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Summer Internship


UG Programs and
PG Programs

Summer Internship Project

Summer Internship Program Guidelines
1.0 Introduction.............................................................................................................................1

2.0 Objectives of Summer Internship Program.............................................................................2

3.0 Learning Objectives................................................................................................................2

3.1 Project Proposal / Synopsis............................................................................................2

3.2 Implementation of Project Work....................................................................................2

3.3 Submission of Final Project Report................................................................................2

4.0 Registration.............................................................................................................................2

5.0 Unique Opportunity................................................................................................................2

6.0 Attendance policy....................................................................................................................2

7.0 Pursuing Summer Internship Program at other ICFAI University Meghalaya Campus.........3

8.0 Conduct and Behavior.............................................................................................................3

9.0 Do‟s and Don‟ts .......................................................................................................................4

10.0 Summer Internship Program Evaluation.................................................................................5

10.1 Weekly Progress Report..............................................................................................5

10.2 Parameters for Evaluation............................................................................................5

10.2.1 Project Proposal................................................................................................6

10.2.2 Final Report......................................................................................................6

11.0 Faculty Guide Declaration......................................................................................................6

12.0 Goals for Summer Internship Program...................................................................................7

13.0 People and their roles..............................................................................................................7

ii Summer Internship Project

Students of the Under Graduate Programs and Integrated MBA Program are required to
undertake eight week Summer Internship Program during summer semester at the end of
Year I and Year II. The Summer Internship Program helps the students learn the
application of the concepts learnt in the classroom and helps them expand their
knowledge base. Students are expected to involve themselves totally in the project
assigned to them and make the project work a platform for meaningful learning. Students
will be guided by Faculty Guides in successful completion of the Summer Internship
The objectives of the Summer Internship Program are varied:
a. It helps the student to get exposure to corporate culture
b. To provide an opportunity to apply the concepts learnt in the classroom and gain
command over application of knowledge
c. To improve interpersonal skills, professional etiquette and professional skills
d. To equip the students with task orientation and expose them to organization culture
and team work
e. To acquire Time Management and Project Management skills
f. To develop skills of report writing and effective presentation
Summer Internship Program: Each student would be assigned a Summer Internship
Program which is to be completed as per the schedule appended to these guidelines. The
Project may be a) a study work assigned by a company in consultation with the Faculty
Guides; b) on the job executive training in a company involving selling/marketing various
products c) research project based on the study conducted through primary and secondary
research and d) a library / lab project assigned by the Faculty Guide in consultation with
the Internship Coordinator.
The Summer Internship Program helps the student learn to undertake structured project
assignments within specified timelines. A good Summer Internship Program undertaken
with all the seriousness provides an excellent learning opportunity to the students.
Summer Internship Program can be broadly be classified into three phases viz. (i)
Preparation of a Project Proposal (ii) Implementation of Project Work and (c)
Submission of Final Project Report.
3.1 Project Proposal / Synopsis
A well-conceived Project Proposal is essential for a good quality project work. Clarity in
the project proposal will lead to proper implementation and reaching the goals of project.
Therefore, the student should think through the Project Proposal in the initial days and set
realistic and appropriate goals. The project title should be clear, concise and apt.
3.2 Implementation of Project Work
Implementation of Project Proposal requires planning, coordination and operational
discipline. Students are advised to break the project into various components and assign
timelines along with the desired results. This will enable the students to understand the
progress made from time to time and take corrective measures where time overruns are
noticed. Therefore, it is recommended that the students work with the Faculty Guide to
prepare a detailed schedule of various components of the project implementation and
assign date for completion of each component. Further, the students are also suggested to
identify critical components of project implementation and to focus on them.

Summer Internship Project

3.3 Submission of Final Project Report
Students are required to submit the final project report as stipulated in the calendar. The
report should be of approximately 40-50 pages and presented well. The guidelines for
writing a project report are given in Annexure I. Two copies of the report should be
submitted to the Faculty Guide for further processing.
All the Students participating in Summer Internship Programs should register themselves
at their campus as per the due dates specified in the calendar. Delayed registrations are
not permitted. Exceptions, if any, will be subject to approval by the Head of the Region,
for which a written request should be sent through Internship Coordinator. Head of the
Region shall accept such late registration only if it is genuine, and after informing the
Head- Academic Wing. Late registration is not a matter of right, and such a provision
is made only to take care of exceptional and genuine cases.
Students should fill the „Student Registration Form cum code of conduct‟ (Annexure-II),
sign and submit it to the respective Internship Coordinator before the due date specified in
the calendar.
Summer Internship Program is a unique opportunity to the Student to get exposed to the
corporate culture, professional experience and implementing the theoretical concepts
learnt in the classroom in developing managerial and technical skills along with other
skills. The endeavor of the Student Intern during this period is to optimize his/her learning
through dedication, commitment and hard-work. This requires discipline, positive
attitude, focused approach and inquisitiveness to learn.
Absolute attendance (100%) is a symbol of dedication and commitment of a Student.
Unless there is a dire need for leave, the Student should not be granted leave. Dedicated
effort from the Student paves the way for healthy relationship with the organization and
enhances the learning opportunity.
With a view to encourage attendance and reward those who are regular, we have
introduced the following guidelines:
Attendance system followed in the company in which Summer Internship Program is
being pursued should be followed by the Student. Student is permitted to avail a
maximum of four days leave during the period of Summer Internship Program with prior
approval from the Company Guide and Faculty Guide. Format of Application for leave is
given in Annexure- III.
For all the leaves availed beyond the stipulated four days leaves, there will be a penalty in
terms of marks. Absence without prior approval will be viewed seriously and may even
lead to termination of Summer Internship Program. The statement of leaves availed by
students should be submitted to the Internship Coordinator by the Faculty Guide every
Monday in the format given in Annexure IIIA.
Availing of leave(s) by a Student is subject to following condition(s):
a. Applications for leave shall be made only in unavoidable circumstances and in the
prescribed format
b. Student is permitted to avail leave for a maximum of four days without any penalty
c. There will be a penalty of 3 marks per each day of leave from the aggregate
Summer Internship Program marks beyond four days
d. Leave beyond 7 days (including leave without penalty/ with penalty) during the
entire period of Summer Internship Program is strictly not allowed and would lead to
repeating the Summer Internship Program

