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Parents often give children everything they ask for and do what they like.

it good for children? What are the consequences when they grow up?

Keywords- parents and children/ask for and do

Micro keywords- good for children
Instruction words- consequences when they grow up

1) Children attitude will be persistent

2) They still depend on parent

Today’s Parent frequently presenting their children need when they asked
for. This way of approach of parents can leads to children with over
resistance throughout their lifetime. This essay will first discuss about the
children persistent with their surroundings; secondly they always depend
upon their parent, followed by a reasoned conclusion.

It’s the human nature that parents always wanted to satisfies their younger
ones by presenting what they needs but this will make them more persistent
and didn’t learn about parents hard work. For instance, if the parent
frequently presenting their children needs till the adult age to satisfy their
children. However this would lead their children to a dependable person,
lack of decision making and more persistent.
Providing their children whatever they like would teach them nothing but
have no regard for what they have. For example, They will annoy their
parents for new toys if their get bored with their old toys. This will lead them
to stay with this character till their end of the life.
When the children have their indulgence parents, their children will become
more dependant and needy one, and therefore they can’t live their own life
independently. In some countries, parents picking up their children from
schools, buy their clothes and makeover their children. However, the most
of work where done by parent rather than their children and they can’t live
independently even when they become adult.
In conclusion, I firmly believe that indulgence should be in the certain limit.
Otherwise. it will lead to a bad shape and resist their ability of their children.

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