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This case is about the distribution of electrical power throughout the consumers, it was
discussed in this case the traditional power generation which was through large power
plants, and how big politicians monopolize the distribution of it to also consider the
environmental pros and cons it gives. It was said that the purpose of generating energy was
to suffice the need of the consumers when it comes to electrical sustainability and efficiency.

Currently, even larger transmission grids are built all over the world to meet the
needs of the consumers as the demand for technology nowadays grows even larger. With
this, the emission of carbon dioxide and other harmful substances also spreads even larger
around the globe. The bright new hope for these hazards is the creation of “micropower”, a
word coined by Seth Dunn of the WorldWatch Insitute. Currently, it is reported that energy
prices are increasingly dictated by markets, not monopolies anymore, and power is
increasingly generated close to the end-user rather than at distant stations. This new power
plants choose the world over using either natural gas or renewable energy and are smaller,
nimbler, cleaner, and closer to the end-user than the large power plants used before.


The case occurs during the period in which electrical generation is a necessity due to
its essentiality to the technology that arises during this era. Electrical energy plays a large
role to the current generation due to the demand of the usage of trendy technology which
requires electrical energy to be operational and usable, not only for the basis household or
office operations but mostly to the major parts of the household and the office’s daily
operations. With the increase in the demand of the usage of the electrical energy, companies
that operates in these terms sometimes uses extreme parameters to suffice the needs of the
consumers, which also leads to alteration to the environment and also somehow harms the
environment with the operations that are required to generate more electrical energy. In this
subject matter, environment friendly electricity generators have been introduce to the
consumers and also made way for new electricity providing companies.


Electricity is returning to its origins: generating power on a relatively small scale, close to
where it is actually used. Technological, economic, and environmental trends are turning a
family of 'micropower' devices into increasingly viable choices for meeting electrical needs.
Use of these generators can avoid expensive investments in large central power stations
and transmission and distribution systems, provide greater reliability, and leave a lighter
ecological footprint. Micropower is emerging in two niches. In industrial nations, where aging
grid equipment causes costly flickers and outages, growing dependence on digital,
computerized processes is creating demand for highly dependable power. In developing
nations, where centralized supply is even more brittle and has yet to reach 1.8 billion people
living in power poverty, small-scale electrical services are often already the most economical
option. Despite its benefits, micropower must currently compete in an environment of
policies and regulations that favor the central model. Failure to reform these market rules
may result in another generation of marginally improved, large-scale technologies. The risk
of lock-in to last century's model is especially great in the developing world, where most new
electricity demand will occur. Notwithstanding these obstacles, the potential of micropower
has begun to spark innovative financing and institutional reforms among governments,
businesses, and nongovernmental organizations. Further changes may transform the way
we generate and use electricity in the twenty-first century. (Seth Dunn, July 2000)


Monopoly is the market’s supply in our country is very common especially when it
comes to essential products and services that are needed for the continuity of basic life.
Large companies tend to monopolize the market by acquiring exclusive negotiations with the
elected politicians that are basically involved in the negotiations for legality and authority.
The monopoly of products or services especially when it is a necessity becomes a problem
when the private entities that are operating and providing it increases their imposed charges
to expand and maintain their companies’ operations. This expansion also affects the
environment on a large scale, electrical powerplants requires a lot of sacrifice from the
environment due to the nature of operations that these companies are utilizing.


Large electrical companies have been monopolizing the electrical industry in terms of
dispensing electrical supply to their specific region of operations in the country. They have
acquired this sole grant to supply electricity to the consumers in the area due to their control
over the elected officials of the said area or region of the country. In this matter, they can
freely control the demand and supply chain without any precautions due to the idea that they
are only the sole supplier of electrical energy in the area snd electrical energy have been a
essential part of a existing and growing communities which have also increased due to the
increasing demand of the acquisition and usage of the trend technologies that are currently
available to the consumers. In this particular reason, the electrical companies tend to
enlarge their operations to suffice the consumer’s electrical needs resulting to expansion of
large power generating power plants and this expansion affects the environment cynically.