2 Summer Internship Project

Ex: Suppose a Student avails leave for 11 days during SIP. If the final marks of the
Intern are 74 out of 100, then he/she would suffer a penalty of 21 marks (i.e. 3 marks ×
7 days). Consequently his/her final marks will be 74 – 21 = 53. Grading for Summer
Internship Program performance will be based on 53 marks (and not on 74 marks).


All Students are expected to pursue their Summer Internship Programs at their ICFAI
University Meghalaya Campus. Normally, a student is not permitted to undertake
Summer Internship Program at other locations than their ICFAI University Meghalaya
Campus. However, in exceptional circumstances, a Student may be permitted to pursue
Summer Internship Program at other locations. In such cases, the following conditions
a. The Project shall be arranged by the Student himself/herself
b. Such a student will be penalized by reduction of 30 marks i.e. 30 marks will be
deducted from his / her aggregate marks
Ex: Suppose a Student from Agartala wants to do Summer Internship Program at
Shimla. If this is approved by the Head of the Region and the change is effected then, 30
marks will be deducted from the Student‟s aggregate marks i.e. if the student secures a
total of 68 out of 100, then he/she will be finally be awarded 38 marks only.
Hence the Summer Internship Program at a different location should be undertaken
judiciously and only in unavoidable circumstances.

Request for change of Campus shall be made by the Student Intern in writing in a
prescribed format given in Annexure-IV and forwarded to the Head of the Region
through the Internship Coordinator. The application should give valid justification for
pursuing Summer Internship Program at other location.


The Students should bear in mind that they are the ambassadors of ICFAI University
Meghalaya and conduct themselves in a manner befitting the ICFAI University
Meghalaya standards. The ICFAI University Meghalaya expects the Students to maintain
high professional and social standards.

ICFAI University Meghalaya expects that the Student shall at all times during Summer
Internship Program conform to the rules and regulations of his/her place of work. It is
particularly important to be regular, punctual, obedient, honest and sincere at work.
Unprofessional behavior, dishonesty, misconduct, indiscipline, irregularity at work and
unsatisfactory performance will lead to cancellation of project of the student.
Consequently, the Students will not be permitted to register for the next Semester
resulting in the loss of at least one academic year besides any other form of action that
ICFAI University Meghalaya might deem fit.


Do’s: Student should –
 Get an overview of the Company/Industry in which they are placed. This
includes understanding the core business of the company, organizational
chart, key personnel in the company, manufacturing units, marketing

Summer Internship Project 3

channels, financial policies, etc
Obtain a copy of the latest annual report and analyze the financial statement, wherever possible
Make an analysis of the company vis-à-vis the industry and prepare SWOT analysis
Always maintain formal dress code
Always be polite in your dealings and maintain cordial relationship with the Company Executives
Always transact all business transactions as per the laid down policies of the company and commitments ma
Always be positive and open to suggestions
Always make a note of the important points during meetings/discussions
Get in touch with the Faculty Guide, if the situation warrants
Maintain strict confidentiality of the company‟s information
Consult the Faculty Guide or refer to textbooks to reinforce relevant concepts
Always submit bills in time when reimbursement is to be claimed. Get conversant with the company‟s
Always be present whenever the Faculty Guide or the Placement Executive visits the company
Focus on assignment and complete the individual tasks allotted on schedule

Don’ts: Students should not –

Criticize the company‟s policies and the Company Executives
Criticize or make adverse comments about ICFAI University Meghalaya and/or the Faculty Guide
Attend the office in informal dress
Get into arguments and lose temper
Misuse the facilities offered by the company
Go to meetings and presentations unprepared or ill-prepared
Be late to any meeting or official work.
Leave the office without prior permission from the Company Guide
Be impolite or rude to the Company Executives
Exceed the mandate given by the Company Guide and collect information that is confidential in nature
Hold back any material/equipment/accessories provided by the company on a returnable basis
Collect cash/cheques in the personal name for any business transactions
Borrow money or any other personal effects of the Company Executives
Interfere in third party assignments
Encourage friends visiting workplace during office hours and cause inconvenience to others

