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Bipolar Disorders 2016: 18: 41–51 © 2016 John Wiley & Sons A/S

Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.


Original Article

Differential effect of lithium on cell number in

the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex in
adult mice: a stereological study
Rajkowska G, Clarke G, Mahajan G, Licht CMM, van de Werd HJJM, Grazyna Rajkowskaa,1, Gerard
Yuan P, Stockmeier CA, Manji HK, Uylings HBM. Differential effect of Clarkea,b, Gouri Mahajana, Camilla
lithium on cell number in the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex in MM Lichtc,d, Henri JJM van de
adult mice: a stereological study. Werdc, Peter Yuane, Craig A
Bipolar Disord 2016: 18: 41–51. © 2016 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Stockmeiera, Husseini K Manjie,f and
Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Harry BM Uylingsc,1
Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior,
Objectives: Neuroimaging studies have revealed lithium-related
University of Mississippi Medical Center,
increases in the volume of gray matter in the prefrontal cortex (PFC)
Jackson, MS, USA, bDepartment of Psychiatry
and hippocampus. Postmortem human studies have reported alterations
and Alimentary Pharmabiotic Centre, University
in neuronal and glial cell density and size in the PFC of lithium-treated
College Cork, Cork, Ireland, cDepartment of
subjects. Rodents treated with lithium exhibit cell proliferation in the
Anatomy and Neuroscience, VU University
dentate gyrus (DG) of the hippocampus. However, it is not known
Medical Center, dDepartment of Epidemiology
whether hippocampal and PFC volume are also increased in these
and Biostatistics, VU University Medical Center,
animals or whether cell number in the PFC is altered.
Amsterdam, the Netherlands, eLaboratory of
Molecular Pathophysiology and Experimental
Methods: Using stereological methods, this study estimated the total
Therapeutics, National Institute of Mental Health,
numbers of neurons and glia, and the packing density of astrocytes in
National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD,
the DG and PFC of normal adult mice treated with lithium, and
USA, fJanssen Research and Development LLC
evaluated the total volume of these regions and the entire neocortex.
of Johnson & Johnson, Titusville, NJ, USA
Results: Lithium treatment increased the total numbers of neurons and
glia in the DG (by 25% and 21%, respectively) and the density of doi: 10.1111/bdi.12364
astrocytes but did not alter total numbers in the PFC. However, the
volumes of the hippocampus and its subfields, the PFC and its subareas, Key words: adult neurogenesis – astrocytes –
and the entire neocortex were not altered by lithium. bipolar disorder – glia – lithium – neurons –
Conclusions: Both neuronal and glial cells accounted for lithium-
induced cell proliferation in the DG. That the numbers of neurons and Received 1 May 2015, revised 19 October 2015,
glia were unchanged in the PFC is consistent with the view that this revised and accepted for publication 16
region is not a neurogenic zone. Further studies are required to clarify November 2015
the impact of lithium treatment on the PFC under pathological
conditions and to investigate the dissociation between increased cell Corresponding author:
proliferation and unchanged volume in the hippocampus. Grazyna Rajkowska, Ph.D.
Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior
University of Mississippi Medical Center
2500 North State Street
Jackson, MS 39216
Fax: 601-984-5899

These authors contributed equally to this study.

Studies of postmortem tissues in subjects with (1, 2). In contrast, significantly larger glial nuclei
bipolar disorder (BD) have found reductions in the and greater width of PFC layer III were observed
density of neurons and glia as well as smaller in subjects with BD (1). Many of the subjects
neuronal cell bodies in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) included in these studies were treated with lithium,
Rajkowska et al.

