Enhancing Data Security Using Video Steganography (Advanced Encryption Standard Algorithm)

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(Advanced Encryption Standard
T . Vikram Reddy
1. Introduction
2. Video Steganography
3. AES Algorithm
4. Steps in AES Algorithm
5. Advantages and Disadvantages
6. Conclusion
-There are many possible ways to transmit data using the
internet: via e-mails, chats, etc.

-The main problems with sending data over the internet is the
security threat it poses.

-Therefore it becomes very important to take data security

into consideration.
● Various techniques such as Steganography,
Cryptography,Digital Watermarketing can be used for
security and privacy of data.
● The Steganography is the art of hiding data inside another
data such as cover medium by applying different
steganographic techniques.
● While cryptography results in making the data human
unreadable form called as cipher thus cryptography is
scrambling of messages.
● Generally steganography technique is applied where the
cryptography is ineffective.
Above diagram depicts the basic Steganography system

● There are various steganographic techniques like image

Steganography ,audio Steganography,etc but here we
concentrate on video Steganography technique.
Video Steganography:
● The video steganography is achieved by embedding the
video files with the secret data that is to be transmitted
with the intention of keeping the secret data unaltered or
remains intact at receivers end.
● The separation of video into audio and images or frames
results in the efficient method for data hiding.
● In this method of data hiding using video steganography
we use the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
● The video steganography is composed of two main
phases namely extraction of video files and embedding of
secret message.

Advanced Encryption Standard Algorithm :
● The Advanced Encryption Standard algorithm is most
secure and robust algorithm against attacks.
● AES has symmetric block cipher and hence uses same
key for encryption and decryption.
● The block size of AES is fixed which is 128 bits.
● And the key size can be 3 values 128 bits or 192 bits or
256 bits.
● The number of rounds depends upon the key length i.e.
10 rounds for 128 bit key,12 for 192 bit key and 14 for 256
bit key.
● After we apply the AES Algorithm
on the secret data the next stage
is to apply the actual steganogra-
phic process where the stego
video is generated as a result of
Video Steganography process.
The diagram shows the process
● AES operates on a 4 × 4 column-major order array of
bytes, termed the state.
● Each round consists of several processing steps including
one that depends on the encryption key itself.
● The four major steps involved in each round are
SubBytes Step:
● In this step,each byte in

the state array is substi-

tuted by a subByte from

a 8-bit substitution box.

ShiftRows Step:
● The ShiftRows step operates on the rows of the state; it
cyclically shifts the bytes in each row by a certain offset.
● The number of places each byte is shifted differs
incrementally for each row.
MixColumns Step:
● In the MixColumns step, each column of the state is
multiplied with a fixed polynomial C(x).
AddRoundKey Step:
● In the AddRoundKey step, each byte of the state is
combined with a byte of the round subkey using the XOR
operation (⊕).
Generating a key:
● AES encryption needs a strong key.The stronger the key,
the stronger your encryption.
● AES encryption need

a 16-bit key.

● Just for demonstration

we generate a random

Extraction of video file at sender side:
● The extraction of video results in frames as video
generally composed of still images and audio,the audio
and image frames from the file video is extracted.
● From this extracted audio the stego file is generated as a
secret data is hided in the audio not in the image frames.
● Audio contains unused bits or free bits of information in
which secret data can be very easily hided.
● The stego file is again encrypted using AES to make it
more robust against attacks.
Block diagram for Block diagram for
Extraction of video at Extraction of Stego file
Sender side. at receiver side.
Extraction of Stego file at receiver side:
● The stego file can be extracted at receivers side by
performing decryption of stego file and then by extracting
the carrier video which is nothing but a collection of audio
and image frames.
● The resultant data is the encrypted secret data which is
again decrypted to obtain original data.
Advantages and Disadvantages:
● Steganography is more secured than cryptography as it is
very difficult to crack it out but composition and
decomposition process is quite complex so difficult to
create and maintain.
● The advantage of steganography, over cryptography
alone, is that messages do not attract attention to
We discussed several ways of hiding the secret data inside
the cover medium such as image,audio,video.The proposed
system for data hiding uses AES for encryption and SHA-1 for
generating secret hash function or key.Which results in more
secure technique for data hiding.We can conclude that the
proposed system is more effective for secret communication
over the network channel.

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