NISOD Paper11 Rationality

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Rationality in Education

Article · December 2018

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John Eigenauer
Taft College


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Paper #11 • August 2018

and judgments that require thoughtful reflection. System

two requires conscious effort, uses many more cognitive
Rationality in Education resources than system one, is rather slow, and requires
suppression of the default inclination to quickly reach
In 1993 a new word entered the English language conclusions. The fact that human brains default to “system
completely unnoticed. Perhaps the most important one” helps explain why people often make emotional
educational term since John Dewey, American philosopher, decisions, ignore evidence, are swayed by emotional
psychologist, and educational reformer, introduced arguments, and continue believing debunked claims.
“critical thinking” in 1910, “dysrationality” describes
being intellectually capable of rational thought, but Mindware
failing to use that capacity to think and act rationally. According to Stanovich, dysrationality arises from more
Since that time, a team of psychologists led by Keith than merely failing to override the inclination toward quick
Stanovich has confirmed the reality of dysrationality, and messy thinking. It also arises from problems surrounding
and has expanded the understanding of rationality and “mindware.” Simply put, mindware consists of learned
irrationality through numerous experiments resulting in knowledge and strategies at our disposal that help us make
nearly 100 published papers and three books. The first better decisions and reach sounder judgments. Quite often,
of these three books, What Intelligence Tests Miss, argues these thinking strategies (mindware) are missing because
that rationality is a measureable entity, but that it goes educational systems do not typically emphasize applying
unnoticed and unmeasured because of education’s focus thinking strategies beyond educational coursework. For
on the cultivation of intelligence through content mastery. example, even when students advance far enough in
The second, Rationality and the Reflective Mind, makes the mathematics courses to receive instruction in probability
case that rationality and intelligence are separate entities, theory, they rarely learn how to apply knowledge
explaining the classic conundrum of why smart people gained regarding probability to real-world problems.
sometimes do dumb things. The third book, The Rationality Even when individuals learn important thinking
Quotient, presents the various measureable entities that strategies, they sometimes fail to see how those strategies
make up human rationality and invites educators to turn might apply to various fields. Some college courses teach
their attention to building rationality among students. thinking strategies and principles such as the scientific
method, yet students still have difficulty transferring
Irrational Thinking these lessons to problems outside of class. For example,
To emphasize the importance of rationality, Stanovich an undergraduate student might learn that effective
and other scholars have highlighted the numerous social and scientific design requires a control group, data collection,
personal costs of irrational thinking. Irrational behaviors variable control, adequate sample size, and other factors.
cause individuals to make poor financial decisions such However, that same student might not think that this
as investing in get-rich-quick schemes; to reject modern type of thinking applies to personal health decisions,
medical practices and over rely on homeopathic medicine; investing for retirement, or the value of education. Hence,
to be susceptible to pseudoscientific claims; to be involved failure to apply knowledge about thinking strategies
in religious cults; to reject important and well-established from one field to another can result in irrational decisions
scientific theories and practices such as evolution, global as well, potentially leading to a lower quality of life.
warming, and vaccinations; to fall prey to demagoguery
resulting in political disempowerment; and to believe in Contaminated Mindware
conspiracy theories. Rather than a lack of intelligence or In addition to the potential problems caused by
education, these manifestations of irrationality can often missing mindware, and the ineffective application
be traced back to an individual’s disinclination to use of thinking strategies, irrationality can also happen
his or her cognitive powers to make rational decisions. because of “contaminated mindware.” Contaminated
Part of this disinclination occurs because of how the mindware describes unconscious rules that drive an
human brain works. Scientists now know that, in general individual’s decisions and judgments that disregard
terms, the human brain operates in two modes known as scientific evidence. Virtually all unscientific thinking
“system one” and “system two.” System one is the default qualifies as contaminated mindware, such as acceptance
processing mode that is quick, relies on mental shortcuts of conspiracy theories and pseudo-scientific thinking,
such as familiarity, is often emotional, can be inaccurate, beliefs in paranormal activity (attempted communication
and fails to deploy the cognitive resources for decisions with the dead, mental telepathy, or contact with aliens),

