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Digital Marketing Organic and Paid Growth for

Murraad Creatives and Co

Summer Internship Project Report submitted in partial fulfilment of the

requirements for the degree of
Master of Business Administration

Joel M Alex


Under the Guidance of

Dr. Krishna Kishore

School of Business and Management

CHRIST (Deemed to be) University, Bangalore

June, 2021
Digital Marketing Organic and Paid Growth for
Murraad Creatives and Co

Summer Internship Project Report submitted in partial fulfilment of the

requirements for the degree of
Master of Business Administration


Joel M Alex


Under the Guidance of

Dr. Krishna Kishore

School of Business and Management

CHRIST (Deemed to be) University, Bangalore

June, 2021

I hereby declare that the Summer Intern Project report entitled “Digital Marketing Organic
and Paid growth for Murraad Creatives & Co,Bengaluru, Karnataka” has been undertaken by
me for the award of Master of Business Administration. I have completed this study under the
guidance of Dr.Krishna Kishore..

I also declare that this Summer Intern Project report has not been submitted for the award of
any Degree, Diploma, Associate ship, Fellowship or any other title, in CHRIST (Deemed to
be University) or in any other university.

Place: Bengaluru ___________________

Date: Joel M Alex


This is to certify that the Summer Intern Project report submitted by Joel M Alex
on the title “Digital Marketing Organic and Paid growth for Murraad Creatives &
Co,Bengaluru, Karnataka” is a record of summer intern project work done by him during the
academic year 2018-19 under my guidance and supervision in partial fulfilment of Master of
Business Administration.

Place: Bengaluru ____________________

Date: Dr.Krishna Kishore

School of Business and Management
CHRIST (Deemed to be University)
I am indebted to many people who helped me accomplish this Internship successfully.

First, I thank the Vice Chancellor Dr Fr Abraham V M, CHRIST (Deemed to be

University) for giving me the opportunity to do my project.

I thank Dr. Jain Mathew, Dean, Dr. Jeevananda, Associate Dean, Prof. Krishna M C,
Head of the Department and Prof. Vedha Balaji, Head – Marketing, School of Business and
Management, CHRIST (Deemed to be University) for their kind support.

I thank Prof Krishna Kishore for his/her support and guidance during the course of my
internship. I remember him/her with much gratitude for his/her patience and motivation, but
for which I could not have submitted this work.

I wish to express my sincere thanks to my corporate mentor, Chelsy Bothra,

Managing Director, Murraad Creatives & Co for giving me an opportunity to work under her
guidance and successfully complete my internship.

I thank my parents for their blessings and constant support, without which this
internship project would not have seen the light of day.

Joel M Alex
Placeholder for black and white photocopy of the certificate issued by the SIP


1 Introduction 11-12
2 Industry and Company Profile 13-17
3 Project Design and Methodology 18-26
4 Data Analysis & Interpretation 27-32
5 Findings, Conclusion, Recommendations & Learnings 33-35
References 36
● Screenshot of Similarity Index Report
● Feedback forms by the corporate mentor, university
mentor and the viva panel 37-42
Table Page

Fig Page
No. LIST OF Charts No.
1.1  14
2.1  15
4.1  15
4.2  16
4.3  19
4.4  22
4.5  23
4.6  24
4.7  24
4.8  27
4.9  28
4.10  28
4.11  29
4.12  30
 4.13    30
Executive Summary

Murraad Creatives and Co was starting it’s expansion process in terms of attaining more
clients and reach based on their digital presence. In consideration with the digital audit in the
beginning of the SIP it was found that the company had irregular digital presence with low
engagement. As a consultancy for marketing the ideal way of acquiring more clients was
based on referrals. For this reason the business had to have high engagement and consistency
in terms of all digital platforms.

Organic growth is effective as it is the audience which knows our services and have decided
to follow us by their own will. Paid is more indirect and the audience is not fully convinced
of the service at the time of arrival on the digital platforms.

Initially the aim was to increase organic traffic and generate more engagement for the
audience on all social media platforms. The idea was to drive traffic from social media to the
website. In consideration to this a content strategy was constructed aligned with the short
term goals based on a SMART analysis. Organic growth resulted in high engagement and this
was necessary in order for further boosting of paid methods of promotion.