4 Summer Internship Project

The Summer Internship Program carries a weightage of 5 credits and therefore evaluation
of the Summer Internship Program is critical to Student Interns overall performance. The
following components shall be considered while evaluating the student interns:
 Evaluation schedule as prescribed in these guidelines shall be strictly
implemented. No stakeholder shall extend evaluation schedule.
 Non-submission of any reports or not attending the presentation should be
treated as „Absence‟ for the evaluation component which will lead to
„Not Cleared‟ grade.
 Any report or presentation submitted by a student is not evaluated by the
concerned evaluators it will be treated as „Incomplete‟. In such a case
the evaluator must explain reason for not completing the evaluation
 „Zero‟ marks shall not be awarded for non-submission of reports or for
not making a presentation. „Zero‟ marks should be awarded only if the
reports submitted or presentations made are so poor and that the intern
deserves „zero‟ mark.
 Evaluation of a component shall not be done, unless evaluation of previous
components is completed. Where the previous component of evaluation is
marked as „NC‟, student shall be issued a letter to repeat IP, where as in case of
„Incomplete‟ evaluation, the faculty guide must complete evaluation.
Summer Internship Program evaluation is divided into three components viz., (a) Weekly
progress report, (b) Project proposal and (c) Final report. These components carry 20, 30
and 50 marks each. Description of these components and parameters for evaluation are
described below:
10.1 Weekly Progress Report:
1. The format for Weekly Progress Report is enclosed (Annexure-V). After entering
the details required, the student should meet and submit weekly report in the
prescribed format to the Faculty Guide every Monday without fail. This should be
done till the completion of the Project.
2. Each weekly report carries 2.5 marks. The Faculty Guide shall award marks for each
week and prepare a summary sheet for all the students being supervised by him/her
in the pro-forma provided at Annexure-V A. The „Statement of Marks
Awarded‟ for Weekly Progress Report shall be submitted by the Faculty Guide to
the Internship Coordinator, who in turn shall forward a consolidated statement of final
marks to Academic Wing, ICFAI University Meghalaya (HQ) as per Annexure-V B.
3. While awarding the final marks the Faculty Guide shall calculate the average marks
awarded for all the previous weeks and consider them as the final marks.
4. Exceptions, if any, in submission of statement of marks should be reported to Head,
Academic Wing, ICFAI University Meghalaya (HQ).
5. The Internship Coordinator shall maintain a database of all consolidated marks list
for the weekly reports.
10.2 Parameters for Evaluation:
The parameters on which the Summer Internship Program evaluation will be conducted
are detailed below:
a. Project work shall be evaluated on specific parameters such as well defined project
goals and problem formulation in the Project Proposal, understanding the

Summer Internship Project 5

complexities of the project, methodology proposed (optional), well-planned schedule
of activities, ability to overcome the constraints during the project work.
i. For Undergraduates in Management Programs and Integrated MBA Programs
specific parameters regarding application of managerial tools and techniques to
project work, thorough research for information, well thought-out model for
data collection and analysis, findings and conclusions of the work done etc. are
also included as part of the evaluation.
ii. For Undergraduates in Science Programs, the project work will be evaluated
based on the understanding of the existing system, suggested changes /
modifications / identification of software modules required to be developed,
Data flow analysis, etc. The information on types of projects for Computer
Science that can be undertaken is provided as Annexure – IX.
b. The evaluation will be carried out by the Faculty Guide along with the Internship
The Faculty Guide should brief the students about these parameters and evaluation
process within one week of commencement of the Summer Internship Program.

10.2.1 Project Proposal:

The Project Proposal provides the basic idea of the project. The Project Proposal must,
inter alia cover the following aspects:
1. Abstract: A statement of about one page describing what the project is all about
2. Objectives: Stating what the project seeks to accomplish and the possible value-
addition to the company
3. Limitations of the Study
4. Proposed Methodology (Optional)
5. Schedule: Shall include various components/stages of the project and the expected
time frame to complete the project
6. References: Initial list of books and web sites that would be referenced to complete
the project
Project Proposal should be prepared and submitted to the Faculty Guide by the due date
specified in the Calendar.
Faculty Guide shall evaluate the Project Proposal separately as per the criteria provided at
Annexure-VI. Faculty Guide should submit the cumulative statement of marks awarded
for Project Proposal to the Internship Coordinator as per Annexure-VIA by due date
specified in the Calendar.
The Internship Coordinator shall send a consolidated statement of marks to Head –Exams
and Head, Academic Wing. (Proforma enclosed at Annexure-VIB) by due date specified
in the Calendar.
10.2.2 Final Evaluation:
Report: The Final Report covers the entire project and is the written component of
evaluation. This report should be submitted without fail. The Final Report is to be
prepared based on the guidelines given in Annexure–I.
Faculty Guides guiding students shall evaluate the Project Report separately as per the
criteria provided at Annexure-VIIA.
Presentation: The Final Presentation is an important component of the Summer
Internship Program. The presentations should be completed.
Final Presentation should be planned for about 30 minutes. Faculty Guide and Internship
Coordinator shall evaluate the Final Presentation separately as per the criteria provided in
Annexure-VIIB. The services of a Faculty Guide of the relevant function, if required,

6 Summer Internship Project

may be obtained to be part of the panel. The necessary allocation would be done by the
Internship Coordinator. Statement of marks awarded for Final Evaluation shall be
submitted by Faculty Guide as per Annexure-VIIIA to the Internship Coordinator by due
date specified in the Calendar. Consolidated statement of marks shall be sent by
Internship Coordinator to the Head, Academic Wing, ICFAI University Meghalaya (HQ)
as per Annexure-VIIIB) by due date specified in the Calendar.
The Faculty Guide has to submit a declaration at the end of the Summer Internship
Program as per the format provided in Annexure X to the Internship Coordinator. A copy
of the same should be forwarded to the Head, Academic Wing, ICFAI University
Meghalaya (HQ).
The goals for Summer Internship Program are as follows:
 Allocation ratios:
a. Internship Coordinators to Faculty Guides ratio is 1:8.
b. Faculty Guide to Students ratio is 1:30.
c. Company Guide to Students ratio is 1:5.
d. Company to Students ratio is 1: 10 (ideal). However, this should not
exceed 1:20.
All the stakeholders are required to strictly adhere to the calendar for various activities
including evaluation
13.1 Head of Region
Head of the Region shall –
 Be responsible for the overall compliance of Summer Internship Program guidelines.
 Identify competent Internship Coordinators and the Faculty Guides.
 Ensure timely submission of various reports, returns, evaluation and reporting of
 Review the progress of activities at Summer Internship Program at a campus on a
weekly basis.
 Enable the required infrastructure for the use of Internship Coordinator, Faculty
Guides and Students.
 Set up an efficient back-office for smooth administration and information flow.
13.2 Regional IP Coordinator
The Regional IP Coordinator shall –
 Be responsible for registration of Students at the Campus.
 Allocate Faculty Guides to Internship Coordinators as per the stipulated norms.
 Allocate Interns to Faculty Guides as per the stipulated norms.
 Ensure availability of required infrastructure at the Campus.
 Coordinate and communicate with the Campus Heads.
 Enable regional review meetings.
 Implement Summer Internship Program guidelines effectively.
 Complete various components of evaluation as per the calendar.
 Ensure smooth and successful implementation of Summer Internship Program.
 Enable timely submission of reports and returns by the Internship Coordinator,

