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nication, February 1984). 2. Gerace RV: Near-fatal intoxication by 1,1,1 12.

Pointer J: Typewriter correction fluid

In our experience, the inhalation trichloroethane. Ann Emerg Med 1981;10:533\x=req-\ inhalation: A new substance of abuse. J Toxicol
534. Clin Toxicol 1982;19:493-499.
abuse of gasoline and spray paint, 3. Kleinfield M, Tabershaw IR: Trichloro- 13. Greer JE: Adolescent inhalation abuse of
especially metallic gold or silver prod¬ ethylene toxicity. Arch Ind Hyg Occup Med
typewriter correction fluid. South Med J 1984;
ucts, is a widespread problem, partic¬ 4. Bass M: Sudden sniffing death. JAMA 1970; 14. Sniffing typewriter correction fluid. Dawn
ularly among economically disadvan- 212-2075-2079. Briefings 1984;1(May):1-2.
5. Harenko A: Two peculiar instances of psy- 15. Hudson P: 'Huffing.' NCME News 1984;
taged youth groups. This is consistent chotic disturbance in trichloroethylene poison- 5(Nov 1):8-9.
with previously reported findings." ing. Acta Neurol Scand 1967;43(suppl 31):139\x=req-\ 16. Rumack BH (ed): Poisindex. Denver,
Despite this extensive use, no sudden 140. Micromedex, 1984.
deaths resulting from the inhalation 6. Hall FB, Hine CH: Trichloroethane intoxi- 17. Carroll E: Notes on the epidemiology of
cation: A report of two cases. J Forensic Sci inhalants, in Sharp CW, Brehm ML (eds):
abuse of spray paint or gasoline alone 1966;11:404-413. Review of Inhalants: Euphoria to Dysfunction,
were identified in New Mexico during 7. Musclow CE, Awen CF: Glue sniffing: NIDA Research Monograph 15. US Dept of
the six-year period covered by this Report of a fatal case. Can Med Assoc J 1971; Health, Education, and Welfare, 1977.
104:315-319. 18. White J, Carlson G: Epinephrine-induced
report. The four deaths attributed to 8. Travers H: Death from 1,1,1 trichloro- cardiac arrhythmias in rabbits exposed to tri-
TCF suggest toxicity unique to this ethane abuse: Case report. Milit Med 1974; chloroethylene: Role of trichloroethylene metab-
139:889-890. olites. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 1981;60:458-465.
type of product. At the present time, 9. Guberan E, Fryc O, Robert M: Mort subite 19. White J, Carlson G: Epinephrine-induced
TCF appears to be gaining popularity par fibrillation ventriculaire, apr\l=e`\sinhalation cardiac arrhythmias in rabbits exposed to tri-
as an agent of abuse within our
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m\l=e'\canicien.Schweiz Med Wochenschr 1976; Appl Pharmacol 1981;60:466-471.
school-aged population. 106:119-121. 20. Clayton BD, Clayton FE (eds): Patty's
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References abuse: Toxicological and pathological evaluation York, John Wiley & Sons Inc, 1981, vol 2B.
of 34 cases. Clin Toxicol 1980;16:305-315. 21. Material Safety Data Sheet: Thinner for
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chloroform (trichloroethane) poisoning. Arch inhalation of 'Liquid Paper' correction fluid. Gillette Medical Evaluation Laboratories, 1982.
Environ Health 1970;20:279-281. Med J Aust 1983;2:606.

