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Research on Effectiveness of Online Learning

Introduction: Online Learning is the "new normal" of today's rapidly growing world. It
refers to the type of education which takes place through the mode of the internet without any
geographical boundaries. However, online learning is just one type of learning, and the
umbrella term would be any learning which takes place across distance learning rather than a
traditional classroom. The recent lockdown has highlighted the benefits of this learning
model and given us both effective and ineffective results. In light of the positive sides, online
learning has made education more feasible, approachable, and modern. Similarly, it has
inevitable repercussions such as loss of motivation and self-discipline, leading to plagiarism
in answers. Well, these things are covered under one type of it.

Types of Online Learning: Online learning is a broad term that covers specific topics under
the umbrella. It has grown in both popularity and accessibility, attracting students with
schedule-friendly formats. These formats are as follows:

 Asynchronous Online Course: These are not real-time online classes. In such a mode,
the students are equipped with content and assignments entitled to certain time limits.
The students are expected to do the given task with compliance to the time limit. The
discussions are usually done through boards, blogs, or wikis. Most Indian
Universities, such as Christ (Deemed-to-be-University) and Jain University in
Bangalore, have adopted a blend of both asynchronous and asynchronous learning
 Synchronous Learning: This mode involves real-time meetings, either through text,
video, or audio calls, webinars, or lectures, where the students join and interact
actively and be a part of the discussion. However, it has certain disadvantages as this
involves rigid schedules, technical difficulties.
 Hybrid Courses: This course is a blend of in-person and online interaction, which
ensures meetings several times in a semester and provides computer based-
 Computer Managed Learning (CML): CML, also referred to as Computer
Managed Instruction, is a computer-based learning system. The databases contain bits
of information and enable systems to individualize according to preferences.
 Fixed E-Learning: The course is as similar as the name suggests. The system has a
selected content that can be accessed by the students as and when they want.
However, once an individual completes the course, the student needs to access
another one.
 Linear E-learning: This type of learning refers to human-computer interaction where
information passes from sender to receiver. Without exceptions. However, this mode
limits its factors and does not allow two-way communication.
 Interactive E-learning: This is learning two-way communication and does not limit
its factors to pass information from sender to receiver.
 Collaborative Online Learning: This is a modern type of learning method through
which multiple students learn and achieve their objectives. Students work together
and practice teamwork to achieve goals.

Evolution: Virtual learning has enabled students to continue their education off-campuses
and perhaps found them a better way of doing things in the future. According to the
researchers, online learning will usher in an educational revolution, providing millions of
people with affordable access to life-changing educational opportunities. In the 21 st century,
online learning has brought a tremendous change in the world of education. The internet has
taken education far away from the walls of universities and brought some radical
transformations. E-learning has evolved in various ways in the education, business, and
training sectors; these interpretations may differ for different sectors depending on the

Online learning had faced five significant steps of evolution. They're as follows:

Before the Internet: Long back, the internet was not discovered, and learning was done
through the correspondence method, which involved exchanging letters and using the mail
system to get connected to the students and vice-versa. After the inclusion of the internet,
open universities expanded their horizons and introduced distance learning.

The Beginning: Online learning started with the trends in the 1990s. In this decade, the
development of personal computers was on rising. E-learning became simplified, and it was
easier to learn skills online. E-learning environment became more acceptable, PDF text files
came into the picture to ease online learning, and it was more beneficial an online courses
became more popular.

The advancing technology 2000-2005: The standard E-learning that was becoming popular in
the 90s got encouraged because of the technological developments that took place, the
concept of learning became more advanced, increasing the Usage of technologies,
methodologies and software attracted more use of PowerPoint tools and learning
management systems often referred as LMS.

The Rapid Development Era: This was when E-learning tools became a standard in the
learning industry. The learning added benefits to the education of advancing technologies
with less money and no geographical boundaries. This introduced methodologies like
podcasts, mobile internet, learning analytics. This era also involved specific achievements
like educational gaming, user-created content, library digitalization, virtual world, cloud
computing, online video, gesture-based computing, mobile learning.

The Modern Era/ World: From the year 2011, online learning became more popular among
students, businesses, and trainers. The students started becoming expertise in the field and
enhance their skill sets. The tools in the industry became more convenient and accessible. It
introduced the concept of virtual classrooms, MOOCs, advancement in analytics.

Market Size: The E-learning platform is burgeoning in the current times with the availability
of high-speed internet, 4G networks, and soon-to-be-released 5G. On researching, the market
size of online learning in the year 2019 grew 187.87 billion $ worldwide. A 400% increase in
the field over what it was previously. The developing countries are aiding themselves with
the e-learning platforms and have rapidly evolved them in technology. Online learning is no
more entitled to colleges or universities than schools, colleges, businesses, and trainers.

Concept and changes in the process of E-Learning in the year 2020: Amidst the
pandemic, online learning has gained tremendous momentum in the industry and has grown
to an extent where one wouldn't have imagined the world. The pandemic increased the
importance of E-learning and its feasibility in applying it to the curriculum for both schools,
colleges, and universities. The Usage of it has become quite a popular in offices, companies,
and pieces of training of various personnel. E-learning has also covered many traditional
fields under its umbrella. Online learning has evolved beyond its original capabilities and is
no longer a monologue from teacher to student. Students are now playing an influential role
and have brought classroom learning to every corner of the world.

Some of the recent pros of E-Learning are-

 Less Expensive.
 Availability of a wide variety of courses
 Like-minded study groups
 Flexibility
 Negligible Infrastructural need
 Standardized Quality

Smartphones have played a crucial or vital role in making use of the online platform. It is
rapidly gaining demand even in the rural areas as the procedure is quite simple and flexible.
This enables bringing high quality of education in the world. The MOOCs,' i.e. Massive open
online courses are a new way of accessing the course and has brought development in the

The development of online learning has brought innovations in smartphone technologies,

high-speed data services, interactive learning, rising number of startups etc.

How it has impacted the other generations: In order to identify the generational differences
of online learning, a research study was conducted by the professors of Harrisons college of
Business, Missouri, USA. A total of 899 responses were collected. On analyzing the research
responses, it was found that millennials are more comfortable and adaptable to the online
platform and have more interaction with students rather than instructors.

Another research study was conducted with an aim to identify the differences in learning
preferences by generational cohort.

The Link for the complete case study is given at the end of the document.

The Future: According to the sources, the global online learning market is expected to grow
at a CAGR of 9.23% within the coming five years, increasing the market share from $319
billion by the year 2025 from $187.87 billion in the year 2019. The future of online learning
will enable the growth of certain factors and technologies such as Artificial intelligence,
cloud-based solutions, massive investments, virtual reality, and the Internet of Things
development. The e-learning platform will become approachable and cheaper, making it
available for all kinds and classes of people. It will also help the people to increase
employment in the world.

Overall, E-Learning will bring innovation and technology and will be the biggest asset of the


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