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IC341 Music History Seminar

January - April 2021

Instructor: Dr Jeremy Leong, Dr Ch’ng Xin Ying

Final Project (50%)

Hand out date: 3 February 2021

Due date: 9 April 2021, by 5 pm

Write an essay on ONE work that is not under the core readings in class from EITHER topic
of American musicals OR twentieth-century opera. Your essay has to be between word count
of 1600 and 2000 words and MUST highlight at least one of the four themes discussed in
class. If you decide to choose a work that is from the core reading list, you would need to
seek approval from the respective instructor.

The final project will be assessed on:

 Clarity of the themes highlighted in your selected work
 Availability of evidence and sources to support your argument
 Coherence of structure
 Critique and musical analysis of the work
 Ability to quote references and citations under the proper format of the Chicago
Manual of Style

The final project has to be typed out using the layout requirements below and submitted in a
single Word document on CN as indicated by the respective lecturers by the deadline listed
All essays written in the topic of twentieth-century operas should be submitted to Dr Ch’ng
and essays in American musicals should be directed to Dr Jeremy. Late submissions will not
be accepted unless valid reasons are provided.
Layout Requirements

 Cover Page
1. Include full name, student identification number, course code and name, semester
and year, and title of research proposal

 Pagination
1. No page number on cover page
2. Content pagination must be centered at the bottom using Arabic numerals (i.e., 1,
2, 3, etc.)

 Style
1. Margin: Left (3.5 cm), Right (2.5 cm), Top (2.5 cm), Bottom (2.5 cm)
2. Font Type and Size: Times New Roman, 12
3. Line Spacing: 1.5 for Contents and 1 for References
4. Paragraph: Align text left

 Citation and Reference

1. Chicago Manual of Style/Turabian Style
2. All sources used in the completion of your research proposal must be cited and
referenced. You must also do the same for paraphrases and quotations
3. All sources that have been referred to should only be listed in the “Reference”
page. Do not use the term “Bibliography” as it implies a comprehensive listing of
sources pertaining to a major work (e.g., master’s thesis, doctoral dissertation, and

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