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Belief Systems in Crisis

(How religious belief act as a driving force in

times of crisis?)

Wama Vasant

Rishabh Garg
Belief is trust, faith, confidence on ideologies and
Let’s track the affinity of entities which may or may not be proved.
BELIEFS, BELIEF Forming a mechanism, shaping our perspective,
influencing decisions and our allegiance to certain
SYSTEM and CRISIS things creating a plinth adhering to which we perceive
our day to day life, this mechanism is Belief system.

Belief On
Ideologies Shapes Perspective
about life

If you exist and you have a pulse you are likely

to experience one or the other kind of crisis Belief System

Can cause
throughout our life. it’s definable by any event
that might have a dangerous or unfavourable Fatal
outcome. It may be personal, national or global Beneficial
like a catastrophe.


Wama Vasant Rishabh garg
Religion is a path chosen by an In these tough times people have
individual which provides a way to turned to their religious beliefs which
live an ideal life and find the sometimes enlighten them and
relevance of his role in this social provides positivity but can also prove
system ultimately attaining salvation. to be nuisance. In the time of crisis
A religious person adheres to the when things are beyond an
principles of the divinity he believes individual's control and
in and sometimes it also involves understanding leading him to
superstition and occult practices. vulnerability, a person is the most
People often find solace in religion at religious to seek the answers of his
times of crisis. They seek guidance why’s. The study explores how
and find hope in it when every aspect religious beliefs keeps us moving in
of life seems to be blurry. times of crisis by giving us hope and
positivity when the future seems to
be hazy.


Wama Vasant Rishabh garg
Research Objective Research methodology

● To know what is people’s perception about ● Document research - Research study mostly
religion and what is its role in crisis. depends upon secondary research so many works
done in this field has been taken into consideration.

● Does religion promotes discrimination and ● Data Analysis - Data has been collected and
delinquency. analysed throughout the course of research to gain

● How religion accommodates itself in

different situations. ● In depth interviews - Telephonic interviews were
conducted to know people’s view of religious
discrimination, misconduct and their
understandability of the religion they belong to.


Wama Vasant Rishabh garg
How I reached the door of

Coming up with Framing Interview

Selecting the research objective questions Concluding the
topic research

Reading about Writing case Writing Insights Making a video

the topic studies


Wama Vasant Rishabh garg
Literature Review
Religion and spirituality
Religion is based Society needs Crisis and rapid
can protect youngsters
primarily and religion because it social change can
from problematic
mainly upon fear regulates behaviour motivate the
behaviors, increase their
and fear gives birth (Nahid Eva, 2013) and popularity of
resilience hence promote
to cruelty discipline in a religion (Religion in
times of crisis , 2014) thriving (Encyclopedia of
(Bertrand Russell, 1927) person’s life religious and spiritual

A man is the most A person adheres to Religion has adapted to

religious in the situation Isolation, fear, religious beliefs when modernization becoming
when he feels powerless, uncertainty, economic he is more insecure and more tolerant and
future looks contingent turmoil can be the cause anxious as it provides secular. Interfaith
and the human insecurity of psychological them a set of predictable dialogue has increased
is evident distress. rules which looks like a due to economic
(Howard Phillips ,1987) (Devora Kestel, WHO) possible solution. development.
(Norris and Inglehart , 2004) (Lesley Newson and Peter


Wama Vasant Rishabh garg
Protection Menace
Religion is as old as human civilization and
being a part of our belief system it has largely Deep Rooted Regulates discipline
influenced our day to day life. Religion can be
both a protection or a menace depends on how Influential
we perceive it. There are many studies which Instils fear
argue that religion defies science and promotes
superstition and drags an individual opposite
to the reality. Even though religion promotes
orthodoxy but this fact is also undeniable that
religion can mobilize the masses at times of
crisis. Religion acts as a support system at the
time of catastrophe. During the time of the
current pandemic when every materialistic
aspect of life has been wavered religion acts as
a ray of light for dieng hopes.


