Telecommunication Engineering. The Four Years of Engineering Helped Me Shape My Overall

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As a child, I was always attracted towards technology.

While other kids around me enjoyed the

outcomes, I used to wonder about the process and effort it took to engineer that particular

I still remember my first step towards innovation. I used to think about finding a way to operate
the motor in my farm remotely to help my father save time and effort but the lack of knowledge
and resources kept me from doing it. In that moment I knew that I have to pursue engineering
and make life easier for people around me. Hence I developed a passion for engineering and
what better than electronics’ innovations to benefit the world. That’s why I decided to pursue a
career in electronics.

With an inclination to learn about the drivers of developed world, I pursued Electronics and
Telecommunication Engineering. The four years of engineering helped me shape my overall
personality, widening my horizon and changing my perspective of looking at the scheme of

My interest grew towards automobile sector when I came to know that modern automobiles are
equipped with huge electronic assemblies which includes transmission system, parking
assistance, emergency braking, MPFI, FDDI, ECU etc. This realization made me think that the
knowledge of electronics alone is not sufficient, I need basic knowledge of mechanics of the
system involved too. That’s when I decided to pursue my post-graduation in Mechatronics
Engineering as this is the only branch that deals with both mechanical and electronics part of a

At College of Engineering Pune, I have received the best possible education in Mechatronics
Engineering. Along with the course, I am also taking NPTEL lectures on Industrial IOT and
Computer Networks. My thesis topic is to Simulate Energy-Efficient Routing Protocol in
Wireless Body Area Network. The objectives are to study various routing protocols in WBAN
and simulate using MATLAB. The project deals with making WBAN systems, energy efficient,
as the sensors used in WBAN are battery operated and not easy to replace. Although my current
project was not related with automobiles, I found a way to apply WABN technology in

So, I decided to research further on the idea by pursuing PhD in Electronic Systems at IIT
Bombay. The institute’s Research and Development wing and expert faculty will help me
nourish the idea and IIT Bombay Research Park will enable me to interact with industry experts
giving me a brief idea about the market situation, technological advancements and challenges. I
think a Doctoral Program will enable me to pursue a career in research and experience the
excitement and satisfaction of being at the forefront of this vast expanding field of Electronic
Systems. Given an opportunity, I will strive to channel my unbridled efforts into more productive

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