Summer Internship Project 7

Faculty Guides and Students..
 Assist the Head of the Region and take up the responsibility assigned to him/her
from time to time to make Summer Internship Program successful.

13.3 Internship Coordinator

The Campus Head is normally the Internship Coordinator. However, where the Faculty
Guides are more than eight at an SIP campus, the Campus Head shall nominate one more
Internship Coordinator and assign faculty guides in more or less equal proportion.
Internship Coordinator has to lead, motivate and mentor the Faculty Guides. He/she has to
give necessary thrust and directions for the effective implementation of Summer
Internship Program from the word go. The Internship Coordinator shall –
 Provide the infrastructure required for the Faculty Guides and the Students.
 Ensure availability of adequate number of Faculty Guides at the campus.
 Enable effective Summer Internship Program by donning the mantle of an organizer,
leader, evaluator, enabler, director, planner, developer and resource manager.
 Review the progress and performance of Students and Faculty Guides from time to
time and give necessary feedback to the authorities concerned.
 Counsel Student Interns, Faculty Guides on need basis.
 Ensure compliance with the guidelines by submitting various reports, returns,
evaluation components, etc. as per the calendar.
 Randomly select Student Interns and review their progress from time to time.
 Randomly check various evaluation components and ensure their effective
 Interact with the Company Guides on a need basis and develop the relationship with
the companies.
 Give challenging tasks to Faculty Guides and help them achieve the tasks.
 Ensure that Faculty Guides give adequate attention to the bottom 1/3rd students.
 Inspire the Faculty Guides on the takeaways during Summer Internship Program and
facilitate publication of articles/research papers/caselets/case studies. Effort should
be focused on generation of FAQs, framing cue cards, designing role plays/skits and
other innovative methodologies which can be used as classroom tools for effective
 Intervene in the implementation of Summer Internship Program wherever necessary
and provide solutions.
 Periodically undertake random evaluation of students and validate the evaluations
made by the Faculty Guides. Attention has to be paid to the isolation of bias/
unfairness in evaluation, if any.
 Encourage Faculty Guides to come up with innovative practices for improved
effectiveness in Summer Internship Program.
 Ensure that the Faculty Guide takes prior approval of leave.

8 Summer Internship Project

 Esure that the Faculty Guide fills the Faculty declaration form after completing final
evaluation and forward the original to the Head Academic Wing, ICFAI University
Meghalaya (HQ) duly signed.

13.5 Faculty Guide

The role of the Faculty Guide is to facilitate the Student Intern to undertake a meaningful
project, provide necessary operational and academic guidance and to facilitate evaluation,
with the help of the Company Guide while the Summer Internship Program is in progress.
The Faculty Guide would be involved at all stages of the Summer Internship Program.
The Faculty Guide shall –
 Submit a Weekly Report to the Internship Coordinator.
 Take prior approval of leave, if required, from the Internship Coordinator.
 Familiarize Student Interns with the evaluation process, parameters and schedules.
 Keep the Student Interns informed about their performance/progress in the Summer
Internship Program, their strengths and weaknesses as observed through the various
evaluation components and also suggest ways for improvement.
 Plan for mock presentations by the Students in the final evaluation. This would help
overcome any shortcomings observed in the Students, when the presentation is made
to the target audience.
 Be a part of all formal evaluations of the Students
 Write and publish articles/research papers/case studies/caselets based on the work
done by the Students guided by him/her. It is desirable to publish at least one
article/research paper/ case study/caselet during the period of Summer Internship
 Sign the declaration after completing final evaluation about his/her Students
 provide continuous guidance to the Student Interns during the Summer Internship
Program as follows:
a. Counseling to familiarize them with the new environment.
b. Explaining them the need to get acquainted with the company before
commencement of the Summer Internship Program.
c. Elucidate with proper examples the need and benefits of effective
implementation of the guidelines.
d. Make them aware of dignity of work.
e. Counsel them so as to help them overcome their day-to-day professional and
social problems.
f. Continuously monitor them and perform frequent checks on the status of the
Summer Internship Program.

