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Organizational SWOT Analysis - Needs Assessment

Step One: Complete the following SWOT analysis chart

Helpful Harmful
to achieving the objective to achieving the objective
environment)(attributes of theExternal origin (attributes of the system)Internal origin

Strengths Weaknesses
 Technology  Staffing/turnover
 Operations/Back Office  Quality of purchased
 Marketing/Branding accounts
 Top-Heavy Management

Opportunities Threats
 Low Interest Rates  Volatile Market
 Recent Market Trends  Higher interest rates
Favoring Regional banks  High rate of
 Metropolitan defaults/charge-offs due to
Construction Lending Pandemics
 Natural Disasters
Step 2: Complete the following needs identification chart

After completing the organizational SWOT analysis, complete the following chart. List three
threats/weaknesses in the left-side column. Select these from the chart above. Then, enter the supporting
information in the right-side column.

Weakness/Threat Supporting details

1. Staffing/Turnover Write a problem statement associated with the
weakness/threat by completing the following

The problem is…the mental demands/stress of

the job is unreasonably high to the point that
there is a high turnover rate, which in turn puts
more stress on remaining employees,
exacerbating the issues.
Write a benefits statement associated with
addressing the weakness/threat by completing
the following sentence:

The benefits of addressing the problem are…

having the ability to handle the required
workload while developing in-house talent.
2. Top Heavy Management Write a problem statement associated with the
weakness/threat by completing the following

The problem is…there are too many

“Presidents” and “Vice Presidents” within the
company to the point that authority is watered
down. They seem to have issues with power
Write a benefits statement associated with
addressing the weakness/threat by completing
the following sentence:

The benefits of addressing the problem are…

less infighting among supervisory staff and
upper management, creating a healthier work
atmosphere for the company as a whole.
3. Natural Disasters Write a problem statement associated with the
weakness/threat by completing the following

The problem is…when a natural disaster occurs,

individuals may encounter difficulty in making
their required on-time loan payments.
Write a benefits statement associated with
addressing the weakness/threat by completing
the following sentence:
The benefits of addressing the problem are…re-
enforced customer loyalty and outstanding
customer service.

Step Three: Answer the following questions on ONE topic selected from the needs identification chart.

Select one weakness/threat listed above and answer the following questions (in detail) based on your selection.

The weakness/threat you select for this assignment will be used for future assignments in this course. It is
important that you select a topic with easily accessible information. If you have difficulty finding information
on a topic, it will be difficult to use the topic for the remaining assignments in this course.

1. What weakness/threat did you select and WHY?

I selected staffing/turnover because it seemed like the issue in which the interviewee placed the most
emphasis on. She said they always have positions open, and that the last time there wasn’t a posting for
her department was over five years prior.
2. Use the weakness/threat as a keyword to search the ATU library. List the first three search results you
get using the ATU Find It tool.


3. With your current understanding of research, explain a research project that you could conduct to
address the weakness/threat.
I think it would be prudent to examine staffing/turnover rates among other companies in the banking
industry, and once there is a large enough sample size, examine the discrepancies between the
companies with a lower turnover rate and Bank OZK. Then we can have a better understanding of what
changes need to be made in order to remedy the problem.

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