Hyperosmolality Induced by Propylene Glycol

A Complication of Silver Sulfadiazine Therapy
Corinne L. Fligner, MD; Rhona Jack, PhD; Gary A. Twiggs, MD; Vidmantas A. Raisys, PhD

An 8-month-old male infant was treated with topical silver sulfadiazine silver sulfadiazine (Silvadene) during
for a burn and complicating toxic epidermal necrolysis involving 78% of his topical therapy for a burn resulted in
total body surface area. Transdermal absorption of propylene glycol from the hyperosmolality and possibly contrib¬
silver sulfadiazine produced hyperosmolality with an increased osmolal gap. uted to cardiorespiratory arrest.
A peak propylene glycol concentration of 1,059 mg/dL was documented,
and its osmotic effect was that predicted from its concentration. Our data Report of a Case
support either zero-order elimination at a rate of 13.5 mg/dL/hr or first-order An 8-month-old male infant sustained a
elimination with a half-life of 16.9 hours. Elevated concentrations of
deep second- and third-degree burn of the
propylene glycol may have contributed to the patient's cardiorespiratory anterior part of the chest, involving 8% of
arrest. The osmolal gap may be used as a screen for suspected propylene his total body surface area. Initial therapy
glycol intoxication in selected clinical settings. included topical silver sulfadiazine for six
(JAMA 1985;253:1606-1609) days, saline dressings for three days, and a
five-day course of oral penicillin V potas¬
sium. On the tenth day after the burn,
PROPYLENE glycol is a polyalcohol used solvent for intravenous (IV)
as a erythema and desquamation of the skin
of reputedly low toxicity, commonly drugs and as a component of the over 70% of his total body surface area

cream base of many topical pharma¬ occurred, including the trunk, perineum,
ceutical and cosmetic preparations.'"3 and extremities. The desquamation was
From the Children'sOrthopedic Hospital and
Medical Center (Drs Fligner and Twiggs); and the There are few reports of adverse diagnosed as toxic epidermal necrolysis
Departments of Laboratory Medicine (Drs Fligner, and was considered equivalent to a super¬
Jack, and Raisys), Pediatrics (Dr Twiggs), and
effects of this substance in humans ficial and deep second-degree burn. Treat¬
Pathology (Dr Fligner), University of Washington, and few data relating serum concen¬ ment with topical silver sulfadiazine and
Seattle. trations of propylene glycol to clinical dicloxacillin was begun, and the patient
to King County Medical Examin-
Reprint requests
er Office, 325 Ninth Ave, Seattle, WA 98104 (Dr effects. We report a case in which was transferred on day 11 to Children's
Fligner). absorption of propylene glycol from Orthopedic Hospital and Medical Center

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1,300f 1,200-
1,200t 1,100
A 1,000
1,000t / \
190° / \ 800
E. 80° / \ 700
8 700
^ /
/ t\\
T \ 600
U 600 f' V
o ; v\ 500
S 500+ ; v:^.
1400 y Nj 400
' 300 \. 300

200+ \\ ..,
100« A.S S S
S T \N. 100
I I II I I i \ I
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100110 120 130140
Elapsed Time, hr Osmolal Gap, mOsm/kg
Fig 1.—Relationship between propylene glycol concentrations and Fig 2.—Relationship between propylene glycol concentration and
time after admission (zero hours). S indicates silver sulfadiazine osmolal discrepancy: y=84.6+7.8x; r=.99.
application; A, cardiorespiratory arrest; T, termination of silver sulfa¬
diazine therapy; dots, concentrations during therapy; squares, post-
absorptive concentrations. Solid linear regression line in postabsorp-
tive phase: y=1,704-13.5x; r=.97.

