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SU Y series in Social and Political Thought

Kenneth Baynes, Editor
Discourse Ethics
and Radical Politics


State University
of New York

Introduction IX
Published hy
State University of New York Press, Albany
PART 1 Theory and Practice
<D t 999 State University of New York

All riAhts rescrveJ Chapter 1 The Theory of Discourse Ethics 3

Prodm;tion by Susan Geraghty Habermas on justification

MnrketinA by Fran Keneston Dilemmas upon application

Printed in the United States of America Chapter 2 Theory with a Practical Intent 19
No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever The relation of theory to practice
without written permission. No part of this book may be stored in a retri eva l Aristotle's distinction between techne and phronesis
system or transmitted in any form or by any means including electronic, Practical intentions
electrostatic, magnetic tape, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise
without the prior permission in writing of the publisher.
PART 2 From the Ideal to the Real
For information, address State University of New York
Press, State University Plaza, Albany, N.Y. 12246 35
Chapter 3 The Affirmative Uses of Theory
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data As an interpretative tool-Cultural criticism
As an empirical tool-Critical sociological research
Blaug, Ricardo.
As a test for legitimacy-Democratic political theory
Democracy, real and ideal: discourse ethics and radical politics
/ Ricardo Blaug. Sum of affirmative uses of theory and attendant problems
p. cm. - (SUNY series in social and political thought)
Includes bibliographical references and index. Chapter 4 Methodological Problems and the Limits to Theory 59
ISBN 0-7914-4107-5 (alk. paper). - ISBN 0-7914-4108 -3 (pbk.: alk.
paper) The distinction between morality and ethics
1. Democracy. 2. Legitimacy of governments. 3. Habermas, Jurgen- Institutional design as a category mistake
-Ethics. 4. Habermas, Jurgen-Contributions in political science. Dryzek's attempt to overcome the limits
I. Title. II. Series. Formulating the limits to theory
JC423.B59 1999 Concerning judgment
321.8'01-dc21 98 -7751

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


PART 3 The Narure of Polirical Judgment

Chapter 5 H:ibermasian Difficulties with Judgment 85

Justification and application

Critiques of the Habermasian account of judgment
The reflecrive turn

Chapter 6 Discursive Phronesis with a Cognitivist Core 107

To my father, Mark
How do we evaluate fairness?
Judgments that preserve fairness

PART 4 Real Participation

Chapter 7 Changing the Object Domain of Application 131

Democracy from the theorist's perspective
Democracy from the participant's perspective

Chapter 8 Toward a Democratic Politics 141

Judgments regarding the redemption of trade-offs
More problems for participants

Notes 159


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© cata~J+ -16 thir"
(i) o.Ab~(S~ Of Otif!'r OJ1a jru.J+ro.Min.

People who get Alzheimer's disease do not immediately lose their minds.
Rather the onset is gradual, so that between health and complete dys-
function is a heartbreaking period where short-term memory and inter-
nal behavior controls are progressively eroded yet the person retains suf-
ficient insight to be aware that they are changing. During this period,
they are a spectator at their own deterioration.
It's hard to imagine what this might feel like. Probably, one would
forgive oneself the first mistakes, but as they increased, and formerly
simple activities became more difficult, one would begin to feel con-
cerned. As the illness progressed, one's behavior would become a source
of fear. It would become undeniable: you are irritable, volatile, and far
too quick to react to even the slightest~rovocation. You might notice
also that whereas before your family argued and made you do things
yourself, now they treat you with kid gloves. Finally, someone plucks up
the courage to talk to you, and in an awkward exchange, suggests you
see a doctor. At first offended, you at last admit that you are behaving
badly. You always believed people should be polite and not abuse one
another, yet recently you have found yourself losing your temper, for-
getting where you are, shouting abuse, and even striking out. You feel
better for admitting all this. You visit the doctor, and are referred to a
specialist. The specialist asks you lots of questions, and instead of look-
ing at you as you reply, writes your responses down. Trying not to be
afraid, you return home.
But you never tell people the strangest thing of all. It's not the
tantrums, or the loss of memory; it's those moments afterwards, when
you suddenly realize that you have just lost control. In an instant, you
know what you have done; the way a dreamer sees, quite suddenly, that
it is only a dream. In such moments, you judge yourself with past stan-
dards, you use the moral principles you have used all your life; only now
you are constantly falling short, failing, doing things wrong. Such
moments are terrifying, for in them you see how you have changed. And
yet still, when something frustrates you, the blind rage returns, you lash
out, and such principles are again transgressed.
This disjuncture: between how you think you should behave and
how you actually behave, cannot last for long. Having accepted that one

x l)Fl\llK'RAl"\ , RFAI AND IIWAI llltrod11<:tio11 xi
· .·, 1e th·tt Otll' should not, s:ty,
1 t I\t' ll\()fl\ 1pnnut1
is fre,1uentl\' losin~ ..:lH\frt). . r .. I II f is thnr n decision is somehow "more moral" when those affected have
,buse e,.'pie mu~t t•itht·r h<.· :,h.mdoned, or so mo<. tt1c<. , ns ro a ow nr
participated in its mnking, This is n normmivc belief. The second is tha1
~-,mr r~~uhr i:,pses. l\eing :l politic:1I philosopher, you nu~llt _s i;end some
human nature and the real constraints of decision-making in focr pre-
~,·eni,;s r~he.Hsing nt'\\' qualificntions o11 your morul prm~tp c; ngg_r~~-
clude the possibility of complete participation. This is nn empirical usscr-
si,)n is perminrd whe11 }'t)U Mt' ntrnt:kcd, when threat~-~1~ '' "~ lt~n. ,~ n - tion. i
. ti re ,t ,,,..·,ns such ·md such, a sutfo.:1ent 1rnt.\t10n
t;ltt'J ll\' Sllll\t.'lHlt'; ll l t '-' , • • • This contradiction gives rise to both confusion und rnrionnlizntion.
• J 'fl, . ,. . r,·,,,·,·nt~· thus diluted, now co11forms to re:tltty,
me.uls so .,nu sn. t t' ... t · .. , We see, for exnmple, managers in the public and private sectors make
~md ,·on ,,re much ~omforted. . . faltering attempts to initintc participation in order to legitimate their
At t,st, nfter s,,me time, the specialist hns n long talk w1tl~ you_, m decisions. Yet these managers are often quite unable co navigate rhe
whid, she uses tht' word "Alzheimer's." She says you are gemng sH.: k. complexities arising from such attempts, nrc gener:illy resistant to nny
As ,m e;•x~,mple, sltt· re:·fers to the fot:t thnt last week you assaultt·d ~' mc_rn- serious transfer of power to pnrticipants, and eventually fall back on the
her of your family, where:1s you would never have done anythmg like insistence that greater participation is nor a practical possibility. hefore you h~,:ame ill. But to you, this does11't seem right at nil. The At the same time, those whose lot it is to be managed are mornlly
spt'\:i,,list is ·misintt·rpreting the facts. Angrily, you cite the qualifo.:atio11s outraged when not properly consulted, are profoundly mistrustful of
th,tt perrnined to the ,tss:wlt: how the person behaved badly ~oward ynu, leadership in general, and yet are so overwhelmed by the apparent prac-
how the\' threatened you, and so on. Though the assault might look to tical difficulties of participation that the most common response is sim-
be a vioiation of mor~,1 principles, you claim haughtily, it is not in fact ple apathy and exhaustion. We are not good at participation, and the
a viobtion at all. So you shout at her. And afterwards, you shout at your brief periods when we were (Athens, Rome, Florence) seem few and far
family roo. You tell ~hem to stop crying. Now you are feeling fine. You between. Indeed, nowadays, attempts to participate expose individuals
no lo~er get those moments of lucidity and terror. to the full force of our collective incapacity to manage moral and value
The point of these imaginings is to focus on the t·ffects of an uncou- conflicts. Our often disorganized attempts at open debate and coopera-
pling between u notion of what ought to be the case, and what is tive action usually leave us, at best, disenchanted with humanity, and at
(repeatedly) experienced ta actually be the case. Where the gap is wide, worst with a tendency to talk about each other (after the meeting) in l::tn-
the result is cognitive dissonance, confusion, rationalization. Sonner or guage more suited to psychopathology than to solidarity.
later the normative principle itself is revised in order to no longer clash In political science, the gulf between normative democratic theory
with reality. I want to argue that such an uncoupling, between the nor- and empirical reality has been widely documented and constitutes one of
nutive theory and its empirical institutional embodiment, currently the traditional battlefronts in the critique of liberal democracy, both
obtains in the area of democratic theory. from the left and the right. Yet the question I want to pursue here is not
We are, as Dunn points out, all democrats now . 1 This is to say we simply the failure of real institutions to do what they should. Rather, I
almost all espouse some form of normative belief in democracy, and hope to plumh normative democratic theory, particularly its most vital
even tyrants claim the legitimation of the ballot box. But the relation of contemporary strains,' for any assistance it can give with the design and
the normative claim of democracy to its empirical reality is a far more evaluation of (empirical) democratic institutions. This is no easy task,
contentious issue. Do the present institutions of democracy have any- for as we shall see, there is, currently, an almost complete uncoupling of
~hi~g to do with popular sovereignty? Are they legitimate in any mea ;,_ normative and empirical theories of democracy. Attempts by political
mgtul sense? Should ne\.\1 institutions be implemented and if so, what philosophers to move from one to the other are therefore characterized,
would they look like? How might competing institutional designs be again, by confusion and rationalization. ◄
eval~~ted? Doe~ normative democratic theory have anything to do with Such confusion is particularly apparent around the relation of the-
empmcal practice at all? Questions such as these indicate the depth of ory to practice, and this will be a constant theme in our investigation.
the gulf that has opened between the "ought" and the "is" of democ- While it may be naive to follow the recent fashion of insisting that polit-
racy. ical theory is good only when it is of direct practical use, 1 it nevertheless
Within individuals, this gulf is often observable as a cognitive dis- seems reasonable to hope for a modicum of theoretical assistance with
. · Many. . of
. us appear to ho Id two mtu1t1ve · · · assumptions about the practical decision-making. The attraction of judging all theory in terms
makmg ot decisions, and these assumptions are contradictory. The first of its utility is all too obvious at a time when organized violence is rife
Xll Introduction xiii
d ationalism is once again the predomi-
in the ver~ heart_ ~f ~u~ope a~h: pressure for political answers reaches validity of his normative claims. Rather, I will attempt to stare his posi-
nant applied _pohttcha th eo~Y·t. es and though it might seem harsh to tion in such a way as co inform the subsequent inspection of questions
ndo m sue c aottc 1m .. h . surrounding the application of the theory to practical problems. Haber-
a cresce . . I h . f the bad behavior of polmcal actors, t ere is
blame polmca t eonsts or f l 1· mas's normative theory is strongly Kantian in its orientation, yet he has
. f . h k" bout turning from the horror o actua po 1-
somethmg air1Y s oc mg a 1· · I f" d also addressed himself to more Hegelian concerns. Our account of his
. h h h" k about such problems for a ivmg, on y to m
ucs to t ose w o t m h · d theory of discourse ethics will, therefore, pay particular attention co
. k · · their own navels. Of course, some t eonsts o
those t hm ers mspectmg . .d Hegel's critique of Kantian ethics, for not only has this important
not want to be seen m such 1,·ght, and are anxious to prov, e answers to
episode in the history of philosophy had significant impact on the devel-
real problems. • • • • bb f opment of Habermas's theory, bur within it can be found many of the
H 1stonca y, this is precisely the s1tuat10n
. · II
m which Ho es ound
. 0 "d h" issues that arise when theory proceeds in terms of an application of an
h1mse If d h"s work is a classic illustration of its dangers. uts1 e ts
, an 1 . h 1· · l ideal to real institutional concerns.
· d ged the English civil war, and the Leviat an was a po mca Discourse ethics is, primarily, a theory of morality, yet it also has
wm ow ra f ll I . . .
theory to sort the whole nasty mess out once and o~ a ; t ts mterest1_ng implications for questions of democratic legitimacy. Coming from the
to note that Hobbes had earlier translated Thucydides Peloponnestan tradition of the Frankfurt School, Habermas makes definite affirmative
War. In the famous description of civil war in Corcyra, Thucydides uses claims for the implications of his counterfactual ideal in the areas of
the telling phrase "human nature revealed itself as insubordinate to the social criticism and political practice. This has resulted in a careful artic-
idea of justice." 7 There would be no insubordination to the Leviathan, ulation of the correct relation of theory to practice, and in chapter 2, I
nor would any truck be given to the human penchant for evil. Hobbes's explicate what he means by "theory with a practical intent."
work stands at the center of an honored tradition in political thought, Habermas's normative theory has appeared to many to hold great
where humanity is seen as essentially insane, requiring the straightjacket promise, and in chapter 3, I review the various attempts to apply his nor-
of political authority to solve the problem of coordination. In times of mative ideal to practical matters, both by himself and by his many com-
strife then, impatience with theoretical complexity grows, and the most mentators. In particular, I concentrate on those affirmative applications
likely outcome of such impatience is an authoritarian "answer." in the area of political practice that come closest to addressing the prob-
Any investigation of the proper relationship between the normative lem of the design and evaluation of real democratic institutions. This
theory of democracy and its empirical implications must thread a path review will reveal that there exists considerable confusion as to the polit-
between two evils. On the one hand lies the "Lion" of collective oppres- ical implications of his work, and that all such applications tend to con-
sion.8 Here, theory is seen as being completely unified with questions of front a series of recurrent methodological problems. These problems are,
practice. On the other is the blindness of uninformed action, with its in fact, so severe as to disable much of the current research that seeks to
dangerous disdain for theory and irritation with moral complexity. realize the democratic promise of his normative ideal.
What one needs here is a guide, and for this purpose I turn to the Chapter 4 proceeds to examine the various sources of both the con-
critical theory of Jurgen Habermas. Notwithstanding his occasional fusion surrounding questions of application and the recurrent method-
turgidity/ the methodological self-consciousness of his work as well as ological problems encountered by those seeking to mine out the practi-
its extraordinary breadth, will help us to focus on our centrai issue with cal implications of Habermasian theory. Focusing particularly on the
greater a~cu~acy. In particular, his theoretical position combines a pro- formal and Kantian character of the normative theory and the care with
found belief m t~e ~eed for relevant theory with an understanding of the which Habermas limits its prescriptive scope, I here focus on precisely
~ange~s ~f a priori answers, and it is this tension that will guide our what he says his theory cannot and should not do. Much of the critique
mvest1gat1on. to which Habermas has been subjected turns on these two aspects of his
Habermas has articulated a theory of discourse ethics in which he work: the claim that the theory has affirmative uses has prompted some
reconstructs a _counterfactual ideal of domination-free communication anxiety and even charges of authoritarianism, while the careful negative
as the gro~ndmg f~r normative validity. I present an account of the limitations he places upon his theory have resulted in disappointment
. . of this normative position in chapter t . M y concern h ere and accusations of irrelevance. There is, therefore, at the very heart of
1s not, as with the vast majority of commentary upon Habermas's Habermas's position, a threatened uncoupling of normative from empir-
thought, to become enmeshed in the complex arguments around the ical theory.

Theory and Practice

NOrtnatiut ~-
Se>cra<, ~ -J, ~th et {WJiiAQA far lolaftng Mati!c.J" 1r, dbc,,'t


The Theory of Discourse Ethics

Habermas's project attempts to justify a normative basis for social crit-

icism. As a theory of justification, it seeks to provide the critical power
of universalism while avoiding the historical self-righteousness and inde-
fensibility of such positions. At the same time, as a theory of social crit-
icism, it tries to attend to the particular contexts in which we live our
lives without degenerating into relativism.
Huma nkind has always reached for universal truths, and these have
often been appealed to in order to justify the oppression and exclusion
of those simply different from ourselves. Value pluralism and cultural
pa rticul arity are more recent discoveries. What began as a way of tem-
pering the critical power of universalism, of resisting the flattening of all
differe nce, has now progressed into an "incredulity towards all meta-
narratives. " 1 In its most recent and postmodern forms, it threatens the
removal of all critical power and counsels a kind of clever passivity in
the face of human suffering. Postmodernism generally suggests that
whi le relativism may ha ve its drawbacks, it is unavoidable. Yet when
asked that most famous (and equally unavoidable) question in political
theory-What should we do?-there is silence, or worse, we are
ridiculed for asking. Baudrillard, for example, when discussing the
morality of the Gulf War, playfully claimed that no such war had ever
taken place. l lis interest was to show that history itself is little more than
a "meta na rrnrive, " a gra nd fi ction. Similarly, when discussing moral
dJims, followers of Derrida advocate an ironic stance, a mood of uncer-
tainry, an explosion of laughter.l
Most other critica l approaches to political science, and certainly
those of Marxists, feminists, and Habermasians, are less comfortable
with the loss of critical power brought about by relativism. To them, the
ironic laughter of the postmodernists, though appealing, is simply not
l'llough. Indeed, as the uninhibited slaughter of innocent people contin-
Ul'S, such a hands-off approach hardly suffices. There are real questions
to he answered, real sufferings to be addressed, and it seems reasonable
to look to political theory for some guidance as to what we shou ld be
trying to Jo about them.
I labcrnia s's difficulty, or perhaps we should say the essential diffi -
rnlt y of the age, is tn co mbine the strengths o f universalism with those

The Theory of Discourse Ethics 5
· · The method by which Habermas navigates the
0 f cu Irura I re . f f.
Where social criticism takes the form of an application of a ratio-
c hanne I between t h ts . Scylla and Charybdis is the subiect
. o our 1rst
· wort h no t·ng nally justified universal, we face the danger of becoming ensnared in
e h apter. It 1s 1 that Odysseus .chose . to sad
. closer to the for-
.le Scylla would certainly kill six of his men, Charybdis what Albert has called "Munchhausen's trilemma. "• Rational justifica-
mer, for w ht · h · tion, according to its critics, must either degenerate into an infinite
would take them all. Similarly, Habermas makes a consc1ou~ c 01ce
regress, logical circularity, or the dogmatic acceptance of a first axiom. 7
between theoretical alternatives. T here must, he insists, be a valid mor~I
If this is the case, then there can be no such thing as a theory of justifi-
difference between more and less domination. We mus~ ~ave some u_ni-
cation, no extra-contextual criteria, no grounds. Our examination of
versal knowledge if we are to criticize obnoxious posmons and ~~•de
Habermas's solution to this trilemma will be in two parts. First ( 1.1 ), we
our political actions. At the same time, he knows that ~uch critical
will inspect his theory of justification. Second ( 1.2 ), we will look at the
power can only be derived from a universal fulcrum that 1s abstracted
dilemma his approach generates in regard co questions of application.
from particular contexts. 1 As he puts it:

If philosophical ethics and political theory can know not.hing more 1.1 HABERMAS ON JUSTIFICATION
than what is anyhow contained in the everyday norm consciousness of
different populations, and cannot even know this in a different way, it In the face of the "discovery" of contextualism, it is clearly more diffi-
cannot then rationally distinguish legitimate from illegitimate domina- cult to generate first axioms or universalise fulcra that overcome our
tion .... If, on the other hand, philosophical ethics and political the- "incredulity to meta-narratives" in such a way as co offer grounds for
ory are supposed to disclose the moral core of the general conscious-
critical power. Recently, there have been a number of attempts that have
ness and to reconstruct it as a normative concept of the moral, then
revived a loosely Kantian approach co chis question, of which Haber-
they must specify criteria and provide reasons; they must, that is, pro-
duce theoretical knowledge.•
mas, Rawls, Baier, Dworkin, and Gerwirth are the most notable exam-
ples.8 All have sought co reclaim a fulcrum yet co avoid the pitfalls of
Such theoretical knowledge is abstract, disinterested, and objective. foundationalism. Of these writers, perhaps Rawls and Habermas have
It provides an extra-contextual criterion independent of the "everyday displayed the greatest methodological transparency in their appropria-
norm consciousness of different populations." Yet if such knowledge is tion of Kant. Certainly, Habermas's theory stands or falls on its Kantian
to form the basis for social criticism, it must also be applicable to those core and by formulating chis we can highlight some of the strengths and
contexts in which social practices take place. By uncoupling theory from weaknesses of both Habermas's and Kantian theories generally.
particular contexts, Habermas thus confronts the problem of recontex- Rather than beginning with a notion of natural rights as does Locke,
tualization. Yet he would rather face the problem of crossing the gap or with rational death avoidance as does Hobbes, or even with a view that
from universal to particular than to have no recourse to the universal at evaluates actions in terms of their consequences, as do the utilitarians,
all. Kant begins with the notion of pure practical reason / The only purely
Social criticism thus becomes, for Habermas, a question of applying good thing in the world, he asserts, the only thing that is always good, is
a universal criterion to particular situations and practices. The difficulty the human will. w The moral worth of an action lies in the principle of voli-
of formulating a conceptual object that is both independent of contexts tion, the maxim 11 according to which the action is performed. Maxims are
and yet sensitive to them, has entertained the human intellect from th e therefore to be tested in such a way as to abstract them entirely from all
beginning. Pocock explicates its history by contrasting the image of the particular outcomes, desires, and intentions. As Kant says:
sun with that of the wheel. 1 The former is a perfect sphere, it is outside Since I have robbed the will of every inducement that might arise for it
time and universal. The latter is pitted and imperfect, forever grinding as a consequence of obeying any particular law, nothing is left but the
out its particular and time-bound existence. The former is philosophy co nformity of actions to universa l law as such, and this alone must so
and logic, the latter, rhetoric and grammar. The former is Plato and serve the will as its principle. That is to say, l ought never to act except
rationalism, the latter, Aristotle and empiricism. One can obviously in such a way that l ca n also will that my maxim should become a uni -
work these categories too far, but they do serve to illustrate what must versal law. 12
be brought together if we are to have justified knowledge of practical This ca tegorical imperative states the conditions of moral autonomy
social issues. and pure practical reason. We are here, therefore, treated to a derivation
6 THEORY AND PRACTICE The Theory of Discourse Ethics 7
of a procedural test that will ascertain the moral w~rth of a ~1axim and
rather the "intersubjective relation that speaking and acting subjects
that can offer guidance in the evaluation of a particular ~ct1on. M?~al take up when they come to an understanding with one another about
questions are seen as admitting of truth; so th_e t~eory 1s a co~mt1ve something." 22 When Habermas considers the notion of autonomy, there-
one. 11 Truth is here characterized as universaltzation and provides a fore, it is understood in dialogic terms. 2J As Benhabib puts it:
foundation for the theory. The categorical imperative functions 14
as a
principle much like that of induction in the natural sciences, fo_r it Autonomy no longer means self-legislation as in Kant, self-actualisa-
bridges the gap between the abstract universal and the concrete particu- tion as with Hegel or Marx, or mimesis as with Adorno and
Horkheimer, but the cognitive competence to adopt a universalise
lar, or between the ideal and the real. .. standpoint and the interactive competence to act on such a basis. z•
Kant extends his notion of moral autonomy into the polmcal sphere
by asserting that "a person is subject to no law other than those that he Habermas thus derives his discourse ethics and his extra-contextual
(either alone or at least jointly with others) gives to himself." Kant here criterion of fair procedure by way of a reconstruction of the conditions
borrows heavily from Rousseau' and likewise alludes to the notion of a
of mutual understanding. 25
social contract. In this case, the contract is conceived as analogous to the In taking communication as paradigmatic, Habermas is following
categorical imperative in that it functions as a "standard or test for leg- the "linguistic turn" in twentieth-century philosophy. As in the work of
islation in the same way that the categorical imperative is a test for the Searle and Austin, 26 however, Habermas is particularly interested in the
maxims of individual action." 17 Kant is then able to stipulate the condi- "communicative use of propositionally differentiated language [rather]
tions for the validity of this public test by again unpacking the content than in the use of propositions per se. " 27 In other words, instead of tak-
of moral autonomy. The "juridical attributes," as he calls them, of the ing language as a monological capability, as do the dominant schools of
original social contract, are "freedom, equality and independence." linguistics and formal semantics, Habermas seeks to focus on the per-
Kant also offers a deduction for a transcendental principle of pub- formative aspects of speech28 and to "push through the level of acciden-
licity: "All actions affecting the rights of other human beings are wrong tal contexts to general and unavoidable presuppositions. " 29 Here, com-
if their maxim is not compatible with their being made public. " We can munication in general is inspected in order to reveal its implicit
now see why Baynes asserts that "Kant offers a theory of the social con- assumptions.
tract that ... strongly emphasises the idea of a (counterfactual) agree- Habermas's central insight is that speech-acts only work because
ment between free and equal moral persons. " 20 they occur against a background of assumed meaning.Jo In fact, certain
Finally, Kant's moral theory is characterized by an essential distinc- kinds of speech-acts can be shown to raise certain validity-claims, for if
tion _between the right and the good. While the categorical imperative they did not, the illocutionary influence that the speaker places upon the
provides a procedural moral test, the subject for this test, in other words hearer would not occur at all.J1 Speech-acts, as communicatives, assert
t?e scope of morality, is limited to those questions regarding what is the validity-claim of comprehensibility. Additionally, where the type of
nght. As long as one does n?t violate the imperatives of morality, one is speech-act is a constative, the validity-claim is that of truth. Where the
free to pursue any conception of the good life one might wish. Kant speech-act is regulative, the validity-claim is (normative) rightness,
states .the priority of r_ight over good to be a priori and again to be where representative, the validity-claim is that of sincerity.32 (See
deducible from the notion of pure practical reason. table 1.)
All of these elements are of direct importance in Habermas's con- Communication as such therefore relies on specific validity-claims,
ception of discourse ethics. However, though he follows a similar irrespective of their being raised consciously in the intention of the
method _to Kant, ~e begins from a different place. It is for this reason speaker. These claims also offer ideals against which practical examples
that he 1s able to .detranscendentalize"
b . Kant's moral theo ry, an d t h us. of communication can be compared. In other words, they provide a ful-
to ta k. e on1y w hat 1s est from 1t,21 overcoming its tenden cy to s1mp
· Iy crum for the rational criticism and defense of actual communication.
va 1onze the Lutheran and patriarchal values of Kant's c It I · Now as anyone who has read Edward Lear will know, communica-
ence. u ura expen -
tion often deploys these claims ironically, or simply violates them in a
.Instead • with the rational faculties of a mono Iog1ca
of hbeginning
d h' · I humorous fashion. Yet it remains the case that, even in ironic and

I . to. the objective world , H a bermas exp 1icates

su biect an 1s/ er relation
t he concept o f commumcat1ve reason. What is parad 1gmat1c '
· h ere 1s•
humorous communication, to employ utterances in everyday life entails
a communicative competence on the part of speakers and hearers. This
8 THEORY AND PRACTICE The Theory of Discourse Ethics 9

TABLE 1 The strategy of this form of argument is to accept the skeptical con-
Dimensions of Habermas's Communications Model clusion that those principles are not open to any proof, being presup-
positions of reasoning rather than conclusions from it, but to go on to
General argue that commitment to them is rationally inescapable because they
F1111ct1011s Domains of Modes of Types of Validity- must, logically, be assumed if one is to engage in a mode of thought
of Speech Reality Commu111catio11 Speech-Acts Claims essential to any rational human life. The claim is not exactly that the
Constative Truth principles are true, but that their adoption is not a result of mere social
Representation External Cognitive
convention or free personal decision: that a mistake is involved in repu-
of facts nature
diating them while continuing to use the form of thought and discourse
Establishment lntersubjcctive Interactive Regulative Rightness in question. ◄

of legitimate world
social relations In other words, Habermas is not directly pursuing an affirmative
Disclosure Internal Expressive Representative Sincerity argument fo~ a fulcrum upon which he can base his critical power.
of speaker's world Instead, he tnes to show that one cannot present an argument by which
subjectivity such ~ fulcrun:1 could ~e denied. He therefore defends his position by
asserting that its negation entails a contradiction. 41 Habermas calls his
Sources: Adapted from Thompson, U11iversal Pragmatics, p. 123; Habermas, attempt to reconstruct the species-competence of communication a
Commumcatio11 and the Evolution of Society, pp. 58, 63; and Habermas, Th eory "reconstructive science," and he points to Kohlberg's theory of moral
of Commu11icat1011, 1:329. development, Piaget's theory of cognitive development, and Rawls's
reflective equilibrium, as examples of similar activities. 42
"knowing how" can be unpacked into a "knowing that" certain valid- For the most part, validity-claims remain as part of a hidden back-
ity-claims are being raised.33 Where Kant derived ~he categor~e~ from _the ground consensus, yet where differences between people arise, and
conditions of possible experience, Habermas derives the valid1ty-cla1ms therefore particularly around moral and ethical questions, the validity-
of speech from the conditions of possible communication. 14 claims themselves become objects of argumentation. In such situations,
Like Kant, Habermas seeks to generate a fulcrum that will tran- referred to by Habermas as "discourses," we momentarily "suspend"
scend different cultures and times, yet his is not a transcendental argu- our formerly naive beliefs in order for us to call the validity-claims into
ment in the Kantian sense. First, the object from which the derivation is question. In discourses, validity-claims are treated as hypotheses,
made is, in the case of the communicative use of language, an entirely whereupon they are subjected to criticism, and reasons are marshalled in
empirical one, whereas the transcendental aspect of Kantian thought their defence. 45 Discourses are thus a "reflective" form of communicative
issues from its analysis of the a priori concept of the possibility of expe- action, and the pragmatic presuppositions of argumentation are "bor-
rience in general. For Habermas, communicative competence is "only rowed" or "superimposed" on the normative content of communicative
the outcome of contingent learning processes." 11 It is from the internal ac tion. 4 6
evolution of these contingent processes that we can "cogently recon- A discourse is an argumentative encounter between a number of
struct" a universal pragmatics of communication. 16 Second, the argu- individuals. It is not, following the notion of "self-reflection" as it
ment by which the universality of the validity-claims are defended is not appears in the philosophy of consciousness, an activity of an isolated
a deductive justification as it is in the Kantian affirmation of the neces- reasoning subject. Habermas takes Toulmin's basic question for ethics:
sity of the categories. Rather, Habermas, or more particularly Apel, 17 '' What kind of argument, of reasoning is it proper for us to accept in
asserts his position by showing that its denial generates an antinomy. support of moral decisions?" 4 7 and expresses it in terms of a commu-
Apel's argument focuses on the unavoidability of validity-claims in nicative event. To do this, he first outlines a theory of argumentation in
successful communication. He seeks to show that when the noncognitivist general 48 and then derives, from this, the procedures and principles of
argues against such claims, they become entrapped in a performative con- discourse ethics. 49 In doing so, he again recasts many of the Kantian
tradiction ..18 Just as a thinker cannot adopt a point of view outside their arguments in communicative terms, particularly the notions of a proce-
own consciousness, the skeptic's argument against cognitivism necessarily dural test, generalization as an "inductive" bridge, and the principle of
raises just those validity-claims he is seeking to deny. 1~ Watt states that:
10 THEORY AND PRACTICE The Theory of Discourse Ethics 11
Habermas states the formal properties of discourses in terms of an mined by anything other than actual participation/1 Once again, we see
ideal speech situation, or argumentation chat is free from domination Habermas's insistence that moral theory cannot be a substitute for prac-

· o f "'d
and constraint. First, building on Mea d' s notion I I k. " 10
1 ea roe ta mg, tical discourse.
and Baier's "moral point of view," 11 Habermas recasts the impartiality In many ways, then, (D) mirrors the Kantian principle of publicity,
of moral judgment in terms of a principle ''that constrains all affected to and it reflects what Benhabib states to be a central assumption for
adopt the perspective of all others in the balancing of interests. ''. The Habermas, this being a "consensus principle of legitimacy. " 6 -1 Consen-
resulting principle of universalization (U) performs the function of sus, here conceived as the discursive redemption of a generalizable inter-
Kant's categorical imperative and allows for the discursive redemption est;◄ can only be said to be rational when the procedures by which it is
of a generalizable interest: " arrived at are themselves normatively justified. 61 The normative condi-
(U) For a norm to be valid, the consequences and side effects of its gen-
tions under which consensus is rational can be expressed in terms of
eral observance for the satisfaction of each person's particular interests pragmatic rules/ 6 derived from the presuppositions of argumentation in
general. 67
must be acceptable for all.«
There are two conditions of ideal speech, these being the symmetry
However, in keeping with the general communicative turn, the pro- condition and the reciprocity condition. The symmetry condition
cedural test (U) cannot be run by an individual, or by a lone theorist. encompasses two rules for practical discourses, these being first:
It requires, in addition, the principle of discourse ethics (D):
that each participant must have an equal chance to initiate and to con-
(D) Only those norms can claim to be valid that meet (or could meet) tinue communication; second, [that] each must have an equal chance to
with the approval of all affected in their capacity as participants in a make assertions, recommendations, and explanations, and to challenge
practical discourse. 16 j ustifications. 68

Here, Habermas follows Kant in stressing the need for public dis- While the symmetry condition governs the employment of speech-
cussion in the making of normatively valid decisions. When he uses the acts, the reciprocity condition refers not to speech-acts but to existing
phrase "practical discourse," he is making a strong claim for an actual action contexts. 69 It consists of a set of relations that have to obtain
process of argumentation, which he holds to be superior to counterfac- between participants. They assert that:
tual thought experiments (say in the tradition of social contract theory
All must have equal chances as actors to express their wishes, feelings,
and in Rawls's original position) in a number of ways.
and intentions; and ... speakers must act as if in contexts of action
First, he asserts that "the individual is the last court of appeal for there is an equal distribution of chances "to order and resist orders, to
judging what is in his best interest" and that an individual's actual par- promise and refuse, to be accountable for one's conduct and to demand
ticipation "prevents others from perspectivally distorting one's own accountability from others. " 10
interests. " 17 Second, "the descriptive terms in which each individual per-
ceives his interests must be open to criticism by others ... the revision These procedural rules express (D) and are those whereby (U) is
of the values used to interpret needs and wants cannot be a matter for achieved. Together these insights comprise what Habermas has called the
individuals to handle monologically. " 58 ideal speech situation (hereafter referred to as the ISS). His assertion is
It is worth noting here how different Habermas's conception is from that the ISS is anticipated in every act of actual argumentation. 11 Loom-
that of Rawls. 19 There is, between the two thinkers, a fundamental diver- ing behind the participants is an intuitive ideal of fair argumentation that
gence as to how the subject is to be characterized. Rawls sees the sub- can be appealed to in order to appraise the legitimacy of norms. Even
ject as entering the bargaining game with a finite set of predetermined though it is almost always counterfactual, all discourses "anticipate" it
needs, and it is precisely the rational meeting of those needs (by match- and " approximate" to it, in the sense that they contain the basic presup-
ing them with a finite and predetermined set of goods) that makes bar- position that, given sufficient time and freedom from domination, a ratio-
gaining behavior predictable. 60 Habermas, on the other hand, wants to nally motivated agreement could be reached. 71
follow Mead in order to describe an "encumbered" 6 1 subject who cre- The ISS is the extra-contextual fulcrum from which Habermas levers
ates and modifies his/her needs in a process of communicative interac- the critical power he requires to evaluate social practices. The validity-
tion. In this dialogic model, the interpretation of needs cannot be deter- claims of speech, and the conditions under which they are legitimately
12 THEORY .\..'\;D PRACTICE fbt• Tl,c·()r_v o/ n,srnurSt' Fthh'$ IJ
questioned, rranscend any local conce::,,..--r. Their validir:y is ~un- r,.mtt'Xts in such .1 w.1y ,1s to .woid th(• kn·lin~ \li lllnr,11 difkrt-'th.'t'S.
terfactual, and unsullied by particularity. It is perfect, like the lace ot the \Vhile his K.rnti.111 ,tppm.1rh providc•s ,;nivc•rs:il l-.tlll\\ hi~l' th.ti is
sun.-\ Yet actual communication, and the criticism of social pr;.1ctices. sufficiently ,tbstr,tned fr\)I\\ p.irtirnL\r 1.· nntc•,ts tn c'1t,1hk it tu tun-.·titltt
entails the application of this counterfactual ideal to real contexts: the as a fulcrum for l'riti1.-.1l power, Dur ,lttt'ntion is tll)\\' Jin·rte•d to thl·
object of justified knowledge is situated not in the heavens but in the prnblem of how, prt'l'isdy, the• idc-.11 is m he .tpplkd hl tlw re-.11. lnde·c•~I,
world. As we have seen, Habermas is quire clear that only actual par- this has always bct'n :1 Ct'ntr,1I diffirulty with uni,•t•rs,llist p\,sirintts, l'\'c'n
ticipants can provide the content of discourses.-~ The universal validity- for Kant. Hahermas is quite ,1W.trc.\ for ex.1mpk, th:11 l lq~l'I 1.klivt'rc•d :i
claims of speech have to be raised here and now.-5 and by actual partic- sust.tined :md pent·tr.tting critique- of K; c·thi..:s rh.11 l'SSC'ttti.tlly
ipants in a pracrical discourse.- 0
:H:1.:used it of bein~ in,1pplic.1hk to the rl•,tl world . This l'ritiqm· dkc-
In processes of mutual understanding such as everyday communica- tivdv re..:asts Kant's ~re:m~st stren~th- his ,1bstr.1ctio11 fr1.un tlw p.1rticu-
tion, discourses about moral questions, and criticisms of social prac- la r~ as his ~re:1test \\~en kness. Ha l;crm.ts' s rt'l'tltlstru1.·tin11 oi the• K.ttlt i.rn
tices, fact and counterfact are entwined.- It is for this reason that project h,ts ~been profoundly influe·nct·d hr this nitiquc-. ~: lmkt·d, ,ts the•
Habermas asserts: next se..:tion will show, we c,rnnot t'xplml' the applir.1titm oil l.1lwrlll,ts's
ideas to questintts rep.arding the dcsip.n and l'v.1hmtion nl pnliti1.:.1I insti•
validity-claims have a Janus face: As claims. they transcend any lo..~l
context; at the same rime, they have to be raised here and now and be rntions until Wt' understand the dfrct this critiqm· h,ts had on rl1t· gc'tll'-
de facto recognized if they are going to bear the agreement of interact- sis and structure of Haht·rmas's thought.
ing participants that is needed for effective cooperation. The transcen-
dent moment of imiversal validity bursts every provinciality asunder:
the obligatory moment of accepted validity claims renders them carri- 1.2 DlLE..t\lMAS UPON APPLICATION
ers of a co11text-bou11d everyday practice.~
\'? here justificnion is co111.:eived ,ts an appeal to extra -cnntcxtu:tl knowl -
Habermas thus reconstructs his theory of discourse ethics from the
edge, legitimate social criticism becomes a matter of applying th,ll
possibility of argumentarion as such. This theory is procedural, uni,·er-
knowledge back to p:uticular contexts. The.> centr:tl question for any uni -
salist, cognitivist, and formalist. It is intended to provide a fulcrum that
versalist .md formalist moral theory then hel·umes this motnl'tlt of appli-
offers something more than merely the "moral intuitions of the average,
cation. In the history of philosophy, it is perhaps in thl' l'111.:uu111cr
male, middle-class member of a modern Western society, " ""'I yet that at
between Hegel and Kant that this issut' receives its most thornugh expli-
the same time remains sensitive to cultural difference and value plural-
cation/ ' Hegel's critique of Kantian ethics opens with tilt' accusation of
ism. This attempt is profoundly Kantian in its direction, but it also tries
excessive abstractionY It is charged with being so dt:Vllid of cont1.·1tt :ts
to avoid the more troubling aspects of that position. The thin, or proce-
to be impossible to apply to practical situations!' From here, l k·gd
dural, universalism that it generates claims a standpoint for social criti-
mounts a number of telling criticisms.
cism that is neither transcendental nor relativistic. 80
First, Hegel's assertion that Kant's principles yield mnrl' than a singlt'
Ferrara evaluates the project in this way:
possible maxim of action and that the same maxim can admit of diffcre111
Habermas has brilliantly rescued the central kernel of Kant's moral yet equally rational performances effectively shows that univcrsalist e1hks
theory-the idea of ethical rightness as generalizability-while adapt- is insufficiently discriminative as to its outcomcs. 8" Such a t henry is thus of
ing it to a new cultural situation characterized by ... the "discovery" questionable value to moral actors, for even if they grasp the moral law,
of contextuality . . . the irreducible multiplicity of conceptual
they must still filter out unacceptable performa1Kl'S that ncvcnhdc.>ss
schemes ... the linguistic turn ... and the exhaustion of the philoso-
appear to satisfy it. This raises the problem of some 01hcr knowkdg1.·
phy of consciousness. 8 1
being deployed by the actors in addition to the llloral law, a prnbk-m that
. Habermas's fulcrum for critical power, the ISS, is a counterfacrual becomes still more serious when one considers that a general law must still
ideal of_ complete participation that can be deployed to test the legitimacy be applied to a particular situation. The problem of particularization, or
of real mstances_ of participati?n. It is intended to provide critical power, correct deployment, suggests that some sort of judging faculty is n·quirc·d
yet at t~e same ~1me t~ constram_that power to questions of legitimate pro- if the actors are to contextualize the general law.M 7 This would suggest
cedure m practical discourses, m order to render it applicable to actual that, by itself, the moral law is insufficient to generate moral artion.
14 THEORY AND PRACTICE The Theory of Discourse Ethics 15
A second point of attack for Hegel is to question whether univer- agent's prospects for realising his purposes in the objective world. " 91 An
salizahility is intended as a way of testing or generating moral maxims. "ethi~ ~f conv_icti?n" see~s _to "focus excessively on the purity of the
If Kantian moral theory cannot generate normative content, it appears agents mner fidelity to prmc1ple without affording sufficient considera-
able to offer itself only as a test for existing content. This criticism is tion to the morally relevant consequences of action. " 96 The issue of
then pressed home by asserting that such a theory cannot even adjudi- whether or not to include, in an appraisal of a moral act, the conse-
cate between two existing contents in a manner that would allow for quences of a moral stance reappears in discourse ethics in terms of the
their moral differentiation. Hegel's criticism thus points to a "dialectic assessment that participants must make of the results of their collective
of form and content in Kantian moral theory. " 88 The moral law, which action. Tho~gh (U) is designed to incorporate this issue, whether or not
alone was supposed to indicate normative validity, turns out to require the_ explo~atl?~ of_ such consequences is a matter for rational argumen-
both existing moral contents and some knowledge of how to contextu- tation or mtmtlve Judgment is a question that has concerned Habermas's
alize such law on the part of moral actors. commentators. 97
Third, Hegel goes on to suggest that the moral law is deficient in Habermas, as we have seen, takes much from Kant but he also
another area also. According to his own theory, Hegel tries to show that wants to incorporate these Hegelian insights. Indeed, by ;rating clearly
institutions functionally embody normative rules and are both consti- that the theoretical principles that constitute discourse ethics are not,
tuted and regulated by contextually meaningful moral laws. One can- nor were they ever, intended to be sufficient to determine what is
not, therefore, use a moral law alone to judge an institution, for institu- morally right or wrong, what appears in Kant as a theoretical weakness
tions exist within an "interdependent totality of social relations and is recast in Habermas as a careful limitation on the scope of application
practices." 89 What is at stake here, as with the criticisms looked at of theory. Habermas is clear that his normative criterion can offer a
above, is the issue of what a Kantian type theory can do and what it can- valid ground for social criticism. This is the affirmative part of his posi-
not. Hegel clearly locates areas where one would need to deploy the tion, in which he asserts that there is a relation of theory to practice that
moral law yet where the law alone is insufficient. is defensible. Yet he is equally clear that there are things theory cannot
A fourth criticism, highlighted particularly by Stern, is that Kant do; and this is the negative limit he places upon moral theory generally.
gives an account of moral motivation that is so slanted toward the aus- As he states, anticipating much of the reaction of those commentators
tere requirements of reason as to ignore the question of happiness alto- who criticize him for being increasingly divorced from political reality,
gether.!/() This problem relates to the role of a utopian moment in dis- "my modest opinion about what philosophy can and cannot accomplish
course ethics. If happiness is of no importance as a moral motive, then may come as a disappointment." 98 He sums up his limitation with the
"it would appear reasonable for agents ... to raise the question of why words, "any universalistic morality is dependent upon a form of life that
they should care about morality at all. " 91 Here, we face the possibility of meets it hal(way." 99 Only participants in a practical discourse can recon-
a pure virtue unrelated to happiness, just as in discourse ethics we textualize the decontextualized normative criteria in order to generate
encounter a possible emancipation that may be unrelated to human ful - valid social criticism, and it is precisely this preservation of a place for
filment. 92This deficiency has important implications for how we see our actual participants that ensures his theory remains sensitive to particu-
moral interactions with those for whom we have feelings other than, or lar contexts.
more than, mere duty. The moral interactions within, say, a family, arise As we have seen, the normative requirement for practical discourse
more "as a direct, affective response to the specific interests and needs constitutes a dialogic turn that already renders more concrete the mono-
of the other person. " ~3 It is this conflation of the moral life to a ratio nal logic procedure of the Kantian moral law. Habermas wants to build on
relation with a generalized other that has formed the core of Gilliga n's this by incorporating Hegelian criticisms of Kant. He tries to determine
critique of Kantian arguments. 94 In its place she suggests we conceive of the appropriate scope of theory and, once its necessary limitations have
the moral relation as being oriented to a concrete other, and that the been noted to show how it is only participants who can carry the con-
resulting revalorization of such activities as care, commitment, and loy- '
tents and contexts required to generate concrete mora I va 1·d·
1 1ty. 100
alty offer a far more realistic view of our moral life. The dialectic of form and content that Hegel located in Kant is
Fifth, again following Stern, we must notice how Hegel points to a therefore moved to the very heart of discourse ethics, 101 and we can see
further way in which Kantian ethics is insufficiently related to the rea l its operation in a number of categories. Moral judgments have conte_nt
world. Kant's theory, it is argued, "abstracts from a consideration of the and structure, and in a procedural ethics, these are to be properly dis-
for in solving the first problem, he has inevitably generated a second.
Habermas has consistently shown himself willing to pay this cost. Thus, CHAPTER2
his theory is not put forward as a solution to all problems, it is seen as
limited in its scope of application, and it has struggled, subsequently, to
give an adequate account of the nature of moral judgment whereby
application is achieved. In particular, he has shown great care to articu- Theory with a Practical Intent
late a relation of theory to practice that is sensitive to the limits of the-
ory yet allows for meaningful social criticism. Because our attempt to
recouple a normative theory of democracy to empirical questions
regarding the design and evaluation of institutions is, in part, an inquiry If we ~re to use Habermas's normative criteria to address questions sur-
into the relation of theory to practice, we turn now to Habermas's artic- rounding the legitimate design and evaluation of democratic institutions
ulation of this relation. then the relation between theory and practice must be a substantive one'.
At the same time, living in the times that we do it would be quite unre-
alistic, and perhaps also dangerous, to assum~ that theory could, or
should, be completely unified with questions of practice.
Characterizations of the two extremes of this relation, in other
words, total unity or total separation, are clearly presented by Ronald
Beiner, 1 who also attempts to describe Habermas's conception of the
theory/practice relation. For this reason, we will begin (2.1 ), by looking
at Beiner's argument. Beiner's discussion highlights a number of con-
ceptual difficulties that must be addressed in forming a complete under-
standing of this relation. In particular, his engagement with Aristotle's
distinction between techne and phronesis draws our attention to the
importance of that distinction in Habermas's own understanding of the
relation between theory and practice. Our inspection of this distinction
(2.2) is then followed by an attempt to focus on precisely what Haber-
mas means when he characterizes the relation in terms of a "theory with
a practical intent" (2.3 ). In our discussion of the practical intentions of
theory, we will also take the opportunity to introduce certain aspects of
Habermas's theoretical position, particularly that of "colonization of
the lifeworld," which did not arise in our opening chapter and yet which
are required for the evaluation of the practical implications of his theory
that we undertake in the following chapter.


Beiner's investigation into the relation of theory to practice takes as its

starting point the "canonical statement of the undiluted doctrine of the-
ory-practice unity," which he locates in Lukacs's essay "What Is Ortho-
dox Marxism?" 2 Lukacs argues that Marx followed Hegel ' in his con-
ception of theory as the "self-knowledge of history," yet pressed this
insight further (beyond Kant) to overcome the duality of thought and
being, subject and object, theory and practice. Hegel's retrospective self-

20 THEORY AND PRACTICE Theory with a Practical Intent 21
knowledge of the philosopher is thus replaced by active self-knowled~e alism ?ad its greatest and most valuable victories 13 and against which
in the service of praxis. 4 Where the proletariat is~ as Marx put it, the "disc_overy" of contextualism served to argue. Mindful of such prob-
"gripped" by theory/ it is both the subject and ob1ect of knowledge. lems, Bei~er abandons unity, and he does so without regrets. "Theory
Reality becomes conscious of itself through the emergence of the sel~- and practice can each stand on their own two feet," he asserts, 14 and "we
undersranding of the proletariat. Oppression thus generates .a theoret~- honou~ [them] most by granting each its independence." 15
cal consciousness that impels action to remove such oppress10n. In this Be1?er thus warns us against moving too swiftly from the need to do
way, theory becomes the vehicle for revolution. • • somethmg ab~ut !he real problems we see in the world to unifying the-
Beiner claims that this notion has now been d1scred1ted, not because ory a~d pract1c~ m order to derive assistance with those problems. Yet
Lukacs' argument is logically incoherent, but because it i~ empirically there 1s a sense m which he is arguing against a strawman here. In ask-
false. Such "self-conscious" knowledge does not emerge m the prole- ing for assistance with the legitimation of designs and evaluations for
tariat with either the necessity or the clarity claimed by Lukacs.7 Yet it democratic institutions, we do not turn like sheep to theory. We do not
is precisely the necessity of such emergent knowledge within the prole- ask what is to be done, so much as how we might go about doing it. The
tariat, Beiner suggests, that preserves the logic of Lukacs's argument. "all or nothing" approach that Beiner deploys in order to discredit
With our realization that the proletariat does not necessarily gain such Marxism does not address the possibility that there might be gray areas
self-knowledge, the unity of theory and practice breaks down. Beiner in which theory could be useful, and where complete unity between the-
suggests that this is what occurs in Adorne's negative dialectics. ory and practice is avoided. Brian Fay shows a greater awareness of such
The empirical failure to which Beiner alludes, that is, the fact that areas when he states that:
the proletariat did not in face do what Lukacs thought it necessarily
One is quite accustomed to seeing sharp divisions being drawn between
muse do, meant that the preservation of theory/practice unity was forced
knowledge and the uses of knowledge, between questions in the phi-
into a long and destructive journey. In order to preserve the philosophy losophy of social science and those in political philosophy ... between
of praxis, Lenin argued that Party theoreticians were required to provide theory and practice."
correct theory, which could then be acted out by the proletariat. This,
Beiner claims, blurred the line between theory and tactics {strategy, pro- He then describes such a division as a "piece of common sense"
paganda, enforcement of the political line), 8 and it has become a com- which is at once "misguided," 17 "implausible," 18 and in need of "replace-
monplace to assert that this blurring aided the legitimation of van- ment." 19 In fact, "social theory cannot be severed from social practice, " 20
guardism, thus paving the way for Scalinism. 9 and Fay's book is impressive in its unpacking of the implicit conceptions
The first problem for those who assert unity between theory and of the relationship between theory and practice within the various types
practice, then, is that it simply does not accord with the facts. "The of social science, and of the effects of such conceptions on practice
social situation in the modern world ... is so overwhelmingly complex itself. 21 Where Beiner claims the Marxist union of theory and practice is
that no theory offered .. . will be able to command general assent." 10 In "a vestige, a left-over," 22 Fay claims Marxism to have provided the most
addition, for a necessary actor to be designated, "a massive simplifica- consistent objection to the pretense that the concerns of social science
tion of social reality" would be required, and theory would effectively have no political relevance. 23
be treating the agents of its realization "as children who could be In their respective discussions of Habermas's account of the the-
instructed on how to act." 11 ory/practice relation, we find again that Beiner, having thrown out the
The reduction of such actors to the moral status of children points bath water, is unable to locate the baby. Fay describes Habermas as pro-
to a second problem with the unity of theory and practice: that it can viding an interesting variation of the relationship of theory to practice,
serve _to !e~itimate_ ~ppression: ~fall practice requires theory, then "the yet Beiner claims that Habermas's theory "shackles itself unnecessarily
theorist is_1_n a pnv1l~ged posmon," and unity can be seen to be pro- with the impossible duty of contributing to a better practice. " To crit-
foundly elt~1st and antid~mocratic.1 2 We have already noted that the sim- icize Habermas for conflating theory and practice is not new. Indeed,
ple conflatton ?~ normative democratic theory with political practice (an it is just this accusation that motivates many commentators to locate an
exampl~ of umfied ~heory/practice) can have dangerously authoritarian inherent authoritarianism within his work. 26 If, as Lyotard suggests,
te~denc1_es. Ind~ed, 1t ~as precisely as a counter to strong normative the- Habermas is in fact espousing a " metanarrative," then his epistemolog-
ones (with their self-righteous prescriptions of the good life) that liber- ical self-righteousness might indeed tempt him to apply his normative
Theory with a Practical Intent 23
h .1 such a line of cnt1c1sm
. Yer w t e h not, primarily, rational. For him, such practices are forged and preserved
. . way rhat is oppres sive. , early claims for t e tran-
rheory m ,1 bl Habermas s • h h" in traditions, they are expressive of ways of life, they are comprehensi-
. h h· e been applica e to . ' . l off the mark wit 1s more
m1g t av 't s entire Y .. . · h ble only by hermeneutic inquiry. Above all, they can never be under-
dent al interests of reason, I 1 • g line of cnt1c1sm, qmte t e
seen h · a compeun f stood, nor therefore improved, by theory. When Habermas looks at the
recent work. Indeed, r ere is 1im of dissociating theory_ rom ~rac-
world, he sees practices that, though they anticipate reason in their every
opposire to the first, th~t ac~u:~:~ Habermas has become mcreasm~ly fiber, fall short of being rational. Though he does not hold to a unity in
tice.21 Here the suggestion i_s . sues i~ which have so little to do with
the relation of theory to practice, he nevertheless bases his entire oeuvre
concerned with metatheorenc~I is having abandoned real problems
. th"t on the emancipatory possibilities afforded by reason. To see how theory
pracnce " he can be described as _ might operate in the gray area between unity and separation, we must
altogether. ' • • • • • usually a good thing, and 1s cer-
focus on a recurrent conceptual difficulty that seems to operate behind
Unforrunately, while cnnc1smh is. ff1·rms a position rather than
h re a t eonst a . . f Beiner's "all or nothing" approach. Only when we understand the kind
tainly to be expecte d w e . . Habermas's characterization o of knowledge that is proper to apply to practice can we see why Beiner
merely denying one, that per~a101ng to be an example of the "damned
. o f t heory to Pract1ce seems co. is mistaken, both in his appraisal of the role of theory, and in his char-
the relanon f ··
d 'f don't" variety o critique. acterization of Habermas.
if you do and damne I youh b cused of making all the mistakes
The fact that Haberm~s as ee~etcate mi ht indicate that he is sim-
that are possible co make m ~uch a b g_n all those ways?) and it 2.2 ARISTOTLE'S DISTINCTION BETWEEN
(h h · 't possible to e wrong 1
p ~ wr?n~ t o~ ~/is bein misunderstood. Again, clarity is affo~ded
:ig~:i:e~:c:~: th~t misunders~anding of Habermas's. po~ition precisely
iliustrates the central issue of Habermas's charactenz~t10n f the the-1f Beiner's separation is, at its heart, based on the belief that the type of
knowledge held by the theorist is inapplicable to practice. He is not
ory/practice relation. Focusing on this misun~ers~a~dmg a o"".s. us to
anticipate Habermas's position and to place 1t w1thm the trad1t1on to denying that theorists have knowledge, only that they have the wrong
which it belongs. kind. To put this another way, if, as Beiner suggests, "good judgement"
Beiner states that: is the appropriate knowledge for politics,3 3 then he clearly believes that
the political theorist has no more of it than any citizen. In his view, the
all one needs is the ordinary common sense and good judgement o~ a theorist, qua theorist, cannot and need not help with practice.
simple citizen. There is no guarantee that the theorist will be more dis- What sort of knowledge, then, does Beiner think the political theo-
cerning, more foresightful, or more sensitive to dangers and opportu- rist has? We can say two things in regard to this question: first, that it. is
nities in the practical sphere. 31 a kind a knowledge that is not useful for practice, and second, that it can
Now it is one thing to believe we are all simple citizens, and that sometimes be applied by experts in the form of tactics (but it should not
none should be privileged because of special knowledge. Yet Beiner, be).
imagining he is following Unger, 32 is so concerned to prevent theorists In regard to the first point, we have seen how Beiner describes the
claiming special knowledge that he ends up asserting that even if the kind of knowledge held by the theorist to be so abstract as to be of lit-
political theorist were to devote a lifetime to inspecting practice, he/she tle help to the ordinary citizen. 14 Importantly, he cites with approval
would be unable to offer any useful insights whatsoever. While this may Aristotle's "concept of the autonomy of the practical sphere of life vis-
be true of some theorists, say the most studiously obscure or the utterly a-vis the life of theory." ll At times then, Beiner clearly sees the kind of
incompetent, there are, surely, less draconian ways of dealing with bad knowledge held by the theorist to be (using Aristotle's characterization
political theorists than to attempt a complete separation of theory and of the types of knowledge) that of episteme, 16 this being knowledge that
practice. To deny all responsibility of the theorist, qua theorist, simply is objective, law-like, and unrelated to practice.
In regard to the second point, the tactical manipulation of politics,
because complete unity of theory and practice is indefensible, seems too
this bears a greater resemblance to what Aristotle calls techne, or "pro-
strong. Wanting (quite rightly) to avoid such unity, Beiner can locate
only one alte~native position, that of total separation. duction under the guidance of true reason." 17 Such a characterization of
the knowledge of the theorist seems closer to what Beiner alludes to
When Bemer looks at the world, what he sees are practices that are