With these situations, micropower have been introduced to the community to provide
efficient and nature friendly electricity to the consumers, but another problem arise with the
introduction of this new trend of energy generating method is whether the supply of these
micropower can suffice the need of the consumer if it will be solely used for the consumption
of the electrical energy needed for the daily electrical needs of the consumers.

Strenght/s- The development of micropower provided us with efficient electrical

consumption and lessen the obstructive effects of the generation of energy to the
environment eventhough the traditional electrical power plants are still operational and still
provides the consumers with the their needed electricity, the micropower power technology
also offers the convenience of the acquisition of electrical power throught.

Weakness/es- The usage of micropower have become a trend to the consumers currently,
although, micropower can suffice the needed electrical energy that their daily operations
needed, large factories and operations needed more than the micropower electrical energy
can provide. In this matter, large companies still rely on their consumption to the traditional
electrical power provider due to the fact that it can sure meet the required electrical energy
that their operations needed to operate effectively.

Opportunity/ies- The invention of micropower has been very promising to all of electrical
energy consumers around the globe, because it can provide energy as well as protect the
environment with the minuted negative impact of the production of the electricity to the
environment. With the right development of this technology, it can provide more beneficial
effects both to the electrical energy consumers and the environment.

Threat/s- Although the development of micropower have been very promising, It still cannot
suffice the electrical need of huge companies that rely their main operations to the electrical
energy that they can consume from the traditional power grids. In this matter, traditional
electrical power grids have the ample time to formulate and develop a alternative production
of processes in the production of the electrical power supply but wil not affect the quantity of
their their supply load for their existing consumers.


Micropower emits lower quantities of air pollutants. Particulates, sulfur dioxide,

carbon dioxide, and nitrogen oxide, mercury and other heavy metals in all phases of the
power generation life cycle from construction to installation to operations there is no
insoluble and eternal wast program as with nuclear power. Microgrids can disconnect from
the central grid and operate independently. The place now holds the capability that allows
them to supply power to their customers when a storm or other calamities causes an outage
on the power grid.


1.) Develop a system that would generate more electrical energy that comes from the
micropower electrical generators.
2.) Provide more allotted budget for the recreation of the environment for the
sustainability of the environmental balance.
3.) Conduct surveys whether which is the most acceptable choice of the consumers
whether to fo for environmental friendly micropower or to traditional power plants with
more sustainable electrical energy.


- Develop more sustainable micropower generators to provide and suffice the needs of
the consumers. The reason that this type of electrical energy is a potential asset to
the electrical energy providers and to the consumers. The risk of lock-in to the last
century's model is especially great in the developing world, where most new
electricity demand will occur. Notwithstanding these obstacles, the potential of
micropower has begun to spark innovative financing and institutional reforms among
governments, businesses, and nongovernmental organizations. Further changes
may transform the way we generate and use electricity in the twenty-first century.


Activities Time Frame Resources Needed Person Responsible

Formulate and FIRST PHASE (1-2 Enhancing discs ( Manufacturers and

develop device/s to year/s) centrifugal developers of
enhance the existing microfluidic discs) micropower
micropower electrical
platforms to be more generators.
efficient and

Test the capability SECOND PHASE Testers and safety Manufacturers and
and safety of the (8-10 months) protocol guidelines developers of
new innovated micropower
product. electrical

Introduce the newly THIRD/FINAL Newly developed Manufacturers and

developed PHASE (1 year) and innovated developers of
micropower micropower micropower
electrical generating electrical energy electrical
power to the generators generators./
consumer and Consumers.
survey the pros and
cons of the new
power provider
(Subject for adjustments
according to the survey
that was conducted to
the consumers)

XI. Outcomes

- The expected outcome is that the newly developed micropower generators would be
more sustainable and reliable for all class groups of consumers. And it would be
more environmentally friendly as what its most highlighted attribute that would help
the restoration and balance of the environmental settings.

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