a mood-stabilizing drug; thus, it is unclear whether groups: a lithium-treated group (n = 10) and a
the profile of cellular alterations observed post- control, placebo-treated group (n = 10). Mice were
mortem is a consequence of lithium treatment or a chronically treated with lithium or placebo at the
pathological feature of BD per se. National Institute of Mental Health (Bethesda,
Lithium has neuroprotective effects, in addition MD, USA) using standard procedures as previ-
to its use as a therapeutic or augmentation agent in ously reported (13). All animal procedures were
treating BD (3–7). For example, in patients with conducted in strict accordance with the animal care
BD, lithium treatment increases the volume of the guidelines of the National Institutes of Health and
cortex, total ‘brain’ gray matter, prefrontal gray were approved by a local animal ethics committee.
matter, subgenual prefrontal gray matter (3, 4, 8), The mice were treated for four weeks with control
and bilateral hippocampal volume (9, 10). Interest- or lithium chow (2.4 g/kg of Li2CO3) at a dose that
ingly, in healthy individuals, lithium treatment did achieved plasma lithium levels similar to therapeu-
not alter total gray matter volume, but four weeks tic doses for BD (0.6–1.2 mM).
of therapeutic doses of lithium increased gray mat- The histological processing of the brains of
ter density in the PFC (11). These observations are lithium-treated and control mice was performed at
in line with a recent magnetic resonance imaging the Department of Psychiatry and Human Behav-
(MRI) study in adult male Sprague-Dawley rats ior, University of Mississippi Medical Center,
that noted that total brain volume and cortical Jackson, USA. Mouse brains were embedded in
gray matter (including the frontal cortex) were celloidin [as previously described in (16, 17), and
increased after four weeks of lithium treatment, adapted for the mouse brain]. Celloidin was chosen
but no significant increase occurred in hippocam- as an embedding medium for preparing thick sec-
pal volume (12). In adult mice, chronic administra- tions with clear morphology and high contrast of
tion of lithium promotes the proliferation of new stained neurons and glial cells (18). A complete ser-
cells in the hippocampus, as noted using bromod- ies of coronal 40-lm-thick sections was cut from
eoxyuridine (BrdU) immunohistochemistry (13); each brain using an electronic sliding microtome.
however, the phenotype of these newly generated Sections were stained with cresyl violet (Nissl
cells has only partially been determined (13). method) or immunohistochemically processed for
Moreover, two other reports on lithium-induced microscopic analysis. Two series of sections per
neurogenesis in normal adult rat dentate gyrus and brain were prepared for examination: one series
embryonic hippocampal rat tissue culture revealed contained the even-numbered sections and the
that the phenotype of newly generated cells was other contained the odd-numbered sections. One
neuronal (14, 15). series was used for cell counting and immunohisto-
The present study sought to establish which type chemistry at the University of Mississippi Medical
of brain cells (neurons, glia and/or astrocytes) is Center, and the other series for volumetric analysis
involved in cell proliferation associated with lithium at the VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam.
in mice. Moreover, since the medial PFC (mPFC) In addition, in six animals per group, four to six
has not been studied in this context in a rodent sections from the PFC and the dentate gyrus were
model, we examined the effects of lithium treatment collected adjacent to Nissl sections and were
on the volumes of mPFC and hippocampal areas, in stained with immunohistochemistry for glial fibril-
addition to performing a stereological analysis of lary acidic protein (GFAP)-immunoreactive astro-
neuronal and glial total cell numbers and astrocyte cytes. Celloidin was removed from the selected
density in these regions. The study used normal sections (19) which were then incubated with anti-
adult mice to investigate two main questions: first, GFAP mouse monoclonal antibody (1:500; Sigma)
whether lithium treatment at therapeutically rele- in accordance with a previous protocol (20) that
vant doses affects the total numbers of neurons and was adapted for the mouse brain.
glia, and/or the packing density of astrocytes in the
mPFC and hippocampal areas; second, whether
Stereological methods
lithium treatment alters the volume of the mPFC,
hippocampal areas, or the entire neocortex. Stereological methods were used to estimate the
total cell number and volume of the hippocampus
and mPFC and the volume of the entire neocortex
Materials and methods in both groups of mice. In addition, the three-
dimensional cell packing density of astrocytes was
Animals and histological processing
estimated in six animals per group. StereoInvestiga-
Twenty adult male mice (strain C57BL/6) of simi- tor software (v.8; MicroBrightField Bioscience,
lar weight (20 g) were randomly divided into two Williston, VT, USA) was used to carry out these
Effect of lithium on cell number

