Class 6 Assignment 1 18.7.21

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1.Identify the greatest and the smallest in 2853, 7691, 9999, 12002, 124.
(a) 12002, 124
(b) 9999, 124
(c) 7691, 124
(d) 2853, 124
2. Which pair has same digits at hundreds place?
(a) 4232, 4331
(b) 2334, 2340
(c) 6524, 7823
(d) 5432, 6922
3. Using digits 4, 5, 6 and 0 without repetition make the greatest four digit
(a) 4560
(b) 5640
(c) 6540
(d) 6504
4. Using digits 0, 1, 2, 3 without repetition make the smallest four digit
(a) 0123
(b) 1023
(c) 1230
(d) 1032
5. Make the greatest and the smallest four digit numbers using any four
digits numbers with digit 5 always at thousand place.
(a) 5986, 5012
(b) 5987, 5012
(c) 5999, 5000
(d) 5789, 5120
6. Which is greatest and smallest 4 digit number?
(a) 10000, 9999
(b) 1000, 99999
(c) 9999, 1000
(d) 9999, 10000
7. One crore is equal to
(a) 100 thousand
(b) 100 lakhs
(c) 10 hundreds
(d) 1000 hundreds
8. Write the numeral for the number nine crore five lakh forty one.
(a) 9, 50, 00, 041
(b) 9, 05, 00, 041
(c) 9, 05, 041
(d) 9, 500, 041

9. Insert commas suitably according to Indian system of numeration in 98432701.

(a) 9, 84, 32, 701
(b) 98, 432, 701
(c) 9, 843, 2701
(d) 98, 4327, 01
10. What is the difference between the greatest and the least number that can be
written using the digits 5, 1, 3, 4, 7 each only once?
(a) 60000
(b) 62965
(c) 61974
(d) 51965
11. The symbol M in roman numeral stands for:
(a) 100
(b) 500
(c) 1000
(d) 50
12. Which of the following is meaningless?
(a) XIII
(b) XIX
(c) XVV
(d) XL
13. For 500 which symbol is used in Roman system?
(a) L
(b) C
(c) M
(d) D
14. Estimate the product of 173 and 29:
(a) 3400
(b) 5100
(c) 6000
(d) 4200
15. Estimate 734 + 998 by rounding off the nearest tens.
(a) 1730
(b) 1740
(c) 1750
(d) 1760
16. The greatest number which on rounding off to nearest thousands gives 5000, is
(a) 5001
(b) 5559
(c) 5499
(d) 5999
17.Fill in the blanks:
1. 1 lakh = …………….. ten thousand
2. 1 million = …………… hundred thousand
3. 1 crore = ………….. ten lakh
4. 1 crore = …………….. million
5. 1 million = ………….. lakh

18. Place commas correctly and write the numerals.

Fifty eight million four hundred twenty three thousand two hundred two.

19. Estimate by rounding off to nearest thousand.

64,534 – 48,331

20. Population of a city was 3, 35, 536 in the year 2001. In the year 2011, it was
found to be increased by 52, 915. What was the population of the city in 2011?

21. Write in Roman numerals.

(a) 473
(b) 898
(c) 160

22. The number of sheets of paper available for making note book is 75,000. Each
sheet makes 8 pages of a notebook. Each notebook contains 200 pages. How many
notebooks can be made from the paper available?

23. A student multiplied 864 by 54 instead of multiplying by 45. By how much was his
answer greater than the correct answer?

24. Agrim bookstore sold books worth Rs 3,22,891 in the first week of June and
books worth Rs 5,92,443 in the second week of the month. How much was the sale
for the two weeks together? In which week was the sale greater and by how much?

25. To stitch a curtain 3m 25cm cloth is required. Out of 40m cloth, how many
curtains can be stitched and how much cloth will remain?

26.Fill in the blanks.

(a) ……… is the largest chord of a circle.
(b) ……… divides the circle into two equal semi circles.
(c) Rectangle is a ……… curve.
(d) Triangle has ……… angles and three ……… .
(e) Only one line can be drawn through ……… points.
(f) ……… number of lines can pass through a given point.
(g) A closed figure made up of entirely of line segments is called a ……… .
(h) A curve which does not cross itself is called a ……… curve.
(i) The length of boundary of a circle is called its ……… .

27.Draw a rough sketch of:

(a) open curve
(b) closed curve
(c)closed curve made up of line segments.

28. Draw two different angles having

(a) two points in common.
(b) one ray in common
(c) three points in common.

29. How many lines can pass through

(i) one given point?
(ii) two given points?

30. Draw a rough sketch of a quadrilateral MNOP. Name its

(a) two pairs of opposite angles
(b) two pairs of adjacent sides.
(c) diagonals.

31.Identify the following in the given figure:

(a) Sector
(b) Chord
(c) Diameter
(d) Segment.

32.In the given figure, name all the possible triangles .

33.Name all the angles in the given figure.

34.In the given figure, name all the line segments:

35.Using the given figure, name the following:

(a) Line containing point M.

(b) Line passing through four points.
(c) Line passing through three points.
(d) Two pairs of intersecting lines.

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