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Original Research

Advances in Structural Engineering

2019, Vol. 22(4) 971–981
Building Information Model–based Ó The Author(s) 2018
Article reuse guidelines:
finite element analysis of high-rise
DOI: 10.1177/1369433218780484

building community subjected to

extreme earthquakes

Xiaodan Ren, Weida Fan, Jie Li and Jun Chen

Starting from the Building Information Model, a pre-processing procedure is proposed in this work to develop the refined finite ele-
ment model of buildings and building community. The structural members which are represented by three-dimensional solid entities
in Building Information Model are converted to lines and planes according to their geometric characteristics. To meet the require-
ments of finite element analysis of building structures, the lines are discretized by the beam elements and the surfaces are discretized
by the shell elements. The damage plasticity model is implemented to simulate the damage and failure of concrete, and the classic plas-
ticity model is chosen for steel. The simulations of high-rise building and building community are performed with the help of large
computing server. The damage patterns of different building structures are obtained and discussed. This study lays a solid foundation
for the further fusion between Building Information Model and finite element analysis.

building community, Building Information Model, extreme earthquake, finite element simulation, high-rise building

Introduction information is included in the developed 3D graphical

model. As we know, people could read 3D graphics
Building Information Modeling and understand it without much of professional inter-
In general, Building Information Modeling (BIM) is a pretation. Thus, people of different specialties, for
digital representation of physical and functional char- example, architect, engineer, manager, and owner,
acteristics of facilities. Although the information man- could work together on a universal 3D building model.
agement is emphasized in BIM, the widely used BIM Moreover, the universal 3D building model carries
software/system, for example, Revit and Rhino, is massive volume of data and information. Thus, the
mainly developed based on CAD, that is, computer- large-scale database is introduced to manage the data
aided design, in the current stage. Thus, the technology and information associated with the 3D building
foundations of the current BIM system are CAD and model. Thus far, the foundations of BIM system have
database. The traditional CAD in building engineering been developed. Then, we could develop higher level
is mainly based on two-dimensional (2D) graphics and data structure to fulfill the requirements from different
line drawings. Especially for the regular building proj- specialties in an efficient way. For example, the colli-
ect, the 2D design drawings could be easily developed sions of pipelines in a building could be easily detected
based on the concept of floor/level. On the other hand, based on the well-defined 3D pipeline data. Another
the 2D drawings are somewhat too abstract, and too example is the construction process of a building,
much information is lost. To understand the whole which could be simulated based on the current BIM
building model based on 2D building drawings, the
human interpretation and imagination are needed.
Thus, the traditional CAD could not be easily used in College of Civil Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai, China
management. To meet the requirements of modern
Corresponding author:
construction industry, the current BIM system is devel- Jun Chen, College of Civil Engineering, Tongji University, 1239 Siping
oped. The 3D graphical model is developed for each Road, Tumu Building, Room A409, Shanghai 200092, China.
element of building. The detailed geometric Email:
972 Advances in Structural Engineering 22(4)