The overall increase in both organic and paid marketing had helped in terms of increasing
brand awareness and client generation. This has definitely helped the firm move forward in
the initial stages of its growth. The process followed proved to be effective and lacked any
serious overlapping of work.

The company had started off as a small team and it continues to grow day by day due to an
effective organic growth and paid boosting on a weekly basis. The entire strategy has helped
in generating more leads which will be explained further. The key to digital marketing has
always been consistency and engagement. This will allow all brands to develop and grow in
order to attain their goals.


Background and Problem Statement

The company was initiated by Chelsy Bothra in the year 2019. It had a variety of clients
dealing in different industries. The need for interns was for the purpose of expanding the
brand in terms of clients and digital presence. The unconventional style and unique ideas
were the main points of attraction which Murraad exhibited. After receiving a few
international clients the company wanted to expand in the foregin markets rather than in

For this purpose the company had planned to attract a target audience from USA, UK and
Canada mainly. For this purpose organic and paid marketing had to be used in order to attain
the goal. There needed to be consistency and expansion of brand awareness.

The initial problem was to attain more organic followers which are small businesses and from
these foreign companies mentioned above. In order to do that there needed to be a systematic
method with a content strategy, hashtag strategy, engagement and paid collaborations.

The problem arising after this was to involve paid marketing along with the organic growth in
order to boost the growth. Initial brand awareness stage was restricted to organic growth. In
terms of increase in traffic and engagement there needed to be a growth in terms of paid

In the midst another problem which arised was in terms of rebranding and multiple client
requirements and fulfillments in terms of digital growth. Rebranding was necessary to make
the brand more authentic and premium for small businesses to interact and follow the page.
Along with that the client services included the similar system Murraad’s digital marketing
plan followed.

● The problem in the study arises from the need for organic growth for Murraad
creatives to gain more authentic small business followers.
● Paid marketing expansions for increase in traffic and it is shadowed by a back end
rebranding process along with the client services.



Industry Profile- Digital Marketing Industry

In the midst of the pandemic the digital marketing industry has seen significant growth. In
terms of brand awareness and overall brand marketing the digital medium has turned out to
be a very cost efficient and effective option of marketing.

The ability to even reach an audience of 2000 is significantly much more cost efficient in
terms of digital marketing rather than in terms of traditional marketing. This is why the need
for digital marketing has significantly increased in the past years.
The increase in consumers from tier I and tier II cities or towns in India have significantly
allowed the industry to develop as more people are consuming products through online
delivery. As of 2020 the digital marketing industry is worth around 199 Billion dollars in
India and sees an average growth of 14% annually. (Digital Advertisement spend in India
2020, 2020)

The rise of digital marketing can be directly attributed to the fact that the number of online
users have significantly increased and will keep on increasing in India. (NSIM, 2020)

The major share of clients come from the e-commerce industry as it mostly revolves around
consumer products. (Shah, 2020)
In terms of expenditure in the industry mostly it is done for the purpose of online ads. Almost
36 % of marketing expenditure of companies from the fmcg products are done through online
ads which is one of the highest expenditures in the industry. However, we can see the shift of
brands to preferring social media ads over normal online ads as most of the consumers are
readily available online on their social media platforms. In India, there is more expenditure
on social media ads rather than online ads. (BI India Partner, 2020)


In India some of the major agencies are:

Schbang which is based out of Mumbai deals with the marketing of many large scale
companies namely Ashok Leyland, Fevicol and Baskin Robbins. It focuses particularly on
lead generation for large scale businesses.

Dentsu Webchutney is another marketing agency based out of Bengaluru and is a creative
agency which deals majorly in video content creation and ad marketing.

Performics is a marketing agency from Bengaluru which deals mainly in data analytics and
for boosting retail and e-commerce businesses. It has done the recently famous CRED ads.

In terms of competition there are these competitions which handle the large scale companies
and Murraad intends to reach out to creating cost effective digital marketing for small
businesses from India and abroad.
Company Profile- Murraad Creatives & Co

Murraad creatives & Co is based out of Bengaluru, it has started it’s activities in 2019 and
has intended to expand in terms of clients and team members in the past one year. Currently
the company supports small businesses in order to develop their digital marketing activities
and create lead generation for their business.