Wama Vasant Rishabh garg
Case Study ‘Leading by example’ a comparative case study.
1918, during the time of Spanish flu thousands devoted women
performed nurse services in United States. When the hospitals were
understaffed two catholic nuns gave their service to patients and
provided them comfort. Nuns from different congregations and
cloisters volunteered. Archbishop Dennis Dougherty offered the
use of archdiocesan buildings as a makeshift hospital.
Sikh volunteers prepare meals for the needy at
Bangla Sahib gurudwara in Delhi| PTI

More than 100 years have passed the world is battling another
pandemic named SARS-Cov 2 and still devotion of few religious
centre can be seen. At Delhi Majnu ka tila gurudwara was turned into
a coronavirus quarantine facility they also provided langars to needy
like many other gurdwaras across the world. In Mumbai, a Bengali
Welfare Association has reallocated the funds meant for Durga Puja
celebrations towards COVID-19 relief efforts.
1918. (CNS photo/courtesy Sisters of Charity of
New York)


Wama Vasant Rishabh garg
‘Contributing to the catastrophe’ a comparative case study.

Deeply embedded religious beliefs leads The Corona time is no different from the
society to look for possible explanation earlier crisis, an evangelical pastor
and answers in religion. In time of asserted that the coronavirus is ‘God’s
Spanish flu South African people saw the death angel’ and it seeks justice for them
catastrophe as punishments for sins and who have transgendered children and put
god has sent the epidemic on them. For filthy content on media platforms. The
Hindus it was wrath of god and for head of Tablighi Jamaat asked his
Muslims, it was their destiny. In Portland, followers to flout social distancing norms
Oregon, Christian Scientists protest as it is written nowhere in Islam and
against the restriction on public gathering PTI/file photo
preached that there is no better place to
because they believed that they were die than a mosque and coronavirus can
immune to the flu due to their beliefs. spread if people congregated in a mosque
is a myth.


Wama Vasant Rishabh garg
Religion instrumental in dealing with the Crisis

HIV/AIDS is a sexually transmissible In Indonesia, the Islamic community is

disease which is surrounded by stigma including HIV/AIDS awareness
discrimination, fear, apathy and ignorance messages in everyday sermons. In
makes testing, care, support and treatment Cambodia, Buddhist monks are providing
a difficult task. Religious institutions or care and support to HIV positive people
preachers have a great influence on a (For goodness sake!: Asia-Pacific
community. They and the society can act faith-based organizations battle
as conglomerates to handle the crisis HIV/AIDS).
efficiently. Although many faith based Religious leaders may live in denial that
organizations have contributed to the there community is not hit by the
epidemic by increasing the stigma and epidemic. Religion usually promotes
discrimination but can be proved Buddhist monk lights candles during HIV/AIDS strict sexual guidelines, following those
instrumental at responding to HIV/AIDS awareness campaign
religious precepts can prevent the spread
outbreaks by spreading awareness during of HIV/AIDS (The role of religious
their sermons. leaders in curbing the spread of
HIV/AIDS in Nigeria)


Wama Vasant Rishabh garg
Innovation and Adaptation
. is a key to survival

At the time 1918 Influenza, when places of worship were

closed similar to the situation today when the world is battling
another contagion, the Birmingham News offered to print
sermons, service outlines, scriptures and announcements sent
in by various clergy to help people worship at home.
Headline from The Birmingham News in October

During the present coronavirus catastrophe the response of

religious institutions is correspondent. Various religious
institutions have embraced technology which was crucial
otherwise. mosques, churches, temples and various other
religious institutions have moved to live streaming platforms
and holding webinars to spread positivity in the lives of
Photo by: Photo/Dan Keck followers.


Wama Vasant Rishabh garg
Mechanism of Religious belief system

Can be instrumental in mobilizing Religious ideologies if interpreted

and can spread awareness wrongly can prove to be ruinous
through apt ideologies. and can add to the catastrophe

It preaches love, compassion and empathy

which directly indirectly pushes to help

Over the period of time religion has deeply penetrated in our society it can be substantial as well as obstructive in
handling catastrophe. It is traditionalist but is prudent at the same time. It overcomes the upheavals affecting its flow.
The ideologies which is preach remains the same but the framework might change according to the needs of
Wama Vasant Rishabh garg
In-depth Interviews
In-depth interviews were conducted to know if religion causes whammy, can it waver faith.

● Discrimination on the basis of religion. 8 individuals were interviewed , belonging to

● What is the purpose of religion. Christianity , Islam , Hinduism and Jainism .
● Can irrational beliefs waver your faith.


Wama Vasant Rishabh garg
Insights Is religion discriminatory and delinquent ?