system by adding up the elements, members, and The simple approximate solution of the problem is
works step by step. developed for each element, and the entire problem is
The history of BIM could be traced to 1970s. The modeled by assembling all the finite elements. The
pioneering works of Eastman et al. (1974) laid the finite element analysis (FEA) of large system usually
foundation of BIM. In 1980s and 1990s, the concept needs a large amount of computational recourses and
and theory of BIM developed continuously by the aca- time. To save computational expenses and improve
demia (Aish, 1986; Tolman, 1999; Van Nederveen and accuracy, the finite elements may not be developed in
Tolman, 1992). In the first 10 years of the new century, the real 3D entity of the structure. Thus, the one-
the industry paid more and more attention to BIM dimensional (1D) line element family (Feng et al.,
and the BIM software was developed and widely used. 2015, 2017; Feng and Ren, 2017; Spacone et al., 1996)
In recent years, McGraw Hill (2014) demonstrates that is developed for truss, beam, and column. And, the 2D
most of the contractors confirm that the investment to shell/plate element family (Hsu and Mo, 2010; Reddy,
the BIM is worthy and efficient in the project manage- 2004; Vecchio and Collins, 1986) is developed for slab
ment. In the recent years, people start to think the and shear wall. The 1D and 2D element families are
extension of BIM with the help of modern computer often referred as structural element because they are
science and facilities. The concept of CIM, that is, City commonly used in the simulation of structures. The
Information Model, has been proposed and accepted finite element simulation of buildings structure is com-
by many people. CIM is usually considered as super- monly based on structural elements, for example,
BIM or BIM in city level. The 3D models of buildings, beam element and shell element, due to the trade-off
roads, public spaces (open data), street lights, or even between accuracy and expense. The pioneering works
people on the street (social media) are included in for the simulation of super high-rise buildings based
CIM with massive volume of data and information. on beam elements and shell elements could be found in
According to Khemlani (2016), a CIM model could the works by Lu et al. (2013, 2011) and Huang et al.
enable city-wide simulation (for architects and plan- (2017).
ners) of various aspects such as traffic, congestion,
energy, and impact of natural disasters, such as earth-
quakes or hurricanes and flood control. Also, the
From BIM to FEA
development and further evolving of city could be As we know, CAD model and CAE model are quite
simulated by CIM, based on which the government different from each other, even though they describe
could make decision in a more reasonable way. the same entities. Sometimes, we use the word
‘‘export’’ to describe the conversion of models from
CAD to CAE. Actually, in the engineering practice of
Finite element analysis early years, the word ‘‘export’’ was too good.
In the engineering practice, not only CAD but also Engineers would rather rebuild the model for CAE
CAE (computer-aided engineering) play essential roles. based on CAD, especially in building engineering for
CAD is about creation/generation of the 3D model in which we just have 2D CAD drawings. Engineers just
the viewpoint of design. CAE is about testing/simulat- imagine the 3D model in their mind based on 2D
ing the characteristics (material, strength, fatigue, etc.) CAD drawings and build them in CAE software with
using engineering methods. In the mathematical point consideration of physics and mathematics. Thus, the
of view, CAD deals with the algebra problems in engi- conversion between CAD and CAE is estimated to
neering and CAE deals with the analysis problems in take over a large amount of time and works in the
engineering. In an algebra problem, we just consider design of building structure. CAD model and CAE
simple operation of sets. In an analysis problem, we model of a building are not separate from each other.
should consider differentiation and integration, or The design details in CAD model are based on the
more specifically, partial differential equation (PDE). results of CAE. In the meanwhile, the change of details
For example, the structural analysis and heat transfer in CAD model may alter the results of CAE very
of buildings are usually based on PDEs. The current much. The iterations between CAD and CAE are
CAE platforms, for example, ABAQUS, Ansys, Etabs, often headaches for the designers of buildings.
are mainly developed based on finite element method At present, we have BIM as the next generation of
(FEM). CAD. Thus, we may ask whether one could improve
FEM is a class of numerical techniques for finding the development of CAE model with BIM. As we
approximate solutions to boundary value problems for know, BIM is a real 3D model with complete geo-
PDEs (Belytschko et al., 2013; Hughes, 2012). To solve metric information. Thus, from BIM to CAE model,
the problem, FEM subdivides a large problem into we may just need to remove the redundant information
smaller, simpler parts that are called finite elements. and consider reasonable simplification. With the help
Ren et al. 973

of database, we may perform this work more effi-

ciently. Actually, we should state that the hand works
of human are still substantial during the conversion
between BIM and CAE. But the efficiency is improved
and the modeling of larger buildings or even building
community is possible with the help of BIM model. In
this work, the procedure to generate the finite element
models of buildings based on BIM model is defined.
With the help of BIM model, the refined finite element
model of a building community is developed. The per-
Figure 1. BIM model for a building project.
formance of the building community under severe
earthquakes is simulated and discussed.

Model export/conversion
In the current stage, the totally automatic conversion
from BIM to FEA model is somewhat unrealistic.
Thus, in this work, we consider the strategy of model
conversion which requires human involvement but
makes full use of BIM model. The total procedure
could be considered as redundant information removal
and model dimension reduction. The key steps for the
model conversion could be considered as follows.

Geometry cleanup Figure 2. Structural portion of the BIM model.

The BIM is developed to manage comprehensive infor-
mation of building. The structural analysis usually
does not need so much information. As the first step in
geometry cleanup, the redundant information within
the BIM should be removed. Figure 1 shows a rela-
tively simple BIM for a building project. In the struc-
tural design of this building project, we really do not
need so much information. Thus, the redundant infor-
mation removal is needed. On the other hand, how to
define the redundant information is somewhat problem
dependent so that the human judgment is required. In
this example, it is easy even for an amateur to remove
the trees and wind turbines from the BIM. However,
how to deal with the foundation soil nearby the house
requires professional judgment, which is related to a
very professional field named soil–structure interac- Figure 3. BIM model with superfluous details.
tion. After a series of professional judgments, we
develop the structural portion of BIM model, as shown pipeline. In the structural analysis, the wall may be
in Figure 2. modeled by shell element. If we develop the FEM mesh
According to the common sense of CAD, the geo- on a wall with a hole, the length of the smallest element
metry details of the building should be modeled as should not be larger than the length of the hole. If the
many as possible. Thus, even the structural portion of hole is very small, the developed FEM mesh of the wall
the BIM model still has too many details of the build- would be very refined and requires too much of com-
ing, on the other hand, experience in structural analysis putational expense. On the other hand, the principle of
suggests that too many details in the geometry model structural mechanics tells us that the hole would not
may even pollute the overall results of the building alter the overall behavior of the structure if it is too
structure. For example, it can be seen in Figure 3 that a small. Thus, the reasonable strategy is that the small
hole in the wall is modeled in the BIM of the building. holes are neglected in the structural analysis of overall
This hole may be designed for electric wireline or water structure and reconsidered in the detail design. The
974 Advances in Structural Engineering 22(4)

