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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region 02 – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of the City of Ilagan
Isabela National High School Compound, San Vicente, City of Ilagan, Isabela, 3300 Certificate No.
44 100 18 93 0039
(078) 624-0077

May 24, 2021


School Division Superintendent
Division of the City of Ilagan


God’s Grace and Bountiful Blessing!

The undersigned is a Master Teacher 1 of Minabang Elementary School in the City

Division of Ilagan is asking permission to conduct action research entitled: VIDEO

I am anticipating that this action research can raise the reading skills more helpful to
23 Grade I learners during this time of COVID-19 pandemic.

Thank You and more power from the Almighty.

Respecfuly yours,


Research Focal Person/ Principal 1



Division Research Focal Person Assistant Division Superintendent



Schools Division Superintendent

“together we walk for the ilagUEño learners”

PLN-QF-O1O Rev. 00

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region 02 – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of the City of Ilagan
Isabela National High School Compound, San Vicente, City of Ilagan, Isabela, 3300 Certificate No.
44 100 18 93 0039
(078) 624-0077

May 24, 2021

Principal 1
Minabang Elementary School
City of Ilagan, Isabela 3300


Greetings in the name of the Lord!

I, the undersigned is a Master Teacher I of Minabang Elementary School is asking

permission to conduct a research study entitled: VIDEO LESSON AND USING

Attached here is a copy of my research proposal.

Your approval to conduct this research will be greatly appreciated.

Thank You very much!

Respectfully Yours.



Principal I

“together we walk for the ilagUEño learners”

PLN-QF-O1O Rev. 00

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region 02 – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of the City of Ilagan
Isabela National High School Compound, San Vicente, City of Ilagan, Isabela, 3300 Certificate No.
44 100 18 93 0039
(078) 624-0077




Presented to:

The Division Research Committee

Division of the City of Ilagan


Master Teacher I/ Research Proponent

“together we walk for the ilagUEño learners”

PLN-QF-O1O Rev. 00

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region 02 – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of the City of Ilagan
Isabela National High School Compound, San Vicente, City of Ilagan, Isabela, 3300 Certificate No.
44 100 18 93 0039
(078) 624-0077


I. Context and Rationale

It was said that Reading is essential for a child’s success. The barriers

faced by children with difficulty reading outweigh their desire to read and

without proper guidance, they never overcome them. Learning to read is a

sequential process, each new skill builds on the mastery of previously

learned skills.

One of the most important gifts we can give or children is to help them

learn to read so that they can succeed in school. Confident, active readers

are able to use their reading skills to follow their passions and curiosity

about the world. We all read for a purpose: to be entertained, to take a

journey, to connect with others, to figure out how to do something, and to

learn about history, science, the arts, and everything in this world.

Learning to read is complex, children don’t learn one reading- related

skill and the move on the next a step-by-step process. Instead, they are

learning to do many things at the same time: decoding, reading with

comfortable fluency, absorbing new vocabulary, understanding what the

text says and discovery that reading is pleasurable and builds knowledge

about the world.

Today, the Philippines is globally faced with various and serious

problems like economic condition, financial crisis, natural calamities, wars,

“together we walk for the ilagUEño learners”

PLN-QF-O1O Rev. 00

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region 02 – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of the City of Ilagan
Isabela National High School Compound, San Vicente, City of Ilagan, Isabela, 3300 Certificate No.
44 100 18 93 0039
(078) 624-0077

pandemic, low performing in education and many more. Different countries

work and help one another to give solutions. Resources are gathered

together in order to give actions to the existing conditions to end the


“New Normal” is often heard now a days as a result of the pandemic

that is going on now. There is a lot of “new normal” that took place in every

daily routine, on jobs, on every government processes and in education.

Moreover, “new normal” breaks the norms that people have lived by. In the

daily human routine, “new normal” means to wear face mask every time

people go out. In government, everything must first be done through online.

But how about in Philippines Education System? What does look “new

normal” looks in education?

For years, Philippine Education System has been traditional but

gradually changing to cater the demands of the new generation. As a matter

of fact, before this “new normal” came to light, teachers and learners are

already using the internet, computer and other technologies in education.

But the difference lies between having face to face class and now in “new

normal” classes are done virtually. Department of Education introduced 3

modalities of how learnings shall be delivered in “new normal”. These are

Distance Learning, Blended Learning and Homeschooling respectively.

The first modality is the Distance Learning which itself has also 3 forms.