analyses. Brain sections were coded to permit col- The optical fractionator method (27) was
lection of cell parameters under blinded conditions. applied to estimate the total numbers of Nissl-
stained neurons and glial cells. In each animal, six
Total number of neurons and glia. The total num- to 12 sections at a fixed 160–200-lm interval were
bers of neurons and glial cells were estimated in systematically randomly sampled from the mPFC
the entire mPFC and the dentate gyrus (DG) of the and DG. A Leica stereomicroscope (Leica Micro-
hippocampus in the left hemisphere (Fig. 1). We systems, Buffalo Grove, IL, USA) and Nikon 600-
applied previously validated cytoarchitectonic cri- N research microscope (Nikon Instruments, Mel-
teria to delineate the DG (21, 22). The criteria for ville, NY, USA) were used to delineate the bound-
delineating the mouse mPFC [i.e., the infralimbic aries of the mPFC and DG in each of these
area (IL) plus the prelimbic area (PL) plus the ven- sections using the cytoarchitectonic criteria
tral anterior cingulate area (ACv) plus the dorsal described above (Fig. 1). Within these boundaries,
anterior cingulate area (ACd) plus the frontal area 3D optical disector probes were positioned in a
2 (Fr2)] were previously reported (23, 24). Cell systematic random way using a 1009 oil immer-
counting was performed in only one hemisphere sion objective with a numerical aperture of 1.4.
because no significant differences were found The dimensions of the optical disector box were
between hemispheres with regard to mPFC or DG 30 9 30 9 25 lm for the mPFC cells, 15 9 15 9
volume. Neurons were distinguished from glial 25 lm for the DG neurons, and 40 9 40 9 25 lm
cells by having much larger cell bodies, a different for the DG glial cells. In each animal, 359–777
appearance of the chromatin within the nucleus, neurons and 176–381 glial cells were sampled from
and the presence of the nucleolus and visible cyto- all disector probes (ΣQ) within the mPFC, and
plasm around nuclei (25, 26) (Fig. 2). We did not 170–290 neurons and 150–320 glial cells within the
distinguish between different types of glial cells (i.e. DG. No correction for histological shrinkage was
astrocytes, oligodendrocytes and microglia) as this applied because the stereological estimate of the
is difficult and not reliable in Nissl-stained mate- total cell number in the celloidin sections is not
rial. However, we identified astrocytes on adjacent affected by tissue shrinkage [e.g., (27)]. All 20 mice
sections by using immunohistochemistry with a were included in the analysis of cell number in the
specific anti-GFAP antibody in 12 animals. DG and in the mPFC.

Fig. 1. Coronal sections of a representative mouse brain stained by the Nissl method taken from the medial prefrontal cortex (black
contours in the upper row) and dentate gyrus of the hippocampus (black contours in the lower row). The black contours represent
the entire rostral-to-caudal extent of these areas in which the total numbers of neurons and glial cells were counted using the optical
fractionator method of the StereoInvestigator software.

Rajkowska et al.