1. Social Media Marketing: Social Media has emerged as one of the major platforms
for digital marketing as it has many users and target audiences for many different
companies. Also with the usage of tools such as Facebook Ads Manager and
collaborations businesses can really grow and expand with a very minimum budget.
2. Branding : The branding process for other small businesses in order to grow their
business identity with the creation of logos, packaging creatives, ad creations and
daily social media posts.
3. Web Development: Overall UI/UX development and creation of creative websites
for companies in order for them to stand out and promote their products.
4. Paid Marketing : Developing ad copies and campaigns for social media ads and
online ads which will help in terms of boosting the awareness and traffic for the

Target audience : In terms of the target audience Murraad is mainly focusing on small
businesses, business owners, social media managers, content creators and marketing
enthusiasts. The various platforms and contents fulfills the requirements to meet the needs of
these various target audiences. Many agencies focus on providing their service for large scale
businesses. But what makes Murraad stand out is it’s vision in terms of helping small
businesses grow and develop in order to create business opportunities for all kinds of
businesses and owners. It also intends on providing education content to it’s other audiences
in terms of digital marketing.



Project Design
The problem in the study was to grow in terms of digital presence organically and in terms of
paid marketing. Along with that creating a content strategy and ad copies which can boost the
page to more small businesses.

For this purpose the organization had provided the following targets in order to be achieved.
Task 1: Growth of Digital Platforms of Murraad Creatives and Co (Organic and Paid)

Objective :

● 30 % growth in all platforms in terms of followers.

● 6 client conversions from all social media marketing activities.

Task 2: Increase in Content Interaction with content strategy


● Monthly content strategy creation for clients and Murraad.

● In alignment with audience needs and brand values.

In consideration of these objectives there was thorough research on the methods to be

undertaken for this project. Based on the research the following project design was
undertaken for the best results for the firm.

Phase 1:
The first step of the SIP was in terms of identifying ideas and content which can boost the
various social media platforms and websites of the company. This included an audit of the
platforms of the company along with understanding of the current positions of the digital
presence of the firm. Construction of an excel file with various ideas for the brand along with
the current position of the firm.

Phase 2:

After understanding the position of the firm the next phase was in terms of competitive
analysis and research of the industry leading companies and their platforms in order to
understand their system of approach. Which included understanding their key words,
structure of website, content,usage of all social media platforms and posting types along with
timings of the various posts.

Phase 3:

After understanding the competitors and the industry requirements it was essential to create
goals and targets of the campaigns which will be done for the next 2 months. This included
an excel file which resulted in creating the brands target audiences and what type of content
pillars will be used to reach out to them and make them follow Murraad. Along with the
various lead generation goals and social media targets.

Phase 4:

For any digital project a content calendar is necessary in order to be prepared and be up to
date on the daily trending topics and monthly requirements of the audience keeping in mind
the cultural events as well. This calendar will allow for the maintenance of creating content in
alignment to the target audience and will be used along with a checklist which will be
constantly updated and noted in terms of times of uploading, reach, reviews etc.

Phase 5:

Organic growth has a great merit as it is the target audience which finds the digital presence
of your firm. So therefore a constant update on SEO of the social media platforms and
website is needed in order to rank higher and allow more audiences to reach your content.
Phase 6:

Day to day update and analysis of daily social media posts along with interaction in hashtags
related to the niche of the brand is required to create engagement and reach out to more
people. In the content calendar there will be constant daily updates and analysis based on
recent trends and effectiveness of daily posts and timings.

Phase 7:

Tools are very essential in order to understand analytics of the monthly activities of the brand
and clients as well. This enables the brand to understand where it is lacking and what needs to
be improved in the next month. Based on followers, website traffic, bounce rate, click
through rate, reach , content interaction and engagement.

Phase 1:
This phase was key in terms of understanding the current digital presence of the company and
their platforms. For this stage reference was taken from various articles, social media pages
and websites in terms of content creation and content ideas.

This is a format used to manage the ideas and initiatives which can help in developing the
various platforms and website presence. This helps in brainstorming ways in which the digital
platforms can be improved. Along with this there was a thorough study of the current position
of all the social media platforms.