(Seattle). cose, 186 mg/dL). The osmolal gap (dis¬ Osm.=1.86(Na*)+(Serum Urea Nitrogen/
On admission, he appeared alert, with a crepancy between the measured and calcu¬ 2.8)+(Glucose/18)
temperature of 38.4 °C; pulse rate, 132 lated osmolalities) was 74 mOsm/kg H¡0. Osmolal Gap=Osm„,-(Osm,/0.93)
beats per minute; respirations, 28/min; During the course of the day, the mea¬ where Osmc is the calculated osmolality
and weight, 9.3 kg. Silver sulfadiazine sured serum osmolality increased to a and Osm„, is the measured osmolality. The
covered approximately 78% of his total peak of 420 mOsm/kg H¡0, with a peak concentrations of serum urea nitrogen and
body surface area. Findings from the osmolal gap of 130 mOsm/kg H¡0. The glucose were not consistently measured
remainder of the examination, including following day, a serum glycol screen dem¬ simultaneously with sodium concentration
neurological assessment, were unremark¬ onstrated a large amount of propylene and osmolality. Because the serum urea
able. Laboratory tests disclosed the fol¬ glycol, later quantitated at 771 mg/dL. nitrogen and glucose levels were relatively
lowing values: WBCs, 7,700/cu mm with a Evaluation of all administered medica¬ stable for the four days after discontinua¬
differential count shifted to the left (7% tions revealed no source for the propylene tion of silver sulfadiazine therapy, mean
segmented neutrophils and 47% band neu- glycol other than silver sulfadiazine, values (serum urea nitrogen, 14.5 mg/dL;
trophils); hematocrit, 36%; hemoglobin, which contains 76.7 mg/g. Silver sulfadia¬ glucose, 173 mg/dL) were used in the
12.1 g/dL; normal RBC indices; Na, 136 zine therapy was discontinued; during the osmolality calculations.
mEq/L; Cl, 99 mEq/L; K, 5.8 mEq/L; preceding 70 hours of hospitalization, Propylene glycol was quantitated using
bicarbonate, 21 mEq/L; serum urea nitro¬ 3,400 g had been applied, resulting in a a gas Chromatograph equipped with a
gen (BUN), 11 mg/dL; and serum creati- topical propylene glycol dose of 9 g/kg/24 flame ionization detector and a ô-ftx'/s-in
nine, 0.7 mg/dL. Continued topical therapy hr. internal diameter glass column packed
consisted of application twice daily of During the four days after discontinua¬ with Porapack S 80/100 mesh (Hewlett-
gauze impregnated with 600 to 800 g of tion of therapy with silver sulfadiazine, Packard Model 5700A and Waters Asso¬
silver sulfadiazine. the serum osmolality gradually decreased ciates, respectively). Oven and detector
On day 12, a cardiorespiratory arrest to 298 mOsm/kg H20, and the osmolal gap temperatures were 190 °C and 200 °C,
occurred approximately one hour after a normalized to less than 9 mOsm/H20. The respectively. The internal standard used
dèbridement bath and a dressing change; mild lactic acidosis (blood lactate concen¬ was w-propyl alcohol, and unknowns were
no medications had been administered tration of 5.8 mmole/L; reference range, quantitated against a 104-mg/dL propyl¬
other than 15 mg of oral diphénhydramine 2.0 mmole/L), thought to be due to propyl¬ ene glycol standard using the peak-height
given four hours before the arrest. Results ene glycol metabolism, resolved, and alkali ratio method. Retention times were 1.8
of an initial arterial blood gas test showed therapy was never required to maintain minutes for w-propyl alcohol and nine
an acute respiratory acidosis (pH, 7.28; the arterial pH in the range of 7.30 to 7.52. minutes for propylene glycol. A calibra¬
Pco2, 50 mm Hg). No bacteria were Mechanical ventilation continued for three tion range was documented up to 1,040
detected by blood culture. A definitive weeks. The patient's later course was mg/dL; within-run precision was approxi¬
cause for the arrest was not determined. marked by severe, persistent hypoxic mately 10% to 15% over the linear range.
After resuscitation, results of a neurologi¬ encephalopathy. Specimens were stored at 4 °C, and quan-
cal examination reflected substantial hy- titation was performed 12 to 16 days after
poxic damage. Transient elevation of the .Methods sampling.
serum creatinine level (1.2 mg/dL) nor¬ Serum osmolality was measured by Elimination pharmacokinetics during
malized in one day (0.7 mg/dL). freezing-point depression on an osmome- the postabsorptive phase were determined
The next day, a measured serum osmo- ter (Advanced DigiMatic Osmometer Mod¬ by regression analysis using the propylene
lality was 388 mOsm/kg H20, with a el 3D II, Advanced Instruments Inc). The glycol values obtained after termination of
simultaneously calculated serum osmolali- following formulas were used to calculate silver sulfadiazine therapy at 70 hours.
ty of 314 mOsm/kg H;0 (Na, 145 mEq/L; serum osmolality and osmolal gap (mil- The relationship between propylene glycol
serum urea nitrogen, 33 mg/dL; and glu- liosmols per kilogram of water)4: and the osmolal gap was obtained by