interval of 300–400 lm from the mPFC and DG in

the left hemisphere. Limited availability of sections
prevented sampling a larger number of sections;
hence, astrocyte density and not total number was
estimated. The boundaries of the mPFC and DG
were delineated in each of these immuno-stained
sections by imposing cytoarchitectonic boundaries
of these regions from adjacent Nissl-stained sec-
tions. The optical fractionator method with three-
dimensional disector box was used as described
above. The dimensions of the optical disector box
were 40 9 40 9 15 lm and there were 28–35 dis-
ector boxes per brain region. The packing density
of astrocytes was calculated as the sum of cells
counted within all disectors divided by the volume
of all disectors. The average density per region per
Fig. 2. Photomicrograph of Nissl-stained neurons and glial brain was compared between the two groups of
cells in the dentate gyrus of a lithium-treated mouse. Note that, animals using Welch’s t-test.
at high magnification (10009), neurons (long white arrows)
can be distinguished from smaller and darker glial cells (short
white arrows). Scale bar = 10 lm.
Volume estimation. The volumes of the hippocam-
pus and its subfields, the mPFC and its subareas,
and the entire neocortex were measured in another
The precision of the optical fractionator in esti- series of sections (see above) in both left and right
mating cell number per animal is expressed by the hemispheres using the Cavalieri principle (30, 33,
coefficient of error (CE) and was calculated as CE2 35). The following subfields were measured sepa-
 1/ΣQ (28, 29). In general, this is a good approxi- rately: in the hippocampus, the areas of the cornu
mation of CE [for details, see (30–32)]. The vari- ammonis (CA1, CA2 + 3), the DG, the hilus, and
ability between the animals per group is indicated the subiculum; in the mPFC: IL, PL, ACv, ACd,
by the 95% confidence interval (CI). In addition to and Fr2 (23, 24).
the ‘within’-animal variation measure of CE, the In a set of systemically random sampled sections
observed inter-animal coefficient of variation (about six to 20 sections per brain region), the dif-
(CV = standard deviation/mean) was calculated to ferent brain areas were microscopically delineated
evaluate study design; a [CE2/CV2] ≤ 0.5 was con- using a Zeiss research microscope under 259 to
sidered desirable (33). The significance of differ- 609 magnification. The IBAS image analysis sys-
ences between the lithium-treated and control tem (Kontron, Munich, Germany) was used for
groups with regard to total numbers of neurons surface area measurements of the delineated sub-
and glial cells (DG neuron number, DG glial num- fields in the sections sampled. The volume was esti-
ber, mPFC neuron number and mPFC glial num- mated based on cross-sectional area measurements
ber) was determined using repeated measures using Cavalieri’s principle (for details, see 30, 35).
ANOVA to account for the experimental design. The thickness of the sections from each mouse
This ANOVA was followed by post hoc Welch’s t- studied was measured with a 639 high-power oil-
tests. The Welch’s t-test was applied to account for immersion objective with a numerical aperture of
unequal variances and skewed distributions with 1.25 (35). No correction for histological shrinkage
the exception of extreme cases (34). For data from was applied. Due to local artefacts in some sec-
the DG, a one-tailed test was used, since the direc- tions, 19 out of 20 mice were used for volumetric
tion of difference was predicted by our former pub- analysis of the mPFC, and 16 out of 20 mice for
lication (13) (i.e., higher cell number in DG in the volumetric analysis of the whole neocortex and
lithium-treated group). For data from the mPFC, hippocampus in both hemispheres.
a two-tailed test was applied. The precision of volume estimations per animal
(CE) is expressed by Gundersen and Jensen’s
Density of astrocytes. In addition to estimates of quadratic approximation formula (36, 37). In this
total cell numbers of Nissl-stained neurons and equation, we applied m = 0; m is the smoothness
glia, the packing density of GFAP-immunoreactive constant of the cross-sectional area function of the
astrocytes was estimated on adjacent sections in six object studied [e.g., (30)]. This results in a conser-
animals per group. Four to six sections per animal vative estimate of CE with a = 1/12, which gener-
were systematically sampled with a fixed inter-slide ally closely matches the resampling estimates of
Effect of lithium on cell number

CE (37, 38). The coefficient a is a function of the Repeated measures ANOVA revealed significant
smoothness constant m (39). Analysis of the differ- interactions between the number of cells—that is,
ences in the volumes of the hippocampal subfields, number of neurons in the DG, number of glial cells
mPFC, and neocortex between the lithium-treated in the DG, number of neurons in the mPFC, and
and control groups was performed using repeated number of glial cells in the mPFC—and the groups
measures ANOVA tests (SPSS software, IBM Cor- [F(3,54) = 4.362, p < 0.01]. This analysis demon-
poration, Armonk, NY, USA). In addition, the lat- strates a highly significant difference in hippocam-
eralization ratios, LR ¼ ðLþRÞ, were tested (30). To pal and mPFC cell number due to lithium
correct the volume of the hippocampus, the mPFC, treatment. Post hoc analyses indicated a significant
and their subareas for the total neocortex volume differential effect of lithium on cell number. The
and the DG volume for total hippocampal volume, total number of Nissl-stained glial cells in the den-
adjusted predicted values were calculated using tate gyrus of the hippocampus was significantly
regression analysis. One-way ANOVAs were per- increased by 21% (t = 2.13, df = 15.23, p = 0.025)
formed on these adjusted values. in lithium-treated mice compared to control mice
(Table 1, Fig. 3A). In the lithium-treated group,
the total number of neurons in the DG was signifi-
Results cantly increased by 25% compared to the control
group (t = 1.98, df = 16.11, p < 0.05) (Table 1,
Cell number
Fig. 3B). In addition, both the mean of the total
The mean value estimates for the total numbers of number of neurons and the mean of the total num-
Nissl-stained neurons and glial cells, with their ber of glial cells in the DG of the control group
95% CIs, are presented in Table 1. were outside the 95% CI of the lithium-treated
group and vice versa (Table 1). In contrast to the
DG, in the mPFC, no significant differences were
observed between lithium-treated and control
Table 1. Cell number: dentate gyrus and medial prefrontal cortexa
groups in the number of glial cells (t = 1.44,
df = 17.36, p = 0.18) or neurons (t = 0.86,
Brain region/cell Mean CE2/ df = 16.13, p = 0.40) (Table 1, Fig. 4). Means of
groupb (9105) 95% CI CE CV2 (%) the total numbers of neurons and glia in the mPFC
Dentate gyrus of the control group were within the 95% CI of the
Neurons, control 3.44 2.89–4.00 0.07 9 lithium-treated group and vice versa (Table 1).
Neurons, lithium 4.29 3.49–5.08 0.07 7 The precision of estimating the stereological total
Glia, control 0.33 0.29–0.37 0.07 16 cell number per animal (CE) was sufficient with
Glia, lithium 0.40 0.34–0.46 0.07 9
respect to the inter-animal variation (CV), since all
Medial prefrontal cortex
Neurons, control 5.79 5.24–6.33 0.04 11 [CE2/CV2] < 0.5 (Table 1).
Neurons, lithium 5.70 4.91–6.48 0.04 5
Glia, control 2.85 2.62–3.08 0.06 32
Glia, lithium 2.70 2.37–3.02 0.06 15 Cell density