Religion doesn’t promote discrimination its the people and their

individual beliefs which does that. If a god fearing individual
involved in the act delinquency quotes religion as the source of
inspiration people do believe that if religion says that we must do
it but in fact religion doesn’t provide a genesis for discrimination
and iniquity but people's irrational approach to religion does it.
“Humans are by nature superimists so whatever belief system
they have formed over the years they consider it right, whoever
believes differently and is not a part of it is not right. So i believe
that humans are inherently discriminatory. If religion was not an
institution something else would have been in its place. Religion
gives people a hiding space a scapegoat for whatever they are
gonna do anyway but sometimes it ignites you to do bad things
so i don't really think religion is just good it can be bad also.”


Wama Vasant Rishabh garg
Insights Can faith be wavered due to religious

Scrutinizing the religion and introspecting is crucial. When we

talk about individualistic and collective belief systems, the
misconduct caused by people in the name of religion can never
waver an individual's religious belief system entirely. It may
spark a question in the mind of a rational person about the general
religious practices which might not be relevant according to him.
“I firmly believe that the purpose of any religion is to make a
person better in a society and to live in harmony. Anybody who
perceives my religion otherwise can not waver my faith. It would
merely be their misinterpretation of the religion so It would
bother me that they should try to understand it better and it would
rather not affect my belief.”


Wama Vasant Rishabh garg
Insights Purpose of religion

People derive their hope from religion and when

surrounded by uncertainty amid crisis a person turns
towards religion for peace. It contours values, morals,
culture and behaviour. It disciplines us to be a better
person and provides a set of instruction in the form custom
and traditions which are like icing on the cake.
“Religion for me is a kind of user manual which provides
instructions to mankind to follow a path so that he can live his
life in peace by performing good deeds.”


Wama Vasant Rishabh garg
Islam Jainism
● Upon asking if their or their family’s religiosity has increased in the
lockdown. Everybody said it remained the same except one whose religiosity
has increased, he became regular with namaz and believes it has helped him
keep stress at bay. One respondent each belonging to Hinduism, Christianity
and Islam told that their family’s religiosity has increased instead.
● Two of the respondents felt discriminated once both belonging to islam but humanist
they don't consider it due to religion but stupidity.
● One respondent agreed that religious factor lingers when people of certain
faith are involved in delinquency. Christianity Hinduism
● They were asked if they ever employed people on basis of religion
everybody said they never did so only one person agreed that the family
refrains from employing people belonging to a certain faith.
● None of the respondent debunk the idea that religion provides hope to people
some even said that it is part of their personality and shapes morals and give Agnostic
● Six respondents believed that their religion doesn’t preach false things and the core principle of it is beautiful and if
there's a fault it is how other person perceives it. Rest agreed that they would definitely question the teaching if its not
correct in their sense.


Wama Vasant Rishabh garg
The research paper analyzes different aspects of religion through case studies, comparative
analysis and in-depth interviews. Religion is deeply embedded in the lives of people as it
stations itself in such a way that it directly or indirectly affects the course of our action. Religion
is ascribed for the good deeds and is also used as an excuse for committing heinous crimes. It
adapts and finds its way in different situations and is first to respond. Every religion preaches
love, compassion and empathy and provides hope in testing times which can go a long way. But,
it cannot run away from the scrutiny, as rationality and religion has always been into conflict.
The study concludes that the negative and positive impact of religion highly depends on its
comprehension by the masses. If deduced it acts as a catalyst of hope, peace and positivity many
find their answer in religion might not be rational but astute.


Wama Vasant Rishabh garg
1 2
Diversity Age Group
More people could have been interviewed from Age group of interviewees were between 20 -
other religions as India has diverse religion 25 years. To achieve comprehensive knowledge
spectrum. a varied age group was crucial.

3 4
Lockdown Survey
One on one interview would have been better Survey related to religion and mental health
and possible but due to pandemic telephonic could have been conducted as their were no
interviews were only possible recent surveys available.


Wama Vasant Rishabh garg

Articles and research paper

Religious sisters’ work during 1918 Spanish flu seen as model for crisis today.
Response of religious groups to HIV/AIDS as a sexually transmitted infection in Trinidad

For goodness sake!: Asia-Pacific faith-based organizations battle HIV/AIDS

What clergy said when influenza closed churches in 1918

Finding God online: People turn to live-streaming religious services during coronavirus pandemic.


Wama Vasant Rishabh garg

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