Theory with a Practical Intent 25
. . h1's special knowledge on the and Habermas thus centers on the nature of the universal fulcrum upon
when he describes the t heor_1st h . I knowledge can be app 1·ie d to
· as foisting
. rd1sm tee mca which critical power is to be grounded. Habermas holds to a procedural
masses. is Here, in vangua ' b'ectionable to do so. universalism that the neo-Aristotelians claim to be invalid, unnecessary,
practice, but it is seen as ~10~ally o Ient therefore appears to rest on a and morally objectionable.
Beiner's "all or nothing a~gumf k I dge held by a political the-
· the kind o now e d Beiner's attempt to dispense with an extra-contextual fulcrum
concepmal con fus1on as to . h k wledge as episteme an as
results in a simplification of the possible impact that theory can have on
orist. He variously characterizes ~u~ hno he commends Aristotle for
practice, and this in turn means that he can provide only a vastly sim-
techne. The confusion is compoun ~ w henform a distinct and self-sus-
. h " h y and praxis eac f plified account of Habermas's characterization of the theory/practice
his assertion t at t eOr 19 . I d si'ndeed separate theory rom
O f ['f
I " Anstot e oe relation. In fact, Habermas, using Aristotle's distinctions as to the types
raining bias or way
. . . r e.- that. is. tso .separa
practice, but it is epts eme d
ted Aristotle's third type of
◄o is characterized by a unity
of knowledge, and combining this with a notion of theory as critique, is
able to open a path for the theory/practice relation that leads between
knowledge, phronesi~ or pracuc:it :~s ,?c:~onical" as that of Lu~acs.
the elitism of tactical thought and the irrelevance of abstract science.
of theory ~nd pra~~1ce hevery with classical political theorists, Ansto-
The Aristotelian distinction between techne (technical knowledge
!~di:e:~e:s ~::;;:~aa[k~::i;~~e a d(re~t connec;io;r~:r;;:e::~~::!:~ exhibited in poiesis or making) and phronesis (practical reason inform-
theory and institutional des1gn.◄ 1 This is ~ecau_s p h' If A .- ing praxis) is one of the fundamental building blocks of Habermas's the-
tively grounded in the ethos of the polis. Be1~er? imse a ~e~- ns ory of communicative action. In fact, it is worth noting that Habermas
totelian◄2 of the Gadamerian variety, is apprec1auv~ ?f phronests, :nd himself is not entirely accurate in his characterization of this distinction,
sees ethos as affording a normative ground for cnti~al P?wer w ere for he tends to counterpose techne with praxis. Enquiries into the neo-
episteme cannot.◄1 In addition, he commends Ari,~totle ~ ethics generally Aristotelian use of phronesis have focused the distinction in the follow-
for its modesty,◄◄ in that it leaves a space for pracucally reasonable ing terms:
decisions. " 45
A central point of disagreement between Beiner and Habe~~as Forms of knowledge Forms of action
therefore concerns the nature of the normative grounds for cnt1cal
power. As we have seen, for Habermas, critical power re~uires a un~- techne poiesis
versal fulcrum 46 and we here confront two possible locauons for this phronesis praxis
fulcrum. Eithe;, as Habermas would suggest, it is to be located in uni-
versal episteme, or, following Beiner, it lies within a particular ethos. Habermas's early inquiries into the relation of theory to practice
Beiner rules out the former with his complete separation of theory from used this distinction as its "connecting thread," 51 and his deduction of
three "quasi-transcendental" knowledge constitutive interests: the tech-
Yet the latter, the grounding of critical power on a contextual ful- nical, the practical, and the emancipatory, closely followed this same
crum, is always limited in its application to the boundaries of that con- distinction. 52 Keane cites this distinction as being at the heart of the early
text itself. Where such boundaries are indistinct, or there is a value con-
Habermasian critique of bureaucratic rationality and claims that its
flict between contexts, critical power becomes disarmed.◄ 7 The danger
importance has been missed in most discussions of Habermas's project. 53
here is that the appeal to extant values within a political culture can
Habermas himself cites the work of Arendt and Gadamer as having
degenerate into a mere approbation of the status quo. While there is
"called my attention to [this] fundamental distinction." 54 In his later
nothing necessarily conservative about confining moral claims to con-
work, we see it used, mutatis mutandis, to generate his theory of com-
texts alone, such a mode of justification certainly holds this danger.◄ 8
municative rationality, his account of selective rationalization in moder-
Indeed, as Fay points out, this is a weakness of interpretative social sci-
ence generally.◄ 9 nity, and his concept of "colonization."
Habermas's prime interest in the distinction is that it illustrates
Beiner's claim, that his separation of theory and practice does not
favor the status quo, therefore remains hard to uphold where he has so techne to be the wrong kind of knowledge for the political realm. Its
assiduously ruled out any recourse to extra-contextual fulcra. The dif- inappropriate application is, he suggests, observable in the increasing
scientization of politics within the Western tradition, particularly in the
ference between Beiner (or perhaps we should say the neo-Aristotelians)
work of such thinkers as Machiavelli," Marx, ' 6 and Hobbes. ' 7 Here, we
Theory with a Practical Intent 27
.. . • ted systems of quantita- oretically adequate account of the relation of theory to practice. In The-
see political theory reduced to logica 11 Y mte~ra_ f he most advanced
O ory and Practice, Habermas states that the proper theory/practice rela-
tively expressed ' lawlike. statements
_ . charactertStlC
• blic tspace for 1ts
. enac t -
tion is not that of Lukacsian unification, 67 yet he also affirms his com-
natural sciences u 1g While phro11es1s requires a pu dd . .
• • 1 d · 'strative an ec1s10n- mitment to "a theory of society with practical intent. " 68
ment lj teclme rends coward an excessive y a m1m . . 1 h
' .. . · lication m this rea m t us Habermas rejects the characterization of the theory/practice relation
istic account of polmcs. Its 111appropr1ate app . h bl'
results in a tendency to substitute discursive intera~t!on m t e _PU ic that he finds in positivistic social science, and he does so by arguing that
t it gives rise to certain paradoxes. In this way he seeks to reinstate nor-
sphere with a quite different kind of coordinating activity: that of tnS ru-
mative considerations and also to indicate some of the ways in which
mental action. 60
The increasing dominance of techne results in a removal .of values these considerations might cross the gap to empirical concerns; in other
from practical questions. The loss of such classical teleolog'.es as the words, to show how the increasing dominance of techne might be more
good and just life, the fulfilment of human nature, the format10~ of the adequately managed and opposed. For this reason, we will look at these
virtuous character, and the cultivation of political prudence, all signaled paradoxes in some detail.
the degeneration of the ethos in which the virtues were embedded. First, the interests or ends of positivistic philosophy appear inca-
Means, not ends, were the proper subject of instrumental reason. Polit- pable of justification, for a commitment to science and technology, and
ical knowledge, now conceived as the application of scientifically an opposition to dogmatism, are themselves subjective and beyond the
grounded social theory to the technical problem of regulating social scope of reason conceived in so instrumental a manner. 6 j In addition, by
intercourse, distinguished between "fact and value" and "is and ought" ceding the realm of theory to a single type of knowledge, that of techne,
in ways that classical thinkers never did.62 So defined, value judgments positivism pretends to a value-neutral relation to practice that implicitly
do not admit of "truth," and normative considerations were therefore favors increasing rationalization. 70 Yet instrumental reason is no more
to be excluded from the study of social phenomena. 63 Habermas expli- able to justify this implicit end than it is to justify the explicit ends listed
cates this as a crucial moment in the development of bourgeois ratio- above. The cost of abandoning Aristotle's distinctions between the types
nality. Certainly, where the selection of ends is seen as an irrational of knowledge is, therefore, an "irrational decisionism in the domain of
activity that can impede the process of rationalization and Enlighten- practice" generally. 71
ment, reason can claim a victory against dogmatism, superstition, and Second, following Dewey, Habermas seeks to point out that a cer-
ignorance. For the most part, however: tain interdependence between fact and value still obtains in modernity,
Our civilisation has become increasingly scientific. The relationship of indeed, that it has to obtain if technological progress is to be controlled
theory to practice can now only assert itself as the purposive-rational in a rational manner. 72 Value convictions are dependent on available and
application of techniques assured by empirical science." imagined techniques for their realization, and changes in techniques in
fact cause changes in interest situations, which in turn gives rise to new
Such ~n ac~ou?t o~ the d~generation of the relation between theory values. In some ways then, "social interests, as reflected in value sys-
~nd p~a_ct1ce, h1ghltghtmg as It does the increasing dominance of techne tems, are regulated by being tested with regard to the technical possibil-
m polmcal affairs, clearly illustrates Habermas's inheritance from the
ities and strategic means for their gratification," and the "development
Frankfurt School. Particularly in the work of Horkheimer and Ado 65
d · · h . . rno, of new techniques is governed by a horizon of needs and historically
~o ermty 1s seen ~s a~mg_ an mne~ logic that is inescapably played out determined interpretation of these needs, in other words, by value sys-
m a process of rattonaltzatton. Their extension of Weber's t J f
re I d· · . ypo ogy o tems. "73 As McCarthy puts it, "from this point of view, the decisionistic
· ason resu te
I m an mcreasmgly aporetic account of th e ommance o f
d ·
separation of questions of fact from questions of value appears abstract;
'.nstru~ben ta rea~on. So demonised, techne appears as something that is
1mposs1 1e to res1st. 66 there is a critical interaction between practical orientations and available
techniques. " 7•
Habermas's accusation is that positivism has failed to entirely sepa-
2.3 PRACTICAL INTENTIONS rate fact from value, and that once we have realized the many ways in
which techniques remain determined by value, we will be more open and
Habermas, seeking to reclaim a rational and emancipatory practice, sees careful about the values that inform the ends of our techniques. 75 Tech-
his intellectual project as, in part, the recovery of a systematic and the- nical progress, he asserts, must be brought under the control of the social


Theory with a Practical Intent 29
. . d rationally and mvesttgated
sought to overcome oppression .H' This orientation was, of course, inher-
fl d ,pon ' d1scusse
l1·fewor Id , it must be re ecte t he "ng . 'd'f'
d b I
d v,·1lue-systems an o so ete
1 1 1e ited from Marx (especially via Lukacs). 84 Fay describes the relation of the-
in such a way that overcomes ti . d I cloak of positivism's pretense of
ory to practice in critical theory as being one of "integration. " X1 Critical
ideologies'' chat have h,'dd en bed1tn ne h ·cal progress is · to b e gm·d e d b ya
theory is of practical relevance when it illuminates "structural contradic-
I. 7• I her wor s, tee rn ' d I
value-neutra icy. not . h "direction they want to eve op tions " 1~ in society in such a way as to lead to "the satisfaction of human
conscious and rational choi~e a~ tolt ef " 77 This "rational" choice
d city tn t 1e uture. . needs and purposes. " 87
their knowledge an capa d 1't must be discursive. This emancipatory moment in critical theory is based on its ability
must (necessarily) be value-laden, adn. • n of human action that takes
. · e coor mauo . to recognize that "a great many of the actions people perform are caused
Here then, tI1e d iscur st v . oviding the value-laden gutd-
. h. h bl' sphere 1s seen as pr . b by social conditions over which they have no control, and that a great
place wit m t e pu tc . p l'tical decision-makmg must e
· df hrncal progress. 0 1 . I . deal of what people do to one another is not the result of conscious
ance require or tee . Tl . . tai'nly a strong normative c aim, knowledge and choice. " 88 As we saw earlier, it is precisely the failure of
. d' ss,on 11s ts cer . .
base d on pu bl tc tsc~ . . · I for "public discussion" 1s an mde- interpretative social science that it is unable to effect such a recognition,
yet stated in this_way tt ts mco~p :;~he nature of such discussion. Such
th with the result that it "tends to reconcile people to their social order. " 89
terminate term; ~t _t~ll~ us n~ m? Id be similarly available to an
critique of pos1t1v1st1c social science wou ' .. Critical social science on the other hand, "seeks to uncover those sys-
~ . . 1 . What differentiates Habermas s pos1t1on tems of social relationships which determine the actions of individuals
mterpretattve socta sc1e~ce_, I' h. assertion of a uni-
from contextualist theories ts, as we saw ear ,er, is f d d C .. I and the unanticipated, though not accidental, consequences of these
versa! fulcrum upon which critical po~er can be o~,n e : ~1t1ca actions. " 9° For such theories then, applicability is a necessary (though
power in this instance allows us to explicate the term public discus- obviously not a sufficient) test for truth. 91
. " d to sti·pulate its nature. Habermas's counterfactual fulcrum of The precise nature of this application now comes into view. Theory
s1on an d' · h · f
ideal speech provides a normative grou~d!ng for 1scuss1on ~ at 1s ree must show socia l actors how their experience of discontent is related to
from domination. And it is precisely this ,deal that makes his theory a certain inherent contradictions in their social order. It must show them,
critical one. as they come to understand their situation, how they can remove those
With his articulation of the theories of communicative reason and contradictions by indicating appropriate courses of action by which they
discourse ethics, Habermas is able to oppose the pessimistic diagnosis of might change their social order. 92
modernity found in Horkheimer, Adorno, and Weber, and to assert the Habermas's normative theory is directed toward elucidating the
selectivity of rationalization in modernity. 78 Weber's rationalization the- structural contradictions in modern society. His appropriation of the
sis can then be seen, not as an inescapable logic, but as the result of tools of systems theory, his delineation of the boundaries between life-
"peculiar restrictions put upon communicative rationalization by the world and system (with their contradictory and competing methods of
boundary conditions and the dynamics of a capitalist process of pro- action coordination), his expression of a normative ideal by which dis-
duction. " 79 When communication is revealed as having its own ratio- cursive will-forma tion can be free from domination, are a ll intended to
nality, and where it can be shown to be the primary and appropriate provide actors with insights that they can use. As he says,9 3 "I would
method of coordinating human activity within particular spheres of life, expect a critical theory to perform the task of making possible enlight-
incursion into those spheres by inappropriate forms of coordination can ening interpretations of situations, which affect our self-understanding
be resisted. Thus, Habermas presents his theory of "colonization," 80 in and orientate us in action. " 9• The conceptual tools to identify structura l
which the instrumental and strategic methods by which the differenti - contradictions then form a social theory that
ated subsystems of the market economy and the administrative state are
coordinated are seen to increasingly displace discursive practices within should contribute to the interpretation of conflicts which arise as a
11 result of the over-lega lisation and bureaucratisation of areas of life, and
t?~ lifew~rld it~elf. One of the uses for theory then becomes aiding par-
ttc1pants m their efforts to resist colonization. it should do so with the intention of assisting those struggling to resist
this development to clarify for themselves the conflicts in which they
. :With these conceptual adjustments accomplished, Habermas returns,
111 are involved."
his search for a proper account of the relation between theory and
practice, to that offered by the Frankfurt School. 12 Early critical theory Crucia l here is the phrase, "for themselves," for it points to the rea-
sought to develop knowledge that could be of direct use to people who son Sei ner's critiq ue of Habermas is so wide of the mark and also indi-
Theory with a Practical Intent 31
· · · f the latter's understanding of the theory/prac- Theory then, is not to be unified with practice, but is nevertheless to
· t hI e ·sop I11sucauon
H b maso asserts that it is inappropriate
. for theory to have a "practical intent." This intent is not manifest in a particular set
uce re auon. a er . st 1.
of effects, but in a transformed consciousness,1°8 which specific actors
direct political action. Theory should not specify rateg es or solu-
tions,96 for only participants themselves can assess the _consequences ~f can translate into change.
their decisions, only participants can evaluate and decide o~ appropri- Such actors are no longer conceived as a single class however,1 for
ate goals/ 7 As he most famously puts it, "in a process of enlightenment, once the core category of everyday practice is changed from labor to
98 communication, 110 political practice is no longer to be equated with rev-
there can only be participants. " olutionary agitation. Now, political practice becomes much more about
Habermas has argued that an assertion is justified if it can be dis-
cursively redeemed under certain communicative conditions (the ISS). overcoming systematically distorted communication, both through its
This is a normative theory that stipulates the form under which justified identification (using the posited counterfactual of ideal speech) and
assertions emerge, but it does not stipulate the content of such asser- through its active opposition. Armed with a consciousness that under-
tions.99 Another way of putting this is to say that the universalist fulcrum stands the ways in which communication is distorted systemically,
upon which he bases his critical power is not a foundation, nor is actors are able to actively defend the boundaries of the lifeworld from
100 it an colonization by more appropriate means of sociation. 112 As Bernstein
ethos. Habermas's universalism is, as we have seen, procedural. It is
the conditions for discursive will-formation themselves that supply the states:
fulcrum. 101 His normative theory is not, therefore, of a type that can be All the lines of Habermas' investigations converge in emphasising that
used for authoritarian ends. Indeed, by rejecting any stipulation of the the most urgent practical problem of our time is to oppose all those
natu_r~ of the good life and by generating a discursive space in which intellectual and material tendencies that undermine or suppress practi-
paruc1pants can make such determinations "themselves " it in fact sets cal discourse, and to work toward the achievement of those objective
a "limit to theory." 102 ' institutions in which such practical discourse can be concretely
~o_w we can_ see that when Beiner applauds Aristotle's modesty in realised. 11 3
descnbmg the virtues in "outline" only, he should also extend his
Now we begin to see why it is that Habermas is criticized both for
approval to Habermas. Aristotle and Habermas deploy theory in a
that way separating and conflating theory and practice. On the one hand he
upholds the value of abstract theory and expresses distaste for the
~oe_s _not int:d to invade the proper place of practically reasonable "devaluation of theory and the overhasty subordination of theoretical
ec1s10~s, w , ch are required_of the individual in any given situation. work to the ad hoc requisites of practice." 11 ~ He also rejects any theo-
All [Anstotle s] sketchy descnptions of the typical are t b d retical imposition on those who participate in practice that is against
stood · d d · · · o e un er-
as onente towar s such a concretisation.1oi their wishes or that is unhelpful to them. 115 On the other hand, however,
The space for such concretization has been preserved in Habermas's he asserts that critical theory should have a " practical intent," it should
normative theory, and it is for this reason that White asserts that Haber- be of assistance to participants, it should help them in their struggle to
reduce suffering and oppression. Keane alludes to this tension when he
mas's theory is deeply incompatible with authoritarianism. 104 Contexts
suggests that Habermas simultaneously denies and acknowledges the
can only be understood by participants, 105 or as Aristotle says, "practi-
cal wisdom is concerned with particulars ... knowledge of particulars substantive political implications for his theory. 11 •
Habermas's recognition of the practical intent of critical theory does
comes from experience ... about which there can be perception but no
not mean that he is attempting, with his account of communicative
scientific knowledge." 106 Habermas himself sums up thus:
action, to provide a critical theory of society that will itself have direct
The enlightenment of political will can become effective only within practical consequences. 117 Rather his intention is to make a significant
the communication of citizens. For the articulation of needs in accor- contribution to the project of a critical social theory, to provide tools for
dance with technical knowledge can be ratified exclusively in the co11- applied research, and to stimulate an interdisciplina ry research program
scious11ess of ~he political actors themselves. ·Experts cannot delegate to that, he hopes, will have practical implications. 118 Such affirmative
themselves this act of confirmation from those who have to account claims for his work ha ve been taken up by a n extraordinary number of
with their life histories for the new interpretation of social needs and social scientists, and the research arising out of his project will be
for accepted means of mastering problematic situations.101
- ~----------
reviewed and evaluated in the following chapter. Generally, we expect
his theory to offer a standard for the evaluation of practice, to help us
understand how actions should be coordinated m particular areas of
society to aid in the recognition of distorted communication, and
finally: to assist us in distinguishing between a rational and a mere!; From the Ideal to the Real
empirical consensus.
Habermas has therefore sought to provide a normative basis for
social criticism, and to delineate an appropriate relation of theory to
practice. His theory of communicative action allows him to identify and
diagnose the contradictions of modernity in ways that appear useful to
actual participants, and the theory of discourse ethics provides a means
by which the validity of decision-making processes can be assessed. His
concepts of the public sphere and of communication that is free from
domination are highly suggestive of practical applications, and in terms
of our present concern, particularly in regard to questions surrounding
the design and evaluation of democratic institutions.
The Af(irmative Uses of Theory 37
. b h to make and to discover. The practical
In such a world, to !ear~ ish ot ggests we use it to learn about our In our present survey then, we will distinguish between three types
intention of Habermas s t ~ory ~u aspects of his theory operating as a of research. All are attempts to fulfil the practical intentions of critica l
social world. With th e ~ync romc_ b ckground "◄ we are urged to theory by using it affirmatively; by crossing over from theory to practice.
" 1 . 1 nent interpretative a , .
re anve permah d' h ·c social world in which we hve. The result The three types of affirmative use correspond to the different ways in
carefully inspect t e i~c lromrch for learning a "mutual fit" 1 between which we learn about our social world: we must understand, we must
is a critical-hermeneunca sea '
look with care and clarity, we must consider and act.
universal and particular. h Id h b
· I· r· ns of Habermas's theory s ou t us e con- First (3.1), we review work in that the normative theory is used as
The practtca mten 10 . •
· d I · · I h meneutic lines rather than as an app 1ication to an interpretative tool in order to genera te what we might ca ll cultura l
ceive a ong cnttca - er ' · I
. N · th ory should help us understand our socia world, criticism. This attempt to increase our understanding of the systemic and
rea I1ty. ormattve e · h'dd lifeworld processes at work around us is perhaps the most frequent type
·rs mere appearances and reveal its i en struc-
to penetrate beyon d i .
minds tram eyes, exert a pressure on our of affirmative use of theory, and is certainly the one upon which Haber-
cures. Theory s I10 Uld Change '. . . . . mas has concentrated in his own work.
· ··
mtuit1ons, an d help us reclaim our individual .and . collecuve
. authorship
of the social world· thus moving us closer to hvmg the hves we wish to Second (3.2), we inspect research that uses the theory as an empiri-
live. As we have s;en, Habermas not only wants his th~ory '.' used~' in cal tool with which to look at or inspect our social world, thus forming
examples of critical sociological research. Habermas has stated that he
such ways, but has so constructed it that thes~ practical intentions
intends his theory to generate, and indeed be validated by, such a
become components of the validity of the theory itself. . .
research program.
In this chapter, we review the many attempts to fulf1l the practical
Third (3.3), we turn to various attempts to use the theory as a test
intentions of Habermas's theory. Our concern here is to explore and
for legitimacy. This type of affirmative use, wherein we seek to use the-
evaluate such attempts, and then to focus more fully on those that
ory to inform our actions, is the closest to our general concern of artic-
address questions of democratic practice. In this way, the various diffi-
ulating a democratic politics.
culties encountered by researchers who have attempted affirmative uses
of the theory can be seen to coalesce around particular themes. What
emerges from this survey is that what we have described as the iatro- 3.1 AS AN INTERPRETATIVE TOOL-CULTURAL CRITICISM
genic dilemma at the heart of Habermas's theory now reappears as a
series of chronic methodological problems. The argument here is that if In regard to affirmative uses of critical theory, much of Habermas's own
normative theory is to inform a democratic politics, these problems will effort has been directed toward a wide-ranging diagnosis of modernity.
need to be overcome. This chapter highlights and collects these prob- His reconstruction of a series of normative categories has been accom-
lems; those that follow consider them in greater depth. panied by an attempt to use them as a basis for a critical theory of soci-
Affirmative uses of Habermasian theory constitute a large and ety. The theories of communicative action, rationality, and discourse
growing body of research. I would suggest that since Habermas himself ethics allow him to focus on the differentiations, diremptions, and dera-
indic~ted ~he many ways in which the theory might be used in practical cinations of modernity. He has paid particular attention to the selectiv-
questions, there have been only two attempts to assess this body of ity of rationalization processes/ colonization of the lifeworld,9 the frag-
research as a wh_ol_e. 7 Ruane and Todd's article was never a complete mentation of consciousness, 10 crisis tendencies of the modern capitalist
survey, and now 1t_1s _also ~ated. Additionally, as Strydom's sharp attack sta te, 11 the scientization of politics, 12 the development of moral con-
so clearly shows, it 1s seriously misconceived. Parkin takes a different sciousness, 13 the concept of the system and systems theory, 14 and the
approach to_~uane and Todd, and so is less prone to simply lament the philosophical concerns generated by contemporary culture. 11
. of empmcal work in the l't 1 erature. H 1s
' wor k is· also more system- In addition, both he and his commentators have attempted to
atic and current , though th ere have been a number of subsequent devel- deploy his synchronic categories in interpretative discussions of more
?pmencs, a nd he too does not adequately differentiate between the var- concrete practices. Examples are, particularly, New Social Movements, 16
10us types of research undertak A . student politics, 17 and international relations. 1~ He outlines other appli-
. en. s we consider the various examples
o f researc h , we will take up th · . cations, particularly in Legitimation Crisis and the last two sections of
. p k' ese issues agamst Ruane and Todd and
agamst ar m, as they arise. ' The Theory of Communicative Action. 1~ Examples are the growth and
38 FROM THE IDEAL TO THE REAL The Affirmative Uses of Theory 39
211 the development of law,2 the critique of
nature o f t he we Ifare st ate, . • 2J h h 1 2◄ own theory to operate as a guide for empirical research. 42 White
ideolo u child development and socialization, p~~c ~;at o og~, describes the relation between Habermas and the early critical theorists
_gy,_ · ov,·s,·on zs mass media, 26 green polmcs, and part1c-
psyc h ,acne service pr , b h thus:
· · h · d crat,·c societies 28 Recently, Ha ermas as turned
1patory ng ts m emo · • · f 1
. · th reconstruction of the normative basts o aw and [The Frankfurt School's] initial programme foundered ... because its
h 1s attention to e
29 normative basis was too entangled with an insupportable "objective
constitutional government. • •
Other researchers are pursuing interpretative _uses o~ ~he theo_ry m teleology of history" derived from Marx's view of the dialectical rela-
areas such as public policy analysis,3° administrative dec1s10n-makmg,3 tion between forces of production and relations of production. The
economics Jz counseling battered women,33 health care, medical inter- communicative model Habermas offers is designed precisely to remedy
, 1 • I k . 37 • f this normative difficulty in critical theory. With this shift accom-
vention in childbirth 35 care of the elder y, 36 soc1a wor practice, m or-
plished, Habermas sees the prospects for fruitful social research along
mation technology,3 8, and education. 39 It should be cl_ear_from this array
some of the same lines taken by earlier critical theorists. 43
that cultural criticism and the diagnosis of modermty ts a burgeoning
area of research and constitutes a highly successful affirmative use of Any assessment of this research program turns on the distinction
Habermas's normative categories. Such categories are both revealing of between cultural criticism and empirical sociology that we are currently
social reality and provocative of further inquiry, and as such, their abil- pursuing. If we fail to adequately hold to this distinction, we might be
ity to make sense of the world for its participants is a fine example of tempted to see the plethora of interpretative uses of the theory as fulfill-
the practical intent of critical theory. This, of course, is the traditional ing the promise of a fully fledged research program. Such an error might
strength of critical theory: using its normative basis to draw an appear- even be encouraged by the general trend in critical theory toward
ance/reality distinction within the practices of modernity. meta theoretical and normative questions at the expense of empirical and
Yet we should notice also the high level of abstraction of such inter- politically transformative ones. 44 John Forester, for example, in intro-
pretative work. This makes it easy to distinguish from other kinds of ducing a collection of papers that seek to apply the theory to practice,
"applications." Strydom's critique of Ruane and Todd's survey high- states that Habermas's theory makes possible a "critical and empirical
lights their failure to adequately distinguish between types of "applica- sociological analysis," 45 yet as Ruane and Todd point out, many of the
tion." This failure has a number of results. First, they tend to view papers in the Forester volume are in fact "based on very limited empiri-
empirical work as the only valid form of application, thus demeaning cal data. " 46 Parkin, in his comprehensive review of all applications of the
cultural criticism, which they describe as using theory "simply as a theory of communicative action, concludes that in many areas, the
me~ns of understanding society.""° Second, by describing such interpre- applied turn amounts to little more than an assertion of the promise of
~at1ve .'"'.ork as me~e "theory production," they tend to accuse it of being empirical research suggested by the theory with no actual empirical
~nsuff1c1endy empirical in its orientation. 41 In fact, as we are here explor- work being attempted at all. 47 While we have seen that Ruane and Todd
~ng, t~eory can be used affirmatively in a number of ways, one of which are incorrect to accuse cultural criticism of being "based on very limited
is to mterpret c~lture. Such a use is not just the production of more the- empirical data," 48 this would be a far more serious accusation if leveled
~ry that then, m_ ~ ~epa~ate moment, itself requires empirical applica- at affirmative uses of the theory that were expressly empirical in their
t10n.·1Cultural · •cnt1c1sm 1s. an affirmative use of theory that 1s · no t pn·_ orientation.
man Y empmca 1 .' and 1t has been a particularly fruitful one for Parkin does highlight certain exceptions to the general absence of
Habermas and his commentators. empirical work, notably Malhotra's studies with mature women stu-
dents who are struggling with multiple roles and the pressures of higher
education,49 Forester's work on planning practices, 50 and Young's inves-
3.2 AS AN EMPIRICAL TOOL- tigation into the nature of classroom interactions. 51 However, in the case
CRITICAL SOCIOLOGICAL RESEARCH of Malhotra and Young, Parkin notes a weakness in regard to their use
of the conceptual innovations offered them by Habermasian theory. 52
Habermas's intellectual ancestry leads directly from the Frankfurt One study that combines the use of conceptual innovation with empiri-
school of the 1930s. The school pursued an interdisciplinary research cal research is Carroll's work on drug dealing in Moss Side and Hulme,
program in the social sciences, and it is clear that Habermas intends his though the empirical content only comprises a small proportion of the
40 FROM THE IDEAL TO THE REAL The Affirmative Uses of Theory 41
. d. •ve in its construction.n Generally, and
total work and is not . ,scursi ne •·s offered a choice in the existing lit- such a research methodology would remove the need for control groups,
d' · ting 1y 1t seems o . for no generalization would ever be attempted from the resulrs. 6 1
rat her isappom ' 1 5
ophistication of interpretative research
erature between the conceptua • I · 1 d' One methodological development which has been informed by dis-
. . bstance of socio og1ca stu 1es.
and the much rarer empmca 1 su h h cursive and domination-free notions of opinion formation is that of Q
• · · M lhotra's work however, t at seems to old
One issue arises m a ' d h methodology. 62 This research instrument models subjective orientations
· f f developments. In her stu y, t e research
some promise or urure • h f · to social reality in terms of a rated response to a set of statements.6'
· If ·nformed by the nonnative t eory o universal
met ho do 1ogy itse was I • • . I d I d Essentially interpretative,64 it can also be critical~1 and may be "democ-
• 14 I municative environment explicit y mo e e on the
pragmaucs. n a com ff d h ratizable" for application to small groups. 66 The communicative interac-
1 ea speec s1tua 10 , a real attempt was made
'd I h · t' n . to .a or f t e women tion that produces (not discovers) the "Q sort" between a researcher and
equa 1commum·cat,·ve chances and to remove . distortions . o power.. and an individual effectively deconstructs opinions and meanings in such a
strategy. In 1 th ·s way , the pro ·ect
1 was designed
. . to tngger cnucal . self-
. way as to bring to light alternatives and to "stimulate a search on the
reflection and encourage attempts by the part1c1pants to communicate m part of the audience for actions that would bring these alternatives into
similar ways in other areas of their lives. . being. " 67 One application of Q methodology seeks to "reconstruct"
The requirement to rid the project of methodolog1cally embedded basic democratic beliefs in a large group of respondents in such a way as
power distortions had significant impl~cati?ns for the role of the to assess audience receptivity to various forms of normative democratic
researchers themselves. First, at one pomt m the study, the general theory. 68
excitement and empowerment resulted in changes being initiated by par- In sum, there is clearly great scope and promise for the affirmative
ticipants to the structure of the experiment itself.H Second, Malhotra use of critical theory in empirical sociology. The theory seems able to aid
had a quite different relation to the "subjects of study" than that occu- our inspection of the social world, both by offering empirical tools and
pied by most social researchers. 56 Instead of merely interacting with sub- by guiding our choice of practices to study. At present, however, the rar-
jects in order to collect data, the analysis of which benefits only the ity of such work forces us to conclude that this promise is largely unful-
researcher,5 7 Malhotra concentrated upon the effects of the study on the filled.
participants, as measured by the participants. Malhotra 's study there-
fore raises a further distinction, for it's not just that applications are
either interpretative or empirical, the question also arises as to whether 3.3 AS A TEST FOR LEGITIMACY-
the empirical methods themselves are guided by critical theoretic con- DEMOCRATIC POLITICAL THEORY
cepts. In this way we can see, for example, that Carroll's work is really
interpretative, for its empirical content (generated through question- As Habermas states, "moral issues are never raised for their own sake;
naires) is not itself informed by critical theory. We can also see that, irre- people raise them seeking a guide for action. " 69 When we seek such guid-
spective of its alleged conceptual failings, Malhotra's is in fact the only ance, particularly in the area of politics, we come across perhaps the
example of empirical research where critical theory informs both most contentious type of affirmative use of his theory, for here we con-
descriptive concepts and method. front its practical intent in terms of the possibility of an emancipatory
The absence of such research is not due to an inability on the part political practice.
of researchers to follow the many implications critical theory might have Habermas has demonstrated the normative requirement that politi-
for the ~ethod~~ogy_o~ empiri~al wor~. On the contrary, building on cal decisions involve practical discourse, and he has attempted to
the not10~ ~f -~ohst1c exp~nmentatton" outlined by Mitroff and describe the conditions under which such a discourse is rational. He
Blan_k~nsh1p, cnt1cal theory 1s able to thematize essential questions in therefore addresses what might be seen as two distinct dimensions of
empmcal methodology. 59 The suggestion here is that empirical research democratic legitimacy, for it entails a claim about who is to be involved
might view
. sub1' ects more as part1c1pants · · ·
ma · · communicative
J0mt · · ven- and another about the manner of their involvement. In addition, legiti-
ture guided by the notion of ideal speech. It might also attempt to break mate political decisions must take place somewhere, and it is for this rea-
down the traditional power d1'fferentia · 1 between researcher and subiect · son that democratic theorists have always been concerned with the ques-
m order to generate forms of I · h · · tion of the location of Habermas and his commentators
. . eva uat1on w ere part1c1pants themselves
Judge outcomes, wnte up results, analyze data, and so on. 60 In addition, have addressed this third dimension with an account of autonomous
42 FROM THE IDEAL TO THE REAL The Affirmative Uses of Th eory 43
public spheres operating within civil society. Democratic legitimacy can cratic. In terms of the first dimension of democratic legi timacy, the
therefore be seen as a three-dimensional conceptual object, raising ques- "who," Habermas's theory has the following affirmative use: it shows
tions of "who," "how," and "where." We will consider the practical that democracy is normatively superior to other forms of political order.
intentions of Habermas's theory along each dimension in turn.
The "How" of Democratic Legitimacy
The "Who" of Democratic Legitimacy Benhabib describes Habermas as adhering also to a second methodolog-
. I h Habermas adheres to the methodological ical assumption: that of "methodological procedural ism. " 78 This claims
As Ben ha b16 ias s own, .. » 11 Th' h that a "rational consensus is to be defined proced urall y by specifying
· f " s pr,·nciple of legmmacy. ts asserts t at
assumption o a consensu . . . f h' h strategies and modes of argumentation through which alone such a con-
rattona I consensus prov,'des "the only criterion m light o w tc the
· · f nd normative institutional arrangements can be sensus of norms and normative institutiona l arrangements can be
Iegmmacy o norms a . . . attained. " 7~ Habermas has reconstructed, from the presuppositions of
justified. " 72 "Consensus" here expresses the general ~arttc1~atory imper-
. (D) h' h calls for a practical discourse mvolvmg all those argumentation, an ideal procedure that expresses the normative core of
attve , w 1c h h' 'd I · democracy. This has two definite implications in regard to the design
affected by a decision. 7J Where constraints are such t at t ts 1 e~ ~s
and evaluation of democratic institutions. First, such institutions sho uld
impractical, the normative theory falls back onto the more real,sttc
enable the exercise of communicative rationality. They should be delib-
requirement that the maximum possible numb~r . of. those affected
erative in nature, embody the rationa lity of the forum rather than that
should be involved, and that those not directly parttc1patmg should have
of the market, 80 and seek to transfo rm preferences in rational debate
input via representative or advocatory structures.
rather than to simply aggregate them. 81 Second, the legitimacy of demo-
Benhabib points out that Habermas shares this assumption with
cratic institutions lies in the degree to which their procedures approxi-
Rawls, but we could extend this and note that she might well have listed
mate to the ideal. It is this provision of a normative procedural standard
almost every democratic theorist, excluding perhaps only the most rabid
that distinguishes Habermas from most other theorists of discursive
of realists. Often expressed as an assumption that unanimity confers
democracy. It has also been, as he fully intended it to be, the inspiration
legitimacy, 1◄ the principle constitutes the normative core that is a neces-
sary condition for a theory to be called democratic at all. Thus, majori- for a large body of research.
The normative content of ideal speech, or the inescapable presup-
tarian democracy, public choice theory, social contract theory, and the
positions of argumentation, can be expressed as a series of pragmatic
like all adhere to this principle. It is a normative ideal of such distin-
guished ancestry that it appears to most of us as being intuitively correct rules:82
and unquestionable. It is, therefore, along this dimension of democratic
1. Every subject with the competence to speak and act is allowed to
legitimacy that Dunn is able to assert that "we are all democrats
today. " 75 take part in discourse.
~u_ch a_ p~inciple can, of course, be instantiated in a variety of ways, 2. Everyone is allowed to question any assertion whatever. Everyone is
an_d it 1s this, m part, that accounts for the great range of democratic the- allowed to introduce any assertion whatever into the discourse.
?nes_ and_practices. 76 Indeed, when George Bush can invade Pana ma, Everyone is allowed to express his attitudes, desires and needs.
1mpn~on tts labor leaders, and rig its elections, all in the name of democ- 3. No speaker ma y be prevented by either internal or external coercion
r~cy, tt becomes apparent that the empirical mitigation for the applica- from exercising his rights as laid down in (1) and (2) above.
tion ?f the normative ideal of consensus can be so great as to render the
predicate "democracy" almost meaningless.n These rules of rational discourse describe the conditions of demo-
~he problem we confront here is again one of discrimination. There cratic legitimacy. Together, they constitute an ideal of perfect procedu-
ar~ st ~pl~ too many empirical performances that are claimed to sa tisfy ral fairness that is inescapably anticipated in the process of discourse,
this_ ~rmc1ple, a~d tt therefore fails to adequately distinguish between and that can function as a critical standard against which actual dis-
pos1t1ons. To claim, as Habermas's theory does th t th . courses can be measured.' 3
'bl b f . , a e maximum pos-
s, e num er o people be mvolved in the k. f d . . . Usually, this ideal is raised counterfactually. 1• We do not often meet
f . .. ma mg o a ec1s10n, ts there-
ore, to require of poltt1cal decision-making "merely" that it be demo- the ideal in practice. Fairness, or rational consensus, is almost always a
44 FROM THE IDEAL TO THE REAL The Affirmative Uses of Theory 45
. I. "bTty s1 The complexity and scope of the problems we place, in the process of legitimation, for the culturally specific interpre-
pract~ca imposs1 t I • • e such that deliberation must be aug-
face m modern mass society ar . II d" d tations, circumstances, needs, and motivations of actual participants. As
. 1 tructures and system1ca y coor mate we saw with the question of a cut-off point for approval, only when a
mented by representationa s I d t·b ·
. . Al h temporal pressures upon actua e I erat1on, way of life meets the ideal of deliberative fairness "halfway" 97 do we
acnvtty. so, t ere are . . d f" · 86 G II
. . ot1·vational and cognmve e te1ts. enera y begin to understand the legitimacy of a democratic institution. It is not
structura I d 1stomons, m f h 'd
t hen, t he ex1genc1es · o f the real world necessitate a retreat rom t e. I . eal
. a matter for a theory or theorist to preselect an organizational form, for
o f fair e I eration. Fo r thi·s reason , Habermas suggests the poss1b1ltty
d t·b · . to do so would amount to designing a way of life for the participants.
o f Iegmmate compr omi·ses between private interests when consensus 1s His theory is, therefore, purposefully indeterminate when it comes to the
unattainable. 87 • questions of institutional design.
But he also wants to use his theory as a test for the degre~ of fair- In the face of this limitation on the theory, those investigating the
ness of a given deliberative practice. Such a use can be conceived as a political implications of a discourse ethics are increasingly focusing their
"maximal approach" that seeks an asymptotic approximation. Each attention on a somewhat different object. En masse, commentators are
practice can then be assessed in terms of "degrees of departure from the now turning toward deriving, from the presuppositions of argumenta-
ideal. " 89 The ideal is not to be used simply in order to show that a ll tion, a schedule of communicative rights. The insight that drives the var-
instances of actual discourse are imperfect,9° but to illuminate the degree ious attempts to "say it with rights" is that discursive will-formation is
of imperfection. Nor should we imagine, as does Dryzek, that the the- conditional upon the inclusion of communicatively competent subjects.
ory "identifies no cut-off point at which approval can be registered. " 91 This entirely valid normative assumption is then "cashed in" for the
Approval is always historically and culturally situated, and recent theo- empirical institutional requirements that would enable subjects to gain
retical developments have highlighted the context-specific manner in and maximize such competencies. 98 Rights are thus praised partly, as
which the ideal might be adequately approximated. 92 A practical dis- they are in liberal theory, for their protective ability, here conceived as a
course can only deploy the state of knowledge available to actual par- protection of the processes of discursive will-formation,9 9 as well as for
ticipants at an actual time,93 and as discursive judgments are always their constitutive ability, in terms of the necessary conditions of
open to re-evaluation in the light of new information /◄ they are essen- agency. 100
tially fallibilistic in nature. In addition, the growing clarity with which Ingram, acknowledging that the limitations of the theory precludes
Habermas distinguishes between the justification and the appropriate "the establishment of any particular institutional embodiment of equal
application of norms admits of an increasingly context-sensitive deploy- democratic rights," goes on to claim that "our communicative commit-
ment of the requirement of impartiality. 95 The cut-off point for approval ments ... favour the adoption of institutions that promote rather than
of a discourse is identifiable by the participants themselves who alone obstruct the equal and effective right of each person to public speech and
can assess the temporal, motivational, and cognitive constraints they association." 10 1 Similarly, Cohen asserts that "discourse ethics ... pro-
face. We might, therefore, say that normative approval is reached when vides the basis for a theory of rights," 102 and draws our attention partic-
the participants in a discourse can rationally be said to have "done their ularly to those rights that "secure the integrity and autonomy of the per-
best." son (privacy rights) and those having to do with free communication
To use Habermas's theory to address the "how" of democracy is (assembly, association, expression)." 103 Baynes argues for "constitution-
thus to seek institutional designs and practices that reach as closely as ally recognised rights" in order to "secure communicatively structured
possible to the ideal, and to evaluate existing institutions in terms of the domains of action against incursions from the market or administrative
success of their approximation. Regarding institutional design, the the- state. " H)-1 Walzer interprets Habermas as claiming that "his speakers
ory has produced a general approbation of discursive fora either in the have equal rights to initiate the conversation and to resume it." 105
for~ of_ au~on~mous p~blic spheres or, somewhat more c~ncretely, dis- Cohen, writing with Arato, identifies a bundle of social rights that arise
cursive mst1tunonal _des1gns. On the one hand, this work is hampered by as " claims" whereby the "communicative conditions" of discursive will-
the le~el of abstraction of the pragmatic rules of ideal fairness. As such formation are "rendered operational and realized as far as possible." 106
they simply fail to delimit a particular organizational or institutionai Even Benhabib sometimes explicates the normative assumptions con-
f~rm. On the _oth_er, ~he theory itself provides good reasons not to pro- tained in the notion of ideal speech in terms of "rights," both to partic-
vide concrete msntunonal designs. Habermas is careful to preserve a ipation and to the deployment of speech-acts.
46 FROM THE IDEAL TO THE REAL The Affirmative Uses of Theory 47

In fact the various attempts to embody the normative imperatives now find themselves constrained to uttering heart-warming generalities.
of ideal sp;ech in the empirical form of a series ~f rig~ts turn on_a fun- These usually take the form of a derivation, from the presuppositions of
damental ambiguity in the way Habermas fon_naliz~s ht~ pragmatic rules argumentation, of some bundle of rights that would make discursive
of fairness. Those who find a grounding of rights m his theory tend to fairness more meaningful. They are unable to specify precisely what
understand these rules as a series of equal individual entitlements to use these rights might be, and neither can they indicate their particular insti-
speech-acts. 11 is They thus locate, in the normative theo~y, a ~roundi~g tutional embodiment. 111
for the protection of individual capacities to engage m rational dis- This is not to deny that the universal presuppositions of argumenta-
course. Yet close inspection of these pragmatic ru les suggests that they tion often take the institutional form, in a specific historical and cultural
might be better interpreted in terms of equal opportunities to use context, of a schedule of codified rights. 112 Though it can take this form,
speech-acts. hlY Such an interpretation changes the object that the rules however, this does not preclude other equally legitimate yet completely
are seeking to protect. Instead of protecting individual capacities, they different ways of instantiating the universal. Where institutional embod-
would, with this alternative interpretation, be directed more firmly at iments of normative validity are ethically patterned, 1 u and legitimacy is
the conditions of legitimacy of the discourse itself. Thus, while both seen as a culturally specific interpretation of the universal, our attention
interpretations of the pragmatic rules call for the inclusion of affected is turned toward questions of political culture. 11~ Here, our orientation
individuals in the discourse, the latter would not express this in terms of changes. Instead of exploring ways to instantiate the universal in this
an individual right to inclusion. Rather, it wou ld claim that the legiti- particular context, we now move toward the question of how this par-
macy of the discourse turns on the inclusion of individuals. The onus of ticular context insta ntia tes the universa l. Such an orientation exerts sub-
proof is thus on the institutions of democracy to find ways to include tl e pressures. It redirects our efforts toward a n exploration of the sense
individuals if those institutions want to be legitimate. in which o ur exis ting political order is legitimate. This is, of course, an
In the literature dealing with the institutionalization of the norma- entirely va lid project, a nd is presently being fruitfully pursued by a num-
tive requirements, one of the few statements that expresses this iss ue the ber of Habermas's commentators. But the study of a political order's
right way around is White's discussion of how the First Amendment is exta nt legi timacy is a far cry from using the theory affirmatively in order
(sometimes) understood in American constitutional law: to design legitimate democratic institutions that might be quite different
than those we currently have. The vario us a ttempts to use the theory to
It _has been considered a "preferred freedom" and attacks upon it or articu la te a se ries of rights therefore moves the question of institutional
fa1l~es to protect it are consequently seen in a special light; the party design to a level of abstraction and generality that threatens to dull the
:,-vh_1ch has threatened it bears a heavier-than-normal burden of proof
emancipatory edge of the normative theory.
m its arg~ment _that ~uch infringement is justified. We might think of
Though increasingly fashionable, attempts to "say it with rights"
the two d1scurs1ve principles in a similar way. With regard to partici -
~ati_o n,_ this would mean that the burden of proof would be o n the
face significa nt difficulties that they do not adequately address. Their
mst_1rut'.on • . .' _to dem~nstrate why there could not be greater partici - interpretation of the pragmatic rules is questionable, the limitations of
pation m dec1S1ons which affect people's lives in important ways. 1111 the theory tend to make their attempts highly abstract, and their moral
constriction to extant political cultures underestimates the indetermi-
-~o i_nterpret_ Habermas's pr~gmatic rules as communicative oppor- nacy of the theory. Paraphrasing McIntyre's critique of Gewirth, 111
~un~t~es 1s to ~amt them at a different object. It moves us away from attemp ts to derive rights from the conditions of (communica tive ) agency
1~~1Vldual ~nrnle~ents ~?d toward an orientation to the necessary con- have yet to show that the institutional conditions we here and now see
dit~ons of d1scurs1ve l~gltlmacy. Such an interpretation does not address, as necessa ry for that agency give rise to a right to just these conditions.
an so do~s not provide, a grounding for individual rights. Rights may constitute a gain in freedom for individua ls, and may also be
h. Even
· if those
· who .seek. to "say it with r1·ghts" remam . unaware o f a kind of institutional high-water mark for the normative learning of a
t. is mterpretattve amb1gwty , there are othe r cl 1.ff·1cu Ities
. t h at t h e1r
. pro- particular political culture. Habermas's theory gives us conceptual tools
Jeer must overcome Not least amo h . h with which to inspect such phenomena. Bue it does not provide a justi-
the rights that th · th . ng t em is t e level of abstraction of
e eory putattvely · k Th . fication for a series of communicative rights.
because such theorists h · k pie s out. e problem arises
. d ' avmg ta en on board the need to limit the the- We noted above another possible affirma ti ve use of the theory in
ory m or er to prevent excessive discrimination of institutional design, regard ro the "how of democracy." T his body of research seeks to eval-
The Affirmative Uses of Theory 49
· · · · · · f the degree to which their proce- would here entail some gain along at least one of the axes of the ideal.
uate ex1sung mstttuttons m terms o . . . . Yet, because power distortions are complex and involve transgressions
<lures approximate to the ideal. The most mm~umg and methodolog1-
cally sophisticated attempts to deploy the ideal m such an assessme~t of along more than one axis, improvements would be simi larly complex.
· · I F I 116 Kemp's paper on the Wmd- We might, therefore, identify one improvement that drew closer to the
pracuce rake place m t 1e orester vo ume.
scale inquiry is particularly instructive, because he sets out to use the ideal along two of its axes, having the form al, 62, c2, and dt, and
ideal in order to "check the 'consensus' that emerged out of a recent another: a2, 62, cl, and dt. These possible improvements differ in their
example of public participation in the development of nuclear energy in transgressions. While the first delivers greater legitimacy along some of
the axes, the second has more to offer along others. How would we then
Britain." 11 1 decide which was best? How could they be assigned a "ranking
Kemp's method is to break the ISS down into its components (his
work predates Alexy and Habermas's articulation of the pragmatic value?" 110
rules), and then to take each component and hold it up to the corre- The problem arises whenever we seek to compare and adjudicate
sponding component of the actual practice. This enables him to show between two examples of practice, be they alternatives from which we
that the Windscale inquiry was subject to systematic distortion because must select or a practice and its possible improvement. Because the nor-
"each of the four requirements of distortion-free practical discourse was mative argument does not assign a weight to each of the components, or
transgressed in some manner." 11 8 In other words, in keeping with the order them lexicographically, gains along individual axes are incom-
promise of Habermas's affirmative claim for his theory, we are here mensurable. 111 It would, of course, be normatively preposterous to assign
treated to an analysis of a particular practice that shows precisely how such a weight. Yet nothing short of this would allow us to accurately
and in what ways that practice falls short of rational consensus. compare two practices. The theory does not provide the resources to
Kemp's work is illuminating in regard to the distortions of the evaluate partial improvements, nor can it evaluate where a gain on one
inquiry, yet it also shows the problems encountered with this kind of use axis requires a trade-off on another. The theory is therefore of limited
of the theory. Actual power distortions are complex and interrelated, use in making comparative evaluations.
and they often involve transgressions of more than one component of Only where there is a clear gain along all four axes can we say with
the ideal. When we consider the question of how the Windscale inquiry any surety that there has been an improvement. It is for this reason that
could have been improved, that is to say, how its procedures could have Dryzek, having suggested that we use the theory to enable "comparative
more closely approximated to the ideal, we therefore confront a seem- evaluations" of practices, gives as his example, the comparison between
ingly insur~ountable difficulty. This way of using the theory, for all its the American polyarchy and the Third Reich. 112 Here, improvement is
~pparent ngor, turns out to be quite unable to clearly delineate what an obvious along all four axes, indeed, so obvious, that it hardly constitutes
improvement would entail. a use of theory at all. 121 Most of the choices we face are between alter-
Kemp unpa~k~ the ideal of rational consensus into four compo- natives that are of greater similarity. As Habermas puts it, "the typical
nents, thus prov1dmg four axes along which distortions can be said to states are in the grey areas in between."
occur. 119 Parap hrasmg,
. t hese express the following imperatives: Clearly, notions such as "critical standards to distinguish degrees of
departure from the ideal," 125 "yardstick," and " measurement," are
a. Against Exclusion misleading. Instead of conceiving of the use of theory as a test for legit-
b. Against Silencing imacy, we would do better to see it as a kind of training for our eyes.
c. Against Disempowerment Having understood the components of rational consensus, one is better
d. Against Intimidation able to look for and spot transgressions in the real world. This returns
us to the illuminative strength of critical theory, which is so much in evi-
A~ Kemp discovered, the Windscale inquiry transgressed the ideal to dence in the area of cultural criticism and the diagnosis of modernity. It
so~e" egre~ along each ~f the four axes. We might assign a "grading is certainly the case that:
vBa ue toht esedt_rans~ess1ons, and express them as al 61 cl and dl There is a "more" [and a) "less" with respect to democratic legitimacy;
ecause t ese 1stort10ns are · ·r . ' ' '
legitimacy of the w · d I . si?nt teant, Kemp rightly questions the
. and the (internal) standard of the ''more" or "less" is expressed pre-
1n sea e mqu1ry and he then k cisely by the normative idealization which Habermas derives from his
suggestions as to how it mi ht hav' b . goes on t? ma e some notion of communicative rationality. 1!·
g e een improved. Any improvement
50 FROM THE IDEAL TO THE REAL The Affirmative Uses of Theory 51
Yet we are quite unable ro extend chis insight in order to assert that a realm of our social life in which something approaching public opin-
the idealization can be used as a test to objectively distinguish between ion can be formed .... A portion of the public sphere comes into being
instances of distorted communication. As Wellmer puts it, "the struc- in every conversation in which private individuals assemble to form a
tural features of ideal speech situations represent no sufficient or inde- public body .... Citizens behave as a public body when they confer in
pendently applicable criterion for the rationality of discourses." i i s an unrestricted fashion ... about matters of general interest. 136
Here again we find ourselves able only to conceive of the ideal as a Habermas charts the historical degeneration of the public sphere
regulative one. Wellmer sums up this conception thus: and shows how it is variously delineated and supported by legal struc-
I would think that the utopian perspective inherent in the democratic tures of social rights. He locates its modern form in the "space between
tradition should not so much be considered in analogy to geometrical the state and civil society," 137 and, continuing the analogy of space, we
idealisations, which can never be perfectly embodied in the recalci - might say that the public sphere (or a public sphere 138 ) opens up wher-
trant material of physical bodies (one might rather think of an infinite ever citizens participate in a discursive search for understanding of those
process of possible approximations), but rather as the center of grav- issues that affect them collectively. It can come into being in a coffee
itation of democratic forms of organisation, the attractive force of shop, at a constitutional convention or within a New Social Move-
which becomes proportionately stronger as a relationship of mutual ment. 139 Dryzek cites a good example of the creation of a public space:
recognition is already embodied in consensual forms of action coor- in rural Canada, Thomas Berger conducted an extensive consultation
dination.129 with local people affected by the building of an oil pipeline by traveling
Serious difficulties thus confront any attempt to use the theory as a from town to town and holding hearings, discussions, and debates in
moral test. In regard to the first two dimensions of democratic legiti - any venue where he could get them started. 1•0
macy, we have seen that while the normative theory requires th a t the For Habermas then, the public sphere is an appropriate empirical
maximum number of people be involved and that the procedure they use instantiation of the normative requirement of practical and rational dis-
be as fair as possible, it does not pick out particular institutiona l course. His work on this category, particularly the historical exegesis,
arrangements, nor can it adequately adjudicate between practices. As has clarified its meaning, and subsequently, further clarification has
Beauchamp points out, "principles help us see the moral dimensi o ns been attempted along two general lines.
of ... problems, but they are too weakened by their abstractness to give First, writers such as Cohen and Arato have sought greater precision
us particular duties or to assign any priorities among various assignable regarding the relation of the public sphere to civil society. In many ways,
duties. " 130 th eir work reflects the general rediscovery of civil society by political
As we move to the third dimension, the "where" of democra ti c theorists, 1• 1 though its avowedly Habermasian orientation results in a
legitimacy, this discriminative failure is exacerbated further still. di stinct conception of the category. Against the Marxist view, which dis-
tinguishes merely between civil society and the state, and the Hegelian,
The "Where" of Democratic Legitimacy which sets it against both the state and the private sphere, Cohen and
Arato adopt their own trichotomous conception. 142 Here, civil society is
Communicative rationality involves the public use of reason. Calhoun contrasted with those two subsystems: the state and the economy, which
points out that this "depends upon both the quality of discourse and have been differentiated out of the lifeworld in modernity. Within the
quantity of participation," 131 and we have focused on these two dimen- lifeworld, some discourses, particularly those "specialized in the repro-
sions of democratic legitimacy in terms of the "how" and the "who." duction of traditions, solidarities and identities," become institutional-
Now we turn to the question of "where." ized. 143 These institutions remain coordinated by communicative action
. Habermas sta_tes that "the settling of political questions, as far as oriented to mutual understanding rather than by the purposive-rational
their moral core 1s concerned, depends on the institutionalisation of steering media of money and power.
practic_es of ration~! public debate. " 13 i Such debate takes place (when it Civil society then, is that institutional dimension of the lifeworld
does) 1~ the pu?hc sphere. 133 As a sociological concept, the public wherein the functional requirements of cultural reproduction, social
sphere 1s often madequately defined,' 34 though Habermas has been integration, and socialization achieve their institutional facticity. 1« Here
mor_e car~ful than most in attempting to explicate the term. Ill First of we find those institutions that address questions of morality and law,
all, 1t designates art, science and technology, and education and child-rearing. Impor-