NISOD is a membership organization committed to promoting and celebrating excellence

in teaching, learning, and leadership at community and technical colleges.
College of Education • The University of Texas at Austin
and overreliance on intuition. Certain cultural practices, begin to make sense of the emotions driving discord and
even if widely accepted, also qualify: voodoo, exorcism, see the need for more restrained, analytical approaches to
and spiritual purification through self-mutilation, to name resolve seemingly intractable problems. Most importantly,
a few. These various practices and beliefs may seem quite once students learn that being rational requires effort, they
diverse, but they are in fact united by the lack of evidence begin to see the importance of evidence in decision making.
supporting their efficacy or veracity. The practices listed
above are labeled as unscientific because experiments Social and Personal Costs
testing these practices have consistently failed to produce As inspiration to increase focus on enhancing students’
positive results under scientific conditions. Despite the rationality skills in the classroom, educators need to be
lack of scientific foundation supporting these mental aware of the staggering social and personal costs of
theories, millions of people continue to accept them as irrational thinking, behavior, and judgment. One scholar
being real. This disconnect between what one believes has claimed that irrationality in the political realm “is
and what science has confirmed or disconfirmed the greatest social problem humanity faces,” bigger than
is what Stanovich calls contaminated mindware. “crime, drug addiction,” and “world poverty.” Why such
a seemingly hyperbolic claim? Because Americans spend
Pedagogical Implications more than $30 billion on alternative medicine; because
The fact that irrationality arises from missing from 2008-13, Americans dumped $50 billion into Ponzi
mindware, contaminated mindware, failure to apply schemes; because belief in UFOs is actually on the rise;
thinking strategies, and the brain’s tendency to quickly because people spend money on mediums who specialize
respond to matters that require prolonged reflection in communicating with their dead pets; and because
has profound pedagogical implications. The confirmed thousands of people think that vaccinations cause autism.
existence of dysrationality and the recent emergence of Humans are all susceptible to beliefs in conspiracy
tests that quantify rational thinking should force educators theories, pseudoscience, and the promises of alternative
to consider making rationality a part of academic courses. medicine. Until recently such susceptibility was
What would this entail? Currently, the educational discounted as aberrational, transient, or the product of
system focuses strongly on content mastery. That focus is immaturity or low intelligence. Stanovich’s research,
supported by testing strategies that emphasize problem combined with numerous findings from cognitive science
solving (mathematics, physics, chemistry), memorization and social psychology, suggests that irrationality cannot
of content (the exact sciences, social sciences, history, foreign be discounted as a deviation from the norm. It is the norm.
languages), and writing (most disciplines). It would be
equally possible to focus on content and skills that enhance Conclusion
rational thinking and an understanding of its impediments. Addressing irrationality among students requires
Science classes could demonstrate ways in which a shift in educators’ attitudes. Instead of focusing on
thinking errors are committed (while simultaneously content mastery or skill acquisition, the goal needs to be
teaching the scientific method) and emphasize not changing the current habits of students’ minds. While
merely experimental design within a particular field, this may have seemed like an unrealistic goal before, the
but how that same process can and should be extended discovery that rationality and irrationality are distinct
to other aspects of life. Business classes could include and measurable entities makes such a change realistic
instruction regarding the recognition and avoidance of and desirable. If rationality is separable from intelligence
pyramid schemes and concrete advice about retirement and is not merely a product of maturation, it’s important
planning and the errors that people commonly commit for educators to address this significant aspect of human
in the process. Psychology classes could instruct students cognition. Rationality is education’s next great challenge.
about cognitive errors and how to avoid them, including
lessons on dysrationality, cognitive traps, heuristics and
biases, and, most importantly, how to recognize, avoid, Dr. John D. Eigenauer, Professor, Philosophy, Computer
and overcome irrational thinking on a personal level. Science

Being Rational Requires Effort For further information, contact the author at Taft College,
In my experience, students are fascinated by how the 29 Cougar Court, Taft, CA 93268. Email: jeigenauer@
mind works and are consistently surprised to learn that
all humans can act irrationally and make sub-optimal
decisions because of the way the brain operates. Students Dr. Eigenauer facilitates “Teaching Critical Thinking,” a
are surprised to learn that humans process information NISOD workshop that provides participants with concrete
emotionally before doing so rationally. Once students tools for teaching critical-thinking skills while covering
learn the pattern of rational behaviors, they are able required course content. Visit to
to see instances in their lives in which people react learn more about the workshop and contact Edward Leach
emotionally to matters that deserve more careful thought. at or (512) 232-1430 to have the workshop
In an emotionally charged and divisive political climate, brought to your campus ( or
learning about rationality and irrationality helps students region (

August 2018, Issue No. 11 The NISOD Papers is an occasional publication dedicated to topics of interest to community
©The University of Texas at Austin, 2018 and technical college educators. Published by NISOD, College of Education, 1912 Speedway, D5600, Austin, Texas 78712-1607, (512) 471-7545, Email:
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