CI = confidence interval; CE = coefficient of error; CV = coeffi-

The density of GFAP-immunoreactive astrocytes
cient of variation (standard deviation/mean). was significantly increased by 15% (t = 2.95,
Left hemisphere values. df = 8.97, p < 0.01) in the DG in the lithium-trea-
n = 10 each. ted mice as compared to control mice (Fig. 5A). In

Fig. 3. Total numbers of glial cells (A) and neurons (B) in the dentate gyrus of lithium-treated and control mice. *p < 0.05. Note sig-
nificant increases in the total numbers of glial cells and neurons in lithium-treated versus control mice.

Rajkowska et al.

Fig. 4. Total numbers of glial cells (A) and neurons (B) in the medial prefrontal cortex of lithium-treated and control mice. There
were no significant differences in the total numbers of glial cells or neurons between the two groups of mice.

Fig. 5. Density of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP)-immunoreactive astrocytes in the dentate gyrus (A) and the medial prefrontal
cortex (B). There was a significant (*p < 0.01) increase in the packing density of astrocytes in the dentate gyrus but not in the medial
prefrontal cortex in lithium-treated versus control mice.

contrast, in the mPFC, no significant differences in

astrocyte density (t = 0.054, df = 7.20, p = 0.96) Table 2. Total volumes of the neocortex and the hippocampus and its
were observed between the groups (Fig. 5B). subregionsa

Volume analysis region/ Mean CE CE2/
group n (mm3) 95% CI (m = 0) CV2 (%)
No significant differences were found in the volume
of any of the main cortical regions (mPFC, hip- Control 7 45.40 39.40–51.30 0.04 8
pocampus, or entire neocortex) between the hemi- Lithium 9 45.10 38.00–52.20 0.04 4
spheres or between the lithium-treated and control Hippocampus
groups (all p-values > 0.05) (see Tables 2 and 3, Control 7 11.19 10.24–12.14 0.01 2
and Fig. 6). Volumetric analyses of individual hip- Lithium 9 10.73 9.63–11.83 0.01 1
pocampal subfields and mPFC subareas revealed a Control 7 3.27 2.84–3.69 0.08 29
significant difference in only one mPFC subdivi- Lithium 9 3.17 2.87–3.47 0.03 5
sion: the ACv area in the left hemisphere (df = 17, CA2–3
t = 2.150, p < 0.05). The volume of this subre- Control 7 3.24 2.99–3.49 0.07 69
gion was larger in the treated group compared with Lithium 9 3.01 2.65–3.37 0.05 11
Dentate gyrus
the control group. However, this difference did not Control 7 2.19 2.01–2.37 0.07 47
remain significant after Bonferroni correction for Lithium 9 2.09 1.84–2.34 0.03 3
multiple comparisons (p = 0.05/13 = 0.004). For Hilus
only one mPFC subdivision (i.e., the ACv area) the Control 7 0.30 0.27–0.32 0.16 2.47
mean value of the control group was outside the Lithium 9 0.29 0.27–0.32 0.12 1.01
95% CI of the lithium-treated group and vice versa Control 7 2.20 1.96–2.44 0.12 81
(Tables 2 and 3). The stereological precision of Lithium 9 2.17 1.91–2.43 0.05 11
volume estimation per animal relative to the inter-
animal variation was sufficient for all the main cor- CI = confidence interval; CE = coefficient of error (see for m = 0
tical regions and all subfields, except for a few the text in Materials and Methods); CV = coefficient of variation
(standard deviation/mean).
hippocampal subfields (Tables 2 and 3). No signifi- a
Left plus right hemisphere values.

