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Name: Cristy Ann V.

Jayoma Date: July 22, 2021

Course: Educ_207
Activity 2.1: Discuss the criticisms directed towards GTM: Definition
cite RRL to support your answer
"A method of foreign or
second language teaching
which makes use of
translation and grammar
In the grammar-translation method, study as the main teaching
the main goal for instruction is the and learning activities.”
Language Skill Principle
ability to attain a high proficiency
Developed Teachers must assert their
standard in translation and authority, as their role is to
The Main focus is
grammar accuracy. It does not transmit knowledge to
teaching the
require teachers to be native students to read, learners and the learner’s
speakers (classes are not taught write, and translate. native language is the
using the target language) and it GTM medium for instruction.
does not require a lot of
preparation. The ability to Role of Teacher
communicate using the target Advantage and
Teachers are
language is not the main goal for Disadvantage
considered as the
instruction. This methodology Grammar and
provides learners with the view that translation is highly
language is simply a collection of focused more than the Role of Learner
words which are isolated and target language.
Learners do not play any
active role; there is
meager learner to learner
Name: Cristy Ann V. Jayoma Date: July 22, 2021
Course: Educ_207
Activity 2.1: Discuss the criticisms directed towards GTM:
cite RRL to support your answer

The grammar translation method high emphasizes the importance

Richards and Rodgers (2001, p. 4) of attaining expertise in translating and correct usage of grammar. It
describe the grammar-translation does not need for the teachers to be a native speaker of the
method as “a tedious experience of language. Basically, the students are taught using the target
memorizing endless lists of language and it’s not necessary need of much to prepare the
unusable grammar rules and lessons. Thus, communication skill is not the aim of its learning
vocabulary and attempting to process. The method gives the students overview of the language
through collection of words which are detached and self-sufficient.
produce perfect translations of This methodology also does not require students to master the
stilted or literary prose,” and they macro skills of language which are listening, speaking, reading, and
continue, “it is a method for which writing.
there is no theory. There is no
literature that offers a rationale or Moreover, grammar- translation method was scrutinized by
justification for it or that attempts language researchers in the mid-19th century. It is common in L1 and
to relate it to issues in linguistics, L3 studies in language acquisition that human learned the language
simply by being exposed to the target language itself. This target
psychology, or educational theory.” language is the people’s means on the day to day basis which is
Despite these shortcomings there familiar to them. It is through building networks with others where
are still traces of the use of the words and their meaning are being formed. Teachers highlight the
grammar-translation method by significance of communication and development of oral and
language teachers today (Richards comprehension skills. Because of the emphasis of the grammar-
& Rogers, 2001). translation method on the memorization of grammatical rules and
translation, and the lack of attention to the development of
comprehension and speaking proficiency, this methodology was
rejected. Teachers decided to direct their attention toward
methodology such as the direct method (Wong, 2005) that fostered listening and communication skills.

- grammar is taught - extremely teacher- - It gives the chance of - It will be more
systematically centered method of learning a new language interactive
- ability in the teaching. using textbooks. -Students might not be
production of sentences - little learner–learner - Students can learn accustomed to
through translation interaction. vocabulary not only in the translate word by
from one language to - Poor listening and target language but also in word.
the other speaking. their mother tongue.
- Students learn a lot of - Unnatural and
vocabulary. Inaccurate
- It activates students´ Pronunciation


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