Phase 2:

The second phase deals with knowing the competitors in the industry and developing a
further knowledge of the industry standards. In this stage of the SIP, company websites of
competitors were visited and analysed in order to know their process of work and along with
understanding the keywords used, content used and type of platforms and timings used to
reach out to the audience.For this purpose first of all industry leaders were selected and also
city leaders in the industry from bangalore. Using these companies a thorough study of their
digital platforms were analysed based on ads, ad copies, posts,content and keywords.

Phase 3:

In terms of creating goals we needed to identify the audiences and what the audience requires
from our digital presence. For this purpose a research was done with an excel format which
explains the needs and pillars of content and the type of audience we will be targeting.

The mission of the digital activities was to reach out to small businesses and content creators.
In order to attract these audiences the content has to be in terms of the ideas mentioned
above,as it should solve their problems and also help them grow. It will at then end show the
necessity of our services and needs as well.

In terms of setting the goal a SMART analysis has helped in terms of understanding the
execution process. As it allows us to focus very specifically on what the goals are, how
attainable they are and based on that the company was able to prioritise and attain one goal at
a time.

As a marketing agency we need to focus on being creative and in terms of that we can
increase our followers and traffic this will in turn increase the engagement and result in
clients. This was the process for setting the goals in order to attain the day to day goals to the
medium and long term goals as well.
Phase 4:

Content Calendar is a crucial necessity for all digital projects as it plans out the company
plans one month ahead or 2 months ahead. This allows for the brand to be prepared and
allows for a systematic approach to content being presented by the brand which will
systematically help us reach the goal. This system was referred to by the company itself as it
has helped them with clients and has shown results.

The first stage of a content strategy is from knowing your own product or service features.
This helps in understanding what your consumers or customers want as well. In terms of that,
content pillars were created based on weekly content which is entertaining, educating,creative
and insightful. By using all of these elements or pillars we are able to provide everything that
the audience requires for them to follow us on all platforms and read our blogs.
This is the method followed for creating the content calendar as instructed by the company. It
mentions the dates, tasks and remarks of the day to day posts and management. It also helps
to analyse daily activities and know what kind of ideas work and what kind of ideas don’t

Phase 5:

A regular update on SEO of the social media platform is necessary. In the period of
internship keywords were identified using SemRush tool and using the keywords SEO was
maintained in terms of all social media platforms along with the website.

Phase 6:

Daily updates are maintained based on the content calendar as mentioned above and daily
remarks are added in order to attain the correct feedback and understanding. Hashtag analysis
and strategies are daily used and are analysed on the basis of which hashtags or sets or
strategies work the best. This enables them to grow daily and improve on the daily mistakes
or any shortcomings.

Phase 7:

At the end of the month a SemRush analysis of the monthly activities are used to understand
how effective the strategies are and what the impacts of the monthly activities are.Along with
this analysis of monthly work are done from the insights of the platforms as well. Cross
comparison with the previous month is also done in order to understand the change in growth
as well.


Based on the SMART analysis goals and objectives set for the SIP period the results of the
methodologies followed were as such:

An important component the smart analysis focused on was content interaction. The reason
was that consultancies majorly get clients from references and good interaction results in
more spreading of referrals to viewers of the content. This allows for the company's reach to
increase and more engagement of the target audience.

This SemRush analysis shows the content interaction till June 1st and the data shows the
content interaction is 3rd in comparison to our other competitors as well. The data clearly
shows the improvement in content interaction in the form of growth and changes in
comparison to the previous month. In the smart analysis the target was 2000 content
interaction and that has crossed half way. But it was seen that the goal had been achieved in
the month of June.
This is the data in terms of instagram and the target was achieved and surpassed to a level of
2566. Key metrics in this will be the saves,shares and comments. As this helps in growth of
the page and the content is well received by the audience.

In terms of facebook engagement it has also increased by around 235%. In terms of organic
growth facebook has a different algorithm and it is much more difficult but keeping the same
in consideration our engagement rate has proved to be very good comparative to our
In terms of LinkedIn the engagement rate was 5% which is very good for the platform. This
also allowed for around 614 people to view the content in a month. LinkedIn is a very good
platform for consultancies as it allows us to find more business owners and professionals
looking for marketing services. Unique visitors were 176 as it is the new audience members
who have seen our page due to the content being regularly updated.
Followers are another metric which is crucial in digital marketing as the increase in social
media platforms signifies that the audience is liking the content and suggesting it for more
people. It helps in terms of brand awareness and suggests your strategies of increasing brand
awareness are effective.