Effect of lithium on cell number

Table 3. Total volumes of the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) and its lithium-treated group either in total number of
subregionsa neurons or glial cells or in astrocyte density. No
Brain region/ Mean CE CE2/ significant volumetric differences were seen
group n (mm3) 95% CI (m = 0) CV2 (%) between the groups for any of the regions studied
(mPFC, hippocampus, and entire neocortex). The
observed increase in cell number in the DG of
Control 9 5.38 4.86–5.89 0.01 <1
Lithium 10 5.41 4.68–6.15 0.01 <1 lithium-treated mice is consistent with results from
Frontal area 2 a previous study using the same strain of mice
Control 9 2.81 2.47–3.16 0.02 2 showing that lithium increased the number of
Lithium 10 2.80 2.37–3.22 0.03 2 newly formed (BrdU-labeled) cells in the DG (13).
Two other studies reported a similar magnitude of
Control 9 1.21 1.09–1.34 0.03 3
Lithium 10 1.16 0.97–1.35 0.03 2 lithium-induced increases in BrdU-labeled cells in
ACv normal rat dentate gyrus and in rat embryonic hip-
Control 9 0.56 0.46–0.66 0.05 5 pocampal cell culture (14, 15). The newly added
Lithium 10 0.70 0.58–0.82 0.04 3 cells in both of these studies were identified as neu-
Prelimbic area
rons. However, the present study suggests that
Control 9 0.58 0.52–0.65 0.05 9
Lithium 10 0.58 0.53–0.64 0.06 18 both cellular phenotypes, neurons and glial cells
Infralimbic area (including astrocytes), account for lithium-induced
Control 9 0.21 0.15–0.27 0.07 3 cell proliferation in the DG. In contrast to the
Lithium 10 0.18 0.14–0.22 0.09 9 effect of lithium in the DG, in the mPFC we
observed that neither the number of neurons nor
CI = confidence interval; CE = coefficient of error; CV = coeffi-
cient of variation (standard deviation/mean); ACd = dorsal agran- the number of glial cells was significantly changed
ular cingulate area; ACv = ventral agranular cingulate area. in response to lithium. This regional difference in
Left plus right hemisphere values. response to lithium is consistent with the view that
the mPFC is not a neurogenic zone. From the cur-
cant group differences were detected using one-way rent study, it cannot be determined if the lack of
ANOVA of the predicted values of the volume of lithium-induced increases in cell numbers in the
the hippocampus and mPFC adjusted for the total mPFC is related to a lack of cell proliferation, to
neocortex volume. In addition, no significant low cell proliferation below detectable levels (40),
group difference was found for the predicted values or to low survival rates of newborn neurons/glia.
of the DG volume adjusted for the total hippocam- Interestingly, region-specific effects of chronic
pal volume. lithium on the expression of histone deacetylases
have consequent implications for neurogenesis (41,
42). Chronic treatment of mice with lithium
reduced the expression of several isoforms of Class
This study revealed significant increases in the total I and II histone deacetylase (HDAC) in the hip-
numbers of neurons and glial cells and in astrocyte pocampus but not in the cingulate cortex (41).
density in the DG of the hippocampus of adult HDAC family members affect neurogenesis by
mice treated with lithium, as compared to control playing crucial roles controlling gene expression,
animals. In contrast, in the mPFC of the same ani- cell fate, and activity of transcription factors (42).
mals, no significant changes were observed in the Thus, our observation of increased neurogenesis in

Fig. 6. Total volumes of the entire right and left neocortex (A), medial prefrontal cortex (B), and dentate gyrus (C) in lithium-treated
and control mice. There were no significant differences in the total volumes of these brain regions between the two groups of mice.