First the modular distance learning where modules will be given to the

“together we walk for the ilagUEño learners”

PLN-QF-O1O Rev. 00

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region 02 – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of the City of Ilagan
Isabela National High School Compound, San Vicente, City of Ilagan, Isabela, 3300 Certificate No.
44 100 18 93 0039
(078) 624-0077

learners and it will be collected every Friday by the teacher. In this modality

parents must make a drop box or called a learning package where the teacher

can place the modules and return the parents will also place the activities

done by the learner. Second form is the Online Distance Learning, learners

who opt to choose this modality must have internet connection. In this

modality the teacher and the learner will meet virtually and do their

activities synchronous or asynchronous, this kind of modality is fitted to the

learners who are committed to learn on their own.

Second modality is the blended learning. This commonly tagged as

“hybrid learning” since this is effective at helping a diverse student body.

This modality is the combination of anything that is mentioned above. It

may or may not requires internet connection and parents shall also pick up

the learning modules in the school.

Third and lastly is the Homeschool modality. This kind of modality is

effective if the learner has an available tutor or parent who is qualified and

always available to facilitate the learning of the children.There is a great

challenge ahead of this “new normal”. There’s a lot to adjust and embrace.

But one thing is for sure, these modalities in learning presented can

continually deliver quality education to or learners. As what Dep. Ed

Secretary Leonor Magtolis Briones has said “Learning will continue,


Schools all over the world was affected .

“together we walk for the ilagUEño learners”

PLN-QF-O1O Rev. 00

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region 02 – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of the City of Ilagan
Isabela National High School Compound, San Vicente, City of Ilagan, Isabela, 3300 Certificate No.
44 100 18 93 0039
(078) 624-0077

On the other hand, reading is a problem to the learner. This problem

exist to 23 Grade I class of Minabang Elementary School. The Informal

Reading Inventory (IRI) is one of the most useful classroom tools in

assessing a pupil reading ability. Another devise that aids to know the

reading ability of the learners is the Monitoring Tool used by the teacher

regarding the result of issues and concerns. The Multi- Factored Assessment

Tool (MFAT) is also a screening tool intended to gather information on

learner’s strengths, needs, learning styles and other educational concerns.

The Pre-Test administered first Monday (6th and 7th) of February 2021

via text, call, chat or video call. Out of 23 Grade I learners composed of 12

male and 11female. Based on the result none or 0% under fast reader 8 or

35% are average 1 or 4% slow 5 or 22% syllable, 7 or 30% and 2 or 9% are

non- readers. The result shows alarming so the researcher started to look

forward and seek help in order to uplift the reading ability of the learners.

The researcher therefore was motivated to make a research of how a learner

can help in spite of the new normal condition.

In the Philippines, Marungko Approach is also associated with phonics.

It was first introduced to a two teachers in De Los Santos Community

School in Marungko, Angat, Bulacan, Philippines (Ali and Urbano,1967).

In this approach, the first thing that children knew the letter sound of the

Filipino alphabet which was called the “Mastery of Sound Letters” (Laud –

Reyno,2014). It was adopted as an explicit phonics instruction program in

“together we walk for the ilagUEño learners”

PLN-QF-O1O Rev. 00

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region 02 – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of the City of Ilagan
Isabela National High School Compound, San Vicente, City of Ilagan, Isabela, 3300 Certificate No.
44 100 18 93 0039
(078) 624-0077

the Philippines, which is designed to prepare beginning readers the

necessary materials to improve the reading comprehension skills


It also seeks to develop a training model to enhance teacher’s ability in

the teaching reading in a particular grade one (Bustos-Orosa), Ferrer, 2013).

De Been (2017) stressed that beginning reading is important in grade I. The

teachers obliged, as their profession demands, to plan and provide effective

reading program (Edelman,2017) for the development of the reading skills

of the learners.

Bustos-Orosa and Ferrer (2013) noted that in the most public schools in

the Philippines, for instance, Mananao Elementary School in San Manuel,

Isabela, Philippines, they see Marungko Approach as an alternative reading

method for beginning readers, instead of sing Cartilla method which is

originated from Spanish instruction. Marungko approach is a “phono

syllabic” method (Flores) 2014). The letter- sounds are taught in

correspondence to the phonemic leave. There is a specified common and

familiar pattern of letters that are taught such as m,a,I,o,b,e,u…based from

the Filipino language, in order to help the organize their thoughts and ideas

( Faustino, Santos, Distajo, and Ladia, 2013).