Facebook had a significant increase in likes and followers according to the graph shown
above from the SemRush analysis. At the end of the SIP the facebook followers growth
increased by 31 %. A target by the company was to increase all platforms by around 30%
which in turn allowed us to achieve the target based on the strategy put forward.
In terms of the followers for Instagram we had seen a significant increase but we were not
able to achieve the target of 30%. At the end of the SIP the platform saw an increase of 16 %
in terms of followers.

On the LinkedIn platform the followers had increased by 33% which was effective in order
for gaining more professional followers who are target customers of the brand.

Reach signifies the business being able to reach new audiences and possible clients of the
business. In terms of the reach there was a target of 25000 in terms of instagram.

This shows the ability to reach new audiences for the company. 25 000 was the target for the
company as it signifies a lot of new audiences being targeted with the content. Out of which
23.4k were non- followers. This shows how many people the content and hashtag strategy is
reaching in terms of the strategy put forth.

Facebook had seen an increase in reach to around 6000 which is a 20% increase in terms of
In terms of the linkedin the regular posting had increased the reach of the posts to over 2000
people which attained the target as a page with around 400 followers on LinkedIn is a
suitable target for the brand.

With the increase in all the platforms it leads to a large scale interaction and activity in all the
social media platforms which lead to an increase in website traffic as well. With over 100
visits to the website in a month. This is only done by ideal leads and small businesses. The
final objective was to achieve 6 clients with the increase in digital marketing presence in all
the platforms and various collaborations and post boosting. The whole strategy was able to
attain in total 5 clients both from abroad and India. This significantly helped the brand
achieve the targets and some targets even though were not achieved it led a positive impact in
terms of the growth of the firm.


● The projects showed that the process of organic combined with paid models of digital
marketing is effective.
● In terms of lead conversion organic leads are more authentic but for increase in leads
and data there needs to be paid ads in terms of lead conversion.
● In terms of consultancy companies, the major social media platform should be
● A content strategy helps reach targeted goals as it is aligned with the right pillars and
● Content interaction is more important than followers as agencies get orders from
referrals majorly
● Consistency leads to more reach and interaction. Focus on quality and consistency.


● The project has helped in identifying a thorough process for digital media growth.
● The process has proven to be effective in order for growth in terms of reach and brand
● Monthly analysis and monthly plans are essential for growth and analysis.
● A competitive market or industry requires an overall understanding and monthly daily
competitor analysis in order to stay updated.

● Focus on driving the audience to the website as conversion majorly takes place on the
● More paid campaigns in terms of facebook ads manager. Google ads are too broad
and not necessary for an agency.
● A wide variety of content in terms of video and pictures rather than just graphics.


● Monthly analysis using SemRush for digital platforms.

● Facebook Ads Manager and its overall functionality with ability for ad set-up.
● Content creation for various industries with Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop.
● Creation of Ad copies and monthly content strategy.
● Social Media SEO, Quora marketing and Collaborative marketing on social media.
1. BI India Partner. (2020). Indian digital media will grow at 20% to reach a market size of Rs
18,938 crore by 2021: dentsu Digital Report 2021. Retrieved from Business Insider:

2. (2020). Digital Advertisement spend in India 2020. Statista Research Department.

3. NSIM. (2020). Future Growth of Digital marketing in India 2021. Retrieved from NSIM:

4. Shah, K. (2020). Scope of Digital Marketing in India - COVID 19 Updated. Retrieved from IIDE:
Feedback from the Mentor
Feedback from Viva-Voce – Panel comments
Review & Assessment Record (Pre-Submission Stage) – Mentor
Name of student:
Reg. No.

Positives of report:

Areas of Improvement:

Names of Mentor: Signature:

Review & Assessment Record (Pre-Submission Stage) – Viva panel
Name of student:
Reg. No.

Positives of report:

Areas of Improvement:

Names of viva panel: 1) Signature

2) Signature

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