Summer Internship Project 9

Summer Internship Program
A Project Report is a 40 to 50 page written presentation of the work done by the students
on a given project. It is important to bear in mind that even though the project report is
submitted only at the end of any given period, in reality, it is a culmination of continuous
efforts on the part of the students.
Writing a Project Report: The Summer Internship Program requires submission of 40-
50 page project report to ICFAI University Meghalaya and the company (if any) as well.
Care should be taken to ensure that the quality of the report is of a high standard. General
guidelines on writing a project report are described as under.
The first part of the report should describe the Project you are working on, the type of
activity and the specific focus of your project. In a generalized sense an ideal project
report should cover the following aspects:
1. Cover
2. Title Page
3. Table of Contents
4. Acknowledgements
5. List of Tables & Illustrations
6. Abbreviations
7. Abstract /Summary
8. Introduction- Objectives & Limitations
9. Methodology (Optional)
10. Conclusions
11. Appendices (if any)
1) Cover: This is the first page of the report. It should contain the title of the report,
name(s), of the author(s) and the date on which it is submitted. The format of this
page is given below and should be adhered to.

(Title of the Project in CAPITAL LETTERS)

(The name of the Student)

(Name of the Organization)

10 Summer Internship Project

2) Title Page: This page may contain the following information:
a) Title of the report (an indication of the subject matter)
b) Name of the author, module & course
c) Contract, project or job number (if any)

Contract :
(Title of the Project in CAPITAL LETTERS)

(The name of the Student)

A report submitted in partial fulfillment of

the requirements of
The.................Program (The Class of ……)
ICFAI University Meghalaya®

Copies marked list:

3) Table of Contents: The main function of this section is to give the reader an overall
view of the report. The main divisions as well as the subdivisions should be listed in
sequence with page numbers. It helps the reader locate a particular topic or sub-topic
The charts, diagrams and tables included in the report should be listed separately
under a title „List of Tables & Illustrations‟ with the page numbers. While preparing
the table of contents you have to bear in mind the following points:
 Leave a one inch margin to the left, to the right, on the top and at the bottom
 Write the phrase „Table of Contents‟ on the top campus in CAPITALS
 Write the number of the item to indicate the sequence of items. After the
number leave three or four spaces and then type the first heading
 Indent second-order headings three or four spaces
 Leave two spaces between main headings and one space between sub-

An example of a Table of Contents is given below. Please note that till „Summary‟
the pages are numbered in lower case Roman numerals. From „Introduction‟
onwards Arabic numerals should be used.
List of Tables..................................................................iii
List of Illustrations..........................................................iv
1. Introduction..........................................................1
1.1 Objectives and Limitations.............................1
1.2 Methodology...................................................2
1.3 Findings and conclusions...............................3
2. Industry Profile.....................................................5
2.1 .........................................................................
2.2 .........................................................................
3. 10
3.1 .........................................................................
3.2 .........................................................................
Summer Internship Project 11
4) Acknowledgements: Proper acknowledgement of any help received must be put on
record. There may be a number of persons who might have helped the student during
the course of the project. Customarily, thanks are due to the following persons in the
given order:
a) Head of the Organization b) Company Guide (if any)
c) Faculty Guide d) Others
5) List of Tables & Illustrations: A detailed list of the charts or diagrams or
illustrations that would be incorporated in the report should be given along with the
page numbers.
6) Abbreviations: The abbreviations should be listed in an alphabetical order with the
respective expanded forms. e.g.:
PAQ - Position Analysis Questionnaire
7) Abstract or Summary: Summary is the essence of the entire report. The objective
of the summary is to provide an overview of the content. A summary should be
independent and should not be linked to any other sections of the report. It is
advisable to write it after the report has been written.
8) Introduction, Objectives and Limitations: Introduction should provide the context
and scope of the report. It should include the objectives, specifying its limitations,
methods of enquiry and collecting data, and main finding/conclusion. This serves as
a background to the subject of the report that subsequently follows. The reader
should be able to gather a fair idea about the project.
9) Methodology (Optional): This section brings out how the enquiry was carried out,
interviews were carried out or if any questionnaire were given. It also looks at how
the respondents of the interview were chosen. The data should be presented in an
organized and logically sequenced method. Usually it has several sections grouped
under different headings and sub-headings. The analysis of the data and description
of the activities leading to certain conclusions are contained in this section.
10) Conclusions: The conclusions are the most important part of the project that is of
interest to the reader. These are to be substantiated by the study done during the project
period through the analysis and interpretation of data gathered. It would be helpful to
the reader if alternatives, other than the stated conclusions and/or recommendations are
11) Appendices (if any): The contents of an appendix are essentially those which
support or elaborate the matter in the main report. The matter which is not essential
to the main findings but related to the main report is generally presented in the
appendix. The report should not depend on this. Given below are items, which
normally form part of the appendix:
(a) Flow charts, (b) The questionnaire, (c) Computations, d) Source code etc.
12) Bibliography: A bibliography is a list of magazines, books, and newspapers that
have been used in your research.
13) Glossary: A Glossary is a list of terms in a particular domain of knowledge with
the definitions for those terms. Traditionally, a glossary appears at the end of a book
and includes terms within that book which are either newly introduced or at least

12 Summer Internship Project

1. Cover The conclusions reached?
Has the name of the organization The recommendations made?
been i c
l u
u r
e s
d e
i d
t e
e t
a i
g l
Does it
include the: ?

Title? 3. Acknowledge
u you
t acknowl
h all
o sources
of help?
4. Table of

Have the
main sections
n been listed in
5. List of
m Tables and
e Illustrations
? Have the
M illustrations
been included
with correct
d page
u numbers?
l 6. Abbreviation
Have all the
Summer Internship Project
abbreviation 8. Intro A n about
s used been t du n the way
listed with cti o the
a on ut enquiry
expansions? s li was
k n carried
7. Ab bj
e out?
s ? ec
T ti The way the
t f
ve data was
r h th
s collected?
a e &
m 10. Conclusions
m Li
c et Have the
t e h conclusio
o ns based
t at
h io on the
o ?
ns main idea
r o A been
d D
b drawn?
s oe a
s 12. Appendices
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Summer Internship Project
Summer Internship Program
This form is to be filled in duplicate by the student as per the due dates specified in calendar and
submitted to Campus Head.