FROM THE IDEAL TO THE REAL The Affirmative Us es of Theory 55

f legitimacy. In particular, the It is no wonder that Habermas has been accused of both irreleva nce
when we try to use the th eory as a ces_c or • · s forms of inde-
. h gives rise to vanou and authoritarianism. The mixture of fear and disappointment co which
abstraction of the normattve t eory
cerminacy and discriminative failure. f k" h his universalise ethics gives rise is shared by both his adherents and his
It is for chis reason that, having spent tens O pagd~s unpac mbg t ef detractors.
· 'te extraor mary num er o
nuances of his normattve argument, a qui .h h b
. b • h ry end wit a somew at ne u-
books and arttcles on Ha ermas,an t eo . .
lous benediction co its empirical promise. <?~ten, ~n increase
deliberation in the making of political dee1s1ons IS called for, and ~en- AND ATTENDANT PROBLEMS
. 1s
era! praise · mvana
· · bl y heape d on th e public sphere
. . as the appropriate
space for such deliberation. Even the most bnll1~nt exp_osm?n~ of Our inspection of the many attempts co fulfil the practical intentions
Habermas's work seem, on the last page, to stop, as it were, m m1da1r- of Habermas's theory has highlighted both successes and fa ilures. In
for no one feels able co bring him or herself to actually address the the area of interpretative cultural criticism (3.1 ), the normative the-
empirical problem of how the normative insights might be translated ory offers a conceptual framework that can help participants in a pro-
into institutional shape. . . cess of enlightenment to make sense of their soc ia l environme nt. For
So, for example, Bohman states that "more demo~racy: .. ts possi- this reason, the diagnosis of modernity has been one of th e most fruit-
ble ... so long as citizens find in the public sphere a d1scurs1ve space for ful areas of affirmative use of Habermasian theory. Here, the co n-
criticism learning and new forms of association," Bernstein claims ce pts of rationality, communicative action, and coloniza ti on are used
that "if ~e do no; strive to realise the conditions required for practical to inform a hermeneutic investigation of societal processes. Yet the
1 7
discourse--then we will surely become less than fully human," " Ben- universa l c haracter of these concepts renders them highly abstract.
habib suggests that we form "communities of need and solidarity in the There is a great distance between them and the contextual minutiae
interstices of our societies," 168 while Baynes calls for "a robust and mul - of our lives as citizens. Seeking a "mutual fit " between theory and
tifaceted model of the public sphere in which individuals can deliberate reality is not, in itself, a project chat can fulfil the practical intentions
about the collective terms and conditions of their common lives. " of a critica l theory.
The point here is not to suggest that these sentiments are incorrect, In the area of critical sociological research (3.2), more avowedly
for they certainly are not. Indeed, they accord with those offered by empirica l work has been attempted. This has given rise to new directions
many ocher democratic theorists, including those contributing to the in research methodology, and we still have reason to hope for studies in
present revival of participatory models, 170 and even by those investigat- which the design, organization, and monitoring of outcomes are all con-
ing the political implications of postmodernism. 17 1 Rather, one should ducted by participants in such a way as to "be of use to participants."
simply notice how little actual crossing over from normative theo ry to So far, however, the affirmative use of theory in the area of empirical
empirical institutional design is attempted by Habermas's commenta tors research has been coo chin on the ground.
and how there seems, therefore, to be a kind of missing tier of theory- Regarding work that seeks to use the theory as a test for legitimacy
this being an account of what normatively grounded institutions might (3.3), we identified a series of discriminative failures, both in questions
look like and how they might actually function. 172 of design and in the evaluation of democratic institutions. While the
This apparent lacuna arises from a profound ambivalence regarding ideal of communicative fairness can be used as a cool to interrogate prac-
the relation of metatheory to substantive political questions. On the one tice, there are limitations on the theory chat constrain it co the role of a
han?, critical theorists generally praise the empirical implications of nor- regulative ideal. As such, it can illuminate the components of fair com-
matt~e theory. They know that something more than mere critique is munica tion and prompt us to ask the right questions. Yer the ideal
~~qm_red. Yet on the oth~r, any attempt to tell people how co do their pol- remains insufficiently discerning co guide our actions. In this area of
mcs ,s_anathe~a. Wantm~ to provide images of emancipation yet at the affirmative use, the a bstraction of the normative position gives rise to
same time f:armg the c~rctve power of utopianism, they are left to squeeze discriminative failure, theoretical lacuna, and seemingly insurmountable
themselves mto _ch~ middle ground, where their knowledge of the conse- problems of comparative evaluation.
quences of utop,arusm prevents them from acting and where their aware- Despite these difficulties, there is, perhaps, a sense in which the
ness of the suffering in the world serves only to ~ake them miserable. respective gains afforded by the three types of affirmative use of theory
56 FROM THE IDEAL TO TH E REAL The Affirmative Uses of Theory 57
. lfll
1 the practical intentions of the theory.
can be brought rog:rher ro tu_ herein the conceptual apparatus of ideal gives rise to discriminative failure in questions of practice.
Thus, Forester outlines '.1 . p_roiecthw pirical methods of critical socio I- . ~mp~rtan~ly, Habermas knows this. He has fully accepted this dis-
. . Ir rnl crmc1sm r e em . . cnm_mattve failure _o_n the empirical side. Perhaps his early experiences of
mterprerattve cu u • . f, h 'd I afforded by the normative cn-
o and the understanding o r e I ea . h ff f I Nazism and of critical theory's retreat from the philosophy of praxis
gy, . Id II b d to describe and assess t e e ect o po - accounts for his proclivity to counter the increasing threat of relativism
tique of pr:1ct1ce cou a e use . t 7J y ·11 d
.. . . mmunicanve structures. et st! , an with an attention to normative questions. For whatever reason, his pri-
icy dec1s1ons on existing co h . 1· . f h
. . d ntral question oft e imp 1cat1ons o t e mary concern has remained that of stating the sense in which authori-
in regar to our ce
. d cratic
b' ·
politics such a com 10at1on wou
normative t 11eory tor a emo , f ff" . f tarianism is different from freedom; a project he is not willing to sacri-
also compoun d t he d 1·ff"1cu t faced by each type o a 1rmat1ve use o fice for a gain in contextual discrimination. Indeed, as we have seen, he
theory. remains highly ambivalent about the prospect of greater discrimination
Ir seems unavoidable, therefore, that we must sum ~p ~ur ~ssess- in practical matters, for he holds that such a substantive utopianism
ment o f t he pracuca · I in · tent of Habermasian theory by ltkenmg 1t to . a itself threatens authoritarianism.
promissory note: f uII y wri"tten , but as yet uncashed. The. methodological In regard to the practical problems of politics, then, Habermas does
problems we confront in trying to "a~ply" _t~e normat~v_e theory to p~ac- not see the discriminative failure of his normative theory as a weakness,
. I matters, w hether 1·n 1·nterpretat1ve critique, empmcal
ttca .. observation,. or as a "missing bit." While acknowledging that it may be disappoint-
or democratic politics, have become chronic and repetitive. Abstract1~n, ing that the practical problems of politics cannot be so simply solved, he
lack of empirical work, discriminative failure, and .lacuna, all_~ombme nevertheless continues to insist upon certain limits to his theory. These
to effectively block our crossing over from normative to empmca l the- limits account for the discriminative failure, and it is precisely this fail-
ory. . . . ure th at preserves a space for actual participants in processes of emanci-
We should, perhaps, not be surprised by this. The ia troge ni c pation to provide contents, contexts, and motivations Y 4
dilemma we identified at the heart of Habermas's position would sug- In ter ms of practical politics, Habermas's project has stalled.
gest that it is precisely the medicine we took to overcome the lack of Beset by chronic methodological problems, the urgency of defending
normative grounds for critique that is now causing our chronic prob- a viab le normative theory has resulted in a turn away from offering
lems in applying the ideal to practice. Once again we are returned to the guidance for an emancipatory practice. Thus, where we once had
Hegelian critique of Kant as we encounter a moral theory that is insuf- "crisis tendencies, " 17 5 now we have "deficits" 176 and "pathologies."
ficiently discerning, which raises problems of contextualization, a nd Where we once had a way of evaluating practice, we now have a reg-
which, if we are tempted to add in any preassigned content at a ll, threa t- ulative idea l. Where we hoped for a radical participatory politics, we
ens authoritarianism. now have an acco unt of rights, of the normative basis of state power
Yet Habermas is not an authoritarian thinker. He is anti-a uth ori- and the law. In these ways, the initial promise of a Habermasian pol-
tarian; indeed, so much so that he cannot live in a world in which itics gives way to an interpretative sifting through liberal practices for
authoritarianism is normatively indistinguishable from freedom . His the required "modicum of congruence" between morality and extant
dogged insistence that a normative theoretical project is viable bega n political valuesY 7 With the articulation of a discourse ethics, Haber-
with an attempt to articulate a series of knowledge-constitutive interes ts. masian theory was at a crossroads. In choosing to favor a strong uni-
When these were revealed to be indefensible, he turned to a theory of versalis m, and then to limit the theory in such a way as to preserve a
communicative action. Now that this latter attempt has come of age, we space for participants to contextualize it, we move toward a liberal
find ourselves, with discourse ethics, in possession of the most articulate politics. Now our efforts accord with those of Rawls and Waldron,
normative theory currently available. Ir provides an extra-contextual who seek to account for the ways in which liberal institutions seek to
criterion that can distinguish between authoritarianism and freedom. justify themselves. 178
Yet that criterion must be contextualized if it is ro fulfil its practical I do not propose to follow this liberal turn, not because it is incor-
intentions. Authoritarianism is, after all, a practice. Its eradication thus rect, or because it threatens a possible use of theory in which the status
r~quires bot~ _a counterfactual ideal of participation and an real eman- quo is merely offered a justification. Instead, I hope to show that Haber-
~1p~tory politics. Our assessment of the affirmative uses of the theory mas's theory has definite implications for political practice that remain
indicates that Habermas's concern to preserve the critical power of the unexplored. To see what these further implications might be, however,
we must first be clear about precisely those aspects of his theory that
seem to constrain the move from normative to empirical issues. In the
next chapter, we will therefore look more closely at the theoretical
sources of the various methodological problems we have encountered in
our assessment of the affirmative uses of his theory.
Methodological Problems
and the Limits to Theory

Que_stions_ su_r~ounding t~e possibility of a Habermasian politics have

received s1gmf1cant attention in the literature. Throughout our inquiry,
we ~ave_no~ed how ~ome commentators tend to overestimate the politi-
cal 1mphcat10ns of his theory, and thus view it with a mixture of fear and
distaste, while others have been frustrated by the theory's level of
abstraction, and so have found it disappointing and of little practical
import. Having sifted through these various objections, we can now say
with some surety that neither type quite hits the mark. As a theory pri-
marily of justification, it confronts inevitable difficulties when it
attempts to address questions of emancipatory practice. To this extent,
asking it to do more than exert a moral pressure on the facts is simply
inappropriate: it constitutes an attempt to use the theory in a manner for
which it was never designed.
Yet it is not hard to see why there is so much confusion regarding
the political implications of the theory. First of all, Habermas himself
has moved his position on the relation of theory to practice 1 in such a
way as to distance himself from the heightened expectations raised by
his theoretical adjustments to the Frankfurt School's political agenda.
Habermas had suggested that the early critical theorists found them-
selves caught in a political cul-de-sac wherein "the possibility of eman-
cipation appeared only as a critical device or regulative principle. " 2 Sec-
ond, as we have seen, the obvious critical power of his own theory has
not been matched by a political project,3 and has itself backed off some
of its early claims, so that now, it too seeks only to operate as a "criti-
cal device or regulative principle." Third, in setting out the conditions of
democratic legitimacy, his theory is expressly designed to have practical
intent and to be of affirmative use in an oppressive social world. As
such, it clearly has some implications for emancipatory practice, though
perhaps, as we have seen, not many. Or should we instead say, "not
enough"? Stated thus, we can see that the practical inadequacy of the
theory is not just a theoretical problem. There are also political partici-
pants who, requiring emancipation, look to theory for guidance.

60 FROM THE IDEAL TO THE REAL Methodological Problems and the Limits to Theory 61
k d f r such guidance, Habermas has given
W~en~ver he has been al~ e :sily have followed the French tradi- permitted by the theory and those that are not. Finally, we return to the
an intngumg reply. ~ef coub s~ ·ng those young political activists who methodological problems we explored in the previous chapter in order
. d. ed his ame y g1v1 to focus (4.5) on one particular direction in which our project might be
uon an t~creas d f eat intellectuals the theoretical package
go knocking at the oors o gr . . f y h developed, this being in the area of political judgment.
. . d h ass the instttuttons o power. et e never
they reqmre to msu 1t an ar . h' f · Habermas's theory offers great critical power, but it operates with a
ht co use his ideas m t 1s way were o ten m
did Indeed, t hose w hO soug d 'ff b h "governor" in the area of democratic practice. This governor is designed
·. 'ff . _ ff a lecture on the I erence etween t e
receipt of a stt te 11 mg O ' . d · f to control specific kinds of applications that would, without it, be dan-
·ts meaningful challenge, an a senes o stern
harassment o power an d l
f 4
. d · h gerous. It dampens the effectiveness of the theory in this area, but it also

warnings a bout w ha t should not be tried. Agam. an agam . . . e stresses
. confuses both commentators and activists who look to Habermas's
. h t do and draws our attention to its 11m1tat1ons. work for its political implications. Our task throughout this chapter is
w hat h1s t eory canno . . f
he confusion over the question o a Haber-
I want to sugges t that t , . to understand the nature of the governor, the threat posed by its possi-
· 1·
mas1an po 1t1cs · (Should there be one'· Is there
. . one?
. If not, why not.) 1s ble removal, and to see whether or not it does what Habermas intends
It of the complexity and soph1st1cat1on of the arguments he it to do.
part Iy a resu h • · · h
uses to limit his theory. Only by understanding t ~ mtncac1_es t at se~m
to preclude any extension of the political implicat10n_s ~f h~s normative
position can we hope to discriminate between those li~1tat1ons tha_t a~e 4.1 THE DISTINCTION BETWEEN MORALITY AND ETHICS
to be honored and those that might be overcome. If discourse ethics 1s
to have more to say about democratic practice than we found in the pre- Discourse ethics, and its constituent principles (U) and (D), express, in
vious chapter, then we must have a more complete understan?ing of the form a l and procedural terms, the moral point of view. As such, the the-
relation between the limitations of the theory and the chrome method- ory confines itself to questions of right, leaving matters regarding the
ological problems we encountered there. good life to actual participants. We have already encountered this limi-
We now turn, therefore, to the question of precisely what, in Haber- tati o n, first when we inspected Habermas's discussion of whether or not
mas's theory, prevents us cashing in his normative claims into empirica l Hegel's critique of Kant was equally effective against discourse ethics,
designs for, and evaluative techniques of, actual democratic institutions. and aga in when we looked briefly at how an ideal procedure had to meet
As we shall see, this limitation is not a single thread, but a complex contextua l concerns "halfway." Essentially, formal principles require
series of arguments plaited around the general distinction between the fl es hing o ut with contextual knowledge, and procedural principles are
procedure and the content of a decision-making process. To describe silent in regard to outcomes. Only actual participants themselves can fill
these limitations, we will begin by reviewing the two kinds of arguments in these ga ps and complete the knowledge required to legitimate actual
Habermas has variously presented to explain why his theory does not a nd specific practices. When a theory prescribes a way of life, a particu-
permit the design of particular democratic arrangements. These a re, first lar interpretation of the ideal or a certain outcome, it therefore, inap-
(4.1), that specific institutional designs involve questions of the good pro priatel y, inhibits the input of participants. 5
life, and that such ethical questions are beyond the remit of a theory of Habermas is clear that institutional designs involve questions of the
justice. Second (4.2), he argues that using his theory to design institu- good li fe, that they ra ise interpretative questions that the theory cannot
tions involves a category mistake, for such attempts imagine that a nor- prejudge, a nd that they constitute an outcome of discourse about which
mative foundational principle is the same kind of thing as a democratic the theo ry has little to say. Questions of institutional design are, there-
arrangement. Habermas develops this latter argument via a critique of fo re, beyond the remit of theory.
Rousseau. Following this, we will turn (4.3) to one particular attempt to What is being presented in these arguments is a particular kind of
use the theory to outline_a series of p~litical implications, this being the obj ection to utopian thinking. It is not an instrumental objection,
work of John Dryzek. Hts understandmg of the limitation is criticized in whereby we notice that utopian thinking does not in fact achieve its
~rder to sharpen our own, ~nd his work is used to highlight the distinc- intended end (though Habermas is quite sure that it does not). It is a nor-
~10n_ be~een the ex ante design and the ex post evaluation of democratic mative objection. Habermas is claiming that institutional design consti-
mstitutt~ns. We will then be able (4.4) to formulate the limit in its full tutes an overextension of theory. It tempts the theorist into areas that
complexity, and to more accurately delimit those implications that are are properly avoided a nd left to participants themselves. When theory
Methodological Problems and the Limits to Theory 63
attempts to overextend itself, or to operate without a governor, it These are fighting words, 11 for we are here invited to follow an argu-
becomes too powerful, even dangerous, for it then serves to devalue and ment that, if understood, would dispel two hundred years of confusion.
oppress the participants. It is for this reason that we noted how, for Yet the boldness of the claim may well be warranted, for precisely the
~abermas, discriminative inadequacy in the area of institutional design "mixture" or "confusion" of normative and empirical theory lies at the
heart of contemporary democratic thought. 12
,s both a logical necessity and a moral imperative.
Habermas's distinction is derived from a phylogenetic argument,
whereby justification is seen to evolve to a reflective level that is proce-
4.2 INSTITUTIONAL DESIGN AS A CATEGORY MISTAKE dural. Such a principle of legitimacy is not the same kind of a thing as a
concrete social form of organization-there is a categorical difference, 13
d argument distinct yet related, in order to and it is because of this difference that Habermas's argument amounts
H a bermas presents a Secon . , . . . .
'th eater clarity the relat1onsh1p between normative pnnc,- to a restriction on the "cashing in" of the normative theory. Here, then,
a dd ress w1 gr . · · · d f
pies and institutional arrangements. Here, a c?mp 11cat1on is ra,_se or we confront a somewhat different thread of Habermas's limit to theory.
all those theorists who, since Rousseau, have tned to_use norma~1ve the- Once again, the argument generates a discriminative inadequacy that,
ory to select particular institutional desi~n~. I~ th_1s formulat10n, the when not properly understood, produces confusion.
limit to theory once again results in a discnmmanve mad_eq uacy, th?~gh Rather than dally in the halfway houses of "greater deliberation,"
this time the objection to crossing from matters normative to empmcal "public spheres," or "incipient discursive designs," Habermas illustrates
places greater stress on the danger of a particular kind of logical mis- the confusion with the example of direct or council democracy. The
take. argument is structured in such a way as to suggest something like the fol-
The most detailed articulation of this argument occurs in the essay lowing: "You who embrace the normative theory of discourse ethics
entitled "Legitimation Problems in the Modern State."~ In a section might well expect that its factual embodiment must be that of direct
where he attempts to reconstruct the changing concept of justification democracy." 14 Yet the definition of democracy, he states, could simply
across history, he introduces the distinction between the "legitimating be "precisely those political orders that satisfy the procedural type of
grounds" of a given order, and the actual "institutionalisations of dom- legitimacy." 15 If this is the case:
ination. " 7 He then goes on co say that, "Certain systems of institutions
are compatible with a given level of justification; others are not." Here Questions of democratisation can be treated as what they are: as
organisational questions. For it then depends on the concrete social and
then, we are to be treated to a historical reconstruction of the evolving
politica l conditions, on scopes of disposition, on information, and so
relationship between normative and empirical political theory.
forth, which types of organisation and which mechanisms are in each
Habermas seeks to trace a phylogenetic movement from "low" lev- case better suited to bring about procedurally legitimate decisions and
els of justification, such as mythical narrative, through cosmologically institutions.••
grounded religions and classical natural law, to the formal principle of
reason. In the writings of Kant and Rousseau, we find that "the formal The theory of discourse ethics expressed in (U) and (D) thus pro-
conditions of justification themselves obtain legitimating force. " 8 This vides us with a set of normative organizational options. The set itself is
"refl~ctive" level of justification reached in the modern period can be called democracy, and the selection of the set is as far as the normative
described a_s a "procedural type of legitimacy." First worked out by theory can and should carry us. Once the set has been selected, the
Rousseau, it holds that legitimacy is determined by "the idea of an choice of members, or options within the set, is a matter for individual
agreement that comes to pass among all parties, as free and equal." ' participa nts in actual situations. The normative theory is thus indeter-
Then comes a crucial passage: minate as to empirical arrangements. 17 This limit on normative theory
means that " democratisation cannot mean an a priori preference for a
Rousseau did not understand his ideal contract only as the definitio n
off a level specific type of organisation, for example, for so-called direct democ-
. . of .justification·
. , he mixe
· d t h e mtro
· d uct1on
. of a new pnnc1ple
. .
~ /eg1~1mat1on with proposals for institutionalising a just rul e. The racy. " 18
obnte glenerale was supposed not only to explicate grounds of valid -
Here then, Habermas is expressing far more than merely moral dis-
ity .ut a so taste for utopianism; more even than an instrumental critique of the
f dto mark the place Of sovereignty.
• . has confused the dis-
cussion o emocracy right up to the present day.10 same. H e is also arguing that such thinking amounts to committing a

FRO~! THE IDEAL TO THE REAL Methodological Problems and the Limits to Theory 65
. . 'th his allusion to two hundred years 11
category mistake. As he indicates wt s of this kind of logical error, and as a "short-cut. " The image of a "shortcut" is a good one, for it encap-
. I e many examp Ie . . . sulates what we have variously called the attempt to overextend theory,
of con fus,on, t 1ere a_r 't regarding this distmct10n 1s a neces-
. 1 1
snng nat c an y ff h . . to move too quickly from normative to empirical matters and thus to be
Habermas 1s sugge . h ory to be coherent. In e ect, t e l1m1t
.· f democranc t e excessively utopian in one's institutional designs. To criticize a theory as
sary con d ,non . or a .. ith which to check whether a theory
rovides a cnnca 1too 1w . . 1. . . I committing a shortcut is to use a tool derived from our understanding
to cheory P . f h lation between empmca mst1tut1ona
has a plausible account o C e re . . I 19 of the limit to theory. Specifically, any democratic theory that arrives at
. d d' g normative pnnc1p e. a design for democratic institutions via the shortcut is deficient in terms
design an groun iln h d tion of democracy to a method for the
So for examp e, t e re uc . h S h of its rationality. Habermas uses this notion of the shortcut in order to
.' f . I . h e find in empirical theorists sue as c um- defend himself against his critics. For example, he has claimed that Spae-
selecnon o e11tes, w uc w
peter, is questionable mann's criticism "fails to take account of an essential categorical dis-
. etition of elites is incompatible with forms
tinction in [my position]: that between the philosophical problems
not because, say, t h1s comp . .. . • · h' h underlying democratic legitimacy and organisational problems of demo-
. d -one could imagine 1mttal s1tuat1ons m wd 1c
0 f bas1c emocracy • cratic institutions." 12
competitive-democratic procedures would b_e most lt_kely to ~~o uce
· · · If we now return to the three dimensions of democratic legitimacy
insmuuons an d deci·s1·ons having a presumption of. rational
. legitimacy.
I find Schumpeter's concept questionable ~ecause 1t defines democracy that we outlined in the previous chapter, the "who," the "how," and the
b y proce d u res that have nothing to do
"where," we can clearly see what Habermasian theory can do and what
. with . the. procedures
f . ,and
suppositions of free agreement and d1scurs1ve w,11- ormat1on. - it cannot. Regarding who should be involved with the making of a legit-
imate decision, the theory, being democratic, calls for all, or the maxi-
In other words, the traditional critique of empirical theories: that mum possible. Regarding how such decisions are to be made, it requires
they have the "status and character of conservative p~litical id~ology," 21 that procedure be deliberative in character, and that such deliberation be
appears to miss the mark. Democracy is not a question of this but not as fair as is possible. Thus, the normative theory here begins to circum-
that organizational arrangement. 22 Nor is the predicate 'democracy' to scribe positions that are of the "forum/public" 33 and "republican" 34
be identified with a certain percentage of fulfilment of certain predefined types. General approbations for autonomous public spheres are also
methodological categories.23 Habermas uses Schumpeter to question members of the permitted set, as are notions such as "strong democ-
whether such theories are in fact democratic in any way. Here, the racy,"31 "unitary democracy," 36 "self-reflective political cultures," 17 and
"decisionistic manner" 24 by which elites dominate is so far from the nor- the "pedagogic" arguments found in Mill and Paceman. 18
mative theory as to be unable to "borrow" any of its legitimacy at a ll. 21 Of course, most democratic theorists sanction wide participatory
The problem with what are often called normative theories of rights (the first dimension) and then, following a "self-evident" assump-
democracy is, as we have seen, their tendency to confuse the "level of tion that favors representative over deliberative arrangements, become
justification of domination with the procedures for the organisation of enmeshed in endless enquiries into the rationality of various aggregation
domination." 26 This results in their being unable ever to locate an empir- devices (the second dimension). Habermas's normative argument is by
ical example of real democracy, for the normative theory can never be no means abstract, irrelevant, and indiscriminate in regard to the second
completely and perfectly reflected empirically.27 It also lays them open to dimension of legitimacy. In a real advance on the liberal conception of
the simple yet powerful criticism that they do not gaze upon a real democratic procedure, it calls for participation to be deliberative and
world. 28 disc ursive and for the fairness of that deliberation to be understood in
A proper understanding of the limit to theory thus provides us with relation t~ a fully expressed epistemic criterion. 19 While the theory lim-
certai_n tools with which we can scrutinize the full array of democratic its any furth er determination of institutional design, its epistemic core
theories. As such, it is an important contribution and one that is both would seem to provide a promising tool with which to approach ques-
widely misunderstood and underestimated. Albre~ht Wellmer is one of tions of rational deliberation. We inspected the various efforts to redeem
t?e_f:Yw writers who not only seems to comprehend the meaning of the this promise in the previous chapter.
Ii_mit but has a!so added to Habermas's own understanding. Habermas The question as to whether Habermas's criticism of Rousseau is
Cites an unpublished manuscript by Wellmer 10 in which a direct move- valid is an interesting one, not only because it provides his most focused
ment from the "ethic of discourse" to an ideal form of life is described articulation of the limit to theory, but also because two hundred years
66 FROM THE IDEAL TO THE REAL Methodological Problems and the Limits to Theory 67
. . nd Habermas attributes all of it to
10 ~arget for Ha~ermas, not so much because he is guilty, but because he
of theoretical confus,~n 1~ a \ a committing the mistake that we can
Rousseau. The sugge sti on ,s th at Y nfuses his normative theory illustrates _ch~ importance of the negative limit to theory so clearly.
now refer to as the shortcut, Rousseau co . I . R , The d1ff1cult and subtle arguments Habermas adduces to articulate
. . . . . . . There are certainly p aces m ousseau s the limit to his theory do not really serve to dispel the confusion that
with ,cs empmcal msrant1at1on. h f •
.. . I I in The Social Contract, where sue con us1on can affected Rousseau, many others, and even Habermas himself. Should we
wnrmgs, parucu ahr y h e places as Habermas freely admits, where imagine that clarity regarding the empirical indeterminacy of normative
be located ..o But t en t ere ar ' d
. f k h . take ◄ 1 Elsewhere Habermas oes not con- principles dispels this confusion entirely, we need only return to the
he h1msel ma es sue a mis · ' .d
. d Rousseau also can show much ev1 ence to sup- recent affirmative uses of Habermasian theory in the area of rights. If
f use t he two issues, an
port his own ability to keep them se~ar~te. . . . rights are to be valid empirico-legal instantiations of the normative prin-
·s own ,·nvesugatton . . mto the allegat10n against ciples of discourse ethics, then they must not be the result of a shortcut.
C o hen sums up h1 .
Rousseau by stating that Habermas's cnttcism does ~ot, ~n bala~ce, Certainly, writers such as Ingram are quite aware of the limit to theory,◄ 7
◄2 Certainly one could read him as the Jacobms d,d, and fmd and they often adhere to it in their assertion that such rights can only be
rea II y ho Id . , . d ·f · · · · I
in his words a justification of vanguard,sm an spec,_ 1c mst1tut1ona of the most general nature; that the normative theory can do no more
designs, but this does some violence to the texts . . Parucularly, such a discriminative work than this. Yet we should not allow this modesty to
reading would need to show, first, that the nor~atl:e th~or~ marks the obscure the fact that, no matter how general and abstract, such rights
point of sovereignty in such a way as to have direct •~phcat1ons for the are empirical arrangements that, if supported by a normative principle,
design of institutions. Second, it would ne~d to establ _,sh that R~usseau seem to have fallen again into Rousseau's confusion.
was peddling a particular institutional design, or a mistaken belief that Thus, Shelly holds that "despite Habermas's strictures to the con-
his normative theory determined a particular arrangement. tra ry, th e analytical distinction [between the legitimating grounds and
Neither argument seems to work. The first falls because, as all stu- the institutional structures of authority] cannot be adhered to in real-
dents of Rousseau are aware, he was careful to distinguish between pop- ity. '' ◄s Ra ther, he suggests, the problem with Rousseau's position is that
ular government and popular sovereignty, and thus between executive he loca tes legitimacy "in the actual decisions of a concretely assembled
and legislative power.43 The second fails when it meets the vast dis- group o f legislators ... [and ] in the universalistic quality of the actual
agreement between commentators as to the kind of arrangements decision." Against this, Shelly claims that Habermas locates legitimacy
Rousseau actually was endorsing,« and the wide range of arrangements " in the process whereby the universality is achieved. " 49
Rousseau claimed to be compatible with the normative theory. ◄ 5 Now it may be true that Habermas locates legitimacy in the process
With regard to Rousseau, Habermas has far more reasons to ra ther tha n the outcome, and that Rousseau occasionally stressed only
approve than to criticize. First, Rousseau's general will presents a cog- the o utcome. But it is not clear how the indication of an additional con-
nitive core that, like Habermas's, sees the political process as a proce- (uszon in Ro ussea u helps to avoid the original confusion (the shortcut).
dural location of a general interest. Second, there is an attention in She ll y's phrase " cannot be adhered to in reality," 50 is a strange one.
Rousseau to normative theory and to the importance of applying it to Because it is followed by a normative objection rather than an empirical
the real world that Habermas clearly admires. Third, Rousseau attends o ne, it pres umably refers to an argument that Shelly holds to be invalid
carefully to the form participation should take if it is to be rational, even rat her th an to a set of pragmatic outcomes that "cannot be adhered to."
if he does understand this in a different way from Habermas.◄ 6 It is o nl y as he develops his argument that we begin to see what is at
Rousseau did far more to advance democratic theory than he did to sta ke in this phrase, for if the limit to theory excludes all institutional-
confuse it. Habermas's accusation, that Rousseau commits the mistake iza tio ns o f the normative principle, then there can be no empirico-legal
of trying to take the shortcut, may have more to do with there being so rights tha t ca n claim normative backing from the theory.
few complete democratic theories available with which to illustrate this Once again, we find ourselves caught in a twilight world where
confusio?, for ~ost are simply normative, or simply empirical, or see the th ere a re political implications, yet they are severely limited. Wh!le no
second d1m~ns10~ of democr~tic legitimacy as a rational choice problem. sho rtcuts are permissible, the fact that the theory calls for the maximum
S~c~ _one~d 1me~s1onal theories are often guilty of the shortcut, but the possible deliberation and that this deliberation be as _fair as possible
cnticism is less illustrative if the critic has to work out the other half of would seem to ground a series of rights that are the basic enabling con-
the theory before he/she can make the criticism stick. Rousseau is a good ditions for such deliberation. Yet such a series of rights, no matter how
68 FROM THE IDEAL TO THE REAL Methodological Problems and the Limits to Theory 69
abstractly formulated, always face the threat of overextension, of vio- discursive rationality into social and systemic areas where it can be used
lating the limit to theory. to solve human problems. 53 Approbation of the public sphere thus
Confusion, it seems, is endemic to attempts co cash in Habermasian occurs at the beginning of his book, whereas for everyone else it is
theory for empirical arrangements. Nevertheless, we have identified an located at the end. Dryzek is keenly aware of the lack of help so far pro-
important thread to the limit to theory, and one that goes some way to vided by critical theorists for practical problems. He laments that there
preventing the theory degenerating into utopianism. Now, in order to is a "constructive dimension which has so far been missing from critical
further our understanding of the limit, we will consider, in greater theory," 54 and, having cited two benedictions for the public sphere
derail, one particular attempt to overcome it. With the work of John (McCarthy and Bernstein) he states,
Dryzek, we once again move from those fearful of the utopian aspect of
Habermas's theory to chose who are disappointed and feel that the the- Such scattered comments are the closest intimations of a project for the
construction of discursive institutions to be found in the literature ....
ory is not utopian enough. Critical theorists have so far failed to generate much in the way of
model institutions, still less attempted to apply them to political real-
ity. ss
Dryzek wants to do better. He knows that our old and indefinite
When it comes co the possibility of a Habermasian politics, Dryzek's friend "the public sphere" is too often wheeled out as a placeholder for
Discursive Democracf' gives us an excellent view of life at the edge ~f a whole area of democratic theory. He therefore intends to contrast
our collective understanding. Here, a bold and scholarly attempt 1s "liberal democracy," which he sees as being dominated by voting, strat-
made to outline a deliberative democratic polity based avowedl y on egy, private interests, bargaining, and exchange, with "discursive
Habermasian normative principles. Dryzek understands chat critical the- democracy," characterized by an orientation to public interest, active
ory should do something of pragmatic value, and yet he knows also tha t citizenship, and debate that is open and face-to-face. 56
theory should not try to do too much. The result is an exploration of an Having stated his intention to design democratic institutions accord-
area in which other theorists have not felt comfortable. As he steps in, ing to the normative theory, the argument then attempts to find a way
however, he shows significant ambivalence, and his many nervous through a series of objections to such a move. He turns first to the fem-
asides to other theorists who have not felt able to follow him al ert us inist critique of the alleged universalise homogeneity to be found in dis-
again to the presence of confusion regarding the proper limits of theo ry. co urse ethics. 57 There are, he states, three ways in which communicative
Dryzek thus combines a somewhat alarming optimism with, finally (and rati o na lity avoids this conclusion.
perhaps thankfully), a failure of nerve. Because of this, his w o rk is First, it admits of an element of local arbitrariness in the determina-
highly instructive, not so much for its articulation of a Habermas ian t ion of consensus, in other words, the ethos in which it occurs is
politics, but for the reasons it is unable co deliver one. As we inspect his inevita bly fragmented. 58 Second, it admits that people can agree upon
attempt, we are able to unpack the limits to theory with greater preci- something for different reasons/ 1 so that distinct abstract commitments
sion. ca n coexist with context-specific moral agreement.w Third, Dryzek fol-
Dryzek opens his inquiry with a general disapproval of instrumen- lows H a bermas 6 1 in asserting that communicative rationality can pro-
tal rationality and objectivism in human affairs, and contrasts this with vi de o nly procedural criteria. 62 This allows, indeed requires, a plurality
communicative rationality and critical theory. He then asserts that of va lues, practices, and paradigms of personhood (or gender). Most
"commitment to the procedures of communicative rationality implies empha tica lly, it does not seek to generate a universal theory of human
approval of certain broad kinds of political institucions." 52 Right away needs. 63 Discourse ethics is, therefore, "minimalist. " 64 It can prevent
then, the general orientation is to be the question of institutiona l design. degeneration into a hopeless pluralism yet at the same time allow for a
~ryz~k's interest ~n this area is well supported by his knowledge of pol- multiplicity of views.
icy sc!ence, pla~nmg, and decision theory. Unlike many theorists, he has From this, it is clear that Dryzek understands the theory to be lim-
practica! expenence in conflict resolution, particularly around environ- ited by its concentration on the procedural conditions of democratic
men~a_l issues, and has published extensively in both norma tive and legitimacy and its refusa l to stipulate the outcome of a legitimate dis-
empmcal democratic theory. For these reasons, he seeks ways to expa nd co urse. H e knows that the normative principle of discourse ethics, (D),
72 FROM THE IDEAL TO THE REAL Methodological Problems and the Limits to Theory 73
h all of which would be scruti-
from particular intere sts of eac pardty-:-. le suggested by the ideal avowedly Habermasian, becomes increasingly similar to that of Ben-
. d d" . I Additionally the ec1s1on ru jamin Barber. 83 With both theorists, the lack of focus upon the cognitive
mze 1scurs1ve Y· ' . . 1s though in instances where
speech situation would be that of unanimity, . I. f . core threatens a degeneration into the aporias of relativism.84 Dryzek
· Id be rattona m so ar as 1t was states at one point that the only source of authority is, and he uses
this was unattainable, compromise cou ..
. . ·d · · ond1t1ons. 16 Habermas's phrase, "the force of the better argument, " 81 and there is a
arrived at under s1m1larly anti ommattve c . ... 1
ut other practical poss1b1l1t1es, such as the ,egal sparse pair of references to "the conditions of communicative ethics."
D ryze k a Iso ma PS O . "h 1· · ,, d·
. . . 1· t. of the pr1·nciples of discourse,
mst1tut1ona 1za 10n
a o isttc para igm
. . . • · d Yet, aside from the general conditions of equality and reciprocity, he
· I · t t"on n and a series of ex1stmg mstttuttons an prac- nowhere really gets to grips with the cognitivist heart that Habermas has
o f soc1a expenmen a 1 , . . . .
ttces · w h"1c h some a spects of commumcattve ethics are already mstan-
m . offered him.
tiated. Examples of the latter are mediation ~n_d_ regulatory negot_1a- At the end of Dryzek's attempt, we find ourselves once more on the
tion.7') In addition, he explicates the poss1b1!tty of com~arattve outside: in terms of institutional design, he is never able to state more
evaluation wherein practices are inspected for the degree to which they than the most general approbation for deliberation within autonomous
approximate to ideal speech. public spheres. His discursive designs are either too loosely connected to
These suggestions are certainly interesting, yet surely, whet?er _or the normative theory or are not properly empirical at all. This inability
not they actually reflect the normative co~ditions of ~ommu01cat1ve to adequately move from ideal to real is well illustrated by his claim that
ethics and whether they are the only reflections that satisfy those con- there should be no hierarchy within a democratic institution. For we
ditio;s, or even the best, is a more complex question. Perhaps, again, we already know that Habermas's normative theory offers no justification
must accept that exactly which of these arrangements, and how they ~re for hierarchy. Yet, given the factual prevalence of hierarchical arrange-
to be deployed, are questions more properly addressed by actual partic- ments,8~ our practical interest centers on the justification of partial hier-
ipants. If this is the case, we once more confront the limit to theory, and archies, and on trade-offs between ideal participation and actual
Dryzek's suggestions amount to little more than interesting possibilities arrangements that emerge in response to the pressures of the real world.
for participants to discuss. For example, under what conditions would a partial hierarchy be justi-
The final two thirds of Dryzek's book outlines arguments that pur- fied? how? why? and to what extent?
port to indicate how discourse in fact offers a superior method of pro- Dryzek's work is at once bold and tentative. He knows what prac-
viding public goods, 80 is more flexible as a decision method, 8 1 and copes tice needs from theory and his expectations are stimulated by Haber-
better with complex social problems.u While such arguments, if valid, mas's discourse ethics. In the end, though, he can only maintain his opti-
certainly provide reasons to adopt particular practices, they do not fall mis m by effectively changing the subject. What begins as an attempt to
within our present concern, for the simple reason that they are empiri- stip ul ate the empirical arrangements that are justified by the normative
cal, even instrumental, in their nature. Empirical arguments can never theory ends in an inspection of extant arrangements using the regulative
justify an action, for an evaluative criterion such as efficiency can give idea l of discourse free from domination. Once again, democratic theory
rise to morally unacceptable practices. It should be noted anyway that colla pses back into interpretative critique, and yet another theorist fails
such arguments assert no more than has already been derived from the to emerge from the labyrinth.
normative arguments, to wit: deliberation within a public sphere is a Dryzek does not re-emerge because he does not precisely delineate
good thing. We already know that the counterfactual propositions (U) the nature of the Minotaur: the limit to theory. He sees the limit as hav-
and (D) constitute a justification. The problem we now face is how to ing two components: that designs are constrained by the principle (D),
embody this justification in actual practices; in other words how can a nd that there are empirical reasons to fear utopian blueprints. For
empirical instit~tions derive legitimacy from the normative ;rgument? Ha bermas, both these components receive a stronger and more complex
Though c~nstramed by cert~in limits, which we are here exploring, we formul ation, and in addition, the limit has other components. In order
are s~~rchmg for dem~crat1c arrangements that express the epistemic to co mplete our unpacking of the limit, and thus to fully understand
cond1t1ons of democratic legitimacy offered us by Habermas's discourse wh y Ha bermas keeps pointing at the opening of the labyrinth and shak-
ethics. ing his head, we should note how Dryzek's efforts to design institutions,
One of Dryze_k's p~oble~s is that he is not entirely pellucid about though heralded with much fanfare, occupy only a small portion of the
the nature of this ep1stem1c base. In this sense, his work, though boo k we are presently discussing. By far the larger portion, and arguably
Methodological Problems and the Limits to Theory 75
· · · · f t"c
1 1lar existing practices questions of practice. Generally, we have seen how the limit to theory is
the more successful, 1s the mvest1gat1on o par ~ . . .
in the light of the normative theory. This is no accident, and It is a pomt made up of various threads, all of which address a particular aspect of
that rewards greater attention. . . . . . the relation between the outcome of a decision process and the proce-
First of all it is clear that the ex ante design of an mst1tut1on 1s a dure by which it is achieved. Each thread of the cable also addresses a
quite different ~ype of task from an ex post evaluation of an institution particular way of approaching the problem of utopian thinking. Having
that already exists. The distinction is drawn by Elster, _who, through an formulated the limit, we will return to the question of what practical
investigation of Tocqueville's assessment of American democracy, implications are not screened out by its restrictions, or, as many theo-
shows particularly that one can only take into account the consequences rists have expressed it: What utopian content remains in Habermasian
of a practice when one evaluates ex post. Elster wants to use the dis- theory?
tinction to show that one cannot justify a practice ex ante by reference
to the side-effects or secondary consequences of that practice. Thus, he The Components of the Limit to Theory
seeks to criticize the pedagogic arguments put forward by theorists such
1. Moral claims, unlike ethical ones, can be redeemed analogously to
as Mill and Pateman: that participation is desirable because of its edu-
a truth claim: they have a cognitive core. Discourse ethics concerns
cational side-effects. The argument is an important one, for it blocks off
88 moral questions, leaving ethical ones to the participants themselves.
a common justificatory argument for deliberative democracy. Here,
though, we are primarily interested in the distinction between two 2. The normative principle of discourse ethics, (D), is procedural only,
points of view to which Elster's argument alludes. and does not address the outcome of a decision. It cannot, therefore,
Once an institution is extant, it already has some positive and neg- be used to preselect a particular arrangement, for such arrangements
ative effects on people's lives that can be described, criticized, and are themselves, properly an outcome of deliberation among actual
uncovered. We have noted previously that this ex post point of view ha s participants.
been, historically, the most comfortable for critical theorists. Thus, 3. History teaches us that utopianism is dangerous and does not
Habermas's careful use of the phrase "finding arrangements" in the fol- achieve its desired end, and that human intention has ironic conse-
lowing quotation indicates the ex post evaluative point of view, for the quences.
verb "finding" suggests that the practices are already extant: 4. Using the normative theory to pick out and design institutional
[O]ne must think in terms of process categories. I can imagine the arrangements involves a category mistake. One cannot take such a
attempt to arrange a society democratically only as a self-controlled shortcut from normative to empirical matters. Normative theory
learning process. It is a question of finding arrangements which can picks out the set of deliberative democratic arrangements, but can-
ground . the p_r~sumptio~ that the basic institutions of the society and not distinguish (and should not) between set members.
the basic p~lmcal de~1S1ons would meet with the unforced agreement
5. The limit rules out any ex ante designs, except those undertaken dis-
of al_l tho~e involved, 1f they could participate, as free and equal, in dis-
cursive will-formation." cursively by participants. It permits, for the lone theorist, only ex
post evaluations.
Habermas clea_rly holds the view that discourse ethics can inform 6. Some areas of human activity are, in modernity, appropriately (due
the e~ post evaluation of extant practices. However, the limit he places
to the resulting efficiency gains) coordinated by instrumental reason.
on ~is the~ry _am?unts to an insurmountable restriction on the ex ante
Just as instrumental reason should be prevented from colonizing
deSig? of 1_nSt1tutwns by anyone other than participants in a situated
areas appropriately coordinated by communicative reason, so com-
practical discourse.
municative reason should know its place. This is why Habermas
speaks of "self-limiting" public spheres.
4.4 FORMULATING THE LIMITS TO THEORY 7. Discourse ethics is a theory of justification: it articulates the moral
point of view. As such it is indeterminate on many practical questions.
We are now able to formulate the limit to theory in its full complexity, To fully understand the role of its formal ideal, one must include a
to outline its various components, and to relate these to the method- moment of application, wherein participants flesh out the universal
ological problems we encountered upon application of the theory to with particular concerns, motivations, and salient information.
FROM THE IDEAL TO THE REAL Methodological Problems and the Limits to Theory 77
When we sought to use Habermasian normative theory to aid us in of dissatisfaction with the manner in which Habermas vindicates the
the design and evaluation of democratic institutions, we found that a project of the Enlightenment." 96 For Habermas "admits the possibility
series of recurrent methodological problems seem~d to block_o~r way. that a free society could be at the same time a meaningless one, or that
Now we see that the critical power of the normative t~eory is, 111 fact, emancipated individuals could still feel frustrated and alienated. "~ 1
carefully limited by a series of arguments that prev~nt 1t from _degener- The problem here is that to ask normative theory to guide the design
ating into excessive utopianism, or into being used m oppressive ways. and evaluation of democratic institutions is in part to ask "how do we
Many of the methodological problems we encountered a_rose from ~he get somewhere else from here?" Thus expre~sed, ou; question assumes a
formal and universal nature of the theory, for the level of its abstraction need for substantial political change. Such change entails both the selec-
gives rise again and again to discriminative failure, lacuna, and indeter- tion of means and ends. While the former raises significant instrumental
minacy in comparative evaluation. These problems are further ~cce?tu- problems, the latter, even if carefully open-ended, clearly involves a
ated by the limit to theory. The governor that prevents the slide mto utopian dimension / 9
utopianism effectively bars theory from certain areas, insisting that only Benhabib draws a distinction between change that is the "fulfil-
participants can fill them. As such, the methodological problems ment" of the unfinished tasks and cultural promises of the present, and
encountered upon application are not weaknesses of the theory. One that which is "transfigurational," involving a radical rupture with the
cannot criticize the theory for not doing what no theory should do. Cer- present. 100 This allows her to identify the kind of change being asked for
tainly, it is disappointing that human problems cannot be solved by the- by Marx and the early critical theorists. She then goes on to delineate a
ory, but this is not the fault of theory. The object of our disappointment utopian moment in Habermas's extension of the Kohlbergian scheme of
should not, therefore, be Habermasian theory, but the human condition moral development. The stage of "universalised need interpretations has
itself. an unmistakable utopian content to it," she says, and "points to a trans-
The project of a Habermasian politics has indeed stalled. Yet now figurative vision of bourgeois universalism." io 1
we can see that it has done so for some very good reasons. Habermas Wellmer also identifies a utopian moment in discourse ethics. io 2
accepts that his theory cannot preselect the form of either the "processes Within communicative rationality, he claims, is contained the concept of
of enlightenment" 90 or the appropriate political strategies,9 1 and we must an "idealised life-world," which he suggests we view less as a "geomet-
follow him in this regard. But the growing clarity with which we under- ric idealisation" to which the real world must infinitely approximate and
stand the limit to theory should not cloud our memory. There are things more as a "centre of gravitation" or as an "attractive force which
it can provide, and it is still intended to be a critical theory, one whose becomes proportionately stronger. " 103 Here then, we encounter again the
practical implications and affirmative uses further emancipation. Once utopian element in discourse ethics as a regulative ideal, as a criterion
again, we face the difficulty of understanding how to use a theory that for cultural interpretation, and as a moral pressure on the facts. Haber-
provides an "emancipatory ideal which cannot guide emancipatory mas states his position on this question thus: "Ethical universalism does
practice. " 92 The sophistication with which Habermas articulates the indeed have a utopian content, but it does not sketch out a utopia." 1~
limit to theory therefore raises the question of whether his theory retains
any utopian content at all.
By concentrating on questions of institutional justice and ignoring 4.5 CONCERNING JUDGMENT
"those qualities of individual life-histories and collective life-forms
which make [lives] fulfilling or unfulfilling," 93 Habermas has blocked off We have seen that the strength of discourse ethics is in the area of ex
~ny p_ossibility. of deciding between forms of life, of evaluating the post evaluation: that it gives theorists in cultural criticism, sociological
mtegnty ?f their values, and of which form of life is the happiest, the research, and political theory a standard with which to assess practice.
most fulfilled, the most joyous. While we would want to follow him As theorists attempt to apply the moral standard, and thus to contextu-
when he says that forms of life are not to be stipulated in advance, 94 we alize the formal theory and give it content, they encounter a series of

are a~so aware that arguments against modernity that assert a loss of recurrent methodological problems. These problems, (of excessive
~eanm~, and a growing anomie have a particular power. Habermas is abstraction, of discriminative failure, lacuna, and the difficulty of mak-
h1~self 1mpr~ssed by such arguments. 95 If we are unable to offer any- ing comparative evaluations) arise in part from the formal and universal
thmg that might address them, then we are left with a "lingering sense nature of discourse ethics, and in part from the carefully conceived limit
78 FROM THE IDEAL TO THE REAL Methodological Problems and the Limits to Theory 79

to theory, which prevents its utopian element from degenera_ting into Both perspectives are clearly important, yet while discourse ethics so
authoritarianism. So constrained, the theorist struggles with these carefully preserves a place for the input of participants, it then seems to
methodological problems in an effort to generate interpretative insights. lose interest in them. We noticed this before when we witnessed the
Such insights, guided by a fully justified regulative ideal, are educative lacuna that arises in those affirmative uses of Habermasian normative
rather than pragmatic. They illuminate the structures of our social theory seeking to deepen democratic practice. Such applications tended
world and encourage us to take responsibility for those portions of that to stop at the point of calling for an increase in democratic fora-they
world of which we are the authors. In the area of political theory, this did not continue on down, as it were, in order to address the actual func -
has given rise to considerable interest, most of which has concentrated tioning of such fora.
on that traditional object of political study: the state. Thus, we find So Habermas, himself facing a series of forking paths as he devel-
Habermasian scholarship addressing questions such as the basis of the ops his theory, can be seen to have made two important choices. I want
legitimacy of liberal institutions, the degree to which political culture to suggest that the combination of these choices is what prevents any
supports a post-conventional morality and the connections between furth er development of a Habermasian political project. First, he chose
morality and constitutional law. to concentrate on justificatory and normative matters at the expense of
We have also seen that ex ante design is ruled out for the theorist, contextual and empirical ones. This important choice was made at the
and is instead seen as a task for participants only. For their part, partic- sta rt o f his development of a discourse ethics. Second, he has chosen to
ipants also face methodological problems as they attempt to contextu- orient his normative theory, at least in regard to its articulation of
alize the universal afforded by the theory. Efforts by participants to use democratic legitimacy, to the level of the state and to society as a whole.
the theory to evaluate institutions ex post confront the same discrimi- Aga in , both these choices are eminently defensible, yet they have an
native inadequacy as did their theorizing counterparts. Presumably, the impo rta nt effect, for they direct our attention awa y from the one affir-
problem of comparative evaluation that we explored in the previous mati ve use of the theory that is not constrained by normative limita-
chapter would present particular difficulties for participants. Situated in tio n: th is being the ex ante design of institutions by participants them-
the realm of action, they endlessly confront forking paths, the need to selves.
choose one and abandon another, and to select between alternative H a bermas does occasionally make reference to the perspective of the
courses of action that have institutional ramifications. Should we do A designing participant, and he does so particularly in one intriguing pas-
or B? What would be the consequences of each? Should we structure our sage w here he is exploring the limit to theory. Though he is describing
practice in this way or that? This is the form of the problem of compar- the probl em o f design for a society as a whole, he makes an offhand
ative evaluation as faced by participants making real decisions.' 05 The remar k that perfectly captures the problem of design as it is faced by
lack of weighting and lexicographic ordering of the components of ideal parricipa nts in a n actual democratic forum. "I can imagi ne, " he sta tes,
speech here results in a difficulty of comparative evaluation amounting "t he atte mpt to arrange a society democratically only as a self-controlled
to a real incapacity to judge. learning process ." 106 Beyond this, however, Habermas has little to say
The central tension throughout Habermas's work is that between abo ut such a process.
validity and facticity. For the democratic theorist, this tension lies at the If, fro m the participant's perspective, the moment of application
very heart of Habermasian political interpretation and critique. For the entai ls the taking of a normative ideal by a group and fitting it to a par-
participant, it plays itself out in the faculty of judgment. Each, in their ticul a r context, in other words, in finding arra ngements that a re as fa ir
attempt to contextualize the theory, seeks to cross from questions of as poss ible, then we seem to be describing a process of mora l or politi-
validity to those of facticity, yet they do so from a quite different per- ca l judgment. Ha bermas himself ha s referred to this process as one of
spective. The distinction between these two perspectives arises directly " media ti on, " 1t1 7 a nd it is given a more exact description in a n importa nt
out of the limitations Habermas places on his theory. The democratic statement by Benhabib:
theorist_, oriented primarily to the state, or to society as a whole, seeks
H ere we have a model of mora l judgment wh ich ass umes that in the act
normatively grounded social criticism, and perhaps also state- level of judging, wha t w e do is su bs ume a pa rticula r case under a genera l
reforms that would deepen democracy. The participant, situated in an rul e. W e judge thi s pa rticula r X to be an insta nce o f rh e rul e Y. Pre-
actual group, must maximize democracy on the ground floor: within !> um a bl y, co mmunica tive ethics is a procedure which ena bles us to
actual democratic fora. establis h the norma tive righrness of the rule Y. ~
FROl\1 THE IDEAL TO THE REAL Methodological Problems and the Limits to Theory
80 81

yet, she goes on to state: ?n _the _o ne hand, Habermas gives us an argument whereby com-
· · model of moral judgment, for moral judgment con- mumcat1on 1s se~n to r~st on certain inescapable presuppositions. When
t I11s 1s a verv poor . .
· · I t\ ..,t mei1tal activity which allows us to identify X as an these are questioned m argumentation, further presuppositions are
ccrns precise y .. 1
instance of Y.'M called upon that can be formulated as ideal speech. Yet on the other
hand, al_l the p~oblems of application we have been considering suggest
Here we confront the significant difficulties incumben_t ~pon con-
that while callmg our attention to moral judgment, Habermas's argu-
struing the moment of application in terms of a men~al act1v1ty such as
ment pushes us to see such judgment in terms of the application of an
moral judgment.''o For now, application becomes reliant on the attain-
ideal. Certainly, all discourses approximate to or anticipate ideal speech,
ment of thresholds of mental functioning in such areas as learning pro-
yet it cannot be that we judge the validity of those discourses in terms of
cesses and experiences,1 11 repression, sublimation, _an~ displacement,112 the degree to which they instantiate the ideal. If this were the case, then
not to mention the cognitive, temporal, and mot1vat1onal constraints just as methodological problems upon application render theorists
outlined earlier. 111 unable to accurately assess instances of communication with ideal
Even if we follow Ingram's clarification and back away from the speech, so participants would never succeed in making judgments at all. ·1
requirement that ideal speech requires anything more than presently In discursive will-formation we deploy the presuppositions of argu-
existing truth criteria and informational quality in order to be of nor- mentation, and these can certainly be formalized into an ideal of com-
mative validity," 4 we still face significant difficulties. First, there are munication that is free from domination. Yet that does not imply, and
uncertainties as to how a particular situation is to be classified in order in fact cannot mean, that participants make judgments solely by way of
that it be subsumed under the correct rule. Second, it may be that in a n act of comparison with that ideal. Using a slightly different language,
the contingent world of concrete contexts, we might be more in need of we might say that while, in regard to instances of communication, the
justifications for exceptions to generally accepted rules rather than for particular is always a negative/regressive instantiation of the universal,
rules themselves. 116 Third, the general cognitive indeterminacy of moral our assessment of the particular cannot be characterized in terms of an
11 7
and political choices may be wider than we care to admit. Subject to
118 asymptotic appraisal. 126 It seems more likely that judgment instead
problems in the evaluation of local versus global effects, partial versus resembles a strangely bifurcated process whereby we learn endless cases
net effects, 119 short-term versus long-term effects, 120 and transitional ver- (a nd it may be that we are quite unable to grasp any rule at all except
sus steady-state effects, 121 Elster suggests that theory may, in fact, be by way of its applied instanriations 127) and only slowly learn to describe
almost wholly useless. 122 We might sum up these concerns by again quot- genera 1 rules. 128 Such rules would then be an expression of some shared
ing Benhabib: predicate of those cases yet would never become the standard by which
new cases are evaluated.
Both moral sagacity and strategic-politic savvy would be involved in
The point here is to raise the possibility that Habermas has assumed
the application of communicative ethics to life contexts. And a bout
something substantial and contentious in characterizing judgment along
them [Habermasian] theory has little to say. 123
the lines of an asymptotic approach to an ideal, 129 or in terms of an
Once again we appear to find our route blocked. The difficulties in "approximation assumption," no or "in analogy to geometrical idealisa-
~nder_standing what precisely is going on when participants deploy an tions." 111 If the political implications of Habermasian theory could be
ideal 1~ orde~ to ma_ke a moral judgment is causing us to stray close to extended into a somewhat different object domain than the state, that is,
the Anstotehan notion of prudential judgment, with all the relativistic the functioning of democratic fora themselves, then our und: rstanding
problems that position entails. 124 of applicatory judgment becomes cruci~l. Fr~m t~e pers~ect1ve of par-
If there is ~n escape from the iatrogenic dilemma, it can only lie in ticipants attempting to arrange their dehberat1ons m a fair manner~ and
an un~ers_tandmg of applicatory judgment, for despite all its problems, thus engaged in a " self-controlled learning process," we would aga m be
th er<~ _is simply no other way across the gap between normative and seeking a synthesis of validity a nd facticity. In such a real~, h_o wever,
. theory · We de ar IY k now h ow to make 1udgments
. becau se we judgment cannot be co nceived simpl y as an_ act_of a p~rox1mat1on. _F~r
d o 1t everyday · 125 An d we c Iear IY k now how to communica te' even when stari st democratic theorists, institutiona l design 1s resmcted _by ~he _limit
we do not . thematize th e necessary presuppos1t1ons . . of speec' h-acts. Yet ro theo ry. Yet theo rists a lso rend to ignore questions of _mst1tut1on~l
are we entirely sure about th ere 1at1on • b etween these two ac tiviti es ? d es1·gn as encounrere d b y part1c1p,rn
· · • ts • When we become mterested m

such questions we find ourselves severely hampered by a problematic PART 3

conception of judgment. . . .
The strong universalism of Habermas's proiect, and its ~tatist ori-
entation, makes for a rigorous justificatory theory and a st_ud1ously ten-
tative liberal/deliberative politics. It also distracts attention from the
problems of a democratic politics as encountered from the perspective
The Nature of
of participants in an actual discourse. As we have seen, like Odysseus
when confronted by Scylla and Charybdis, Habermas is a sufficiently Political Judgment
gifted captain to have chosen one side of the iatrogenic dilemma. He
pays a terrible price for his choice, but it is one he has learned to live
with, and afterwards, he is still afloat. There is no Habermasian politics,
but there is a normative basis for social criticism, even if all attempts to
actually use this basis are subject to chronic methodological problems.
One thing is certain: we should not draw the conclusion, in having
articulated the difficulties inherent in asserting that normativity is to be
derived in some way from an idealization of rationality, that c ritical
reflection has no role to play in judgment at all. For as Las lett so
cogently asserts:
Rational demonstration may not be the predominant method of get-
ting things done in politics, but it must be the only method which those
who analyse society shall use to demonstrate to each other and every-
body else what the issues are. 132

