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City of Moscow v Bankers Trust Company. See Department of Economic

Policy anil Development of the City of Moscow v Bankers Trust Co
Clay v AJ Crump & Sons Ltd [ 1964] 1 Q.B. 533; [1963] 3 W.L.R. 866;
[ 1963] 3 All F..R. 687, CA 301.303
Colls v Home & Colonial Stores Ltd; sub nom. Home & Colonial
Stores Ltd v Colls [ 1904] A.C. 179 HL . . ... 470
Commission of the European Communities v Ireland (45/87 ); sub
nom Dundalk Water Supply Scheme, Re ( No.3) (45/87) [ 1988]
E.C.R . 4929; 44 B.L.R. I ; [ 1989] 1 C.M.L.R . 225, ECJ ...
. 201
Commission of the European Communities v United Kingdom
- .
(C 127/05 ) [ 2007 ] All E.R. ( EC ) 986; [ 2007] 3 C.M.L.R. 20:
[2007] I C.R. 1393, ECJ (3rd Chamber ) . . . . 500
Commissioner for Main Roads v Reed & Stuart Pty Ltd, 12 B. L.R. 55;
( 1974 ) 48 A .L.J.R. 460, HC ( Aus) . . . . 283
Compass Group UK and Ireland Ltd ( t/a Medirest ) v Mid Essex
Hospital Services NHS Trust [2012] EWHC 781 ( QB); [ 2012] 2
All E.R. ( Comm ) 300, QBD ..
. . 159
Conquer v Boot [1928] 2 K.B. 336, KBD 41
Conway v George Wimpcy & Co Ltd ( No. l ) [1951 ] I All E.R. 56:
[1951 ] I T.L.R. 215; [1951] W.N. 27, CA ..
. . 456
Cooperative Insurance Society Ltd v Henry Boot (Scotland ) Ltd
[ 2002 ] EWHC 1270 ( TCC ); 84 Con L.R . 164; ( 2003 ) 19 Const.
L.J. 109 QBD .
. . . 353
Cooperative Retail Services Ltd v Taylor Young Partnership Ltd:
Cooperative Retail Services Ltd v Hoarc Lea & Partners;
Cooperative Retail Services Ltd v Carillion Construction Ltd
( formerly Tarmac Construction (Contracts ) Ltd ); Cooperative
Retail Services Ltd v East Midlands Electricity Electrical
Installations Services Ltd ( t/a Hall Electrical ) ( In Liquidation )
[ 2002 ] UKHL 17; [ 2002] 1 W. L.R. 1419: 12002] I All E. R.
( Comm ) 918; [ 2003] I C.L.C. 75: [ 2002] B.L. R. 272; [ 2002]
T.C.L.R. 9; 82 Con. L.R. 1 ; [2002] Lloyd’s Rep. I.R . 555, HL . . . 241
Copthome Hotel ( Newcastle ) Ltd v Arup Associates ( No.2), 85 B.L.R .
22, CA ( Civ Div ) 357
Corby Group Litigation Claimants v Corby BC [2008] EWCA Civ
463: [ 2009] Q. B. 335; [2009] 2 W.L.R . 609; [2009] 4 All E. R . 44:
[2008] C.P. Rep. 32; [2008] B.L.R. 411; [2009] Env. L.R. 2;
[2008] P.I .Q.R. PI 6; [2008] C.I .L.L. 2597: [2009] J.P.L. 64;
[ 2008] 19 E.G. 204 ( C.S.): (2008) 152( 21 ) S.J.L.B. 32: (2008)
N.P.C. 58, CA (Civ Div) 450
Cosslett (Contractors ) Ltd. Re; sub nom. Clark ( Administrator of
Cosslett ( Contractors ) Ltd ) v Mid Glamorgan CC [ 1998] Ch. 495;
[ 1998] 2 W.L.R. 131; [ 1997] 4 All E.R. 115 CA (Civ Div ) 335
Costain Ltd v Bechtel Ltd [ 2005] EWHC 1018 (TCC ); [ 2005] T.C.L.R.
6, QBD 285
Costello v MacDonald. See MacDonald Dickens & Macklin v Costello
Crosby & Sons Ltd v Portland Urban DC, 5 B.L.R. 121 QBD . . 35
Crown Estate Commissioners v John Mowlcm & Co Ltd, 70 B.L.R. 1;
40 Con. L.R. 36; ( 1994 ) 10 Const L.J. 311, CA ( Civ Div ) . 94
Crown House Engineering v Amec Projects, 48 B.L.R. 32; ( 1990) 6
Const. LJ. 141, CA (Civ Div ) 165

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