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Mid-Term Exam
S1 Management Program

Crisis Management (3 SKS)

Instructor: Deddy Herdiansjah, Ph.D.

Session: AY 2020/2021 Date UTS Release: 11/11/2020

Period: Due date,
Wednesday November
Faculty: Economic and Social Science
18th 2020, at 12.00pm.
send to:
Study Program: Management Permitted Materials: Any.
Level of Study: Undergraduate (S1) Group-Based Midterm Exam.
(Follow the existing group).

1. This is an S1 group-based midterm-examination on-line class sessions. Complete
the exam independently within the group. No inter-group collaboration allowed. Put
all group member names with their NIM, and with percentage (%) of work-
contribution load as peer-rated evaluation data on the first-page of the exam file.
The group leader assumes the responsibility of filling the load. For example:
1. Rania Narita (NIM 18XXXXXX) (work-load contribution: 20%)
2. Ciba Anatov (NIM 20XXXXXX) (work-load contrinution: 15%)
3. etc.

Send the exam file on the PPT file format, by the group representatives (normally
by the group leader) to Dr. Deddy Herdiansjah, via email on or before Wednesday 18th November 2020,
at 12.00pm the latest. For fairness reasons, the penalty points will be applied for
a late submission.
2. The MIDTERM file name of each group be set as follows: G-?-UTS-Crisis-Mgt-
2020; where G-?=>(G1, G2,…. according to your group number).
[Example: G-1-UTS-Crisis-Mgt-2020; a file name of Group-1]
Note that due to high-traffic of e-mail communications with other classes of other
subjects, the instructor assumes no responsibility of potential “lost” occur, if your
group do not follow the filing-name system set above.
Crisis Management-UB-/2020

3. The exam paper can be either in English, or in Bahasa Indonesia. This is a format
academic paper/exam. In either case, be consistent! In a formal exam document, I will
normally not accept an exam paper consisting answers in mixed-language.

4. It is important that the originality of the group-work is highly appreciated. Please read
all the exam-related reading materials. Explore your group insights or relevant hands
on experience (gains from internship programs) as much as possible and put into your
group response on any exam-questions.

In analyzing the case, address the following questions /assignments:

Part- A. Conceptual Check. (Independent from Part-B). (40%)

(Refer your-group analysis to the articles already distributes in the class-
session 1-7 and to the teaching material presented)
(Lihat halaman berikut).

Crisis Management-UB-/2020

1. lihat gambar Panel A s/d Panel D yang diambil dari Paparan “Crisis Management
Lab” dalam setiap sesi kelas. Panel tersebut disajikan dibawah ini:

Panel A(source: Lapindo Brantas Crisis management Lab, 2011)

Panel B (source: Lapindo Brantas Crisis management Lab, 2011)

Crisis Management-UB-/2020

Panel C (source: Lapindo Brantas Crisis management Lab, 2011)

Panel D. (source: Lapindo Brantas Crisis management Lab, 2011)


Explain by narrative notes structurally of mud-flow disaster depicted in Panel A, B,…. Panel D above, by
connecting your narration to conceptual frameworks or to relevant theories in Crisis Management discussed in
the class sessions. In explaining the figures above, you must consider briefly the following aspects:

- Crisis management Plan

Crisis Management-UB-/2020

- Business continuity Plan

- Steps in Managing the Crisis
- Duties relevant to Executive Management Team (EMT) and Crisis management Team (CMT).

Finally, in developing the narration, you have to strictly confine your group to the figures of Panel-A, B, C,…,
Panel E above only.

Part- B. Case Analysis: (refer to the case HK1218) (60%)

I expect all students go through the case (HK1218 ) attached and analyze it by taking
into account the previous notes already distributed and discussed throughout the last 7-
class-sessions, including the relevant specific topics on the e-book of Besanko, D.,
Dranove, D., Shanley, M., & Shaefer, S. (2013). Economics of Strategy (6 ed.) I shared
with you all.
You can find the case attached to this exam-sheets, [HUAWEI AT A CROSSROADS:
REACTING TO THE US EQUIPMENT BAN / HK1218] for the group to analyze and
solve the problem sets provided below. You need to consider the structure of a good
case analysis following the notes on the “case analysis steps” distributed to you, buy
taking into account the following questions:

1. Explain how Huawei began and how its business model has changed over the
years. In what ways is Huawei in 2019 similar to, and different from, Huawei in
the late 1980s?
2. Describe the characteristics of the telecommunications network industry. How
does the technology advance over time? Who are the main players? Why is
5G expected to be so important?
3. Summarize the sequence of actions the US government has taken toward
Huawei. What is the background, and why have these actions escalated in
4. What are the immediate results of the US actions? Discuss the effects in
China, the US, and elsewhere.
5. What courses of action are open to Huawei? What are the advantages and
disadvantages of each? Which one do you think Ren and Huawei’s
management should pursue?
6. What are possible longer-term implications of the US-Huawei dispute?

Goodluck, Bethere or else, Besomewhere. Stay healthy!

Prepare by Instructors: Dr. Deddy Herdiansjah/CQU-UBakrie. 10/11/2020

Crisis Management-UB-/2020

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