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linear regression analysis using available 7.6 mg/dL/mOsm (76/10), with an (78%) provided substantial absorp¬
data (subsequent to 57 hours). observed slope of 7.8 (Fig 2). These tive area. Enhanced capillary perme¬
data suggest that the increase in ability and vasodilation caused by
serum osmolality produced by propyl¬ inflammatory mediators, warm dé-
Serum propylene glycol concentra¬ ene glycol is equivalent to the molal bridement baths, and low-grade fever
tions increased during the period of concentration of propylene glycol. may have contributed to increased
application of silver sulfadiazine, This finding differs from that of propylene glycol absorption. The topi¬
with a peak of 1,059 mg/dL (Fig 1). previous investigators, who found cal dose of propylene glycol was high;
Sampling was too erratic to allow only 16% of the osmotic activity the acceptable daily intake specified
characterization of absorption pa¬ expected from propylene glycol." by the World Health Organization for
rameters; it is possible that higher About 45% of absorbed propylene oral propylene glycol is 25 mg/kg/24
peak values were achieved after each glycol is excreted by the kidneys, and hr,'2 while the topical dose applied to
dressing change. the remainder is oxidized by hepatic our patient was 9 g/kg/24 hr.
Analysis of the postabsorptive con¬ alcohol dehydrogenase to lactate, py- Impaired hepatic metabolism or renal
centration data (Pig 1) by linear and ruvate, or acetate.7 Ethanol, metabo¬ excretion could have contributed to
log-linear regression produced lines lized by the same enzyme, has zero- the high concentrations, but there
with similar goodness of fit (r=.97 order elimination kinetics (at all but was no laboratory evidence of serious
and r=.95, respectively). Thus, the the lowest concentrations), with an dysfunction of either organ.
data support either zero-order elimi¬ elimination rate of 15 mg/dL/hr. In experimental animals, propylene
nation, with a rate of 13.5 mg/dL/hr, These similarly metabolized com¬ glycol has been shown to have tran-
or first-order elimination, with a
pounds might be expected to show quilizing effects, producing general¬
half-life of 16.9 hours (range, 13.1 to similar elimination kinetics. How¬ ized hypotonia, decreased respira¬
23.8 hours). ever, our kinetic data are compatible tions, and ataxia13; it acts as a CNS
The relationship between propylene with either zero- or first-order elimi¬ depressant2 and is one third as intoxi¬
glycol concentration and osmolal gap nation and cannot discriminate be¬ cating as ethanol on a weight-for-
(Fig 2) was as follows: tween the two. Pharmacokinetic data weight basis.14 After IV injection,
Propylene Glycol (mg/dL) = for propylene glycol in humans are both hemolysis and cardiac arrhyth¬
84.6+(7.8xOsmolal Gap [mOsm/kg H20]) scanty, but the half-life we calculated mias have been noted. In humans,
is consistent with the only previously oral ingestion of vitamins dissolved in
Thus, the osmotic effect of propylene
glycol was that predicted from its reported literature value of 19.3 hours propylene glycol has resulted in
molecular weight (76 daltons) and (range, 10.8 to 30.5 hours).6 If zero- intractable seizures and episodes of
order kinetics apply, the half-life of unresponsiveness.1516 Additional toxic
propylene glycol will vary, depending effects are the production of lactic
Comment on the blood concentration. acidosis" and cardiac arrhythmias,
Hyperosmolality associated with a Absorption of propylene glycol the latter associated with the IV
discrepancy between measured and through intact skin is inconsequen¬ administration of phenytoin dissolved
calculated osmolalities of greater tial3; however, previous studies have in a propylene glycol carrier.18 The
than 10 mOsm/kg H20 (increased documented that loss of the epidermis only report in the literature relating
osmolal gap) occurs in two clinical can result in the absorption of sol¬ neurological status and propylene
settings: (1) decreased serum water vents from topical pharmaceuticals. glycol concentrations describes a pa¬
content, as in hyperlipidemia or An early report implicated absorbed tient with a serum propylene glycol
hyperproteinemia, where the calcu¬ hexylene glycol as a cause of coma in concentration of 760 mg/dL as "con¬
lated osmolality is underestimated burned children.8 Absorption of pro¬ scious."' A recent report failed to find
because of a falsely low serum sodium pylene glycol from silver sulfadiazine a relationship between clinical status