Understanding, in regard to politics, is something th at is to be

derived from the interplay of normative and empirical concerns. If a gap
has opened between them, then we are forced to strain our eyes, for only
here can we find knowledge of our interactions with others. It is true
that _the gap is poorly lit, and that the theoretical beam of light peters
out mto darkness. But within this gap lies the question of how demo-
cratic fora might actually, and rationally, operate. We have referred to
~his question as ~he missing t!er of theory. In order to begin to address
it, we now turn, m the followmg chapter, to the nature of political judg-

Habermasian Difficulties
with Judgment

For Habermas, meaning is internally related to va lidity. Speech-acts

make sense because they raise validity-claims that can be redeemed in
rational argumentation. At the same time, argumentation is rational
because it anticipates an ideal of communication that is free from dom-
ination. Thus, normative validity is also internally related to meaning.
In the previous chapter, we looked at the recurrent methodological
problems that occur when we try to use the ideal to make interpretative
evaluations, and we saw that these problems arise both from the level
of abstraction of the normative theory, and the careful limits Habermas
places on the practical implications of his theory. In particular, we
began to question the assumption that because communication derives
its normative validity from the anticipation of ideal speech, we there-
fore make judgments regarding normative validity by assessing the
degree to which a particular act of communication approximates to the
ideal. In this chapter, we will look more closely at Habermas's most
recent work on the process by which universal knowledge is applied in
contexts, and on the various critiques of his position put forward by his
We begin, therefore, (5.1) with Habermas's and Gunther's articula-
tion of the "differentiation thesis," whereby norms generated in dis-
courses of justification are seen to require a second type of discourse,
that of application, in order for them to relate to actual contexts. Fol-
lowing this, we will inspect a series of criticisms of this conception of
moral judgment (5.2), especially those mounted by Benhabib and
Cooke, Wellmer, McCarthy, and Ferrara. Generally, the argument pre-
sented is that discourses of application remain tied to what Kant would
call a "determinant" model of judgment, whereas the various criticisms
of such a model point us rather in the direction of a "reflective" con-
ception of that activity. This will allow us to inspect the various diffi-
culties inherent in a reflective conception of judgment (5.3), and to
assess the disagreements among commentators as to the nature of the
universal to which reflective judgments appeal. Our concern throughout

86 THE NATURE OF POLITICAL JUDGMENT Habermasian Difficulties with judgment 87

will be to uphold the internal relation of meaning to normative validity impartiality, rn discourse ethics "cannot evade the difficult problem of
while at the same time to reject Habermas's approximation assumption whether the application of rules to particular cases necessitates a sepa-
regarding the nature of judgment. rate and distinct faculty of prudence or judgment." 11 The threat, of
course, is that such a faculty "would tend to undercut the universalistic
claim of justificatory reason because it is tied to the parochial context of
5.1 JUSTIFICATION AND APPLICATION some hermeneutic starting point." 12
On the one hand then, Habermas accepts the Hegelian charge and
In the object domain appropriate to empirico-theoretic knowledge, makes "a careful distinction between the validity-or justice-of a norm
"facts" are independent of history. That is to say that factual knowledge and the correctness of singular judgments that prescribe some particular
(even if fallible) is "complete," for the ontology_ of its o_bje~t- is r~ot con- action on the basis of a valid norm." 11 It is for this reason that a decision
tingent, and there is no division between quest1~ns of 1ust1f1cat1on ~nd to "do the right thing" requires a "two-stage process of argument con-
application. 1 The different ontology of the ob1ect of _mor~l-practical sisting of justification followed by application of norms.'' 14 On the other
knowledge, however, admits of historical change, not Just m terms of hand, however, Habermas is anxious not to lose the Kantian gain of a
the possibility of subsequent additional knowledge about the object, but context-independent universalise ethics. 15 He thus wants to resist the
also because of variation over time in the object itself. Where objects are neo-Aristotelian solution to this problem, which jettisons universalism
intersubjectively constituted, evolution of learning processes produce in favor of a more contextual faculty of judgment. 16 The aporias of this
evolution of objects. In such a realm, attempts to deploy moral-practi- neo-Aristotelian view signal, for Habermas, a degeneration into contex-
cal knowledge as a guide for action 2 require not only that a claim be jus- tualism that posits the moments of justification and application of a
tified, but that it be applicable to a historically contingent particularity. norm as being intertwined,t 7 and where moral practical claims are only
Valid practical knowledge claims are, therefore, only complete when validated by a particular ethos. 18
"compensated" 3 with a knowledge of how they are to be applied here Habermas's attempt to resolve this dilemma has been advanced par-
and now.◄ ticularly by the work of Klaus Gunther. By showing that the distinction
As we have seen, Habermas's reformulation of the Kantian basis for between justification and application emerges as moral consciousness
normative validity shares with its ancestor an abstraction from contex- develops,t 9 Gunther suggests that we now confront two problems when
tual concerns. Thus, "the validity of a norm does not depend on the con- we seek to validate a course of action. First, a norm is to be justified
ditions of its application." 5 Indeed, a norm may be valid yet remain prima facie by the principle of universalizability (U) pursued in a practi-
inapplicable in a specific situation. 6 The historical dimension of the cal discourse (D) under specified normative conditions (ISS). Second,
social world means that, unlike empirical-theoretic knowledge, "no prima facie valid norms are to be appropriately applied to specific situ-
norm contains within itself the rules of its application.'' 7 According to ations. Gunther understands appropriateness argumentation to include
Habermas then, moral-practical knowledge requires that we carefully the matching of a norm to a situation, the way in which a situation is
distinguish between the justification of a norm and its application to a described and the coherence of the norm with all the other norms
specific context, a distinction Wellmer has termed the "differentiation belonging to a given way of life. 20
thesis. " 8 Importantly, appropriateness argumentation resists the Hegelian
In a realm where we may confront two (or more) conflicting yet jus- critique of Kantian ethics in that it does not entail an appeal to a sepa-
tified norms, how are we to decide which is the most appropriate to our rate faculty of judgment. Certainly, the moment of application ushers in
situation? Given that we live in a specific and real world, how is decon- a variety of contextual content, such as empathic concern for others,
textualized knowledge to be contextualized in order that our moral questions of individual and collective identity,2 1 new knowledge, new sit-
knowledge also be practical? uation descriptions/~new understandings of norm coherence,2 changing
Once again our problem lies in the space between Kant and Hegel. circumstances, improved assessments of consequences and side-effects,
~uffeted o~ t~e- one side by the need to abstract from particular situa - the particularity of the situation, and so forth. 24 Yet it remains the case
tions and md1v1dual cases in order to articulate impartiality and con- that when considering the question of what is appropriate, "the princi-
sensu~ as a universalise moral point of view, and on the other by the ples of practical reason take effect. " 11 We thus delineate a second type of
Hegelian charge that Kant ignored the problem of the application of discourse, that of application, where the principle of universalizability is
90 THE NATURE OF POLITICAL JUDGMENT Habermasian Difficulties with Judgment 91
served in discourses of application, and it is this core that ensures judg- what it is that enables us "to judge this particular X to be an instance of
ment retains its determinant character. the rule Y." 41 Now we will consider a further set of criticisms that when
This, of course, is not to say that Habermas's conception of judg- taken together, raise serious questions about the coherence of his ~roject
ment is determinant in the full sense in which Kant understood that in toto. Generally, they turn on issues that are familiar to us, such as his
term. Unlike Kant, Habermas does not adhere to a universal principle leaning toward Kant rather than Hegel, his distinction between the right
entirely independent of any interpretation and derived solely from some and the good and his penchant for abstract normative matters over con-
invariant structure of subjectivity. Nor is the relation between the uni- textual ones. Our interest here is not so much with the challenge such
versal principle and the norm to be tested one of strict deduction. Yet criticisms pose for the project as a whole. Rather, they are inspected here
nevertheless, as Ferrara points out, in order to move us away from a determinant conception of judgment
one essential feature of the model of determinant judgment which they and toward a reflective one, and to assess what is lost and gained in such
[Rawls, Larmore, Habermas] retain is the conceptual distinction a move.
between principle and application, general principles of justice and The first type of criticism focuses on what is missed out when we
what is just on a concrete occasion. Even when the perspective sug- conceive of judgment in terms of an impartial yet context-sensitive
gested is explicitly ... "reconstructive," we can still observe a sub- application of norms. Particularly in the work of Benhabib and Cooke,
stantial difference between the kind of argument developed for we find a concern with the principle of universalization chat underlies
grounding the principle of justice and the kind of arguments developed the impartiality of both the justification and the application of norms.
in order to justify any of its applications.... Furthermore, both the
As conceived by Habermas, the principle is so strong a presupposition
adequacy of the principle and the inclusion of some intended line of
that it has the effect of leveling a whole series of differences that exist
conduct within the scope of the principle are assumed to be possible
objects of demonstration-where by "demonstration" I mean an argu- between concrete individuals and groups, not least among them, that of
ment which, if valid, would thereby make it unreasonable for anyone gender. Benhabib develops her critique via the work of Gilligan, 41 who
to reject its conclusions. 19 draws a distinction between the "generalized other" and the "concrete
other" in her analysis of Kohlberg's moral theory. 4 i The generalized
The determinant character of judgment is thus preserved by the other describes the form in which we encounter the other in universalist
impartial and rational quality of discourses of application. Indeed, such moral theories. In abstracting individuals from their particular life his-
discourses are carefully defended as endeavors with a cognitivist core. tories and emotional constitutions, it stresses what speaking and acting
With these considerations in place, we can see why Habermas subjects have in common, and ushers in moral categories such as right,
believes that the studies of moral development undertaken by Kohlberg obligation, respect, and duty. Against this, the concrete other is the man-
I provide empirical confirmation for his position. 4° Following Piaget,
Kohlberg presents an ontogenetic developmental structure through
ner in which we encounter the other in contextualise moral theory. Here,
the other appears as an individual with particular experiences and emo-
which, he claims, those making moral judgments reach maturity. Impor- tional constitutions, and ushers in moral categories such as love, sym-
tantly, for Habermas, Kohlberg's stages move from an unreflective pathy, care, and responsibility. 44

I moral stance to one informed by a hypothetical and disinterested per-

spective. Moral maturity then appears as an ability to judge actions
according to abstract, universal principles.
This distinction is then used to highlight a series of concerns about
moral theories that characterize the encounter between ego and alter as
one between self and generalized other. First, such theories rest on a dis-
tinction between the right and the good that, at best, leaves unthema-
tized the affective dimension of moral interaction, and at worst, charac-
5.2 CRITIQUES OF THE terizes questions of the good as being essentially beyond rational
HABERMASIAN ACCOUNT OF JUDGMENT redemption. Second, it privileges public interaction over the private and
thus effectively ignores whole areas of human activity where moral, or
We have already noted a number of difficulties with Habermas's con- often immoral, action in fact takes place. Third, the moral categories
ception of judgment, among them the discriminative inadequacy of the ushered in by the standpoint of the generalized other implicitly under-
universal, the assumption that it proceeds according to an approxima- values an ethics of care, sympathy, and responsibility, in such a way as
tion assumption and the lack of attention by Habermas to precisely to elevate what amounts to an ethics of dominant groups (white, male,
Habermasian Difficulties with judgment 93
privileged) to a universal ideal. Gene~ally t~en,_ ~her_e mor~I ~heories
the differentiation thesis. 14 To overcome the problem of cognitive over-
rely on strong presuppositions of u01versaltzab1ltty, 1mpartt~ltty, a~d
load, Wellmer restricts (U) to "the correct appraisal of a situation and
consensus the effect is to downplay the many real and meanmgful dif-
to the selection of truly relevant circumstances. " 55 He thus characterizes
ferences b~tween people. Feminists have thus ~e~y effectively critic~zed
the moral principle as itself a principle of application, and in this way
such approaches as being based on poor empmcal data and specious
denies the distinction between justification and application. In
reasoning. Accounts of moral judgment that emerge from such d1st~r~ed
Wellmer's hands, the justification of a norm becomes a marginal prob-
approaches then appear to miss out importa~t areas_ of human act1v1t~,
lem, and attention shifts to how we generate common and appropriate
and even to degenerate into a kind of formalized rattonal game. Even 1f
interpretations of particular situations. In the place of the differentiation
the standpoint of the generalized other is extended into ~rea~ that it has
thesis, then, he returns to a standard of compatibility, here between a
traditionally missed, such as 'the private and the affective, 1t produces
form of action and a common, particular practice. As with the neo-Aris-
further aporetic effects, such as the apparent requirement of complete
totelian position, a form of life is to be assessed internally, as it were,
transparency on the part of individual personalities. Thus, Cooke in par- and we find the critical power over other conceptual schemes that con-
ticular raises questions about the desirability of such strong presupposi- stitutes Habermas's most significant achievement again under threat. 56
tions.45 All these criticisms, in their way, are meditations upon the problem
The second type of criticism of the Habermasian conception of of contextualization that follow upon the decontextualization required
judgment arises from a concern about the very possibility of achieving for the universalist justification of moral norms. If judgment is to have
consensus in collective deliberation. Whether this threatened impossibil- more than context-bound validity; in other words, if it is to partake of
ity is due to the increasing multiplicity of value-perspectives in modern an extra-contextual ideal, then the threat is always that our conception
societies46 or to the quite extraordinary cognitive capacities seemingly of that faculty will wander so far from the contexts in which it is prac-
required of participants in order to make valid collective judgments, 47 ticed that we find ourselves unable to intelligently discuss something that
this kind of criticism accuses Habermasian accounts of judgment of we clearly know how to do. 57
being hopelessly unrealistic. If we seriously follow his conception, so It is, I suggest, self-evident that judgment is something more than a
these critiques contend, it becomes impossible to understand how context-bound activity. As Benhabib so provocatively states, there is a
human beings might ever be able to make valid collective judgments at moral difference between liking to abuse children and liking Haagen-
all. ◄s Dasz ice cream, 18 and just because a majority of the German electorate
We might collect these growing concerns under the rubric of a voted for Hitler in 1933 does not make their choice morally right. Judg-
threatened "cognitive overload" of participants that appears when we ment is, therefore, somehow related to a universalist ideal, and it is by
conceive of discourses of application as proceeding according to the virtue of this relation that it can be valid. 59 At the same time, it is self-
strongly cognitive presupposition of impartiality. 49 According to the evident that we make judgments, that we understand those judgments as
principle (U), we are called upon to evaluate and reach agreement on the being redeemable in rational discourse, and that one does not require a
consequences and side-effects of a universal adherence to a norm for mind like a computer to calculate those consequences and side-effects of
each individual concerned. The question is, how could such an evalua- a judgment in order for it to be valid. These two seemingly incompati-
tion ever be possible, 50 particularly when we confront conflicting norms ble insights have, of course, generated two and a half millennia of dis-
and the need to justify exceptions? 51 cussion about how, precisely, an ideal relates to a particular. In its latest
Wellmer's concern regarding the cognitive impossibility of applying manifestation, within that of Habermasian theory, this has given rise to
the universalizability principle arises, Habermas suggests, from a miscon- calls for "a phenomenology of moral judgement in order to show how a
ceptio~ o~ ~ha_t (U) is intended to achieve. In fact, he states, (U) pertains principled, universalist morality and context-sensitive moral judgment
to the 1ust1f1cat1on of "norms that underlie a general practice" and is to be can fit together," 60 requests for a softened or "context-sensitive univer-
empl~yed to_ "te~~ the validity of universal precepts." 52 Thus, the principle salism,"61 and a resurgence of interest in how judgment succeeds in
of umversahzab1h~ "_belongs properly to justificatory discourses. " 53 Its deploying universals in order to "do the right thing. ""2
deployment as a prmc1ple of application is therefore incorrect. Yet, so far, such attempts have nor significantly improved our
The problem of cognitive overload leads us to a fourth criticism of understanding. Habermas's distinction between justification and appli-
Habermasian accounts of judgment, this being, in effect, the denial of cation "cannot exempt the discourse theorists from analysing what it is
94 TH E NATURE OF POLITI CAL JUDGMENT Habermasian Difficulties with Judgment 95

tha t we do when we supposedly contextualise moral principles _a nd how Habermas clearly suggests such an evaluation to be a comparative exer-
this activity is related to the work of judging. "' At the same tune, neo- cise in which we hold up the universa l (here the rules of domination-free
Arisrotelians continue to fall back on "the metaphor of the archer hit- communication) against the particular instance in order to illustrate how
ting the mark,"•• even though they cannot account for the position of the particular transgresses the components of the ideal. It is thus,
the mark in any way other than as a "dogmatism of the given. " ~ according to his view, the " pregiven" universa l of ideal speech that
If we are to retain a cognitive conception of judgment, our problem enables us to evaluate the procedural fairness of a particular instance of
becomes one of somehow delineating the precise manner in which the communication.
ideal is related to the particular in the everyday activity of judging. In The various criticisms of such a view, which are particularly a ppar-
the literature, this problem has been tackled in two ways. First, there ent when we seek to compare two instances of communication, amount
have been moves to soften the strong idealizations that, Habermas to suggesting that the ideal is simply insufficient to enable it to function
claims, operate behind the practice of judgment and render it cognitive. as the way in which we evaluate specific instances of communication.
Indeed, a number of commentators are now arguing that consensus is no The indeterminacy of the ideal, especially regarding the weighting and
longer defensible as a strong presupposition of moral discourse,6 6 and lexicographic ordering of its components, effectively denies our ability
char it may not even be necessary for discourse ethics to adhere to such to make such judgments. We have referred to this difficulty in terms of
a strong idealization. If this is the case, however, it is important th a t we a "problem of comparison." The various criticisms of Habermas's con-
understand the implications of giving it up. ception of judgment also served to show that the distinction between
We should notice that Habermas's cognitivist core in fact provides justification and application does not succeed in avoiding these difficul-
two criteria for moral validity.67 The first is that of generalizability and ties.
pertains to the result of a moral judgment. 68 Generalizability relies on The second approach to the problem of the role of the universal in
consensus and expresses the grounds of moral truth in terms of a com- judgment, as conceived by Habermas, has concentrated on his assump-
mon interest. The second criterion is the manner of argumentation. This tion that judgment is a determinant activity, in other words, that it pro-
assesses the moral validity of the process under which the result is gen- ceeds as a subsumption of the particular under the universal. Of Haber-
erated.69 Here, the (universal) rules of argumentation embody the moral mas's commentators, Wellmer is the most pellucid in regard to the
point of view as impartiality. slippage chat has occurred between being able to formalize the ideal and
To abandon the principle of universalizability is, therefore, to the conception of judgment in terms of the deployment of that ideal. 73
remove the grounds upon which we rely to gain critical power over His claim amounts to the assertion that, at least in regard co judgment,
(whatever) outcome was produced in a moral discourse. No longer too much has been imported from Kant. Habermas, like Kant, articu-
would we be able to comment upon "the validity of the knowledge lates a "philosophical architectonics which depends on an ideal as its
embedded by a moral norm or principle; " 70 no longer would we know keystone," 74 resulting almost in a doctrine of the two realms. 75 Regard-
anything at all about the ideal of moral truth. 1 1 This loss of critical ing judgment, we then find ourselves attempting to understand the medi-
power is clearly significant, yet no matter how great the discomfort it ation between the particular and the universal -in terms of sub specie
creates, this could never be sufficient to cause us to overlook the grow- aeternitatis and a "perfection of moral sense." 76 Weltmer attributes this
ing indefensibility of positing consensus as a strong presupposition of slippage to a "covert scientistic residue," 77 which he sees at the heart of
normative discourse. As Rawls has so cogently argued, we simply do not Habermas's project. Benhabib puts it more bluntly: "The exercise of
possess an independent criterion that could adjudicate between compet- moral judgment ... does not proceed according to the model of the sub-
ing conceptions of justice. The best we can attain is a "constructivist" sumption of a particular under a universal. " 78
and purely procedural conception of practical rea son. 72 The question we Wellmer suggests an alternative conception of judgment wherein that
now face is, therefore, whether or not we retain any critical power once faculty relies for its validity on a background of intersubjectively shared
we have given up the notion of moral truth. understandings within a particular historical and cultural context, or a
If, . upon giving up the principle of universa lizability, we are now "collective matrix of interpretation. " 1~ This conception moves us one seep
agnostic about the moral truth of an outcome of disco urse then how are back toward the neo-Aristotelian view of judgment, where it is seen as
we to conceive of an effort to judge an instance of com~unication in involving an oscillation between the universal and the particular,8° in other
terms of its procedural fairness? As we saw in the previous chapter, words, as having a stronger hermeneutic component. 81 Yet a crucial dif-
Habermasian Difficulties with judgm ent
ference is that Wellmer's conception, while rejecting the principle of uni-
encounter with the object. Aesthetic judgment is not, therefore, medi-
versalizabiliry (regarding outcomes), nevertheless retains an attention to
ated by a concept.9° For this reason, there is no pregive n uni versa l under
the ideal procedures formalized as the presuppositions of argumentation.
which the particular can be subsumed, as is the case w ith other form s of
Indeed, it is precisely this ideal, present in our "collective matrix of under- judgment. Yet to judge an object to be bea utiful is to assert that there is
standing," that allows us to communicate to others the reasons for our something about that obj ect that can be communica ted to others.~1 Judg-
judgment. With the abandonment of (U), then, we move away from a ment is therefore a public acti vity/ 2 Explanatio ns fo r the deployment of
determinant conception of judgment yet do not, necessarily, entirely dis- the predicate can be gi ven by way of an appea l to a uni versa l/' tho ugh
pense with its cognitivism. The inescapable presuppositions of argumen- such appea ls a llude to the exemplary nature of the ob ject, rather than to
tation, by which meaning is related to validity, still represent "a small bit a concept. H ere then, we encounter a type of judgment fo r which the
of idealiry [which] breaks into our lives. " 82 Now, however, the relation of universa l is not pregiven, and is instea d to be fo un d by an inspectio n of
this ideal to the particular as it occurs in judgment is itself problematized, the particul ar. Kant referred to this fo rm of judgme nt as reflective, and
and can no longer be characterized as one of subsumption. he subdi vided it into two types: aesthetic and teleological. 94
In sum, the first criterion of normative validity within the cognitivist Tho ugh Kant's solution to the antinomy of taste~' is less than con-
core of the theory, that of generalizability (or appropriateness) is a pre- vincing,96 the difficulty he raises has attrac ted muc h attention, partic u-
given universal, and as such, it alone is sufficient to make the type of larl y since the suggestio n by Hanna h Arendt that it expresses " Kant's
judgment adduced in both kinds of discourse determinant. If we reject unwritten politica l philoso phy." ~7 Arendt's interest in reflective judg-
the first criterion of validity, this being the principle of universalizabil- ment was motiva ted by a complex array of theoretical concerns/ 8 but
iry, the second criterion that remains, albeit a universal criterion (the two a re of specia l re levance to o ur present enqui ry.
universal rules of argumentation as set out in the ISS), is not sufficient First, we a re here given an account of judgment whose primary ori-
to render the judgment determinant. We must therefore conclude that entation is quite diffe rent fro m its determinant sibl ing. Instead of begin-
the conception of judgment we are exploring can no longer be described ning o ur sea rch for va lidity wi th a pregiven universal /j reflective judg-
as determinant. Upon rejection of (U), there remains some critica l bite, ment starts w ith the direct inspection of the particular. Wha t we reason
and it is for this reason that Wellmer, 83 Benhabib, 8 ◄ and Cooke conclude about is the partic ular, seeking to fi nd its relation to the universal,
that discourse ethics "does not stand or fall on its reliance on the no tion whereas wi th de terminant judgme nt, we reason about the universal in its
of consensus. " 85 It is now possible to see why Ferrara describes the cru- re lation to the partic ular. 1110 Such a conception of judgment, in treating
cial tension to be explored in the search for a context-sensitive univer- "particulars in their particularity," Hll thus shares the strengths of more
salism as being that between consensus and judgment. 86 herme neutic and contextua l approaches wherein concrete practices are
In order to understand a form of judgment that is not determina nt seen as being of greater import than rarefied and abstract ideals.
yet that somehow relates to a universal for its critical power, it is neces- Yet it is important to understand what we are looking for when,
sary to inspect Arendt's reading of Kant's theory of judgment. according to a reflective conception of judgment, we inspect the partic-
ular. Wi th Arendt, refl ective judgment offered "the most fruitful solu-
tion to the problem of media ting the particular and the universal" 1t12
5.3 THE REFLECTIVE TURN because it characte ri zed the end point of judgment in terms of an "exem-
plary va lidity." As with beauty, the object embodies the universal; it is
Though Kant saw judgment as the determinant subsumptio n of the pa r- a n example of it, and it is for this reason that Arendt agrees with Kant
ticular under the universal, he was greatly troubled by the apparent anti- when he says that "examples are the go-carts of judgments." 10 ' Extend-
nomy presented by judgments of taste.87 In the aesthetic rea lm, to assert ing this notio n beyond the rea lm of aesthetics, she then sought to show
that an object is beautiful seems on the one hand to express an immedi- how historica l persons and events cou ld serve as examples of good judg-
ate subjective experience,8 8 while on the other, a judgment is asserted me nt from wh ic h we ca n learn. 11 M Here then, the universal to be looked
that claims universal assent, and describes bea uty as a demonstrab le fo r i~ the pa rt icular was not a rational construct redeemable in any way
quality of the object. 89 a nalogo us to a truth-claim.
The problem occurs because beauty arouses feeling, a nd this affec- T he second reason fo r Arendt's interest in reflective judgment was
tive response in the observer only occurs in the direct a nd immed iate that, unl ike determ inant judgment, where the pregiven universal does
98 THE NATURE OF POLITICAL JUDGMENT Habermasian Difficulties with Judgment 99
the real work of judging, the reflective finding of a universal within a A reflective judgment, precisely because it expresses a universal claim, is
particular leaves all the work to the one who attempts the judgment. As "graspable by all." II 9 It was just this intersubjective component of valid-
is the case with phronesis, crucial to good judgment is the ability of the ity that Arendt found so compelling in Kant, for it allowed her to high-
one who judges. 101 I 06
light both the importance of community as the necessary background for
Seeking to articulate judgment as a noncognitive activity, Arendt a valid judgment and to introduce her theory of argumentation (though
saw this ability as a function of two faculties: imagination and common not rational argumentation) 120-here seen in terms of a rhetorical "woo-
sense. 101 Imagination allows the recollection of objects that have ing" of others. I21 Benhabib focuses this point in the following way:
appeared to one's senses, thus "establishing the distance necessary for
impartial judgment, " 101 while common sense rises above the particular Arendt intimated that intrinsic to Kant's model of "reflective judg-
point of view in order to make appeal to a shared community. These
109 ment" may be a conception of rationality and intersubjective validity
which would allow us to retain a principled universalist moral stand-
two faculties make it possible for the conditions of judgment to be ful-
point while acknowledging the role of contextual moral judgment in
filled-these being impartiality, disinterestedness, and the development human affairs. 122
of "enlarged thought." 11 0 Of course, many of these insights are already
incorporated into Habermas's position via his appropriation of Mead's The key word here is 'principled,' for it alludes to the universal that
ideal role taking and his articulation of the moral point of view as is to be found by inspecting the particular. In effect, Arendt saw judg-
impartiality. Indeed, Habermas has extended them by suggesting that, as ment as striving for two principles. First, she deployed a notion of being
Benhabib puts it, "'enlarged thought' is best realised through a dialogic "at home with ourselves." 121 Yet her second principle, that of intersub-
or discursive ethic. " 111 jective validity, introduces the idea of a common consent that must be
The notion of a "common sense" links an aesthetic appraisal to the won-it is not merely provided by the shared background of under-
faculty of judgment in general, for here we encounter the centrality of standings that is assumed to constitute a given tradition.
communicability. 112 Judgments are always communicable, for they make Once again then, we find our attention drawn to the precise nature
appeal to the common sense of others. 11 3 Indeed, "their validity rests on of the universal that is to be found by reflective judgment. In giving up
the consent they elicit from the community" 1I ◄ within which they take the strong cognitivism of Habermas's universalization principle, we have
place. As Kant expressed it: clearly admitted a whole host of contextual, ethical, and utopian con-
cerns. Yet reflective judgment does retain some critical power, and it
The touchstone whereby we decide whether our holding a thing to be
does so because it makes appeal to a universal, albeit one that is to be
true is conviction or mere persuasion is therefore external, namely the
found (rather than being pregiven). Thus, Arendt's attention to the inter-
possibility of communicating it and of finding it to be valid for all
human reason. ns
subjective component of validity is seen as meaningful, even without the
strong presupposition of consensus. So conceived, judgment involves
Makkreel puts it well when he says, what we might call a "general competence," which we deploy to inspect
particular instances of communication in order to find the embedded
It is precisely through common sense ... that the aesthetic judgment universal, 124 and it is the universal that allows for the communicability
can be intersubjective as well as subjective. According to Kant, com-
of the judgment. This general competence operates much like the Aris-
mon sense makes it possible to represent the "subjective necessity" of
totelian virtue of phronesis, though as Ferrara has shown, 121 such a com-
the judgment of taste as "object'ive" in the sense of claiming universal
assent. 11 6
petence encompasses more than an appeal to an internal " fit" within an
ethos, this being the way the term is deployed by the neo-Aristotelians.
Such a requirement of "publicity" does not, in the case of reflective Though a number of recent Arendtian, Kantian, and Habermasian
judgments, take the form of "demonstrability," as it does for determi- scholars might agree upon a reconception of political judgment in terms
nant judgments. 117 No one can be compelled to recognise the validity of of a reflective activity, and even that phro nesis might be taken to be the
a reflective judgment. Rather, the availability of a universal that has to general competence to discern the universal exemplified in a given par-
be found in the process of reflective judgment allows for a "superiority ticular, there is less agreement in regard to the nature of the universal
which ought to be recognised by everybody": 11 1 it enables the adduce- that is to be found within the particular. Of these various positions, Fer-
ment of reasons, offers the grounds for an account or offers plausibility. rara 's has perhaps received the fullest articulation. His claim is that the
100 THE NATURE Of POLITICAL JUDGMENT Habermasian Difficulties with Judgm ent 101
"soft" universal' 1~ for which reflective judgment searches is the con- quently rejected in the face of reso unding criticism. The concern with
struction, maintenance, and development of identity. Such an explicit such a move therefore amounts to the claim that, where subjective iden-
expression of the universal for which we search has many advantages, tities are being evaluated, demands for complete transparency and pub-
perhaps the most important being that it explicates the prioritisation of licity might be excessive, oppressive, or indeed impossible to redeem.
values and needs in terms of their implications for identities, both indi- Third, Ferrara 's argument confronts a theoretical lacuna regarding
vidual and collective. It also serves to focus the relation, in judgment, a language with which to describe the notion of collective identity. He
between questions of justice and of the good life. Yet such an approach is, therefore, forced to rely upon a la nguage that was developed to
also raises a number of intriguing difficulties. describe the components of individual identity: this being object rel a-
First is a concern about the "level" upon which a category such as tions theory, and then to apply this to identity on the level of the collec-
identity operates in the activity of judgment. It would certainly seem to tive. 111 The result is an ongoing difficulty in his work regarding the pre-
be the case that one of the prime teleological orientations of judgment, cise relation of identity on the two levels. Sometimes he describes this
and indeed of all human activity, is the maintenance of individual and rel ation in terms of a " link" or "bridge," sometimes as a n "ana logy," 11 •
collective identities. Similarly, human activity displays an orientation to as being "derivative" of, 111 sometimes as applicable "mutatis mutan-
such issues as the preservation of the mechanisms for sociation, social- dis," 136 as a "tentative comparison," 117 as requiring "careful transla-
ization, and solidarity, for the fabric of the lifeworld, of forms of life, tion,"1 18 and, finally, in terms of a "para llel." 1J~
and indeed of life itself. Issues at this level operate as a background The apparent difficulty he has in stipulating the relation between
against which activity is evaluated and undertaken. This concern there- individual and collective identity does not imply that there is no relation,
fore centers on the difficulty of moving from the level of a highly gener- simply that the move is a problematic one. This concern is exacerbated
alized telos operating in the background of human activity to the level by his reliance on the conceptua l framework of object relations theory
of a formalizable concept (to use Kane's terminology) that allows for the and other forms of neo-Freudianism, which even at the level of individ-
communicative redemption of a judgment. A parallel move, within the ual identity, raise significant and well-charted problems of conceptual
confines of Kant's conception of aesthetic judgment, would be to equate consistency, empirical confirmation, 1•0 and ideological distortion. 1•1 For
the level of the concept of beauty with the more general telos evinced by these various reason, Ferrara's attempt to stipulate the universal sought
all human attempts to be in "perceptual contact" with the world. Cer- for in reflective judgment is problematic.
tainly, the concern with accurate perception is an issue against which a ll The precise nature of the "concept" or universal to be found in
aesthetic evaluation takes place, but it is the formalizable concept of reflective judgment, especially in regard to the evaluation of instances of

I beauty, operating on a "different level," that allows for the intersubjec-

tive consensus on validity.
communication in terms of their relative fairness, is given a different for-
mulation by Benhabib, and again by Wellmer and Warnke. All have
Another concept that operates at the background level for a theory articulated positions that attempt to fruitfully retain the cognitivism
of judgment, rather than as a formalizable universal, is that of a " life remaining in Habermas's position following upon the abandonment of
plan" in Rawls's theory of justice.'28 As Walzer and others (including (U). These commentators continue to suggest that the universal to be
Rawls) have acknowledged, such a concept is not something that can be found in some way pertains to the validity of the procedure whereby dis-
confirmed in the original position, for it operates on the level of a back- courses are undertaken.
ground assumption. 119 No matter how bound up questions of identity Because Wellmer believes that discourse ethics is unable to guide our
and authenticity are with matters of judgment, and with ethical and judgments or to offer any moral grounds for particular actions, he does
moral judgments where "strong preferences" are being adduced they not articulate a universal with the clarity of that offered by Ferrara.
might be bound up very tightly indeed, this is not sufficient to say that What he does offer, however, is perhaps the most sophisticated inter-
pretation of discourse ethics as a principle of legitimacy. Hz His account
I the category of identity constitutes the universal sought for in reflective
Second, notions such as fulfilled identity, integrity, authenticity, 110
of the procedural validity of judgments proceeds negatively. Instead of
seeking to articulate the nature of political judgment, a task Wellmer
or the complete satisfaction of psychological needs, 111 cause us to stray believes to be beyond the scope of theory, he seeks to deploy discourse
dangerously close to the pathologizing discourse of psychoanalytic inter- ethics to rule out certain judgments as invalid. In rejecting Habermas's
I pretation, a cul-de-sac already explored by Habermas ' 11 and subse- conception of '' moral sense" in terms of a perfect ideal, he turns his
102 THE NATURE OF POLITICAL JUDGMENT Habermasian Difficulties with Judgment 103
attention instead to the "elimination of nonsense." Such a process is universal for which we search in reflective judgment in a different way
conceivable, he argues, even without the ideal of perfection, because to Ferrara; here in terms of the contextually specific presuppositions of
what is involved is a series of "specific negations rather than advances argumentation. Her "interactive universalism" is, therefore, a qualified
towards some ideal." 144 Instead of grounding the legitimacy of a moral procedural universalism. According to such a view, (U) is abandoned,
norm on the possibility of its generalizability, he seeks to ground the yet judgments remain cognitive by virtue of their reflective appeal to a
exceptions to moral norms 14 1 that so frequently occur in morally com- context-specific ideal of fair procedure.
plex situations 146 upon the specific negation of "non-generalizability." We notice a similar approach in the work of Warnke. 117 While agree-
"Ways of acting are ... legitimate ... " he states, "if they are not non- ing that the rejection of (U) leads us to consider the validity of moral
generalizable." 148 judgment in terms of the presupposition of fairness, she is never able to
Such an orientation has a number of interesting effects. First, the offer us a formalization of such a presupposition (as does Habermas) or
difficulties we encountered when we tried to follow Habermas in basing even an account of its actual role in judgment (as do Ferrara and Ben-
legitimacy on consensus alone seem to disappear. Now, our concern habib). For this reason, her (Hegelian) context-sensitivity is insuffi-
would be whether or not there is a single person who cannot accept the ciently buttressed with the Kantian requirement for an idealization. 118
norm, (or the outcome of a judgment) for if there is, it is nongeneraliz- The result is both a loss of clarity regarding the concept of fairness, and
able and therefore illegitimate. Second, the "cognitive overload" that an inattention to the problem of how normative validity is exemplified
occurred when we tried to factor in all the consequences and side-effects in actual discourses.
of a proposed norm (or judgment) is reduced, for if we can anticipate a In this chapter we have explored a number of difficulties with the
single situation in which it would be wrong for the norm to be acted Habermasian conception of judgment. In particular we have seen that
upon, the norm would fail the test. 149 Wellmer's concern here is to the tension between a universalist and a contextual understanding of
increase the context-sensitivity of our conception of moral validity and that faculty cannot be adequately resolved by a determinant conception,
to move away from the idea that the legitimacy of an action is only to even where a distinction is drawn between justification and application.
be gained by recourse to a grounded norm. 150 As we saw earlier, he In addition, the reflective turn among Habermas's commentators, while
rejects the "differentiation thesis" advanced by Habermas whereby the offering significant gains in our understanding, often endangers the uni-
grounding of a norm is to be distinguished from its application. Instead, versalise element in judgment. If we are to follow these commentators in
he asserts that "the process of moral grounding is a problem of applica- their abandonment of (U) and in their characterization of judgment as
tion." 151 In regard to judgment, we are here offered an account that reflective, we must hold to the second aspect according ro which judg-
rejects the strong presupposition of generalizability, yet retains a cogni- ments are cognitivisr in Habermas's work, which he expresses as the
tivist component, albeit in a negative form. This cognitivist component inescapable presuppositions of argumentation. These presuppositions
still pertains to the outcome of the discourse, however. If we are to bet- pertain solely to the procedure of the discourse, and describe the sense
ter understand how judgment relates a particular to the ideal of fair pro- in which discourses can be described as being fair. Ir is by virtue of this
cedure, we must turn to the work of Benhabib. cognirivist aspect of judgment that validity can be communicatively
Unlike Wellmer, Benhabib does present us with a universal for defended. We therefore arrive at a conception of judgment whereby the
which reflective judgment searches, but she does so in a somewhat dif- ideal of communicative fairness is sought for reflectively. Particular
ferent way to Ferrara. Seeking to argue for an "interactive universal- judgments are inspected for their exemplary validity, in other words, for
ism," 152 she begins by outlining two metanorms that she sees as contex- the ways in which they embody the ideal of communicative fairness.
tual expressions of the normative content of the presuppositions of Communicative fairness, formalizable as the inescapable presuppo-
argumentation. 153 These metanorms-universal moral respect and egali- sitions of argumentation, is the universal sought for in reflective judg-
tarian reciprocity-are "our philosophical clarification of the con- ments in all modern cultures, that is, where reasons are adduced for
stituents of the moral point of view from within the normative horizon judgments. This is a cognirivisr claim still made by a discourse ethics that
of modernity. " 154 She then seeks to deploy these metanorms to ground has rejected (U). Yet in different cultures, communicative fairness is
certain "procedural constraints" 155 upon the participants of a discourse. interpreted and even perceived in different ways. Reflective judgments
Benhabib, contra Wellmer, believes that discourse ethics gives us some- inspect particulars, yet judgments themselves are always particular,
thing more than merely a model of legitimacy, 156 yet she stipulates the undertaken by real people in real contexts. To question the validity of a
Habermasian Difficulties with Judgment 105
· d t ·s to inspect its procedure for communicative fairness and this
JU gmen 1 . I " II . . ment. Certainly, the sense in which a judgment is valid is a function of
can only ever take place from within a part1c~ ar co ecttve _m~,tnx of
its exemplification of the ideal. But this does not necessarily mean that
interpretation" (Wellmer), or "normative honzon o~ modermtt (Be~-
it is by virtue of this ideal, or its preponderance in one particular over
habib). In different cultures, people therefore expe~1ence the ideal m another, that we make judgments.
the real" in different ways. Habermas puts this admirably when he says
Time and again, Habermas's commentators imagine that their
that "the moral point of view remains identical:. but neithe~ our under-
reflective turn overcomes the problem of the precise role of the univer-
standing of this fundamental intuition, nor the mterpretattons we give
sal in contextual judgments, thus moving them closer to understanding
morally valid rules in applying them to unforseeable cases, remain
the actual phenomenology of that practical faculty. In fact, what the
invariant." 159 160 reflective turn achieves is to focus the role of the universal in the abstract
We might focus this idea by borrowing from Taylor and stating question of grounding. A particular instance of communication can
that the way in which communicative fairness is perceived or experi- legitimately claim to be fair because it can be said to exemplify the ideal.
enced is ethically patterned in different ways in different contexts. This Judgment, proceeding reflectively, is then the process by which partici-
is not to suggest anything other than what is currently being asserted by pants inspect that instance of communication in order to evaluate the
Habermas in his recent attempts to reconstruct the normative core of quality with which it exemplifies the ideal.
16 1
modern constitutional law and parliamentary democracy. In specific But what does this tell us about the actual process by which partic-
cultures and historical contexts, validity has a particular and ethically ipants make evaluative judgments between particulars? Surely, this pro-
patterned facticity. Thus, Habermas states that every legal system is an cess cannot be characterized simply as two asymptotic assessments that
expression of a particular form of life, and that post-traditional moral are then compared. If this was how judgments took place, we would be
norms represent a form of cultural knowledge. While the internal struc- at a loss as to how to judge in those many situations where approxima-
ture of a situationally specific ethical patterning has occupied many the- tions were multidimensional and incommensurable. As Wellmer puts it,
orists, 162 Habermas's dogged adherence to the possibility of a universal- "a consensus under ideal conditions does not give us a criterion for the
ist ethics retains the possibility of valid adjudication between judgments truth/rightness of a consensus under factual conditions. " 164
in different conceptual schemes. Where such "cross-cultural" judgments What is precisely so fascinating about judgment is that it is so much
are attempted, their validity turns on the transparency and consistency more complex and sophisticated than this, that it seems to leap beyond
of the ethical patterning itself. rule governed measurement, and that, while it somehow relies upon an
Yet have these considerations really advanced our understanding of ideal for its validity, it does not proceed via an assessment of the degree
judgment? Or have we merely become transfixed with the problem of to which a particular exemplifies an ideal. Somehow we must charac-
how it is that a judgment can claim validity? Participants in a discourse, terize judgment as an everyday activity, as a "spontaneous coping," 165
confronting problems of institutional design and evaluation, must judge that can, at the same time, generate and appeal to validity. Yet we must
and decide between alternative courses of action. They must, as we have also break apart the sense in which judgments can achieve validity from
seen, "establish, not that some position is correct absolutely, but rather the manner in which they proceed in everyday life. The concrete ques-
that some position is superior to some other." 163 Even when we under- tion of how we actually evaluate communication must not, method-
stand such a comparative judgment in terms of a reflective inspection of ologically, be conflated with the abstract question ?f v~lidity. And ~t is
the two particulars for their relative exemplary validity, do we not this conflation that, preserving as it does the approx1mat1on assumption,
remain tied to an evaluative strategy wherein we seek to ascertain the continues to constrain accounts of judgment by those who have taken
relative degree to which each embodies the ideal of communicative fair- the reflective turn. 166
ness? Once again, we find an approximation assumption lurking behind If we want to retain a cognitivist conception of judgment, how are
our conception of judgment. we to understand the role of the universal in the actual manner by which
!he reason we have not, so far, escaped this assumption, is that we participants evaluate instances of communication? It is to this question,
c~ntmue to conflate questions as to the grounds of normative validity and its implications, that we turn in the next chapter.
with th_ose pertaining to the manner in which validity is evaluated. This
~onflatton amou~ts to an ongoing confusion regarding the role of the
ideal of communicative fairness in the actual process of evaluative judg-
Discursive Phronesis with a Cognitivist Core 109
first inspect (6.1) Wittgenstein's work on the "problem of universals."
from the inspection of many particular leaves, constitutes a "thing" that
This will allow us to focus on the role of the ideal of fairness in the
somehow contains all the common properties whereby particular leaves
actual evaluation of particular instances of communication. The attempt
are leaves. In the Philosophical Investigations, Wittgenstein develops
here will be to complete our reformulation of political judgment along
this discussion by asking what various kinds of games have in common.◄
the lines of a discursive phronesis with a cognitivist core. With this in
place, we will proceed to offer a derivation for a particular conceptual Don't say: "there must be something common, or they wou ld not be
tool that will enable a more meaningful instantiation of the normative ca lled 'games'"-but look and see whether there is anything common
theory into empirical practice, this being a normative and discriminative to all.-For if you look at them you will not see something that is com-
principle of preservation. Thus, in the second section (6.2), we will focus mon to all, but simi la rities, relationships, and a whole series of them at
on judgments that preserve fairness. Having completed our reformula -
tion of the nature of judgment, we will, in the following chapter, be He then considers a series of games and identifies their various sim-
ready to direct our various insights at a somewhat different object ilarities and differences. This allows him to assert that
domain from that usually entertained by democratic theorists, this being
the actual functioning of deliberative fora themselves. we see a complicated network of simi larities overlapping and criss-
crossing: sometimes overa ll similarities, so metimes similarities of
detail. I can think of no better expression to characterise these similar-
6.1 HOW DO WE EVALUATE FAIRNESS? itie<; than "fami ly resemblances." ... And I shall say: "games" form a

Habermas's imputation, that we deploy the ideal in order to distinguish Seeking ro redress our "contemptuous attitude towards the particu-
more from less domination in particular practices, is best scrutinized by lar case," Wittgenstein shows us that it is not by virtue of some common
considering a comparative judgment, not between two instances of com- ingredient that a game is a game, but rather, it is by virtue of its mem-
munication, but between two different games. At an anthropologica l bership of a family. 1
conference, let's say, two rather similar native practices, each involving Returning to our anthropological conference, it now becomes clear
beads and bowls, are described in detail by a researcher who has that the discussion has taken an erroneous turn in its analysis of the two
recently returned from studying an island culture never before encoun- practices. By identifying the elements common to all games, and then
tered. The researcher shows a film of these practices, and suggests that comparing these with the two practices under consideration, no mean-
even though the two appear very similar, practice A is in fact an eco- ingful assessment of their comparative "gamelikeness" is going to be
nomic transaction, whereas B is a kind of game. In the ensuing di scus- achieved. Far more revealing than having experts review the film would
sion, the question arises as to how we might decide which of the two have been to have asked the participants what they thought was going
practices has the most "gamelike" qualities. One discussant therefore on in each practice. In this way, their intersubjective understanding of
suggests a list of elements common to all games, and subsequent contri- each practice could have been exposed whereby each practice was per-
butions attempt to compare the preponderance of these elements within ceived by participants to be a member of a particular family of practices.
the two practices. It might thus have been revealed that practice A was a decision-making
Of course, this example of comparative judgment has been selected procedure chat went wrong, and that, when repeated (practice B),
because it borrows heavily from Wittgenstein's discussion of "the prob- arrived at the decision not to ear the anthropologist and to let him return
lem of universals." 1 In The Blue and Brown Books, Wittgenstein refers to his home.
to what he sees as "our craving for generality." 2 First, he highlights our If nor according to a process of approximation to an ideal, how,
tendency to subsume under a common name all those properties that are then, do we eva luate communication? How do we compare two
shared by a group of practices. The general concept is thus seen as a instances of communication in order to discover which is the least dis-
common property, appearing in each practice as a kind of ingredient. torted by power? If we accept Wittgenstein's "solurion" to the problem