“Sounding out” or “Describing” is one way of the reader to learn how

to read. This is the Marungko Approach in reading. In this approach of

reading the alphabets are rather “pronounced” than read. For example, the

“together we walk for the ilagUEño learners”

PLN-QF-O1O Rev. 00

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region 02 – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of the City of Ilagan
Isabela National High School Compound, San Vicente, City of Ilagan, Isabela, 3300 Certificate No.
44 100 18 93 0039
(078) 624-0077

letter “m” would be pronounced as “mmm” not the old Pinoy style of

reading it as “ma”.

The use of educational video and television in the classroom has risen

steadily over the past 20 to 30 years, according to a series of studies

conducted by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. These surveys

measured both patterns of use and the teacher attitudes and expectations for

outcomes. Not only is this technology widely used, according to the most

recent study, but it is also highly valued as a means of teaching more

effectively and creatively (CPB,1997).

Video is a form of multimedia that conveys information through two

simultaneous sensory channels; aural and visual. It often uses multiple

presentation modes, such as verbal and pictorial representations in the case

of on-screen print and closed- capturing (Mayer, 2001). This multiplicity

means that video communicates the same information to students through

simultaneous learning modalities and can provide students with “multiple

entry points” (Gardner,2006) into the content.

Citing Wood (1995), Aiex (1999) notes that video can be used “to

promote awareness of the interrelationship between modes (picture,

movement, sound, caption)” (p.2). Kozma (1991) found that the mix of

spoken language, text, still images and moving images in television and

video results in higher learning gains that media that rely primarily on only

one of these symbol system. Wetzel et al.’s 1994 review of research

“together we walk for the ilagUEño learners”

PLN-QF-O1O Rev. 00

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region 02 – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of the City of Ilagan
Isabela National High School Compound, San Vicente, City of Ilagan, Isabela, 3300 Certificate No.
44 100 18 93 0039
(078) 624-0077

concluded that combining sound with either still or moving images resulted

in more learning than simply adding motion to instill images (cited in CPB,


One of the greatest strengths of television and video is the ability to

communicate with viewers on an emotional, as well as a cognitive, level.

Because of this ability to reach viewers’ emotions, videos can have a strong

positive effect on both motivation and affective learning. Not only are these

important learning components on their own, but they can also pay an

important role in creating the conclusions through which greater cognitive

learning can take place.

In an effort to strengthen the reading proficiency of every learner and

help nurture a culture of reading which considered a skill in all content areas,

Dep Ed announced the “Hamon: Bawat Bata Bumasa” (3Bs)

initiative.Education Secretary Leonor Briones, in Dep Ed memorandum

number 173 s. of 2019, said that the 3B’s initiative will help strengthen that

Every Child a Reader Program (ECRAP) which primarily aims to equip

learners with reading skills to make them proficient and independent readers

in their grade level.”Briones asked all offices at the Central, Regional and

Schools Division Offices as well as in school levels to respond to the 3 B’s

initiatives by intensifying their advocacy for reading “and by “pledging their

commitment to make every learner a reader at his or her grade level.

“Moreover, she directed all Dep Ed offices and school levels to “align their

“together we walk for the ilagUEño learners”

PLN-QF-O1O Rev. 00

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region 02 – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of the City of Ilagan
Isabela National High School Compound, San Vicente, City of Ilagan, Isabela, 3300 Certificate No.
44 100 18 93 0039
(078) 624-0077

priorities towards the promotion of culture of reading as a key step in closing

achievements gaps.”

To make every learner a “proficient reader, “Briones noted that schools

across the country are tasked to “help learners develop” their reading skills,

however school initiatives are still not enough based on the recent results of

National Assessments for students learning, “she explained.”

The use of videos and audiovisual materials in the classroom enhances

the creativity and attention of students and leads to direct results in learning.

When it comes to getting students involved and participating in class

activities, videos will undoubtedly be a perfect tool.Nowadays, both

adolescents and children are used to seeing dozens of videos daily; it is their

basic channel of communication and they are already in the habit of using

videos as sources of information.

The researcher employed the Marungko Approach, a method associated

with phonics, as a learning intervention in improving the learners reading


The study made use of a gal-experimental research design with pre-test

assessment in the areas of phonemic awareness and letter knowledge,

phonics and decoding and (3) fluency and proficiency.Finding revealed that

the reading performance and comprehension skills of the participants

significantly improved after implementation of the Marungko Intervention.