Student Registration Form

Enrollment No
Name of the Student
Program Class of
Name of the SIP company
Location of the Internship
Faculty Guide Name

Letter of Undertaking by the Student

by the rules and regulations of the Summer Internship Program Company and ICFAI University Meghalaya. I understand that I shall be liable for suita

Date: Name and Signature of the Student

Certificate by the Campus Head

Certified that the above student has (a) cleared all dues to the Campus (b) submitted proof of eligibility as
per academic guidelines and (c) no disciplinary action is pending against the student. He may be allowed
to undertake the Summer Internship Program.

Date: ICFAI University Meghalaya Campus Head

Code of Conduct
Summer Internship Program - 2011
I , student of ICFAI University Meghalaya
Campus, with Enrolment Number ,pursuing Summer Internship Program 2011 at
do hereby accept the following terms and abide by them both in word
and spirit.
1. I understand that during my Summer Internship Program at the SIP Company, I am
representing ICFAI University Meghalaya. I will always conduct myself befitting the ICFAI
University Meghalaya‟s image and stature.
2. I am aware that the Summer Internship Program commences on 02, June, 2011 and closes on
31 July, 2011. I shall attend the Summer Internship Program regularly and punctually and work
with the best of my abilities and in all sincerity. I shall endeavor to achieve the goals set for
Summer Internship Program 2011 by following all the guidelines.
3. I am aware of the rules and regulations governing absence/leave during the period of Summer
Internship Program.
4. I am also aware of the rules and regulations governing transfer of SIP Company and transfer
from one Campus to another Campus and SIP offer generated on my own.
5. I am also aware that I will be governed by the rules and regulations of SIP Company which I
promise to abide by at all times.
6. I should always respect the employees of the SIP Company and the Faculty Guides and the
Internship Coordinator of ICFAI University Meghalaya and shall not indulge in any unlawful
activities likely to harm their self-respect, property and dignity. I understand that indiscipline
and/or insubordination etc may lead to termination of my Summer Internship Program without
notice or even dismissal from continuing the Program.
7. I will return all materials, forms and advances/payments received from my SIP Company
before completion of my Summer Internship Program and obtain a “No Dues Certificate” from
my SIP Company Guide or his/her authorized representative.
8. I understand that all business transactions (on behalf of SIP Company) should be conducted by
me in a fair, transparent and honest manner.
9. I shall not indulge in any cash transactions with the SIP Company or its customers.
10. I am fully aware that I shall be responsible for all the risks and consequences associated with
transactions which are not in conformity with the standard operations of the SIP Company and
ICFAI University Meghalaya.
11. I shall not indulge in any unlawful/illegal activities, nor shall I violate the norms of the SIP
Company during my Summer Internship Program.
12. I will not introduce myself as an employee of the SIP Company.
13. I shall not indulge in any personal obligation in line of my work and will not accept any
obligation in any form during my Summer Internship Program.
14. I do hereby release ICFAI University Meghalaya and any cooperating institution and their
officers, employees, successors and agents from any kind of transactions and all claims and
causes of action for inconvenience, damage to or loss of property, medical or hospital care,
personal illness or injury or death arising out of my participation in the Summer Internship
Program named above and/or travel or activity conducted by or under the supervision or
control of ICFAI University Meghalaya or Company/Institution which is providing facility for
the Summer Internship Program to me.
I have read and understood the above statements and the Code of Conduct and agree to abide by them
both in word and spirit.

Signature :
Date: Name :

Summer Internship Project 15



Summer Internship Program

Name :
Enrolment No : Program :
Campus :
Company : Location :
Project Title :
Faculty Guide : Company Guide :

Number of days leave availed till date:

Period of Present Leave: From: To: No. of days:


I am aware of the guidelines for leave and I understand the implications thereof. I request
you to grant me leave as per the above details.

Date: Signature of Student


Signature of Company Guide Signature of Faculty Guide

Date: Date:

Remarks of Internship Coordinator

Sanctioned Not Sanctioned

Date: Signature

16 Summer Internship Project

Annexure – IIIA
(to be sent every Friday)
Campus: Date:
Enrolment Name of the Leave No. of
# From To Reason Remarks
No. Student Days

Signature of the Faculty Guide Signature of the Internship Coordinator

Summer Internship Project 17




Name :
Enrolment No : _ Program :
Campus :
Company : Location :
Project Title :
Faculty Guide : Company Guide :

I would like to pursue my SIP at (Name of Company) at

(Name of the Location) which is not my parent ICFAI University campus
for the following reasons:


I am aware of the guidelines for pursuing SIP at another ICFAI University Campus and understand the
implications thereof. I request you to permit me to undertake SIP as requested above.

Date: Signature


Remarks of Internship Coordinator:

Date: Signature

Head of the Region

Sanctioned Not Sanctioned

Remarks (if any):

Date: Signature

18 Summer Internship Project

(to be submitted by the student on every Friday)

Name of the Student Enrollment No.