Second, we often imagine that to understand a common term, such as of universals, it is nor by virtue of their respective partaking of the ideal
"leaf," means that we possess a "kind of general picture of a leaf, as char they are judged to be more or less distorted. Rather, instances of
opposed to pictures of particular leaves. " 3 Such a general image, wrung communication that are distorted bear family resemblances to each
110 THE NATURE OF POLITICAL JUDGMENT Discursive Phronesis with a Cognitivist Core 111
other, and nothing short of our individual and collective exposure_to a learning process, it may well be that Habermas's regulative ideal can
great array of instances of distortion will allow us to make such Judg- help us to "train our eyes," but it can never be a substitute for direct
ments. As Wittgenstein says, "Don't think, but look!" In _effect, we are experience, 14 for making mistakes, for seeing others do it well. Individu-
here counseled to immerse ourselves in a particular labyrinth of words als and groups must learn to recognize family resemblances between fair
and signs, where rules of language usage and matted threads of family and unfair procedures. The way in which these resemblances appear,
resemblances make up a way of life. become thematized, and are described, forms an important component
If we seek, within our own language game, to justify or interpret, or in a common "horizon of understanding," and can be quite different in
to evaluate an instance of communication in terms of its degree of dis- different ethical contexts. Yet in all contexts where reasons are adduced
tortion, we are, according to this view, similarly engaged in unpacking for judgments, a legitimate judgment involves the inspection of institu-
the labyrinth of mutual understanding that constitutes our way of life.x tional arrangements and decision-making methods for their relative fair-
What therefore concerns us is whether any attempt at such critical ness. Decision procedures are to be as fair as we can make them, which
reflection could be anything other than a mere misunderstanding. In is the same thing as saying they should be as fair as we are here and now
other words, can we make any sense of a cognitivist ethics that conceives able to see. Such judgments are reflective, for they inspect particulars for
of judgment in terms of the recognition of family resemblances? their exemplification of the ideal of communicative fairness. But the per-
First, to reject a conception of judgment that characterizes the fac- ception of that exemplification is here understood to mean the recogni-
ulty in terms of the accurate perception9 of a preponderance of a com- tion of family resemblances.
mon ingredient does not preclude the ability to imagine, and even to for- We might label this reformulation of political judgment as a "dis-
malize, an ideal of undistorted communication. Certainly, one can cursive phronesis with a cognitivist core." It entails phronesis, here con-
identify common elements in instances of undistorted communication, ceived as a general competence 15 to see family resemblances and differ-
just as one can identify common elements in various games. Habermas's ences and to make a good decision between alternatives. It is deployed
argument, wherein he reconstructs and formalizes the ideal of undis- in situations where "it is not possible to deduce the correct choice from
torted communication from the inescapable presuppositions of argu- a priori principles and yet there is a definite sense in which one choice is
mentation, remains compatible with the insight that it is not by virtue of better than another," 16 and where "two alternatives seem both right in
this idealization that we make judgments. Indeed, Habermas's reluc- their own terms ... and both sides have some claim to validity. " 17 It is
tance of late to express these presuppositions in terms of a "situation" to used, also, wherever the type of rationality proper to the object of choice
seems to indicate a growing awareness on his part that such an ideal- is in contention, 18 where the way a problem is to be described is both
ization invites just the kind of philosophical confusion that Wittgenstein crucial and contentious and where we confront what appear to be
described as being bound up with our "craving for generality." 11 Cer- exceptions to moral norms. 19
tainly, no other aspect of Habermas's theory has been subjected to such If political judgment is fair deliberation, where "fairness" is assessed
systematic misunderstanding. reflectively and according to family resemblances, then we can follow
Wittgenstein's solution to the problem of universals allows us to sep- Wellmer when he asserts that "a well developed faculty of judgment
arate, methodologically, the sense in which a judgment is valid from the is ... an expression of what we might call the 'faculty' of discursive
way in which participants in a discourse make actual judgments regard- rationality." 20 According to such a view, ethical expertise no longer
ing comparative validity. Judgments are thus cognitive because they appears as an advanced ability for rational, detached judgments based
exemplify the ideal of validity that can be reconstructed from argumen- on uni versa list principles, as it does in Habermas's and Kohlberg's work.
tation as such. There is such a thing as fairness, there is such a thing as Instead, ethical expertise appears to be directly related to intuition,
legitimacy, precisely because there is an internal relation between mean - where intuition is an ability, born of experience, to perceive family
ing and validity. Yet at the same time, this does not translate directly into resemblances. Dreyfus and Dreyfus point out that "it seems that begin-
an understanding about how we make evaluative judgments. Such judg- ners make judgments using strict rules and features, but that with talent
ments, rather than assessing the preponderance of an ideal in particulars, and a great deal of involved experience the beginner develops into an
in fact involve the recognition of family resemblances between them. expert who sees intuitively what to do without applying rules. "
To recognize the family resemblances between fair procedures Such a conception of expertise in judging, which they unpack in five
requires practice. 12 It requires that one learns how to see. 11 In such a stages,ii has a number of advantages. First, it remains firmly fixed on the
112 THE NATURE OF POLITICAL JUDGMENT Discursive Phronesis with a Cognitivist Core 113
everyday ability to judge that seemed so hard to reach when we but also a tremendous range of possible interpretations of communica-
approached it from a more overtly normative standpoint. Second, it tive fairness. Ethical patterning varies between cultures, between groups,
incorporates the advances afforded by Gilligan, privileging involvement and even between individuals. At the same time, judgment is a faculty
rather than detachment and paying a greater attention to ethical con- that must be practiced and learned, introducing further variation, even
cerns. And third, it finally breaks free from the approximation assump- between groups and individuals who share matrices of ethical pattern-
tion that operates behind so much of the contemporary discussion of ing.
judgment. Yet according to the reformulation of judgment that we are When we take these considerations together, it is clear that judg-
here pursuing, the notion of "intuitive experrise" l.l does not signal a ments are only, ever, provisional, and that we can never dispense with
degeneration into ethical relativism, for judgment remains capable of the possible requirement that, at some point in the future, a discourse
cognitive redemption, and thus communication, by virtue of its exem- will need to be reopened. Yet at the same time, living in the world
plifying the ideal of communicative fairness. 24 requires that we make decisions, that we close discourses. Judgment is
therefore something that does not end. Wellmer inspects this problem in
an intriguing way:
The rationalization of the lifeworld is after all not a process at the end
of which it would even be possible to conceive of a perfectly rational
Having reconceived of judgment in terms of discursive phronesis with a
lifeworld ... it is much rather a process in which the consciousness that
cognitivist core, we are now in a position to return to questions regard-
there are no secure foundations for potential validity is put into effect
ing the design and evaluation of democratic institutions. Such questions socially.28
are clearly matters for collective judgment; they form a class of collec-
tive judgments in which participants, in a practical discourse, seek This way of stating the issue highlights the absence of a "vanishing
designs and evaluations that exemplify the ideal of fairness. We have point" 29 of rationalization of the lifeworld, and also the importance of
seen that such judgments are to be conceived reflectively, and that the seeing discourses of judgment in terms of an ongoing process. This
actual everyday process in which their exemplary validity is assessed accords well with our reformulation of judgment as a discursive and
proceeds in terms of the recognition of family resemblances. In this sec- reflective process of searching, and we find a number of commentators
tion, we pursue a series of issues relating to collective judgments regard- being drawn to the view that communicative ethics in fact expresses the
ing the design and evaluation of democratic institutions, particularly "ideal of an ongoing moral conversation. " 30 Bohman deploys such a
those arising from the inherent fallibility of judgments. In this way, we notion in his discussion of ideology critique, which he sees as being
begin to unpack the practical implications of our various theoretical insufficiently treated in Habermas's work, and which is best conceived
adjustments to Habermas's position. as an ongoing communicative process.·11 Similarly, Warnke proposes a
Judgments do not arrive at the truth, but are, instead, inherently fal - hermeneutic conversation aimed at an "ongoing dialogue." 32 Warnke is
lible.25 As Habermas puts it, within the inevitable "existential provin- explicit that the need to have the dialogue be ongoing is due to the
ciality"26 of our knowledge-claims, all instances of empirical consensus inevitability of interpretative pluralism, 33 and it is interesting to note a
should remain open to revision in the light of new knowledge, the devel- point of contact here with liberal/skeptical democratic theory. Such a
opment of "unforeseeable learning processes" and "historical transfor- notion is also redolent of more avowedly deliberative theories that stress
mations in the objects themselves." 27 the importance of participation by appealing to its ability to procedu-
Learning processes that render judgments and the methods of judg- ralize the search for moral consensus, and yet where, because of the fact
ment subject to revision might be of two types. First, new and relevant of pluralism, such consensus can never be reached. 34
knowledge might arise. Second, there may be developments in the ethi- A further implication of the inherent fallibility of judgment is that it
cal patterning within which communicative fairness is recognized. suggests that all we can hope to achieve in evaluating a practice for its
Whichever takes place, and the likelihood is that both will occur, it is communicative fairness is that we "do our best." We encountered this
issue previously when we were looking at the possibili~ that there was
I'. clear that no decision-making procedure ever achieves a level of ade-
quacy after which it would be immune to improvement. no apparent cut-off point where we could state ~ practice to have ade-
In addition, we confront not only an irreducible plurality of values, quately approximated to the ISS. The comparative nature of the word
Discursive Phronesis with a Cognitivist Core 115
'best' is important, because it highlights the fact that an interpretation is intersubjective validity. Political judgment was therefore conceived
involved in predicating it to one practice rather than another. For the along the lines of a discursive phronesis with a cognitivist core.
predication of the word 'best' to have any normative meaning, it must To say of point X, in a practical discourse that it is the "best" that
have a cognitive core. If we were to follow Habermas in his assertion of was possible, is therefore to assert that X is the most communicatively
a "strong cognitivism," that is, to adopt a model of generalizable inter- fair solution attainable in the circumstances. Predication of the word
ests or the principle of universalization, then the notion of doing one's 'best' is therefore a judgment, once again to be made reflectively and in
"best" in a discourse can be unpacked either in terms of an achieved a practical discourse, which occurs of necessity within a particular hori-
rational consensus, or in terms of a rational consensus that we have in zon of ethical patterning. This is no more than to say that there must be
fact done our "best." It is precisely his firm adherence to the possibility reasons for the provisional closure of a discourse, and that these reasons
of locating a common interest that allows him to claim normative pri- must themselves be discursively redeemable.◄ 1
ority for consensus,3 1 and thus to state that anything less is not just sec- Forester's treatment of this issue is instructive. He uses the phrase
ond best, but of a fundamentally different nature. 16 "socially necessary distortion" in order to capture the fact that in real
This distinction gained clarity in Habermas's debate with Tugend- discourses, constraints are such that Xis often a compromise rather than
hat, 17 which showed that while, for Habermas, compromise has its an achieved consensus. ◄ 4 Yet his adherence to the strong cognitivism of
place, it can nevertheless only attain normative validity in situations Habermas's principle of universalizability means that he sees the discur-
where a common interest cannot be found. Even in such situations, com- sive redemption of what constitutes a "socially necessary distortion" as
promises are only capable of being "indirectly justifiable," 38 for there itself requiring an actual consensus. The problem with this view is that
remains a fundamental distinction in the kinds of activity being under- in acknowledging that consensus might not be reached in a given dis-
taken in each case: course, and that circumstances require a compromise, we must also face
Participants in a practical discourse strive to clarify a common interest, the possibility that consensus might not be reached upon the question of
whereas in negotiating a compromise they try to strike a balance whether a compromise was required. We would then require a further
between conflicting particular interests. 1' discourse to reach consensus upon this secondary question, whereupon
we face an infinite regress of compromised validations of compromises.
The danger here is that while consensus involves the bracketing of If, instead of this, we seek to redeem the reasons for predicating the
particular interests, compromise entails nothing more than a "balance of word ' best' to a point X reflectively, and in terms of a judgment of com-
power""° between them. If we fail to make this Rousseauesque distinc- municative fairness, we begin to conceive of the notion of "best" in a
tion, and limit ourselves to compromise alone by denying the possibility cognitivist fashion, though in a weaker sense. To say of X that it was the
of consensus, we are inches away from being guilty of the charge Haber- best attainable is therefore to reach a sort of "discursive reflective equi-
mas so convincingly levels at Tugendhat-that we are "conflating valid- librium," ◄ 1 instead of involving ourselves in an infinitely regressive chase
ity claims and power claims. " 41 Our problem then, in following those for a consensus that might never emerge.
who have shown that consensus is both cognitively and morally beyond One possible objection to this approach is to claim that the idea of
■ our reach in a pluralist society, is to locate any criteria by which we a discursive reflective equilibrium in fact masks a regress of its own, for
could, with normative validity, predicate the word 'best' to a commu- now we seek reflective equilibrium for a compromise via a further
nicative procedure. Consensus may, where achieved, still indicate valid- attainment of reflective equilibrium, and so on, ad infinitum. This objec-
ity, yet it is no longer a necessary condition of it. 42 tion amounts to saying that at no point in the regress is there any con-
In our discussion of judgment, we noted that the abandonment of tact with the notion of a common interest or universalized consensus,
(U) did not in fact remove the entire cognitive core from discourse and therefore, at no point is normative validity ever reached. In order to
ethics. By reformulating judgment in terms of a reflective discourse of understand why this objection fails, it is necessary to recall the distinc-
application, we described that faculty as a general competence whereby tion between the types of interest that constitute consensus and com-
the universal of communicative fairness, expressed by the presupposi- promise respectively. While, according to Habermas, the first concerns
tions of argumentation, was sought for in ethically patterned ways. It a common interest the second concerns particular interests. Normative
was the reflective nature of judgment, and its ethical patterning, which validity is, claims Habermas, only to be deduced from the fo~mer. ..
captured the context-sensitivity of the faculty and also its horizons of Yer our reformulation of judgment in terms of a reflective act1v1ty
116 THE NATURE OF POI.ITICAL JUDG~tENT Discursive Phronesis with a Cognitivist Core 117
involving rhe search for communicative fairness in ethically patterned mises between participation and the demands for effectiveness emanat-
ways effectively replaces the notion of consensus with that of "reaching ing from the real world and from a functionally integrated system. All
an understanding."•• lt is simply not possible to claim that such an these types of compromise require discursive redemption if they are to
understanding, particularly when reached discursively and in a manner receive the valid predication of the word 'best.' While in the case of
judged to be fair by the participants, excludes any orientation to a com- value pluralism, reaching an understanding might take the form of
mon interest, or restricts participants to an orientation to particular "agreeing to disagree," in regard to real pressures from the world and
interests alone. Reaching an understanding entails finding common from the system, reaching an understanding takes the form of the dis-
ground, where locatable, and listening to the particular interests of oth- cursive redemption of trade-offs between efficiency and participation.
ers. It involves enlarged thinking, an attention to solidarity, and an We might now collect the various issues that have arisen from the
appraisal of rhe unavoidable constraints on practical discourses. For this fallibility of judgment and combine them with the reformulation of the
reason, reaching an understanding or a discursive equilibrium is both nature of that faculty attempted in the previous chapter. Political judg-
attainable, in other words, nor infinitely regressive, and also of norma- ment is cognitive, for it involves the reflective search for the universal of
tive validity; not because it reached consensus or a generalizable inter- communicative fairness, formalized in the presuppositions of argumen-
est, but because it was attained under the "best" or most communica- tation. Such a search is a process without end, and it takes place in eth-
tively fair procedure that the participants could find. ically patterned ways that reflect both the intersubjective background
Compromises requiring normative validity have two dimensions that allows for the communication of judgments and also the forms in
along which they transgress the ideal. The first involves compromises which family resemblances are recognized. In a multicultural society,
that are necessitated by the fact of value pluralism, and this is the type compromises are inevitable, though they cannot be characterized as
most often discussed in the literature. The second involves a particular excluding all forms of enlarged thinking or of the common good. Some-
source of transgression that we confront in real discourses, this being the times they take the form of a trade-off between participation and effec-
inevitability of trade-offs with efficiency.• 1 Such trade-offs are responses tiveness. There is a cognitivist sense in which the word 'best' can be
to externally imposed pressures on a discourse, and they procure a nec- predicated of a practice, of a compromise, and of a trade-off. The act of
essary gain in efficiency, or more accurately, effectiveness, 48 by limiting predication is a discursive judgment that proceeds via the recognition of
participation in some way. Here, in attempting to effectively procure family resemblances and whose validity is due to its reflective exemplifi-
such gains as survival, stability, and rapid, high-quality decisions, we cation of the ideal of communicative fairness.
encounter the pragmatic requirement for certain kinds of strategic These insights begin to make the theoretical adjustments that are
action, oriented to success, that themselves require legitimation. required if we are to more fruitfully address the design and evaluation
Trade-offs between effectiveness and participation can take a num- of democratic institutions, and to shed some light on how those institu-
ber of forms. Temporal pressures often require a limit on participation tions might actually function. As regards the design of institutions, our
by drawing a discourse to a close in order for a decision to be made. investigation of the negative limit to theory showed that it is simply
Similarly, trade-offs can involve responses to cognitive constraints that beyond the remit of the normative theorist to prescribe such designs ex
require the limitation of participation by recourse to some centralization ante. To attempt to do so is to commit the fallacy of the "shortcut."
of decision-making power. This takes the form of a hierarchy or a con- Thus, the act of designing was seen to have meaning only in terms of
centration of the necessary functions of leadership in a single person or self-determination by participants, and while normative theory might
group. Such trade-offs can also be necessitated by the usurpation of rule out certain designs, it cannot stipulate an a priori choice among the
some portion of the decision "zone" by the media of the functionally quite different types of institutional arrangements . For this reason, we
integrated subsystems of the economy and the administrative state. cannot simply take our reformulations of theory and do what so many
These serve to limit participation by taking away decisions from partic- commentators do: we cannot say "these normative considerations are
ipants, either by handing them decisions already made by no one (by the best institutionalized in the following ways," or "for judgments to be
system), or by issuing functional imperatives which must be honored pursued in the manner here outlined, we require the following institu-
and over which the participants have no control. tions." For while it may well be the case that normative theory seems to
The idea of a rational compromise therefore entails not just norma- call for certain institutional arrangements, we can never be sure that
tively valid compromises between value perspectives, but also compro- such arrangements are the only or even the best instantiations.
Discursive Phronesis with a Cognitivist Core 119
Nor can we dispense with the iss ue of ex ante design altogether. try. A thinker like Roussea u, for example, could be said to have been a
Hahermas has certainly taken this approach, particularly in his later ?001 ~eal more pellucid in regard to the forms of government that were
writings, where he concerns himself increasingly with the ex post evalu- ~lleg~t~mate, _than he was in rega rd to ones that might be legitimate. 17 If
ation of the normative validity of existing institutions. The result of such 1lleg1t1macy ts a n easier concept to identify in the world, this might just
a move is to make further gains in normative theory, and to offer sophis- be due to our having so frequent an experience of it. Or it might be that
ticated grounds for the critique of existing institutions, but it moves us there is an entropic qua lity to legitimacy, whereby it is constantly in dan-
ever further away from a radical "Habermasian politics." More and ger of slipping away, thus revealing its negative counterpart. 18
more sophisticated normative theory, particularly with its almost exclu- It is precisely this entropic quality to legitimacy that accounts for the
sive orientation to the level of the state, does not further our und er- negative orientation of a theory of legitimacy such as tha t advanced by
standing of "what we should do." There is a real danger also, particu- 1
Scanlon. ~ We notice this sa me orientation in the example of institution-
larly with Between Facts and Norms,4 9 that he is providing normative alized discourse proposed by White 60 and in many of the discursive
grounds that can as well be adduced to defend existing practices as they designs presented by Dryzek. 6 1 Heller defines this orientation in the fol-
can to criticize them. While it is still early for the interpretation of this lowing way:
rich and important work, Habermas seems to be sailing dangero usly
close to an apologist position. I would suggest here, in a provisiona l We can recommend that everyone shou ld check his or her norms on the
basis of universa l maxims. But if a set of norms does not contradict
manner, for I intend to return to the issue of the growing "statism" of
universal maxims, then the choice of one set of norms over another
recent developments in critical theory, that Western states require only ca nnot be rationally grounded, nor need it be. Even if we push moral
de facto legitimacy to function, and perhaps not even that. 10 H av ing rationalism to the extreme, we can only go so far as to claim that the
already enjoyed a plethora of theoretical attempts to offer them de jure re1cct10n of moral norms should be rationally grounded, but never so
legitimacy after the fact, ranging from Hobbes to Rawls, it would be sad far as to claim that their acceptance sho uld be rationally grounded.61
to see Habermas's project go the same way.
Applying this orientation to Habermas, she states
Of course, his position retains significant critical bite, and this is sti ll
in evidence in the many fruitful uses of his theory in ex post evaluations we cannot obtain any positive guidance from the Habermasian refor-
of democratic institutions. This traditional strength of critical theo ry is mulation of the categorical imperative. Rather, what we could get is a
underlined by those who value Habermas's work not so much for its s11bsta11t1ve l1m1tat1011 placed on our intellectual intuition: we, as indi-

account of moral validity, as for its theory of democratic legitimacy. viduals, should only claim universal validity for those moral norms
which we can assume would be accepted by everyone as valid in an
Indeed, there is a tension running throughout Habermas's project
ideal situation of symmetric reciprocity. 61
between these two ways of seeing communicative ethics. 5 1 While some
commentators have suggested that it can only function as the la tter, ii The idea of a "substantive limitation" on our intellectual intuition
others claim it provides insight into both. 53 This tension has a lso pro- sees the appropriate task of a communicative ethics as providing a moral
duced claims that Habermas is hopelessly confused as to the relation test that the various norms thrown up by the lifeworld must pass. Such
between the two issues,5 4 that he is "generally attentive" to it, 11 and a notion has grea tl y interested Benhabib,Mand she carefully inspects the
finally, that his confusion in fact opens the door for an und erstanding, operation of such a limit in regard to the norm "do not inflict unneces-
not of the conditions of legitimacy, but of the conditions of the illegiti- sary suffering. " 61 In the previous chapter, we saw a somewhat similar
macy of moral norms. 56 notion given an original twist by Wellmer when he sought to use dis-
Without getting into the complexities of these various evaluations of course ethics in the "elimination of nonsense. " 66 By articulating the con-
Habermas's understanding of this relation, we should notice that there ditions of illegitimacy through his notion of "nongeneralizability,"
is something rather compelling about the possibility of deploying dis- Wellmer draws our attention to the importance of a negative orientation
course ethics in a negative form, and that this relates directly to our to the question of justification. Such a negative orientation clearly cap-
inquiry into the kinds of judgments that preserve fairness. While the tures the entropic nature of political legitimacy. Applying this to moral
notion_of a ~onsensus theory of legitimacy as conceived by H abermas is norms, he investigates how such a negative principle might operate in
a contmuatton of modern social contract theory, the idea of a lack of regard to a norm of prima facie va lidity such as neminem laede.67 Both
consensus as marking what was illegitimate can claim a simi lar ances- he and Benhabib are here asserting a kind of "relativism with a caveat. "
120 THE NATURE OF POLITICAL JUDGMENT Discursive Phronesis with a Cognitivist Core 121
If relativism can be summed up with the phrase "anything goes," then the liberal discourse of protective rights we inherit from Locke. What we
their positions might be described as "anything goes but these things." are inspecting here, however, is the tendency of this discourse to occlude
In chapter 3, we listed a series of objections to a move. bein? made and displa~e. what is in fact a question regarding the legitimacy of the
by a growing number of Habermas's commentators; this bemg the state. Susp~c1ons, on the part of individuals, as to the legitimacy of the
attempt to unpack discourse ethics into a series of communicative rights. state are stimulated by the experience of oppression, yet these suspicions
There we saw that such a "shortcut" tends to place the burden of proof are, then, in liberalism siphoned off into an argument over rights.
upon the wrong object. If, instead of following such a move, we were to Because no modern state has ever been normatively supported by a
deploy discourse ethics with a negative orientation, thus capturing the discursive infrastructure that might serve to constantly thematize, scru-
entropic quality of legitimacy in the realm of politics and setting out the tinize, and affirm its claim to legitimacy, the entropic quality of legiti-
conditions of illegitimacy, then we can see why "saying it with rights" macy has never been a serious concern. Rather, the state, being a con-
involves aiming our critique at the wrong target. struct of purely strategic and functional origin, need only address the
Those who espouse such a position, such as Cohen, Arato, and issue of its legitimacy in terms of ex post rationalizations and the man-
lngram, 68 are keen to point out-and in this they follow Hegel-that agement of appearances. When the moral outrage of individuals and
rights are underpinned by, or are an expression of, normative learning minority groups expose the legitimation deficit, the state is only too
within civil society. 69 Habermas puts this point thus: happy to engage in a legalistic argument over rights. States thus func-
the social basis for the realization for the system of rights is made up tionally encourage the process of displacement of questions regarding
of . . . the communication flows and mediatized influences which their legitimacy into arguments over rights. The resulting displacement
emerge from civil society and the political public sphere and are trans- serves to occlude their legitimation deficit, and to channel the utopian
formed, via democratic processes, into communicative power.
energies of the lifeworld away from the search for institutional struc-
tures that, by enabling collective discursive will-formation, might more
While it is certainly true that legal rights express a configuration of genuinely treat the legitimacy of the state as an inherently entropic
ethical patterning and may even be a "high-water mark" of the collec- affair. Rights are, therefore, just the place a state would wish to fight its
tive reflective perception of communicative fairness, there is a sense in (now highly distorted) battle for legitimacy. Such a tendency for dis-
which "saying it with rights" tempts us into a distorted conception of placement has often, historically, come to the aid of the state, presenting
democratic legitimacy. This temptation is evident in the development of radical collectives with a bloody constitutional wall upon which they
rights-based discourse generally. Proceeding, as we have historically, dash themselves and expend their utopian energies. 76 This displacement
from a position in which the power of the state is extant, flagrant exam- has thus, in part, compensated for the palpable inability on the part of
ples of the oppression of individuals and minority groups raise suspi- political theory to provide the state with an adequate ex post legitima-
cions about the legitimacy of the state. This gives rise to the normative tion.
dimension of rights, wherein they guarantee individual freedoms, 7 1 and In terms of the question of justification, the burden of proof falls not
express the limits of state power. The instantiations of normative learn- upon the legitimation of individual rights, but upon the entropic legiti-
ing in civil society therefore takes the form of an incremental "winning macy of the state. It is not, therefore, the task of a discourse ethics to
back" of power for individuals to resist the power of the state. It is for ground political rights such as participation or freedom of speech-no
this reason that Marshall 12 advances the thesis that "the status of the cit- matter to what extent the pressure to participate grows out of the indi-
izen in modern societies has been expanded and buttressed step by vidual pain engendered by exclusion. Rather, it is up to the state to
step. " 73 This is a similar idea to the one we earlier saw advanced by include individuals in its decision-making processes if it wishes to remain
Wellmer with his "specific negations of inequality." 74 Such normative legitimate. Such a view can be read back into history, suggesting the pos-
development must, of course, also be seen to be working in tandem with sibility that we did not win participatory rights after the French Revolu-
a functionalist view of rights that "institutionalize a market-steered tion because individuals appealed to natural law to criticize their exclu-
economy, " 75 and that crystallize around private ownership. sion. Instead, and this is more in keeping with Hume's damning attack
On the one hand then, such an incremental construction of the on natural rights and Habermas's account of the de.velopment of t.h.e
structure of rights, proceeding as it does from the fact of extant state public sphere, normative learning advanced to the pomt ~hat th~ l~g~tt-
power, represents a genuine gain for the freedom of individuals. This is macy of the state could no longer survive the mass exclusion of md1v1d-
Discursive Phronesis with a Cognitivist Core 123
uals. Subsequent enlargements of the franchise, particula~ly in regard to
wou~d ~e allowed and perhaps even necessary from the standpoint of
the Reform Bills and the Suffrage Movement, could be said to have been continuing and sustaining the practice of the moral conversation among
motivated in the same way. us. The emphasis now is less on rational agreement, but more on sus-
The advance offered us by discourse ethics is that it points us at the taining those normative practices and moral relationships within which
correct object: it calls into question the legitimation of power. As Ben- reasoned agreement as a way of life can flourish and continue.K 1
habib puts it:
She then goes on to use this shift in emphasis in order to advocate a
The shoe is really on the other foot. It is up to the critic of ... egali- post-conventional Sittlichkeit in which questions of justice are seen to
tarian universalism to show, with good grounds, why some individuals involve the evaluation of particular conceptions of the good. In this way,
on account of certain characteristics should be effectively excluded she seeks a utopian crossing from normative to empirical theory, here in
from the moral conversation. 77 a substantive yet minimal sense. Instead of generating another example
As is always the case with a theory of legitimacy, significant prob- of "moral monism," 82 discourse ethics is here deployed to justify those
lems arise when one tries to cash it in for a theory of institutions. This practices that sustain the moral relationships allowing for rational agree-
was precisely the problem we encountered in Habermas's discussion of ment. Such an approach serves to bring together questions of the good
Rousseau when we saw that the principles that legitimate authority do life with those of justice,81 and at the same time to highlight the impor-
not pick out particular institutional arrangements in which that author- tance of the role of caring in any conception of morality, a dimension so
ity might be embodied. Such difficulties will certainly be shared by a the- inadequately treated by Kohlberg. 84
ory that points instead at the conditions of illegitimacy, or that con- We shou ld notice that Habermas himself has become increasingly
ceives of legitimacy as entropic. Before we can apply ourselves to the cognisant of such a deployment of his theory. Indeed, there is a sense in
problem of institutional design, however, we need to bring together our which his various discussions of the relation between identity formation
reformulated account of judgment with our understanding of its proper and "the vital fabric of ties of mutual recognition through which indi-
object: entropic legitimacy. viduals reciprocally stabilise their fragile identities," 85 leads him beyond
Instead of seeing a structure of institutionalized rights as being in Kant and into an elaboration of "certain structural aspects of the good
need of a justification, we have sought to shift the burden of proof onto life. " 86 What both Habermas and Benhabib are suggesting, then, is that
the question of the legitimacy of decision-making practices themselves, no matter how communicative fairness is ethically patterned, there is
be they at the level of the state or within civil society. We have also seen clearly a minimal requirement to protect practices wherein discursive
the importance of taking a negative orientation toward the question of will-formation takes place. Such an assertion amounts to saying, as did
legitimacy, and it was this orientation that allowed us to highlight the Hobbes, that while there may be no summum bonum, there is clearly a
inherently entropic quality of the legitimacy of decision-making prac- summum ma/um. For Hobbes, you have to be alive to contract with oth-
tices. ers. For Benhabib and Habermas, you have to be able to discourse
Taking discourse ethics as a theory of moral validity, we were able morally if you want to have a moral life.
to see how it might operate as a substantive limit on our intuitions. Tak- A similar notion operates behind many of the efforts to apply dis-
ing it as a theory of legitimacy allowed us to focus on the entropic course ethics to a theory of institutions. So, for example, Keane follows
nature of legitimacy. One important way in which these two approaches Dewey and states that "Whatever obstructs and restricts communication
within discourse ethics might be brought together is to begin to delin- also limits and distorts the formation of a democratic and many-sided
eate those judgments that must be ruled out in order for legitimation (as public. " 87 Forester, in seeking a critical theory of public policy, asserts
an ongoing discursive practice) to be preserved. Thus, Benhabib's that:
"interactive universalism" 79 has the "interesting consequence" 80 of shift- Any particular policy proposal, then, may pr~mise to influence . : .
ing the emphasis of the moral test to the question of whether or not the institutions so that they may either enable or disable, empower or d1s-
application of a norm would serve to undermine the procedure of moral empower, specific possibilities of popular political debate and mobi-
argumentation itself. As she puts it: lization, of popular challenge or traditional class struggle."K

~e be~in to ask not what all would or could agree to as a result of prac- Again, some writers express similar ideas ~n regard ~o the protec-
tical discourses to be morally permissible or impermissible, but what tion in law of the institutional prerequisites ot democratic argumenta-
' ,
Discursive Phronesis with a Cognitivist Core 127
tor begins to engage in practices that effectively im~~ir the abilit~ of the
together, the problems encountered upon application of his theory were
populace to make such judgments; in other w?rds, _if he _s~eks to msula~e
seen to effectively block the development of a Habermasian politics. We
himself from the discursive process from which his leg1t1mate power 1s
turn now to the final source of methodological problems, this being the
derived then he is in violation of (P). Another way of saying this might
object domain to which his theory has been applied.
be to s;y that at the point where (P) is violated, th_e internal threat (to
We have noted this latter problem variously as "lacuna," the
the legitimacy of the democratic process) equates with the external one. "statism" of the theory, and as a "missing tier." Now we must take our
At such a point, the issue becomes the very ability of the populace to various normative tools into the very heart of the question of a demo-
generate the (legitimate) power that is necessary to live in a hostile cratic politics: to the actual functioning of deliberative fora themselves.
world, and one in which they will have to make judgments even where In doing so, we will show that that there is a political difference between
consensus may not be possible. Habermas and Rawls,9 8 that there is a Habermasian politics, but,
This example suggests that, though we abandoned (U), we have, because it does not follow his recent liberal turn, such a politics is one
with the introduction of (P), resurrected a quite specific generalizable that Habermas himself would not countenance. Throughout our
interest. (P) lends weight to O'Neill's assertion that: inquiry, we have used him as a guide, and have adopted his orientation
In the case of reasonable yet conflicting particular interests, it seems to approaching the empirical problem of oppression from a normative
plausible to argue that a fair compromise would constitute a generalis- standpoint. Now we must step out into the cold and immerse ourselves
able interest, in protecting the conditions for a democratic way of life, in the real problems of a democratic politics, while at the same time
for example. 97 holding hard to what we have learned.
If we forget what he has taught us, we will achieve nothing, for the
In fact, looking at an example from ancient history where trade-offs world is full of theories of deliberative democracy that, in lacking nor-
with efficiency are obviously required alerts us to a quite specific effi- mative sop histication, amount to little more than heart-warming remon-
ciency problem we encounter in modernity. In addition to the obvious strances, fantasies of positivistic control, or mere semantic incantation. 99
"we must survive," a generalizable interest that has greatly interested But no matter how great the value of his contribution, it cannot hide the
environmentalists, we encounter another, this being: "we must survive fact that the time has come to part company with our guide.
as democrats." For it seems increasingly obvious that if we continue to
be unable to effect any democratic control over the economy, our sur-
vival as a species may be in jeopardy. If the choice is indeed between
"democracy and barbarism," then not violating the principle of preser-
vation becomes a matter of physical survival.
A further characteristic of (P) is that it pertains not just to outcomes
and procedural arrangements, but also to interventions in discourses of
judgment. This is of particular interest because it enables us to address
the question of what individuals actually do in democratic assemblies. It
therefore gives us a tool that is firmly situated in an area normative the-
ories have so often failed to address; this being what we have referred to
as the "missing tier of theory."
The recurrent methodological problems we encountered when we
tried to use Habermas's theory affirmatively were seen to arise from a
number of sources, and we have been working through these sources
systematically. First, some were due to the limits of normative theory,
which we showed have caused significant confusion among Habermas's
commentators. Second, those difficulties were caused by his conception
of judgment, and this led us to reformulate our account of that faculty
in terms of discursive phronesis with a cognitivist core. When taken

Real Participation

Changing the Object Domain

of Application

Throughout our inquiry, we have noted a number of ways in which

Habermas and his commentators seem to have shied away from ques-
tions concerning the actual functioning of democratic fora. We have
seen how many of their discussions seem to end, as it were, in midair,
and to use the concept of the public sphere as a kind of placeholder
wherein domination-free discourse is intended to take place. In our dis-
cussion of the methodological problems that occurred when we sought
to use the theory affirmatively, we detected a lacuna, or a missing tier of
theory, and in Habermas's latest work, with its increasing orientation to
the normative basis of law and constitutional procedure, all hope of this
tier's being addressed seemed to finally disappear.
In many ways, this lack of attention to actual discourses is shared by
all democratic theory, which has always maintained, as its primary
object, the legitimacy and efficiency of the nation-state. Indeed, Eder
suggests that there has been, within social science generally, a lack of
interest in the functioning of groups. 1 Such a lack is particularly trou-
bling in deliberative democratic theory, however, precisely because such
fora are appealed to in order to provide the fair discursive input required
for the state to be legitimate. A plethora of new work in deliberative
democracy has stressed the importance of deliberative fora, describing
them in a variety of ways. Whether they be in the form of secondary
associations/ autonomous public spheres operating at the periphery of
the state,3 functional demarchies, 4 deliberative opinion polls,5 New
Social Movements,6 discursive fora,7 or subaltern counterpublics,8 few
theorists give adequate attention to what actually takes place within
such fora. Empirical work on such fora has therefore been thin on the
ground,9 and there remains an implicit distinction between "constitu-
tional" politics, seen as the proper domain of political science, and
"ordinary" politics, which is not. 10 It is precisely this distinction that has
so much troubled feminist theorists in their attempts to draw attention
to the importance of power relations in what have all too often been
written off as "private" spheres.' 1

Changing the Object Domain of Application 133
In order to understand why d~liber~ti_ve fora have _traditionally
fallen outside the concerns of theorists, 1t 1s necessary, first (7 .1 ), to . ~~e impracticality of a deliberative politics, or the charge that it is
understand that the theorist confronts the problems of democracy from meff1c1ent, refers us also to a second and related accusation: that such a
a certain perspective. When we have focused this perspective, we will be politics i_s dangerous. Unchecked participation is to be feared, not just
able to distinguish it from that of participants in a practical discourse because it threatens inefficiency, but also because it can result in terror.
(7.2), who, as we shall see, encounter quite different problems. From the The French and Russian Revolutions are the historical examples most
perspective of such participants, the problems presented by trying to often adduced to support this claim, but the treatment this issue received
make democracy real result in the need to make judgments that design at the hands of those who framed the American Constitution shows that
and evaluate decision-making procedures, and that preserve the capac- democratic theory has always had a profound distrust for the people. 12
ity to make decisions that are both legitimate and efficient. This distrust, based on accusations of ignorance, volatility, and par-
tial judgment on the part of the demos, begins to suggest some of the
reasons why the interactions that occur between ordinary people in their
7.1 DEMOCRACY FROM THE THEORIST'S PERSPECTIVE political debates have been passed over by democratic theorists. For the
world of deliberative fora is one of seemingly petty concerns, of emo-
The lack of attention to deliberative fora can be seen partly as an exces- tional outburst, of unschooled argumentation and unstructured deci-
sive and seemingly blinding attention to democracy as a problem for sion-making. It reveals the full spectrum of human affect and the dis-
tasteful and faintly embarrassing world of private interaction. If this
nation-states, and partly as an avoidance. Historically, theorists have
were not reason enough to avoid looking closely at deliberative fora,
plied their trade against a background of extant states that claim legiti-
there is also the fact that the emotional component of actual discourses
macy, and have been concerned for all the individuals who live within
renders the processes that go on within them extremely hard to thema-
them. Against such a background, the possibility of deepening democ-
tize. Thus, having been left to inspect such interactions by an uninter-
racy, or equality, or fairness, must enter a strategic game where one
ested and disdainful political science, social psychologists have not,
player is far more powerful than the others. In regard to the efficiency
themselves, been able to shed much light on the process of decision-mak-
of a democratic order, therefore, the presence of the state raises practi- ing within small groups. 11
cal problems that cannot be avoided. For those theorists who seek to This combination of concerns has had the result of moving demo-
deepen democracy, it has meant doing battle with the state, with all the cratic theory away from the inspection of everyday interactions between
problems of vanguardism and dirty hands that are so entailed. For those ordinary people and toward those that constitute the administration of
who seek to legitimate the status quo, it has meant retaining a careful the nation-state. Theorists thus take up a position high above the earth,
attention to what is actually possible and practical within a political from which they gaze out upon the entire institutional landscape." In
order of such size and complexity. These, of course, are very good rea- most deliberative theories of democracy, this perspective operates as an
sons to conceive of democracy as properly pertaining to the level of the unexamined assumption. Beginning with a diagnosis of the political
nation-state, and such a conception has, historically, resulted in signifi- order as a whole, and now oriented to a tocalized conception of society,
cant gains in freedom and efficiency. suggestions for reform inevitably share that totalized and elevated view.
It has also resulted in the traditional accusation against a delibera- No matter how limited the suggested reforms, no matter how restricted
tive politics: that it is utopian, unrealistic, and impractical. This accusa- to a mere portion of society, theorists seldom escape this ubiquitous per-
tion has been so accepted that, as we noted at the outset of our inquiry, spective. Thus, to take an example, the many recent developments in
it has become intuitively obvious to almost everyone in modernity. civil society theory, though not primarily oriented co democracy at the
Whether due to there being simply too many of us, to the excessive com- level of the state, retain an orientation co the problem of democracy as
~lexi_t~ and interdependence of the problems we face, to the apparent properly pertaining to the entire political order. Similarly, communitar-
meff1c1ency of deliberation, or to a perceived lack of ability and moti- ians "advance their proposals as a contribution to the politics of the
vation on the part of the demos, democratic theorists since Plato have nation-state," 11 and even Habermas's carefully limited suggestion for
t~u~ht u~ that ~h_e p~opl~, while being sovereign, require structures that "peripheral" public spheres remains oriented to the meaning of legiti-
limit their part1c1pat1on m order for the operation of the nation-state to macy in the polity as a whole. Lest we imagine that this perspective is
be possible. somehow a product of an excessive attention to normative concerns, and
Changing the Object Domain of Application 135
a "passe" interest in questions of legitimacy~ we should note the f?l-
ti_c~s. ~e live firmly upon the earth, grubbing around in our work, our
lowing from a theorist who, as a postmodernist, eschews all normative
c1v1c involvements, our religious affiliations our familial and social
questions: ?roups and in ou~ inte~mittent political activi;m. For the most part, it is
What we need is a hegemony of democratic values, and this requires a m face-to-face d1scuss1ons that ordinary people actually confront the
multiplication of democratic practices, instit~ti?~alizing t~em int~ ~ver problem~ ?f d_e mo_cracy. Here, more democracy means greater fairness
more diverse social relations, so that a mult1phc1ty of sub1ect-pos1t1ons and part1c1pat1on tn the decision-making process of an actual group. All
can be formed through a democratic matrix. It is in this way-and not the work put in by the theorist to make democracy real by giving it an
by trying to provide it with a rational foundation-that we will be able institutional location 18 is a matter of little interest to us as participants in
not only to defend democracy but also to deep~n it .... A proj~c~ ~f rad- an actual discourse. This is because, in a real situation, the dimension of
ical and plural democracy ... requires the existence of mult1plte1ty, of "where" simply does not arise. What we want is more democracy right
plurality, and of conflict, and sees in them the raison d'etre of politics. 16 here, right now. The democratization of society is certainly an intrigu-
ing thought, but as a meeting drags on, as it is once again taken over by
All these examples serve to illustrate what we might call the per- the same people and the same interests prevail, such a notion seems very
spective of the theorist. From such a perspective, democracy appears as distant indeed.
a problem requiring institutional forms, conduits whereby the people Democracy presents different problems when considered from the
feed informed consent into the nation-state and restraints on participa- perspective of the participant rather than from that of the theorist. From
tion in order to preserve efficiency and stability. Such institutional forms the perspective of the participant inside the realm of action, the problem
raise problems regarding the location of democracy, 17 and of legitimate is to make decisions as fairly as possible and at the same time to preserve
and efficient design: and all on a massive scale. Situated outside the efficiency. Yet any attempt to use discourse ethics for procedural guid-
realm of action, the theorist gazes in upon it as a spectator. As with the ance in such matters reveals the theory to be profoundly utopian in a
doctor who possesses knowledge about health and sickness, the attempt quite specific sense, for it does not reach down to their real concerns. 1~
is to apply this knowledge to problems encountered by someone else. While theorists busy themselves with cultural criticism and seek institu-
Now, of course, democracy is a very large wood, and forestry legit- tional forms that maximally instantiate the ideal of fairness, participants
imately studies it as such. But it is also made up of trees. There is, there- instead seek normatively valid ways of improving the fairness of their
fore, a quite different perspective from which to inspect the problems of decision-making process. Thus, while the theorist faces the problem of
democracy. From this second perspective, democracy presents quite dif- making the ideal real, participants must make something real more ideal.
ferent problems, for which democratic theorists, and most glaringly Here, to continue our metaphor of the doctor, sickness is not an abstract
deliberative theorists, have not provided any meaningful assistance. concern. It is a cause of immediate and personal pain.
Clearly, theories of deliberative democracy are of value if they can reveal It is for this reason that Wolin suggests, "Democracy is not about
illegitimacy at the level of the nation-state, and where they can provide where the political is located but how it is experienced." 20 He goes on to
motivation and guidance for future institutional reform. As such, they show that democracy, as something that happens to participants in a
offer much to political theorists and perhaps also to politicians. They discourse, is characterized by the loss of form, by immediacy and by the
might even be of some use to ordinary people, particularly those who breach of design. 2 1 Thus, participants confront occasional revolutionary
are concerned with understanding what is wrong with our society and moments in their everyday lives that either recede naturally, are
whether or not to offer support to a political cause or leader. But they repressed, or are "tamed" by an institution. Wolin cites the constitu-
do not address the ordinary question: "How could there ever be fair tional arrangements of liberal democratic states as being the ultimate
deliberation in, say, my place of work?" "domestication of politics." 11
We might extend these insights and assert that, from the partici-
If deliberative theory is to be of real use, if it is to be a pragmatic
pant's point of view, democracy, or discursive fairness that is never~he-
and earthbound practice, it will need to address democracy not just as
less efficient is something that occasionally breaks out among particu-
it appears in the elevated view of the political theorist, but also as it is
lar people i;1 particular situations. Suddenly, we fin~ we have risen
actually encountered in the everyday world of ordinary people. Most of
above the power-saturated ways in which we normally mteract and that
us do ?ot pr~ctice statecraft. We do not face the problem of reforming
something quite different is taking place between us. From the perspec-
an entire social order, or of ridding all discourses of exclusionary prac-

136 REAL PARTICIPATION Changing the Object Domain of Application 137

tive of the participant, democracy involves not a form for participation, sio_n, people bec?~e politicized. As republican theory has always
but a breach of form. po1~t_ed ou_t, part1c1p~nts in deliberation broaden their tight focus on
Political theory's inattention to this kind of democracy was criti- md1v1dual interests, first to seeing things from the point of view of oth-
cized by Pizzorno in 1970, especially for its inability to provide a his- ers, ~nd then to thos~ interests the group has in common. As the group
torical reconstructioni 1 and since then, perhaps only feminist theory has con~mues to meet, friendship, vitality, and rapid learning all draw peo-
seriously inspected it. i◄ Yet if we combine the conceptual gains devel- 36
ple m, Now, to use Rousseau's phrase, they "fly to the assemblies. " 17
oped by the various new theories of deliberative democracy with the In a democratic breakout, the cost of participation is completely
scant literature that has considered it as an empirical phenomenon, we swamped by the benefits.J8
can begin to delineate the characteristics of a democratic breakout, to Social psychologists have found that what seems to drive these pro-
inspect the kind of theoretical assistance its participants might require cesses, and to give them their extraordinary energy, is that, in a break-
and to sketch its history. out of democracy, conflict works./9 It generates cohesion, it causes peo-
ple to re-evaluate their preferences and needs, and it brings about
consensus.•0 There are disagreements, and these are acted out--often in
7.2 DEMOCRACY FROM THE PARTICIPANT'S PERSPECTIVE highly dramatic ways. Livy's history of early Rome has many good
examples of such political drama, and it was precisely this energizing
A breakout of democracy has identifiable characteristics, confronts conflict to which Machiavelli attributed the vitality of that republic.
recurrent problems, and may even have a discernible life cycle. Once we A further characteristic of a breakout of democracy is that partici-
broaden our vision away from the state to include civil society and pants seek ways to deliberate that are seen to be right and fair. 41 Was
everyday life, history provides us with numerous examples of demo- that decision made fa irly? Could it have been more so ? Accounts of
cratic breakouts. 25 A somewhat arbitrary list might highlight occur- democratic breakouts would indicate that argumentation around such
rences in the political clubs of revolutionary France/ 6 in workers' soci- issues includes not only reason, but also a variety of rhetorical devices,
eties of the nineteenth century, 27 and in anarchist patrols in the Spanish such as irony, ridicule, and ad hominem. 42 In Athenian debates, for
Civil War. More recently, breakouts have taken place in the women's exa mple, it is noticeable that verbal abuse of a speaker's ancestry often
movement, in user groups challenging Community Care provisions, took the place of substantive criticism of the speaker's views.◄J And no
among miner's wives during the 1985 strike, and in sections of the matter how ingeniously egalitarian the procedure being used, it is the
anti-poll tax movement. 28 There are many more examples that are so subject of almost constant assessment and complaint.4 4
short-lived as to never attract the attention of the media . Indeed, it As the women's movement found, in a democratic breakout, lead-
seems reasonable to suggest that almost all of us have had some experi- ership is no longer based on social roles, but becomes more fluid: its
ence of a breakout of democracy. 2, functions divided and shared.4 5 Where it does accrue to particular indi-
What then, are the characteristics of this kind of democracy ? The viduals, it is because the group benefits from that individual's abilities. 46
primary characteristic must be that of noise} 0 All accounts note that Whether the benefits of leadership outweigh its dangers is a constant
speech becomes animated, and debate heated. This sudden increase in topic of discussion for the group. On those rare yet inevitable occasions
discussion follows upon the discovery of a common preoccupation. where ostracism is necessary, it tends to be practiced against those more
Now, people are keen to be heard, they listen to others with interest, powerful members of the group who are widely seen to be actively
and concern is expressed to elicit all views.J1 Exclusionary tactics are working against the collective interest.4 7 Thus, the ejection of a leader is
directly challenged, as are attempts to distort the needs and interests of often the first act of an eruption of democracy.
others.J2 Whatever the common interest under discussion all salient As the forum continues to meet, networks of alliance and disagree-
facts are actively explored, and the group, now pooling i~s cognitive ment emerge, group boundaries harden, and adversarial postures are
resources, confronts the matter at hand in its full complexity _n adopted toward the institutions of power.• 3 The group develops in-
Another early indication is that people become highly suspicious of jokes,4y stereotypical images of opponents, and symbolic representations
all forms of existing authorityl • The women's movement in particular of its cohesion. 10 Nevertheless, a characteristic of fairness is openness of
found that one of the effects of this suspicion was that people identified membership, and informal and unbureaucratic procedures to include
new ways in which they were oppressed.J5 In effect, during open discus- new arrivals.
.... ......--- ...,.

138 REAL PARTICIPATION Changing the Object Domain of Application 139

Generally, activity remains frenetic/ 1 people make extra~rdinary . l ~ternal causes of (ailure are not hard to identify. Stress and exhaus-
sacrifices and act in uncharacteristic ways. A great deal of emotion con- 1
tion, fear of repression, frustration, resignation repeated narcissistic
tinues to be expressed, both positive and negative: people can't sleep, injuries,~" ~?cl withdrawal are among them. Often, 'these take the form of
they fall in love, and what they are able to achieve sur~n~es both_others gro~p d1v1s1ons that serve to constrict deliberation, or the emergence of a
and themselves. Now, the group's deliberations result in innovative and fact10n or leader whose methods undermine fair communication. Old
even extreme decisions, rather than in ones that tend toward the mean power differentials reappear, so that once again men dominate the discus-
of their individual preferences. 52 sion, experts automatically take on tasks that become increasingly invisi-
With a breakout of democracy we have Sartre's "group in fusion," ble to t~e group, and the more confident members, now doing almost all
Pizzorno's "mobilization" type of political participation, Mansbridge's the talking, complain about the level of participation of the less active. 61
"fragile bubbles" of "unitary democracy," Phillip's "internal democ- Riven by conflict that is now destructive, 62 the noise at last begins to
racy," Moscovici's "consensual" participation, Arendt's "oases in the abate. As the cost of participation rises, people no longer attend with the
desert" or "elementary republics," Charter 77's "parallel poleis," and same frequency. When the democratic moment is over, apathy returns, as
the opening of a Habermasian "public sphere. " does the exclusive concern with self-interests. Instead of agreeing to dis-
Such moments of fairness enjoy some successes: power is chal- agree, as they might have done during the democratic breakout, conflict
lenged, its ways revealed, and efficient and creative decisions are made. goes underground,6-1 and consensus becomes, once more, a sham. As the
If breakouts become extended and networked together, new rights can recriminations begin, people tend to pathologize those who hold views
be won, and sometimes even governments fall. But usually there is fail- different from their own. 64 Difference is now seen as sabotage, and
ure. The demise has multiple causes, both external and internal. Exter- ostracism tends both to be used against the less powerful members, and
nally, one of the most significant difficulties to be faced by any genuinely to be increasingly divisive. The ideology of the group hardens further still,
democratic forum is the unbridled hostility of the state and other insti- and in a kind of micro Thermidor, "group think" dominates. 65 Now, in
tutions of power. Usually, breakouts can be safely ignored, ridiculed, a parody of self-rule, the group takes on the task of oppressing itself.
denied resources, and allowed to peter out. Should they manage to sur- With the eclipse of fairness, leaders and subgroups begin to force
vive and network together so as to present a threat to existing structures cohesion and agreement, and the negative side of direct "democracy,"
of power and property distribution, other strategies, such as informants, characterized by the pressure to conform and the loss of individual free-
payoffs, and dirty tricks will be used. Finally, if these prove ineffective, dom, raises its head. 66 As it does so, it is greeted with gleeful shouts of
the state will deploy direct and violent repression in order to restrict the "I told you so!" by all those who felt threatened by the breakout. But
growth of democracy. 55 those who experienced the breakout know that something of importance
A further source of difficulties is that, as the scale of their activities occurred there. Though bruised and confused by its demise, they have
increase, contacts with the institutions of power become more frequent, tasted fairness, and they will not forget. What they learned: that humans
and the group finds it needs delegates, representatives, and spokesper- are capable of compassion and autonomy, meanness and subservience,
sons.56 Gradually, this begins to erode the face-to-face quality of the ini- that the "democratic" state is profoundly antipathetic to democracy,
tial breakout. Now, what was once done discursively, is taken over by that fair deliberation can be efficient, cannot be easily unlearned. Their
particularly able individuals, or even by bureaucratic procedure. As the disappointment is therefore acute, as is their need to search for reasons
group comes to increasingly rely on such methods of organizing its for their failure.
activity, the texture of its interactions becomes profoundly changed. It Whatever the combination of causes, genuinely democratic fora
is, to use Habermas's phrase, gradually "colonized" by instrumental seem to have a discernible life cycle: they burn brightly, then either fiz-
forms. At last, if it has not fizzled out or been repressed, the breakout is zle, are repressed, become profoundly unfair, or are co-opted and insti-
co-opted and fully institutionalized. 57 Participants now find themselves tutionalized. They can last for moments, or for months, but eventually,
mere spectators of a process that was once their own. So domesticated, they come to an end.67 In a breakout of democracy, the entropic nature
discourse returns to its more common power-saturated and "norma l- of legitimacy is an unavoidable fact of life. 68 Whether something so tran-
iz~d" 58 form. If the bre~~out was widespread and prolonged, its slogans sitory has any value is a difficult question. But it is o~e that might al_so
will be adopted hypocnt1cally, aped by politicians and used to advertise be asked of an individual human life. Whether our lives are worth liv-
clothing to teenagers. ' ing, given that they will one day end, is not only a difficult question, but

perh.1ps .1lso, .1 prcrhcorerical one. Cerrainly, some combination of the

de11i.1I of de.irh .rnd rhe see mingly irrational affirmation of the present
gets mosr of us through, and this may also be so for participants in a
hre.1kour ot democracy.
If, from the participant's pers pective, democracy is something that
breaks out in specific siruations, then what kind of help does the theo- Toward a Democratic Politics
retic~11 inquiry we have been undertaking provide those who find them-
se lves embroiled in such moments? We have already noted that the
dimension of loca tion, so thoroughly investigated by democratic theo-
ri sts, is of little consequence for participants. What then, of the first and From the first moment a breakout of democracy occurs, participants are
second dimensions of democracy, the "who" and the "how"? involved in a struggle for survival as a democratic entity. Engaged in an
Certainly, participants in actual disco urses face questions like, Who activity whose legitimacy is entropic, they now face significant pressures
s hould be included in this decision? How should we decide? I low do we and constraints, many of which will, if improperly managed, serve to
maximize participation and yet rema in efficient? Are we doing things return them to a power-saturated form of discourse. Whenever they
right? What about this leader, this power imbalance, this nondecision, select a procedure, they must do their "best" to make it as fair as is pos-
their apathy, and her complaint about hi s coercion? To ac;k for assis- sible under the circumstances. From now on, their ability to survive as a
tance with such questions is not to turn like sheep to theory. Participants legi timate democratic entity will be directly related to their collective
do not require instrucrion on what their judgment should he . The need expe rtise in making judgments that preserve the fairness and efficiency
is rather for procedural guidance, for empirica l wa ye, of m,111.1ging their of their decision-making process.
interactions that are normatively valid. In attempting to .1ddre-,-, such A decision-making process can be described as having five elements.'
questions, participants have received little assic;tance from democratic First, there is the moment of problem recognition, in which some diffi-
theory generally and none at all from I laberma s and hi-, com111enr.1tors. culty or issue becomes figuraP for the group, and which seems to
Judgments, we ha ve argued, are normatively valid hel. .111 ~e they demand their attention. Second, there is the moment of deliberation,
exemplify the idea l of communicative fairness. Part1c1p.1m-. m.,ke ~uch during which information is collected, opinions exchanged, and argu-
judgments by recognizing the complex similarit ies .111d ddkrrnn·-, that mentation rakes place. At some point, deliberation must be brought to a
exist between various fair and unfair procedures. ·1 he l.1111d~ re !>ern - provisio nal closure in order to move to the third moment in the process,
blances between these procedures are an integral pan ot th eir "m,Hnx this being the actual making of the decision. The decision is then, in the
of understanding." What they recognize here is, then: lore, e1h 1c.1II }' pat- fourth moment, implemented. Finally, there is a moment of evaluation,
terned, for it is a manifestation of rh eir way of lite . At the ....,me time, whereby the entire process is examined retrospectively.
participants must balance rhe need for legitimacy with rh .11 u l dt1c1ency If the process of decision-making as a whole is to be legitimate, all
if they are to survive as a democratic entity. Somehow the\ must make these moments must be as fair as is possible under the circumstances.
judgments that preserve the fairness of decision -n,1ak1~g process in On ly in this way can the group, upon completion of the process, be
the face of the entropic nature of legitimacy. validly described as having done its "best.,, Each moment of the process
The question to which we now turn, therefore, is thi s: How can par- raises cognitive issues around the ability of the group to perceive and
.ticipants make judgments that preserve, nurture, network, .rnd extend recognize what they are dealing with. At the same time, each moment
requires procedural arrangements by which they are to be undertaken
those moments when fairness breaks out between them? In Jpproaching
and resolved. In any of these moments, a failure in perception, or a fail-
this question, we are attempting to deploy the various rools and insig hts
ure to find ways to do things that are fair, constitutes a threat to the
derived from discourse ethics in a distinct object domain: that of the
legitimacy of the decision-making process as a whole.
actual functioning of democratic fora. Effectively, we are moving away
As table 2 shows, there are a number of issues that arise with fre-
from considering the ever elusive addressee for cri ti cal theory to be, as
quency across the five moments that constitute the decision-making pro-
Habermas suggests, the whole of humanity. Instead, we arc conceiving
cess. One cluster of issues arises from the pressures and constraints that
that addressee to be those who are currently trying to be democrats; in
fall upon participants in a breakout of democracy. These result in par-
other words, participants in a breakout of democracy.