The study determined the effectiveness of Marungko and Traditional

“together we walk for the ilagUEño learners”

PLN-QF-O1O Rev. 00

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region 02 – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of the City of Ilagan
Isabela National High School Compound, San Vicente, City of Ilagan, Isabela, 3300 Certificate No.
44 100 18 93 0039
(078) 624-0077

Approach in the reading performance of Kindergarten Learners in Filipino

of Bai Sarpinang Elementary School, Bagumbayan District II Experimental

design was used. The result showed that the control group and experimental

group were of the same level of reading performance at the start of the study.

T- test revealed that Marungko and Traditional Approach were both

effective in teaching reading in Filipino to the Kindergarten learners.

However, the mean gain scores of both approaches did not show significant

difference. These results used to the conclusion that both were effective in

teaching reading.

II. Action Research Questions

Reading fluency has been identified as one of the necessary components

for becoming a strong reader. Instructional techniques designed to improve

reading fluency are generally easy to implement. Many parents are eager to

assist in the growth of their children’s academic skills. This articles

describes a procedure for improving oral reading fluency is easy for parents

to learn and carry out. Training parents is relatively simple and can be done

by the classroom teacher or other school personnel. Parents in turn are asked

to work with their children for 15 minutes a day. Reading materials at the

child’s instructional level in used and recording procedures incorporate goal

setting and progress monitoring.

Specifically, it aims to answer the following questions:

“together we walk for the ilagUEño learners”

PLN-QF-O1O Rev. 00

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region 02 – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of the City of Ilagan
Isabela National High School Compound, San Vicente, City of Ilagan, Isabela, 3300 Certificate No.
44 100 18 93 0039
(078) 624-0077

1. What is the reading skills of the 23 Grade I learners class before and

after using the Video Lesson and Marungko Approach?

2. Is there a significant difference in the reading levels of the learners

before and after the implementation of the Video Lesson and Marungko


3. What is the effect of the Video Lesson and Marungko Approach in

improving the reading ability of the pupils?

III. Proposed Intervention and Strategy

Reading is important because it develops our thoughts, gives us endless

knowledge and lessons to read while keeping our minds active. Reading

books to help us understand and makes us smarter, not to mention the

knowledge, vocabulary and thinking skills we develop.

A video lesson or lecture is a video which presents educational material

for a topic which is to be learned. The format may vary. It might be a video

of the teacher speaking to the camera, photographs and text about the topic

or some mixture of these.

Videos can be used to provide students with extension work. This aims

to add to what they’ve learned. It gives us students expanded opportunities

to apply the knowledge and skills they have acquired. Equally important,

videos can be used for revising concepts and reinforcing them for students

who need further explanation.

“together we walk for the ilagUEño learners”

PLN-QF-O1O Rev. 00

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region 02 – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of the City of Ilagan
Isabela National High School Compound, San Vicente, City of Ilagan, Isabela, 3300 Certificate No.
44 100 18 93 0039
(078) 624-0077

Effectiveness: Video learning is effective on both sides of the classroom;

educators can use it to create time and space for active learning. Once a

video is created, it can reuse and updated as needed, leaving more time in

the classroom for live discussions and engagement with students.

In the world today where information are abundant, reading books is one

of the best ways to be informed. Though reading might seem like simple

fun, it can be helping your body and mind without you even realizing what

is happening-from the self by Mark/February 20,


The Marungko Approach is designed to equip Grade One pupils the

necessary reading skills to improve their reading. Likewise, it seeks to

develop a training model to enhance teachers competence in the teaching of

reading in the primary grades most especially in Grade One. The goal of this

strategy in reading is to enable grade one pupils to instill in their minds to

appreciate to songs and poems created for Filipino children and eventually

to communicate in written and oral forms through effective reading

instructions. The Marungko approach provides materials to the success in

teaching reading. It start with letter sounds rather than name. Certain

comical stories of letter to signify its sound are being introduced. Instead of

the usual arrangement (order) of letters in the alphabet, it start with


“together we walk for the ilagUEño learners”

PLN-QF-O1O Rev. 00

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region 02 – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of the City of Ilagan
Isabela National High School Compound, San Vicente, City of Ilagan, Isabela, 3300 Certificate No.
44 100 18 93 0039
(078) 624-0077

The sequence of letters in the MTB-MLE of the K to 12 Curriculum for

Grade One is almost similar to that of the Marungko Approach. Considering

that there is no single reading material available for Grade One pupils, it is

of great help to design and craft a sole reading material for the learners that

will serve as a gateway to improve pupil’s reading skills, thus leading to the

betterment of the teaching and learning Mark/February 2019


This study was conducted to gain the applicable technique in improving

the oral reading of the 23 learners of Minabang Elementary School. The

Video Lesson will be use by the 14 learners and the remaining 9 learners

will provide a copy of Marungko Approach. What ever outcomes the

researcher found would be her springboard to make better the reading ability

for the coming year knowing the weaknesses and strengths.

