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The coursework is half done I just need to add some bits and do a PowerPoint slide please for me to

present. Feel free to change anything. Thanks

Highlighted line are the things lecturer wants.

And needs to add introduce Polman was a transormation leader and have to mention it through the report.



The case study is a review of the changes initiated by the Unilever CEO, Paul Polman, that could be

implemented so as to improve on the performance of Unilever and make it improve on its performance as a

company, compared to its output performance before he became the CEO. [Joh17]. A brief history of the

company is given under the case study, showing when and where it was founded as well as its founders. Also, a

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strategy analysis of the company which it pursued and it fostered the company’s performance is also outlined in

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the case study. The main challenge in Unilever has been on coming up with strategies to maintain and improve

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on the laid down strategy.[Joh17]. The strategy of Unilever is divided into different categories, namely; scope of
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product, international scope, level of business strategy and performance. The product strategy is to focus on

having positions of leadership, and being in markets that are highly growing. The international strategy is to
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help maintain Unilever at the international level as a company. The business level strategy is to address on how
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to lower on the cost to source, manufacture and the distribution process with product quality being assured of.

[Joh17]. Polman came up with reforms that had two stages so as to achieve raise performance Unilever to
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another level. [Joh17]. Firstly, aimed at closing the gap that existed with competitors that were well performing
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in the consumers’ goods that were fast moving. Secondly, he targeted at bringing Unilever to a leading position

before those competitors. The strategies of the plan had four major elements; change in personnel,
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organizational structure change and a change in culture.[Joh17]. For a strategy to be successful, Polman stressed

that clear choices must be made, they should have an aligned system and a high-performance system to make

them possible. A flywheel effect should also be present.[Joh17].

1.Apply Balogun and Hope Hailey’s Change Kaleidoscope model to the case and use this to discuss the

strategic change context before 2009.


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a brief definition of the model and a color coding for inhibiting, enabling, neutral and then discuss them. And do

the Kaleidoscope change model in the powerpoint. Like the example I put below.

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Under this model, two different approaches to changes in an organization have been addressed; solving the
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difficulties and focusing on transforming the culture of the organization.

Before the arrival of Polman at Unilever, they were inhibiting aspects of change were; Coming up with
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strategies to lower on the cost of making sources, manufacturing and distribution processes with the quality of

the products being upheld. Innovations and concepts of brands across the business in the world were to be rolled
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out. Continuity in the development of improved and new products to address relevant needs of consumers.
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Previously, Unilever had confronted the reality of developed markets that were largely flat, which slowed down

emerging markets.
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2.Critically evaluate the change process that took place at Unilever by applying the following two models,

namely: applying Johnson’s Cultural Web model to the case and using it to compare and contrast the culture of

Unilever pre-2009 and post-2009. You must create a table so you can apply the Johnson model once for pre-

2009 and once for post-2009, and applying Kotter’s 8 Change Step model. You must create a table covering

each of Kotter’s 8 Change Steps.When applying Kotter’s 8 Change Step model, you should discuss what seemed

to work well or not so well, did the process follow Kotter’s Change Steps or was there something more that

Unilever might have done to ensure the success of the change?


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quick definition of the model and Discuss similarities and differences of the 2 tables. And how the cultural

changes were achieved. He wants the Johnson’s cultural web in a table with pre 2009 post 2009 I am

putting a random example below and I need a 3rd column next to it saying what is different and similar to

each line. (You can change mine if you want)

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need a 3rd column here.

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Is a model with a purpose of showing linkages between the assumptions taken for granted, structures, symbols

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to whom organizational character is attached, and structures. The elements that make up the organizational
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culture include; stories, symbols, power structure, control systems, organizational structure, rituals and routines.

The culture of Unilever pre-2009

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Turn-over grew far less than the net profit.

It was part of the slowest third in the peer group.
There were strong innovative capabilities.
The company was well established and with great co-operation.
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Competed and delivered value through lowering of the cost involved in sourcing, manufacturing and distribution
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Culture of Unilever post-2009


Turn-over grew in the year 2010 through 2012 with increase in profits.
Its position was highest in the peer group after the arrival of Polman.
Unilever realized the need to extend outside it in changing its leaders.
E-learning was introduced at the Unilever Learning Academy
There was a change in its organizational structure in 2011.


Describe the model in 2-3 line.

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Kotter’s model is based on his experience research and business. However, it several limitations. According to

him, the eight steps to undertake in order to transform one’s organization are as follows;[App12].

Establishing a sense of urgency on the need to achieve transformation. For someone to change, they must

first understand the reason as to why the change is necessary. To create a strong sense of urgency, risky

associations that are normally associated with good leadership are greatly required.

Creating a guiding coalition which can be achieved by bringing together people with influence, power and

energy in the institution so as to lead the foreseen reform. The coalition need to be composed of people with

power, credibility, expert and leadership.[App12]. Unilever achieved this, through Polman, by changing the

structure of the organization from a structure that was highly decentralized to a multi-country organization,

which comprised of 22 regional centres.[Joh17].

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Development of a vision and strategy on what the reform shall be about, as well as making an awareness

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to the people on the reasons for implementing the change, and the methods that will be used for it to be affected.