Toward a Democratic Politics 145
legitimacy o f the process by which that trade-off wa s made. Thus, legit-
tion and efficiency, (P) serves to alert us to the dangers inherent in such
imate trade-offs themselves require fair deliberation, agreement, and
trade-offs. Often, a gain in effectiveness comes at such a cost to the dis-
revi ew. One of the characteristics of "good" decision-making proce-
cursive ~a_pacities of the group that it is irreversible. An example might
dures is, therefore, the provision of opportunities for the discursive
be a politics of vanguardism, for here, the gain in effectiveness is seen as
redemption of trade-offs. requiring only a short-term loss in participation, yet this, due to the
The discursive redemption of a trade-off is also a discursive and col- damage wrought on the deliberative capacities of the populace, clearly
lective judgment with a cognitivist core. Just as deliberation must be as constitutes a violation of (P), and thus leads to a failure of democracy to
fair as is possible under the circumstances, so too, the deliberation of survive. Other examples are afforded by styles of leadership and exper-
trade-offs must be pursued fairly. Often, a group is confronted with the tise that masquerade as assistance yet that stimulate dependency, and by
need to make a gain in effectiveness that would involve a loss of fairness. the common use of procedures within small groups that were developed
Now, as their attention shifts to the discursive redemption of that trade- to maximize effectiveness at the level of parliamentary decision-making.
off, they often find that this level of deliberation is itself under press ure. Thus, the principle would rule out those inappropriate structures of vot-
If, for example, they must quickly make a decision abo ut a trade-off for ing and representation that so debilitate fair debate in voluntary associ-
effectiveness, they once again confront the need to trade-off pa rt icipa- a tions, local party and government committees, and public-sector teams
tion, here at a deeper level still. In such situations, a group must, if it is meetings.
to avoid the paralysis of an infinite regress, " reach a n understa nd ing," Survival of the democratic moment depends upon the preservation
or some degree of "discursive equilibrium," as to the legitimacy o f th e o f the deliberative capacities of the group. As to what constitutes "dam-
trade-off. Such an "understanding" then becomes a n impo rta nt iss ue to age" to these capacities, only participants in an actual discourse can
prepare for pro-actively, and to evaluate retrospecti ve ly. T his wo uld decide. Yet the principle of preservation would urge them to carefully
suggest that one design question a democratic group must .1ddre~s per- consider the meaning of the word 'damage,' and to focus on the various
tains to "good" arrangements for the discursive redemptio n of trade- components of those capacities that they must preserve.
offs before they occur, and for their subsequent eva lua ti o n. First, alternative procedures will require discursive examination as
In regard to limiting participation in order to ga in effectiveness, the to their impact on the quality of information available to participants.
question for participants centres on whether they have rea ll y <lone t hei r Del ibera tive capacity is clearly dependent on good information, on its
"best" with a particular trade-off. Have we been as fa ir as circumsrances accessibility and on its continued provision.
allowed? Clearly, there are levels of trade-off beyo nd w hich rhc process Second, the capacity to deliberate well seems to be something that is
is no longer democratic. Indeed, one of the signs th a t a democratic ha bitua l, a nd that therefore requires practice if it is to be preserved. This
breakout is over is that such trade-offs are no longe r made by pa rt ic i- wo uld indicate that opportunities for deliberation should be frequent
pants themselves, but are forced upon them, a nd do nor receive ade- a nd substa ntive. Long gaps between deliberative sessions, or the reduc-
quate discursive redemption. tio n of importance of those sessions, even though they may be the result
At some level then, in the struggle against the entropic nat ure of of tra de-offs that have procured significa nt gains in effectiveness and
legitimacy, we encounter a cut-off point, beyond w hic h we can no t ha t have themselves been discursively redeemed, pose significant dan-
longer validly describe a decision-making process as legi timate. In o ur ge rs. O nce broken, the habit of deliberation may be hard to regain.
reformulation of judgment, we attempted to give some clarification ro T he fa ct tha t deliberation requires regular practice leads us to a
this cut-off point by deriving a principle of preserva tio n (P). T his prin- t hird compo nent of deliberative capac ity, that of motivation. As our
ciple was seen to operate as a procedural constra int tha t served to high- ins pectio n of democratic breakouts showed, the energy level of a group
light the importance of preserving the ca pacities of the group ro con- is its most significant resource. Upon it relies the a bility of individuals to
tinue to deliberate fairly in the future. Where we conceive of democracy stay o riented to thei r tasks, to rea p the benefits of conflict, and to search
as an ongoing decision-making process in which goo d judgments will di lige ntl y for ways of doing things that a re fair . Da mage would here take
continue to be required of pa rticipants, care must be ta ken to avo id the fo rm o f reducing the energy a vaila ble to the group by failing to pre-
~hose practi~es tha t damage the capacities of participa nts ro ma ke good serve their morale, a nd thus endangering their motivation. There are, for
Judgments, m other words, those practices that viola te (P). exa mple, ma ny practices undertaken by orga nizations that do not seem
In regard to judgments pertaining to tra de-offs betwee n partic ipa- especia ll y unfai r, or even pa rt icula rly significa nt in the substa ntive
~ ~

146 REAL PARTICIPATION Toward a Democratic Politics 147

power issues that they raise, yet that nevertheless undermine morale. bly applicable _rules for their appropriateness. At some point, such a
Such practices, though not directly exclusionary, ~amage the delibera- f~edba:,k loop •~· ~o longer required, and with the attainment of "profi-
tive capacity of participants by, instead, alienating them, and thus ciency, }he ,!nd 1~:dual stops lo~king for guiding principles and becomes
reducing their motivation to do what is required of them to make the able to see or be struck by ways forward. As this ability advances
organization function effectively. t he " expert • .. seems gradually to decompose this class of situations'
The capacity to deliberate effectively is, as we have noted, intimately into_ s~,~cla~ses, each o_f which sh~re ~~e same decision, single action, or
related to expertise in the making of judgments. As such, it requires tactic. With the attainment of mtu1t1ve expertise, individuals can rec-
practice, learning, and may even develop through identifiable stages. In ognize the necessity of trade-offs for effectiveness and family resem-
considering what damages the capacity to deliberate, then, and this is blances between instances of fair communication. Now, "what must be
our fourth component, participants must understand that it takes time done, simply is done. " 10
to learn to do it well. Immediate expectations of expertise, the devalua- If learning to deliberate well can be described as moving through
tion of individuals due to their lesser ability and the failure to provide stages such as these, then we can see why Wittgenstein said "Don't
opportunities for learning, would all constitute damage to deliberative think. But look!" Here, learning to recognize becomes more important
capacity. than learning to apply rules, and as participants improve their ability to
At the outset of a democratic breakout, it is likely that many mem- make judgments, they would increase their perceptual ability without
bers of the group will not evince the "intuitive expertise" 5 required to necessarily increasing their ability to theorize, or even to rationally
recognize family resemblances between instances of fair communication. account for, their judgments. For this reason, the wide range of exper-
They may not see the need for trade-offs for effectiveness, or may make tise in the making of judgments that would occur within a group can
them too readily. They may not realize that a trade-off is damaging their never give rise to a quantification of such expertise, let alone the label-
deliberative capacities in such a way as to make it irreversible. This is, ing of some participants as "advanced beginners," and others as "com-
of course, precisely the problem that has always bedeviled democracy, petent." At the same time, groups do come to value the judgments of
for without a perfectly informed and wise populace, the devolution of certain individuals more highly than others, precisely because when their
power appears a very dangerous undertaking. It is for this reason that judgment is expressed, people come to see things they did not see before.
Goodwyn states that " the stages of development, both in numbers of It is in this form that sapiential power remains a differentiation between
recruits and the level of political consciousness the recruits attain, individuals in a fair interaction.
unfold slowly, which is why the building of democratic movements The degree to which the selection of fair procedures is reliant on the
requires patience above all. " 6 perceptual and cognitive capacities of the participants is a direct out-
While mistrust of the political consciousness of the populace has come of our reformulated understanding of the faculty of judgment. By
served to ground the need for elitism in democracy, participation itself stressing, in our account of judgment, the recognition of family resem-
is just as frequently appealed to as the supreme educator.7 If practiced blances over the approximation to an ideal, we have come to raise
regularly, perhaps at first on tasks appropriate to the level of learning, extraordinarily high expectations on individual capacities, 11 even to the
participants can make significant gains in proficiency. extent of claiming that the preservation of those capacities constitutes a
If we adapt Dreyfus and Dreyfus's account of the development of crucial component of democratic legitimacy. It is therefore reasonable
ethical expertise 8 to describe the stages of learning involved in the recog- for participants to ask themselves whether or not they might wish to
nition of family resemblances between instances of communication we relieve, and even to replace, such expectations by institutionalizing cer-
can see how different the individual capacities of group members m'ight tain procedures in such a way as to make them available without con-
be. While the judgment of the "novice" proceeds according to context- stant deliberation. Our fifth concern regarding the preservation of delib-
f~ee features and rules, the "advanced beginner," upon seeing a suffi- erative capacities therefore pertains to the degree to which participants
cient number of_ examples, begins to see situational aspects and to be can legitimately commit their procedures to settled written "law."
able to use maxims rather than rules. Now that more and more situa- This question has, of course, been well aired in political theory,
~ional a~pects become visible, there is an information explosion. As this notably in discussions of the value of "precommitment" and under the
1s organized and reduced to categories, it becomes possible for one with rubric of constitutional design. 11 First, it has been cogently argued that
" competence " to ma ke PIans for action and to assess a variety of possi- institutions that refine or "launder" preferences can help to preserve cer-
Toward a Democratic Politics 149
rain valuable higher-order preferences (or preferences for preferences),
other individuals. The current debate in the United States around the
and that these institutions can be legitimate when they are the product
First Amendment is paying increasing attention to the conditions of
of "self-binding," or "auto- or self-paternalism. " 11 Here, the advantages
deliberation. Thus, Sunstein has suggested that the right to free speech
of insulating the decision-making process from the volatility of actual be withheld when an intervention is not a genuine contribution to the
preferences are stressed, for it makes possible the reflection of more discursive search for solutions. ig (P) would offer something rather dif-
complex preference structures and better political decisions. Second, ferent here, for it would rule out interventions such as racist propaganda
some theorists have concentrated on collective forms of self-binding that that serve to intimidate others, and thus to constrain their capacity to
serve to restrict the kinds of arguments and issues for political delibera- deliberate. For this reason, we could not follow Chomsky in his defense
tion, and that are thus seen to provide for more democratic outcomes. 15 of the right of the fascist to free speech. The prevention of flag burning,
It may therefore be the case that certain kinds of institutional buttress- however, which seems the issue most likely to galvanize public opinion
ing of 'the moral 'capacities of participants can offer significant gains in for an amendment to the U.S. Constitution limiting free speech, cannot
effectiveness, lessen the constant need for participants to deliberate, and be described as harming the deliberative capacities of any individuals,
more adequately preserve the legitimacy of the decision-making process. and for this reason would not be ruled out by (P).
For these very good reasons, participants might choose to adopt a con-
stitution that fixes certain procedures and that even insulates those pro-
cedures from constant change. 8.2 MORE PROBLEMS FOR PARTICIPANTS
Certainly, such institutions can be legitimately agreed to in fair
deliberation, for there is nothing about self-binding per se that precludes In the previous section, we sought to apply a series of normative tools
its discursive redemption. If, however, a group does choose to ado pt a derived from Habermas's theory to the new object domain of the func-
constitution that fixes procedures, the principle of preserva tio n wo uld tioning of deliberative fora. These applications focused on the legitima-
counsel them to see it not as a one-off founding event, but as subj ect to tion of the decision-making process of a small group under empirical
regular discursive review. Whether this review takes the fo rm o f an conditions that demanded some trade-off between participation and
informed recommitment, in other words, as a reaffirma tio n of the con- effectiveness. In effect, we have been posing the age-old problem of how
tract by which such institutions were brought into being, or merely as a a deliberative democratic politics can be realistic. 19 Having acknowl-
celebration, as advocated by Machiavelli, 16 the regula rity o f rev iew ca n- edged the need for some unfairness in decision-making practices within
not be avoided. This is no more than to say that ge numely democra tic a group, we concentrated on the conditions under which those practices
constitutions should not replace the ongoing discursive capacity of the ca n be legitimate. Our normative tools were here used to indicate ways
group with untouchable written law. 17 Significant da mage is in flicted in which participants might seek to nurture and preserve the legitimacy
upon participants by (semi-)permanent ossification of procedures, no of their decision-making process, and to extend the life of the breakout
matter how great the gains in effectiveness they make avai lab le, fo r the of democracy.
simple reason that deliberative expertise is so easily forgo tten. T he prin- In the unlikely event of participants' success in this regard, a further
ciple of preservation here underscores the word "self" as it appea rs in set of problems ensues for the democratic group. Now it must confront
the notion of "self-binding." There can be no binding of a lter, fo r to do the difficulties of networking its activities with other fora in which
so is to damage the deliberative capacity of alter. We ca nno t, therefo re, democracy has broken out, of coordination, of democratic movement
avoid the charge that our account of democratic legitimacy rests too building, and perhaps even of challenging the state for power. In con-
heavily on the deliberative capacities of individuals, or tha t o ur expec- sidering these problems, we move closer to the traditional accusation
tations of individuals are excessive. Inescapably, democrats rul e them- aga inst a deliberative politics, particularly as leveled by theorists who
selves. They cannot be ruled by the words of the dea d. have co ncentrated on legitimacy at the level of the state, this being the
Finally, participants must take care with the interventio ns they cha rge that a deliberative politics is utopian in its expectation that it
make in deliberations. Here, the principle of preservatio n has the effect could ever constitute a political order on a larger scale.
of limiting what one might call free speech. While "a nything goes" in Eder's conceptual categories are helpful here. 20 Society, he claims,
t~rms of interventions in deliberation, some things a re ruled out, pre- in vo lves human interaction on three levels. The micro level consists of
cisely because of the damage they do to the delibera tive ca pacities of personal relationships between friends, neighbors, and coworkers, and

150 REAL PARTICIPATION Toward a Democratic Politics 151

wit· h'111 fam1·11es

· an d g roups . Interactions on this level are face-to -face
have not _been, and never are, redeemed in fair deliberation. Indeed, not
and involve small numbers of people. Largely oriented to _m~tu?l under- only do liberal democratic states make no effort to discursively redeem
standing, social intercourse, cooperative action a~d soci~lisation, th~y such trade~offs, but they also show a consistent inability, and even
also involve the strategic interactions that constitute _m,cr?-econom1c refusal, to increase the deliberative input into the making of collective
activity and the power-saturated discourses observable 111 private spaces decisions, to experiment with discursive designs, or even to promote
such as the family. 21 . grassroots party organisation. In addition, states can be relied upon to
At the meso level, we see an increase in group size and a broaden- stamp out democratic breakouts wherever they occur. How, then, could
ing of loyalties. Here we encounter civil asso~iat!on~, social ~~vem~nts, this state, or any state, ever enjoy democratic legitimacy? While many
ethnic and religious groups, firms, and the 111st1tut1ons of CIVIi society. theorists work tirelessly to answer this question,25 others have suggested
The move from the micro to the meso level introduces a new order of that the state is simply not the kind of thing that ever could be legiti-
difficulties for efficient coordination and consensual action, for the mate.26
increase in size begins to necessitate methods of information exchange But if it could, it would need to be built up from a base of delibera-
that are no longer face-to-face. Interaction at this level therefore sta rts ti ve fora . Such fora would need to find ways of networking their activi-
to change its texture.22 ties at the meso and then macro levels that preserved their fairness. They
Finally, the macro level brings us to the structures o f the state, the would need to manage their increasing contacts with the institutions of
economy, and to decision-making fora at the suprasta te level. H ere, effi - power in such a way as to resist the bureaucratic, institutionalizing, and
ciency imperatives arising from the complexity of iss ues a nd th e number colonizing tendencies of such contacts. They would need to somehow
of people involved results in a complete cha nge in the texture o f po liti- reta in that quality of the democratic breakout wherein it appeared as a
cal interaction. At the macro level, face-to -face interac ti o ns occur o nl y loss of form in the face of a democratic tradition that has always sought
within the elite " village" of elected representatives a nd corpo ra te d irec- to " domesticate" participation,27 to manage it with comfortable designs,
tors. to reduce it to a tame and institutionalized form.
The problem of size and democracy is well aired in the litera tu re o f In the building of democratic movements, as Goodwyn has shown
democratic theory. 23 In particular, Dahl's argument o n th e inev itab ility in his discussion of "democratic patience," to move too quickly is
of nondemocratic decision-making structures a bove the m icro level is a fra ught with danger. 28 Only as groups learn to operate their own proce-
compelling articulation of our widely held intuitive belief t ha t, a t the d ures with fairness and effectiveness, only as they find ways to network
level of the state, direct democracy would be ho pelessly ineffect ive.24 wi th o ther such groups while retaining their democratic core, can they
Yet, as we have seen in our analysis of procedures w ith in the small begin to cha llenge existing structures of power. Each stage through
group, it is not the presence of unfair or nondemocra tic practices tha t whic h a genu inel y democratic movement must evolve requires addi-
signals illegitimacy so much as the process by which th ose unfai r prac- tio na l learning, and as the history of the socialist movement shows, the
tices have been selected. It is, therefore, at least conceiva ble t ha t the closer such a movement comes to power, the greater the danger that it
trade-offs for effectiveness that are necessary at the macro level cou ld be take o n the cha racteristics of their oppressors.
discursi vely redeemed at the micro level in such a way as to ensure their W hen we begin to consider the possibility of such a movement seri-
legitimacy. ously challenging the power of the state, we reveal the extraordinary
What is immediately apparent here is that the conce ption of legiti- lack of knowledge we have accumulated over our history regarding what
macy we have been developing in our inquiry, turning as it does on fai r it act uall y mea ns to rule o urselves. The fl ight into liberal democracy
deliberation and on the fair discursive redemptio n of unfair practices evinced by those countries who have recently joined the " democratic "
th~t _offer ~ains in effectiveness, highlights the a bsence of legitimacy cl ub shows both the collective pa ucity of our understa nding of such a
within the li~eral democratic state. If our understa nding of legitimacy is process a nd a lso the dangers in imagining tha t one " revolutionary "
co rrect, nothing short of the most extrao rdina ry theoretica l gym nastics p ush, o ne legitima ting social contract, one constitutional founding, ca n
c?uld mo_unt a def~ns~ of the present structures of pa rliame nta ry deci- relieve us of the need to preserve genu ine democracy. Where we conceive
s10n-making, const1tut1onal law, a nd the o pera tio n of the market. T he of a socia l contrac t as an o ngoing procedure requiring constant work
reason for this is, agai n, not that these practi ces a re unfair b ut t ha t the a nd a ttentio n, so do we understand that deliberati ve ca pacities must be
trade-offs between participation a nd effecti ve ness t ha t they represe nt learned, practiced, preserved, and patientl y extended .

152 Rf.AL PARTI CIPATION Toward a Democratic Politics 153

Perhaps the most significant questions an ~~erging democr~tic nor does i~ ru~e out substantive regulation of such activity. But it does
co confront are chose pertammg to the operation
movement wou Id have • h d · serv~ to highlight the a_lmost unimaginable deliberative sophistication
• k H. · ally liberal democracies ave spare no violence
ot the mar et. 1sconc , • • required of a populace m order for it to subject a vibrant economy to
. • I bordinacion of market forces to 1usttce and derno- democratic regulation.
m preventing t 1e su . . .. .
. I d d Marxism retams its coherence as a critique of ltb-
crattc contro . In ee , . .. W~re a democrat!c movement to reach a point in its development
· 1· reci·sely because it remams the most cogent cnt1c of a where 1t had to consider questions on this scale, then what began as
era I capita ism P • f · · ·
political order predicated upon ~he protectt?n o economic mequa!ity. democracy from the perspective of participants in a deliberative forum
At the same time, the obvious gams m effectiveness afforded_by capital- ta~es on the perspective of the theorist. Now standing beside their theo-
ism,29 as well as the bloody history and subsequent demise of state rettcal counterparts, they too must gaze out over the entire institutional
socialism, have so frightened even those who are a:-7are of the oppres- landscape and seek designs that allow participants to be citizens in a
sion that capitalism engenders, that they too refra m fr~m advocating genuinely democratic state. At such a point, participants could derive
democratic control of the market. Attention therefore shifts to ways of significant assistance from democratic theory. If breakouts of democracy
regulating market activity rather than directly controll~ng i~. became widespread and extended in time, if they begin to seriously chal-
Such a shift is clearly articulated by Habermas. With his conce pt of lenge the institutions of power at the macro level, the question of insti-
a "self-limiting" public sphere, he draws our attention to an area in tutional design emerges as a problem in the realm of action. In times of
which a democratic movement should, as it were, hold its fire. Haber- revolution, participants must become theorists and try to design demo-
mas forcefully shows that politics is a discursively coordinated activity cra tic institutions themselves.
and that the legitimacy of authority derives from fair deliberation. Yet The final type of difficulty faced by participants in a democratic
he also understands that the market is coordinated by ~reering mecha- forum concerns the question of emotion. When people engage in ago-
nisms that are strategic rather than discursive. Thu s, for a polity to nistic debate, there is a tremendous outpouring of emotion, and while
attempt democratic control over a market is to use the wrong kind of this ca n be both enjoyable and empowering, it also presents the group
coordinating activity, the result of which can only be a grotesque loss of with a significant management problem. By the word 'management,' I
efficiency and the growth of burea ucra tic power. 111-, position thus do not mean control, but rather, coping. For when a group fails to man-
amounts to a call to regulate the market, here in rhc form o f democratic age the emotional content of its interactions, this can, and often does,
countersteering, while also warning against the ovcrcx rcnrion of that constitute a threat to its ability to survive as a democratic entity.
regulation. Indeed, at times, Habermas seems more concerned to Human beings do not hold preferences without interest. Often, pref-
describe the dangers of too much democratic counterstcc ring than those erences are a n expression of deeply felt concerns and are manifestations
of the inadequately regulated market. of identities, both collective and individual. Such "strong evaluations" 30
The distinction between system and lifeworld, .rnJ between their thu s carry tremendous emotional energy, which they derive in a process
appropriate action coordinating mechanisms, rais es the q ues tion of how described by Freud as one of cathexis. 31 Recent investigations into this
a strategically coordinated activity such as the marker ca n be legitimate, process, particularly as undertaken by object relations theorists and self-
where legitimacy is conceived as a discursive judgmenr. Yer, once again, psychologists, have stressed the importance of emotional investment in
deliberation can legitimately result in agreemenr to pr..1 crices that are deeply held beliefs as being constitutive of identity. In agonistic debate,
unfair yet that offer gains in effectiveness. There is, therefore, no reason then, what is often at stake is not just questions of what to do, but also,
why areas of economic activity could not be allowed to function accord- of the survival of the individual self.
ing t~ ~uite different methods of action coordination, pro vided they a re The conflation of preference and identity means that, "each person
sc~ut1~1zed an~ agreed to by a genuinely democratic political order. The takes criticism of his ideas as criticism of himself and evaluates others'
gams m effectiveness available from market forces are not themselves ideas as extensions of themselves. " 32 This results in individuals fre-
illegitimate tra~e-offs with participation. They only become so when quently having their feelings hurt_ by other membe~s _of_t~e-gro~y, a
t?ey are made immune to democratic scrutiny and deliberative redemp- phenomenon described by Kohut m terms of a narc1ss1sttc tnJury.
tion, as of course they are in liberal democratic regimes. Deliberative fora are thus dangerous places, and if they become too
Habermas's concern with the overextension of countersteering does dangerous, they will, quite rationally, be avoided by participants.~s Some
not, therefore, preclude significant freedom for market-driven activi ty, people are, of course, more comfortable with interpersonal conflict than


Toward a Democratic Politics 155
others, and so are more likely to remain able to express themsel_ves and
While therapeutic models tend to stress the primacy of emotional issues
to continue with the debate. Those who are less comfortable wtth such
and thus, when considering decision-making processes, to suggest that
conflict can become effectively excluded from the group's deliberations. emotion be processed first, lK political groups, where they do recognize
Though this exclusion is not intended, and is not caused by procedural the need for such a process, tend to build it into the evaluative moment.
practices that are unfair, it can nevertheless have the result of rendering Perhaps the most sophisticated combinations of the political and the
the decision-making process illegitimate. For this reason, the ~ues~ion of therapeutic models are contained in recent work coming from a Gestalt
how to manage emotional issues is an important one, and it will cer- orientation, which seeks ways to integrate emotional and substantive
tainly require the pro-active attention of the group. issues (of process and content) into both deliberation and subsequent
Individua ls differ significantly in how they approach the manage- evaluation.39
ment of emotion in groups. 1' While some see this issue as irrelevant, and
as being little more than a way of deflecting attention from the real con-
cerns of the group, others wish to spend a great deal of time discussing 8.3 CONCLUSION
emotional matters in order to render the forum a safe environment, and
thus one in which substantive issues can be dealt with in an amicable We began our inquiry by reaching for Habermas's theory in order to
and efficient way. Still others seek to use decision-making groups almost address questions of the design and evaluation of democratic institu-
solely to process their own emotional concerns and find it very difficult tions. When we attempted to apply his theory to these questions, how-
to move beyond such an orientation in order to make decisions about ever, we encountered a series of recurrent methodological problems that
substantive issues. served to prevent the development of the political implications of his
A crucial and early decision a group must make is, th erefore, how theory. In inspecting the source of these problems, we focused, first, on
much, and when, they are to deal with emotional questions. Regarding the theory's level of abstraction, then on the limits Habermas places
the quantity of attention to such questions, it is clear that there must be upon the application of his theory, and then on his conception of judg-
opportunities for the processing of emotion. People need to speak of ment. Following this, we sought to reconceive the faculty of judgment in
such matters, to receive support, and to feel safe, if they are to remain terms of a discursive phronesis with a cognitivist core. With this in place,
as members of the group. Also, some attention to emotional matters is we returned to the final source of methodological problems in his the-
required if the decision-making process is not to become hopelessly ory, this being his increasingly macro-orientation to the normative basis
clogged by such concerns. For this reason, groups who avoid emotional of politica l and legal authority. In declining to follow this orientation,
questions find, ironically, that they must deal with th em more and more, we found that a quite different object domain for application became
even to the point of having those issues erupt in such a way as to cause visible: this being the actual functioning of democratic fora.
the demise of the deliberative breakout. 17 There must, therefore, be a Our attempted application of our reformulated theory of judgment
method and a time for the processing of emotion, and it cannot be seen to the problems encountered by participants upon a breakout of democ-
as simply a waste of time. racy explores what amounts to a radical proceduralization of the social
Yet deliberative fora that form around common concerns that seek contract. Here, questions pertaining to the design and evaluation of
to make decisions, and that try to act in the world, do not ex/st primar- institutions take the form of judgments by participants to select and rule
ily as therape utic groups. If they expend a ll their energy in dealing with out various decision-making procedures. When we inquired as to how
emotional issues, they are effectively prevented from being political participants might extend their democratic procedures to levels above
actors in any meaningful sense, and will certainly be unable to cope with the micro, we encountered again the traditional accusation against a
the pressure~ ~hey encounter from the world in which they attempt to deliberative politics: that it is unrealistic and utopian.
operate. Ind1v1duals cannot expect all th eir emotional needs to be mer In regard to questions pertaining to the design and evaluation of
by such a group, nor can they expect to receive any guarantee of emo- democratic institutions, we must therefore follow Rousseau and conclude
tional safety. that "Once you have citizens, yo u have all you need." The problem is
The question of the management of emotion thus shifts to one of that where we conceive of citizenship in terms of a highly developed
when such con_c erns _are to be processed. Should it occur as part of the "intuitive expertise" in the making of political judgments, deliberative
moment of deliberat1on, as part of the moment of evaluation, or both? democr,Ky becomes utopian in a more profound sense. It is utopian
Toward a Democratic Politics 157
because we are so poor at face-to-face interactions t~at are both fair and
efficient. We know so little about how we make Judgments, how we been an extended meditation on this remark. For participants in a break-
might behave better in groups, how we might nurture and network out of democracy, who must make real what Habermas himself can only
democratic fora without destroying their fairness. When suitably hum- imagine, such a learning process seems, almost inevitably, doomed to
bled by this lack of knowledge, the question of how we might have more failure. Yet his use of the word "only" alludes to a hope that is more
than none.
democracy escapes from the hands of the designing theorist and becomes
one that participants can only ask themselves. Do we want to be
autonomous citizens? Or do we want merely to watch as those forces
that work against democracy increasingly take over our lives and perhaps
even destroy us completely?
Learning to make judgments well enough to become citizens may be
so difficult as to be almost impossible. Certainly, this problem is not
given sufficient attention in the literature of democratic theory. Such
theorists tend either to offer us ever-increasing sophistication in norma-
tive questions, or endless empirical designs for the political order as a
whole that have little normative understanding behind them. Perha ps if
theory could look again at the language developed during the Italian
Renaissance in order to describe the realm of action, it might more ade-
quately bridge the gap between normative and empirica l democratic
theory. Though realistic in its appraisal of the threats to democracy, 40
this conceptual scheme was by no means only empirica l. T he politica l
actor sought, for the city, ways of operating that insured surviva l a nd at
the same time exemplified the normative ideal of civic humanis m.
Machiavelli used this language when he set out his poli tica l theory. The
result was a series of suggestions and cautionary tales fo r political actors
regarding the kinds of things they should think about as they act. Na r-
rative, historical example, and case-based knowledge were used to evoke
and exemplify the methods of "good" collective judgment. Effectively,
he tells hard-nosed stories intended to help pa rticipants recognize and
evaluate trade-offs with efficiency and to understa nd what constitutes
damage to their deliberative capacities.
That we could ever learn to be citizens on such a scale as to be a ble
to rule ourselves must be considered very close to impossible. At the
same time, the possibility of our present pol itical order ever becoming
legitimate confronts a similar chance of success. As Benhabib puts it,
" the question is not whether discursive democracy ca n become the prac-
tice of complex societies but whether complex societies are still capa ble
o f democratic rule. " 41
Our attempt to probe the possibility of a deliberative politics has, in
effect, sought to take Ha bermasian theory somewhere it does not usu-
ally go: into the arena of deliberative fo ra themselves. " I can imagine the
attempt to arrange a society democratica lly," he remarks in whimsica l
mood, "only as a self-co ntrolled learning p rocess. " 42 Our inq uiry has


1. J. Dunn, Western Political Theory in the Face of the Future (Cam-

bridge: Cambridge University Press, 1979), p. 1.
2. These two intuitions are apparent in the work of a theorist such as
Robert Dahl. For a normative principle of affected interests, see After the Revo-
lution (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1970), pp. 49-51; for the impracti-
calities of participation, see R. Dahl and E. Tufte, Size and Democracy (Stan-
ford: Stanford University Press, 1974), pp. 68-69.
3. See B. Holden, "New Directions in Democratic Theory," Political
Studies, vol. 36, 1988, pp. 324-333.
4. See Q. Skinner, "The Empirical Theorists of Democracy and Their
Critics: A Plague on Both Their Houses," Political Theory, vol. 1, no. 3, 1973,
pp. 287-306.
5. See R. Beiner, "On the Disunity of Theory and Practice," Praxis Inter-
national, vol. 7, no. 1, 1987, p. 25, for an argument against this fashion.
6. Beiner calls this "bad conscience," and suggests it tempts theorists into
faulty thinking. Ibid., p. 33.
7. Thucydides, The Peloponnesian War (Harmondsworth, U.K.: Penguin,
1982), p. 245.
8. J. Locke, The Second Treatise of Government (Indianapolis: Bobbs-
Merrill, 1952), p. 52.
9. Q. Skinner states in " Habermas's Reformation," New York Review of
Books, October 1982, p. 38, that "Reading Habermas is extraordinarily like
reading Luther, except that the latter wrote such wonderful prose." Dunn sug-
gests that Habermas has some trouble making himself "lucidly intelligible," in
Western Political Theory in the Face of the Future, p. '?6.
10. J. Habermas, Between Facts and Norms: Contributions to a Discourse
Theory of Law and Democracy (Cambridge: Polity Press, 1996).


1. J.-F. Lyotard, The Postmodern Condition: A Report 011 Knowledge

(Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1984), p. xxiv.
2. S. K. White, Political Theory and Postmodernism (Cambridge: Cam-
bridge University Press, 1991 ), p. 72.
3. J. Habermas, Commumcation and the Evolution of Society (Boston:
Beacon Press, 1979), pp. 202-203.

5 _ Habermas, Moral Co1tscious11ess a11d Communicative Actio11, p. 197.
4 . 83. P. S~ern,_ i~ "On the ~elation between Autonomy and Ethical Com-
55. Ibid., p. 66. mumty: Hegel s Cnt1que of Kantian Morality," Praxis I11ternational, vol. 9, no.
56. Ibid. 3, 19~9, PP· 234~248, describes Hegel's critique of Kant as being an "episode in
57. Ibid., p. 67. the history of philosophy that has special relevance" to the problem of a nor-
58. Ibid., pp. 67-68. . ... mative ethics, here at p. 234.
59. Baynes, The Normative Grou11ds of Socz_a l Crtttcism_, pp. 146-~50. 84. See G. W. F. Hegel, Philosophy of Right (New York: Oxford Univer-
60. R. P. Wolff, Understa11di11g Rawls (Princeton: Princeton Umversity sity Press, 1967), pp. 75-104; Benhabib, Critique, Norm, and Utopia, pp.
Press), 1977, p. 133ff. . . .. , " 70-84.
61. For an overview of the commumtanan critique of Rawls s unencum- 85. G. W. F. Hegel, The Phenomenology of Spirit (Oxford: Oxford Uni-
bered self," see, for example, M. J. Sandel, "The Procedural Republic and the versity Press, 1977), pp. 252-261.
Unencumbered Self" Political Theory, vol. 12, no. 1, 1984, PP· 81-96. 86. Stern refers to this as a "paucity of content" in "On the Relation
62. S. K. Whit~, The Rece11t Work of Jurge11 Habermas (Cambridge: Cam- between Autonomy and Ethical Community," p. 238; There have been attempts
bridge University Press, 1988), pp. 70-71. to reformulate the categorical imperative in order to overcome this inadequacy,
63. Benhabib, Critique, Norm, a11d Utopia, p. 288. and to match it more closely with liberal morality. See, for example, J. L.
64. S. Lukes, "Of Gods and Demons: Habermas and Practical Reason," in Mackie, Ethics-foventing Right and Wro11g (Harmondsworth, U.K.: Penguin,
Habermas: Critical Debates, p. 141. 1977), pp. 90-97.
65. S. Benhabib, "The Utopian Dimension in Communicative Ethics," 87. Gunther suggests that the moment of application can also be imple-
New Germa11 Critique, vol. 35, 1985, p. 87. mented argumentatively, that is, as a form of discourse in The Se11se of Appro-
66. Habermas, Moral Consciousness and Commu11icative Action, p. 93. priateness: Applicatio11 Discourses i11 Morality a11d Law (Albany: State Univer-
67. Ibid., pp. 86-94, and R. Alexy, "A Theory of Practical Discourse," in sity of New York Press, 1993), passim.
The Commu11icative Ethics Controversy, ed. S. Benhabib and F. Dallmayr 88. Benhabib, Critique, Norm, and Utopia, p. 76.
(Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1990), pp. 51-192. 89. Ibid., p. 309.
68. Benhabib, Critique, Norm, and Utopia, p. 285. 90. Stern, "On the Relation between Autonomy and Ethical Commu-
69. Ibid. nity," p. 239.
70. Ibid. Benhabib is here quoting Habermas's Wahrheitstheorie11, p. 256, 91. Ibid.
in her own translation. The emphasis is hers. 92. M. Passerin d'Entreves, Modernity, Justice and Community (Milan:
71. Habermas, The Philosophical Discourse of Modernity, p. 323; also Franco Angeli, 1990), pp. 20-23; Benhabib, "The Utopian Dimension in Com-
Habermas, Legitimatio11 Crisis, p. 110. municative Ethics," pp. 83-96. See also M. J. Matu5tfk, Postnatio11al Identity:
72. Habermas, The Theory of Communicative Action, vol. 1, p. 42. Critical Theory and Existential Philosophy in Habermas, Kierkegarrd, and
73. R. Beiner all but asserts that this is the only kind of knowledge Haber- Havel (New York: Guildford Press, 1993).
mas is interested in, "Do We Need a Philosophical Ethics? Theory, Prudence, 93 . Stern, "On the Relation between Autonomy and Ethical Commu-
and the Primacy of Ethos," The Philosophical Forum, vol. 20, no. 3, 1989, pp. nity," p. 239.
230-243. 94. See C. Gilligan, In a Differe11t Voice: Psychological Theory a11d
74. Habermas, Moral Consciousness and Communicative Action, p. 93. Women's Development (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1982).
75. Habermas, The Philosophical Discourse of Modernity, p. 322. 95. Stern, "On the Relation between Autonomy and Ethical Commu-
76. Habermas, Moral Co11sciousness a11d Communicative Action, p. 68. nity," p. 239.
77. Apel, Towards a Tra11sformatio11 of Philosophy, p. 225ff. 96. Ibid., p. 240.
78. Habermas, The Philosophical Discourse of Modernity, p. 322, empha- 97. See S. Benhabib's discussion of the "consequentialist confusion" in
sis in original. (U), in Situating the Self (Cambridge: Polity Press, 1992), p. 37.
79. J. Habermas, "A Philosophico-Political Profile," New Left Review, no. 98. Habermas, Moral Co11scious11ess and Commu11icative Action, p. 211.
151, 1985, p. 84. 99. Ibid., p. 207; emphasis in original.
80. Benhabib, Critique, Norm, a11d Utopia, p. 279. 100. Stern points out that Hegel held no such limit to his own theory,
81. A. Ferrara, "Postmodern Eudaimonia," Praxis Internatio11al, vol. 11, which effectively defined an ethical world in toto. See "On the Relation between
no. 4, 1992, p. 387. Autonomy and Ethical Community," p. 243.
82. )· Habermas, "Questions and Counterquestions," in Habermas and 101. Ferrara describes this as the really original part of Habermas's proce-
Modermty, ed. R. J. Bernstein (Cambridge: Polity Press, 1985), pp. 192-216, dural universalism in "Universalisms: Procedural, Contextual and Prudential,"
here at p. 214. Philosophy and Social Criticism, vol. 14, no. 3/4, pp. 243-269, at p. 251.


Notes 165
-, 11 .1 bcrmas,. Moral Consciousness and Commumcative Act1011, p. 204.
1() -·
Young, "Towa rds a Critical Theory of Justice," Social Theory and Practice, vol.
1OJ. Habrnnas, "A Philosophico-Political Profile," p. 84.' 7, no. 3, 1981, pp. 279-302, here at p. 294.
I 04. Sec, for example, B. Williams, Ethics and the Lmnts of Phtlosophy
(LonJon: Fontana, 1985).
105. For an introduction to the players of each _ream, see C. Taylor, 2. THEORY WITH A PRACTICAL INTENT
"Cross-Purposes: The Liberal-Communitarian Debate," in L1ber~l1sm_a11d the
Moral Life, ed. N. L. Rosenblum (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, l. R. Beiner, "On the Disunity of Theory and Practice " Praxis lntema-
1989), pp. 159-182; for an overview of the arguments, see A. Gutmann, tional, vol. 7, no. 1, 1987, pp. 25-34. '
"Communitarian Cri tics of Liberalism," Phtlosophy a11d Public Affairs, vol. 14, 2. G. Lukacs, History and Class Consciousness (London: Merlin Press,
no. 3, 1985, pp. 308-322. The work of both tea~s ca~ _vi_ewed as the continued 1971), pp. 1-26.
unpacking of che implications of the five Hegelian cnttc1sms of Kantian ethics 3. N. Lobkowicz claims that in Hegel's thought, all questions of the rela-
outlined above. tion of theory to practice are considered under the is/ought distinction. See The-
106. Sec, by way of example, R. Beincr. "Do We Need a Philosophical ory a11d Practice: History of a Co11cept from Aristotle to Marx (Notre Dame,
Ethics?" pp. 230-243. Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press, 1967), p. 143.
107. See Benhabib, Situati11g the Self, p. 71; Habermas, Moral Co11sc1ous- 4. Seiner, "On the Disunity of Theory and Practice," p. 26.
11ess and Communicative Action, p. 213 n. 15. 5. K. Marx, "The Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right, " in Marx's Early
108. M. Walzer, "Liberalism and the Art of Separation," Po !tt,cal Th eory, Writi11gs, ed. T. B. Bottomore (Harmondsworth, U.K.: Penguin, 1963), p. 52.
vol. 12, no. 3, 1984, pp. 315-330. 6. Beiner, "On the Disunity of Theory and Practice," p. 25.
109. Habermas, Moral Consc10usness and Commum catwe A ction , p. 94 . 7. Ibid., p. 27.
110. J. Habermas, "Questions and Counterquestions," p. 214. 8. Ibid., p. 28.
111. S. Benhabib, "Afterword : Communicative Ethic~ and Current Con- 9. Fay points out that there already exists withjn the essays of History and
troversies in Practical Philosophy," in The Comrm1111 catwe Etlncs Co ntrouers y, Class Consciousness a drift toward an instrumentalist and elitist notion of
pp. 331-334, especially p. 333; Stern, "On the Relation between Autonom y anJ Marxist theory. See B. Fay, Social Theory and Political Practice (London: Unwin
Ethical Community," p. 247 n. 4. Hyman, 1988), p. 102 n. 10.
112. Benhabib, "Afterword," p. 333. 10. Beiner, "On the Disunity of Theory and Practice," 31.
113. Stern, "On the Relacion between Autonomy anJ Etlrn:al Co mmu - 11. Ibid.
nity," p. 235. 12. Ibid., p. 29.
114. See Gunther, "Impartial Application of Moral .111J Legal Norm~: A 13. J. Dunn, Westem Political Theory i11 the Face of the Future (Cam-
Contribution to Discourse Ethics," Philosophy a11d So cial Cntwsm, vo l. 14, no. bridge: Cambridge University Press, 1979), pp. 32, 41.
3/4, pp. 425-432, here at p. 425. 14. Beiner, "On the Disunity of Theory and Practice," p. 28.
115. Habermas, Moral Consciousness and Comn111111 ca t11 11' Actw n , p. 206. 15. Ibid., p. 33.
116. Baynes, The Normative Grounds of Social Cntwsm , p. 11 9. 16. Fay, Social Theory and Political Practice, p. 12.
117. As such, the problem is similar to that found within the C atholic tra - 17. Ibid., p. 68.
dition, where the distinction is between general and speci a l ethics. Sec T. L. 18. Ibid., p. 12.
Beauchamp, "On Eliminating the Distinction between Appli eJ Ethic~ and Ethi- 19. Ibid., p. 14; MacIntyre, under the heading of ethics and applied ethics,
cal Theory," The Momst, vol. 67, 1984, pp. 514-531 , here a t p. 5 17. o bj ects to a similar distinction. See "Does Applied Ethics Rest on a Mistake?"
118. Habermas, Moral Consciousness and Comnm111 catwe Action , pp. Th e Momst, vol. 67, 1984, pp. 498-513.
206-207; see also Gunther, " Impartial Application of Moral and Legal Norms," 20. Fay, Social Theory a11d Political Practice, p. 110.
p. 426. 21. On positivistic social science, see ibid., pp. 18-69; on interpretative, see
119. As does Gunther in The Sense of Appropriateness. ibid., pp. 70-91; on those of the critical model, see ibid., pp. 92-110.
120. Habermas, Moral Consciousness and Comm11111 catwe A ct10 11, p. 106; 22. Beiner, "On the Disunity of Theory and Practice," p. 29.
the same point is made in A. MacIntyre, "Does Applied Ethics Rest on a Mi s- 23. Fay, Social Theory a11d Political Practice, p. 68.
take?" The Monist, vol. 67, 1984, pp. 498-513, here at p. 50 l , though MacIn- 24. Beiner, "On the Disunity of Theory and Practice," p. 32.
tyre uses it to illustrate the absurdity of a contentles~ ethic~. 25 . See for example R. Rorty, "A Discussion," Review of Metaphysics, vol.
. 121. Such a dilemma is described particularly well in Stern, " On the Rela- 34, no. 1, 1980, pp. 51-52. . . .
26. For an overview of those who criticize Habermas for authontanamsm,
uo~ bctween_Au~onomy and Ethical Community," p. 237; MacInt yre alludes to
see S. K. White, "Reason and Authority in Habermas: A Critique of the Critics,"
a similar notion tn "Does Applied Ethics Rest on a Mistake ?" p. 508 ; a ~ does I.
Notes 167
A111errca11 Pol1t1cal Soence Review, vol. 74, I 980, PP· l00 7- 17 ; Spaemann and 34. Ibid . See also. R. Beiner , " Dowe N ce d a Ph.1losophical Ethics? Theory
t-. laurer base their critique 011 Habermas's adherence to a universa list ethics. See Prudence, and the Prnnacy of Ethos " The Ph l h· I F I '
also Q. Skinner, "Habermas's Reformation," New York Review of Books, 1989, pp. 230-243, here at p. 239.' I osop tea orum, vo. 20, no. 3,
October J982, pp. 35-38. 35. Beiner,
. I"On the Disunity of Theory and p rac t.tee, ,, p. 32 .
27. J. -F. Lyotard, The Postmodem Co11ditio11: A Report 011 K11owledge 36 . A n stot e, N1comachea11 Ethics (New y k· B bb M ·11 1962)
I 56. or . o s- ern , , p.
(Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1984), P· 60. . ..
28. White states Habermas has "elicited a chorus of cnttc1sm from many 37. Ibid., p. 152.
who think that he cannot close the gap he has opened between theory and prac- 38. Be_i ner, "On the Disunity of Theory and Practice," p. 30.
tice.'' In S. K White, "The Normative Basis of Critical Theory," Polity, vol. 16, 39. Ibid., p. 33.
Fall 1983, p. 160. 40. Aristotle, N1comachea11 Ethics, p. 153; A. MacIntyre A Short History
29. Misgeld has noted the almost exclusive concentration on foundational, of Ethics (New York: Macmillan, 1966), p. 74. '
metathcoretical , and methodological questions in Habermas's critical theory. . 41. See T. A. McCarthy, The Critical Theory of Jurge11 Habermas (Cam-
See D. Misgeld, "Critical Theory and Sociological Theory," Philosophy of the bndge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1978), p. 126; and especially A. MacIntyre, After
Social Sc 1e11ces, vol. 14, 1984, p. 104. More recent reviews of secondary work, Virtue (Notre Dam~, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press, 1981 ), pp. 58, 191.
such as A. Parkin, "Rethinking the Subject: Habermas, Critical Theory, and the 42. M. Passenn d'Emreves, "Aristotle or Burke? Some Comments on H.
Challenges of Postmodernism" (Ph.D. di sse rtation, University of Bradford, Shnadelbach's 'What Is Neo-Aristotelianism?'," Praxis Intemat1011al, vol. 7, no.
1993), pp. 4-5, draw the same conclusion. Descriptions of the drift away from 3/4, 1988, pp. 238-245, here at p. 243.
questions of application toward those of justification can be found in H . 43. Seiner, " Do We Need a Philosophical Ethics?" p. 234.
Schnadelbach, "The Transformation of Critical Theory," in Commu111catwe 44. Ibid., p. 236.
Actio11: Essays 011 Jurge11 Habermas's The Theory of Comm u111 catrve Act1011, ed. 45. Seiner, "On the Disunity of Theory and Practice," p. 33.
A. Honneth and H . Joas (Cambridge: Polity Press, l 99 l ), pp. 19, 22, and D. 46. J. Habermas, Commu11icatio11 a11d the Evolutio11 of Society (Boston:
Ingram, Habermas a11d the Dialectic of Reaso11 (New H aven : Yale University Beacon Press, 1979), pp. 202-203.
Press, 1987), pp. 172-188. Habermas himself states in "A Philosophico-Politi- 4 7. For a defense of contextual universalism, see M. Walzer, Spheres of
cal Profile," New Left Review, no. 151, 1985, p. 89, that he finds it "unfortu- Justice (New York: Basic Books, 1983). As P. Stern points out, in "On the Rela-
nate that for the last two decades (if one di sregards som e shorter political writ- tion between Autonomy and Ethical Community: Hegel's Critique of Kantian
ings) my interest has been taken up exclusively with problems which can be Morality," Praxis lntematio11al, vol. 9, no. 3, 1989, pp. 234-248, here at p.
characterized in a broad sense as problems of theory construction. I mu st accept 244, Hegel's mode of justification suffers from just such a constraint, and we see
the criticism which, most recently, Tom Bottomore has directed at me in this it again in Walzer when he suggests, in Spheres of Justice, pp. 312-315, that the
respect." Indian Brahmin's superior position is justified by the shared understandings of
30. This was being claimed quite early on by writers such as D. Howard, what constitutes legitimate entitlements within the caste system. See Stern, "On
"A Politics in Search of the Political," Theory a11d Society, vol. 1, I 974, pp. the Relation between Autonomy and Ethical Community," p. 248 n. 30. For dis-
271-306, here at p. 300, where the concern was that Habermas's work was cus~ions of the weaknesses of contextual universalism, see A. Ferrara, "Univer-
becoming apolitical, and by J. O'Neill, "Critique and Remembrance," in 011 salisms: Procedural, Contextual and Prudential," Philosophy a11d Social Criti-
Critical Theory, ed. J. O'Neill (New York: Seabury Press, 1976), p. 3. More cism, vol. 14, no. 3/4, 1989, pp. 254-257; and J. F. Bohman, "Communication,
recently, D. Held has criticized Habermas for leaving the political implications Ideology, and Democratic Theory," America11 Political Sc1e11ce Review, vol. 84,
of his work undeveloped. See "Crisis Tendencies, Legitimation and the State," no. 1, 1990, p. 99.
in Habermas: Critical Debates, ed. J. B. Thompson and D . Held (Cambridge, 48. J. Habermas, "Modernity versus Postmodernity," New Germa11 Cri-
Mass.: MIT Press, 1982), pp. 181-195, here a t p. 195. Keane suggests Haber- tique, no. 22, 1981, pp. 3-14; Passerin d'Entreves, "Aristotle or Burke?"
mas has become lost in metatheoretical concerns, in J . Keane, Pub!tc Life a11d 49. Fay, Social Theory a11d Polttical Practice, p. 91.
Late Capita lism: Towards a Soc1a!tst Theory of Democracy (Cambridge: Cam- 50. Seiner, "On the Disunity of Theory and Practice," p. 28.
bridge University Press, 1984 ), p. 187. Ben ha bib has argued th a t his normative 51. J. Habermas, Theory a11d Practice, London: Heinemann, 1974, p. 3.
theory must be more strongly related to practice if it is to preserve its utopian 52. J. Habermas, Knowledge a11d Human Interests (Boston: Beacon Press,
moment, in S. Benhabib, "The Utopian Dimension in Communicative Ethics," 1968).
New Germa11 Critique, no. 35, 1985, pp. 83-96. 53. Keane, Publi c Life a11d Late Capitalism, p. 118. It is hard to know
31. Seiner, "On the Disunity of Theory and Practice," p. 29. quite what Keane means by this claim as the distinction is so prominent _in T_he-
32. R. M. Unger, K11owledge a11d Pol1t1cs (New York: Free Pre~~, 1975). ory a11 d Practice; see, for example, pp. 2-3, 41-81, 255; also the h1stoncal
33. Seiner, "On the Disunity of Theory and Practice," p. 29. demise of the distinction was a central theme of Habermas's inaugural lecture at
1111' ~


Notes 169
Marburg in December 1961. One discussion of H~berm~s's early though~, and Habermas and Modernity, ed. R. J. Bernstein (Cambridge: Polity Press, 1985),
probably the most widely read, certainly did not miss the importance of this dis- pp. 35-66, here at p. 56.
tinction; see McCarthy, The Critical Theory of Jurge11 Habermas, esp. pp. 2-4. 79. Ibid., p. 56.
54. Habermas, Theory and Practice, p. 286 n. 4; see also J. Habermas, . 80. See J. Habermas, The Theory of Commu11icative Act1011, vol. 2 (Cam-
"On the German-Jewish Heritage," Telos, nol. 44, Summer 1980, pp. 127-131; bridge, Mass.: Beacon Press, 1987), p. 355ff.; S. K. White, The Rece11t Work of
H. Arendt, The Huma11 Co11ditio11 (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1958). Jurgen Habermas (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988), pp.
55. Habermas, Theory a11d Practice, pp. 50-54, 59-60. 107-115.
56. Ibid., pp. 168-169. 81. Habermas derives his concept of the "lifeworld" from Schutz and Par-
57. J. Habermas, The Theory of Communicative Actio11, vol. 2 (Cam- sons. He uses the word to indicate the canopy of meaning, symbolization, and
bridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1987), p. 358. implicit knowledge that forms the background of everyday communication. See
58. Habermas, Theory and Practice, p. 3. J. Habermas, The Theory of Commu11icative Action, vol. 1 (Cambridge, Mass.:
59. See J. J. Rodger, "On the Degeneration of the Public Sphere," Political Beacon Press, 1984), pp. 13, 70-71, 335-337; vol. 2, 121-126, 130-135,
Studies, vol. 33, 1985, pp. 203-217. Habermas outlines a historical/sociological 140-148. It thus stands for "the whole ensemble of human relations which is
account of the emergence and degeneration of the public sphere in J . Habermas, coordinated and reproduced via communicative action, and thus via the medium
The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere (Cambridge: Polity Press, of language." A. Brand, The Force of Reason, London: Allen & Unwin, 1990,
1989). For an overview of Habermas's work on the public sphere, see J. Cohen, p. xii. The lifeworld is thus to be distinguished from the "system," which desig-
"Why More Political Theory?" Telos, no. 40, 1979, pp. 70-94. nates those areas of human activity geared toward material reproduction.
60. See Habermas, Knowledge a11d Human Interests, pp. 17-18. Also Habermas sees the system, in modern society, as being differentiated into two
Keane, Public Life and Late Capitalism, p. 119. primary subsystems, those of the market and the state, wherein activity is co-
61. MacIntyre, After Virtue, p. 123. ordinated via the media of money and power respectively. See Habermas, The
62. Ibid., p. 84. Theory of Communicative Action, vol. 2, pp. 153-155, 185-186, 225-231,
63. Such a position is often attributed to Weber, though this is contentious. 249-250.
For Weber's position, see The Methodology of the Social Sciences (New York, 82. For the Frankfurt School, see D. Held, An Introduction to Critical The-
1949), and "Science as a Vocation" in From Max Weber, ed. H. H. Gerth and ory (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1980). Earlier writings and com-
C. W. Mills (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1946); McCarthy's discussion in mentaries are contained in A. Arato and E. Gebhart (eds.), The Essential Frank-
section 3.2 of The Critical Theory of Jurgen Haberma s highlights the con- furt School Reader (New York: Urizen Books, 1978). For a historical treatment
tention; Habermas discusses Weber in this regard in The Theory of Com mu- of critical theory, see M. Jay, The Dialectical Imaginatio11 (Boston: Little,
nicative Action, vol. 1, p. 247. Brown, 1973).
64. Habermas, Theory a11d Practice, p. 208. 83. See R. Geuss, The Idea of a Critical Theory (Cambridge: Cambridge
65. M. Horkheimer and T. Adorno, The Dialectic of Enl1ghtcmne11t (New University Press, 1981), p. 55.
York: Seabury Press, 1972); M. Horkheimer, The Eclipse of Reaso11 (New York: 84. As Habermas points out in A Philosophico-Political Profile, p. 89,
Continuum, 194 7). "Theories, especially of Marxist inspiration, ultimately only prove their worth
66. J. Habermas, "The Dialectic of Rationalization: An Interview with Jur- by making a contribution to the explanation of concrete historical processes."
gen Habermas," Telos, no. 49, Fall 1981, pp. 1-12. Marx himself was ambivalent as to whether his theory was critical or positivis-
67. Habermas, Theory a11d Practice, pp. 32-37. tic. A. Wellmer's Critical Theory of Society looks closely at this question in
68. Ibid., p. 3. chapter 2; S. Avineri's The Social a11d Political Thought of Ka~l M~rx ~ome_s
69. McCarthy, The Critical Theory of Jurge11 Habermas, p. 6. down firmly on the critical theory side, see chapter 5. For the soc10log1cal impli-
70. Fay, Social Theory a11d Political Practice, p. 15. cations of such an interpretation, see H. Lefebvre, The Sociology of Marx (Har-
71. McCarthy, The Critical Theory of Jurge11 Habermas, p. 7. mondsworth, U.K.: Penguin, 1968).
72. Ibid., p. 12. 85. Fay, Social Theory and Political Practice, p. 92.
73. J. Habermas, Towards a Ratio11al Society: Stude11t Protest, Science, 86. Ibid., p. 97.
and Politics (London: Heinemann, 1971 ), p. 67. 87. Ibid., p. 92.
74. McCarthy, The Critical Theory of Jurgen Habermas, p. 12. 88. Ibid., p. 94.
75. Ibid., p. 13. 89. Ibid., p. 91.
76. Habermas, Towards a Rational Society, p. 60. 90. Ibid., p. 94.
77. Ibid., p. 74. 91. Ibid., p. 95.
78. A. Wellmer, "Reason, Utopia, and the Dialectic of Enlightenment," in 92. Ibid., p. 97.