concentration, and (2) increased se¬ has been well documented in only two and serum propylene glycol concen¬
rum concentration of unmeasured, patients, both with large burns (70% trations of up to 1,000 mg/dL in ten
osmotically active, low-molecular and 90%)."° In that study, an addi¬ infants receiving parenteral nutrition
weight compounds (<150 daltons), tional nine patients had hyperosmo¬ containing multivitamins dissolved in
such as mannitol, ethanol, methanol, lality with increased osmolal gap, propylene glycol.6
isopropyl alcohol, ethylene glycol, which was presumed, but not proved, In our patient, an elevated serum
propylene glycol, ethyl ether, paralde- to be caused by propylene glycol; all propylene glycol concentration (369
hyde, and acetone.5 The concentration had burns involving greater than 35% mg/dL) was temporally related to the
of the unmeasured substance (milli¬ of their body surface area. Hyperos¬ cardiorespiratory arrest and may
grams per deciliter) should be equal molality caused by absorption of glyc¬ have been causally related, through
to the product of the osmolal gap erin from a povidone-iodine-glycerin production of cardiac arrhythmia,
(milliosmols per kilogram of water) ointment has been described." CNS depression, or synergism with a
and the molecular weight, divided by Although silver sulfadiazine has second CNS depressant (diphenhy-
10." We found this relationship to been widely used for 15 years, few dramine). Definite correlation be¬
hold true for propylene glycol, within reports of propylene glycol absorption tween propylene glycol concentra¬
the error ofour methods: the or high serum propylene glycol con¬ tions and clinical effects was not
expected slope of the line relating centrations have appeared. In the possible because of the subsequent
propylene glycol and osmolal gap was present case, the large surface area hypoxic encephalopathy.

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We have demonstrated that propyl¬ elevated propylene glycol concentra¬ an osmolal discrepancy. J Trauma 1980;20:223\x=req-\
ene glycol predictably increases se¬ tions.
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Propylene glycol as a cause of an elevated serum
cal settings, the osmolal gap may be encouragement. osmolality. Am J Clin Pathol 1979;72:633-636.
used to estimate the concentration of References 11. Hershey SD, Gursel E: Hyperosmolality
caused by percutaneously absorbed glycerin in a
propylene glycol and may be used as a 1. Seidenfeld MA, Hanzlik PJ: The general burned patient. J Trauma 1982;22:250-252.
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glycol. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 1932;44:109-121. Additives With a Review of General Principles
intoxication. At this time, it seems 2. Hanzlik PJ, Newman HW, Van Winkle W and of Specifications: 17th Report of the Joint
advisable to monitor the osmolal gap Jr, et al: Toxicity, fate and excretion of propyl- FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Addi-
in patients treated with topical silver ene glycol and some other glycols. J Pharmacol tives, Technical Report Series, No. 539. Geneva,
Exp Ther 1939;67:101-113. World Health Organization, 1974.
sulfadiazine who are at risk for 3. Rowe VK, Wolf MA: Glycols, in Clayton 13. Singh PP, Junnarkar AY, Seshagirirao C,
increased absorption or decreased GD, Clayton FE (eds): Patty's Industrial et al: A pharmacological study of propane-
elimination of propylene glycol; this Hygiene and Toxicology, ed 3. New York; John 1,2-diol. Arzneimittelforsch 1982;32:1443-1446.
Wiley & Sons Inc, 1982, vol 2C, pp 3852-3861. 14. Lehman AJ, Newman HW: Propylene gly-
group would include infants and 4. Glasser L, Sternglanz PD, Combie J, et al: col: Rate of metabolism, absorption, and excre-
young children, patients with large Serum osmolality and its applicability to drug tion, with a method for estimation in body
overdose. Am J Clin Pathol 1973;60:695-699. fluids. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 1937;60:312-322.
burns or large areas of abnormal 5. Gennari FJ: Serum osmolality: Uses and 15. Arulanantham K, Genel M: Central ner-
epidermis (such as epidermolysis limitations. N Engl J Med 1984;310:102-105. vous system toxicity associated with ingestion of