Company Location Name of the Company (if any) Company Guide (if any)

Project Title Faculty Guide

Progress Report – Project Week

Progress during the week

Plan for the next week:

Time over run, if any, reasons thereof:

Evaluation (Tick/Highlight appropriately)

Project Proposal  Final Report  Reasons for non-completion:
Completed  Completed 
Not Completed  Not Completed 

Feedback, if any

Week No. Date

Signature of the Student


Attendance during the week: Attendance till date:

Marks Allotted:

Remarks, if any:

Date: Campus Signature of Faculty Guide

Summer Internship Project 19
(to be submitted by the Faculty Guide every Monday)
Campus: Region:

Faculty Guide: Max. Marks: 2.5 / week

Enroll Attendance Marks Awarded
# Name of the Student Remarks
No. (out of 2.5)
Days %


Remarks, if any

Date: Signature of the Faculty Guide

Remarks, if any

Date: Signature of Internship Coordinator

1) Names of the Student should be in the same order every week.
2) If, for any reason a student is shifted from one Faculty Guide to another, the same shall be recorded in
„remarks‟ of the student before revising the order of the students in the report.
3) Name of such student shall be reflected in the new Faculty Guide‟s statement for the subsequent week.

20 Summer Internship Project

(to be submitted by the Internship Coordinator to ICFAI University Meghalaya(HQ))
Campus: Region:

Week Ending: Max. Marks: 20

Enroll Name of the Faculty Marks Awarded

# Name of the Student Remarks
No. Guide (out of 20)









Total Number of Students: Number of Students Absent:

ICFAI University Meghalaya (HQ) on

Remarks, if any

Signature of Internship Coordinator

Summer Internship Project 21



(By Faculty Guide)

Enrolment No. : Program: ___ _

Name of the Student :

Name of the Company (ifany) Campus:

Project Title :

Max. Marks: 100 Weightage: 30%

Sl Max. Marks
No Marks Awarded

Project goal and problem formulation

1 Clear definition of the problem, task or hypothesis. Precise 20
narration of task involved and setting realistic goal for concrete
Quality of Report
2 Choice of tools and techniques, identification and collection of 30
relevant data. Clarity in presentation.
Planning efficiency & Implementation
3 Ability to identify critical components of the project and schedule 20
for meeting the targets.
Use of multiple resources for project enrichment
4 Extensive use of resources such as books, internet, cross reference 20
to other research works, etc.,
Compliance to guidelines
5 Follow the instructions given by the ICFAI University 10
Total 100

Remarks, if any

Place: Signature of the Faculty Guide


22 Summer Internship Project



(to be submitted by Faculty Guide)
Campus: Region:
Faculty Guide: Weighatge: 30%

# Enroll No. Name of the Student Project Title Marks Awarded





Remarks, if any

Date: Signature of the Faculty Guide

Remarks, if any

Date: Signature of Internship Coordinator

Summer Internship Project 23

(to be submitted by the Internship Coordinator to ICFAI University Meghalaya(HQ))
Campus: Region:
Max. Marks: 100 Weighatge: 30%
Enroll Marks Awarded
# Name of the Student Project Title Remarks
No. (out of 100)









Total Number of Students: Number of Students Absent:

Marks Forwarded to ICFAI University Meghalaya(HQ) on

Remarks, if any

Date: Signature of Internship Coordinator

24 Summer Internship Project



(by Faculty Guide)

Enrolment No. : Program: ___ _

Name of the Student :

Name of the Company (ifany): Location:________________

Project Title

Max. Marks: 100 Weightage: 35%

Max. Marks
# Description
Marks Awarded
Project completion
1Initial project specification; planning efficiency; meeting deadlines; 10
variance with respect to the project report
Quality of Report
Structure: Adequate report writing; formatting; conformity to
guidelines; contours of project; proper spelling, grammar, appropriate 10
2 language
Content: Description of project; accuracy of facts; relevance;
activities undertaken; approach; data collection; analysis; technical 20
details; objectives achieved; illustrations
Choice of tools and techniques: Choice of tools and techniques:
Technology used; Techniques employed, Alternative considered; 20
evaluation process followed; parameters considered for evaluation
Approach to the project; overcoming complications; management and
3 organization; reliability and punctuality; individual contribution to the 20
project; identifying and valuing learning outcomes; developing
strategies to meet the contingencies
4 Objectivity of recommendations; logical conclusion; practical 10
implications of the findings
Reading/Referencing of literature (Book & Web based)
5 Details of resources; cross reference to other research studies/Project 10
Works; acknowledgement of citations
Total 100
Remarks, if any

Place: Signature of Faculty Guide

Summer Internship Project 25


Summer Internship Project 25



(by Faculty Guide)

Enrolment No. : Program: ___ _

Name of the Student :

Name of the Company (ifany): Location:___________ __ __________

Project Title :

Max. Marks: 100 Weightage: 15%

Max. Marks
# Description
Marks Awarded
Quality of presentation
1 Project scope; objectives; planning presentation; preparedness; 20
milestones schedule
Problem to be solved and project goal
2 Identifying main & supporting ideas; sequential order; definite 40
conclusion; authentication of data; use of managerial tools in
business situations
Communication Skills
3 Clarity of thought & expression; appropriate language, vocabulary, 20
grammar; flow of content; body language; confidence
Achievements/ Recommendations/ Findings
Summarizing the findings, focusing the attention on main idea,
4 10
reinforcing; convincing on the efficacy of the project; practical
implications of the findings; marketing of ideas
Handling Question-Answer Session
5 Seeking clarifications on questions fielded; responding to questions; 10
ability to convince
Total 100

Remarks, if any

Place: Signature of Faculty Guide


26 Summer Internship Project

Faculty Guide: (to be submitted by Faculty Guide to Internship Coordinator) Enrol of the Projec
l No. Studen t Title






