Nur Aizizah (21813036) - Activity-3

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ACTIVITY 3: UNIT 2, 3 and 4

Name : Nur Azizah Date : 21/05/2021

Year/Section : 2021 Score : _________/50


Complete the concept map by giving ways on how you teach speaking, reading and
writing. Explain each.
1. Story Complection
All students are required to form a circle, the teacher will tell a fairy tale
with clipped sentences. The task of the students is to complete the sentence
with their ideas, adding a character, role, and description.

2. Role Play
Students practice a situation such as in a police station, court, drama, etc.
Students are only asked to use phrases that have been learned or use the aid of
cards. The teacher acts to provide direction and monitor activities.

3. Remebering
Students close their eyes and remember pictures such as objects in class or
places where they are located. This technique is effective for sharpening memory
and minimizing forgetting about vocabulary.

4. Ask and Answer

Students are asked to do a question and answer. In the process, ask
students to write down some interview questions if they need to be
memorized. Then free the students to ask their classmates. Match the
questions to the theme. For example, the theme of Personal Identity,
Shopping List, Map and others. To check whether students did the
assignment, ask them to make notes that must be reported to the teacher
after the learning process ends. The teacher only monitors students and gives
time for students to do questions and answers.

5. Describe and Draw

Students are made in pairs. Student A has a picture that student B does not
know, and vice versa. Student A explains the picture he has and student B draws
according to the description of student A. After student A has finished, change
student B to explain the picture. Ask them to compare the pictures and rate them
according to their taste.
1. Cross Word Puzzle
The words can be taken from words that are difficult to pronounce to words
whose meaning is unfamiliar to children or whose meaning is quite difficult. Thus the
children are invited to explore words first. After they have finished the cross word
puzzle, they can then continue with a small discussion about the meaning and the
pronunciation. After everyone understands from the meaning to the pronunciation it
means that they are ready to get into the core problem, namely reading.

2. KWL Method
KWL is aimed to be an exercise for a study group or class that can direct the
students in reading and understanding a text. The students can adjust it to working
alone. The method is formed of only three stages that reflect a worksheet of three
columns with the three letters. The three stages is intended to discover the following
a. what the students Know
b. what the students Will/Want to know
c. and what the students Learned

3. Choral Reading Method

Choral reading is particularly suitable to poetry and rhymes. There are four
principles for selecting materials that are planned to read in chorus or together. The
principles are:
a. Try to take short selection of stories or poems.
b. Select the material that every student can read easily.
c. Look for something with an attractive title that will make imaginations work.
d. Select a poem or story that will come alive when it’s read aloud, words with
charming sounds, contrast of some sort that can be interpreted, mood that can
be improved through verbal interpretation or dialogue that draws personality.
To prepare, each student reads the whole selection that is going to be chorally

4. PORPE Method
PORPE is a method to study textbook materials in which the students create and
answer essay questions. It can be a time-consuming process, but it is an excellent
means for preparing for essay exams There are five steps in this learning strategy.
Those steps are: Predict, Organize, Rehearse, Practice and Evaluate.

5. SQ4R Method
This SQ4R Method is very practical to help students keep studying organized
and efficient. The steps to SQ4R are Survey (The purpose of surveying the chapter
is to get the general idea of the content, structure, organization, and plan of
the chapter), Question (Developing questions prior to reading results in spontaneous
attempts to answer the questions based on information already known, increased
concentration and attention while reading to find an answer to the question, and
increased comprehension due to the mind in its attempt to find an answer to the
question)., Read (Students should read each section of the text to answer questions
that were developed in the step above), Recite, Record, and Review.

1. Mind Mapping
Mind mapping is a teaching technique used to develop thinking using a
diagram. The main idea or topic which is a large line of thought then forms
relationships with even smaller parts of the idea around it, so that it will form a
general understanding that can be poured into a writing.

2. Collaborative Writing
The concept of collaborative writing (CW) is a derivation of the concept of
cooperative learning (CL), which according to Jacob (1999: 13) is defined as a
learning strategy that involves students in small group activities (at least two people),
each of which has a different level of ability. not the same as to increase their
mastery of the lessons. Each group member is not only responsible for learning what
is being taught but they are also responsible for helping their group mates to learn
and understand the lessons they get.
Through learning methods such as discussions and exchange of ideas, students
get more portions to be directly involved in the learning process while at the same
time learning to take responsibility for the smooth running of the learning process.
So, CW is not writing together or writing in congregation. CW is a writing learning
strategy that involves other parties in the writing process. Other parties called
collaborators "monitor" each stage of writing by providing assessments in the form of
comments and corrective notes. Based on the collaborator's assessment, the
authors improve it. And so on until the last step.

3. Describing living things in nature.

Why did I choose this to teach children to write? because children like learning
that is done outside the classroom. I give the children the opportunity to see the
existing objects first. Then, I created a group to discuss the objects they chose. After
that, the students will begin to describe the object that has been selected.

4. Scolling Writing
Scrolling writing is a game to improve the quality of writing on groups. The
recommended group for this game is only 5-6 students. The way to play this game is
that the teacher will divide students into teams. Then, the teacher will give the topic
to be written to the group leader or the first player in each group without telling the
other players which topic to write about. After that, the first player may only write one
sentence and it will be given to the other players until the last player continues
writing. And finally, the last player will read his writing to the other groups. In this
scrolling writing game, the goal is to develop insights, ideas, and teamwork through

5. Make A Match
In learning make a match, the role of the media is very central because the
function of the media is also a teaching media material. Make a match learning is the
cards used to contain pictures and cards that answer. Cards on topic will be studied
by during learning.

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Submission: May 21, 2021

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