IV. Action Research Methods

a. Participants and /other sources of data

The study will be administer at Minabang Elementary School specifically to:

1. Grade I learners - This is composed of 12 male and 11 female a total

of 23 who need attention and help to improve their reading skills.

2. Parents/ Guardian-This refers to the father/mother and someone who

care and assist the learner. It also contributing ideas, opinions or

suggestions, plans about what to do and taking responsibility for

assigned task.

“together we walk for the ilagUEño learners”

PLN-QF-O1O Rev. 00

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region 02 – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of the City of Ilagan
Isabela National High School Compound, San Vicente, City of Ilagan, Isabela, 3300 Certificate No.
44 100 18 93 0039
(078) 624-0077

3. School Head- He is the principal of the school. He assist the teachers

by making updates to the needs of the learners.

4. Teacher/Researcher- A person whose job is to teach the learner in

Elementary of the different areas. The teacher is aware of the

situation, condition and problems exists for individual learner they

handle. The teacher have the chance to make intervention/innovation

for better teaching.

5. SDO Officials- Aware of the roles as leaders and manage schools and

evaluate and give fully support to the programs, projects and activities

to achieve quality education this time of pandemic.

b. Data Gathering Methods

The use of Marungko Approach and Video Lessons is a devise that aids

the reading skills of the Grade I learners with the following methods:

1. Surveying of phone numbers- The researcher asked volunteered

parent/ guardian to get the phone number of 23 Grade I learners used

for commucation purposes for this school year 2020-2021.

2. Sampling- The researcher contact 2 learners 1 male and 1 female and

asked to read a simple selection for Grade I Filipino.

3. Downloaded- The researcher will downloaded and provide a printed

copy of Marungko Approach and will be given to the learner who have

no gadgets. She will also downloaded a Video Lessons on Marungko

“together we walk for the ilagUEño learners”

PLN-QF-O1O Rev. 00

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region 02 – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of the City of Ilagan
Isabela National High School Compound, San Vicente, City of Ilagan, Isabela, 3300 Certificate No.
44 100 18 93 0039
(078) 624-0077

Approach and share to the learners through GC messenger provided

by the reaearcher which the learner can view who have available


4. Follow Schedule- The researcher shall follow schedule of sharing

Video Lessons and distibution of Marungko Approach. This will be

done during Work From Home (WFH) and be assured of safety

protocols through the guidance of the parent/ guardian.

5. Koneksyon sa Edukasyon Initiative- Observation will be conduct by

the researcher by monitoring the attendance, utilization and

participation through text, chat, call or video call.

6. Unstuctured Interview- The researcher will conduct personally to

confirm some issues and concerns of learners by home visiting.

7. Post- Test- The researcher will administer Post- Test to analize the


c. Ethical Issues

The researcher will asked the permission to the SDO Officials and

school head for the approval to conduct action research in a letter form.

The researcher informed the learners, parents/ guardians to conduct oral

reading Pre-Test (Filipino), administered Multi- Factored Assessment Tool

(MFAT) and to administered Monitoring Tool regarding issues and concern

through chat, text., call or video call.

“together we walk for the ilagUEño learners”

PLN-QF-O1O Rev. 00

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region 02 – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of the City of Ilagan
Isabela National High School Compound, San Vicente, City of Ilagan, Isabela, 3300 Certificate No.
44 100 18 93 0039
(078) 624-0077

Authors of books, journals, publications as well as website from the

internet which will be used as references in the conduct of this study will be

properly granted.

d. Data Analysis Plan


(February 1,2021)

Name Kind of Cell Phone Cell Phone Number


Pupil 1 None

Pupil 2 Smart Phone 09266515411

Pupil 3 None

Pupil 4 None

Pupil 5 Smart Phone 09561024696

Pupil 6 Smart Phone 09663479020

Pupil 7 None

Pupil 8 Smart Phone 09452880259

Pupil 9 Smart Phone 09554125821

Pupil 10 Smart Phone 09261204518

Pupil 11 Smart Phone 09557686025

Pupil 12 None

“together we walk for the ilagUEño learners”