Figure 4. BIM model after further cleanup.

structural portion of the BIM model should be further

cleaned up based on knowledge of structural analysis.
We can see in Figure 4 that the hole has been removed
from the model.

Model dimensionality reduction

The real buildings are made up of 3D entities. For the
structural portion of BIM, the structural members are
still modeled as 3D entities. The refined model of a 3D
entity may be based on 3D solid elements. However,
for most of the structural members within buildings,
they are not real 3D members in the viewpoint of
mechanics. For beams and columns in the building,
they are modeled by the lines along the longitude direc-
tions and the deformations are described by the formu-
lation of beam theory. And for the slabs and shear Figure 5. A joint with beams and columns: (a) 3D entity and
walls, they are modeled by planes or surfaces with the (b) representative lines.
deformations described by the shell theory. Beam ele-
ments and shell elements are often named as structural scenario, the modeling of the joint could be trouble-
elements in the monograph of FEM (Belytschko et al., some. The top surface of each beam is at the same
2013). Comparing the real 3D modeling of structural height, which is also the height of the level. Thus, we
members based on solid elements, the structure ele- suggest to choose the center lines of the top surfaces of
ments commonly improve the computational efficiency the beams as the representative lines of the beams. As
immensely without losing too much of accuracy. Thus, shown in Figure 5(b), the representative lines of beams
most of the structural analysis and design of building and columns are jointing at one point.
structures are based on structural elements. The gener- Consider the slabs and shear walls of a high-rise
ation of lines, planes, and surfaces based on 3D entities building, as shown in Figure 6. For the slab in 3D, we
of BIM is the central task of the model conversion. consider its top planes as the representative planes. In
Consider the beams and columns connecting in a this way, the floor system could be modeled easily
joint shown in Figure 5. According to Figure 5(a), we because the slabs and beams of each floor are at the
could see that the section of bottom column is larger same height. The shear walls are modeled by their mid-
than the section of top column. But the center lines of planes. And the slabs are connecting to the shear walls
the two columns are coincident to each other. Thus, at each floor. As shown in Figure 6(b), the representa-
we could develop a straight line along the center of the tive planes for slabs and shear walls are developed.
columns as the representative line of columns (Figure
5(b)). On the other hand, we could see different sec-
tions for different beams. If we chose the center line of
FEM mesh development
each beam as the reprehensive line, different beams The finite elements should be developed on the lines
will connect to the column at different heights. In this and planes. Along the lines, the beam element could be
Ren et al. 975

Figure 7. Common nodes of plate and beams.

model developed for the building project. In Step 2, the

structural portion of the BIM is extracted and the geo-
metry cleanup is performed. Step 3 is to develop the
representative lines for beam–columns and the repre-
sentative planes for slabs and walls. In the last step, the
FEM mesh is developed with consideration of compat-
ibility between beam elements and shell elements. The
Figure 6. Plates and shear walls: (a) 3D entity and (b)
representative planes.
developed FEM model could be used in the further
analysis and simulation of building structures.

