Garg Paper 8 Indirect Tax Laws CA Praveen Gella
Advance Rulings
Paper 2 Strategic Financial Foreign Exchange Exposure
June 27, 2021, Sunday CA. Parvesh Aghi NA NA NA
Management and Risk Management
Session I 7AM to 10 AM Session II 6 PM to 9 PM
Name of the Paper Name of the Topic Name of the Faculty Name of the Paper Name of the Topic Name of the Faculty
Paper 5 Strategic Cost Performance
Paper 2 Strategic Financial Foreign Exchange Exposure
June 28, 2021, Monday CA. Parvesh Aghi Management and Measurement and CA. Pankaj Kapoor
Management and Risk Management
Performance Evaluation Evaluation
Ind AS 36 : Impairment of Miscellaneous
June 29, 2021, Tuesday Paper 1 Financial Reporting CA. Alok Garg Paper 8 Indirect Tax Laws CA Praveen Gella
Assets amendments
Paper 5 Strategic Cost Performance
Paper 2 Strategic Financial Foreign Exchange Exposure
June 30, 2021, Wednesday CA. Parvesh Aghi Management and Measurement and CA. Pankaj Kapoor
Management and Risk Management
Performance Evaluation Evaluation

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