PLN-QF-O1O Rev. 00

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region 02 – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of the City of Ilagan
Isabela National High School Compound, San Vicente, City of Ilagan, Isabela, 3300 Certificate No.
44 100 18 93 0039
(078) 624-0077


Pupil 1 Smart Phone 09059116158

Pupil 2 Smart Phone 09268992417

Pupil 3 None

Pupil 4 Smart Phone 09558339231

Pupil 5 None

Pupil 6 Key Pad 09361603554

Pupil 7 Smart Phone 09750557626

Pupil 8 Smart Phone 09972370851

Pupil 9 Smart Phone 09553768763

Pupil 10 Smart Phone 09059116700

Pupil 11 None

The table shows that out of 23 Grade I learners 14 or 61% who have Smart Phone,1 or

4% who have Key Pad and the rest 8 or 35% no gadgets.

“together we walk for the ilagUEño learners”

PLN-QF-O1O Rev. 00

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region 02 – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of the City of Ilagan
Isabela National High School Compound, San Vicente, City of Ilagan, Isabela, 3300 Certificate No.
44 100 18 93 0039
(078) 624-0077



Name Fast Average Slow Syllable Letter/ Non

Sound Reader


Pupil 1 /

Pupil 2 /

Pupil 3 /

Pupil 4 /

Pupil 5 /

Pupil 6 /

Pupil 7 /

Pupil 8 /

Pupil 9 /

Pupil 10 /

Pupil 11 /

Pupil 12 /


Pupil 1 /

Pupil 2 /

“together we walk for the ilagUEño learners”

PLN-QF-O1O Rev. 00

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region 02 – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of the City of Ilagan
Isabela National High School Compound, San Vicente, City of Ilagan, Isabela, 3300 Certificate No.
44 100 18 93 0039
(078) 624-0077

Pupil 3 /

Pupil 4 /

Pupil 5 /

Pupil 6 /

Pupil 7 /

Pupil 8 /

Pupil 9 /

Pupil 10 /

Pupil 11 /

Total 0 8 1 5 7 2

The Pre-Test administered first Monday (6th and 7th) of February 2021

via text, call, chat or video call. Out of 23 Grade I learners composed of 12

male and 11female. Based on the result none or 0% under fast reader 8 or

35% are average 1 or 4% slow 5 or 22% syllable, 7 or 30% and 2 or 9% are

non- readers. The result shows alarming so the researcher started to look

forward and seek help in order to uplift the reading ability of the learners.

The researcher therefore was motivated to make a research of how a learner

can help in spite of the new normal condition.

“together we walk for the ilagUEño learners”

PLN-QF-O1O Rev. 00

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region 02 – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of the City of Ilagan
Isabela National High School Compound, San Vicente, City of Ilagan, Isabela, 3300 Certificate No.
44 100 18 93 0039
(078) 624-0077


Item No. of learners Remarks Item No. of learners Remarks

No. with difficulty No. with difficulty in
in doing the doing the task
task per item per item (per
(per competency)
1 26
2 2 Talk to them 27
through call or
video call
3 28
4 29.
5 30.
6 31.
7 32.
8 33.
9 34. 3 Send video
lessons on
10 35.
11 36.
12 37. 2 Demonstrate
how to add
using real
objects found
at home and
give more
13 38.
14 3 Provide more 39.
examples and ask
the learners to
produce the
initial and final
sound through
call or video call
15 40.
16 4 Ask the 41.

“together we walk for the ilagUEño learners”

PLN-QF-O1O Rev. 00

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region 02 – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of the City of Ilagan
Isabela National High School Compound, San Vicente, City of Ilagan, Isabela, 3300 Certificate No.
44 100 18 93 0039
(078) 624-0077

to assist them in
Monitor the
learners to read
simple selection
twice a week
through the
guidance of
Give a copy of
simple stories
17 42.
18 43.
19 44.
20 45.
21 46.
22 47.
23 48.
24 49.
25 50.
Daily Living Skills Motor Skills
51. 76
52. 77
53. 78 1 Advise the
learner to
follow rules
regulation at
all times
specially in
doing task
Test and
Task before
54. 79
55. 80
56. 81
57. 82

“together we walk for the ilagUEño learners”