Rajkowska et al.

the DG in mice treated with lithium (13) may have To build upon the results of the present study
involved HDAC family members in the hippocam- noting increased total numbers of neurons and
pus. glial cells in the DG of lithium-treated mice, we
In the present study, several experimentally conducted a pilot study to examine the size of neu-
derived observations are in line with well-validated ronal somata and glial nuclei. However, lithium
criteria. These include the precision of the stereo- had no significant effect on sizes in neurons or glia
logical estimations per animal, the inter-animal in the DG. Neuronal somata size is correlated with
variation in total neuron number and total glia total dendritic length (e.g., 51). Therefore, our pilot
number, and the volume of the main cortical data on somata size corroborate the observations
regions and their subfields, including the DG. For of Seong and colleagues (52), who reported den-
the volume estimations, we applied a conservative dritic rearrangements in the DG in lithium-treated
estimate of stereological precision (37, 38), in mice but no changes in total dendritic length.
which CE2 was 20 times larger than with a = 1/ Given that our results identified a lithium-
240, a factor that has been frequently used in previ- induced increase in the total numbers of neurons
ous studies (for details, see 30). With this conserva- and glial cells and a increase in the density of astro-
tive precision estimate, only a few hippocampal cytes in the DG and no change in cell number in
subfields (i.e., the hilus, control subiculum, and the mPFC, one might predict that lithium would
control CA2–3 subfields) did not meet the prede- increase the volume of the DG and hippocampus
fined criteria ([CE2/CV2] ≤ 0.5). In these few hip- but not of the mPFC. However, our study noted
pocampal subfields, the proportion [CE2/CV2] was no significant lithium-induced volumetric changes
larger than 0.5 (Table 2) due to a number of differ- in either the hippocampus or the mPFC. This
ent factors including small inter-animal variation, observation is supported by the work of Fabricius
small volume value, and a smaller number of ani- and colleagues (45), who reported a significantly
mals. For this study, it is important to note that altered number of neurons in the DG but no
the stereological precision for the DG volume esti- detectable change in DG volume. The dissociation
mation was sufficient. In this hippocampal sub- between volume and cell number is an interesting
field, we detected a significant increase in the observation that warrants further investigation.
numbers of neurons and glial cells, and no change Although DG volumes have not been investigated
in its volume. in human studies, the total volume of the entire
Our estimates of total neuron number in the DG hippocampus has been reported in individuals with
of control C57BL/6 mice are similar to those pub- BD. Several studies, including one meta-analysis,
lished by Kempermann and Gage (43, 44) and found no changes in hippocampal volume in
Fabricius et al. (45), and comparable to estimates patients with BD (53–55). However, other studies
made by Boekhoorn et al. (46) for C57BL/6 mice. reported lithium-related increases in hippocampal
The number of glial cells in the DG was about 1/10 volume (9, 10, 56, 57). The discrepancies between
of the neuronal number, which is consistent with studies could be due to small sample size, technical
estimates made by Kimoto and colleagues (47). details (e.g., the slice thickness of the MRI), and
Our estimates of glial cell number are comparable the clinical heterogeneity of patient populations.
to the estimates of astrocyte number made by Echoing the lack of effect of lithium on regional
Mouton and colleagues (48). Because astrocytes volumes in the entire neocortex and individual
form the vast majority of glial cells in the DG (47, areas of the mPFC and hippocampus observed in
48), it is likely that the increase in glial cell number the present study, one meta-analysis reported no
reflects an increase in the total number of astro- changes in gray matter volume in patients with BD
cytes. Moreover, the increase in the total number treated with lithium (58). In contrast, several other
of neurons could also be due to an increase in the studies reported lithium-related increases in gray
number of astrocytes, as astrocytes give rise to new matter volume and the volume of individual pre-
neurons in the adult hippocampus (49, 50). Our frontal areas in patients with BD (3, 4, 8, 11). One
present observation on the increased packing explanation for the discrepancy in regional vol-
density of GFAP-immunoreactive astrocytes is umes between these clinical studies and the present
consistent with the above hypotheses. The density study is that lithium may have different effects in
of GFAP-immunoreactive astrocytes in lithium- healthy and diseased brains. In support of this pos-
treated mice was significantly increased in the DG sibility, three studies examining the influence of
of the hippocampus but not in the mPFC as com- lithium on brain volume in healthy individuals
pared to control animals, while the volumes of the noted that total gray matter volume remained
DG and mPFC remained unchanged. unchanged (11, 59, 60).

Effect of lithium on cell number

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manic phenotype (61). The specific phenotype of anterior cingulate cortex in major depressive disorder,
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