...,.-- ~


Notes 171
93. Habermas, A Philosophico-Polit1cal Pro file, p. 92. cussion of how this view has been used to describe the activities of New Social
94. We are here passing over a major contention in Habermas's early Movements.
work, this being the precise nature of the "emancipatory self-reflection" that is 113. R. J. Bernstein, The Restructuring of Social and Political Theory (Lon-
afforded by a critical theory. In Knowledge and Human Tllterests, op. cit., don: Methuen, 1979), p. 219.
Habermas conflates the Kantian and Hegelian/Marxist senses of the term "self. 114. Habermas, Towards a Ratio11al Society, p. 33.
reflection." See R. J. Bernstein, "Introduction," in Habermas and Modernity, 115. See Habermas, Theory and Practice, p. 2, for his distaste for van-
pp. 12-14. This conflation lead Habermas to use Freudian psychoanalysis as an guardism, and also Habermas, Moral Co11sciousness and Commu11icative
example of a critical science and as an analogy for political enlightenment. See Action, p. 208.
also Theory and Practice, pp. 9, 22ff., and Knowledge and Human Tllterests, 116. Keane, Public Life a11fi Late Capitalism, p. 156.
chaps. 10-12. In Public Life and Late Capitalism, pp. 165-172, Keane shows 117. Ibid., p. xliv.
the many problems this analogy leads Habermas into. The issue is fully dis- 118. See White, The Recent Work of Jurge11 Habermas, p. 7.
cussed in McCarthy, The Critical Theory of Jurgen Habermas, pp. 193-213.
The historical interplay between psychoanalysis and critical theory is explored
in J. Whitebook, "Reason and Happiness: Some Psychoanalytic Themes in Crit- 3. THE AFFIRMATIVE USES OF THEORY
ical Theory," in Habermas and Modernity, pp. 140-160.
95. Parkin, Rethinking the Subject, p. 7. 1. Such a survey is, of necessity, selective. Habermas's influence has now
96. Habermas, Theory and Practice, pp. 3-4. become so pervasive that it escapes exhaustive documentation.
97. Ibid., p. 34; see also A Philosophico-Political Profile, p. 92. 2. This fo_rmulation simplifies, hopefully without reducing the sense of,
98. Habermas, Theory and Practice, p. 40. that advanced m P. Strydom, "Metacritical Observations on a Reductive
99. Ibid., pp. 38-39. Approach to Critical Theory: Ruane and Todd's 'The Application of Critical
100. A. Ferrara, "Universalisms: Procedural, Contextual and Prudential," Theory'," Political Studies, vol. 38, 1990, pp. 534-542, here at fig. 1, p. 541.
Philosophy and Social Criticism, vol. 14, no. 3/4, 1989, pp. 247-251. 3. Ibid., p. 540.
101. J. Habermas, Communication and the Evolution of Society (Boston: 4. Ibid., p. 542.
Beacon Press, 1979), p. 184. 5. Ibid.
102. Habermas, A Philosophico-Political Profile, p. 91. 6. In the final section of J. Habermas, The Theory of Communicative
103. Beiner, "On the Disunity of Theory and Practice," pp. 25-34, and p. Action, vol. 2 (Boston: Beacon Press, 1987).
33, where he quotes H. Gadamer, Reason in the Age of Science (Cambridge, 7. J. Ruane and J. Todd, "The Application of Critical Theory," Political
Mass.: MIT Press, 1981), pp. 133-134. Studies, vol. 36, 1988, pp. 533-538, and A. Parkin, "Rethinking the Subject:
104. White, "Reason and Authority in Habermas," p. 1007. White is here Habermas, Critical Theory, and the Challenges of Postmodernism" (Ph.D. dis-
following Isaiah Berlin, who states that authoritarianism is based on a "dog- sertation, University of Bradford, 1993), chap. 6.
matic certainty" that is precluded by effective participation. Participation gen- 8. R. J. Bernstein, "Introduction," in Habermas and Modernity, ed. R. J.
erates a "general" (rather than a "real") will; see p. 1012. Bernstein (Cambridge: Polity Press, 1985), p. 23.
105. McCarthy, The Critical Theory of Jurgen Habermas, p.14. 9. Habermas, The Theory of Commu11icative Action, vol. 2, pp. 332-373;
106. Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics, p. 160. and S. K. White, The Recent Work ofJurgen Habermas (Cambridge: Cambridge
107. J. Habermas, "The Scientization of Politics and Public Opinion," in University Press, 1988), chaps. 5 and 6.
Towards a Rational Society: Student Protest, Science, and Poltt1cs (London: 10. Habermas, The Theory of Communicative Action, vol. 2, p. 355.
H ei nemann, 1971 ), p. 75, emphasis in original. 11. J. Habermas, Legitimation Crisis, Cambridge: Polity Press, 1988; see
108. Habermas, Theory and Practice, p. 38. also D. Held, "Crisis Tendencies, Legitimation and the State," in Habermas:
109. Early critical theory named its addressee in no uncertain terms. Critical Debates, ed. J. B. Thompson and D. Held (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT
Habermas does not stipulate an addressee and thi s ha s caused some confusion Press, 1982), pp. 181-195
among his commentators. See, for example, Geuss, The Idea of a Critical The- 12. J. Habermas, Theory a11d Practice, London: Heinemann, 1974; T. A.
ory, p. 65ff.; McCarthy discusses this issue in The Critical Theory of Jurgen McCarthy, The Critical Theory of Jurgen Habermas (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT
Habermas, p. 385; as does Benhabib in Critique, Norm, and Utopia, p. 315. Press, 1978), pp. 1-15.
11_0. See McCarthy, The Critical Theory of Jurgen Habermas, pp. 16-39, 13. J. Habermas, "Moral Development and Ego Identity," in Commu11ica-
regardmg Habermas's encounter with this aspect of Marx's thought. t1on a11d the Evolutt011 of Society (Boston: Beacon Press, 1979), pp. 69-94; J.
111. Habermas, Theory and Practice, p. 3-4. Haberrnas Moral Co 11 scious11ess a11d Commu11icative Actio11 (Cambridge:
112. See White, The Recent Work of Jurgen Habermas, chap. 5 for a dis- Polity Pre;s, 1990), pp. 116-195; J. Habermas, "Justice and Solidarity: On the

Notes 173
Di~rnssion Concerning 'Stage 6'," in Hermeneutics and Cntrcal Theory m
no. 2, 1993,_PP· 128-155; J. Habermas, "Citizenship and National Identity:
Etlncs a11d Politrcs, ed. M. Kelly (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1990), pp.
Some Reflections on the Future of Europe," Praxis Intematio11al, vol. 12, no. 1,
32-52; White, The Rece11t Work of Jiirge11 Habermas, pp. 58-68. 1992, pp. 1-19.
14. Habcrmas, T/Je Theory of Communicative Actio11, vol. 2, op. cit.,
29. J. Habermas, Betwee11 Facts a11d Norms: Contributions to a Discourse
chaps. 6 and 7; sec also R. C. Holub, Jurgen Habermas: Cnt1c III the Public Theory of Law and Democracy (Cambridge: Polity Press, 1996); R. Shelly,
Sp/Jere (London: Rouclcdgc, I 99 I), pp. 106-132. "Habermas and the Normative Foundations of a Radical Politics," Thesis
15. J. Habermas, The Philosophical Discourse of Modernity (Cambridge: Eleven, no. 35, 1993, pp. 62-83; W. Outhwaite, Habermas: A Critical Intro-
Polity Press, 1987); see also Holub, Jurgen Habermas, pp. 133-161; J. Haber- duction (Cambridge: Polity Press, 1994), pp. 137-151.
mas, "Modernity versus Postmodernity," New German Critique, no. 22, 1981, 30. Dryzek, Discursive Democracy; J. Forester. "Towards a Critical-
pp. 3-14. Empirical Framework for the Analysis of Public Policy," New Political Science,
16. J. Habermas, "New Social Movements," Telos, no. 49, 1981, pp. Summer 1982, pp. 33-61.
33-37; J. Cohen, "Strategy or Identity: New Theoretical Paradigms and Con- 31. S. D. Ealy, Communication, Speech, and Politics: Habermas and Polit-
temporary Social Movements," Social Research, vol. 52, no. 4, 1985, pp. ical Analysis (Washington, D.C.: University Press of America, 1981 ).
663-716. See also C. Offe, "New Social Movements: Challenging the Bound- 32. J. D. Wisman, "The Scope and Goals of Economic Science: A Haber-
aries of Institutional Politics," Social Research, vol. 52, no. 4, 1985, pp. masia n Perspective," in Economics and Hermeneutics, ed. D. Lavoie (London:
817-868; L. J. Ray, Rethink111g Critical Theory: Emancipation in the Age of Roucledge, 1991 ), pp. 113-133.
Global Social Movements (London: Sage, 1993); K.H . Tucker, "Ideology and 33. C. Anderson and L. Rouse, "Intervention in Cases of Women Batter-
Social Movements: The Contribution of Habermas," Sociological Inquiry, vol. ing: An Application of Symbolic Interactionism and Critical Theory," Clinical
59, no. 1, pp. 30-47, 1989; Parkin, "Rethinking the Subject," chap. 6, pp. 7-13. Sociology Review, vol. 6, 1988, pp. 134-147.
17. J. Habermas, Towards a Rational Society: Stude11t Protest, Science, 34. For an analysis of interactions between doctor and patient, see E. Mish-
a11d Politics (Boston: Beacon Press, 1971 ); see also Holub, J iirge11 Habermas, pp. ler, The Discourse of Medicine: Dialectics of Medical Interviews (Norwood,
78-105. N.J.: Ablex, 1984).
18. See J. Haacke, "Theory and Praxis in International Relation s: Haber- 35. G. Scambler, "Habermas and the Power of Medical Expertise," in Soci-
mas, Self-Reflection, Rational Argumentation," Joumal of lntemational Stud- ological Theory and Medical Sociology, ed. G. Scambler (London: Tavistock,
ies, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 255-289. 1987), pp. 165-193.
19. Habermas, Th e Theory of Communicative Action, vol. 2, op. cit., pp. 36. P. Rodwell, "Habermas and the Evaluation of Public Policy" (Ph.D.
374-404. dissertation, Manchester University, 1990).
20. Ibid., p. 361ff. 37. R. Blaug, "The Distortion of the Face to Face: Communicative Reason
21. Ibid., pp. 358-361. and Social Work Practice," British Joumal of Social Work, vol. 25, no. 4, 1995.
22. Ibid., pp. 378-382. 38. T. W. Luke and S. K. White, "Critical Theory, the Informational Rev-
23. Ibid., pp. 386-388. olution, and an Ecological Path to Modernity," in Critical Theory and Public
24. Ibid., p. 388; but see C. F. Alford, "Habermas, Post-Freudian Psycho- Life, ed. J. Forester (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1985), pp. 22-56.
analysis and the End of the Individual," Theory, Culture and Soci ety, vol. 4, 39. D. Misgeld, "Education and Cultural Invasion: Critical Social Theory,
1987, pp. 3-29. Education as Instruction, and the ' Pedagogy of the Oppressed'," in Critical The-
25. Habermas, The Theory of Communicative Action , vol. 2, pp. 363, ory and Public Life, pp. 77-118; M. R. Welton (ed.), In Defense of the Life-
395. world: Critica l Perspectives 011 Adult Leam111g (Albany: State University of New
26. Ibid., pp. 389-390; see also D. C. Hallin, "The American News Media: York Press, 1995).
A Critical Theory Perspective," in Critical Theory and Public Life, ed. J. 40. Ruane and Todd, "The Application of Critical Theory," p. 536.
Forester (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1985), pp. 121-146, and the discussion 41. Ibid., p. 535.
in C. Calhoun, "Introduction ," in Habermas and the Public Sphere, ed. C. Cal- 42. R. J. Bernstein, " Introduction," in Habermas and Modernity, ed. R. J.
houn (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1992), pp. 1-50, here at p. 22. Bernstein (Cambridge: Polity Press, 1985), pp. 17, 21; White, The Recent Work
27. Habermas, The Theory of Commu nicative Act1011, vol. 2, p. 393; see of Jurgen Habem1as, chap. 1.
also J. S. Dryzek, D1scurs1ve Democracy: Politics, Po licy, and Political Science 43. White, The Recent Work of Jurgen Habermas, p. 153.
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990); White, The Rece 11 t Work of 44. D. Kellner, Critical Theory, Marxism, and Modemity (Baltimore: John
Jurgen Habermas, pp. 136-144. Hopkins University Press, 1989), p. 232. . ..
28.__Ha~ermas, ~Jeg~timatron Crrsis, p. 122; J. Habermas, "Struggles for 45. Forester, " Introduction: The Applied Turn 111 Contemporary Cnttcal
Recogrntton 111 Const1tu t1 ona l States," J-:uropea11 j ournal of Phrlosophy, vol. 1, Theory," in Critical Theory and Public Life, p. xviii.
....-- ~


