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Name: Jona Mae M.


Professor: Ann Margarit P. Bersano

Subject: Politics Governance with Philippine Constitution

Date: Feb. 05, 2021

Activity 1-1

We all know that every individual cherish and treasure our rights in this beloved country
which is Philippines. Ever since we gained our freedom it also provoke us to do useful things for
our lives. And it is the right to vote. In line with this, is the Art. 5 which is entitled “Suffrage”
where the content highlights the importance in the right to vote or active suffrage. That is why,
the citizens are much aware of the election. They hope that their aspire candidate will win in a
fair and unbias process of election.

At this point, I`m going to choose the automated process of election because I’m sure that
it is the best and suitable way in order to have an easy and convenient flow of election. In which
we can avoid any defects. When we say automated it involves the different machines to process
the ballot and it facilitates the number of votes for a particular candidates in the election. Aside
from that it will accurately show the result without any bias. Not just like manual election that it
is so time consuming and at the same time we cannot assure the validity of the result. What if
there`s a problem with the people who are task in doing it. So as an individual we must be able to
choose for the best not just for ourselves but also for our country.

In conclusion, for every event in this country the most important thing is the participation
because we cannot gain the progress without the wholehearted cooperation of each individual.
Despite of any circumstances we must do or exercise our rights most especially in the voting
process in election time.

Activity 1-2


Identify the following:

1. Two-party system A political system wherein two parties exist.

2. Recall It is a method by which a public officer may be removed from office during his tenure
or before the expiration of his term by a vote of the people after registration of a petition signed
by a required percentage of the qualified voters.

3. Partido Federalista The very first political party in the Philippines.

4. Election An act of choosing candidates for an elective post by he electorate.

5. Primary election The preliminary party election in the US.


1. Do you agree or disagree that voting should be made compulsory? Why or why not?


In my own perspective, I absolutely agree that voting be made compulsory. As what I've
remember, when the time that I was born in this world I already heard about voting. Voting is the
word that best fit for the election. All of us has the right to vote and the right to choose the
people who are suitable to be a leader of the place. It means that we have a freedom to exercise it
in the right way. It's our pleasure to contribute a little thing for our country through voting. It is
because when we say we can vote it means we are a valid or registered citizen .So voting is very
useful in every citizen.

2. Do you think Educational Attainment should be a qualification when running for an elective
post? Why or why not?


As of now being educated is a must. There is a saying states that "Education is the most
powerful weapon that we can use to change the world. "How would be the world look a like if all
the people are illiterate. Our country would be down since we can't reach the high standard. That
is why during the election the education attainment is one of the qualification for those
individuals who run as a candidate in the election. It is because the future of our country must be
in the people who lead on it. Just for example, when there are upcoming problems that needs an
accurate solutions . When we have an educated leader it means when can easily come up for
every solutions of the problem that we suffered. In short we cannot encounter to much
difficulties since our leader is active and at the same time a well-educated one. Based from what
I observe nowadays most elected officials all over the country is educated. They follow the
standard so that we would not left behind in this century.

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