PLN-QF-O1O Rev. 00

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region 02 – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of the City of Ilagan
Isabela National High School Compound, San Vicente, City of Ilagan, Isabela, 3300 Certificate No.
44 100 18 93 0039
(078) 624-0077

58. 83
59. 84
60. 85
61. 86
62. 87
63. 88
64. 89 1 Ask the
learners to
use always
65. 90
66. 91
67. 92
68. 93
69. 94
70. 95
71. 96
72. 97
73. 98
74. 3 Tell the 99
importance of the
different symbols
75. 2 Help them to 100
realize to keep
out of danger
that may cause
Socio Emotional Behavior
104. 2 Send Activity
Sheets on tracing
broken, straight
and curve lines
110. 2 Ask the

“together we walk for the ilagUEño learners”

PLN-QF-O1O Rev. 00

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region 02 – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of the City of Ilagan
Isabela National High School Compound, San Vicente, City of Ilagan, Isabela, 3300 Certificate No.
44 100 18 93 0039
(078) 624-0077

to practice hold a
pencil daily and
draw any object
found at home
111. 2 Deliver some
Actvity Sheets
Monitor and
check output

The table shows that the learners need assistance in doing task. They need to
motivate in order to do the task.

MONITORING TOOL (Issues and Concern)

Date Name Issues and Intervention: Suggestion/

Concerns Recommendation
02-01- Pupil 1 Easily tired to write Motivated to write big and
2-21 small letter daily
02-03- Pupil 2 Easily tired to do Asked the parents/ guardian to
2021 assigned job sleep on time
02-12- Pupil 3 Easily tired to do Relaxed, eat nutritious food
2021 task and take vitamins

“together we walk for the ilagUEño learners”

PLN-QF-O1O Rev. 00

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region 02 – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of the City of Ilagan
Isabela National High School Compound, San Vicente, City of Ilagan, Isabela, 3300 Certificate No.
44 100 18 93 0039
(078) 624-0077

02-15- Pupil 4 Want to play before Made schedule to do assigned

2021 doing assign work work and let him play
02-22- Pupil 5 Difficult to solve Asked the parents/ guardiands
2021 math problems to assist
02-22- Pupil 6 Syllable reader Talked to the parents/guardian
Supplied simple and easy to
read printed materials
02-23- Pupil 7 Shy, not fucus Monitored and checked daily
2021 when he read
Informed the proper way to
a simple selection read
Motivated him to read
02-25- Pupil 8 Do not want to read Monitored daily activities
2021 and write through chat, call or video call
Provided reading materials

Date Name Issues and Intervention: Suggestion/
Concerns Recommendation
03-08- Pupil 1 Want to play always Offered time to play and
2021 reminded to do the task given
Can only identify
letters and sound
03-08- Pupil 2 He do not want to Reminded her to asked always
2021 read the help of parents
03-09- Pupil 3 Syllable reader Monitored the learner to read a
2021 simple selection daily
03-10- Pupil 4 Easiy tired to write Provided her pencil and paper
03-10- Pupil 5 She want to write Inquired her to read, draw and
2021 always play

“together we walk for the ilagUEño learners”

PLN-QF-O1O Rev. 00

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region 02 – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of the City of Ilagan
Isabela National High School Compound, San Vicente, City of Ilagan, Isabela, 3300 Certificate No.
44 100 18 93 0039
(078) 624-0077

03-11- Pupil 6 Can only identify Motivated her to read daily

2021 letters and sound

03-12- Pupil 7 Can only identify Motivated her to read daily

2021 letters and sound
Delivered printed materials/
textbook to read
Checked daily activities
through chat, call, text or
video call

03-12- Pupil 8 Can only identify Talked

2021 letters and sound

Each pupil have different issues and cocerns. Most of them are slow readers.

d. Data Gathering Methods

This research proposal will make se of the Early Grade Reading Assessment

(EGRA).This is a way the ability to read and understand a simple text and

one of the most fndamental skills a child can learn.

e. Action Research Work Plan and Timelines

Strategies Program Activities/ Resources Timeline

Tasks Persons Materials Cost of
Involved Materials
Research Writing of Proponent, Bond 300.00
Research School Paper
Proposal Ink 1,200.00
SRC June 14-
To Members 18,2021
upgrade (TA)
reading Printing 300.00

“together we walk for the ilagUEño learners”

