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HASTA LA VISTA 2020/2021



Presenter presenting confidently and displaying enthusiasm.

Presentation main point are clear and easy to understand; the structure of the presentation is well organized; /10
care has been taken in the production.

Visual aids are creative, clear and easy to read; tools enhance the effectiveness of the presentation; terms are /10
used in a unique and creative way; terms are used in the context.

1 / 2 – Poor 3 / 4 – Limited 5 / 6 – Adequate 7 / 8 – Very Good 9 / 10 – Excellent

 Shy, over nervous, and  Little confidence  Confidence displayed  Presenter was very  Presenter presenting

lacking confidence displayed throughout the throughout the confident and confidently and
presentation presentation enthusiastic while displaying enthusiasm

 Presentation lacks main  Main points are not  Main points are  Main points are clear  Main points are very clear
points and related details clear and lack somewhat clear but and detailed and very detailed
 Information lacks significant detail could use more detail  Information is linked  Information is directly
connection to the  Some information is  Most information is to presentation topic linked to presentation
presentation topic linked to the presentation linked to the  Information is well topic
 Information is not topic presentation topic organized.  Information is very

organized.  Information is loosely  Information is  Clearly evident that organized.

 Points have numerous organized. organized. points are correct,  Points are clear, well-
errors and lack detail  Points may have some  Evident that points are detailed and accurate constructed, accurate and
 Little care taken in the errors and show some detail correct and show a general  Care has been taken in show attention to detail
production  Some care has been attention to detail and the production  Extra care has been taken
taken in production accuracy in the production
 General care has been
taken in production
 Visual aids demonstrate  Visual aids have limited  Visual aids are reasonably  Visual aids are usually  Visual aids are very

no creativity or clarity creativity or clarity or are creative, clear, and easy to creative, clear, and easy to creative, clear, and easy
and are often difficult to sometimes difficult to read read to read
read read  Presentation is sometimes  Presentation is often  Presentation is
 Presentation is weakened  Presentation is not enhanced by the visual enhanced by the visual consistently enhanced by
by the visual tools. enhanced by the visual tools. tools. the visual tools.
 Few or no terms are tools.  Most terms are included  All terms are included in  All terms are included in
included in the  Several terms are in the presentation the presentation the presentation
presentation included in the  Generally used appropriately  Used effectively  Used in unique and
 May or may not be used presentation  Used in context creative ways
 Generally used in
appropriately  May or may not be appropriate context  Used in context
 Lacks context used appropriately
 May lack context

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