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The vision should be clearly stated for employees to understand it with ease and hence act upon it. Paul Polman,
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in Unilever, had a vision of dealing significantly with challenges facing Unilever and improve on the markets

that were weak. The vision was supported by the remuneration systems that had been designed.
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Communication of the change vision by engaging people to ponder on the reforms on how to execute
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them. Communication is a key element in an organizational reform process since it reduces uncertainty. Where

Kotter considers two-way communication to be more effective and powerful than one-way communication. Paul
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Polman effectively achieved this through the board of directors, an element that enabled Unilever to maintain its
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key performance indicators constant from 2006-2014.

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Empowering broad-based action by bringing together people in the effort to make the reforms, so as for

them to think on how to achieve the set changes. To empower the employees, the obstacles to address are skills,

supervisors, structures and systems.

Generating short-terms wins and seeing the reforms manifesting in the work being done. Short-term

wins are a show that the efforts of change are bearing fruits. They also provide chances to celebrate and honor

the attributes and character that will have contributed towards the accomplishment of the vision.

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Consolidating gains and producing more change, by building successes in the reforms as well as

developing people in the reforms. The short-term gains here can be used to tackle issues such as systems, skills

and structures that may be not in line with the current change that will have been implemented.

Anchoring new approaches in the corporate culture, otherwise, the reforms arrived at through hard

work and injection of effort will slip away. Paul Polman, changed the t people’s behavior of their thinking

through performance target setting and remuneration.[Joh17].

Kotter’ s eight stages of change can be summarized in a table as below.

This table with another column explaining how.

Establishment of a sense of urgency about the need to achieve the reforms

Creation of a guiding coalition

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Development of a vision and a strategy

Communication of the change vision

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Empowerment of broad-based action
Generation of short-term wins

Consolidation of gains to produce more change
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Anchorage of new approaches
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Need to say what seemed to work well what didn’t? Did they follow Kotters 8 th step process? Was there

something more that Unilever might have done to ensure the success of the change? And also if you can
do 2 McKinsey’s 7S table like the example I put below a per 2009 and post 2009 please.
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3.Using either Lynch’s Five Elements Model or Crossan’s Transcendent Leadership Model, critically evaluate

Paul Polman’s leadership of Unilever.


Discuss the style of change leadership, setting stricter performance targets, the need to create greater economic
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value and improved organizational capability.

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Can you examine the all 5 elements because mine doesn’t seems that good.
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According to Lynch, in a town, people orient themselves in by means of maps in their mind. He proposes that

these maps consist of five elements. The five elements provide are the providence for the pillars upon which

visual representations of a community are laid. These elements are ;[AlK01],paths through which the people

travel, edges which are the seams along which regions relate and get joined together, districts by which common

features characterize them, nodes which are an observer’s entry points into a city and landmarks which include

hills, signs, towers and even sculptures.

At Unilever, Paul Polman, did come up with directives to show the ways and procedures to be followed so as to

realize Unilever’s vision. He wanted to ensure Unilever to focus on having positions of leadership in high

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growth markets. Polman came up with stricter performance targets into the company. He quarterly stopped

reporting and changed the system of compensation so to encourage better behavior that are long term. He

sharpened the culture of performance by focusing on the consumers that emerged winners. He actively

encouraged a longer term of shareholding which was aligned with the model and the purpose of the business.

Also, the payout of bonus was also reduced by 25%.


Can you do the conclusion please

With the arrival of Paul Polman in Unilever, it realizes a great transformation and became a more successful

company. He made decisions that made long-term interests to the company, hence its success.

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Also I need a table like the one below on my powerpoint at the end

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Al-Kodmany, K., 2001. Supporting imageability on the World Wide Web: Lynch's five elements of the city in

community planning. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 28(6), pp. 805-832.

Appealbaum, S. H., Habashy, S., Malo, J.-L. & Shafiq, H., 2012. Back to the future: revisiting Kotter's 1996

change model. Back to the future: revisiting Kotter's 1996 change model, 31(8), pp. 764-782.

Egan, R. W. & Fjermestad, J., 2005. Change and Resistance help for the practitioner of change. s.l.:IEEE.

Gerry, J., 2017. Exploring Strategy. In: Exploring Strategy. London: Pearson Education Limited.

Keough, S., 2009. Internet radio and cultural connections: A case study of the St. John’s, Newfoundland radio

marke. Sound, society, and the geography of popular music, pp. 185-203.

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Mackness, J., 2008. Evaluation of two approaches to organizational change for Small and Medium Sized

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Businesses. Evaluation of two approaches to organizational change for Small and Medium Sized Businesses,

Volume 5, pp. 31-47.
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Rhoads, R. A., 1998. Freedom's web: Student activism in an age of cultural diversity, s.l.: ERIC.

Sameer, S., 2009. Change management for e-governance. I-Ways Journal of E-Government Policy and
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Regulation, 32(2), pp. 109-117.

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Stevens, Q., 2006. The shape of urban experience: a reevaluation of Lynch's five elements. Environment and
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planning B: Planning and design, 33(6), pp. 803-823.

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White-chu, E. J. et al., 2009. Beyond the medical model: The culture change revolution in long-term care.

Journal of the American Medical Directors Association}, pp. 370-328.

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