Notes 175
46. Ruane and Todd, "The Application of Critical Theory," p . 535. D. Thomas, Q M eth odology (Newbury Park, Calif.: Sa e 1988)· Dr zek Dis-
4 7. Parkin, " Rethinking the Subject," chap. 6, pp. 13, 44. cursive Democracy, pp. 174-188. g ' ' y '
48 . and Todd, "The Application of Critical Theory," p. 535 63. Dryzek Discursive Democ 17 • h f .
. . . ' racy, p. 6 ; tt t ere ore shares certam char-
4 9. V. A. Malhotra, "Habermas' Sociological Theory as a Basis for Clini- actensttcs with the. method of Repertory Gr,·ds de ve Ioped from KeII y•s p ersona I
cal Practice with Small Groups," Cli11ical Sociology Review, vol. 5, 1987, pp. Construct theory, m which the persons who are to f'll 1 out t he questionnaire
· · f'1rst
181 - 192; V. A. Malhotra, "Research as Critical Reflection: A Study of Self, go th_rough a process whereby they construct the questions themselves. See D.
Time and Communicative Competency," Huma11ity a11d Society, vol. 8, 1984, Banm ster and F. Fransella, Inquiring Man: The Theory of Personal Constructs
pp. 468-4 77. (Harmondsworth, U.K.: Penguin, 1971).
50. J. Forester, "Critical Theory and Planning Practice," in Critical Theory 64. Dryzek, Discursive Democracy, p. 178.
a11d Pt,blic Life, pp. 202- 230. Parkin rejects Ruane and Todd's assessment of 65. Ibid. , p. 180.
the empirical content of this study in Parkin, "Rethinking the Subject," p. 70 n. _6~. See, for example, C. Kitzinger, "Introducing and Developing Q as a
119, and he therefore includes it in his list of empirical studies. However, Ealy's Femm1 st Methodology: A Study of Accounts of Lesbianism," in Feminist Social
Commu11icatio11, Speech, and Politics (see note 31 above), which Parkin also Psychology: Developing Theory and Practice, ed. S. Wilkinson (Milton Keynes,
describes as an example of an empirical study, is, according to our distinction, U.K.: Open University Press, 1986), pp. 151-172.
rather to be viewed as an interpretative piece. The probl em for Parkin here is 67. Dryzek, Discursive Democracy, p. 188.
that he uses the phrase "all those who based their work on detailed observations 68. J. S. Dryzek and J. Berejikian, "Reconstructive Democratic Theory,"
of actually existing concrete interactions" as the division between empirica l a nd American Political Science Review, vol. 87, no. 1, 1993, pp. 48-60.
interpretative; see "Rethinking the Subject," pp. 44-45. H owever, "based on" 69. Habermas, Moral Consciousness and Communicative Action, p. 179.
can mean empirical investigation, and it can also mea n criti cal interpretation. 70. S. Wolin, "Fugitive Democracy," Constellations, vol. 1, no. 1, 1994, p.
51. R. E. Young, "Critical Theory and Classroom Questiomng, n Language 16.
and Education, vol. 1, no. 2, 1987; R. E. Young, "Moral Development, Ego 7 1. S. Benhabib, "The Methodological Illusions of Modern Political The-
Autonomy, and Questions of Practicality in the Critical Theory of Sc hooling," ory: The Case of Rawls and Habermas," Neue Hefte fur Pholosophie, vol. 21,
Educational Theory, vol. 38, no. 4, 1988, pp. 391-404; R. E. Yo ung, A Critical 1982, pp. 47-74, here at 48-49.
Theory of Education: Habermas and Our Children 's Future (New York: Wheat- 72. Ibid., p. 49.
sheaf, 1989). 73. See pragmatic rule 3.1 in Habermas's rules of discourse, Moral Con-
52. Parkin, "Rethinking the Subject," p . 41. This critique 1~ al~o leveled at sciousness and Communicative Action, p. 89.
the more interpretative work of Anderson a nd Rouse (sec note 33 above). 74 . Regarding the use of unanimity by various democratic theories in order
Parkin, at p. 33, is particularly troubled by their lack of analysi~ of the underly- to claim legitimacy, see R. P. Wolff, In Defence of Anarchism (New York:
ing causes of spousal violence. Harper & Row, 1970), p. 27; B. Manin, "On Legitimacy and Political Deliber-
53. A. J. Carroll, "Ethics, Critical Theory, and the Inner C1tyn (Ph.D. dis- ati on," Political Th eory, vol. 15, no. 3, 1987, p. 340ff.
sertation, Manchester University, 1993 ). 75. J. Dunn, Western Political Theory in the Face of the Future (Cam-
54. Malhotra, "Research as Critical Reflection," pp. 468,4 70, 4 75 . bridge: Cambridge University Press, 1979), p. 1.
55. Malhotra, "Habermas' Sociologica l Theory," p. 18 6. 76. See the discussion of realism versus rationalism in G. Sartori, The The-
56. Malhotra, "Research as Critical Refl ection," p. 469. ory of Democracy Revisited, vol. 1 (Chatham, N.J.: Chatham House, 1987), pp.
57. Parkin treats this at some length in "Rethinking the Sub1ect," pp. 39-82: also that in D. Beecham, "Liberal Democracy and the Limits of Democ-
35-40. ratization," in Prospects for Dem ocracy: North , South, East, West, ed. D. Held
58. I. Mitroff and L. V. Bla nkenship, "O n the Methodol ogy of the Holis- (Cambridge: Polity Press, 1993).
tic Experiment," Technological Forecasting and Social Change, vol. 4, 19 7 3. pp. 77. Hence the concern with the possibility of "moral sponginess" in T.
339-353. Nagel, " What Makes a Political Theory Utopian?" Social Research, vol. 56, no.
59. See Dryzek's discussion of experi menta l methodology in Discursive 4, 1989, pp. 903-920, here at p. 914.
Democracy, p. 39 78 . Benhabib, "The Methodological Illusions of Modern Political Theory,"
60. Parkin, in "Rethinking the Subject," pp. 5 1-6 1, esp. p. 51, suggests p. 49.
that the attempt by social research to "fix meanings" from an "expert point of 79. Ibid.
view" may be inherently power-saturated. 80. See J. Elster, "The Market and the Forum: Three Varieties of Political
61. Dryzek, Discursive Democracy, p. 177. Theory," in Foimdat1011s of Social Choice Th eory, ed. J. Elster and A. Hylland
. 62._ See S. R. Brown, Political Subjectivity: Applications of Q Methodology (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986 ), pp. ~03-:-1,32.
81. For this reason, Habermas would fall mto F1shkm s fourth category of
111 Poltttcal Science (New H ave n: Yale University Press, 1980); B. McKeown and
... ,..
. h • for he combines an actual decision situation with a refin Notes 177
democratic t eories, . . h . e-
ment of motivation and preferences. See J. S. F1shkm, ~ e f!talogue of Justice: J. Habermas, The Philosophical D •
· (Cam bndge:
tscourse of Modermty .
Toward a Self-Reflective Society (New Hav~n: Y~le University Press, 1992), p. Press, 1987), p. 322. Polity
discussion of the effect of deliberation on preferences, C.R. Sun- 98. See, for example, e, C. Gould "On .
51 ff . See, for a
• "P f nces and Politics"
. h d p bl . Aff .
u zc ,,am, vol. 20 , no. 1, Interest: Between Procedure and S b ' ,, . th e Conception of the Common
stem, re ere , Phz/osop y an ory in Ethics and Politics 26u7s2ta6n9ce, m Hermeneutics a11d Critical The-
1991,pp. 3-34. . . National Identity: Some Ref) •
' pp. -
and J Hab
· ermas,
· h.1p and
82. Habermas, Moral Consciousness and Commumcatzve Actio11, p. 89 ect1ons on t e Future of E " p . I
tional vol. 12 no 1 1992 urope, raxzs nter11a-
83. McCarthy, The Critical Theory of ]urge,~ Habermas, ~- 309. ' ' · ' , pp. 1- 19 , here at p. 1O
84. This has been the subject of some m1s~~~erstandmg, particularly 99. R. Shelly. "Habermas and th N ··
. · " ...,..'h • El
Po I,tics, e ormative Foundations of a Radical
among early commentators such as G. Therborn, Jurgen Habermas: A New i, eszs eve11, no. 35 1993 PP 62 83 h 74
100. As, for exam I · ' ' : . - ' ere a~ p. ·
Eclecticism," New Left Review, no. 67, 1971, pp. 69-83, and T. Woodiwiss . _ Pe, m J. Cohen. Discourse Ethics and Civil Society "
"Critical Theory and the Capitalist State," Economy a11d Society, vol. 7, 1978: Phtlosophy and Social Criticism vol. 14 no 3/4 1988 315 337 h '
326. ' · , , pp. - , ere at p.
pp. 175-192. . _ . 101 · .Ingram , "The Lim1·ts an d poss1·b·t· · o f Communicative Ethics for
85. Habermas, Moral Consciousness and Commumcative Action, p. 92 1 mes
86. See A. Ferrara, "Justice and Identity," Philosophy a11d Social Criticism, Democratic
,, Theory" p
, · 31 I·
, see also C o en, "D'1scourse Eh
h ' an d c·1v1·1 Soci-
t 1cs ·
ety, p. 324.
vol. 18, no. 3/4, 1992, pp. 333-354. McCarthy, The Critical Theory of Jurge 11
Habermas, p. 309; R. Alexy, "A Theory of Practical Discourse," in The Com- 102. Cohen, "Discourse Ethics and Civil Society," p. 326.
103. Ibid.
municative Ethics Controversy, ed. S. Benhabib and F. Dallmayr (Cambridge,
104. K. Baynes, The Normative Grounds of Social Criticism: Kant, Rawls,
Mass.: MIT Press, 1990), pp. 151-192, here at pp. 180-183.
and Habermas (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1992), p. 180, and
87. Habermas, Legitimation Crisis, pp. 111-112; J. Haber mas, "A Reply
K. Baynes, "The Liberal/Communitarian Controversy and Communicative
to my Critics," in Habermas: Critical Debates, ed. J.B. Thompson and D. Held
Ethics," Philosophy and Social Criticism, vol. 14, no. 3/4, 1988, pp. 293-313,
(Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1982), pp. 219-283, here at pp. 257-258; here at p. 306.
Habermas, Moral Consciousness a11d Commu11icative Actzo11, p. 72; McCarthy, 105. M. Walzer, "A Critique of Philosophical Conversation," in
The Critical Theory of jurge11 Habermas, p. 314; Dryzek, Discursive Democ- Hermeneutics and Critical Theory ilt Ethics and Politics, pp. 182-196, here at
racy, p. 17; D. Ingram, "The Limits and Possibilities of Communicative Ethics p. 186.
for Democratic Theory," Political Theory, vol. 21, no. 2, 1993, pp. 294-321, 106. R. Shelly, "Habermas and the Normative Foundations of a Radical
here at p. 302. Politics," p. 75; A. Arato and J. Cohen, Civil Society and Political Theory (Cam-
88. J. Habermas, Justification and Applicatio11 (Cambridge: Polity Press, bridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1992), p. 441.
1993), pp. 54-55. 107. Benhabib, Situating the Self, p. 29.
89. Dryzek, Discursive Democracy, p. 87. 108. Habermas gives his own derivation of basic rights from the discourse
90. Forester, "Introduction: The Applied Turn in Contemporary Critical principle in Between Facts and Nonns, pp. 118-131.
Theory," in Critical Theory and Public Life, p. xvi. 109. See A. Ferrara, "A Critique of Habermas's Consensus Theory of
91. Dryzek, Discursive Democracy, p. 87. Truth," Philosophy and Social Criticism, vol. 13. no. 1, 1988, pp. 39-68, here
92. S. Benhabib, Situating the Self (Oxford: Polity Press, 1992), pp. 23-67; at p. 53; and Benhabib, "The Methodological Illusions of Modern Political The-
M. Passerin d'Entreves, Modernity, justice and Commu11ity (Milan: Franco ory," p. 58.
Angeli, 1990), p. 16. 110. S. K. White, "Reason and Authority in Habermas: A Critique of the
93. Ingram, "The Limits and Possibilities of Communicative Ethics for Critics," American Political Science Review, vol. 74, 1980, pp. 1007-1017, p.
Democratic Theory," pp. 294-321. 1016.
111. Ingram, "The Limits and Possibilities of Communicative Ethics for
94. A. Wellmer, "Practical Philosophy and the Theory of Society: On the
Problem of the Normative Foundations of a Critical Social Science " in The Democratic Theory," p. 311.
Communicative Ethics Controversy, pp. 293-329, here at p. 293; L.
J. Ray,
112. Shelly, "Habermas and the Normative Foundations of a Radical Pol-
itics," p. 72.
Rethinki11g Critical Theory (London: Sage, 199 3 ), p. 3 7 n. 24. 113. J. Habermas, "Struggles for Recognition in Constitutional States,"
95. Habermas, Justification and Application, p. 36. European Joumal of Philosophy, vol. 1, no. 2, 1993, pp. 128-155, here at p.
96. J. Habermas, Communication and the Evolutio11 of So ciety (Boston:
Beac?n ~ress, ~ 979), p. 183ff.; Ingram, "The Limits and Poss ibilities of Com· t 14. K. Eder, "Politics and Culture: On the Sociocultural Analysis of Polit-
mumcative Ethics for Democratic Theory," p. 311. ical Participation," in Cultural-Political Interventions in the Unfinished Project
97 · Habermas, Moral Consciousness and Commumcattve A ct1011, p. 109;
Notes 181
understand New Social Movements, and that we considered as examples of cul-
178. See Baynes, The Normative Grou11ds of Social Criticism, p. 180: D.
tural criticism in 3.1 above.
Coole, "Wild Differences and Tamed Others: Postmodernism and Liberal
159. J. Habermas, "Towards a Communication-Concept of Rational Col-
Democracy," Parallax, no. 2, February 1996, pp. 23-36; T. McCarthy, "Kan-
lective Will-Formation: A Thought Experiment," Ratio Juris, vol. 2, no. 2,
tian Contructivism and Reconstructivism: Rawls and Habermas in Dialogue,"
1989, pp. 144-154; Habermas, "Further Reflections on the Public Sphere," p. Ethics, vol. 105, 1994, pp. 44-63.
449; S. Benhabib, "Deliberative Rationality and Models of Democratic Legiti-
macy," Co11stellatio11s, vol. 1, no. 1, 1994, pp. 26-52, here at p. 37; Outhwaite,
Habermas: A Critical lntroductio11 (Cambridge: Polity Press, 1994), chap. 9; 4. METHODOLOGICAL PROBLEMS AND LlMITS TO TI-IEORY
Shelly, "Habermas and the Normative Foundations of a Radical Politics."
160. Habermas, Moral Co11scious11ess a11d Commu11icative Action, p. 1. See P. Hohendahl's "Foreword" to J. Habermas, The Past as Future
114 n. 81. (Cambridge: Polity Press, 1994), pp. xxiii-xxv.
161. J. Habermas, Betwee11 Facts and Norms: Co11tributio11s to a Dis- 2. L. J. Ray, Rethi11ki11g Critical Theory (London: Sage, 1993), pp. 12, 20.
course Theory of Law and Democracy (Cambridge: Polity Press, 1996). 3. Ferrara refers to "the much lamented lack of a Habermasian politics,"
162. Benhabib, "Deliberative Rationality and Models of Democratic Legit- in "A Critique of Habermas' Diskursethik," Telos, no. 64, 1985, pp. 45-74,
imacy," p. 42; J. Habermas, "Three Models of Democracy," p. 10. here at p. 53.
163. Baynes, The Normative Grounds of Social Criticism, p. 180; Ben- 4. See, for a review of his various interventions in the student radical
habib, "Deliberative Rationality and Models of Democratic Legitimacy," p. 40. movement, R. C. Holub, Jurgen Habermas: Critic i11 the Public Sphere (London:
164. Baynes, The Normative Grounds of Social Criticism, p. 180. Routledge, 1991), pp. 78-105.
165. N. Fraser, "Rethinking the Public Sphere: A Contribution to the Cri- 5. Habermas thus criticises Rawls, both for his monological approach and
tique of Actually Existing Democracy," in Habermas a11d the Public Sphere, pp. for his substantive principles of justice. See J. Habermas, Moral Conscious11ess
109-142. a11d Commu11icative Actio11 (Cambridge: Polity Press, 1990), p. 66
166. J. F. Bohman, "Communication, Ideology, and Democratic Theory," 6. J. Habermas, Commu11icatio11 and the Evolution of Society (Cam-
America11 Political Science Review, vol. 84, no. 1, 1990, p. 109. bridge: Polity Press, 1984 ), pp. 178-205.
167. R. J. Bernstein, The Restructuri11g of Social and Political Theory 7. Ibid., p. 183.
(London: Methuen, 1979), p. 236. 8. Ibid., pp. 183-185.
168. S. Benhabib, Critique, Norm, a11d Utopia (New York: Columbia Uni- 9. Ibid., p. 185.
versity Press, 1986), p. 353. 10. Ibid., p. 186.
169. Baynes, The Normative Grou11ds of Social Criticism, p. 181. 11. Indeed, they situate Habermas within the grand tradition of attacking
170. See, for example, B. Manin, "On Legitimacy and Political Delibera- Rousseau for something he did not say. Hegel and Marx treated Rousseau with
tion," Political Theory, vol. 15, no. 3, 1987, pp. 338-368; J. S. Fishkin, The similar roughness, as shown in R. Wokler, "Hegel's Rousseau: The General Will
Dialogue of Justice; B. R. Barber, Stro11g Democracy (Berkeley: University of and Civil Society," Arach11e, no. 8, 1993, pp. 7-45. Habermas's critique is in
California Press, 1984 ); C. Pateman, Participatio11 a11d Democratic Theory fact an almost complete mirror image of Hegel's, effectively turning the latter's
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1970); D. Held and C. Pollitt (eds.), reading of Rousseau on its head.
New Forms of Democracy (London: Sage, 1986). 12. See Q. Skinner, "The Empirical Theorists of Democracy and Their
171. For example, C. Mouffe, The Retum of the Political (London: Verso, Critics: A Plague on Both Their Houses," Political Theory, vol. 1, no. 3, 1973,
1993). pp. 287-306.
172. J. Cohen, "Deliberation and Democratic Legitimacy," in The Good 13. See A. Wellmer, "Practical Philosophy and the Theory of Society: On
Polity: Normative A11alysis of the State, ed. A. Hamlin and P. Pettit (Oxford: the Problem of the Normative Foundations of a Critical Social Science," in The
Blackwell, 1991 ), pp. 17-34, here at p. 30. Commu11icative Ethics Co11troversy, ed. S. Benhabib and F. Dallmayr (Cam-
173. J. Forester, "Towards a Critical-Empirical Framework for the Analy- bridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1990), pp. 293-329, here at p. 314; see also D.
sis of Public Policy"; Forester, "Critical Theory and Planning Practice," in Crit- Beetham, "Liberal Democracy and the Limits of Democratization," in Prospects
ical Theory a11d Public Life, p. 205; see also Parkin, "Rethinking the Subject," for Democracy: North, South, East, West, ed. D. Held (Cambridge: Polity Press,
chap. 6, pp. 6, 23. 1993).
174. Habermas, Moral Co11scious11ess a11d Communicative Action, p. 207. 14. David Ingram says almost exactly this in "The Limits and Possibilities
175. Habermas, Legitimat1011 Crisis, op. cit., passim. of Communicative Ethics for Democratic Theory," Political Theory, vol. 21, no.
176. Habermas, The Philosophical Discourse of Moder111ty, p. 363. 2, 1993, pp. 294-321, here at p. 310ff.
177. Habermas, M o ral Consc1ouS11ess a11d Commu111cative Act,011, p. 207. 15. Habermas, Commumcation a11d the Evolutio11 of Society, p. 186.
Notes 183
16. Ibid. . , · · ·
d J F Bohman , in 'Part1c1patmg · En 11g
m · h tenment• 36. See J. J. Mansbridge, Beyond Adversary Democracy (New York: Basic
17. In t h ,s regar , . . ,, .
. Books, 1980).
Habcrmas's Cognitivist Interpretation of Democra_cy, K,iowledge _a~,d Poli-
. Ca se St u d tes
. · the Relationship between Epistemology and Pol1t1cal Phi- 37. J. S. Fishkin, The Dialogue of Justice: Toward a Self-Reflective Society
t,cs: 111 . (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1992).
ascal and O. Gruengard (Boulder, Colo.: Westv1ew Press
Iosophy, ed . M. D . h f k Id ' 38. J. S. Mill, "Essay on Bentham," in Utilitarianism and Other Writings,
1989), pp. 264-289, likens discourse ethics to a t eory o now e g_e, where
· aled is the nature of true statements rather than exactly which state- ed. M. Warnock (New York: Meridian, 1959), pp. 78-125, esp. p. 106; C. Pate-
w h a t 1s reve d 'b 'J' · fC man, Participation and Democratic Theory (Cambridge: Cambridge University
ments are true. See also Ingram, "The Limits an Poss, 1 1ues o ommunica-
Press, 1970); see also Held's second type of "developmental democracy," out-
tive Ethics for Democratic Theory," p. 311. lined in D. Held, Models of Democracy (Cambridge: Polity Press, 1987), p. 102.
18. Habermas, Communication and the Evolution of Society, p. 186.
39. This is the third category of democratic theory outlined in J. Habermas,
19. See Skinner, "The Empirical Theorists of Democracy and Their Crit- "Three Models of Democracy."
ics"; Habermas takes this paper as his starting point in the passage we are here
40. There is a careful discussion of this criticism of Rousseau in J. Cohen.
discussing. . . " Reflections on Rousseau: Autonomy and Democracy," Philosophy and Public
20. Habermas, Commu11ication and the Evolut,011 of Society, pp. Affairs, vol. 15, no. 3, 1986, pp. 275-297; K. Baynes, in The Normative
186-187. Grounds of Social Criticism: Kant, Rawls, and Habermas (Albany: State Uni-
21. Skinner, "The Empirical Theorists of Democracy," p. 288. versity of New York Press, 1992), p. 44, shows his agreement with the criticism,
22. P. Bachrach, The Theory of Democratic Elitism: A Critique (Boston: and suggests it leads to a utopian moment in Rousseau's thought.
Little, Brown, 1967), p. 20. 41. See Habermas, "A Reply to My Critics," p. 261.
23. See, for example, R. A. Dahl, A Preface to Democratic Theory 42. J. Cohen, "Deliberation and Democratic Legitimacy," in The Good
(Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1956), pp. 69-74. Polity: Normative Analysis of the State, p. 34 n. 27.
24. Habermas, Commu11icatio11 a11d the Evolution of Society, p. 187. 43. See J.-J. Rousseau, The Social Contract (Harmondsworth, U.K.: Pen-
25. This argument has strong similarities to that advanced by R. P. Wolff quin, 1968), p. 101; R. Wokler, "Rousseau's Two Concepts of Liberty," in
in In Defe11ce of A11archism (New York: Harper & Row, 1970), though here the Lives, Liberties and the Public Good, ed. G. Feaver and F. Rosen (London:
account of the normative ground for legitimacy is quite different. Macmillan, 1987), p. 82; and Cohen, "Reflections on Rousseau: Autonomy and
26. Ibid., p. 187. Democracy," p. 289.
27. Ibid. 44. Outlined in Cohen, "Reflections on Rousseau: Autonomy and Democ-
28. See G. Sartori, The Theory of Democracy Revisited, vol. 1 (Chatham, racy," p. 289.
N.J.: Chatham House, 1987), pp. 58-82. 45. Ibid., p. 290.
29. See, for example, A. Wellmer, "Reason, Utopia, and the Dialectic of 46. See the discussion of Rousseau's "democracy without public opinion,"
Enlightenment," in Habermas a11d Modernity, ed. R. J. Bernstein (Cambridge: in J. Habermas, The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere (Cam-
Polity Press, 1985), p. 58. bridge: Polity Press, 1989), pp. 96-99.
30. A. Wellmer, Reaso11, Emancipatio11 a11d Utopia (Unpublished, 1979). 47. Ingram, "The Limits and Possibilities of Communicative Ethics," op.
31. J. Habermas, "A Reply to My Critics," in Habermas: Critical Debates, cit.
ed. J.B. Thompson and D. Held (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1982), p. 261. 48. R. Shelly, "Habermas and the Normative Foundations of a Radical
In this same passage, Habermas admits to having, on occasion, used such a Politics," Thes,s Eleve11, no. 35, 1993, pp. 62-83, here at pp. 69-71.
"shortcut" himself. 49. Citing B. Manin's important article, "On Legitimacy and Political
32. See S. K. White, "Reason and Authority in Habermas: A Critique of the Deliberation," Political Theory, vol. 15, no. 3, 1987, pp. 338-368.
Critics," American Political Science Review, vol. 74, 1980, pp. 1007-1017, here 50. Shelly, "Habermas and the Normative Foundations of a Radical Poli-
at p. 1010. White also discusses Spaemann's accusation that Habermas himself tics," p. 69.
violates the negative limit at certain points in his writings. Sec ibid., p. 1010 n. 4. 51. J. S. Dryzek, Discursive Democracy: Politics, Policy, and Political Sci-
33. J. Elster, "The Market and the Forum: Three Varieties of Political The- ence (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990).
ory," i~ Foundatio,~s of Social Choice Theory, ed. J. Elster and A. Hylland 52. Ibid., p. 18.
(Cambndge: Cambndge University Press, 1986), pp. 103-132. 53. Ibid., p. 20. It is interesting to note the difference here to Arendt's posi-
34. J. Habermas, "Three Models of Democracy," Co11stellat1011s, vol. 1, tion. She would see the use of deliberative means to solve "social problems" as
no. 1, 1994,pp. 1-10. an inappropriate incursion of politics into questions of administration. See H.
Arendt, The Human Condition (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1958).
35. See B. R. Barber, Strong Democracy (Berkeley: University of California
Press, 1984 ). 54. Dryzek, Discursive Democracy, p. 21.
Notes 185
J D k "Discursive Designs: Critical Theory and Political Institu-
tions," ·A~eri:~; J~umal of Political Science, vol. 31, 1987, pp. 656-679, here 83. Barber, Strong Democracy.
84. Bohman makes this critique of Barber in J. F. Bohman, "Communi-
at p. 664.
cation, Ideology, and Democratic Theory," America11 Political Scie11ce Review,
56. Dryzek, Discursive Democracy, P· 13. . . . .
.b Critique Norm, and Utopia (New York. Columbia Uni- vol. 84, no. 1, 1990, pp. 93-109, here at p. 99.
57 . S· Ben ha b1 '
· press, 1986) , p . 298·, S•' Benhabib • Situatmg
vers1ty .
t he Se If (Cam.b n" Polity 85. Dryzek, "Discursive Designs," p. 665.
. N Fraser "Rethinking the Public Sphere: A Contnbuuon to the 86. See L. Putterman, "Some Behavioural Perspectives on the Dominance
Press, 1992) ' . ' d h bl . of Hierarchical over Democratic Forms of Enterprise," Joumal of Eco11omic
Critique of Actually Existing Democracy," in Habermas a11 t e Pu ic Sphere,
ed. C. Calhoun (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1992), PP· 109-142. Behaviour a11d Organizatio11, vol. 3, 1982, pp. 139-160. Such an empirical
insight is also the source of the almost overwhelming rhetorical power of
58. Dryzek, Discursive Democracy, p. 16. . . ,,
59. See A. MacIntyre, "Does Applied Ethics Rest on a Mistake? The Michels's Iron Law of Oligarchy. See R. Michels, Political Parties (Glencoe, Ill.:
Free Press, 1958), p. 415, and G. Parry, Political Elites (London: George Allen
Monist, vol. 67, 1984, pp. 498-513. and Unwin, 1969), pp. 42-45.
60. Dryzek, Discursive Democracy, p. 17. . . 87. J. Elster, "The Market and the Forum," p. 121;]. Elster, Sour Grapes
61. J. Habermas, Communication and the Evolut,011 of Society, p. 90.
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983), p. 92.
62. Dryzek, Discursive Democracy, p. 17. . 88. A review of this type of attempted justifications can be found (with
63. S. K. White, The Recent Work of Jurgen Habermas (Cambridge: Cam-
some difficulty) in M. Warren, "Democratic Theory and Self-Transformation,"
bridge University Press, 1988), p. 70. Amer1ca11 Political Science Review, vol. 86, no. 1, 1992, pp. 8-23, though the
64. Ibid., p. 74. article does not deal with Elster's counter-argument or with the wide-ranging
65. Dryzek, "Discursive Designs," p. 665. discussion it has engendered.
66. Dryzek, Discursive Democracy, p. 30. Dryzek here refers also to the 89. Habermas, Communication and the Evolution of Society, p. 186,
remarks on utopian blueprints in White, "Reason and Authority in Habermas," emphasis mine.
pp. 1007-1017. 90. J. Habermas, Theory and Practice (London: Heinemann, 1974 ), p. 32.
67. Dryzek, Discursive Democracy, p. 30. 91. See the discussion of Habermas's distinction between the function and
68. Dryzek, "Discursive Designs," p. 665. organization of enlightenment in D. Held, Introduction to Critical Theory:
69. Dryzek, Discursive Democracy, p. 32. Horkheimer to Habermas (Cambridge: Polity Press, 1980), p. 348.
70. Dryzek, "Discursive Designs," p. 665. 92. S. Benhabib, "Modernity and the Aporias of Critical Theory," Telos,
71. Ibid. no. 49, Autumn 1981, pp. 39-59, here at p. 54.
72. Ibid. Notice the similarity between this and other arguments that rely 93. S. Benhabib, "The Utopian Dimension in Communicative Ethics,"
upon the notion of rational agency reviewed in the previous chapter. New German Critique, no. 35, 1985, pp. 83-96, here at p. 84.
73. Dryzek, Discursive Democracy, p. 41. 94. Habermas, "A Reply to My Critics," p. 262.
74. R. Fisher and W. Ury, Getting to Yes (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1981). 95. For example, see J. Habermas, The Theory of Communicative Action,
75. Dryzek, Discursive Democracy, p. 42. vol. 1 (Boston: Beacon Press, 1984), pp. 243-253.
76. Ibid. See also J. Habermas, "A Reply to My Critics," pp. 257-258; and 96. M. Passerin d'Entreves, Modernity, Justice and Community (Milan:
T. McCarthy, "Practical Discourse: On the Relation of Morality to Politics," in Franco Angeli, 1990), p. 22.
Ideals and Illusions (Cambridge: Polity Press, 1991), pp. 181-199. 97. Ibid., p. 23.
77. See the discussion of such work in section 3.2 in the previous chapter. 98. For many critical theorists, the question of means is a diffuse anxiety.
78. Dryzek, Discursive Democracy, p. 45. Elster provides more definite reasons to be afraid in J. Elster and A. Hylland,
79. Ibid., p. 46. Foundations of Social Choice Theory (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
80. Ibid., p. 54; see, for an excellent discussion of this problem, M. Taylor, 1986), esp. p. 120.
Anarchy and Co-operation (London: Wiley, 1976). 99. Habermas addresses this when he confronts the counter-Enlighten-
81. Dryzek, Discursive Democracy, p. 55. ment tradition and the messianic utopian strand of critical theory. See J. Haber-
82. Ibid., p. 57ff. The assertion that deliberation can in fact increase effi- mas, "Consciousness-Raising or Redemptive Criticism: The Contemporaneity of
ciency of policy output is a common one among deliberative democrats· see my Walter Benjamin," New German Critique, no. 17, Spring 1979. For a discussion
"New Theories of Discursive Democracy: A User's Guide " Philosophy a11d of this encounter, see J. Whitebook, "Saving the Subject: Modernity and the
~ocial Criticis"!, vol~ 22,_no. 1~ 1996, pp. 49-80, here at p. 55. A good example Problem of the Autonomous Individual," Telos, no. 50, Winter 1981.
is that of D. Miller, Deliberative Democracy and Social Choice " Po/1tteal Stud- 100. Benhabib, "The Utopian Dimension in Communicative Ethics," p. 84.
ies, vol. 40, special issue, 1992, pp. 54-76. ' 101. Ibid., pp. 85, 91.
Notes 187
102. A. Wellmer, "Reason, Utopia, and the Dialectic of Enlightenment," in 125. See S. Benhabib, S1tuati11g the Self (Cambridge: Polity Press, 1992), p.
Hab ermas and Modernity, ed. R. J. Bernstein (Cambridge: Polity Press, 1985), 125.
pp. 35-66, here at pp. 57-61. 126. There are times when he seems to back away from this characteriza-
103. Wellmer, "Reason, Utopia, and the Dialectic of Enlightenment," p. tion of judgment. See, for example, Habermas. "A Reply to My Critics," p. 262,
61. and Habermas, Moral Consciousness and Communicative Action, p. 182.
104. Habermas, "A Reply to My Critics," p. 251. 127. A. MacIntyre, "Does Applied Ethics Rest on a Mistake?" The Momst,
105. R. Beiner, PoliticalJudgme11t (London: Methuen, 1983), p. 7; see also vol. 67, 1984, pp. 498-513, here at p. 503.
Dryzek's discussion of "comparative evaluation" in Discursive Democracy, p. 128. Beauchamp discusses the value of case-based learning in T. L.
37. Beauchamp, "On Eliminating the Distinction between Applied Ethics and Ethi-
106. Habermas, Communicatio11 a11d the Evolutio11 of Society, p. 186, cal Theory," The Monist, vol. 67, 1984, pp. 514-531, here at pp. 524-529.
emphasis mine. 129. See J. Habermas, Justification and Application (Cambridge: Polity
107. Habermas, "A Reply to My Critics," p. 254. Press, 1993), pp. 54-55; and Ferrara's discussion of Apel's formulation of the
108. S. Benhabib, Critique, Norm, a11d Utopia (New York: Columbia Uni- "principle" by which we should attempt to "reduce as far as possible the gap
versity Press, 1986), p. 323. between the ideal speech situation and the actual communicative contexts," in
109. Ibid., "A Critique of Habermas' Diskursethik," Telos, no. 64, 1985, p. 63 n. 34.
110. The question of whether these problems are in part overcome by con- 130. This phrase is taken from A. Margalit, "Ideals and Second Bests," in
struing such judgment as reflective rather than determinant is addressed in the Philosophy for Educatio11, ed. S. Fox Uerusalem: Van Leer Foundation, 1983),
next chapter. pp. 77-90.
111. Habermas, "A Reply to My Critics," p. 253 131. Wellmer, "Reason, Utopia, and the Dialectic of Enlightenment," p.
112. Benhabib, Critique, Norm, and Utopia, p. 323 61.
113. D. Ingram, "The Limits and Possibilities of Communicative Ethics for 132. P. Laslett, "The Face to Face Society," in Philosophy, Politics a11d
Democratic Theory," p. 297. Society, first series, ed. P. Laslett (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1956), pp. 157-184,
114. "Habermas has backed away from regarding consensus as a criterion here at p. 184.
of truth. He now holds that consensus is a condition of warranted assertibil-
ity ... [for] consensus would be a sign of truth only if we further assumed that
all participants possessed complete knowledge of them selves a nd their world." 5. HABERMASIAN DIFFICULTIES WITH JUDGMENT
Ibid., p. 296. Such a revision does indeed move the normative ideal "closer" to
reality, yet it still requires a moment of application. 1. J. Habermas, Justificatio11 a11d Application (Cambridge: Polity Press,
115. S. Cavell, The Claim of Reaso11 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1993), p. 39.
1982), p. 265. 2. Ibid., p. 38.
116. A. Wellmer, The Persistence of Modernity: Aesthetics, Ethics a11d 3. J. Habermas, Moral Conscious11ess a11d Commu11icative Actio11 (Cam-
Postmodernism (Cambridge: Polity Press, 1991), p. 200; see a lso Ingram, "The bridge: Polity Press, 1990), p. 206.
Limits and Possibilities of Communicative Ethics for Democratic Theory," p. 4. Habermas, Justificatio11 a11d Application, p. 13.
298. 5. K. Gunther, "Impartial Application of Moral and Legal Norms: A
117. J. Elster, Solomonic Judgements: Studies i11 the Limitat1011s of Ratio- Contribution to Discourse Ethics," Philosophy and Social Criticism, vol. 4, no.
11ality (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989), p. 181. 3/4, 1988, pp. 425-432, here p. 425.
118. Ibid., pp. 184-187. 6. S. O'Neill, "Morality, Ethical Life and the Persistence of Universal-
119. Ibid., pp. 187-189. ism," Theory, Culture and Society, vol. 11, no. 2, 1994, pp. 129-149, at p. 145.
120. Ibid., pp. 189-190. 7. Habermas, Moral Consciousness and Commu11icat1ve Action, p. 206.
121. Ibid., pp. 191-194. 8. A. Wellmer, The Persiste11ce of Modernity: Aesthetics, Ethics and Post-
122. Ibid., p. 181; see also A. MacIntyre, After Virtue (Notre Dame, Ind.: modernism (Cambridge: Polity Press, 1991), p. 206.
University of Notre Dame Press, 1981), pp. 93-101. 9. Habermas, Justification and Applicatio11, p. 38; Wellmer, The Persis-
123. Benhabib, Critique, Norm, a11d Utopia, p. 322. tence of Modernity, p. 200.
124. See R. C. Holub, Jurgen Habermas: Critic i11 the Public Sphere (Lon- 10. Wellmer, The Pers1ste11ce of Modernity, p. 35; Habermas, Moral Con-
don: Routledge, 1991 ), pp. 49-77; A. Ferrara. "Universalisms: Procedural, Con- sciousness and Communicative Act,011, p. 206; see also S. Benhabib, " After-
textual and Prudential," Philosophy and Social Criticism, vol. 14, no. 3-4, word: Communicative Ethics and Current Controversies in Practical Philoso-
1989, pp. 243-269. phy," in The Commu11icat1ve Ethics Controversy, ed. S. Benhabib and F.
Dallmayr (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1990), pp. 330-369, here p. 334. !oun!a! 0( Philosophy, vol. 2, no. 3, 1994, pp. 241-273, here p. 255, emphasis
11. Habermas, Moral Co11sciousness and Communicative Action, p. 206. in original.
12. Ibid. 40. Habermas.' Moral_Co11scious11ess a11d Commu11icative Actio11, p. 150.
13. Habermas, Justification a11d Application, pp. 35-36. 41. S. Benhab1b, Cr1t1que, Norm, a11d Utopia (New York: Columbia Uni-
14. Ibid., p. 36. versity Press, 1986), p. 323.
15. Habermas, Moral Consciousness and Communicative Action, p. 206. 42. Benhabib, Situati11g the Self, pp. 148-177.
16. Habermas, Justification a11d Applicatio11, pp. 10, 17; A. Ferrara, "A 43. C. Gilligan, In a Different Voice: Psychological Theory a11d Wome11's
Critique of Habermas's Consensus Theory of Truth," Philosophy a11d Social Development (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1982).
Criticism, vol. 13, no. 1, 1988, pp. 54-55; K. Gunther, The Se11se of Appropri- 44. Benhabib, Situating the Self, pp. 158-159.
ateness: Application Discourses in Morality a11d Law (Albany: State University 45. See M. Cooke, "Habermas and Consensus," Europea11 Journal of Phi-
of New York Press, 1993). losophy, vol. 1, no. 3, 199 3, pp. 11-13.
17. K. Gunther, "Impartial Application of Moral and Legal Norms: a Con- 46. T. McCarthy, "Practical Discourse: On the Relation of Morality to Pol-
tribution to Discourse Ethics," Philosophy a11d Social Criticism, vol. 14, no. 3/4, itics," in Ideals a11d Illusio11s (Cambridge: Polity Press, 1991), pp. 181-199.
1988, pp. 425-432, here at p. 430. 47. A. Wellmer, The Persiste11ce of Modernity: Aesthetics, Ethics and Post-
18. As in A. MacIntyre, A Short History of Ethics (New York: Macmillan, modernism (Cambridge: Polity Press, 1991), p. 155; A. Wellmer, Ethik u11d Dia-
1966), p. 8, and R. Beiner, "Do We Need a Philosophical Ethics? Theory, Pru- log (Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1986), pp. 61, 64-65; A. Ferrara, "Critical Theory
dence, and the Primacy of Ethos," The Philosophical Forum, vol. 20, no. 3, and Its Discontents: Wellmer's Critique of Habermas," Praxis Internatio11al, vol.
1989, pp. 230-243. 9, no. 3, 1989, pp. 305-320, here at p. 305.
19. Gunther, The Sense of Appropriate11ess, pp. 73-170. 48. Wellmer, The Persiste11ce of Modernity, p. 155.
20. Ibid., pp. 229-245. 49. Benhabib collects the various objections to (U) in terms of it being
21. Habermas, Justificatio11 a11d Applicatio11, pp. 4-5. "either too indeterminate or too complex or too counterfactual," in Situati11g
22. Gunther, The Se11se of Appropriate11ess, pp. 229-239. the Self, p. 36; see also J. Keane, Public Life a11d Late Capitalism: Towards a
23. Ibid., pp. 239-246. Socialist Theory of Democracy (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1984),
24. Habermas, Justificatio11 a11d Applicatio11, p. 37. p. 190; S. Lukes, "Of Gods and Demons: Habermas and Practical Reason," in
25. Habermas, Moral Conscious11ess and Commu11icative Actio11, p. 206. Habermas: Critical Debates, ed. J. B. Thompson and D. Held (Cambridge,
26. Gunther, "Impartial Application of Moral and Legal Norms," p. 430. Mass.: MIT Press, 1982), pp. 134-148, and Habermas's comments regarding
27. Habermas, Justification and Applicatio11, p. 37; Gunther, The Sense of Lukes's criticisms in "A Reply to My Critics," in Habermas: Critical Debates,
Appropriateness, pp. 34-35. pp. 219-283,esp.pp.254-258.
28. Gunther, "Impartial Application of Moral and Legal Norms," p. 426; 50. Habermas, Justificatio11 a11d Applicat1011, p. 35; see also McCarthy,
The Sense of Appropriateness, pp. 35-40. Ideals a11d Illusio11s, pp. 181-199.
29. Habermas, Justificatio11 and Application, pp. 1-17. 51. Ferrara, "Critical Theory and Its Discontents: Wellmer's Critique of
30. A. Ferrara, "On Phronesis," Praxis Internatio11al, vol. 7, no. 3/4, 1987, Habermas," p. 310.
pp. 246-267, here at p. 248. 52. Habermas, Justi(icatio11 a11d Application, p. 35.
31. R. Beiner, Political Judgme11t (London: Methuen, 1983), p. 110. 53. Ibid.
32. Ibid. 54. Wellmer, The Persiste11ce of Modernity, p. 206: Gunther deals at length
33. Ibid., p. 65. with Wellmer's objection in The Se11se of Appropriate11ess, pp. 45-58.
34. Ibid., p. 97. 55. This is how Gunther describes Wellmer's position in "Impartial Appli-
35. I. Kant, Critique of Judgment (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1952), section cation of Moral and Legal Norms: A Contribution to Discourse Ethics," p. 426.
IV; see also S. Benhabib, Situating the Self (Cambridge: Polity Press, 1992), p. 56. Ferrara, "A Critique of Habermas's Consensus Theory of Truth," p.
130. 64.
36. Habermas, Justification and Applicatio11, p. 37; see also Gunther's dis- 57. This is the argument presented in H. L. Dreyfus and S. E. Dreyfus,
cussion of the discovery that, in moral questions, "it depends," in The Se11se of "What Is Morality? A Phenomenological Account of the Development of Ethi-
Appropriate11ess, pp. 137-155. cal Expertise," in Umversalism vs. Commu11itaria11ism: Co11temporary Debates
37. Habermas, Moral Co11sc1ous11ess a11d Commu11icative Actio11, pp. i11 Ethics, ed. D. Rasmussen (Cambridge: Polity Press, 1990), pp. 237-264.
181-182. 58. Benhabib, Situatmg the Self, p. 50.
38. Gunther, The Se11se of Appropriate11ess, passim. 59. See H. Putnam, Reason, Truth and History (Cambridge: Cambridge
39. A. Ferrara , "Authenticity and the Project of Modernity," Europea11 University Press, 1981 ).
60. Benhabib, Situat111g the Self, p. 8. 87. Beiner, Political Judgment, p. 53.
6 1. rerrara , "Critical Theory and Its Discontents," p. 312. 88. I. ~ant, Critique of Judgment (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1952), p. 141.
62. See J. Keane, "Introduction," in Civil Society and the State, ed. J. 89. Ibid., p. 51; see also Beiner, Political Judgment, p. 37.
Keane (London: Verso, 1988), pp. 24-25; S. Benhabib, "The Methodological 90. Kant, Critique of Judgme11t, p. 198.
Illusions of Modern Political Theory: The Case of Rawls and Habermas," Neue 91. Beiner, Political Judgment, p. 43.
H eft e fur Philosoph,e, vol. 21, 1982, pp. 70-72; A. Ferrara, "A Critique of 92. Ibid., p. 51.
H aberm as' Diskursethik," T elos, no. 64, 1985, p. 63. 93. Kant, Critique of Judgment, p. 198.
63. Benhabib, Situat111g the Self, p. 53. 94. Ibid., p. 18
64 . Ibid. The metaphor was originally Aristotle's, in Nicomachean Ethics, 95. Ibid., p. 145.
in Basic W orks of Aristotle, ed. R. McKean (New York: Random House, 1966 ), 96. Scruton describes it as "lame" in Ka11t (Oxford: Oxford University
1 l 14b5ff., 1142a25ff., and is repeated by H. G. Gadamer in Truth and Method Press, 1982), p. 83.
(New York: Seabury Press, 1975); see al so Benhabib, Situating the Self, p. 135. 97. See H. Arendt, Betwee11 Past a11d Future (Harmondsworth, U.K.: Pen-
65. See Gunther, The Sense of Appropriateness, p. 50. guin, 1977), p. 219.
66. It has been argued that consensus cannot function as an adequate cri - 98. See M. Passerin d'Entreves, The Political Philosophy of Han11ah
terion of validity. See, for example, A. Ferrara, "A Critique of H abermas's Con- Are11dt (London: Routledge, 1994).
sensus Theory of Truth"; A. Ferrara," A Critique of Habermas' Diskursethik," 99. R. Makkreel, "Kant and the Interpretation of Nature and History,"
Telos , no. 64, 1985, pp. 45-74; D. Ingram, "The Limits and Possibilities of in Hermeneutics a11d Critical Theory i11 Ethics a11d Politics, ed. M. Kelly (Cam-
Communicative Ethics for Democratic Theory," Political Theo ry, vol. 21 , no. 2, bridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1990), pp. 169-181, here at p. 175.
1993, pp. 294-321; see al so note 13 in J. Cohen, " Discourse Eth ics and Civil 100. Passerin d' Entreves, The Political Philosophy of Hannah Arendt, p.
Society," Philosophy and Social Criticism, vol. 14, no. 3/4 , 1988, pp. 334-335. 114.
67. Cooke, "Habermas and Consensus, " p. 14; see also J. Cohen, "Dis- 101. Ibid., p. 113.
course Ethics and Civil Society," p. 316. 102. Ibid., p. 114.
68. Wellmer, Th e Persistence of Modemity , p. 147. 103. Quoted in ibid.
69. Benhabib, Situating the Self, p. 37. 104. Ibid., pp. 114-116.
70. Cooke, "Habermas and Consensus," p. 17. 105. See Passerin d'Entreves, The Political Philosophy of Ha11nah Are11dt,
71. Ibid., p. 14; see also Wellmer, Th e Persistence of M odermty, p. 147. p. 123, for the differences between the Arendtian view of judgment and
72. J. Rawls, "Kantian Constructivism in Moral Theory. The Joh n Dewey phro11esis.
Lectures," Joumal of Philosophy, vol. 77, 1980, pp. 515-572. 106. Wellmer, " Hannah Arendt on Judgement: the Unwritten Doctrine of
73. Wellmer, Th e Persiste11ce of M odemity, pp. 174- 188 . Reason," unpublished manuscript, 1985, pp. 1-28, here at p. 14.
74. Ibid., p. 195. 107. Passerin d' Entreves, The Political Philosophy of Han11ah Arendt, p.
75. A. Wellmer, Ethik und Dialog (Frankfurt: Suhrka mp, 1986), pp. 116.
65-66. This, of course, is not something Habermas wo uld acce pt; see Ferra ra, 108. Ibid., p. 117.
" Critical Theory and its Discontents: Wellmer's Critique of Habcrmas," p. 305. 109. Ibid., pp. 117-121.
76. Wellmer, Th e Persistence of M odemity , p. 196. 110. Benhabib, Situati11g the Self, p. 137.
77. Ibid. , p. 227. 111. Ibid.
78. Benhabib, Situating the Self, p. 128. 112. R. Makkreel, "Kant and the Interpretation of Nature and History,"
79. Wellmer, Th e Persistence of M odermty , p. 197. in H erme11eutics a11d Critical Th eory in Ethics and Politics, p. 173.
80. See A. MacIntyre, " Does Appli ed Ethics Rest on a M istake?" The 113. Passerin d'Entreves, The Political Philosophy of Ha11nah Arendt, p.
Monist, vol. 67, 1984, pp. 498- 513, here at p. 503. 11 8.
81. R. Beiner, Polttical Judgment (London: Methuen, 1983), p. 24. 114. Ibid. , p. 119.
82. J. Habermas, " What Theories Can Accomplish-and What They 115. Kant, Critique of Judgment, p. 108.
Can't," in The Past as Future, ed. M. Haller (Ca mbridge: Polity Press, 1994), 11 6. Makkreel, " Kant and the Interpretation of Nature and History," p.
pp. 99-120, here at p.1 02. 174 , quoting I. Kant, Critique of Judgme11t (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1952),
83. Wellmer, Th e Persistence of M odemity, p. 11 6. pp. 22, 76.
84. S. Benha bib, Sttuat111g the Self, p. 37ff. 11 7. Ferrara, " A Critique of Habermas' Diskursethik," p. 69; Makkreel,
85. Cooke, " H abermas and Consensus," p. 14. " Kant and the Interpretation of Nature and History," p. 173.
86. Ferrara, "Critical Theory and Its Discontents," pp. 305, 317. 118. Ferrara, "A Critique of Habermas's Consensus Theory of Truth," p. 62.
119. Beiner, Political Judgm ent, p. 43. 144.. Ibid.,
. p. 198; Notice Wellmer's attempt here to move away from t he
120. Wellmer argues, in "Hannah Arendt on Judgement," pp. 7-16, that "approx1mat1on assumption."
she remained bound by Kantian presuppositions, and by so ceding reason to sci- 145. Ibid., p. 200.
ence, resisted the notion of rational argumentation. It is for this reason that 146. Ibid., p. 199
Wellmer describes her theory of judgment as a "mythology," p. 9. 147. Ibid., p. 200
121. Beiner, Political Judgment, p. 119. 148. Ibid., p. 202.
122. Benhabib, Situating the Self, p. 134. 149. Ibid., p. 200.
123. Ibid., p. 138. 150. Ibid., p. 204.
124. See Ferrara, "A Critique of Habermas's Consensus Theory of Truth," 151. Ibid., p. 205.
p. 62; A. Ferrara, "On Phronesis," Praxis Internatio,za/, vol. 7, no. 3/4, 1987, 152. Benhabib, Situating the Self, p. 3.
pp. 246-267, here at p. 251. 153. Ibid., p. 29.
125. Ferrara, "On Phronesis," p. 251ff. 154. Ibid., pp. 30, 61 n. 48; see also D. J. Moon, "Constrained Discourse
126. Ferrara., "A Critique of Habermas' Diskursethik," p. 69. and Public Life," Political Theory, vol. 19, no. 2, 1991, p. 222.
127. See Ferrara," A Critique of Habermas's Consensus Theory of Truth," 155. Benhabib, Situating the Self, p. 37.
p. 60; A. Ferrara, "On Phronesis"; A. Ferrara, "Justice and Judgment" (unpub- 156. Ibid., p. 39.
lished), 1992; A. Ferrara, "Justice and Identity," Philosophy a,zd Social Criti- 157. G. Warnke, Justice a11d Interpretation (Cambridge: Polity Press,
cism, vol. 18, no. 3/4, 1992, pp. 333-354; A. Ferrara, "Postmodern Eudaimo- 1992).
nia," Praxis btternational, vol. 11, no. 4, 1992, pp. 387-411. 158. O'Neill, "Morality, Ethical Life and the Persistence of Universalism,"
128. J. Rawls, A Theory of Justice (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University p. 144.
Press, 1971), pp. 92-93, 407-416. 159. Habermas, Justification and Application, p. 39.
129. M. Walzer, "A Critique of Philosophical Conversation," in 160. C. Taylor, Multiculturalism and "The Politics of Recog11itio11"
Hermeneutics and Critical Theory in Ethics and Politics, ed. M. Kelly (Cam- (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1992).
bridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1990), pp. 182-196, here at p. 192. 161. J. Habermas, Between Facts and Norms: Co11tributio11s to a Dis-
130. See esp. Ferrara, "A Critique of Habermas's Consensus Theory of course Theory of Law and Democracy (Cambridge: Polity Press, 1996); J.
Truth," p. 62ff. Habermas, "Struggles for Recognition in Constitutional States," European Jour-
131. See the discussion in McCarthy, Ideals and lllusions, pp. 181-199. nal of Philosophy, vol. 1, no. 2, 1993, pp. 128-155, here at pp. 139, 144.
132. J. Habermas, Knowledge and Human btterests (Boston: Beacon, 162. For example J. Rawls, "Kantian Constructivism in Moral Theory.
1968). The John Dewey Lectures," Journal of Philosophy, vol. 77, 1980. pp. 515-572,
133. Ferrara, "On Phronesis," p. 252. esp. p. 518, and M. Walzer, Spheres of Justice (New York: Basic Books, 1983).
134. Ibid. 163. C. Taylor, Sources of the Self (Cambridge: Cambridge University
135. Ferrara, "Postmodern Eudaimonia," p. 389 Press, 1989), p. 72.
136. Ibid., p. 397. 164. Wellmer, The Persistence of Moder11ity, p. 167.
137. Ibid., p. 406. 165. Dreyfus and Dreyfus, "What Is Morality?" p. 239.
138. Ibid., pp. 398-406. 166. In ibid., p. 238, Dreyfus and Dreyfus refer to this conflation as the
139. A. Ferrara, "Authenticity and the Project of Modernity," European "intellectualist prejudice."
Journal of Philosophy, vol. 2, no. 3, 1994, pp. 241-273, here at p. 252.
140. See, for example, R. Wollheim, Sigmund Freud (Cambridge: Cam-
bridge University Press, 1971); R. Wollheim and J. Hopkins (eds.), Philosophi- 6. DISCURSIVE PHRON£S1S WITH A COGNITMST CORE
cal Essays 011 Freud, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1982; A. Grun-
baum, The Foundations of Psychoanalysis: A Philosophical Critique (Berkeley: 1. See R. Bambrough, "Universals and Family Resemblances," Proceed-
University of California Press, 1984 ); J. Wisdom, Philosophy and Psychoanaly- i11gs of the Aristotelian Society, vol. 61, 1961, pp. 207-222; R. I. Aaron, The
sis (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1969). Theory of U11iversals (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1952).
141. See, for example, C. Bernheimer and C. Kahane (eds.), In Dora's 2. L. Wittgenstein, The Blue and Brown Books (Oxford: Basil Blackwell,
Case: Freud, Hysteria, Feminism (London: Virago, 1985); J. Malcolm, In the 1958), pp. 17-18.
Freud Archives (New York: Vintage Books, 1985). 3. Ibid., p. 18.
142. Wellmer, The Persistence of Modernity, p. 196. 4. L. Wittgenstein, Philosophical fovestigations (New York: Macmillan,
143. Ibid., pp.196, 199. 1969), paras. 66, 67.
5. 8.imbrough, "Universals and Family Resemblances," p. 211. Wellmer~ ~thik und ~ialog (Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1986), pp. 132-133; J.
6. Ibid., p. 207. Cohen, Discourse Ethics and Civil Society," Philosophy and Social Criticism,
7. Wittgenstein, Philosoplncal Investigations, para. 66. vol. 14, no. 3/4, 1988, pp. 315-337; D. Ingram "The Limits and Possibilities of
8. Sec J. Tully, "Wittgenstein and Political Philosophy: Understanding Communicative Ethics for Democratic Theory,; Political Theory, vol. 21, no. 2,
Practices of Critical Refl ection," Political Theory, vol. 17, no. 2, 1989, pp. 199 3, pp. 294-321, here at p. 296.
172-204. 26. ]. Habermas, ]ustificatio11 and Applicatio11, p. 39.
9. S. Benhabib, Situating the Self (Cambridge: Polity Press, 1992), p. 53. 27. Ibid.
10. J. Habermas, Moral Co11sc1ous11ess a11d Commu11icative Actio11 (Cam- 28. A. Wellmer, The Persistence of Modernity: Aesthetics, Ethics a11d Post-
bridge: Polity Press, 1990), p. 88; and J. Habermas, Justi(icatio11 a11d Applica- modermsm (Cambridge: Polity Press, 1991), p. 224.
tion (Cambridge: Polity Press, 1993), pp. 31, 54-60; see also A. Ferrara, "A Cri- 29. Ibid., p. 233.
tique of Haberma s's Consensus Theory of Truth," Philosophy a11d Social 30. S. Benhabib, Situating the Self (Cambridge: Polity Press, 1992), p. 36.
Criticism, vol. 13, no. 1, 1988, pp. 39-68, here at p. 45. 31. J. F. Bohman, "Communication, Ideology, and Democratic Theory,"
11. Wittgenstein, The Blue a11d Brow11 Books, p. 17. American Political Science Review, vol. 84, no. 1, 1990, pp. 93-109.
12. It is therefore an exa mple of a position that assumes a developmental 32. G. Warnke, justice a11d Interpretatio11 (Cambridge: Polity Press, 1992);
view of moral psychology. See M. L. Gross, " The Collective Dimensions of S. O'Neill, " Morality, Ethical Life and the Persistence of Universalism," Theory,
Political Morality, " Political Studies, vol. 42, no. 1, 1994, pp. 40-6 1, here a t p. Culture and Society, vol. 11, no. 2, 1994, pp. 129-149, here at p. 147.
42. 33. Ibid., pp. 11-12.
13. Wellmer draws a similar conclusion in A. Wellmer, "Han nah Arendt 34. Such as, A. Botwinick, Wittge11stei11, Skepticism a11d Political Partici-
on Judgement: the Unwritten Doctrine of Reason, " unpubli shed paper, 1985, patio11 (Lanham, Md.: University Press of America, 1985); P. Bachrach and A.
pp. 1-28. Botwinick, Power a11d Empowerment: A Radical Theory of Participatory
14. See Ferrara, "A Critique of Haberma s's Consensus Theory of Truth," Democracy (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1992).
p. 61; J. Keane, "Introduction," in Civil Society and the Sta te, ed. J. Keane (Lon- 35. J. Habermas, The Theory of Communicative Actio11, vol. 1 (Boston:
don: Verso, 1988), pp. 1-32, here at p. 24. Beacon Press, 1984 ), p. 287.
15. A. Ferrara, " On Phronesis," Praxis International, vol. 7, no. 3/4, 1987, 36. See T. McCarthy, "Practical Discourse: On the Relation of Morality to
pp. 246-267, here at p. 252. Po litics," in Ideals a11d Illusio11s (Cambridge: Polity Press, 1991), pp. 181-199,
16. A. Ferrara, " A Critique of Habermas's Consensus Theory of Truth," here at p. 189.
p. 59. 37. J. Habermas, Moral Conscious11ess and Commu11icative Actio11, pp.
17. Ibid. 68-76.
18 . A. Wellmer, Ethik und Dialog (Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1986), p. 169. 38. J. Habermas, Legitimation Crisis (Cambridge: Polity Press, 1976), p.
19. A. Ferrara, "Critical Theory and Its Discontents: Wellmer's Criuquc of 111.
Habermas," Praxis /ntemational, vol. 9, no. 3, 1989, pp. 305-320, here at p. 39. Habermas, Moral Co11scious11ess and Communicative Actio11, p. 72.
310. 40. Ibid.
20. Wellmer, " Hannah Arendt on Judgement," p. 28 . 41. Ibid., p. 73.
21. H. L. Dreyfus a nd S. E. Dreyfus, "What Is Morality? A Phenomeno- 42. Ferrara, "Critical Theory and Its Discontents," p. 317.
logical Account of the Development of Ethical Expertise," in U111versal1sm vs . 43. K. Baynes discusses this in terms of "recursive validation" in The Nor-
Communitarianism, ed. D. Ra sm ussen (Cambridge: Polity Press, 1990), pp. mative Grou11ds of Soaal Criticism: Kant, Rawls, a11d Habermas (Albany: State
237-264, here at p. 243. University of New York Press, 1992), p. 1; see also J. Mansbridge, "Using
22. Ibid. , pp. 240-243. Power, Fighting Power," Co11stellatio11s, vol. 1, no. 1, 1994, pp. 53-73, here at
23. Ibid., p. 264. pp. 59,61. .
24. Somewhat typically, H abermas's fear of such a degeneration leads him 44. J . Forester, "A Critical Empirical Framework for the Analysis of Pub-
to accuse Dreyfus and Dreyfus of "undermining Western society," a charge to lic Policy," New Political Sc1e11ce, Summer 1982, pp. 33-61, here at p. 56.
which they eagerly accede. See B. Flyvbjerg, "Sustaining Non-Rationalized Prac- 45. A. Ferrara, "On Phronesis," Praxis International, vol. 7, no. 3/4, 1987,
tices: Body-Mind, Power and Situational Ethics. An Interview with Hubert and pp. 246-267, here at p. 262.
Stuart Dreyfus," Praxis llltemat1onal, vol. 11, no. 1, 1991, pp. 93-113, quoted 46. Benhabib, Situati11g the Self, p. 86 n. 18.
on p. 93. 4 7. On this trade-off, see R.A. Da hl , After the Revolutio11 (New Haven and
25. A. Wellmer, Praktische Philosophie und Theorie der Gese//schaft London: Yale University Press, 1970); J. Le Grand, "Equity versus Efficienc~:
(Constance, Germany: Universitiitsverlag Konstanz, 1981 ), pp. 46-4 7; A. The Elusive Trade-Off," Ethics, vol. 100, no. 3, 1990, pp. 554-568; G. Sartori,
Notes 199
92. J. S. Fishkin, The Dialogue of justice: Toward a Self-Reflective Society
8. N. Fraser, "Rethinking the Public Sphere: A Contribution to the Cri-
(New Haven: Yale University Press, 1992), p. 124ff. tique of Actually Existing Democracy," in Habermas and the Public Sphere, ed.
93. L. Doyal and I. Gough, A Th eory of Huma11 Need (London: Macmil- C. Calhoun (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1992), pp. 109-142.
lan, 1991 ). 9 • But_s~e J • J• Mansbridge, "Time, Emotion, and Inequality: Three Prob-
94. Ferrara, "A Critique of Habermas's Consensus Theory of Truth," p. lems of Participatory Groups," Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, vol. 9,
62. no. 2/3, 1973, ~P· 351-368; J. J. Mansbridge, Beyond Adversary Democracy
95. Habermas, Faktizitat u11d Geltu11g, p. 157, translated by Outhwaite, in (New York: Baste Books, 1980); S. Moscovici and W. Daise, Co11flict and Con-
Habermas (Cambridge: Polity Press, 1994). sensus: A General Theory of Collective Decisio11s (London: Sage, 1994 ); V. A.
96. J. Cohen, "Reflections on Rousseau: Autonomy and Democracy," Phi- Malhotra, "Habermas' Sociological Theory as a Basis for Clinical Practice with
losophy a11d Public Affairs, vol. 15, no. 3, 1986, pp. 275-297, here at p. 294, Small Groups," Clinical Sociology Review, vol. 5, 1987, pp. 181-192.
emphasis mine. 10. See, for example, D. Gauthier, "Constituting Democracy," in The Idea
97. S. O'Neill, Procedure and Substa11ce in Accounts of justice (Ph.D. dis- of Democracy, ed. D. Copp et al. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
sertation, University of Glasgow, 1994), chap. 3, p. 286. 1993), pp. 314-315.
98. T. McCarthy shows just how close they have become in, "Kantian 11. See A. Phillips, Engendering Democracy (Cambridge: Polity Press,
Contructivism and Reconstructivism: Rawls and Habermas in Dialogue," 1991), pp. 92-119.
Ethics, vol. 105, October 1994, pp. 44-63. 12. A. Hamilton, J. Madison, and J. Jay, The Federalist Papers (New York:
99. See, for a review of such positions, D. M. Estlund, "Who's Afraid of Mentor Books, 1961 ); see also Barber's description of "thin democracy" in
Deliberative Democracy? On the Strategic/Deliberative Dichotomy in Recent Strong Democracy, pp. 3-26; and D. Held, Models of Democracy (Cambridge:
Constitutional Jurisprudence," Texas Law Review, vol. 71, 1993, pp. Polity Press, 1987), pp. 61-66.
1437-1477; R. Blaug, "All Talk? The New Deliberative Theories of Democ- 13. Moscovici and Daise review the work of social psychologists on such
racy," in The State of the Academy: New Reflections on Political Studies, ed. R. questions in Co11flict and Co11se11sus; see also R. de Board, The Psychoanalysis
Lekhi (London: Network Press, 1995). of Organisatio11s (London: Tavistock, 1978).
14. See the remarks on this excessively elevated position in A. Phillips,
"Dealing with Difference: A Politics of Ideas or a Politics of Presence? " Co11-
7. CHANGING THE OBJECT DOMAIN OF APPLICATION stellatio11s, vol. 1, no. 1, 1994, pp. 74-91, here at p. 77.
15. A. MacIntyre, "A Partial Response to My Critics," in After MacIntyre,
1. K. Eder, The New Politics of Class: Social Movements a11d Cultural ed. J. Horton and S. Mendus (Cambridge: Polity Press, 1994), pp. 283-304, here
Dynamics i11 Advanced Societies (London: Sage, 1993), p. 53. at p. 302.
2. See P. Hirst, Associative Democracy: New Forms of Eco11omic a11d 16. C. Mouffe, "Radical Democracy: Modern or Postmodern," in Univer-
Social Govema11ce (Cambridge: Polity Press, 1994); J. Cohen and J. Rogers, sal Aba11do11? The Politics of Postmodemism, ed. A. Ross (Edi nburgh: Univer-
"Secondary Associations and Democratic Governance," Politics and Society, sity of Edinburgh Press, 1988), pp. 31-45, here at p. 41.
vol. 20, no. 4, 1992, pp. 393-472. 17. S. Wolin, "Fugitive Democracy," Co11stellatio11s, vol. 1, no. 1, 1994,
3. A. Arato and J. Cohen, Civil Society a11d Political Theory (Cambridge, pp. 11-25, here at p. 18. .
Mass.: MIT Press, 1992); J. Habermas, "Further Reflections on the Public 18. We inspected this in terms of the "where" of democracy m chapter 3
Sphere," in Habermas and the Public Sphere, ed. C. Calhoun (Cambridge, above. . h
Mass.: MIT Press, 1992), pp. 421-461. 19. T. Nagel, "What Makes a Political Theory Utopian?" Socia 1 Researc ,
4. J. Burnheim, Is Democracy Possible? Cambridge: Polity Press, 1985. vol. 56, no. 4, 1989,pp. 903-920.
5. J. S. Fishkin, Democracy and Deliberation: New Directions for Demo- 20. Wolin, "Fugitive Democracy," p. 18.
cratic Reform (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1991 ), p. 81ff. 21. See also H. Lefebvre, The Production of Space (Oxford: Blackwell,
6. R. Eyerman, "Social Movements and Social Theory," Sociology, vol. 1991).
18, no. 1, 1984, pp. 71-82; J. Cohen, "Strategy or Identity: New Theoretical 22. Wolin, "Fugitive Democracy," p. 14. .. . .
Paradigms and Contemporary Social Movements," Social Research, vol. 52, .
23 . A. P1zzorno, "An Introduction co the Theory of Poltttcal Parttc1pa-
h 57.
1985, pp. 663-716; Eder, The New Politics of Class; L. J. Ray, Rethinking Crit- tion " Social Scie11ce Informatio11 , vol. 9, no. 5, 1970, PP· 29-6 l, ere at P· ,
ical Theory: Emancipation i11 the Age of Global Social Movements (London: '
M OSCOVICI · make a s,·milar claim in Co11fl1ct a11d Co11se11sus, p. 18, and
· · an d D01se
Sage, 1993). lament the lack of empirical studies at pp. 36 and 125. . _
7. J. S. Dryzek, Discursive Democracy: Politics, Policy, and Political Sci- 24. Phillips states that feminism has always b~en attenttv"e to groups_, ~nd
e11ce (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990). that the women's movement was effectively a "testing ground for a paruc1pa-
200 Notes 201
. d · Democracy pp. 2, 126, 149; see also K. E. Fergu- 42. There is a common misco . f
l't'cs m E11ge11 ermg ' . . .
tory po 1 1 ' . . Ca
n The Fem1mst se ag
ainst Bureaucracy (Philadelphia: Temple University
d D' · · ter. Wh 1·1 e h e c Iaims
· t h at a II d1scours
. " °· ·Habermas's
ncepuon ,, position on this mat-
so ' C s· . . "Learning Pluralism: Democracy an 1vers1ty m Fem- h e now h ere suggests, as some ha e es ant1c1pate
d h a rational
· ideal of fairness '
Presc 1983)· • inanm,
Ir ~• .' . ,, · Nomos XXXV-Democratte· C ommumty ·
(New York· . . v
co Id , an d d 1spass1onate. For an e
assume , t at actual discourses are rational,
· · o rgam sauons
101st .
.' p s 93) PP· 283-312. On "pre-figurative forms," see
· " .
I f h' ·
xamp e o t 1s assumption, see D. Coale,
New York University res ' 19 , " h . . d . Habermasd and• the Question
.. of Alterity ," 1·n Habermas a11 d th e U11 1:1111s· hed p ro-
· D mocracy p 113· D. Ingram, T e L1m1ts an Possibil- 1ect of Mo ermty: Critical Essays 011 the Ph,.losoph · l D · 1
fM d ·
Phillips Engen dermg e
.. f 'c
mes O ommumcauv
· · e Ethics for' Democratic
· ' . ,, ..
Theory, Pol1ttcal Theory, vol. . , , tea 1scourse o o ermty,
ed. M. Passenn d Entreves and S. Benhabib (Camb ·d . p 1· p 1996)
43 J Ob M . . n ge. o 1ty ress, .
21 no. 2, 1993, PP· 294-321, here at p. 315. . . ·. · er, ass a1td Elite m Democratic Athens (Princeton: Princeton
' 25 . Theorists who do look at such phen~mena ~ach have their own University Press, 1989).
· s f Isaac's and Arendt's ' J.C. Isaac,
favontes. ee or ..
Oases m the Desert: Hannah
. . 44. _ Ober cites Isocrates's observation that [male] Athenians tended to "sit
ocratic Politics," American Poltt1cal Science Review, vol. 88, no. around m t~e ~hops complaining about the existing political order." Ibid., p. 148.
Ar en dt on Dem . . D Th L' ·
1 1994 156-168· L. Goodwyn, "Orgamzmg emocracy: e 1m1ts of 45. Ph1ll1ps, Engendering Democracy, p. 123.
Theory ~:frractice," Democracy, vol. 1, no. 1, 1981, pp. 41-60; H. F. Pitkin 46. "Sapiential power" remains a differential between individuals. See, for
and s. M. Shumer, "On Participation," Democracy, vol. 2, no. 4, 1982, pp. e~ample, the platoon "leader" in ~rwell's anarchist patrol, Homage to Catalo-
43-54, here at p. 48. . . ma (Harmondsworth, U.K.: Penguin, 1938). See also Ober's discussion of the
26. w. H. J. Sewell, Work and Revolution 111 France: The Language of power of the rhetors in Athens, in Mass and Elite, pp. 314-320.
Labor from the Old Regime to 1848 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 47. On ostracism in Athens, see Ober, Mass and Elite, pp. 74-74. When
1980), pp. 92-113. . . the ejection of a particular member really becomes unavoidable, it constitutes a
27. E. P. Thompson, The Making of the English Workmg Class (Har- highly dangerous moment in the life cycle of a group.
mondsworth, U.K.: Penguin, 1968). 48 . Pizzorno, "An Introduction to the Theory of Political Participation,"
28. D. Burns, Poll Tax Rebellion (Stirling, U.K.: AK Press, 1992). p. 44ff.
29. Moscovici and Daise, Conflict and Consensus, p. 51. 49. Phillips, Engendering Democracy, p. 123.
30. Ibid., pp. 48, 60. 50. Such adversarial posturing, or "othering," can become so marked as to
31. Ibid., p. 49. begin to threaten the fairness of the group itself. Whether collective and indi-
32. Habermas, Moral Consciousness and Communicative Action, p. 67. vidual identities in some way necessitate such posturing is a question pursued in
33. Moscovici and Daise, Conflict and Consensus, pp. 49, 54; Dryzek, contemporary work in psychoanalysis and in explanations of phenomena such
Discursive Democracy, pp. 66, 71; Barber, Strong Democracy, p. 135. as racism. Certainly, in-group/out-group distinctions, or, as Carl Schmitt
34. Phillips, Engendering Democracy, p. 121. describes it, " us and them" mentalities, can constitute important components of
35. Ibid., p. 142. grou p identities as well as profoundly exclusionary practices.
36. Ibid., p. 129. That learning is a side-effect of participation is well doc- 51. Phillips, E11ge11deri11g Democracy, p. 118.
umented. Indeed, this effect has often been appealed to in order to legitimize 52. T his is the central empirical issue explored in Moscovici and Daise,
increased participation. See, for references, J. Knight and J. Johnson, " Aggrega- Co11flict a11d Co11sensus, passim.
tion and Deliberation: On the Possibility of Democratic Legitimacy," Political 53. J.- P. Sartre, The Critique of Dialectical Reason (London: New Left
Theory, vol. 22, no. 2, 1994, pp. 227-296, here at p. 295 n. 62. For a recent Boo ks, 1976 ), book 11, chap. 1; Pizzorno, "An Introduction to the Theory of
example of work on the "therapeutic" effects of user participation in mental Politica l Participation," p. 58; Mansbridge, Beyo11d Adversary Democracy, _P·
health service provision, see V. Lindow, "A Chance for a Change," Nursing 22; Phi llips, Enge11deri11g Democracy, p. 120; Moscovici and Doise, Conflict
Times, vol. 89, no. 12, 1993, pp. 33-34. a11d Co11se11sus, p. 61 ; Isaac, "Oases in the Desert," pp. 163, ~65; J. H~bermas,
37. J.-J. Rousseau, The Social Co11tract (Harmondsworth, U.K. : Penguin, Th e Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere (Cambridge: Polity Press,
1968), p. 140. 198 9).
38. Mansbridge, Beyo11d Adversary Democracy, p. 9. 54. A. M elucci, " Social Movements and the Democratization of Everyday
39. A. 0. Hirschman, "Social Conflicts as Pillars of Democratic M arket Life " in Civil Society and the State, ed. J. Keane (London: Verso, 1988), P~·
Society," Political Theory, vol. 22, no. 2, 1994, pp. 203-218, here at pp. 206- 211. 245~260, here at p. 250, cites "rendering power visible" as one form of symbolic
40. C. R. Sunstein, "Preferences and Politics " Philosophy and Public cha ll enge effected by such collective action. , h M k.
Affairs, vol. 20, no. 1, 1991, pp. 3-34. ' 55. Goodwyn, "Organizing Democr~cy," p. 47; Thompsons, T e a mg
41. Phillips describes a "curve of experience" in which women learned of the English Workmg Class is replete with such examples. bl
gradually to make their decision-making process as fair as possible. See Phillips, 56. See Phillips, Enge11deri11g Democracy, p. 13~, for the pro ems gener-
Enge11deri11g Democracy, p. 162. ated for the wo men' s movement by the "star syS tem.
Notes 203
57. A process described by L. J. Ray in Rethinking Crit_ical Theory, p. 74, Discursive Democracy: A User's Gu'd 1 e, ,, phzlosophy
as one of "repressive modernization." He also draws attention to attempts by 22 no. 1 199 5 pp 49_ h and Social Criticism, vol.
' ' , · 80 , ere at p. 55.
the state to "displace public issues into socially isolated sub-cultures," pp. 4. J. Habermas Moral Co ·
.d p . p ' nsc,ous 11 ess and Communicative Action (Cam-
66-68. b n ge: o 11ty ress, 1990), p. 89.
58. Moscovici and Doise, Conflict and Conse11sus, p. 62. 5. H. L. Dreyfus and S E D f "Wh
· IA f h D · · rey us, at ls Morality? A Phenomeno-
59. See M. Walzer, "A Day in the Life of a Socialist Citizen," in M. Iog1ca ccount o t e evelopme t f E h' . ,, .m Universalism vs.
. . . n o t 1ca1 Expertise,
Walzer, Obligations: Essays 011 Disobedience, War and Citize11ship (Cambridge, Commumtarzamsm, ed. D. Rasmussen (Cambridge: Policy Press 1990) pp.
Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1970). 237-264, here at p. 259. ' '
60. H. Kohut, The Analysis of the Self (New York: International Universi- . ,, 6. L. Goodwyn, "Organizing Democracy: The Limits of Theory and Prac-
ties Press, 1971), pp. 128-134; Moscovici and Doise, Co11flict and Co11sensus, tice, Democracy, vol. 1, no. 1, 1981 , pp. 41-60 , here at p. 48 .
S f
pp. 42, 61. Whether participants are more likely to be so injured in modernity 7 ·. ee, or ex~mple, C. Paceman, Participation and Democratic Theory
is a question pursued by R. Sennett in The Fall of Public Man (London: Faber (Cambndge: Cambridge University Press, 1970).
md Faber, 1977). For a discussion of related issues, see J. J. Mansbridge, "Time, 8. See _B. Fl_yvbjerg, '~Sustaining Non-Rationalized Practices: Body-Mind,
.:motion, and Inequality," pp. 358-361. Power and Situat1onal Ethics. An Interview with Hubert and Stuart Dreyfus "
61. See, for example, recent work on participation in housing cooperatives Praxis Intemational, vol. 11, no. 1, 1991, pp. 93-113 here at pp. 93-94· Dre~-
such as J. Birchall, Building Communities the Co-operative Way (London: Rout- fus and Dreyfus, "What Is Morality?" pp. 240-243. ' '
ledge and Kegan Paul, 1988); Y. Levin and H. Litwin (eds.), Commu11ity a11d 9. Dreyfus and Dreyfus, "What Is Morality?" p. 243.
Co-operatives in Participatory Democracy (London: Gower, 1986). 10. Ibid.
62. Knight and Johnson," Aggregation and Deliberation," p. 286. 11. K. Baynes criticizes Charles Taylor for his excessive reliance on the
63. Phillips, Engendering Democracy, pp. 130-133. moral capacities of individuals in "Liberal Neutrality, Pluralism, and Deliberative
64. Ibid., p. 145. Politics," Praxis International, vol. 12, no. 1, 1992, pp. 50-69, here at p. 59.
65. See Moscovici and Doise, Conflict and Consensus, p. 144. 12. See, for example, J. Elster, Ulysses and the Sirens (Cambridge: Cam-
66. Zuckerman highlights this tendency of democratic fora in "The Social bridge University Press, 1979).
Context of Democracy in Massachusetts," The William and Mary Quarterly, 13. R. Goodin, "Laundering Preferences," in Foundations of Rational
third series, vol. 25, no. 4, 1968, pp. 523-544. Choice Theory, ed. J. Elster (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1986), pp.
67. This, for Wolin, is what gives it its "fugitive" character. See also, 75-101.
Lefebvre, The Production of Space, p. 416 . 14. For specific examples of such forms of self-binding, see C. R. Sunstein,
68. This is one way of describing what J. G. A. Pocock refers to as the "Preferences and Politics," Philosophy and Public Affairs, vol. 20, no. 1, 1991,
Machiavellian moment in the life of a republic. The Machiavellia11 Moment pp. 3-34, and I. McLean, "Forms of Representation and Systems of Voting," in
(Princeton and London: Princeton University Press, 1975). Political Theory Today, ed. D. Held (Cambridge: Polity Press, 1991), pp.
15. S. Holmes, "Gag Rules, or the Politics of Omission," in Co11stztution-
8. TOWARD A DEMOCRATIC POLITICS al1sm and Democracy, ed. J. Elster and R. Slagstad (New York: Cambridge Uni-
versity Press, 1988), pp. 195-240.
1. Adapted from R. Agger, D. Goldrich, and B. Swanson, The Rulers a11d 16. N. Machiavelli, "The Discourses," in The Portable Machiavelli, ed. P.
the Ruled (New York: Wiley, 1958), pp. 40-51, and from Gestalt accounts of Bondanella and M. Musa (Harmondsworth, U.K.: Penguin, 1979), pp. 167-418.
the cycle of experience. See, for example, F. Perts, Gestalt Therapy Verbatim 1 7. As an example, in the UK, local MIND groups, upon affiliation with
(Chicago: Real People Press, 1969). the National Association for Mental Health, receive a draft "off the shelf" con-
2. The distinction between figure and ground also comes from Gestalt stitution to be amended and adopted by the local executive committee. The
theory, where it is used to explicate the process by which something emerges expectation is that after its adoption, the procedural arrangements it stipulates
from the background to become an object of awareness. will receive little attention.
3. See J. Mansbridge, "Using Power, Fighting Power," Constellatio11s, 18 . C. Sunstein, Democracy and the Problem of Free Speech (New York:
vol. 1, no. 1, 1994, pp. 53-73. It is precisely when confronted with this fact that Free Press, 1993). .
postmodern theories of radical democracy break down. Unable, or unwilling, to 19. G. Parry, Political Elites (London: George Allen and Unwm, 1969), p.
move beyond the analysis of illegitimacy, they cannot help with the problem of 155
how to maximize the "celebration of difference" in situations where some trade- ' . K. Eder, The New Politics of Class: Social Movements and Cultural
off between participation and efficiency is inevitable. See my "New Theories of Dy11am1cs 111 Advanced Soc1et1es (London: Sage, 1993), PP· 49-60.
Notes 205
21. See Fraser's critique of Habermas's characterization of the family in N. 37. Mansbridge, "Time, Emotion, and Inequality," p. 360.
Fraser, "What's Critical about Critical Theory? The Case of Habermas and 38. See, for example, M. S. Peck, The Different Drum (London: Arrow
Gender," New Germa11 Critique, no. 35, 1985, pp. 97-131. Books, 1987), pp. 106-108.
22. Habermas, The Philosophical Discourse of Modemity, p. 364. It is pre- 39. U. Merry and G. Brown, The Neurotic Behavior of Organizations
cisely this textural difference that grounds many objections to direct democracy (New York: Gardner Press, 1987).
and generates the charge of utopianism. See, for example, G. Sartori, The The- 40. This is a central issue in J. G. A. Pocock, The Machiavellian Moment
ory of Democracy Revisited, vol. 1 (Chatham, N.J.: Chatham House, 1987), p. (Princeton and London: Princeton University Press, 1975). .
15. 41. S. Benhabib, "Deliberative Rationality and Models of Democratic
23. See R. Dahl and E. Tufte, Size a11d Democracy (Stanford: Stanford Uni- Legitimacy," Constellations, vol. 1, no. 1, 1994, pp. 26-52, here at p. 42.
versity Press, 1974 ). 42. J. Habermas, Communication and the Evolution of Society (Boston:
24. R. Dahl, "Democracy and the Chinese Boxes," in Fro11tiers of Demo- Beacon Press, 1979), p. 186.
cratic Theory, ed. H. S. Karie! (New York: Harper & Row, 1970), pp. 372-373.
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tive Analysis of the State (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1989). Habermas himself has
concentrated increasingly on the normative content of the state, particularly in
J. Habermas, Between Facts a11d Norms: Contributions to a Discourse Theory
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1970), p. 69ff.; A. MacIntyre, "A Partial Response to My Critics," in After Mac-
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28. Goodwyn, "Organizing Democracy," p. 50.
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ments for mediation as the separation of emotional questions from substantive
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ties Press, 1971), pp. 128-134.
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lence and Beyond (Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 1987), p. 53, identifies
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- - . (1977). U11dersta11di11g Rawls. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Arato, Andrew, 45, 51, 120 Chomsky, Noam, 149
Wolin, S. (1982). "What Revolutionary Action Means Today." Democracy, vol. Arendt,Hannah,25,96-99, 138, civic humanism, 156
2, no. 4, pp. 17-28. 183n53 civil society, 42, 51, 53, 120, 122,
- - . (1994). "Fugitive Democracy." Co11stellations, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 11-25. Aristotle, 4, 19, 23-25, 27, 30, 80, 136, 150
Wollheim, R. (1971). Sigmund Freud. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 99, 161n48, (see neo- cognitive overload, 92-93, 102
Wollheim, R. and J. Hopkins, eds. (1982). Philosophical Essays Oil Freud. Cam- Aristotelianism) Cohen,Jean,45,51, 120
bridge: Cambridge University Press. Athens, 137 Cohen,Joshua,66, 124
Woodiwiss, T. (1978). "Critical Theory and the Capitalist State." Economy a11d Austin, J.L., 7 colonization, of the lifeworld, 19. 25,
Society, vol. 7, pp. 175-192. authenticity, 100 28,35,37,55, 138,151
Young, I. M. (1981). "Towards a Critical Theory of Justice." Social Theory and autonomous public spheres, (see Communitarianism, 133, 162n61,
Practice, vol. 7, pp. 279-302. public spheres) 164nl05
- - . (1989). "Polity and Group Difference: A Critique of the Ideal of Uni- autonomy, 7, 23, 139, 156 Community Care, 136
versal Citizenship." Ethics, vol. 99, pp. 250-274. compromise, 114-117, 126
Young, R. E. (1987). "Critical Theory and Classroom Questioning." La11guage Baier, Kurt, 10 concrete other, 14
and Educatio11, vol. 1, no. 2. barbarism, 126 consensus principle of legitimacy, 11 ,
- -. • (~988). "~?ral Development, Ego Autonomy, and Questions of Practi- Barber, Benjamin, 73 42, 118
cality m the Cnttcal Theory of Schooling." Educatio11al Theory vol. 3 8 no. Bauchamp, T.L., 50 Cooke,Maeve,85,91-92,96
4,pp.391-404. ' ' Baudrillard, J., 3 counterfactual, xii, xiv, 6, 10-12, 28,
- - . (1989). A Critical Theory of Education: Habermas and Our Chtldren's Baynes, Kenneth, 6, 45, 54 35,43
Future. New York: Wheatsheaf. Beiner, Ronald, 19-24, 29-30, counterpublics, 53, 131
Zal~, M. N. ~nd J. D. McCarthy, eds. (1985). Social Moveme11ts ill Orga11iza- 162n73 countersteering, 52, 152
t1011al Society:
. Resource Mob t·1tza · C011 fl tct
· tton, . a11 d lnst1tut1011a/1zatio11.
. . New Benhabib, Seyla, 7, 42-43, 45, 53, 77, crisis tendencies, 57
Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Books. 79-80, 85,91,93,95-96,98-99,
W'//' d ·
M (1968) "The 5ocia · 1Context of Democracy in Massachusetts. " 101-104, 119, 122-123, 156(see
interactive universalism)
Dahl, Robert, 150, 159n2
deliberative (discursive) democracy,
t tam a11 Mary Quarterly, vol. 25, third series, pp. 523- 544.
Berger, T .R., 51 44,53- 54,65,6 7-68, 70, 74,

Index 227
deliberative (discursive) democracy Environmentalism, 126 Hobbes, Thomas, xii, 5, 25, 118, 123
(co11ti11ued) episteme, 23-24 Horkheimer, Max, 7, 26, 28 Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich, 20
113, 131-134, 136,149, ethical patterning, 104, 107, Hulme, in Manchester, 39 lifecycle, of democratic breakouts,
112-117, 120, 123-124, 140 Hume, David, 121 136, 139, 169n81
155-156, 180n170, 184n82,
ethics of care, see care lifeworld, the, 28, 31, 51-52, 77, 100,
iatrogenic effects, 17, 80, 82 113, 152
deliberative opinion polls, 131
fallibility, 44, 112-113, 117, 124 linguistic turn, the, 7
demarchy, 131 ideal speech (situation), 30, 40, 43,
family resemblances, 109-112, 117, Livy, 137
Derrida, Jacques, 3 45,48,50, 72,81,85,95, 110,
140,143, 146-147 113 Locke, John, 121
Descartes, R., 161n39 Lukacs, 19-20,24, 27-28
determinant judgment, 85, 89-91, Fay, Brian, 21, 24 imagination, 98
Femin~m,6~92,131,199024 Lyotard, Jean-Fran~ois, 21
95-98, 103 implementation, of a decision,
Dewy,John,27, 123 Ferrara, A., 12, 85, 90, 96, 99, 141-142
101-103, 124 Machiavelli, Niccolo, 25, 137, 148,
diachronic, aspect of discourse ethics, induction, 6, 9
First Amendment, of the American 156,202n68
35-36 influence, 52
Constitution, 46, 149 MacIntyre, Alasdair 47
differentiation thesis, the, 85-86, 93, Ingram, David, 67, 80, 120 Makkreel, R., 98
102, (see justification) Fisher, R., 71 instrumental reason, 26-27 Malhotra, V.A., 39~0
discourse Ethics, xiv, 3, 6, 9, 15, 28, Fishkin, James, 124 interactive universalism, 102-103,
Forester, John, 39, 48, 56, 115, 123 Mansbridge, Jane, 138
31,35,56-57,61,63,67,69, 73, 122 Marshall, T.H., 120
75, 77, 79,87-89,94,96,98-101, Frankfurt School, the, xiii, 26, 28-29, Isocrates, 201n44 Marx, Karl, 7, 19-20, 25, 28 , 77
103,114, 119-124, 135,140, 59,169082
Marxism, 3, 19, 21, 51, 152, 165n9
182n17, principle of, (D), 10, 42, Fraser, Nancy, 53 Jacobins, 66 McCarthy, Thomas, 27, 69, 85
63, 71-73, 75,87, 125 &eespeech,46, 148-149 Janus, 12 Mead, George Herbert, 10, 98
discourse(s) 9, 11-12, 14, 43, 46, French Revolution, 133, 136 judgment (s) xiv, 23, 44, 80-81, media, mass, 5 3
51-53,61,64,85,92, 102,104, Freud, Sigmund, 101, 153, 170n94 85-90, 92-101, 103-105, meta-narratives, 3, 5, 21
113-116, 121,124,126 functional imperatives, 116 107-108, 110-115, 117-118, 122, metatheory, 39, 166n29
discursive redemption, 11, 115, 117, functionalist view of rights, 120 124-126, 132, 140-141, 143-144, Michels, R., 185n86
125, 143-145, 148,150,152, 147, 152, 155-156, 187n126 (see Mill, John Stuart, 65, 74
195n43 Gadamer, Hans-Georg, 16, 24-25 political judgment, moral MIND (National Association for
domestication (of politics), 135, 138, General Will, the, 124 see Rousseau judgment, reflective judgment, Mental Health), 203nl 7
151 Gerwirth, Alan, 5, 47, 124 determi nant judgment) Miner's Strike, the, 136
Doyle, L., 124 Gestalt, 155, 202n2 justification, the distinction between, Minotaur, 73
Dreyfus, H.L. and Dreyfus, S.E., 111, Gilligan, Carol, 14, 91, 112 and applica tion, 44, 75, 80-81, modernity, 26, 32, 37-38, 55, 202060
146, 194024 Goodwyn, Lawrence, 146, 151 85-88, 90-94, 102-103 (see monism, 123
Dryzek,John,44,49,51,60,68-73, Gough, Ian, 124 differentiation thesis) moral judgment, 15, 17, 80-81, 85,
119 Gunther, Klaus, 85, 87-89 92, 93, 95, 103
Dunn, John, x, 42, 159n9 Kant, Immanuel, xiii, 5-17, 19, 56, Moscovici, S. , 138
Dworkin, Ronald, 5 Haagen-Dasz, 93 61-62, 85-87,89-91,95-100, Moss Side, in Manchester, 39
Hegel, Georg, Wilhelm Friedrich, 7, 103,123 Munchhausen's Trilema, 5
Eder, Klaus, 131, 149 13-17, 19, 51,56,61 ,86-87,91, Keane,John,25,31, 123
elitism, 146 120, 163083, 1630100, 1640105, Kemp, R., 48 narcissistic injury, 139
Elster, Jon, 74, 80 165n3, 167047 knowledge-consti tutive interests, 56 Nazism, 57
encumbered self, 10 hegemony, 134 Kohlberg, Lawrence, 9, 77, 90-91, neo-Aristotelian, 16, 24-25, 87, 94
enlarged thought, 98, 117 Heller, Agnes, 119 111,123 networking, 143
Enlightenment, the, 26, 55, 77 hermeneutics, 16, 23, 36, 55, 87-89, Kohut, Hans, 153 new social movements, 37, 51-52,
entropic, nature of legitimacy, 95, 97, 113 131,150, 1800158
119-122, 125, 140-141, 144, Hierarchy, 143 Larmore, Cha rles, 90 Nietzsche, Friedrich, 16
199058 Hitler, Adolf, 93 Lear, Edward, 7 nondecision, 140
Index 229
rationalization, 25-28
Odysseus, 82 Rawls, John, 5, 9-10, 42, 57, 90, 94, synchronic, 35 63, 72,87-89,91-92,94,96,99,
Offe, C., 196n48 100,118,127, 162n61, 18ln5 systems theory, 3 7 101, 103, 114-115, 126, 189n49
O'Neill, Shane, 126 reflective equilibrium, 115 Ury, W., 71
ostracism, 137, 139 reflective judgment, xiv, 85, 91, Taylor, Charles, 104, 203nl 1 utopianism, 54, 57, 61, 65, 70-71,
96-99, 101-105, 107, 113-115, techne, 19, 23-27 73, 75-77,99, 121,123,132,149,
Panama, 42 therapeutic effects of participation, 155, 183n40, in discourse ethics,
Parkin, Andrew, 36, 39, 174n50 125
Reform Bill, the, 122 200n36 14, 68, 75-77, 135
Parsons, Talcott, 52 therapeutic groups, 154
Pateman, Carole, 65, 74 regulative ideal, 50, 77, 111
relativism, 3, 17, 57, 73, 80, 112, Thermidor, 139 validity-claims, 7-11, 85, 88
performative contradiction, 8 Third Reich, the, 49Thucydides, xii vanguardism, 24, 66, 70, 132, 145
Phillips, Anne, 138 119-120, 125
Renaissance, the, 156 Thompson, J.B., 8 voluntary associations, 145
phronesis, 17, 19, 23-26, 98-99, 107- Tocqueville, Alexis de, 74
108, 111-112, 115,124,126,155 revolution, see Russian, French
rights, 45-46, 52, 120-122, 124, 138 Todd, J., 36, 38-39 Waldron, Jeremy, 57
phylogenesis, 62-63 Toulmin, Stephen, 9 Walzer, M., 16, 45, 100
Piaget, J., 9, 90 Ritter, J., 16
Touraine, Alan. 179n139 Warnke, Georgia, 101, 103, 113
Pizzorno, A., 136, 138 Romans, the, 125
trade-offs, between participation and Weber,Max,26,28
Plato, 4, 132 Rouane, J., 36, 38-39 Wellmer, Albrecht, 50, 64, 85-86,
effectiveness, 116-117, 125-126,
Pocock,J.G.A., 4 Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 52-52, 60, 142-144, 146-147, 149-152, 156, 92-93,95-96, 101-102, 114-105,
Poiesis, 25 62,65-67, 114,119,122,124, 195n47 111,113, 119-120, 193n144
political judgment, xiv, 82, 111, 115, 137,155, 183n40 Tugendhat, E., 114 White, Stephen, K., 39, 46, 119
117, 124-125, 155 Russian Revolution, 132 Windscale, 48
Poll Tax, the, 136 unencumbered self, 162n61 Wittgenstein, Ludwig, xiv, 108-110,
polyarchy, 49 sapiential power, 201n46 Unger, Robert, N., 22 147
popular sovereignty, x, 53, 66 Sartre, Jean-Paul, 138 United States, 149 Wolin, Sheldon, 135
positivism, 27-28, 127 Scanlon, T.M., 119 universal pragmatics, 8, 40
postmodernism, 3, 54, 134 Schmitt, Carl, 201n50 universalism, principle of (U), 10, 15, Young, Robert F., 39
pragmatic rules, for argumentation, Schumpeter, Joseph, 64
43,143 Searle, John, 7
praxis, 20, 24-25, 57 Shelly, R., 67
precommitment, 14 7 Sittlichkeit, 123
preferences, laundering of, 147 Skinner, Quentin., 159n9
preservation, of capacity to social contract, 6, 10, 42, 118, 155
deliberate, 124, 145, 147, 151, social psychology, 13 7
principle of (P), 125-126, social work, 38
144-145, 148-149 Spaemann, R., 65
presuppositions of argumentation, 7, Spanish Civil War, 136
9, 11,43, 81,96,103,107, 110, speech acts, 7, 11, 45-46, 80, 85
114, 117, 124-125 spokespersons, 138
psychiatry, 38 spontaneous coping, 105
Psychoanalysis, 100, 165n21, Stalinism, 20
192n140 statism, 118
public sphere(s), 50-54, 63, 69, 71, steering media, 51, 152
75, 133, 138, 152, autonomous, Stern, P., 14, 16
41,44,52,65, 73,131 Strydom, P. 36, 38
publicity, principle of, 9, 11, 98 subaltern, 53, 131
11 Suffrage Movement, the, 122
Q Methodology, 41
summum bonum, 123

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