bullosa or toxic epidermal necrolysis), 6. Glasgow AM, Boeckx RL, Miller MK, et al: propylene glycol. J Pediatr 1978;93:515-516.
Hyperosmolality in small infants due to propyl- 16. Martin G, Finberg L: Propylene glycol: A
and patients with hepatic or renal ene glycol. Pediatrics 1983;72:353-355. potentially toxic vehicle in liquid dosing form. J
dysfunction. Additional studies are 7. Ruddick JA: Toxicology, metabolism, and Pediatr 1970;77:877-878.
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and the causes of enhanced absorp¬ 8. Procter DSC: Coma in burns\p=m-\thecause 1980;303:1237.
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Pseudopheochromocytoma and Cardiac Arrest

Associated With Phenylpropanolamine
Jeffrey S. Hyams, MD; Alan M. Leichtner, MD; Robert G. Breiner, PhD; Dennis W. Hill, PhD;
Robert B. McComb, PhD; William M. Manger, PhD

THE SYMPATHOMIMETIC com- cular accidents.3 We recently cared ache, diaphoresis, nausea, pallor, abdomi-
pound phenylpropanolamine hydro- for a 16-year-old girl with a history of nal pain, nervousness, and fatigue. These
chloride is found in a variety of easily recurrent episodes of paroxysmal hy- episodes continued until the day of admis-
accessible medications including de- pertension and seizures in whom two sion, when she was witnessed having a
brief grand mal seizure. Her blood pres¬
congestants, anorectics, and stimu- episodes of cardiac arrest occurred. sure was noted to be 180/120 mm Hg, and
lants. Serious complications associ- Her clinical constellation prompted a
she was brought to the hospital. Examina¬
ated with the use of phenylpropanol- lengthy and expensive evaluation for tion revealed an agitated and fearful ado¬
amine have been described, including pheochromocytoma before surrepti- lescent whose blood pressure was 170/110
hypertension,1-4 headaches,1-4 psycho- tious ingestion of phenylpropanol- mm Hg; pulse rate, 60 beats per minute,
sis,5,6 seizures,1,2 and fatal cerebrovas- amine was discovered. Increasing use and respirations, 36/min. No other specific
of phenylpropanolamine-containing abnormalities were noted. She denied tak¬
medications may make these compli- ing any prescription drugs, over-the-
cations more frequent. counter medications, or illicit prepara¬
From the Departments of Pediatrics (Drs Hyams
tions. Following treatment with several
Leichtner) and Pathology (Drs Breiner and
McComb), Hartford Hospital, Hartford, Conn; the doses of intravenous hydralazine, she
College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Uni- Report of a Case became normotensive.
versity of Connecticut, Storrs (Dr Hill); and the On the second hospital day, she sudden¬
Department of Medicine, New York University, New A 16-year-old girl was hospitalized for
York (Dr Manger). ly became hypertensive (160/110 mm Hg)
Reprint requests to Department of Pediatrics, evaluation of paroxysmal hypertension. and following a generalized seizure be¬
Hartford Hospital, Hartford, CT 06115-0729 (Dr Four months prior to admission she noted came apneic and asystolic. Cardiopulmo-
Hyams). the onset of intermittent episodes of head- nary resuscitation was instituted, and she

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