Remarks, if any

Signature of the Faculty Guide


Summer Internship Project

EVALUATION submitted by
Coordinator to

Enrol of the Projec
l No. Studen t Title






28 Summer Internship Project

Remarks, if any

Signature of the Faculty Guide


28 Summer Internship Project

Annexure - IX

Project-Based Learning

Project-based learning (PBL) is a model for classroom activity that shifts away from the
classroom practices of short, isolated, faculty-centered environment to student-centered
activities that are interdisciplinary and integrated with real world issues and practices.
One immediate benefit of practicing PBL is - it can motivate students by engaging them
in their own learning. PBL provides opportunities for students to pursue their own
interests and questions and make decisions about how they will find answers, as
mentioned above.
PBL also provides opportunities for interdisciplinary learning. Students apply and
integrate the content of different subject areas at authentic moments in the production
process, rather than in isolation or in an artificial setting.
PBL helps make learning relevant and useful to students by establishing connections to
life outside the classroom, addressing real world concerns, and developing real world
skills. Many of the skills learned through PBL are those desired by employers today,
including the ability to work in a team, make thoughtful decisions, take initiative, and
solve complex problems.
In the classroom, PBL provides many unique opportunities for Faculty Guide to build
relationships with students. A Faculty Guide may play the varied roles of coach,
facilitator, and co-learner. Finished products, plans, drafts, and prototypes all make
excellent "conversation pieces" around which Faculty Guide and students can discuss the
learning that is taking place.
In the school and beyond, PBL also provides opportunities for Faculty Guide to build
relationships with each other and with those in the larger community. Students‟ work -
which includes documentation of the learning process as well as the students‟ final
projects - can be shared with other faculty members, parents, mentors, and the business
community who all have a stake in the students' education.
What is a Project?
It is a structure to complete a specific defined deliverable or set of deliverables. A project
has a specific begin date and end date, specific objectives and specific resources assigned
to perform the work. A student acts like a project manager and has overall responsibility
and authority over a project. When the objectives are met, the project is considered
The Summer Internship Program for Computer Science students mainly constitutes of
Software Development.
What is Software Development?
Software development is the process of developing software through successive phases in
an orderly way. This process includes not only the actual writing of code but also the
preparation of requirements and objectives, the design of what is to be coded, and
confirmation that what has developed been meets objectives.
In general, the development of commercial software is usually a result of demand in the
marketplace, while enterprise software development generally arises from a need or a
problem within the enterprise environment.
Typical phases of software development
 Project Planning, Feasibility Study: Establishes a high-level view of the intended
project and determines its goals.

Summer Internship Project

 Systems Analysis, Requirements Definition: Refines project goals into defined
functions and operation of the intended application. Analyzes end-user information
 Systems Design: Describes desired features and operations in detail, including
screen layouts, business rules, process diagrams, pseudo code and other
 Coding\Implementation: The real code is written here.
 Integration and Testing: Brings all the pieces together into a special testing
environment, then checks for errors, bugs and interoperability.
 Acceptance, Installation, Deployment: The final stage of initial development,
where the software is installed and runs actual business.
 Maintenance: What happens during the rest of the software's life: changes,
correction, additions, moves to a different computing platform and more. This, the
least glamorous and perhaps most important step of all which goes on seemingly
The Roles and Responsibilities Involved in a Project:
Student(s) undertake the following roles and perform corresponding responsibilities while
undergoing the project work. A student may hold multiple roles and perform multiple
responsibilities in the tenure of their project.
Large projects will involve a great number of people to complete the project. The
following roles are involved in the System Development Process:

Role Responsibilities

Systems Analysts Develop the system specifications

Using software tools, they develop the software that will power the

The “coaches” who ensure the team works well together and the project
Project Managers
stays on schedule.

The system is for them to use, therefore, they need to be involved in its
End Users

Network Architects How will the new system be deployed and how will it interact with other
(Engineers) systems? The network engineers can help plan this portion of the project.

Technical Writers Documentation for the new system needs to be written.

Most systems interface with or create one type of database or another.

Database Analysts
Therefore, DBA‟s will be needed to design and implement database

Graphic Designers and Interface screens for users will have to be created and should be pleasing
Interface Designers to the eye (as well as effective).
Although all participants are important to a project, the key players in the SDLC are the Systems
Analysts, Programmers and Project Managers.

30 Summer Internship Project

Annexure X
Faculty Guide
Declaration This is to certify that I
, Faculty Guide working as a
ICFAI University Meghalaya,
responsibilities during Summer
Internship Program which are
listed as follows and are tick
marked in the brackets given

1. Completed Summer Internship

Program Evaluation
2. Evaluated Weekly Reports for
all the 8 weeks of Summer
Internship Program.
3. Completed Final Evaluation
and submitted marks to the
Internship Coordinator.
4. All the leaves taken by the
Students have been entered
and report submitted to
Internship Coordinator
[ ]
5. Student drop-outs under my
No [ ]
If Yes, details entered in
prescribed format attached
6. I certify that all the
formalities and procedures
have been followed in
accordance with the
Operations Manual and as
prescribed by ICFAI
University Meghalaya, HQ
from time to time within
the period of eight weeks
in a fair and judicious
7. My target for takeaways is

I certify that all the above-

Summer Internship Project 31
mentioned responsibilities have been discharged in respect of all the
Students working under my guidance whose list is hereby enclosed.



Signature of Internship Coordinator

Summer Internship Project 31

Faculty Guide Declaration
I. List of Students
Name of Student Enrollment No. Drop-
No. No. of Leaves
outs with date

Date: Signature of Faculty Guide

Date: Signature of Internship Coordinator

32 Summer Internship Project

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