developed easily. The length of each element is a para-

meter of mesh development. On the other hand, the Case study
shell elements could be developed on the planes based
on standard meshing tools. To form the whole struc-
Single high-rise building
ture as a system to resist the loads, the line meshes and Actually, the model shown in Figure 8 is developed
plane meshes could not be separated from each other. based on a building project in Shanghai. The building
They should be correctly connected according to the has 47 floors and the total height is 214.5 m. The
structural design of engineers. In this work, we propose frame–core tube system (Figure 9) is adopted in the
the connection between plates and beams using com- structural design. Most of the horizontal shear force
mon nodes. As shown in Figure 7, the plate of a floor and overturning moment are undertaken by the core
is divided into small ones by the grid of beams. The tube, and the outer frame also supplies the overall
small single plate is supported by the ambient beams. bending stiffness. The outer frame and the core tube
In the meshing tool, the plate of a single floor is devel- are linked by the coupling beams. The columns of the
oped as a whole one in the beginning. Then, it is parti- outer frame are designed as the steel tube–reinforced
tioned using the lattice of beams as the partition lines. concrete (SRC) columns, and the beams are regular
The seeds of mesh are scattered to the partition lines as reinforced concrete (RC). The FE model shown in
well as the beams and the meshing for plate and beams Figure 8(e) has 300,595 nodes, 88,012 beam elements,
is performed. The meshes within each single plate lat- and 116,500 shell elements.
tice are generated by the seeds along its sides. Finally, The concrete of beams and slabs is designed to be
we merge the nodes on the beams and the partition C35, for which the uniaxial compressive strength is
lines of the plate. In this way, the deformations of 23.4 MPa and Young’s modulus is 30 GPa. The con-
beams and shells are compatible at the common nodes. crete of columns and shear walls is C60, for which the
The highlighted nodes shown in Figure 7 are the com- uniaxial compressive strength is 38.5 MPa and
mon nodes in the floor. Young’s modulus is 38 GPa. Poisson’s ratio of con-
According to the methodology developed in this sec- crete is considered to be 0.2 in the model. For the steel
tion, the conversion between BIM and FEM includes used in this project, the yield strength is 345 MPa,
four steps, as shown in Figure 8. Step 1 is the BIM Young’s modulus is 200 GPa, and Poisson’s ratio is
976 Advances in Structural Engineering 22(4)

Figure 8. From BIM to FEM: (a) Step 1, (b) Step 2, (c) Step 3(a), (d) Step 3(b), and (e) Step 4.

Figure 9. Structural layout of the bottom floor.

0.3. To testify the FE model developed based on BIM,

the analysis of natural periods is performed. The first,
second, and third natural vibration modes are shown
in Figure 10 with corresponding natural periods. Figure 10. Natural modes: (a) T1 = 5.46 s, (b) T2 = 4.68 s,
As we know, the structural system experiencing and (c) T3 = 4.25 s.
severe damage is rather unstable in the viewpoint of
numerical simulation. Thus, the simulation of the
building structure subjected extreme earthquakes often single blade server, for which the computing resources
terminated by the illness of stiffness matrix for the are 16 cores and 16 GB RAM. The simulation for a
implicit FEM. On the other hand, the explicit FEM is single earthquake excitation takes approximately 3 h.
often used in this case to avoid the illness of stiffness The acceleration time history record is shown in
matrix. More details of explicit FEM could be found Figure 11. To simulate the extreme earthquake, the
in the work by Belytschko et al. (2013). Thus, the amplitude of the NS direction record is scaled to 1.2g.
dynamic analysis of the building structures–subjected Actually, we performed the simulation for different
extreme earthquakes is performed. And the bi- peak ground accelerations (PGAs) and picked up the
directional earthquake is input on the bottom of the case with the most severe collapse pattern. To simulate
FE model. For each task, we just call the service of a the structural damage and failure, the damage
Ren et al. 977

Figure 11. El-Centro record: (a) NS direction and (b) EW direction.

Figure 13. Collapse of the core tube subjected to the

extreme earthquake: (a) 2 s, (b) 3 s, (c) 3.5 s, (d) 4 s, and (e)
Figure 12. Collapse of the building structure subjected to 6 s.
extreme earthquake: (a) 2 s, (b) 3 s, (c) 3.5 s, and (d) 4 s.

damage and deformation further accumulate on the

plasticity model developed by Wu et al. (2006), Ren et
bottom. In the meanwhile, some damages could be
al. (2015) and Wu (2018) is adopted for concrete. And
observed on the levels nearby the top. These damages
the steel is reproduced by the standard plasticity model
are triggered by the high-order natural modes related
(Simo and Hughes, 1998).
to deformations on the top. Finally, at the time of 6 s,
The numerical results for the building structures
the core tube is seriously damaged and the slabs start
subjected to extreme earthquakes are shown in Figures
to fall down. The overall collapse of the structure is
12 and 13. The contours in these two figures are tensile
damage scalar (Ren et al., 2015), which reproduces the
cracking and damage of concrete under tensile stresses.
The red color means the concrete has been totally
damaged and split by the tensile stress, while the blue
Building community
color means the totally undamaged concrete without A building community located in Shanghai city is con-
any cracking. At the moment of 2 s, damage initiates sidered as an example. The layout of the community is
within the floors nearby the bottom of the building shown in Figure 14, and the information of the individ-
because of the high magnitudes of shear force and ual buildings could be found in Table 1. As we can see,
overturning moment nearby the bottom. At 3 s, the there are seven buildings in this community. Among
978 Advances in Structural Engineering 22(4)

Table 1. Information of building structures in the community.