PLN-QF-O1O Rev. 00

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region 02 – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of the City of Ilagan
Isabela National High School Compound, San Vicente, City of Ilagan, Isabela, 3300 Certificate No.
44 100 18 93 0039
(078) 624-0077

skills of Finalization Proponent, Folder 12.00

Grade I of School
learners in Head,
using SRC
Video Members
Lessons (TA)
Research Data Proponent, Photocopy 6.00
Gathering School of Consent
Approach Implementation
Head, Letter
SRC July 12-
Internet 300.00
Members 16,2021
Photocopy 120.00
of Action
July 16-

August 9-
30, 2021
Research Research Proponent, Fare
Finalization analysis, School 200.00
completion Head,
Photocopy 736.00
and SRC
submission Members October 1,
(TA), 2021-
SDRC November
17, 2021
Research Paper Proponent, Snacks 150.00
Presentation School
and Head,
and Utilization
Introdction SRC Fare
of Members 200.00
Intervention (TA)

“together we walk for the ilagUEño learners”

PLN-QF-O1O Rev. 00

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region 02 – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of the City of Ilagan
Isabela National High School Compound, San Vicente, City of Ilagan, Isabela, 3300 Certificate No.
44 100 18 93 0039
(078) 624-0077


f. Cost Estimates

Activity Item Quantity Unit Unit Total

Description Cost Amount
Research Bond Paper 1500 page 2.00 300.00
Development Ink 4 pieces (1 900.00 1,200
Printing 150 page 2.00 300.00
Folder 1 piece 4.00 12.00
Research Photocopy of 3 page 2.00 6.00
Implementation Consent
Internet 1 days (6) 50.00 300.00

Photocopy of 60 page 2.00 120.00

Research Fare 2 trip 100.00 200.00
Finalization Photocopy of 368 page 2.00 736.00
Marungko (back to
Approach back)
Research Snacks 50 pack 30.00 150.00
Fare 2 trip 100.00 200.00

“together we walk for the ilagUEño learners”

PLN-QF-O1O Rev. 00

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region 02 – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of the City of Ilagan
Isabela National High School Compound, San Vicente, City of Ilagan, Isabela, 3300 Certificate No.
44 100 18 93 0039
(078) 624-0077

Dissemination Total 3.524.00


g. Plans for Dissemination and Utilization

The Video Lessons is appropriate for Grade I learners who are having the Smart

Phone and the rest who have NO Cell Phones used the printed Marungko Approach

to upgrade the reading ability.

In order to test the effectiveness of this intervention, the researcher will

conduct to Grade I class together with the adviser.

After the used of the intervention for 8-10 weeks the Grade I learners will

undergo Post Reading Assessment to assess the effectiveness of using Video

Lessons and using Marungko Approach.

VIII. References

“together we walk for the ilagUEño learners”

PLN-QF-O1O Rev. 00

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region 02 – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of the City of Ilagan
Isabela National High School Compound, San Vicente, City of Ilagan, Isabela, 3300 Certificate No.
44 100 18 93 0039
(078) 624-0077

Reading 101: A Guide for Parents. (2021). Reading Rockets.


0about%20the%20world. (2020, July 10). How does “new

normal” looks in Philippine Education System? – News BEaST Ph. News


How do you feel about the New Normal Learning Modality?. (2020, December 15).

Marungko Approach Reading Material. (2017).


Reading Technique. (2021). Scribd.

Cruse, E., & Ed, M. (2007). Using Educational Video in the Classroom: Theory,

Research and Practice.


“together we walk for the ilagUEño learners”

PLN-QF-O1O Rev. 00

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region 02 – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of the City of Ilagan
Isabela National High School Compound, San Vicente, City of Ilagan, Isabela, 3300 Certificate No.
44 100 18 93 0039
(078) 624-0077 (2020, October 29). Implementing the DepEd

3Bs Initiative - TeacherPH. TeacherPH.


DepEd orders schools to “intensify” reading advocacy. (2019, December 24).

Manila Bulletin.

Carol. (2021). Improve Reading Fluency with Parent Tutoring. TEACHING
Exceptional Children Plus, 1(2).

HR. (2019, January 17). Why Is Reading Important? The 11 Benefits Of Books - Best

Practice in HR. Best Practice in HR.


Wikipedia Contributors. (2020, September 10). Video lesson. Wikipedia; Wikimedia


Marungko.doc - Jhon Michael C Rapisora BEED 2-1 What is... (2021, February 12).

Mark. (2021, January 6). Marungko Approach. DepEd Tambayan.

“together we walk for the ilagUEño learners”

PLN-QF-O1O Rev. 00

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