To Calculate BMI: Body Mass (KG) / Height 2 (Metres) : References

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Specification: Name:
1.19: understand how people use scientific knowledge about
the effect of diet, including obesity indicators, such as body Class/Period:
mass index and waist-to-hip ratio, exercise and smoking to
reduce their risk of coronary heart disease Date:

Key Questions: Notes:

What is an energy budget? ■ Energy budget is the amount of energy taken in (calorie intake) vs amount of
energy used (calorie burnt).
■ For a balanced energy budget energy input should equal the energy output

What is the basal metabolic rate

■ BMR of an individual is the energy needed for metabolic processes. It is higher
(BMR) of an individual?
in males, heavier people, younger people and people with higher activity rate.

What are the consequences of ■ Obesity can increase the risk of CHD and stroke even without other risk factors
obesity? being present
■ The more excess fat carried especially around the middle, the greater the risk is to
the heart
■ Obesity can also increase the risk of type II diabetes which in turn can increase the
risk of CHD and stroke
■ Obesity can also raise BP and elevate blood lipid levels
■ Studies show a positive correlation between the % of saturated fat in the diet and
high BP
■ They have also shown a positive correlation between the % of saturated fat in the
diet and increased incidence of CVD

How is BMI used as an obesity ■ Body mass index (BMI): conventionally used method of classifying body weight
indicator of HD? relative to a person’s height
■ To calculate BMI: Body mass (Kg)/ height^2 (metres)
■ BMI is not accurate for athletes, people with health issues or pregnant women.

How to use waist-to-hip ratio as

an obesity indicator? ■ Waist-to-hip ratio is calculated by : waist circumference/hip circumference
■ The waist is measured unclothed at the narrowest point between the rib margin
and the top of the hip bone
■ The hip circumference is measured in light clothing at the widest point around
the buttocks
■ Ideally men should not have a wait-to-hip ratio over 0.90 and women’s should
not be greater than 0.85


How do people use scientific ■ Evidence suggests that waist-to-hip ratio is a better measure of obesity than
knowledge about obesity BMI
indicators to reduce their risk of ■ And it also shows a significant association with risk of heart attack
CHD? ■ There is a continuous correlation between waist-to-hip ratio and heart attack
■ Waist –to-hip ratio gives a better indication of who is at risk of a heart attack,
even in people with low BMIs of <20
■ Used to decide if one should reduce their weight and monitor the effects of any
lifestyle changes made

How do people use scientific ■ A diet high in fat and an inactive lifestyle are major contributing factors to the
knowledge about the effects of development of obesity
diet to reduce their risk of CHD? ■ Greater inactivity means that obesity and associated conditions are on the
■ A high-fat diet will not always result in weight gain if combined with high levels
of physical activity
■ Food manufacturers are encouraged to label products to show how much
saturated fat is in them

How do people use scientific ■ Haemoglobin carries carbon monoxide from smoke instead of oxygen= reduces
knowledge about the effects of
supply of oxygen to the cells
smoking to reduce their risk of
CHD ■ Any narrowing arteries due to atherosclerosis will reduce blood flow through the
arteries in the heart and brain
■ this increases heart rate as body reacts to provide enough oxygen for the cells
■ smoking has been linked with a reduction in HDL cholesterol level because the
chemicals from smoke can damage the lining of the arteries causing increase
risk of atherosclerosis
■ Research led to TV adverts and warnings on cigarette packets. NHS encourage
people to stop smoking by giving free advice and prescribing nicotine patches

How do people use scientific

knowledge about the effects of ■ moderate exercise e.g. cycling or walking helps prevent high BP and helps
exercise to reduce their risk of lower it
CHD ■ exercise also raises HDL cholesterol without affecting LDL cholesterol levels
■ it also reduces the chance of developing type II diabetes and helps in
controlling the condition
■ Many researches leading to campaigns that encouraging people to exercise
more often to create awareness.



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