Structure type Height (m) Number of floors Aspect ratio Natural vibration periods (s)
First Second Third

A 219 47 4.65 5.42 4.65 4.23

B 148.5 32 3.37 3.48 3.03 3.77
C 94.5 20 2.56 1.85 1.70 1.45
D 51.4 10 1.31 1.04 0.76 0.73
E 49.5 10 1.68 0.91 0.818 0.77

Figure 14. Layout of the building community.

them, building A is the highest one with the structural

height of 219 m. Building B is also higher than 100 m.
Buildings A and B are super high-rise buildings and
others are high-rise buildings according to the design
code of high-rise buildings in China (JGJ3-2015
(2015)). It is observed that the buildings are planned to Figure 15. Models of the building community: (a) BIM, (b)
be rather close to each other so that the functions of beams and columns, (c) slabs and shear walls, and (d) FE model.
the buildings could support each other. Thus, in the
design and analysis, the buildings should be considered direction is scaled to be 0.6g to simulate the extreme
as a whole community instead of individuals. earthquake. The simulation of the building community
The BIM of the building community is developed, is relatively difficult and computationally expensive.
as shown in Figure 15(a). According to the techniques Thus, the value PGA is considered as 0.6g, which is
mentioned in section ‘‘Model export/conversion,’’ the smaller than the value of 1.2g in the simulation of sin-
beam–columns and slab–walls are extracted from the gle building. In this way, the simulation could be rela-
BIM, as shown in Figure 15 (b) and (c). The beam– tively easier and more stable. The damage plasticity
columns are discretized by the beam elements. The model (Ren et al., 2015) is adopted to reproduce the
slabs and walls are discretized by the shell elements. damage and failure of concrete structures. In addition,
The connecting nodes between the beam elements and the nonlinear behaviors of steel are modeled by the
the shell elements are found and set to be common classic plasticity model (Simo and Hughes, 1998). Due
nodes. Finally, the FE mode is developed (Figure to the burden of the FE model, the computing server
15(d)) with 814,669 nodes, 339,881 beam elements, is used to run the simulation. For each task, we just
and 227,644 shell elements. Also, a rigid plate is imple- call the service of a single blade server, for which the
mented on the bottom of the whole community model computing resources are 16 cores and 16 GB RAM.
as the holistic foundation with the uniform earthquake The simulation for a single earthquake excitation takes
excitation input on the bottom. approximately 15 h.
The El-Centro earthquake records (Figure 11) in The contours of tensile damage for whole structures
two horizontal directions are adopted as the excitation. within the community are shown in Figure 16. The
The amplitude of the acceleration record in NS evolutions of damage in different structures are clearly
Ren et al. 979

Figure 16. Contours of tensile damage at different moments: (a) 1 s, (b) 2 s, (c) 3 s, and (d) 4 s.

shown. Thus, we conclude that the method developed Conclusion

in this article works. The damage patterns of the struc-
Based on the method developments and the numerical
tures could be shown more clearly by the damage con-
examples, several conclusions can be obtained as
tours of the core tubes (Figure 17). The most serious
damage among the five types of building structures is
observed on building B. As for building B, two dam-
age localization zones, for example, the bottom and 1. The proposed method could generate the struc-
the zone nearby the 10th floor, are observed. The dam- tural model of building structures and building
age localization nearby the bottom is induced by the community based on BIM in an efficient way.
bottom shear force and the damage nearby the 10th Particular attentions should be paid to the
floor may be triggered by the high-order natural vibra- model dimensionality reduction procedure and
tion mode. For the highest building type A, damage the connection of nodes.
initiates and propagates nearby the transition zone for 2. The simulation of building community based
which the section of core tube changes. On the bottom, on the refined FE model is feasible nowadays
the core tube for the building type A is too strong to due to the advances of modern computer facili-
be damaged. For the building type B, for which the ties and software. The damage patterns of dif-
structural height is 145 m, the damage distribution is ferent buildings in a community could be very
relatively uniform nearby the higher levels. For the different from each other.
lower building types D and E, the damage distribution 3. As the first step, this work just shows the feasi-
is also relatively even along the height of the building, bility of the proposed method. The step for-
except for the bottom area. ward of this study should be the function
980 Advances in Structural Engineering 22(4)

Figure 17. Tensile damage contours of core tubes at different moments: (a) 1 s, (b) 2 s, (c) 3 s, and (d) 4 s.

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