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“Teg Question”

Affirmative: Negative: Affirmative: Negative:

Rule 01. Am – Aren’t must – mustn’t
is – isn’t need – needn’t
are – aren’t may – mayn’t
was – wasn’t do – don’t
were – weren’t did – didn’t
have – haven’t does – doesn’t
has – hasn’t had – hadn’t
shall – shan’t should – shouldn’t
will – would – wouldn’t
won’t /e¨wZµg ought – oughtn’t
can – can’t
Rule 02. Sub hw` cyi“l RvwZ Kv‡iv bvg eySvq He, ¯¿x RvwZ bvg eySv‡j
She, ‡`‡ki bvg eySv‡j She/it, cvwLi bvg eySv‡j They Ges †fRvj
eySv‡j Subject teg question Kivi mgq sub it e‡m|
Rule 03. Every/all/plural ‡Kvb sub _vK‡j tag question Kivi mgq sub “ they’’
Every can do this sum = can’t they?
Rule 04. Neither, no, none, no one, nobody, nothing, little, scarcely, barely,
hardly, seldom, few ‡h ev‡K¨ _v‡K †m evK¨wU mvavibZ ergative
evPK i“c nq|
Barking dogs seldom bite – do they?
Rule 05. Subject hw` no, one, nobody, anyone, somebody, anybody, none,
neither, _v‡K Zvnv‡j tag question Gi Sub They n‡e|
Nobody can do this sum – can they?
Rule 06. ev‡K¨ hw` †Kvb Auxiliary Verb bv _v‡K Zvn‡j wZbwU ˆZix Kiv
hvq, h_v: Do/does/Did g~j verb Gi †k‡l hw` S/es _v‡K Zvn‡j Does
e‡m Avi hw` g~j verb †k‡l hw` ed/ d/ en/ past participle _v‡K Zvn‡j
Did e‡m| wKš‘ Zv Qvov me mgq do e‡m|
Somebody wanted a drink – didn’t they ?
Rule 07. Sub hw` thing hy³ _v‡K Zvn‡j tag Kivi mgq sub it n‡e|
Nothing can do this sum – can it ?
Rule 08. cÖ_‡g hw` †Kvb ev‡K¨i Let us _v‡K Zvn‡j tag Kivi mgq shall we
Let us go out – shall we ?
Rule 09. cÖ_‡g hw` †Kvb ev‡K¨ do _v‡K Zvn‡j tag Kivi mgq will you e‡m|
Do the work – will you ?
Rule 10. Imperative Sentence ‡K tag Kivi mgq will you ?
Let do the work – will you ?
Rule 11. Sub hw` One _v‡K Zvn‡j tag Kivi mgq sub one e‡m|

Rule 12. There Øviv †Kvb sub _vK‡j tag question There e‡m|
There is something wrong - isn’t there ?
Rule 13. msw¶ß fvlvq †Kvb Auxiliary verb _vK‡j †h ev‡K¨i g~j Verb Gi
bxwZ Abyhvwq Auxiliary verb e¨envi Ki‡Z n‡e|
He’d done the work – hasn’t he?
Rule 14. ‡Kvb ev‡K¨i cÖ_‡g hw` Auxiliary verb _v‡K Zvn‡j tag question
Kivi mgq e‡m|
Have you read the book – will you?
Rule 15. Exclamatory Sentence hw` †Kvb Auxiliary Verb bv _v‡K Zvn‡j
evK¨wU hw` present tense nq Zvn‡j is it/past tense n‡j was it.
Rule 16. Sub hw` Avwg Ges Avgvi cwiev‡ii mv‡_ Zz‡jvbv Kiv eySvq Zvn‡j
tag Gi sub we e‡m|
He and me are brother – aren’t we ?
Rule 17. Tag Gi sub hw` same of them, all of them, any of them, none of them
nq Zvn‡j tag Gi sub they nq|
Rule 18. Tag Gi sub hw` some of us, all of us, none of us, any of us nq Zvn‡j
tag Gi sub we nq|
Rule 19. Conjunction ( that, and, it, or ) GB ¸‡jvi cÖ_g As‡ki tag Ki‡Z n‡e|
Avi tag sub hw` m„wóKZ©vi bvg _v‡K Zvn‡j tag sub eo nv‡Zi He
Rule 20. Moon, earth, river, motherland, country, ship, train. BZ¨vw`i Rb¨
tag sub = she e‡m ( hv †g‡q RvwZi mv‡_ Zzjbv Kiv eySvq)|
Rule 21. Sub hw` BZi, cÖvbx, †QvU wkï, Ro c`v_© eySv‡j = it Avi tag sub
hw` cyi“l RvwZi
noun fve eySvq Zvn‡j tag sub = he e‡m|
* Degree mvavibZ wZb cÖKvi|
(i) Positive: ‡h ev‡K¨ Øviv GK R‡bi g‡a¨ Zz‡jvbv Kiv eySvq
positive degree e‡j †hgb :- He is good boy.
(ii)Comparative: †h ev‡K¨ Øviv `yB R‡bi g‡a¨ Zz‡jvbv Kiv eySvq
comparative degree e‡j †hgb :- He is teller tnun me.
(iii) Superlative: ‡h ev‡K¨ Øviv G‡Ki Awa‡Ki mv‡_ Zz‡jvbv Kiv
e~Svq Zv‡K
superlative degree e‡j|
‡hgb:- He is one of the most beautiful boy in the class.
Comparative to positive
Rule 1. Than all other , than any other, _vK‡j positive Kivi mgq GB ¸‡jv
D‡V cÖ_‡g No other + from Gi c‡ii Ask + tense + as + from + as
+ sub.
Rule 2. Than _vK‡j positive Kivi mgq cÖ_‡g tense Gi c‡ii Ask + tense
+ not less + as + from + as + sub.
‡hgb:- He is bigger than me.
= I am not less as big as he.
Rule 3. of all, of any _vK‡j positive Kivi mgq H ¸‡jv D‡V cÖ_‡g No
+ from Gi c‡ii Ask + tense + as + from + as + sub.
Rule 4. Not less..........than _vK‡j positive Kivi mgq cÖ_‡g not less Gi
Ask + not less D‡V as + then Gi Av‡Mi Ask + then D‡V as +
evwK Ask|
Rule 5. Than most other ev than few other _vK‡j positive Kivi mgq H
¸‡jv D‡V cÖ_‡g very few + from Gi c‡ii Ask + tense passive i“c
+ as + from + as + sub.
Superlative to positive
Rule 1. One of the _vK‡j positive Kivi mgq H ¸‡jv D‡V cÖ_‡g very few
+ from Gi passive i“c + as + from + as + sub.
(i) He is one of the biggest boy in the class.
= very few boy in the class are as big as he.
Rule 2. The _vK‡j positive Kivi mgq cÖ_‡g the D‡V no other + from Gi
c‡ii Ask + tense + as + from + as + sub
(i) He is the smallest boy in the class.
= No other boy in the class is as small as he.

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